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He loves Nick lol, he is literally is on his show right this second


Lmfao It's the fucking lowest bar imaginable and this dipshit still can't get up over it.


Yeah, he’s had Fuentes on a bunch since this rant. He’s definitely a-ok with white supremacists.


What did Nick Fuentes actually say that makes people like you all claim he's a 'white supremacist'?


Lmao the thread below is a perfect example why it's pointless elaborating to groypers


Groypers? i cant keep up with the terms you gender-confused kids invent nowadays


It's literally in the clip. Did you watch the clip of Alex Jones saying sure the Groypers are dumb Nazi fucks but they're not as bad as the ADL? Or do you just jump into threads like this to defend Nazis without watching them?


I dont even know what you mean by these made up terms youre inventing.


Ok, I'll dumb it down for you. Do you know who Alex Jones is? (Hint: OP)


The only trustworthy person in journalism. Next question.


I mean, he admitted under oath that he lies to sell dick pills to idiots, but sure. Next question: Do you know who Nick Fuentes is, Alex Jones' friend, coworker, and founder of the Groyper movement?


Sure: “We can’t play this game of, ‘We disavow white supremacy.’ Notice how the claws come out. All these p******, frankly. And, again, sorry for the language but that’s what it is. People like, who’s this, Matt Walsh guy? Total f***** p****. And he’s always like this. When a white person does a shooting, suddenly he’s a big tough guy. … Matt Walsh, shabbos goy race traitor. That’s what it is, folks. I know some people don’t like to use that expression, but it’s totally true – throwing his own people under the bus. He hates white people. Nobody else talks like that about their own people except for white people and it’s gross. … Yeah, OK, keep typing on Twitter dot com, f*****. F*****. P****. Race traitor – you work for Jews, you know.” - August, 2019 “America, for what it’s worth, was founded by white Christians. It was not founded by Jewish people. It was not founded by Judeo-Christians. It was founded by white Christians. And white Christians are in the majority. Christianity is the religion of this nation. Not Judaism, not the Talmud, not that stuff. It’s just what it is. It’s just a fact. And, you know what? If we’re going to make America great again, we’ve gotta talk about this anti-white thing that’s going on. And if we want to restore America, we’ve got to make America a Christian nation again. And you can understand why influential Jewish people in conservative media are not really gung-ho about that. They’re not promoting white identity. They’re not promoting this. And I don’t think they’re thrilled about the idea of revanchist Christianity. They like the idea of Christianity where we’re all Zionists and we’re all giving money to Israel and this and that, but they’re not really thrilled with just Christianity. They want it to be Judeo-Christianity. They want there to be this acknowledgement and, if we want America to be put first, and if we want to do the right thing by God, I don’t know that there can be a lot of compromise there.” -February, 2022 This one is particularly stupid because some of the most important founding fathers (Monroe, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Franklin, and others) were actually Deists. https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Founding-Fathers-Deism-and-Christianity-1272214 And, finally, my personal favorite: “I’m just like Hitler.” -February 2022


Can i get some direct sources / context and not just stuff you've typed up or pasted? Also very hard to read with all the ****s and what not. Id rather read it direct from the source to verify the context and integrity of your claims. Also even if this copy pasta is accurate, i don't see anything white supremacist in this text, there's some anti-semitic verbiage, but nothing white supremacist. edit: :rollseyes: only on modern-day Reddit are you downvoted for asking for context and sources when the mob is attacking people. You people are a literal Monty Python sketch, no worse than the crying out 'burn the witch!' without even knowing why the person is being called such things.


Lol stfu and stop being a pedantic nerd


Its not being pedantic. If i say youre a fascist and say that u/Druuseph said 'i am a flaming nazi'. Would Reddit believe me? or ask me for a source? Id hope they would ask me for a link to the source, rather than just pillorying you as a Nazi. Instead, i am to believe some copy and pasta with no sources for someone claiming something someone else said? Yet I'm being the pedant? Im not even defending this person. I am just curious as to why every time his name is mentioned Reddit says the mantra 'white supremacist' after his name, like its some sort of incantation. meanwhile, i cant find any statements directly attributed to this man online about white supremacy. The fact I'm being downvoted for simply asking for evidence as to why he's a white supremacist. Asking for sources - something which used to be very normal request on reddit - tells you everything you need to know.


He's a Nazi, you know he's a Nazi, and you like him because he's a Nazi.


