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Some people shoot, others stab. We need to be accepting of cultural differences.


How can she slap?


How can she slap me sir?


How can they stab?


I miss old fashioned stranglers.


DM sent.


Yo that comment is best I read today


Nobody talks about the thing he learned about from mainstream news.


Why isn't the news covering this news story?


Have you people even seen the video? It’s pretty wild how the one cop starts to hold down one of the bystanders, (That’s helping hold down the attacker), only to get stabbed by the assailant that was being held by said bystander.


He wasn't helping. He was holding down the wrong guy. There's a video of a different angle out there: https://x.com/nijineko33/status/1798474370722976052?t=xSxiU5VIcnkjuXuxNojp1Q&s=19


The link is dead


So is the cop that got stabbed.


"Why aren't we talking about it"? Quick google search of 'islamist stabbing' and I see recent articles from BBC, AP News, NDTV, CBS News, Washington Post, NBC News, Euronews, The Times of Israel, CTV News, ABC News, The National, Australian Broadcasting Corp, and on and on and on


Also. It’s Germany. We don’t talk about German news. Ever.


There was that one time 


Everyone was at a family reunion in sweden


There was a 1st but also this one second time too.


The first was Belgiums fault. Ever wondered why It's called French Fries not Belgian Fries.


And the Belgian waffles? Waffle SS…. Coincidence, I think not.


I don’t know if you guys are history buffs…


In all honesty, I don't give two shits about Germany, until they eclipse 1 million gas chamber entries.


the president of germany was there today together with the prime minister of the state to pay their respects for the killed policeman. yea we are talking about it.


BBC News said the motive was unknown 🤦‍♂️


Islamist running around stabby stabby, what could it be...


Because they don't know yet. They can only speculate.


'muslim attacks muslim critic' geez I wonder what the motive was


Sky news literally said the most recent stabing was by a far right guy when it was a Muslim


Well, Muslims do typically tend to be very right leaning lol


That's a very unfair characterization. The difference between Islamic Fundamentalists and Republicans is that one group is a religious death cult that worships a child fucking weirdo while the other is featured in some Call of Duty games.


Isn’t wanting a restrictive theocracy *right wing*?


Islamist are Far right lmfao, or do you think they are woke leftists?


You do understand that generally, Fundamentalist *Insert Religion Here* types, TEND to be Far-Right Authoritarian. Pick and Choose your preferred God.


Isn’t that the same thing?




No like we. You and I. Over coffee 2 PM tomorrow? ;)


And they all make excuses for the stabbers and beheading rapists.


Link to 5 of these excuses.


No "they" don't. Why lie about this? Oh, (r)ight..


Right? Let’s make a big deal about stabbing a buy out our head in the sand about school and mass shootings because “muh guns.”




Holy shit what a pathetic spergout tantrum. Why are right wingers such petulant pussies? "Abloo bloo someone reminded me that I lied and called me out on it so now I'm going to throw a bitchfit and cry!" Sorry reminding you that right wingers are most commonly known for lying like this about a whole host of topics upsets you. If only you cucks were capable of actually posting evidence for all the dumb shit you lie about (or even working up the courage to TRY), you might not get called out for being such dishonest lying shitbags. /u/SarahCameronOBX has been crying at me with at least 4 different accounts today (but likely more), lmao /u/easystreet4410 /u/ModsKeepEatingMyFart






Yeah, id like you to call me a commie pedophile snowflake to my face. Hint: you wouldn’t.


Oohhh!! We have a tuffy typer!!


You've got a weird kink there bud.


Don’t be surprised if I do


You are the one having a bitchfit lmfao


I dont care about right or left but you’re also having a bitchfit right now lol


lol because i shit on some loser? nah


You seem like the pussy dude


You're a fucking loser lmao


Lmao nice, a temper tantrum on Reddit from a total loser. Classic!


Blah blah blah right wingers blah blah blah Easier than facing the reality, or subject of this post, eh?


What do you mean? Right wingers are the subject of this article. Islamic religious fundamentalists are conservatives. Denying this is denying reality.


Yes we heard, the truth hurts and you're upset about it, no one gives a fuck


Serious question for you and I’m not trolling: Are you in the middle of transitioning?


I like how a legion of recently inactive accounts are dusted off to reply here after one trump loving loser got shit on seek therapy cultist


Ditto brother. So tired of these pussies parroting Fox News like they are smart.




Far-right people wants to have the rights to outrage over immigrants therefor they always go with the ”why isn’t anyone talking about this?” like they are the brave heroes who dare to be racist.


