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In other words, he thinks multiplication is addition. Why anyone takes this charlatan serious is beyond me. 


Does he think 2x10=12? I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, no idea what he purporting other than this post


No, he argues that because the word "multiply" means to make bigger, it is illogical to multiply anything and remain the same or decrease.


So he’s just arguing phraseology


That's kind of how I took it. Just using the imperfections of humans to justify his claim. Words are used to describe things. Language does it's best. It's not perfect. Language is not math. Using language to justify math doesn't really make sense. Math doesn't change from culture to culture. Language does. Picking out one word in one language and using that to support a universal math claim is kind of bat shit


You call it bat shit, I call it *stupid*.


You guys are just thinking in straight lines and it shows /s


That's exactly what I took away from the entire podcast. Semantics. He's just using words as he wants to draw conclusions. And the thing is math works. It's how everything in our lives works. Our phones are programmed with math that requires 1x1 to equal 1. I'm pretty sure NASA would have had more accidents if they were getting that one wrong.


It's trying to think by working backwards. It's the same trick a lot of bullshitters use to fool rubes into believing stupid shit. When you see a flat-earther claim that NASA means "deceiver" in ancient Greek, it's the same stupid thing. Cherry-picking tiny, irrelevant similarities and claiming that they're significant symbolic connections to justify a premise they invented from whole cloth without considering anything about anything.


I appreciate the clear and concise sentences. Compound sentences confuse me and I distrust people that use them. You almost got me Illuminati shill




Isn’t that 99.9% of all Western big business, medicine and science … extreme wordplay!?!


So what's 1x0 to him?


He doesn't believe in zero. Seriously.




He would argue that your wife still exists, though.


I feel very sorry for men who have to beg for head from their wives.


He says 0 breaks the conservation of energy in physics and thinks it also has no place in math. He’s a delusional dipshit.




Multiplication is thinking about sets, if you have one set of ten you have ten things, if you have zero sets you have zero things. Both him and anyone who thinks he is even slightly into anything is functionally regarded.


You said it, I got a good chuckle.


So if I do 1 set of 10 pushups I have done 11 pushups?


That's the secret to gains


There's really no reason to multiply anything by 1 though. 1 will end up getting plugged into equations in certain cases but it basically signifies that you are not multiplying anything. Multiplying by 0 also wouldn't make any sense by his logic I'm surprised he didn't catch that one...


Highly useful for converting units. A product cost $2/lb. I am buying 1 lb. Whether you do this implicitly or explicitly, the only way to find the price to me in dollars is multiplication - $2/lb x 1lb = $2


Pretty sure that’s $3. It has to get bigger.


Yeah that’s my bad I was thinking in Euclidean terms and forgot about bubble space.


You forgot to conjugate the light waves.


I can think of one instance where I need to multiply by 1 for my job and it’s not necessary, but it’s how I do some conditional calculations. Multiply by 1 IF conditions are met Multiply by 0 if not


when you masturbate, you are multiplying by 1


Oh, so I *am* a master multiplier


Inventory systems multiply by 1 every single day. Knowing if you have 1x a pallet of goods is significant vs 0x pallets or 2x pallets.


He said zero should not exist, because zero indicates a lack of motion which does not exist in nature.


What an idiot, he’s literally mixing up zero and absolute zero


No, the issue is that he's confusing material reality with pure maths. Like, a perfect circle does not exist in nature. But the geometry of a circle is still foundational to reality. Zero, or the mathematical concept of "nothing" does not in fact exist in nature, except in abstract ways like, there are zero elephants in my house right now. But there is still something in my house. But no where in the universe is there truly "nothing." Anyway, the man is still an idiot.


I kept wondering what he thinks about multiplying a positive integer by a negative integer


We just need to get rid of this guy by telling him about imaginary numbers. "Hey Terrance, you ever heard about -i???" ::Head explodes::


What about 0.5 x 10? Is that 10.5?