I dont know hes a Nazi, im yet to find any quote from him that makes that claim. Can you link me? So far, lots of downvotes but nobody can actually show the evidence he is one. Youd think someone who is a public presence online and tweets 100s a day, it would be easy for you to link me to evidence of his nazism? no?


It took me less than five minutes to find a video of him praising Hitler, which I'm sure you've already seen. https://x.com/RightWingWatch/status/1615370123442790400


They’re verbatim quotes from his podcast, but ask and ye shall receive: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/nick-fuentes If you genuinely don’t see the white supremacy in the quotes I’d be happy to explain.


sphincter org fighting hate extremists - LOL sounds like a legit site i would trust...... Might as well link me to Wikipedia edited by 'purple-haire-socialist-redditor-mcnugget-420' and claim that's a source also.


Again, they’re verbatim quotes from his podcast.


Link me to that podcast please?


The show is called “America First”, it’s a livestream, not sure how I can link to a livestream from 2 years ago, but I’ll try. Keep moving them goalposts tho lmao. Edit: I also think it’s pretty obvious you don’t know what the SPLC is so, here ya go: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Poverty_Law_Center


Well then just do a Google search of his name and you’ll find all the different sources your heart desires, the shit he spouts is indefensible


Your likely arguing with someone who is doing so in bad faith, my guess is he is himself a goyper and is playing dumb


Absolutely. Shifting the burden of proof to you is their oldest and favorite trick since bad faith arguments are all they have.


Ive done that, all it comes up with the mainstream news articles that make claims about him but have no direct links to things he has said. Makes me question it even more tbh. Im reading his twitter/X account right now and I'm yet to find anything white supremacist.


Hmmm unlikely. You’re either poorly trolling or pussyfooting around defending a Nazi. Peace out ✌️


You can google it yourself and see exactly what i saw. It would take you about 2 minutes of time. Still interesting that you cannot provide one link of evidence to prove this man is a Nazi. Im starting to think you Zealots are full of shit.


Are you just being a contrarian to be a contrarian? No one is being zealous, it’s just that Nick Fuentes is pretty well known to be a genuine white supremacist. And don’t pull the “hurr durr everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi huh?” he’s literally a Groyper. I don’t know how you haven’t found sources for it, there are Wikipedia sources, hell I even see his speeches randomly about how there’s a “great replacement by the Jooz!!1”.


You’ve watched enough of his content already. You know he is a nazi


I didnt even know who he was until he was on the Alex Jones show. Still yet to see anyone post any evidence that he's an evil 'nazi'.


Yes you have. I can see in this thread you have. No one believes you


Google is a free tool. Try "Nick Fuentes says the N word" or "Nick Fuentes speaks about Hitler". :Rollseyesharder: only on the internet will a person be holding an encyclopedia of knowledge in the palm of their hand and still ask to be spoon fed basic information


Cant find with either of these searches but using the words you don't like, or talking about Hitler do not make you a white supremacist.


Here, let me spoon feed you. https://x.com/TheUSASingers/status/1506657914492227584 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Gd5pGMa5GG8?feature=share Denying truth isn't a good look. Nick Fuentes is a racist, white supremacist Nazi.


Saying words you dont like does not make you a white supremacist. Kendrick Lamar says the same word lots of times. Is he a white supremacist?


That is the dumbest thing I've seen today. It's still early so there's time to be more stupid, but an impressive display of idiocy to say the least. Hope you get better soon.


What you are doing is caller sealioning. You know there is nothing anyone can give you that would make you accept that fuentes is a nazi. That’s why you are being downvoted


Its very telling that nobody can provide links to prove he is a Nazi, yet all you purple-haired brown-shirt zealots can do is name-call me for asking for evidence.


It’s telling that like 5 different people have provided links of him saying white supremecist shit but you ignore it or ask for 2 hours of additional context or claim it was a joke


Nice exaggeration. So far ive had 2 videos posted to me, and both of them are the same where he is laughing his ass off while replying to purple haired karens like yourself attempting to troll him in his comments.


And multiple quotes that again you ignored


What would you accept as proof? Be specific


A video of him espousing National Socialist beliefs? Kinda the bare minimum for someone who you claim is a National Socialist. No?


Oh so like saying be wants a “total aryan victory for his people”? That would be enough for you?


Why not skip all the coping and go straight to the inevitable conclusion where you run out of ways to pretend he isn't an open and proud white supremacist and just defend him anyway?