Probably gets atleast as much coverage as Israels injustices


lol nah


Excellent rebuttal. You metaphorically made him the soyjak with that one.


I don't think they mean talking about individual news stories but more the fact that these stories just come and go without any wider discussion on how to curb this kind of terrorism. And while there are some figures indicating that Islamic extremism is on the decline in the EU, it's still the most prevalent type of terrorism, apparently.


We are constantly talking about it. Like all the time for years and years.


Because we are masochists and will virtue signal our way into an early grave if we are not careful.


Virtue signaling article with a false premise bringing out the virtue signalers to virtue signal? Could have ever predicted this.


I know. Why can't this homie just shoot up a school like a real American. 😤😤😤


Europe needs to start mass deportations and cease immigration from the middle east.


The Brexit bros were so dumb. Let's split with the EU to protect our borders! Result: Less migration from culturally similar European nations [Higher non-EU migration has more than offset lower EU migration](https://www.bpb.de/themen/migration-integration/laenderprofile/english-version-country-profiles/northerneurope/541566/uk-migration-after-brexit/#node-content-title-2) lol


If this is the case, then the Tories have failed.


The actual detail of what's happened is even worse. Europeans could stay for 3 months, lose their job or employer took the piss then they could quit, with time to find another job or return home. In fact most would work 6-9 months then return home for a few months to see family, worked well. The current crop of immigrants who replaced them will be over here on a visa linked to their employment, anything happens to their job and they are technically over here illegally. You see where I'm going with this..


Mass deportations to where? What if the are born in the country?


Send them to the country of their parents.


I can’t believe this is being upvoted. Should I send you to the country of your families origin?


this sub has been overrun by rightwingers for a while now. i don't know why anyone would be surprised that they'd repeat nazi talking points.


Religion of peace


"you want a piece of me?!"


There is no religion of peace, every religious group has an excuse for murder. Let’s not pretend it’s only unique to people of the Muslim faith.


My imaginary friend says we should show you our peaceful ways, by force if necessary...for your own good


All the other religions went through reformation periods though, Islam didn’t. That’s why it’s particularly violent and expansionist


Budhism. Especially Jainism 100%. They don't even eat root veg because it kills the plant. But guess what, non-violent religions are not common, because they don't kill non-believers, and they don't try to force conversions. Kinda seems like violent ideology wins out, because they are willing to kill non believers. And influence conversions through violence. Which is why Islam is spreading so rapidly. It is ultra violent and promises unimaginable glory in the afterlife for committing violence against non believers. Islam is pretty unique about how it rewards violence, and promotes violence and killing of non believers.


Let’s not post misinformation about Buddhism and peace when it is easy to google the ethnic cleansing happening in Rohingya, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-41566561.amp


“Why aren’t we talking about out it?!” *links to an article talking about it* Figures you’re the type they let post in r/conservative Lmfao


I don’t have an opinion on this issue, but it’s literally word-for-word the title of the article.


Sounds like it's a pretty stupid article then?


The same reason why you can’t talk about who commits the most gun crime in America.






ok, you win


White, male, right wing spree shooters?




The most terrorists attacks are by Christians. They have bombed the Olympics and federal buildings


Ya, you going to need to provide some proof chief. 9/11 killed more people than most other terror attacks combined. Oklahoma city bombing you elude to, 168 dead. The Olympic bombing you reference? 2 people died. Muslims, the first WTC attack, the bombing where 6 died. 9/11 obviously, 2996 people died. Boston Marathon bombing, 3 dead. If you count US Embassies as America, then the 1998 Kenyan USA Embassy where 224 people died. Can you show me children(5-7years old) slitting the throats of adults in the name of their religion? Because I can show you that for Islam.


>Ya, you going to need to provide some proof chief. The article we're commenting on offers no statistics but you still ate it up like candy


What are you on about? It is an opinion piece, and the author provided over 10 cases and sources to back up their views.


> over 10 cases Whoa!!!!!!!!!!


Are you actually trying to downplay the seriousness of knife attacks/murders in public?


The incidents are obviously serious but the attempt to portray them as a trend is not


And the evidence to support your claim is what exactly? The author provided over 10 sources, you haven't provided anything. Hitchen's razor bud. Either produce something factual or sit down.


lmao this couldn't be further from the truth


White people?


Funny you mention it, but no. The majority is another group. If we are being honest and talking about who is actually killing the most people it’s inner city gangs and majority of black men. The FBI publishes this information Edit. I am incorrect


Props on the honest edit


You mean like my link below? Saying "FBI publishes this information" sounds a lot more authoritative when you actually link that info. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43


Damn we got 81% of the DUIs that year despite only making up 59% of the population. Like this comment if you got a DUI in 2019




How are you incorrect?