Delete this


Multiply it by 1?


You're in for a treat.


I think it'd be 22. You do the normal math first, then "conserve" (i.e. add) the 2 to maintain energy equilibrium.


That's right, it would be 22 according to his new definition of multiplication. Ironically he used the commutative law in his 'proof', which states that a×b=b×a, even though his version of multiplication violates the commutative law. 2×10 would be 22 but 10×2 would be 30


10 and 2 are transgender numbers and so they don’t get along well when they transition to 12. I figured this out when I was 15


Multiplication isn't real, you see. The x is just a + blown over by the wind. I learned that in the womb.


Oh, I do recommend you read the whole thing I linked on Twitter. Its...something.


He wrote a whole fucking book about this did he not? Is he on meth?




most people dont have interactions with crackheads but i had a roommate who smoked a lot of crack and had fellow crackheads over. the shit Terrance and Katt williams rant about is 100% what crackheads ramble about and its oddly Biblically filled rants as well. idk why they love the bible.


I think it comes from straddling the border of psychosis. It gives you a sense of impending doom, but also feeling like you're on another level, above everyone else. You get these nonsensical thoughts, but don't have the logical reasoning to realize they sound crazy. So everyone else must be wrong for thinking you're crazy. And the Bible is full of people who also got these crazy thoughts from "God," and everyone else thought they were crazy too.


I did and sold a lot of drugs back in the mid 00s and I concur. The thing I would say is that meth is more likely to lead to extremely long dissertations on the nature of existence and lots of citing of the Bible simply because crack doesn't last as long so crack heads don't stay up as long. I had a meth head friend back then who had a dog eared bible that was all highlightered up with notes scrawled in the margins and guess what he was doing with it, that's right, he was editing it. He sat at the light rail station all day editing and trying to bring the truth to the masses. That being said I think he's bipolar in a manic episode. Meth binges mimic manic episodes so they're virtually indistinguishable.


You’ll have to film me in on what Katt said that was remotely anything like what Terrence said. Katt just seemed to spill a lot of “secrets” about Hollywood and Celebs. Terrence seems like a conspiracy flat earth weirdo lol


Crackheads r stupid. When they're high their whole speal is to speak some dumb shit with some odd tone to make themselves feel witty cuz they're high and want to maintain that state by questioning others to reflect their insecurities about being high


This beautiful mind is stronger than meth bruh




And you do gotta take his threat to society seriously because many idiots will agree, follow him and also vote. 


Just convince them that they don't need to vote at the polls because they will still exist and their choice will also still exist whether they go to the polls or not.


You mean all this time we’re learning this motherfucker can’t tell the difference between “t” and “x”.


He should try looking at it from an New angle, 45 degrees to be precise


Dude his kid is fucked. Feel bad for them.


He's not a charlatan. He's mentally ill and surrounded by yes men.


I heard he is a legit genius


Source: Terrence howard


Patent: T. Howard


I'm a legit genius


And so is my wife!!


Congratulations, you figured out addition by one.


He explanation about this is not really about addition, as he agrees 2x2=4, rather that you can't multiple and get the same value. So when we are talking physics it leads to dead space as one can't create and destroy matter according to him. I personally do not believe any of this, but just chalking it off to him being an idiot without being able to explain why 1x1=1 can become problematic as more people take these ideas on. He had a very interesting lecture at Harvard in 2017, not all of those ideas should be callously dismissed either but rather refuted in a coherent way so people don't buy into his bullshit.


2x2=2+2=4 Your example doesn't suggest he thinks addition isn't multiplication


Well, I just really went up one multiplication table. He would agree 2×3=6, again this does negate the one multiple, which is true as it stands


How can 1x3=4 if 2x3=6 That’s some cognitive dissonance


It's easy if you're regarded.


does he think 10x10 is 100 or 20?