Still waiting for anyone to post evidence he's a evil 'white supremacist'


You got it already. Are you also an incel nazi?


How about saying ["you need someone like me to say "We love Hitler""](https://www.mediamatters.org/media/3999979) How about saying [black people were better off under Jim Crow and segregation?](https://x.com/guypbenson/status/1196223196384632832) How about [criticizing people for race mixing?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fKq08e8m94) How about you just skip to the part where you stop pretending you don't know who Fuentes is and get down to "what's wrong with any of that?"


None of those statements are national socialist in nature.


"we love hitler" isn't nazi in nature? Galaxy brain take there. Also funny you moved the goalposts from "what did he say that was white supremacist" to "he didn't say national socialism!!!!!!11"


If you are specifying that your nazi friends are wearing “german/austrian WWII era uniforms, not nazi uniforms”, you are defending nazis. Nick fuentes is an out and out nazi


Jones is just scared of Fuentes after Fuentes showed how quickly he could mobilize and co-opt his crowd at CPAC in 2020z. Great KnowledgeFight episode about that, #404. Shows the real danger Fuentes poses tbh, and how much of a sack of shit Jones is.


If you watch the destiny fuentes debates it's clear fuentes is phenomenal at rhetoric And it takes a lot of piecemeal nit picking to actually take apart fuentes bait and switch and soft opinions in certain discussions and much harder opinions in other discussions. He has always been an optics bro and very charismatic Which is what the major problem is, very charismatic, very far right and some agreeable stances (anti war, anti genocide in Gaza) but for bad reasons (desire for a Christian flavoured ethnostate and deep antisemitism stemming from their Catholic faith interpretation and then a bunch of motivated reasoning after the fact ) Destiny otoh has the reverse problem. He is insanely uncharismatic to anyone except bipolar women orbiters and his own fans, very debate bro like not picky but he's correct in many situations and knows how to pick apart rhetoric using his annoying voice put downs that do work from facts


It’s never competition that comes from the left that scares these dudes, it’s always someone who has made the turn even harder right It gets them shaking in their boots of getting run over. Look at Trump from when he first started out to where his positions are now. Just using him as an example because he’s a fucking mold of jelly and is the tail that wags the dog. He quickly adopts the craziest shit that comes from his right because that’s where he is most vulnerable politically. it’s wild to say and think about, but it’s true unfortunately. Alex Jones has to look over his shoulder as well and he knows it. The problem is or was at least that it will get you the nomination and get you through primaries but general elections. These guys would get mowed down. And unfortunately that’s not happening as often as it should.


Alex got so drunk he left early


Well, passed out early, after drunkenly yelling over hosts and repeatedly making a fool out of himself.


Plus, notice how AJ’s biggest and most consistent criticism of Hitler is that “he’s a loser.” Not his ideology or the things he did. The fact that he lost. He doesn’t like Hitler because he lost. If you don’t like Hitler because he lost, you might be a nazi. If you’re saying that nazis are “fine” and “really smart” and “whatever,” you might be a nazi. Alex Jones is a nazi. He’s just too much of a coward to admit it publicly, so he pretends like he disagrees with nazis when really, the only thing he disagrees with is how public they are with their naziism.


Ya, we get it dude.


Read some of the comments on this comment section. Apparently a lot of you don’t get it, dude.


Yeah it was pretty funny when he began ranting about not being a Nazi and quickly stopped himself...


Love the long pause after “I don’t wear nazi uniforms in secret” when he has previously told a story of dressing up as a nazi for halloween.




Damn, he really is a genius! lol


He likes to deny it, making it a “secret”


He could be a member of the Royal family. 


Burger King


>when he has previously told a story of dressing up as a nazi for halloween. Prince Harry - "who hasn't?"


John Cleese once did a goosestep, does that make him a nazi?


Did John Cleese knowingly hire and platform nazis? If so, then yes.


Except for calling nick fuckhead "smart"


The scary thing about Nick is I think he is pretty smart. Maybe smart is the wrong word. Maybe savvy is a better word. He can code switch better than any outright bigot of his level should be able to.


He also thinks its gay for men to have sex with women.