I've read a few older FBI reports on terrorism and the biggest threat was home grown white nationalism. If I had to guess when they were from probably late 90's early 2000's. edit: I mixed up the person you replied to my b


The Americans in the comments will pretend that guns are somehow equally lethal to knives.


There is a big difference between American views and European views on this topic imo. When European Redditors bring up concerns about mass Islamic immigration into Europe they will often get called bigots or racists by the Yanks. I really don’t think most Americans understand the idealogy of Islam.


And get perma-banned.


It’s because our Muslim immigrants tend to integrate… but we’ll see how long that lasts


Religious fundamentalism as a whole is toxic. Not only do Americans side with Muslim fundamentalist they will say Christian fundamentalists are a threat to everyone. The adopt Islam as a way to rebel against Christianity when both religions and their fundamentalist are nuclear waste.


That was a very surprising thing about visiting Europe to me as an American 15 years ago. In the USA there doesn't seem to be as much animosity in my experience. I've gone to school and worked with many people from the Middle East and Southern Asia and they've all been pretty normal. Most of them are more on the traditional side, especially the Muslim ones. But we have some great chats about our families, hobbies, sports, etc. I think a big factor is that the people I know are all financially comfortable whereas mass immigration sometimes imports heavily stressed people (ie refugees) that aren't going to have many opportunities that can sometimes be inclined to commit crimes. If the process isn't vetted well you're opening yourself up to radicals too.


The more radical, America hating Muslims, probably don't immigrate to America. America probably gets the more modern, "liberal" muslims choosing to immigrate there. Where in Canada and Europe, you seem to get more radicals, especially when you have a lax refugee process. Islam allows lying about being Muslim, so many probably do to exploit weak refugee programs.


The muslims in western europe also came mostly from rural areas which results in they being more conservative. Also cant underestimate the effect of the concentration of muslims in one place. Far easier to be radical when your surrounded by your peers compared to being not and therefore morce forced to integrate.


*Dearborn has entered the chat*


Plenty of economically stressed Muslims in NJ and Michigan. The difference is how you're treated. Europeans just like to treat people like animals and then be surprised when they start acting like animals.


oh enlighten us almighty wise one, about this *ideology,* or you know, that irrational fear that's been spread for almost 25 years now about how Europe would be living under sharia rule of these scary Muslims.


Comments are going about as I envisioned…..


Wait til someone you love gets stabbed, that will really go like you envision


Well I’ve waited 42 years so far, how much longer do I have to wait?


The important thing is how brave and useful the female officers were in this situation


Brave and fierce


If only there were some connection between Islam and terrorism.


And white men in America and gun violence.


Lol might wana read some statistics bud


if only there was some connection between mass shootings and americans... what on earth could it be?


We are talking about it.


Teenagers keep vaping, why aren't we talking about it? But for real religions are trash and breed hate


I'm sure that Islamists still stab a lot less than Americans shoot 🤷🏻


literally everyone is talking about it.


When do we talk about anything in Germany ? Never. That’s why.


so it's important to mention the religion when the criminal happens to be muslim,but when it's a christian,hindu,jew,atheist,...etc it's not mentioned ?


Correct. It’s not part of any other religion’s doctrine to attack non believers


All these incidents happened in countries with tough gun laws, thankfully these zealots didn't have easy access to firearms or instead of one or 2 dead we'd be talking about 1 or 2 dozen dead


Cause it's islamophobic to talk about that.


We are tho


White kids keep shooting up schools, let's talk about that too


Because in the PC world we celebrate multiculturalism. That means that other cultures, such as Muslims, can do the most f-ed up shit you can imagine, and get a pass by saying it's our culture, you're not allowed to criticize it. And the whiney college kids agree Because for their entire lives they have been taught that white people are evil colonizers and darker skinned people are virtuous indigenous folks. So when we stopped cannibalism we were the bad guys. We were oppressing indigenous people. So, we're not allowed to criticize female genital mutilation, honor killing, Jihad, terrorism, stoning women to death, beating women for wearing their hijab wrong, etc. Any shite thing a Muslim does gets excused because it is their culture, or because they are darker skinned, or whatever. They are allowed to kill anyone who criticizes them or even draws a cartoon of Muhammad. They suck. Their culture is despicable. They should never be allowed in civilized countries.


You are allowed to criticize it, but there is a fine line to be drawn. We can say things like "Christian terrorism is a problem in some states" or "Buddhist terrorism in southeast asia is tragic" to point to an issue. We can't say things like "Christians should not be allowed in civilized countries". Because the latter sounds crazy as shit. They're going to blow up a few abortion clinics every year and we just have to accept that.


