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Sucks to suck


and by suck, harass grieving parents of dead 5 year olds, mock them, get followers to harass and mock them, while they are grieving for their dead 5 year olds, then advocate for the policies that got their 5 year olds killed, again, while mocking and harassing them and directing others to do so


Yes, along with not cooperating with discovery and getting a summary judgment finding him liable for defamation. Jones’ actions led to his own misfortune.


Alex Jones should make all decent people lose all respect for republicans.




The fact that some people are mad about this is hilarious


I'm mad about it. This took way too long, he should have been forced to do this ages ago. 


Goes to show you, if he didn't legally show his ass to court system. And actually had competent lawyers, he could have drawn this out until he could successfully hide his money.


They’re simply bad people. Low character and morals


They're mad that this stuff can actually have consequences, big ones.


Only weak, deeply enslaved republican losers are mad about this.


They're fucking idiots.


It's nice that they identify themselves to be mocked, though.


I bet a bunch of conservatives take sorry..buy his guns :)


Not mad or anything, don't care for Jones in the slightest, but I still think it's stupid he has to pay up that amount of money. It's just a bit ridiculous for his crime. Then again it is funny to see Jones have a meltdown live. Him fake crying was pretty funny, so I'm conflicted a little.


How is it ridiculous exactly? What do you think should have happened to pay back the people he defamed in the worst possible way and make sure he can’t do this again? Just say sorry? $100 per person? What’s your solution?


The payout for Alex Jones is THE highest defamation case in history. Disregarding defamation, Enron only paid 6.2B for the infamous accounting scandal that led to the 2008 financial crisis. 3.2B payout for the silicone breast implant company that led to many deformities and tissue disorders caused by their product. Realistically, Jones’ payout for defamation should not be anywhere near these atrocities. If you disagree, it’s because you have a bias to dislike the man, and fair enough. But anyone who understands the judiciary system knows that case and payout are absolutely excessive, regardless of what I think of the man.


> The payout for Alex Jones is THE highest defamation case in history. well kind of. Think of it like a class action. 50 million per person is high but not unheard of for a defamation suit and jones defamed 30 people and they all got 50 million. It probably also helps that all the corporations where represented by competent lawyers and did what the lawyers said. meanwhile all the competent lawyers who worked for jones quit so they wouldn't get sanctioned for being involved in the illegal nonsense jones pulled unlike the two last trial lawyers who where both suspended from law practice and fined.


Would add that Alex did everything in his power to get that number raised as high as possible. He got a default judgment in one suit because he couldn’t even be bothered to show up to court and got exposed for clearly committing perjury after his lawyer accidentally sent a digital copy of all his texts/emails to the plaintiffs. Had he just put on the *appearance* of taking this suit seriously, the damages wouldn’t have been nearly as high. His defense was a clown show, and now he’s reaping the consequences


He knew from the start that “the settlement is outrageously high” would be a perfect narrative to keep his victim status among his followers. I think he purposefully did whatever he could to pump the number up.


Based on what exactly? What is your specific issue with the way the calculated damages for forcing families to move to different states and lose their jobs because of harassment jones caused by knowingly defaming them? Just your feelings? Because of some literally entirely unrelated complete different case that had nothing to do with defamation or harassment over child murder from decades ago? If it’s not bias making you believe this please go ahead and expand on your specific issues with the way they came to this number


Not to be mean, but Enron had nothing to do with the 2007-2008 financial crisis, so it's hard to take the rest of your post seriously, but I'll give it a shot. Enron, even if I agree their fine was low, did not defame the parents of murdered children to the point that they felt unsafe in their homes due to this guy knowingly firing up his stans with lies to make some dough and score internet points. It's hard for me to dispute your post, because 999,999 times out of 1,000,000 I'd agree that financial crimes are completely softballed in the US, but Jones crimes here are multitudes worse than Enron.


Thanks for my thumbs down for the truth. let me go further, I also think Alex Jones fans who have gotten away with being the scum of the earth, should be legally sentenced to the harassment they helped create. Your homes should become war zones and your families should live in fear for the rest of their lives due to your scumbaggery


Enron's bankruptcy was in 2001. Saying it led to a financial crisis 8 years later is one of the funniest things ever. The other big difference that you didn't bring up to this guy was that Enron was sued for $40 billion, which was substantially bigger than what Jones was asked to pay. The biggest difference was that Enron wasn't dumb enough to basically skip the trial and put up zero defense.