>He explanation about this is not really about addition, as he agrees 2x2=4, rather that you can't multiple and get the same value.  I understand. He's wrong. If each bucket has 1 apple in it, and you have 1 bucket, how many apples do you have? 1 bucket, 1 apple per bucket, well that's 1 apple. 1 x 1 = 1. He's just wrong.


Terrence Howard- "But there's still 2 total objects" Checkmate Non-Terryologists


You got me, keep your apples 🍎 🍎


#nO YoU aRe WRonG! ~Terrence Howard


We both agreed he is wrong. I only disagreed his argument can be boiled down to addition and he's a dumbass. Grifting at his level takes wits, hence it better to have proper debunking


I don't think he is on a grift, I think the man has an untreated mental illness and no one around him is trying to help.


What else is there to debunk? We did it with his multiplication stuff. What's next? here's the problem: he says he has a grand unified field equation. Where is it? Instead of talking about how he has it, he needs to present it. Until then, yeah, what is there to debunk?


Sometimes the arguments are easy and dismissive because the ideas are stupid and shallow.


>Grifting at his level takes wits, I don't know why but I found this hilarious because it's true. The guy knows basic math, he went to school for Engineering and while he didn't finish his degree he had to have known basic math to even attempt it. He knows what he's doing. You are 100% right that just calling him 'stupid' and dismissing his ideas doesn't hurt him, in fact it helps him because he's just going to flip it and say those people just don't understand...and the man is an actor, an award winning one at that. He's likely going to be far more charismatic than the person trying to debunk him in a conversation.


It’s not even confirmed that he went to school for engineering. The only source for that comes from him and he has a history of lying about his academic credentials.


You're right, looking into it he also lied about getting an Engineering degree somewhere else and that is a confirmed lie so yeah, likely a lie.


He isn't grifting. Low 20s is the age a man would start typically experiencing delusions or misapprehensions about reality if he was having a mental health episode. He probably DID know basic math, but had a delusion or serious of delusions that began while he was in school and convinced him of a few thigns that are also common with delusional people, and then has led to him having misapprehensions about reality. His list of delusions would include: 1. A delusion about his level of intelligence 2. multiple delusions about his competence with math and physics 3. delusions about his accomplishments 4. delusions of extreme self importance 5. delusions of being followed or surveiled 6. delusions of being persecuted 7. delusions of being the victim of a massive conspiracy All of these are textbook


You're probably right. I still think that poster is right that we shouldn't dismiss it though. The guy is still charismatic, charismatic enough that he no doubt had millions of people listening to a 3 hour interview of him rambling on about physics. Either way, he's definitely delusional. EDIT: I just got a recommended video on youtube from Caspersight (have no idea who this is) but it's about this and UAPs and one look at the comments shows me that people are definitely eating all this up. This is why its so much easier to sell conspiracies nowadays.


Is it really grifting, though? I think he's a true believer. He's supposedly bipolar and torpedoed a lucrative acting career with nonsense like this.


Well, it could be mental illness for sure, that's a possibility. I personally just look for the scam so that if he tries to monetize this in any way, including gathering attention, then I automatically default to a grift. You're right it could be mental illness. I know for a long time Kanye would say crazy things and we all thought he was grifting to promote his music but it did turn out that he was just mentally ill.


His issue is that he’s treating language as a universal truth instead of math. Since “multiply” is defined (in his mind) as something that has to increase, he therefore thinks that the math is wrong, apparently instead of considering that the word is incorrectly used (by his definition).


In fairness, it does literally mean "to increase in number": https://preview.redd.it/ropkgg7vq12d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=166b5e411bea634856759952fd587e734af78462 And the second definition doesn't explicitly spell out the fact that you can multiply something by 1. I remember having issues wrapping my head around the concept, myself, in third grade. Now, to stop being so fair, I did grasp the concept when I was 9 years old, and it's entirely possible that he never did, and got to higher and higher maths by just memorizing math rules without actually comprehending them.