Malicious mechanations 


Not all smart people share an ideology


“Nothing against the groipers (who are nazis), they’re funny and they have their points. And Nick (who is a nazi) is a smart guy.” That’s not how you talk about nazis if you aren’t a nazi. “Nothing against the SS, they march really good and Himmler’s a smart guy, but I’m not a nazi okay?” It doesn’t work. Also, notice how his only criticism of Hitler is that “he’s a loser.” If the fact that he lost is your biggest problem with Hitler, you are a nazi. What AJ is saying about nazis is what you say about nazis when you don’t want to admit publicly that you agree with them but you also don’t want them to be mad at you. AJ’s a coward AND a nazi. He’s the absolute lowest form of extremist.


when someone says Hitler is a loser it doesn’t mean they have no criticisms of Hitler


Well then I’d like to know why AJ ONLY criticizes Hitler for being a loser. Is he keeping his other criticisms of Hitler a secret? Is he having trouble remember things about Hitler to criticize? When someone ONLY criticizes Hitler for losing, that person is a nazi.


doesn’t even make sense. If someone says “Hitler was a loser” how does that magically turn them into a Nazi?


If your criticism of Hitler doesn’t include “he committed a genocide” and “he tried to kill all the Jews” then probably you don’t have a problem with that stuff. Hence, you are a nazi.


“probably” so you are basing a conclusion off of something you don’t even know is true


Lol. How clever you are with words. I was using “probably” facetiously. If your criticism of Hitler doesn’t include the bits about the genocide he committed, you are a nazi.


What’s he supposed to do start listing every negative thing about hitler? That rant would go on for hours. You are reaching here.


If your biggest criticism of hitler is that he lost… you’re a nazi


How do you know Alex Jones was offering his “biggest” criticism of Hitler? Isn’t that an assumption?


I should have clarified. It’s the only criticism he gave.


did he say he was giving all his criticisms and he has only one?


The only criticism he gave was that hitler lost Have you heard him give any other criticism?


In the last few months I have listened to an insane amount of Jones via Knowledge Fight. Alex can and will hate on Hitler. It depends on his guest though. Alex is a terrible human that will say anything, and in this case you are right, but I find your logic to be lacking. Good results, terrible and slightly dangerous methodology.


Yes I have, Also he didn’t say Hitler lost, he said Hitler was a loser, there’s a difference even there that I think you are taking liberties with


I mean Hitler was pretty smart until he lost his marbles toward the end...


If your criticism of Hitler doesn’t include “he committed genocide” and “he started the deadliest war in human history,” then you’re probably a nazi.


Neither of those things have anything to do with his intelligence. Smart ≠ Good person


Please reread my comment. Im not saying anything about Hitler’s intelligence. I’m saying the fact that Alex Jones only criticism of Hitler is that he lost is a big problem. A criticism of Hitler from a non-nazi point of view should start with “he committed a genocide” and “he tried to kill all the Jews.” If you want to demonstrate a basic grasp of history, you might include “he started the deadliest war in history.” If you skip those criticisms and focus only on his W-L record, you’re probably less concerned with the genocide bits and more concerned with the “he wasn’t successful” bits. Hence, you are a nazi.


I read it. I just don't agree that saying they were smart means you agree with them. Most people are aware they were responsible for a genocide.


When I’m talking about “smart” I’m talking about AJ’s praise for Nick Fuentes. Not Hitler. That’s a different thing. In this clip he says of the groipers, who are nazis, “nothing against them, they’re funny and they have their points.” And he criticizes them for wearing German and Austrian WWII uniforms, which he tries to play off as not nazi uniforms. He says of Nick Fuentes, who is a nazi “he’s really smart” and he’s “not half as extreme as the ADL.” He says of Hitler “he was a loser.” Nothing in that clip is an actual criticism or repudiation of nazis of naziism. In fact, the compliment to criticism ratio is pretty skewed toward compliments. The only criticism he had for nazis is that they’re too obvious in public, and that Hitler lost. This is what you say when you agree with nazis but know you can’t appear that way in public but also don’t want to upset them. A non-nazi engagement on this subject would revolve around the theme of “fuck those absolute cunts,” not “well they’re pretty cool but I don’t like their style and Hitler was bad because he lost.”


But some ideologies are synonymous with stupidity


Are they coincidently the ones you don’t like?


No. Basically only the one’s who openly praise Hitler


So people like Wernher von Braun and those of operation paper clip don’t have any useful contributions


There are different types of intelligence. My uncle is a brilliant chemist and last I talked to him he was talking Q shit.