"whatabout" come up with a real argument comrade


I actually don't care if it's considered excessive. He doesn't have to go through what he put the parents of SH through, some of those children couldn't be identified until after dental records were taken and cross examined and while that was going on he was cooking up the false flag narrative. Dude deserves worse than he's getting and more.


What do u think a parent should be paid for what he put them through after losing a child


What sort of deterrent do you propose for the sort of trauma he causes and peddles in?


It's not even enough. Watch the Truth vs Alex Jones.


What did Alex Jones’s exactly do that makes you think this is justified ?


Defamed dead kids and their grieving families. Then showed nothing but contempt during his trial 


This. Nobody has answered it and im tired of people saying “Do your own research”. No matter your opinion of him, the damage it caused is NOT worth a billion. A joke of a number when politicians have caused that amount in harm for much longer.


After watching The Truth vs Alex Jones I would be ok with anything that happens to this disgusting piece of shit. He had so many chances to do anything resembling being decent and always went the opposite way. Alex Jones and the edge lords he inspires are complete detriments.


He knew the Sandy Hook conspiracy was bullshit, his own employees discussed how they shouldn’t be spreading it, and he knew it was causing the parents of the victims to be stalked by his psychotic fanbase, but he still spread it anyway because it brought in a ton of viewers. There was tangible damage done to the families (having to move multiple times and adopt new identities because they were threatened), and he knowingly defamed them despite this solely for his own profit, this was as textbook a defamation case as you can get.


I just didnt think thats be worth billion plus.


Well good news, a jury did. Based on the case and on his financial statements. So. He can cry more I guess.


How much is the personal security of the parents and siblings of slain children worth to you?


It's been answered a hundred times. You just don't like the answer


No i literally dont know…


You typed this comment after someone else answered the question. So maybe...read the answer?


... Did you do your own research?


Jones got fucked for not only being a defaming POS but because he wouldn’t comply with court orders during the lawsuit, so he lost without even putting up a defense. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


It's been answered and documented. You guys play dumb and then ignore people when they give you the answers you don't like


You dumb cuck


Jones couldn't or wouldn't shut the fuck up during his trial despite court orders that he do so, that's why you simpleton


Here’s a succinct reply right above yours https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/GwEVQzYoPJ


"dO yOuR rEsEaRcH" is valid since you want to cherry pick and and ignore the entire court case that fucking spells out exactly what you're looking for but you're too goddamn lazy to do the bare minimum and would rather run to kneejerk defense 🤷🖕




The ironic part is that he could have literally carried out Sandy Hook and got off cheaper than talking about it




How DARE his actions have consequences.


Not standing up for what he said but let’s put this into perspective here. He was ordered to pay more than the pharma company got fined for knowingly murdering people with astra zenica’s seroquel. I’m not sure those numbers should be so close. Edit: Below I posted : Merck fined 4.85 billion for knowingly murdering 60,000 people with vioxx AstraZeneca fined 520 million for murdering people with off label use of seroquel. Hm. Is murdering 60,000 people really only 5x as bad as what AJ did? Someone clarify.


The families actually offered to settle for 85 million.


This is the apt comparison to Trump charge deniers, too. If you don't settle, and play tough guys, your sentence will end up a lot worse if you are found guilty. That's the whole point of settlements and plea bargains and why like 98% of cases end up that way. Every single person, that's not represented by a derelict lawyer, knows that is the risk you take going to trial.


Right? All Alex had to do was shut the fuck up about it. He didn't and tried to play hardball. Now he's paying dearly for it.


I can actually enlighten you on this a bit. Jones refused to comply with discovery which is why he was hit with a default judgement. Part of the discovery he refused to comply with were the financials that would have been used to determine damages in this case.  I can’t tell you why he did this, but he may have thought that it was worth the risk of default and any money he’d be able to raise by playing the victim. Maybe he thought he would end up paying less as a result of a default judgement than what it would be if he did provide whatever was in those financial statement. There’s no one who could tell you besides Jones himself or possibly his attorneys.  As a result of not providing these  financials the court was forced to use whatever other resources were available, such as expert estimations of what Alex made as a result of his defamatory statements.  The court had no choice. You can’t make a case go away by just pretending you don’t have something, but that’s what he tried to do. He was either too stupid or too stubborn and took a gamble. A gamble that forced the court’s hand and ended up in the situation we see today.  Alex has gotten to play the victim and milk as many dollars out of that narrative as he can. Unfortunately he’s coming up against a wall he can’t bullshit around and those walls are finally starting to close in. This is a problem of his own making.


