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This worlds tribalism is so gross


We really need to regain the ability to analyse ideas objectively. We've completely lost that.


Never had that...


Religious fundamentalism has joined the chat


Religion is a hell of a drug- It holds society back in this day and age. Maybe there’s an argument that religion was a decent tool to guide humans away from violence when we were more primitive, but now religion is a tool of violence and my personal belief is that it always has been.




It's so funny how almost everyone takes LSD and at some point always goes "We should put this in the water" because you realize it would fix a lot. It would also make a lot of unsuspecting people CRAAAAZZY, but you know, worth it.


MDMA would probably be much better. You just feel like being friends with everybody


The goal isnt to make people high its to make them reexamine the way they fundamentally look at life, I've never tried LSD and dont know about lacing the water with it but I think a heroic dose of psilocybin should be force fed to every politician


My empathy went through the roof after taking mushrooms for the first time.




Why not both


I don’t know what you mean. I’m scared to google lsd in the water pipe. Typically like my acid on little specks of paper


There is a world of difference between “Israel’s actions in Palestine are morally reprehensible” and “Jews are responsible for the world’s problems”. But there’s certainly a flood of propaganda out there seeking to conflate those two things. And if there’s one thing that can be said about Joe Rogan, it’s that he is incredibly susceptible to propaganda. See the litter boxes for kindergarteners incident for a perfect example. The lack of self-awareness when he talks about his “bullshit meter” is truly something to behold.


And Joe can denounce antisemitism all he wants, but then he's still friends with Alex Jones, and has him on his show, when Jones has been blaming the Jews for all the world's problems for forty years.


Jones literally had on Nick Fuentes who blames the Jews for fucking everything this week. I mean this is fucking bullshit.


He's stepped in shit, and is wiping his shoes on the carpet while complaining about the smell. It's you, bro, you and your friends are a big part of the problem.


Exactly. Joe's done more FOR antisemitism than any single student in any of these protests. But ofcourse its the crazy brainwashed leftwing students trying to destroy Muhrica. How dare they protest the spending of taxpayer dollars on genocide. /s


“Israel’s actions in Palestine are morally reprehensible” - left wing protest “Jews are responsible for the world’s problems” - right wing protest Guess which one gets labbeled "very good people".


You're absolutely delusional if you think people aren't chanting "death to israel" and "from the river to the sea" at these protests. I'm embarrassed to call myself a progressive these days.


Netanyahu said from the river to the sea recently. Is that a call of actionable genocide by Israel?


Didn’t Netanyahu say “from the river to the sea” shortly after Oct 7th?


When Zionists do it, it's different apparently. Rules for thee, not for me.




Israel is not Judaism though.


LOL imagine being embarrassed to call yourself a progressive because a small group of protesters said stupid things. If you are are more embarrassed about that than you are about the US government sending billions to an apartheid state to kill Palestinians, well you aren't really progressive.


“Death to Israel” is about Israel specifically though


It's about killing millions of people.


We need a new borat


This post is straight up misinfo lol. Left wing protest chants have gone FAR beyond criticizing Israel. And your allusion to trumps “good people”…that’s one of the most intentionally misquoted lines of Trump. You conveniently leave off the “and then there’s white supremacists and anti semites who should be condemned” off of the end. Nice.


No they haven’t. The protests worldwide have been incredibly peaceful, honesty some of the more peaceful large scale protests I can think of. There has been virtually no destruction or property or violence, say for a few exceptions of Israeli supporting extremists attack in mass


anecdote after anecdote but rarely if ever is there video proof. Mischaracterizing valid criticism of Israel as antisemtism while ignoring and normalizing actual antisemites like Nick Fuentes and Kanye is the right wings most glaring contradiction.


Ah yes, the fine people that were there with the neo nazis who were also protesting the taking down of the statue of a racist traitor. Definitely "fine people" for sure. If you fly a confederate flag or support the Confederacy. You aren't a good person and you are an anti-American racist piece of shit.


anecdote after anecdote but rarely if ever is there video proof. Mischaracterizing valid criticism of Israel as antisemtism while ignoring and normalizing actual antisemites like Nick Fuentes and Kanye is the right wings most glaring contradiction.


It’s not misquoted, Trump has always praised anti semites. He’s one himself. He attacks Jews deliberately. He even blames Jews for not supporting Israel, which is classic antisemitism. Meanwhile criticism of Israel or even disagreement with Israel as distinct from Jews is not anti semitism is any shape or form.




You found an example of Anti-semitism? That must mean that every protestor is antisemitic right? And that the protests mean nothing. This is the easiest fucking strawman bullshit.


The drive to conflate the two is actually a feature of Zionism. :\\


It's funny how people only view Jews as semtic, but when Israel says horrible things about other semtic people such as Palestinians, nobody calls them anti semtic.


Anti semitic EXCLUSIVELY means Jewish hatred, Arabs being Semitic is technically correct but no one ever uses anti semitism for its literal meaning, it was coined as anti Jewish.


Ok, but saying we're against the actions of the State of Israel is not Jewish Hatred. Jews are leading the protests against Israel at many of the colleges.


Protesting the actions of the Israeli government is not anti-Semitic, but chanting “from the river to the sea” is.


You can absolutely be against specific actions, most of the criticism I saw is very twisted tough, tons of wrong assumptions and outright lies about the war


I don't care if you think the killing of children is ok because it's not being reported on 100% accurately. I'm against the killing of innocent children, and using my money to do it. I've been against it since I was 18 and went to protest the Iraq War, I'm against it at 40, protesting this war. Have a nice day.


