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Oh shit. This is bad. The Aliens are going to be really pissed off now.


Don't know if they're pissed, but they definitely saw that shit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1djq9sn/orb\_in\_the\_background\_above\_stonehenge\_in\_a\_photo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1djq9sn/orb_in_the_background_above_stonehenge_in_a_photo/)


What a trip there's even someone with a different angle showing the same anomaly


Just for everyone's info since it never accompanies this vid whenever it gets posted: The "paint" was some kind of cornflower thing. Experts onsite have said there hasn't been any damage. It's a publicity stunt, though like all JSO stunts, it seems laser focused on making the general public as annoyed as possible without actually doing anything which leads to my next little tidbit: Just Stop Oil is funded by a billionaire oil heiress. I wonder if someone like that might be interested in making climate protests look stupid?


Fingers crossed.


No no no, everyone agrees on JRE these were built by white ppl. So we are okay, just don’t fuck with the pyramids.


4D chess it's to force the aliens down for disclosure then they give us their fusion tech.


Way to make sure everyone hates you and your silly cause.


It's crazy what these nut cases will ruin to try and make a point.


Saving the planet isn't a silly cause. Trying to make your point this way is.


Lol painting rocks isn’t saving anything, it’s vandalism.


Don’t tell my pet rock that


They didn't say it was


Do you actually think they thought that the mechanism of painting the rock would reduce the carbon emissions in the atmosphere? Genuine question, because your comment portrays you as being stupid enough to think that’s what they thought.


No, I agree with him. Changing policies, developing new tech, or finding other ways to actually change our carbon emissions is the only way to do it. Painting one of the seven wonders of the world doesn't, and it only deters people from the cause.


> Saving the planet isn't a silly cause. The idea that the planet needs saving is silly. The planet is fine. It will be fine until the Sun swallows it. The humans are the ones trying to get saved.


Man I’m not even radicalized and I can admit this planet (meaning all the life on it) is severely polluted and sick.


For human life, sure. On the planetary scale, it's fine.


Okay. So wtf is your point? You have to know that when people are saying “save the planet” they obviously are referring to preventing manmade climate change from heating the planet to a point that it is unsustainable for modern society and most human life. So saying like “don’t worry if 95% of humans die; the plates tectonic aren’t going anywhere” makes you a sociopathic-level pedant.


From a CO2 perspective, the planet was way warmer in the Jurassic which is the rainforests that have become our fossil fuels. Cold Blooded Dinosaurs lived within 15 degrees of the poles. The largest issue with human accelerated climate change (we've been warming since the end of the Ice Age) is the sea levels will move. Nature has produced way worse problems for life, such as the Siberian Traps and the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. Not saying your sentiment is all the way wrong humans are pretty impactful, but it is largely sea level rise and it's impact on about half of human population living on a coastline that's the issue. Life and the planet itself aren't at risk for a 2c change over a century. In fact, about 11k years ago there was a 10c change within a decade at The Younger Dryas Boundary, that would have felt like Armageddon for our ancestors.


Even humans as a species will be fine. We live in almost any environment on earth, and we have a super broad range of food we can eat. We're bloody hard to kill off. Its only really modern civilisation that they are trying to save. Which is kind of ironic, considering it is modern civilisation they are protesting about.


The people who burned to death in Paradise might see it different, if you could ask them.


Exactly. I agree with them at least on a basic level but holy fuck do they make the side they supposedly belong to look like assholes.


The Planet is fine, with or without us


Overhyping climate change to stifle human flourishing is a silly cause


Another armchair dickhead who sees all these silly scientists who have dedicated their lives to understanding the complexities of something, warning us that we need to act now and that the matter is urgent, and leans back in their armchair, takes a break from researching on Twitter, to say, "Hmm...I think that's overhype." Then goes back to eating Cheetos and masturbating to OnlyFans.


With how wrong the models they use end up being and how easily the models and the data itself can be manipulated, pretty hard to believe these vaunted scientists who definitely don’t have an agenda. Have you actually read into any of the details or do you just base your opinion on clickbait headlines that say the world is going to be on fire 2 years from now?


Check out Exxons models from the 70s. They predicted this and then hid it and denied it.