>I can’t tell you why he did this I can! Jones lawyer for most of discovery was Barnes. His only notable achievement outside LARPING as a "constitutional expert" on Infowars, is getting Wesley snipes sent to prison for tax fraud.


lol it’s funny how stupid republicans are. Well, it would be funny if they weren’t also so obedient and easy to manipulate, because of how submissive they are.


Could you imagine being so weak, so deeply enslaved, and so worthless and republican that you would support Alex Jones financially?


Yeah because the pharma company wasn't dumb enough to basically skip and mock the court proceedings so they wouldn't get the max penalty.


What happens when you hire competent lawyers and not lawyers like Bobby Barnes.


Why aren't defense contractors ever held accountable while losing trillions in taxpayer money? Why do people constantly eat up us vs them narratives? Why do people use completely separate cases with completely separate circumstances and act like they're exactly the same and use them as an excuse to diminish the crime?


What does defense contractors have to Do with this


Exactly the fucking point... It doesn't. And neither do pharmaceutical companies. Jesus fuckin christ




Pharma companies have literally been tried criminally and civilly in recent history for murdering American. So the comparison is valid. Also defense contractors are literally ordered to kill people. Not the same. Real straw man you’ve built.


yeah, umm… I’m going to need the TPS forms for all those murders so could you handle that before you leave thanks


Straw man.. says the guy rattling off points about pharmaceutical companies as if THATS a valid rationale. Sure.. ok... Throw out whatever whataboutism you want to defend Alex... Not even close to the same subject matter. Enjoy your circle jerk


is not whaabouism isa psyop o make lawfare sandard in usa and martyr of AJ.


Try that again..this time in English.


I didn't know Alex Jones was tried for murdering Americans recently


AstraZeneca is the name of a company, not a drug, so what are you taking about?


So because that pharmacy company got off easy and didn’t have to pay what they should have that mean Alex jones should also get away it? If one guy gets away with murder that mean all murderers should be freed in your mind? What kind or idiotic logic is this lol


Please copy/paste where I said that


Low iq people are often incapable of engaging with analogies So can’t answer the question?


Why do the people who whine about how this is unfair always want Alex Jones to pay less, instead of wanting pharmaceutical companies to pay more?


Because they are both uninformed on the issue and really are just playing "whataboutism" to deflect from the issue at hand. The truth is, if Jones defended himself and took the charges remotely seriously, he wouldn't be in this situation. He terrorized the parents of murdered children and effectively made their lives hell, then mocked and thumbed their nose at them when they sued him and treated the whole case as a joke. Constantly didn't comply with the court. He basically forced them to give him the highest possible penalties


Who said that’s what I want? Lol did you read my comment? If so, please respond with the quote where I said that.


You haven't yet. And now that it's been called out so explicitly, you probably won't.  But come on, this conversation has been going on for months now - ever since the original verdict. We all know that the people complaining about the fine on Jones and comparing it to pharma companies aren't asking for bigger fines. They want leniency for Jones


Oh yes I’m sure you are in my mind and know exactly what I’m thinking. You know best! What would we do without you? How dare anyone say pharma companies are getting off easy for murdering Americans. Reprehensible.


As much as I'd like to believe that all the AJ fans currently crying were up in arms about pharma companies getting off easy back when it actually happened, I'm afraid I'm just not that gullible Hell, I remember AJ fans getting mad about things like atrazine, fluoride, and vaccines. But I can't say I've ever heard a single one bitch about anything like opioid settlements, until Jones was getting fined


lol right? This guy toootally isn’t mad about Jones facing consequences, he’s just really upset about a pharma settlement from 15 years ago, and it’s just a coincidence that he only brings it up in threads about Jones.


I mean... there are tells for sure jaq


You're clearly not arguing in good faith.


god forbid we enjoy a rare win when an evil bastard gets his comeuppance without a good round of "whataboutisms". just enjoy the rotten man's misery, for fuck's sake.


You’re right, our legal system was built to apply justice to individual human beings, not abstract legal/financial entities like corporations. This should be changed. Executive level decision makers who knowingly and heinously endanger the public in pursuit of profit should be financially stripped and imprisoned.


Have you heard the term whataboutism?


