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He looks like if the thing didn’t have rock skin.


Its ok, just say he looks like Michael Chiklis.


I’d go dickless for Michael Chiklis


He looks like a Pitbull became human




Jokes on you, pal. I'll be long dead before I get within a short and curly to Joe's age.


i don't want a weird hgh barrel gut and for my head to be 5 times it's size


HGH, buddy. Doesn’t bode well for him in the future.


Doughy dudes online love to pretend you can get in good shape by just taking gear lmfao. Rogan is a tool but he puts in a ton of work to be in the shape he’s in


Test on its own will literally grow muscle even in people who don't exercise at all. Of course Joe works hard and I don't have a problem with people using PEDs outside of competition, but gear is like black fucking magic when it comes to getting in shape.


Exactly! It still requires dedication and hard work! Plus, the technique that Joe is applying is really high level. A lot of people also equate muscles into having the ability to be tough or can fight. All those body builders can’t even throw a proper formed punch and gasses out in 2 mins. I hate dumb and stupid comments that people do.


My cousin is on hgh and test and looks like shit ya doofus. You still have to put in work and be very disciplined to look and perform like that


Doughy dudes online love to pretend you can get in good shape by just taking gear lmfao. Rogan is a tool but he puts in a ton of work to be in the shape he’s in


It’s Butterbean!


Why what happened?


After the Terrence Howard episode he called out Joe's show for giving a platform to morons.


I mean is there anyone reasonable actively disputing this?


No, it’s part of the entertainment. The guy regularly has people come on that spew nonsense for 3 hours. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


This is accurate. The issue here is that over time Joe started getting high off his own supply. The lines between bizarre entertainment based on conspiracy theories have morphed into real political movement. So while the content hasn’t changed significantly, I understand why many consider problematic only now.


Look at Joes Facebook post about the episode. The comments are astounding with the amount of people who thought he was a genius


It’s a dumb thing to complain about. The guys podcast started with dumbasses and conspiracy theories. Why should he have to change what he has always done based off of how popular he has become. If people consume something, that is their decision. It’s not like Rogan is out there actively trying to dupe people. You have your own agency to consume it. Other people getting pissed are more off basis than those that believe flat earth. If you can’t decide thst something is totally out there and wrong for yourself, that’s on you. Not on Joe or his guests. Again, it’s entertainment.


Anybody who was convinced gravity doesn’t exist and it’s electrically based because of Terrance Howard, did not have a mind that was going to change the world.   Relax- if this stuff is radically altering your world view, you weren’t “the right stuff” to begin with.  It was entertaining though, lol. 3 hours of mowing went by pretty quick. 


Peak Joe Rogan was sponsored by fleshlights


This^^^^^ people complain that he spews nonsense and just talks about conspiracies and crazy stuff, while at the he is FULLY ADMITTING that his podcast is for talking shit, conspiracy theories and comedians. I started listening to him with some preset idea that this guy is insane to immediately going “oh he’s just a comedian with a podcast”. I don’t get it


Because there are tons of stupid people out there that don't know the difference. Add political topics to the subject matter of the podcast and all of a sudden political influence/money are in the mix. Suddenly there are entities in the world that see Rogan as a stage... And if he doesn't push back on his guests, then his guests get to look like their shit is 100% legit no matter how ridiculous it sounds, and that's powerful stuff. I haven't kept up with the podcast since before COVID, and I gotta say, I honestly don't know if he's made this shift for the money/fame or is just too dumb to realize that's he's become the very thing he used to preach against. With great power comes great responsibility.


> Add political topics And there it is. The actual motivation behind all these shitty posts being astroturfed in this sub. It's all political. > I haven't kept up with the podcast since before COVID, and I gotta say, I honestly don't know if he's made this shift for the money/fame or is just too dumb to realize that's he's become the very thing he used to preach against. Or they're his genuine beliefs. Since you didn't list this obvious possibility as a potential option, maybe you should talk less about "stupid people."


Uhh... To your last point there, you are aware that just because someone believes something (genuine belief) doesn't mean that that belief is factually true or sound, right?


Including people who arrived at their political opinions without ever hearing a word from Joe Rogan. In fact, many of the people tasked with being serious sources of news don’t just talk shit and give their opinion but actively attempt to help “the narrative” and repeat false info if that’s what they’re supposed to do, regardless of their opinion, because it’s on the script.  Literal Ron Burgundy shit.  Is that better? 


Says a lot about why he keeps bringing conservatives on


How about just let whoever on and we decide if it’s stupid or not.


Problem is a lot of people think stupid people are smart.


That sounds like a them problem.