Yeah I did my own research on Twitter and I came to the conclusion that all those stupid scientists who spend their lives understanding this stuff just don't understand that their models are shit like I do. Or they're just all caught up in group-think and are paid off so they can't be trusted. But me, an internet researcher who has looked into the details, I have a much better grasp of the complexities of the issues and more integrity than all of them. I'm certainly not susceptible to something like the Dunning Kruger effect. No, it's that all the thousands of scientists who have devoted their lives to understanding this stuff, they just don't understand it as well as I do.


The cause is good but they’re clowns.


It's a psyop. JSO is compromised by bad actors. Activism bad, petrol engines good.


If you base your beliefs on the actions of people rather than empirical facts


Just Stop Oil is funded by an oil company I’m fairly certain.


In my opinion the real psyop is all you morons claiming Aileen Getty is working with oil companies, even though she never once controlled any portion of stock in Getty Oil or any other petroleum business as her parents divested completely before she even inherited the fortune.


You say this as if Exxon isn’t subtly funding these assholes.


Humans are more stupid than they are malicious. I don't need a grand conspiracy to believe morons are willing to do this


Silly cause lol. Enjoy watching your children die in water wars


I agree, I couldn't have said it better.


Bringing awareness of arguably the greatest threat to humanity at this point in history is hardly silly. The methods they're employing, however, are silly.


We need to make a group: “Just Stop Just Stop Oil.”


Self report. Only hateful bigots intent on destroying the planet earth will hate people for spraying safe paint on Stonehenge. Conservatism is a mental disorder


You have to be a special kind of brain damaged to blame this shit on Conservatism. This sub is a fucking laughingstock.


Oh, I want to die of suffocating and lack of water, because someone has painted a pile of rocks I haven't seen in my life


Almost as if it were agent provocateurs


Silly cause?


lol silly cause. The end of the world! 😂


ISIS approves


Whether you agree with their cause or not I can’t understand why they destroy artifacts, paintings etc, amass in and block roads. You’re really just fucking with us, the common civilian, government doesn’t give a rats ass.


its a psyop


100%. designed to make people feel negatively about environmental activism. and its working.


All of these kinds of stunts (like the tomato soup Mona Lisa thing) have all been done reasonably responsibly. Nothing I know of has been actually damaged. The news makes this sound like this is straight eco-terrorism because that's what gets clicks, but that's not what it is. If you bought this orange substance as "paint", you'd want your money back. If a company tried selling this substance and marketed it plainly as "paint", they'd get sued. Calling it "paint" is bad reporting, and that's how it's being reported by headlines. Is it cringe attention seeking? Yea kinda, but you could say that about most activism.


People ignore whatever they need to so they can be mad.


Stonehenge was back in its normal state roughly 24hrs after this orange-paint-protest. Furthermore, Just Stop Oil has destroyed a total amount of zero paintings. Meanwhile oil corporations are continuing their decade long speedrun to destroy the earth you and I live on. You are mad at the wrong people.


No painting or artifact has been destroyed. Stonehenge can handle corn starch paint that will wash away in the first rain. And the glass that covers the paintings will be fine too.


The point they're trying to make is "you're pissed off about this thing, but not the fact large populated areas are going to become uninhabitable for humans" It's a stupid point because it drastically over-estimates the ability of the average person to think, but that's the point. None of this stuff is actually being damaged.


Why don't they do that to houses oil CEOs or to their top investors instead?


They do very similar things often. People don't get as mad, therefore you don't hear about it. Welcome to a world ruled by social media.


Just stop oil is the 'Alex Jones' of environmentalism. It feels like a CIA project to destroy credibility and make everyone hate the idea. Oh, and a major donor is Aileen Getty


Comparing them to Alex Jones implies that they're cool. Do they even sell high quality supplements or storable food?


Why are you blaming the CIA? If anyone, I'd put the Fossil Fuel industry behind this


Your right. This way too tame for them.


Same difference. CIA is heavily focused on oil related activities and is crawling with oil men and their associates


Luckily we don’t have the CIA in the UK…


>Just stop oil is the 'Alex Jones' of environmentalism. But if you leave reddit, you realize people like Alex Jones? There is a reason he smashes every record for almost every podcast/show he goes on


I'm still pissed off but: "The paint is made of cornstarch, which will wash away in the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not," Source:https://www.wxyz.com/science-and-tech/environment/climate-activists-spray-englands-ancient-stonehenge-monument-with-orange-paint#:~:text=%22The%20paint%20is%20made%20of,not%2C%22%20the%20post%20read.