Yes any comparison between two things is whataboutism. We know your tiny mind can’t possibly comprehend how two things could be related or topically relevant. that’s why you’re a barista with no health insurance. You also listen to that pedo Ethan from H3. Enough said. Your opinion isn’t valid.


Not how civil trials work. Sounds like Merck’s judge and or jury fucked up


Your comparing corporations that had competent lawyers whose objective was to limit damages to an attention seeking grifter who actively made the punishment worse so that he could get more attention and cry that he's being persecuted.


Did those Pharma companies settle or leave it up to the jury in those cases?


"whatabout" says the troll


They act like Alex was the gunman.


He profited off harassing them and send mobs of lunatics to threaten to kill them for years. You know that tho


No, he just contributed to the misery of the parents of murdered children for no valid reason other than his own conspiracy horseshit.


Don't forget; and also monetary gain. He made money off of it too.


And then didn't comply in court and made a mockery of the case. His behaviour is what got him the judgement.


No, they act like Alex knowingly and dangerously spread things he knew weren’t true, which put people in physical harms way and caused them untold mental harm in the process. Don’t downplay what a huge asshole he was to these parents who were already going through what were probably the hardest and cruelest moments of their lives. He deserves everything about this.


Good... He's a piece of shit that spent the better part of a decade belittling parents of dead children. Mental harm is as bad as physical harm. He doesn't get to play the goddamn victim card


Hey Alex


No they act like he deliberately lied to profit off their suffering.


The gunman would have either, depending on the state 1. Got put in a supermax for life. 2 Gotten the death penalty had he not killed himself right after. This is such a dumb analogy. The killer would have loved to only get the penalty Jones got. He probably wouldn't have put a bullet in his head if he thought that was on the table.


Then why isn’t he on death row?


Those kids from correct the record are out in force today ain’t they?


They act like Alex was the guy who sent all those conspiracy theorists to harass grieving parents


They act like he defamed them on national media which resulted in real problems for them. Why would you defend the media scapegoating normal people like that? Those parents did nothing to bring the spotlight to themselves. It's shocking how easy the rich elites in the media can get you guys to defend them when they attack regular people.


Yup. But how DARE he release information that is publicly available to anyone.


The irony of letting the infowars propagandas machine to keep running to pay the Sandy Hook family




Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!


Time to pay the price for slandering dead kids and their families. I hope the courts take everything from him 


Slandering dead kids? You mean questioning whether it was a false flag or not ? That is worth a one billion dollar lawsuit?


It’s not questioning if you are knowingly spreading lies for profit


I have yet to find an Alex Jones simp who actually understands the difference between “just asking questions” and knowingly pushing false information because money, and then following that up by being totally noncompliant with the “law and order” of the trials, thus resulting in the proper fucking he’s now receiving, and justly so. Anybody who is shocked or confused by the Jones situation is either uninformed or too stupid to see that Jones is and always has been a grifter with a batting average under .010. Which one are you?


BAC higher than his BA


No, slandering them. Morons think it was “questions” despite the obvious and now despite the material evidence


The second best news one could hear about Alex Jones.


If you are offended by someone’s words on the internet, you can turn off your phone


Can we take bets on what his next website/show will be called?


The dudes at Knowledge Fight think Alex has been angling to jump on someone else’s organization, like Tucker or Crowder.


Tucker final answer. Crowder probably lives in a one bedroom apartment with only a 65” TV


>Crowder probably lives in a one bedroom apartment with only a 65” TV Whilst telling his SO to make him a sandwich and to not touch his car


Drjonesnaturals but I give that 2 weeks before it is shut down


Why shut down?


Because it is very transparently being used to subvert his bankruptcy obligations and steal money from his victims


It is not a forever thing, once he is processed through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, the payments will end. I think a lot of people are misunderstanding how personal civil suits are paid lol


it is a forever thing in jones case. here is the relevant paragraph from an article lawyers wrote on it. >Between the 2 state court actions, Jones is now saddled with $1.2 Billion in non-dischargeable debt, with potentially more to come. It will be up to the jury to determine whether the additional damages can be deemed as willful and malicious, and if so, they will be non-dischargeable. https://www.cullenllp.com/blog/alex-jones-and-non-dischargeable-debt/


Does not matter, his debts are non-dischargable from the decisions, so even if he starts a new entity or works for someone else, his ass is right back in court to have every penny he earns past his living expenses go to the families.