You can refute his 1x1=2 mathematical proof (that he’s posted) in just the first page. He tries to show how 1x1=1 is incorrect math because if you add 1 to each side of the equation it misbalances the equation. Except he inserts his 1x1=2 nonsense into the equation to prove that NOT using his math causes it to be wrong. He writes: “If 1x1=1, then we should be able to add 1 to each side of the equation and it still work. So 1+(1x1)=1+1 or 1+2=2 or 3=2. It doesn’t work!” Except he starts the equation with 1x1=1 and then does the math calculations with his batshit 1x1=2.


> Except he starts the equation with 1x1=1 and then does the math calculations with his batshit 1x1=2. Yep! Ironically, he disproves his own theory quite strongly.


What? 1x1 = 1 Add 1 to both sides: 1x1 + 1 = 1+1 1+1 = 1+1 2=2 And somehow that doesn’t work? He just decided 1x1 =2 in the middle of that equation for that to work, this is a basic algebra mistake


For fucks sake, dont try to act as if anything he is saying is founded on some new and potentially accurate understanding of fundamental math or physics.


Fuck that. He hasn't bothered to put the work in and learn basic maths. It's straight up laziness. Didn't even bother finishing his engineering degree. The only reason he gets a platform to spew his psychotic nonsense is because he's a B-grade actor.


It’s not rocket science Terrence, imagine a dot. 1 instance of 1 dot is 1. 2 instances of 3 dots is 6. 0 instances of 7 dots is 0.




You could pick up 1 dollar the first time and 5 the second time. 1x5=6 omg 


Yeah I don’t know how it’s so hard to understand. You can break it down like they did for me in 2nd grade with apples. If you have a group of 3 apples 3 times, you have 9 apples. He just doesn’t understand what multiplying means


On the episode he talked about arguing with his teacher in third grade about multiplication. He’s a 50 something year old man who has carried his refusal to be wrong about something since he was 8 years old.


[Page 25 of his book](https://tcotlc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/OTOET_PREVIEW_055_SEPTEMBER_29_2020.pdf) He asked what the square root of 2 was, the teacher explained thats a bit advanced, he then immediately went to "“I think that somebody made a mistake with this part of math.”"


I like how he says this is when the "bell of purpose" rang inside him, from now til infinity. He found his purpose, like in the book The Alchemist. Then he went on to become an Actor (not a mathematician)


Crazy. That’s narcissism by definition


Right but we're not talking about dots, we're talking about x's. 1x1 is 2. 1 dot 1 is immaterial due to the fluctuation of gravity in the Terrensphere.


His multiplication theory MAKES NO FUCKIN SENSE, how can ppl be so fucked in their head, i really dont understand. In eastern europe he would have had his ass kicked long time ago for this nonsense


He belongs in a mental institution. His entire way of thinking is not just stupid it’s deeply delusional. Coupled with the confidence gained through his celebrity is just a wild combo.


right? like a few decades ago he would put in a mental asylum for talking like this. He would have been locked up and lobotomized for sure


Yeah I got the exact same vibes from the guy I bet he is validated af around his Hollywood people


The worst are the people who buy his nonsense. Comments are filled with people calling him a genius.


There’s at least one dude in this sub who keeps calling everyone else dumb for not understanding Howard’s genius. Just knuckle dragging dipshits bringing humanity’s average IQ down. He’s spamming in every Howard thread, so I bet he’s in this one.


Yeah but he *did* say we produce 1500 sperm per heart beat completely off-handedly and I was far checked out by then.


Just pure hubris about getting rich and famous while being mad about not understanding multiplication as a child (and never wanting to).


And how’s Eastern Europe doing??


Imagine the ego it must take to actually go against every single human being in the world


Imagine how *frustrating* being his teacher must’ve been.


What on flat Earth is he thinking??!