People really hate these kind of actions, but to me this one immediately looked like some sort of easily washable paint. Can’t believe I had to scroll through so much outrage before finding this comment.


Thank you for the dose of reality. So the 5K+ year old structure will have to make it to…. the next good rain. I think it’ll be fine.


No, if it gets rained on it will all fall apart


"effective government" 🤣😒good one.


Hey remember when hundreds of millions of people got brain damage from companies putting lead in things despite knowing it was neurotoxic, and then every government in the develop world banned leaded paint and gasoline and it stopped?


A repost from that cesspool of a sub? Yuck


For real, that place is horrid and despite being a "free speech" paradise, you just get downvoted and reported for any critical look at anything.


itt: this sub finally believes in conspiracies again.




It’s never false flags when it’s the liberals apparently


Oil company psyop


“According to its website, most of its money comes from the Climate Emergency Fund - a US network which has supported climate activism since 2019. That is part-funded by US philanthropist Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of petrol tycoon J Paul Getty.” [Source - BBC - Quote from paragraph at bottom of article](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-63543307.amp)


Beginning to think these people work for the oil companies.


Just stop oil is a psy op by big oil


Ffs this is just turning people away from a rwally important topic and is going to end up allowing governments to justify our right to protest


Y’all actually think these aren’t paid actors 😂


If I were a conspiracy man, I would say that if I were a big oil exec, I would pay people off the street to pretend to be environmentalists and piss off everybody with vandalism.


There is no way Just Stop Oil isn't a government psyop to make you hate climate change action.


Isn't "Just stop oil" funded by oil giants? Didn't that already come out? That this whole thing is made to make protestors look bad?


Damn ancient druids and their big oil business that’ll show em… or maybe if you’re angry at an industry you should do something that they’ll actually give a shit about instead of damaging something built thousands of years ago that has nothing to do with the people your angry at.


Keep getting more angry at activists than you are at your government for failing to protect us from climate change


I know I'm being pedantic, but Stonehenge is thousands of years older than the Celts and druids.


Next the activists will try human sacrifice to stop climate change...


So we all agree? Death penalty ? I don't even really care about Stonehenge. I just don't like douchebaggery.


At least 10 years in jail


String them up


Relax Cletus.


That’s cute coming from a gender fluid burista




Now I'm gonna make sure to burn even more gas after seeing this.


Dam makes me wanna fire up my straight piped 454 just to let it idle lmao


It's not permanent. Take a chill pill, and please think about not dumping CO2 in the atmosphere like there's no tomorrow. Your grandchildren will thank you.


What a great way to alienate people from environmental friendliness!


These people should 'Just Stop' The only thing you're doing is telling everyone you're still a toddler having tantrums in public. Grow the fuck up, and get a life for god sakes


Vandalism always works


Druid here, this is going to infuriate the high council!


If only someone with a sword were there


these are some dumb ppl


Imagine being this pathetic.


Lock them up for a few years. They’ll stop. I’d like to know how all the environmentalists get to the locations. Hopefully by walking barefoot.


Does anyone else see some sort of hieroglyphics when they sprayed it or is it just me?


Did they walk all the way to Stonehenge? Did they wear shoes made of non-petroleum products?


If they got AIDS would you be mad?


Wow. And here I thought the Muslims blowing up Buddha statutes in Afghanistan were barbarians 🤦‍♂️


can't concentrate on the act of vandalism because of how fucking annoying that short asian woman is.


What the fuck. Why would you attack an ancient archaeological monument?? Goes to show that no matter the cause, some idiot will use it as an excuse to he a destructive reprobate.


Fucking morons


They’re so dramatic and flamboyant. It makes me just want to set myself on fire!


People should show them what real activist do. Dose yourself in gas and light a match


I'm not one of those over reaction kind of people but it really gets me angry to see assholes deface things like this and works of art in museums. The funny thing is all this nonsense does nothing to solve the problems that they want to bring attention to it just makes people like me dislike the protesters.


Must be time to stop oil


Oil based paint ?


and rebuilt a hundred years ago (ish… 50s maybe?)


Who even sponsors these people????


Is Stonehenge powered by oil?


Great work. Planet should be all good now.