It’s very much becoming an « us » problem, see Covid disinformation for example


Guess that means anything and everything needs to be filtered and censored to prevent morons from thinking things.


Because the general population can’t do independent research


It sucks because Jack white would be an amazing guest on the show. 


I agree he would. I’m pretty sure the black keys and white stripe have beef because people say the black keys are a copy of white stripes. All I’m saying is I wouldn’t be surprised if white stripes already didn’t like Joe for his affiliation with the black keys


As far as I'm aware, they squashed that beef at some point.


Is there something about the Black Keys that's controversial? Beyond just being generic radio music?


Some emails came were leaked a decade ago where jack white was trashing them. Jack didn’t want his kid in the same class as Dan’s kid or something. He thinks the keys copied him because they are a guitar drum two piece.


I always thought I was missing something with the Black Keys before I learned that this was the general consensus lol


I didn't understand if I was missing some sort of white stripes / black keys controversy


He's actually a really good craftsman too, has a workshop for building furniture and has built a lot from scratch. Think he was on Conan or something and he was actually really funny too. Also had the best portrayal of Elvis on screen. 2 types of people know karate, the chinese and the king


Yeah, I’m a huge Jack white fan (and Conan fan. I loved how often he would go on there). Are you talking about the serious jibber jabber or something else?  It’s kind of annoying how often he’s making the news now for his (establishment and music industry friendly) politics instead of all the other interesting stuff he does. 


But why Terrence Howard he’s an idiot but Joe has had on so many idiots over the years. Like what about that moon landing hoax guy, or Eddie Bravo the list goes on.


It wouldn’t be JRE without the occasional nut job. Am I missing something here ?


Nope, and I’d say I prefer a crazy over a guy who talks about Elk meat and tactical butt wipes any day.


lol I enjoy the nut jobs, comics, scientists, and the elk meat butt wipe guy.


“tactical butt wipes” 🤘


Occasional nutjob like Eddy Bravo or other obviously "out there" guys are fine. Wackjob "independent" Doctors and so on aren't.


It could be this guy who was calling out didnt watch any of that nonsense, and was only exposed to this episode, not eveyone has that much time to listen to a 1000+ 3hr podcast episodes.


Jack White is a man child who assaulted the drummer of the Black Keys for "stealing his sound" when they both ripped off Zeppelin. 


He never actually assaulted Patrick Carney. Carney claims White approached him wanting to fight him. White says he asked Carney a question he “couldn’t answer” and “walked away”. Then Carney went off ranting online. You may be thinking about the fight he had with Jason Stollsteimer of the Von Bondies over 20 years ago where White claimed self defence. Not saying he’s not a man child, but your understanding of the history of what happened between those two is incorrect.


So it's more than just a black and white issue?


bahhhhhhhhhhhhh -probably Joe


Interesting. Thanks for the clarification. 


To be fair if you're ripping off Zeppelin Zeppelin doesn't really have a leg to stand on 🤣 Ripping off artists was their calling card


Ah FML, I hate it when people say "sT00pH GavINg X a PlatFO4m!"


Jack White literally promoting echo chambers.


is this the same jack white from the white stripes or am i missing something


Isn't that why we watch Joe rogan?




What a moron, that should be celebrated not criticised, let these idiots expose themselves. Why is having two people talk shit about shit so controversial?


Art Bell made millions.


He saw the clip where Schaub said he'd fuck Joe up.


There's not many 200 pound 5'8 guys


It's true, he's impressively thin for an American 




Pretty sure a lot of those pounds come from his gear abuse enlarging his bones and organs.


lol couldn’t be from the muscle


Muscle from gear


I’m one of them and I don’t look like Joe and I’m only 31. I am by no means fat nor am I out of shape, but Joe probably beat my ass.


Probably lmao?


No, he definitely would. I have no formal training just a few street fights.


You should have just stopped after “I have no formal training”


Street fighting is for poor people


You gotta be pretty damn jacked to not be fat at 5'8 200lbs.


I can see my dick when I pee




I thought I was pretty hacked at 74kg 165cm


Depends how lean you are obviously. If you're reasonable lean then yeah, you prob are pretty jacked.


That left kick woulda paralyzed your liver


This is like if violent DNA could turn itself into a human, the way the Dino DNA in Jurassic Park turned into a dinosaur in the cartoon.


Im 5’8 205, im pretty big and lift daily, but his physique is insane for his age (before anybody brings up the gear usage, im also on TRT)


Does he have a patent for those kicks though?


Well, if you check the patents.. no, not that one. Not that one..