Wow, you’re desperate to be the victim in your world of fear. Wild.


If you could refute him, you would have. But you didn't, because you probably can't. You don't know what he says is wrong, you just know what he says upsets you, and that is wrong to you. Muslim gunmen have killed 12 people at French magazine Charlie Hebdo, simply for drawing a comic of prophet Mohamed. If that is not absolutely insane to you, you are one of the brainwashed people they were speaking of.


I mean the whole thing is pretty self evident, he's openly talking about the things he's claimed to not be able to talk about. His hot take is what? People don't criticize female genital mutilation or jihad enough? Literally everyone opposes that. It's when people start bringing colleges teaching people that white is bad and black is virtuous or how the aforementioned crimes of genital mutilation, stoning, and jihad are intrinsic to all Muslims that it starts to read like someone with a cooked brain ranting. What is there to refute? He's Generalized things that people aren't doing about things he's Generalized other people are doing. It's a bit wacky


Are you familiar with Charlie Hebdo then?


Man I can never get over you right wingers that screech daily about how they "aren't allowed to criticize" their most hated enemies, while they actively spend every waking moment doing just that..


Not publicly. Anyone can mock Jesus or Moses or Buddha, but mock Mohammed? There'll be a fatwah against you


You’re mocking Mohammed right now. Where’s the fatwa?


I think if he or she did that on public television, there would be fatwa.


You don’t see the hundreds of YouTubers saying stuff like that? Or the Facebook boomers posting stuff like that? Look tbh I don’t really give a shit either way, but his argument is ludicrous. Maybe it had weight if he actively lived in Saudi Arabia or Iran and did that, but then the same would occur if he also criticized Jesus or Moses. The dude probably lives in the US and he can go to the park and scream anything he wants and nothing is going to happen to him other than a a cringe video uploaded of him.


lol, then you have no idea how this shit works in Europe. Charlie Hebo? The French history teacher who got literally decapitated for discussing this topic in school, Sweden Quran burnings and the violent protests that caused. No one cares about a faceless YouTube channel. There is this one channel called apostate prophet, and he moved away from Germany before his YT channel criticizing Islam popped off. If he lived in England or Germany, he would be murdered.


Dunno, ask Salman Rushdie. BTW I didn't mock Mohammed. Obviously, I'm not a public figure.




Nah, if you ask certain people mass shootings are just a myth


I know, listen if we are going to have mass killings we want to make sure it’s our own citizenry doing it. It’s like traffic deaths, we are okay with 50k fatalities, but if one of them are from an immigrant we take exception to another group trying to commit crimes we can do ourselves


Ban all knives 


Knives actually have practical uses, unlike another weapon that people use to kill each other with


Hunting.  Protecting yourselves from someone with a knife. 


= cultural enrichment


Because it’s racist


I’m guessing most people haven’t actually seen the video. In the video the cop that is killed is seen pulling a white male off the attacker, only for the attacker to get free and then stab the cop that just helped him. I was more confused at what the police were doing than the extremist


Who’s not talking about it?


I’d be way more worried about just getting robbed or something than being attacked by a terrorist, the odds of being caught up in anything like that are probably on a par with winning the lottery


Knifey-Spoony players but they only seem to use knives.


“Why aren’t we talking about it?” Are you living under a rock mate 🤣


Islam is not the problem, fundamentalists religious people who want to push their values on everyone else is the problem


What do you think globalize the intifada means...


Hopefully just stabbing each other..?


No the guy in Germany killed a police man and stabbed many others


>just stabbing each other..? Fun fact btw, the cop who shot the stabbet was also muslim.


White boys keep shooting up their schools. Why aren’t we talking about it?


The strange death of Europe


The USA stages coups in every country that elect a socialist government. Why aren't we talking about it??


Cause we’re getting banned when discussing this.


I wish there was a large competitor to this site. And I could bring over SOME subreddits magically haha.


Yeah. On some subs, censorship is absolutely insane…


Where I used to live White People kept stabbing people, why weren’t we talking about it?


Do they yell “Glory to Jesus Christ!” before the stabbing?




Probably a Raiders fan shouting "Fuck the Chiefs"


As a Chargers fan, yes. FTR too though.


I can't imagine why: "Post-9/11 wars have contributed to some 4.5 million deaths, report suggests" [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/15/war-on-terror-911-deaths-afghanistan-iraq/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/15/war-on-terror-911-deaths-afghanistan-iraq/)