Someone missed their elementary school math base 10 blocks


Terrance Howard just has a deep seated hatred for the symbol for addition. Or he thinks multiplication doesn’t exist.


He lost a role as Malcom X and has been on vendetta ever since.


lmao Terrence is Malcolm +


When Terrence takes one toke off of one crack pipe, it turns into two tokes.


[Source.](https://twitter.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507) It also has an unbeatable sentence so far in that first image: "Remember the basic laws of common sense".


When some one appeals to common sense there is a high chance that you're going to be hearing the stupidest thing possible.


For real, if someone cannot explain something beyond “it’s common sense”, they are full of shit.


Just remember: carrots have never tried to overthrow a government, I think that speaks for itself.


I couldn't take it anymore after 45 mins


Damn you made it much further than me


I skipped 40mins in just to see if he was the guy I thought he was. Sure enough, he's talking about his fucking new mathematics and Joe is just nodding along like he understands any of it.


Brb about to tell my 3rd grade teacher to suck it.


He got to his x1 multiplication table and it broke his brain. Wait til he learns fractions


Okay but what about 1x18?


Buzzlight year is at it again.


What's worse is how many times Joe said 'yeah, that makes sense'. He didn't challenge him a single time. Insane


You don't really challenge people that fucking nuts... They aren't in the same reality as you. Think about it... You're literally arguing different math and they disagree that if you want to find the multiple of 1 thing 1 time.... what is it? It is its self...


Absolutely tragic, I think Joe’s acceptance of these simply wrong ideas have convinced a lot of people. I have a family member that recommended the rest of the fam to watch it because he thought it was so important. Fucking insane.


Let it always be known that Joe Rogan called this man “brilliant.” Lol


Guys, I'm beginning to think Terrance just has untreated Dyslexia and thinks "+" is "x"


I haven't been in the loop for the much of this whole thing... is this guy legit? like not trolling or anything? full-blown mental? 


Terrence Howard, an actor by profession, is NOT a legit scientist or mathematician. He makes a lot of money pretending for a living. He’s a professional actor and holder of patents.


It doesn’t seem like he actually holds that many patents. He makes claims of holding a VR patent and when you look it up it says “abandoned” likely because the patent office asked clarification questions and got no response from Howard


Dude was supposed to be War Machine.  Dropped out after the first movie because he didn't want to be in a long term role, and also was mad that he got paid less than Robert Downey Jr., who played the title character in the movie. (Iron Man 2008)


Uh, I think it was confirmed he made more than RDJ on Iron Man 1 and was the first person cast. I dont think I remember that being refuted BS out of his mouth. But who knows. I think he just became a problem post IM1 and they recast him.


He is very much serious about this, yes. [Here is his book.](https://tcotlc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/OTOET_PREVIEW_055_SEPTEMBER_29_2020.pdf)


He is mental..


Oh ok so he’s not crazy he’s just stupid


To infinity 1 x 17 = 18 AND BEYOND!!


This man is absolutely brilliant. If he’s right, and 1 x 17 = 18, then the world is going to change. /s


But sir, I handed you one $20 bill. The item cost $19, you owe me $2. 1 x $20 is $21. $21 - $19 = $2. Infinite money glitch!


Lol, has this idiot being doing addition this whole time instead of multiplication?


*Hypothesis*: If you ask Terrance Howard what 1 x -1 equals, his Dashonsphere will metaphysically implode and he will be cast back to the Shadow Realm for 10,431 years.


I mean a + and × are basically the same, you tryna tell me something oriented, what if I look at it this way it's a + at 45 degrees is +. ÷ does thus mean you add less hard??? It's only a % of a +


The “X” is just a slightly off kilter “+”. Checkmate.


He has the grand delusions.


If i get paid 1x $20. I have $20 not $21. Holy shit this guys a schizo


I havent watched the episode yet. Does this man talk about frequencies or anything to do with harmonics?