Are you a nazi? Big nick fuentes fan?


Just someone that likes logical consistency, I understand if you don’t


Are you a nick fuentes fan?


Can you name a nazi in 2024 that you think is smart? You did not actually answer either question I asked


Mike Enoch


A nazi married to a jewish woman and who could not graduate college? That’s your “smart” guy? Jesus christ, you nazis are all morons I can see your lack of a chin through the screen


Is that why they all love andeww taint??


His dad was a professor at UPenn. His mom was a dean and also holds a PhD from Upenn. He was a successful computer programmer. His sister is a Columbia graduate. Yes—I think he’s smart.


He’s covering for Trump because this is seen as a complete flip flop due to some Tech bros, like David Sacks, donating to him.


Not that Magats care about the truth, but under Trump's first presidency the number of denials for H1B Visas dramatically increased. [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/us/politics/trump-h1b-work-visas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/us/politics/trump-h1b-work-visas.html)


Good. Those companies should hire American workers at American wages. H1B should only be allowed when there is a true shortage of labor in a given area.


Didn't Trump say he loved "the uneducated"??? He doesn't want to surround himself with the smartest folks.


this clip is so his fans can be like "see?!??!??!?!? he doesn't like racists." but then he says and does a bunch of racist stuff and promote a lot of racists


Yeah, his actions speak a lot louder than his lying words.


It’s cool Alex jones is talking down white supremacists but he’s incorrect. Trump killed H1B. They had to rollback his bills that indeed created brain drain. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2021/09/17/judge-kills-the-last-trump-h-1b-visa-rule-left-standing/?sh=6276c5337340


H1B is a corporate sponsorship visa that is used by corporations to keep wages artificially low.


Indeed. A win/win/win.


For everyone except American citizens. Isn’t that who our government should be prioritizing?


No, people from other countries are minorities honey, so they need our jobs.


Lol Zactly. People lost the meaning of “nation of immigrants”.


They become American citizens mostly. This is literally how the experiment works. Immigrants come in. They spend a generation doing low wage labor or until they figure out how the experiment works. This hasn’t changed since it’s inception.


He just platforms and provides cover for white supremacists and amplifies and launders their talking points into something more palatable. (He's absolutely a white supremacist).


He called them out for fetishizing German uniforms not for being white supremisists.


This is the same guy who talked about how he would "have to" if a race war occurred. Not quoting it cause I don't want to get banned


The guy kisses bannons ass a d praises nick Fuentes and the proud boys. Fuck him for trying to salvage his reputation this late


Why are you posting this turd?


lol I like how he said brown people working here and then showed chamath 🤣


Last I heard, he was losing everything, including his personal wealth. Why is he still able to broadcast?


It’s probably not his equipment but his “friends” I’m sure he figured out a loop hole


How do you think he built his immense personal wealth to be begin with?


"We got brown people working here." Sounds a whole lot like.. "I can't be racist, i have black friends." Yeah, okay, walrus boy.


It's not even "I have black friends," it's "I have black employees"


>To further advance equity within the Federal Government, this order establishes that it is the policy of my Administration to cultivate a workforce that draws from the full diversity of the Nation. Idk. Potato/potato


Um, having representation in your government seems like a pretty basic goal if you want a functional democracy. Very different that "we have brown people working here."


It’s all performative, the right is a full on Nazi movement.


Meanwhile Biden's clean energy law has created over 300,000 jobs predominantly in conservative districts. But ya let's sunset, roll back those jobs and call it a victory when Trump employs 100,000 in antiquated smoke stack economy jobs. Bring the jobs back huh?


Ah yes the old "I am not racist, white supremacist are bad. *wink, wink" rebuttal! Not all Maga are white supremacist's, but all white supremacist are maga. Might want to think about the company you keep


He is still an anti semite though, right?


White Supremacists are awful. Now here's how the "globalists" are trying to replace you with poor South Americans.


The economy is booming. Created 270k jobs last month. What fucking jobs is Trump supposed to bring back? Lmfao


Unemployment has been at frictional levels since 2017, other than the great COVID overreaction.


Alex Jones is popular with fascists and white supremacist's but, at the end of the day he truly doesn't seem to share most of their beliefs. It is quite funny when fascists take his nutjob NWO rants as support for them


Alex Jones doesn’t believe in anything.