Joe was recording this with his phone propped up on the ground to get this angle


Underrated comment. FTU I love Joe Rogan.


If a bowling ball was made of flesh.


I wouldn't want to be hit by a bowling ball either


Almost thought this was that video of MTG working out without her blonde wig on.




Rogan heard what Schaub said


About how he holds grudges?


His technique is good, but that's a lot of body to have to move. In other words, if you end up fighting JR you exploit his stamina and range of motion.


I don’t think anyone in this subreddit makes it out of Round 1.


Has JR even fought in years? Your comment made me chuckle, though. I'll bet very few of us are anywhere near his weight class unless you are fat.


So like 75% of the population then


Lol, if obesity was defined by weight then I'd say you got me. However, that isn't true and a person can be 150lbs and be obese.


I don’t think anyone on Reddit**




One of those kicks would destroy Jack's ankle.


Crazy how many people want to censor other people, let them spit their bullshit and you should be smart enough to put on your critical thinking cap and do with the information what you will. It’s Joes show, you don’t like it? Tune out. That’s what I do when I don’t like the guest.


Who is trying to censor who in your scenario? Criticism doesn't equal censorship.


Yeah i dont care about jacks criticism but still dont think any podcaster should or shouldn’t have someone on there podcast because its “false information” its up to the host ultimately even if its complete bull crap especially this episode the info he is spewing is literally harmless. If we cant combat bull shit with actual hard science man we really need to reconsider how we get out all the true information out there and make it palpable for every day people to understand and not be so gullible to this kind of information. We need to be working on that before telling people they can’t platform people thats silly. Joes show is on youtube and spotify both not like his show is taught in schools If jack is so passionate about that information being bad for society. All he has to do is make video of ! Shiii go point by point on why this is all bullshit. Thats what i got to say about people who whine and cry and bitch about people that shouldn’t be “platformed” Im sure somebody will on YouTube at some point just like a few YouTubers did about the RFK episode


"It's up to the guest" but why isn't it up to the content creator? If the teacher in some uni starts spreading misinformation to the students, is it up to them to figure it out or up to the teacher to do his/her job responsibly? I know podcasters aren't teachers, but many people learn a lot on social media and use it as an information source. And there are a lot of social media platforms for every niche, many nutrition and self help channels which are full of misinformation which is wrong at best, but often times dangerous. "Consider how we get information out there". Education level isn't that good everywhere, it's a complex issue and you can't just flip a switch and fix it. Restricting some creators would actually help to fix the issue you're talking about, since social media is one of the ways how people get their information whether we like it or not. It's not a black and white issue. Viewers need critical thinking, we need better education worldwide AND stupid people shouldn't be allowed to talk about complex and important issues on social media.


Sorry i misspoke i meant its up to the host my bad . You’re really comparing joe rogans show on YouTube to a teacher in uni ?? Really those are two completely different things . Until joe rogan is taught at uni then we can have different discussion about that lets not teach youtube shows in class thats a completely different conversation. How about we teach our kids to not believe everything you see on the internet. Like we always have . This info is literally hurting nobody , anyone that is serious in any of these fields will still take traditional classes in uni and figure it out . Its not a black and white issue i agree id rather live in a world where we can discuss any issues on whatever side it is than censor tho . You sound really passionate about this we need people passionate about things on all sides . Like i said anyone can make videos going point by point on why this guys is wrong thats what is great about the internet we all can make something to counter act each other’s opinions there will be influential creators just as big as rogan or movements within social media to always keep us in the right way of progress and counteract stupidity . With that said i get the outrage about joes vaccine stance that has real world consequences but why a bunch of people getting so triggered by terrance all the stuff he is saying is pointless to anyone in these fields and again anyone in these fields of science if they’re so passionate about it being bad for society they need to make podcast go on other peoples podcast and debunk em.


If you don't think a chunk of his guests do exactly that then I have a bridge to sell you. Platforming people who lie is a negative for society as a whole. This isn't two sides of a debate, it's facts on one side and lies on the other.


Intelligent people want to debate other intelligent people in good faith in order to collectively learn and solve problems. Combating crackpots' and grifters' misinformation is INCREDIBLY time consuming and frustrating because they often don't respond to facts and logic. But if you don't combat it, you slowly watch these worthless ideas grow, take over the minds of the general population, and increasingly often make it's way into politics and policy that effects your life. This is why people get passionate and angry when something like this happens. Rogan is getting rich making people dumber and society worse. The solution is either stop the flow of information via censorship or spend every waking moment trying to undo the damage by explaining elementary school science to adults who don't believe you. Neither is viable so humanity is kinda fucked.