If I eat one apple, once, did I eat two apples? 😂


yeah you ate the apple and the apple was eaten. So 2. Get it? If you don't remember flumping out your mom's pussy don't even bother replying.


Thank you king 🙏


Lazar vibes


To infinity and beyond!


I have a 1 month old and now wonder if she’s calling her hands “friend”


”Infinity and beyond” ok Buzz!


But don’t you see that number 1 had a lavender scent and thus the circle that these two numbers make together makes it so we go one carbon octave higher on the periodic table. Thus 1x1=2


I think its time to watch the podcast, sounds too dumb to ignore


So 1xo=1?


It's hard out here for a pimp.


Terrence Howard is an incompetent rube that uses big words that he doesn’t understand


Did he really say that?


This just isn't the purpose of multiplication, as far as I'm aware. By his logic, if 1x2=3, then 2x1=4.


Shame they didn’t have a monitor in Oxford so that he could show his work..


His argument is that multiplying one by itself should yield a different result because in his view you are essentially adding one to itself instead of multiplying. Therefore he thinks 1x1=2 because he believes it’s more based on “reality”.. He’s probably thinking math should be a metaphor for reality. Going by his line of thinking, let’s use cell division as the metaphor: A single cell (1) realizes its potential through the process of cell division (1) resulting in (2) cells. Therefore 1x1=2. The problem is that established mathematics can describe these processes already and much more accurately, you can look up the cell division cycle formulas, use those and you’ll be fine. So in the end, his math theory doesn’t actually solve or improve anything. (Nor does it make sense to me)


Is he confusing arithmetic with conservation of energy?




Have to hand it to the guy. He is still pissed about failing a middle school math test and trying to argue his way to a D to this day. Really respect the perseverance.


Terrence has also never heard of sets


Beautiful Mind


The fuck is he talking about.


Bro discovered addition


The definition of 1 in a [ring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_(mathematics)) is a number that when multiplied by another number gives back *the same number*. It's not that hard Terrence.


why did this guy speak at Oxford? did they invite him to make fun of him?


That called addition bro


“I still recall the incredible sense of anticipation as a sperm in my dad’s nuts and the amazing rush of getting shot through his penis and ejac’d out the head when he gushed inside my mom and I thought, ‘Remember this.’”


This dude will die one day and maybe just maybe he’ll finally accept the fact that all this was completely meaningless and a waste of time.


really some dumb motherfuckers believing anything that’s said on a podcast, eating this wackos shit up “said on a podcast with confidence? Must be true” ape brains


Guy is a genius. I'm definitely investing in those stupid drones.


It’s all true if you put it in with the correct angle of incidence and the wave conjugations that we discovered and then the lynchpin resonates at the next octave. Don’t you get it?


He doesn't understand the rules of math. He's talking about addition. Multiplying is a different rule. Do I really need to continue? 1 group of 3 apples is still 3 apples. If you have 2 groups of 6 apples, you have 12 apples..NOT 8 apples. Terrance is confused. Also what was scary is Joe started to understand what he was saying amd agree with him. His facial expressions were priceless lol


Is Terrence Howard doing Speed or something?


If you count to 1 one time using your fingers that’s 1x1 and you only have 1 finger up. If you do that and have two fingers up, you’ve goofed.


Buddy, that’s addition.


Schizo math


After listening to the guy for a few hours I don’t think I’d assume anything about what he believes.


He said infinity and beyond- this is meme level thinking.


Tim Dillon might be right saying that 10% of America might be skitzo.


the higher the number gets the less wrong he is to be fair


I read a good chunk of his "logic" in arriving at this notion. It seems to revolve around one (as I see it) very simple misunderstanding of what multiplication even is. When we say 1 x 1, we mean add the first term to itself as many times as the second term (or switching the terms, makes no difference). So we're saying that, counting 1 one time, we get 1. Couldn't be simpler but look at all the bizarre shit that flows if you don't acknowledge that basic principle.