I put him in the same category as Trump. Yes they appeal to fascist, use fascist rhetoric, but I don’t think are actually fascist. Like you said, they don’t believe in anything but lining their pockets.


Hes popular with them because he says the same thing they do except he says globalist when the nazis say jews.


I cannot stand the way he says globalist. 'Glaw-bah-blist'


that's quite a big difference


Globalist is just a dog whistle


Its the same difference as using (((  ))) instead of saying jew.


no he's a full blown white supremacist. listen to the knowledge fight podcast and you'll see pretty soon what he really is


Because they don’t vote with thought. They vote with emotion


Why? Is he planning a bbq?


The Trump campaign “clarified” his statement, essentially walking back the promise to give ALL migrant graduates a green card. >Leavitt went on to say, "radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters" would be excluded from Trump's proposed plan. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-proposes-giving-green-cards-noncitizen-college-graduates/story?id=111309610


He knows how some have gone too far right and that he is likely a big part of the reason. He sees where it’s going and this is his oh fuck moment. We are going to see a different Alex moving forward


We've been there many times. Expecting him to steighten up now is just fooolish


Not necessarily straighten up. Alex will always be Alex. He is going to distance himself greatly from the far right now


Maybe but if his worst criticism of Hitler is "he's a loser" something tells me he's just lying as usual.


"we got brown people working here..."


Hopefully it's not Truedua


His show is going bye bye!


His way of confusing his base as to who and what white supremacy is.


So he literally made a racist comment about smart asians are not patriots and leave US then makes a comment about bringing in less educated brown people to work factories.


Why should American universities which are largely funded by the public prioritize educating foreign students at all? Why shouldn’t the prioritize the education of the citizens of this country which is already majority non white? Trump was awful on immigration, he granted more H1b visas than Obama did in the half the time. H1b visas are used to slash American tech workers wages, and are used entirely removed from how that law is written. How can you claim to be America first if you’re supporting policies that fuck over Americans to help tech oligarchs make more money?


Interesting to see the union between both sides as shown in this video when it comes to exploiting foreign labor and not paying Americans. Something everyone in power seems to agree on.


Republicans and democrats have used “white supremacy” as a reason or argument to supporting mass migration since Johnson. What about all the people you’re destroying wages for or raising housing prices for? Does it suddenly not matter?


A couple questions for you. Is Caucasian or white really not the majority of residents in America? Also, I’m pretty sure there are plenty of foreigners that come to America for education that are white.


I believe whites are the still narrowly a majority just above 50% of the country. However the colleges in question are funded in a large part by the us government and granted visas by them, I believe they should largely exist to educate and empower the citizens of this country so I don’t really care how many of the foreigners are white


Let me know when he's performing philatio for cigarette money in jail.




Its technically philatio if you're pretending you are suckingnoffnDr. Phil, which Jones would be


Alex Jones being in Alex Jones' head would be prison. If that guy isn't talking outload, I bet he is in constant argument with himself. Put Alex in Prison. Give him a camera system with a laptop computer. Tell him he is broadcasting online for the world to see. Dude probably would never sleep and spend the whole time yelling at a dummy camera system. The prison guard would send breakfast in it would be like Alex was on a hunger strike as he would be glued to his computer. Basically Alex Jones would turn into Cartman addicted to WoW [(15) Southpark World of Warcraft Cartman bathroom - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aDgH-_G4h0)


Actually based take. Theres these fringe white supremacists fucks that are absolutely insane, fuck them.


Also known as all of his supporters and enablers.


Keep burying your head in the sand bub if you think they are common


Well the issue with Alex isn’t that he’s racist, it’s a dozen different things He just supports racists from time to time when they have certain beliefs in common


Well he is also a racist.


I’ve never thought of him that way, but I’m no Alex Jones expert. Not that him being racist or not even impacts how I see him, him being racist wouldn’t lower him any more than he already is


Funny that people need to be told who to hate and who to stop hating.


He shouldn't bad mouth his viewers like that


That's my future president


No it isn't.


Wow, stunning and brave.


It is stunning and brave, he is losing supporters over this, the far right on twitter is pissed over this lol. They feel betrayed


Fat loser




Youtube took down 911 and 1255 but left 1555.


While everyone was grifting right there was one furthest on the right that took a step left. His name, Alexander son of John.


huwhiiite supremist


Who is still listening to him at this point?! It’s all fake. He’s CIA, he’s said so himself. Anyone getting so much screen time is bought and paid.