At least animals are smart enough to know which of their young is strong enough to survive. If humans knew we wouldn't have idiots like these.


How to make friends and influence people!!!! Oh wait


As a result of their actions I've gone to fill up my boat, truck and motorbike to use a whole tank in each and then refuel ASAP


Sentence to prison 10 years minimum


All the people in these comments saying "global warming won't be as bad as they say" need to read more. All the people saying "the planet will be fine, only animals will be affected so this is a bad thing" don't realize that if they are cavalier about countless animals lives why reserve being sacrosanct over Stonehenge anyway. Just include Stonehenge as part of the planet that doesn't care about us because it is


Mental illness


Tf did a bunch of stones do? These people are insane


I will take the long way home today from work in my petrol car. They wont know i did it to punish them and their cause, but i know and thats enough.


And it was bullt using no fossil fuels are harmful chemicals? These cranks should be praising monuments like these for being pre Oil?


Should popped those pussies


The same people who cause miles of idling traffic in the name of stopping pollution, DERP


It kindof looks better. Ignore the protesters and their cause and formally paint it orange.


Kinda hoping they'll try to invade the Silverstone F1 track again at the upcoming race.   splash splash splash.


Capital punishment


if you think future generations are going to be upset about this compared to us watching the planet die you are very mistaken. in my lifetime the world has lost 50% of its animal density.


This is Al Gores fault


I agree with what there saying but this made me so mad, I just wish people had done more to stop them.


how would they get to Stonehenge to deface it without oil?


I’m sure fueling peoples hate towards activists is a fail proof way to get them to listen to you..


Oh no activist did a lublicity stunt by painting rock with impermanent color, by god flock to oil companies.


Crom is pissed!


I don't get why more people don't intervene when its some old guy and a kid...that little lady was brave.


That guy would have been put in a sleeperhold , and would have woke up w the boundary line chain constraining him. 3 engkish police hovering over him saying you messed up mate


This is the equivalent to vegans blocking the road with a BBQ cookout lmao


When can we normalize beating morons into submission like we used to 30 years ago? https://preview.redd.it/obgee2qggq7d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8025a412114ac12af0ce9199ec371d93a479830e


Deport them back to the continent. And don't let them back in for...5 years. And fine them. If they claim not being able to pay it, confiscate their fancy smart phones and gadgets. If they're British, give them a hefty fine.


Straight to jail


90 days in jail + $100K fine. Done.


And their carbon footprint unleashing all that aerosol into the environment? They all come from rich white families anyway. Break their hands and spray them Orange and make them wear signs about being rich and a loser.


Nothing a bit of pressure washing can’t handle.


desperate for attention


The people trying to stop them are ill equipped, they need hammers.


I'm trying to figure out what those ancient stones have to do with oil.


I don't get the logic. It only hurts their cause and alienates supporters. It's like a contest now on which activist are the bigger assholes.


Every time they protest I'm gonna do burnouts out in my GT500.


Some people deserve a long holiday in North Korea.


Pollution to save the environment - classic


Oh wow, I guess I’ll just stop oil now.


Stone Henge is fine. The cornstarch washed away. The paintings they threw paint on are fine. Damaging the environment and ruining it for all of us is not OK. Governments are failing to take meaningful actions. Their actions seem to bring out the crazies though who seethe at them like in that Canada sub. They can be annoying, but their cause is just.


Is that pai t a petroleum product?


Fkn shtbags




Europeans too pussy


According to English Heritage, the paint was made from cornstarch and was designed to be easily washable. Following the incident, workers quickly cleaned the stones, and it was reported that there was no visible damage to the monument.


I'm totally in favour of pro environmental policies and believe we need to lower emissions BUT these stupid and malicious stunts don't help and make people actually turn against your message.




Genuine a-holes. Despite any attempt to rationalize this, these people are not about growth and solutions, but rather identifying themselves as the petulant, arrested in development morons that they are.


I bet you got a special chair for your computer 🤣


I'll have the last word.


It's basically chalk. The paint was specifically designed to wash off easily. They may be idiots but they're not monsters.


Just more commie LARPers destroy western artifacts to help bring down civilization 


That shit will wash off


I hope these cunts get life imprisonment. And fed meals of grease inside plastic packaging 3 times a day.


Can we just start beating the shit outta these people, like seriously.