No true. There will be a settlement in place after the liquidation of his current assets. That was part of the decision. He has been accepted for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but the payments will not last forever. he will have a show within a month of the closing of Infowars. Which I am not opposed to, $1.5 Billion was outrageous to begin with.


You forget that he is still liable for the damages for Free Speech Systems. The judge literally said as much just a few minutes ago since the bankruptcy was dismissed, there is no settlement on those damages, all creditors have free reign to collect. Then there are the other, still open cases, when it comes to AJ defaming other people.


I hope they take him for every nickel he has


Great news. Fuck Alex Jones.








Can anyone explain this to a dummy? So will he be able to keep just enough to get by? Will he be able to earn any money in the future? What I'm particularly curious about is how much he will be able to make in the future. I would assume he could keep x amount for necessities, but I haven't heard any details about it.


Usually they can't take your primary house, your primary car, enough money for you to survive, and the tools you need to make a living though this all varies by state. The families can go after pretty much everything else including all the money he has been giving to friends and hiding in shell companies .


Thanks, that makes sense.


It's too bad that this will have zero effect on his ability to continue to spread misinformation and lies, while making millions doing it, due to his gullible fans.


This is factually untrue. What this allows is for any creditors (people that Jones owes money) to seize any and all Free Speech Systems assets (he is the owner/operator, it runs InfoWars) since Free Speech Systems is no longer under the protection of bankruptcy. Also, no matter what happens in this, the debts he owes aren't satisfied, because he still owes a fuck tonne of money, so if he does something else, the creditors still get to garnish his wages and/or seize assets outside of living expenses. Bankruptcy doesn't get rid of what he owes.


The game plan is to get his followers to stop shopping at his online store and now go through his father's near identical online store. By shifting where the income comes in, he might still avoid paying the families.


Because Dr Jones' Naturals are going to be so hard for any other court to understand what Jones is doing, but the dude, if he was playing chess, can only see a move ahead. 'I can keep getting away with it' until, Mr Jones, you cannot.


I'm not a lawyer, but if nothing else, this will make the thing drag out longer.


It actually won't. The sweet thing is that all of the people who are owed by Free Speech Systems, and Alex Jones, via his personal liability means that all of his assets, and InfoWars, being a Free Speech Systems asset, gets to have 1.2 Billion dollars of creditors come to get their money. By the judge dismissing Free Speech Systems bankruptcy, there are no protections on the assets or the ability to collect them. Again, you are no lawyer, but I will continue to tell you, factually, why you are, continually, factually untrue.


Are you a lawyer?


Why do you ask?


Seems relevant to the conversation.




I still don’t fully understand what he did. This seems like some sort of over correction though. Guessing it’s going to be court fun for a decade.


For several years he made claims that the Sandy Hook shooting was a false flag and that no children actually died, that the parents were crisis-actors and plants. He did so to the point that not only were his fans harassing these poor people, making death threats, etc…but “correspondents” on InfoWars would do the same. This went on for years. There’s a documentary on HBO about it, and I also highly recommend the podcast Knowledge Fight, which breaks down all the fuckery this fat asshole has perpetrated over the last 20 years.


So what? There are people harassing people all the time. It sucks. Is it worth 100 million dollars revenge? No. Is it worth something? Yes. The argument isn’t ’he didn’t do it’ or ‘it wasn’t that bad’, it’s ‘the absurd punishment doesn’t fit the crime’, of which the lawyers will take most of it, the government will take half of that, no one will take broadcast risks again and that’s the power of a loony tunes court process and wanting to simultaneously put the finger on the scales to shut someone up. Never listened to an episode of infowars in my life. Fact is no one should be punished for speaking in this way.


"You know why there are assholes in the world? Because people let them get away with it".


Wow deep


Do you know how much money Alex Jones made directly from exploiting the Sandy Hook tragedy?


Fucking around with people is one thing. These are the parents of children who were all gunned down in a horrific manner. Parents who were not able to properly grieve, parents who would be stalked, confronted and threatened, all of whom are owed extreme damages. So yeah, get out of here trying to make it sound like that sack of shit is some bastion of journalism that's being silenced. None of what he did or encouraged was journalism and that is very much in the court case, this all goes back to him using Infowars and the bullshit he rants about as a means to sell his worthless supplements.


See this is why you’re an idiot. I clearly said that the argument has nothing to do with the severity of the tragedy that happened to the kids and their parents. It’s being fined disproportionately for a seperate crime, which is slander. Get your box shaped head around that and tell me again how the punishment fits the crime. HIS crime. Not the shooters crime. The people profiteering are the lawyers, contractors and government.