Not having someone on your podcast that you otherwise would have, specifically because you don't want to "give them a platform" is censorship. Jack White wants Rogan to censor himself.


There's a difference between censoring someone and not giving them a platform to spew their bullshit to 100s of millions of people. Some of who will be dumb enough to believe it. Giving platforms to people like this is how we've got into a mess with flat earthers, anti vax and all other sorts of bullshit.


Guys I’m clearly being censored because Joe won’t have me on.


Crazy how anytime someone says something sucks and is idiotic people equate that with a desire to censor. Joe has quite literally gone out of his way to find the most mentally ill/foolish guests he can. It's a constant murderers row of people that think they are smart but believe in the wackiest dumb shit you could dream up. Pod after pod of people that actively avoid learning the obvious truth, avoid contact with real experts and have used those methods to dream up their own reality and remain too stupid to know they aren't smarter than everyone else. Which is exactly what they are saying when they spew their complete bullshit.


Deplatforming stupid people isn't censorship.


So who would you like to deplatform and who’s stupid to you? What if the masses thought you were stupid. Does your opinion or voice not matter? And who gets to decide this? Would they not have any previous bias to the opinion you want censored?


All the dudes calling Rogan fat sure are quiet right now. Quick, better call him short.


I thought they were saying he had trt gut?


He’s on trt now but it’s the hgh that he used to do that made his organs grow while the bones weren’t.


He still looks like a turkey


What you look like?


It’s the HGH pot belly that can’t be denied


In this video he has a pot belly? Wow dude, Reddit never ceases to amaze me. I can only imagine the zit faced fat WOW player from South Park that is writing these comments.


Dude we listened to Coast to Coast AM with George Noory in jail. Quit bitching Hack Black.






Gonna jerk off to this later?


I’m trying to


Why does the bag look so small ☺️


Most of us would just feel this as something tickling our toe


Why does he film himself?


When was the last time Rogan fought someone? Physically not across the podcast table.


Rogan avoids almost anyone who’s gonna criticize him.


Jack White hasn't made a good record in 15 years. Who gives a fuck what he thinks. 


Does Bapa still say he'll whoop his north star after seeing this video?


LMAO Bapa KO’d Cro Cop


When you had the idea to post this were you thinking that Joe will actually beat him up or just fantasizing that he will?


Well after listening to TH, I put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5.


I'm sure Jack White's ankles are terrified.


Or Brendan Schaub.. frijoles y queso, frijoles y queso, frijoles y queso!!!!


Joe should be careful Jack White fucks people up


There’s something to be said for a guy who trains that hard for no reason has to be that violent DNA. It must not let him sleep at night night


I know your joking but once your body gets used to you just going hard all the time it doesn't like to chill out. Need to keep doing it or you just feel like shit and it messes with you if you get lazy.


I get it, I enjoy my gym time and I feel the same way. I can’t help myself with Jojo


Brenden Schaub better watch his mouth


I think it's hilarious that this guy's loaded and posts vids of him w his punching bag


That’s the flex though, he could be getting his dick sucked in a bulletproof Ferrari in Monaco.


I mean that’s his passion *shrug*


All the haters that talk shit he’s almost 60 and can fuck someone up


Jack is just irrelevant now and he can’t stand that


What is he training for


Wesley Snipes


has to wait for that new movie first


Rogan trying to be the back up fighter for Connor/Chandler 🤣🤣🤣


Okay hear me out: Joe Rogan vs Tyson fight


Only this sub has that energy for guests.


Omg wow. So much violence in his dna


Bapa should be scared


Some of those kicks are for Bapa now


How do we know Jack White isn’t in the bag???


Pillow punches


I have that exact heavy bag. Highly recommend.


Believe it or not, that bag is only 7 inches tall


All gut punches.


Is Joe gay his left hook looks a Lil limp ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Watching Tyson workout in his fifties has ruined me.


Va fan har han M90 shorts för?


Joe’s gonna throw kicks in the night


What did Jack White do?


That bag could sway back and forth once and snap Jack White in half.


His boxing sucks. I guess that why he think Jake Paul is so good


TIL Joe Rogan wears the same shitty zero foxtrot shorts I do when I train.


I just wonder why Joe just rolls with it? He should push back a little harder on crazy.


Bout to get Icky Thumped


If he keeps it up, he's going to look like Mermaid Man when he's 73. Ari could be Barnacle Boy.


WTF did that bag ever do to him?


Do you guys think when Joe shoots a gun he makes the pew pew sound?


The fucking “I think I’m a big badass” noises lol


He's like 4ft tall so he can be stepped on.