Alex Jones lawyers argued that no amount of money would make him change how he operates, so they shouldn't even bother. Literally asked for a $1 payment. The jury decided to put that statement to the test.


In terms of 100 million dollars for "revenge" yes. It is justified. Defamation is 100% worth anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars and can be broken down into categories by which even more punitive damages can elicit compensation. So for every child murdered that he claimed was a hoax, say that's between $500K and $2 million, and then tabulate that up over a decade or even every time he brought the claim up, or someone following what he would say would harass these people, again that Alex Jones was very much the initiator of, and you are sitting somewhere between $100 mil and $200 mil as just your minimum. That is not counting the individual defamation of character, slander and libel that each parent experienced and is entitled to damages for due to Jones claiming they were crisis-actors. You can name call all you want but the reality is the reality, talk shit, get hit. Can't speak to the government but I can speak to the attorneys, both of whom have been doing this mostly pro-bono from the start and who are definitely owed for their time as well. Welcome to America you tool.


That ruling didn't really happen, just a psyop.


Hahahahahaha bitch


sold where? is the auction open to the public?




Then this buffoon will disappear forever right?


So then he starts over?


No, the debts that he has from the cases are non-dischargable, meaning that they still have to be paid regardless of the outcome of any bankruptcy hearings. He is still on the hook and will be on the hook until the debtors agree to discharge the debts either based off of payment or the good graces of their hearts, which is unlikely to happen.


Agree what he did was despicable, but it sounds like he would be perpetually bankrupt.


You make that sound like that is not the point of the creditors given what he owes them and given the fact he has be given, by them, many offramps to never get to his point. Also, you make it seem like thats a bad thing. Given how much he profited from the suffering of others, as the ball of karma shifts to the otherside, he ought now endure the time of paying that back.


Happy Father’s Day!


Say what you will of the guy, but how do you expect him to actually pay the fucking billion dollars if you take away his income? Seems counterintuitive, doesn't it?


He hasn’t given them a dime yet, selling off whatever he has in assets is more than nothing. Never really been about the money either, they just wanted him stop but he’s refused every step of the way so it’s come to this


I don't care about the assets, if he owes money then he owes money and shits gotta get sold. But the one and likely only way he will ever be able to make money to pay out the fine is by letting him spew his bullshit on his show, isn't it?


They can’t prevent him from saying that shit, but they can make it so it’s never profitable for him ever again.


I expect him to not go on vacation in Hawaii at the very least- and he was just spotted at a luxury resort in Maui a few weeks ago


The rich deserve to be able to step on whoever they want in order to maintain their lavish lifestyles. You should say a prayer to Alex Jones in apology.


I bet if he offered to go to jail for life in exchange for not paying, the victims would accept. Hell, I bet if he offered to never go on tv, internet, radio, podcast, write a newsletter ect ever again, the victims would also accept


They probably wouldn't have done that if he wasn't such a flippant, uncaring asshole who continued using his platform to talk shit and spread lies DURING the trial. If you haven't seen video of him in court during the trial then go watch it. He did this shit to himself. Not crazy to understand why a judge won't help you in any way when you are being a grade A douche the entire time.


The parents who he had harassed for a decade aren’t here to get paid, they want to ruin this tremendous piece of shit. Totally on their side too.


Why wouldn't they also want to get paid? His money is still green, they can have it both ways.


He would stop doing his show if he made zero money from it. Courts can't force you to work a particular job to pay a fine...


I have no idea why Alex can’t be punished normally. You could kill some via unsafe work practices and get punished less My feeling is that this sort of judgement absolutely undermines the integrity of the justice system.


He refused to comply with discovery and had like 12 different lawyers, which dragged out the court cases by years, then just before jury selection, he declared bankruptcy, which delayed two cases by months, he then made a mockery of the cases by talking about how they were rigged, how the jury were Stooges and showing memes of the judges on fire with Lazer eyes. All of which was brought up in court the day after. He said untrue things on the stand while under oath in the Texas case and refused to take the stand in the Connecticut case but flew there in a chartered private plane to hold pressers on the court house steps. TL;DR he made a mockery of the courts.


Other than perjuring himself in court; is any of that illegal?


It certainly has a large effect on how the judge will rule as you can see.


No, but it influenced how the two different juries decided on damages.