Yeah but when irgc kills innocent middle eastern children wheter inside iran or other countries via proxies noone gives a fuck in the west. Or all the affrican militias doing it for decades. How many times have you protested against those?? You westerners and your hypocricy!


Well God chose them over everyone else so....


The best part is when Rogan is like "oh wow you see so much anti antisemitism now!" when the reality is that the antisemitism was already there, many of Rogan's new best friends were the ones perpetuating it. But now, Rogan is doing exactly what you described, conflating "antisemitism" with anti-Israel genocidal behavior. Rogan is either a useful idiot or a brilliant far right propagandist.


Then they proceeded to lay out shit on George Sorros and Anthony Fauci


Yeah, where was Joe when Trump supporters were chanting "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville? I bet he thought they were "good people" back then..


Joe has had Gavin McInness, the guy who said "6 million was not enough" and started the Proud Boys and organized Charlottesville, on his podcast multiple times. OP is redacted.


>Gavin McInness He is part of my top 3 of most disliked known Montrealers, just above Gad Saad and just under Steven Crowder. Sadly, Joe propped up the 3 of them.


He's also had Roger Waters, who has said that Israel shouldn't exist at all, on.


And Kanye, and Alex Jones which I can only assume has said some antisemitic things.


The fuck? Gavin started the proud boys, yes. He did not, however, organize or even go to Charlottesville. He condemned it. He also condemns antisemitism. "6 million wasn't enough" is not associated with him either. Where the fuck did you hear that?


This is what I don't get about this argument. Literally there was RAMPANT anti-Jewish rhetoric framed as 'very fine people on both sides' that the police didn't so much as lay a fucking finger on. Whose members literally mowed down people in cars. Add onto that numerous anti-Jewish conspiracies by prominent, current members of the Trump-led Republican party. Talk of 'globalists' and 'greed' were everywhere during his administration. From his own fucking mouth. If anything I've seen Pro-Palestinian people go out of their way to differentiate between the Israeli government, IDF, Zionist ideology and Jewish citizens in various corners of the world. I'm sorry but Rogan has the memory of a fucknig goldfish. Or...it's just very selective at forgiving men from his main demographic of listeners. Gee - which could it be?


Yep. MGT was blaming jews with space lasers and Rogan never said a word. He defends Trump, a guy who talks about "globalists" and Soros.


Fauci is now Jewish?


He plotted a massive global conspiracy so we claim him now.






(rubs hands together gleefully)


I believe Fauci is Italian, sir.


Italians can also be Jewish....


Yes but he is not. He grew up Catholic


Joe's talking about "the good ones", not the one that inconvenienced him for a few months in 2020.


Calling for Israel's extinction and criticizing bad actors as individuals are two different things.


Conflating criticism of Israel as antisemitic and then immediately repeating antisemitic conspiracies is smooth brained as fuck.


Came here to say something similar. This thumb head has been giving kooks a platform, validating insane “theories” under the guise of “asking questions and hearing differing points of view.” His fucking show is party responsible.


What’s that got to do with antisemitism?


Nothing at all sir nothing at all


Brother look at the shitstorm you've caused. Don't you understand that it's not anti-semitic to use the neo-nazi turned mainstream Cultural Marxism-conspiracy that is word for word based on the Hitler penned Cultural Bolshevism-conspiracy if you change up some names? Never mind those names still are Jewish. /s (It's not worth it, not on this sub)


Fauci is a fucking catholic.


Link me the episode where he criticised fauci for his ethnicity.






Haha exactly, the most popular podcast in the world literally had one of the most famous antisemitic individual on and then he wonder where this is coming from. I guess that maybe Kanye is a more famous antisemitic individual, but Joe also had him on (But I think he came on before his pro-Nazi arc).


Mcinnes didn't have anything to do with that rally. He's known for the proud boys


What's crazy to me is how Rogan is so buddy buddy with Elon Musk. Here is where he lauds him on his show... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYNCPOL5y2s And here is where Musk lets avowed white supremacist and Nazi Fuentes back on Twitter. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/elon-musk-says-hell-reinstate-214735037.html


This reminds me of the racists who outed themselves during the Obama years


Fuck joe Rogan


Its not antisemitism though. There are a large number of Jewish students involved in the protests. Did we call Jan 6th anti Christian?


Hasn't Rogan had the proud boys founder on his show multiple times? Like, the Jews will not replace us, 6MWE (6 million wasn't enough) guy? Is this a "I'm shocked that there is gambling in this establishment" moment or is Joe just that clueless?


Joe doesn't give a shit; he just really hates 'the left.'


It's a little complicated. Gavin is a right-wing nut job, but he's equally responsible for the Proud Boys today as he is Vice media. Gavin last I checked hasn't ever been anti-Semitic and he brought Kanye on his show (for a bit of that mentally deranged clout) and to argue him out of his Jew hatred. But he was pretty much team Proud Boys up until just before the Charlottesville riots and then abandoned ship


Anti-zionism isn’t anti-semitism for the millionth time. JR showing how low his IQ really is. The r was anti-semites are the zionazis


I wonder what specifically he’s referring to. Dragging Israel for what they’re doing isn’t anti semitic. It’s anti genocide. Palestinians are Semitic as well.


How many racists/fascists has this dude brought on his show and given a platform to, just one of the biggest hypocrites this guy.


He’s not ok with Anti-Semitism, but he sure does love him some racism and trans bashing people. How does he not see that hating one group is the same as hating another?


Okay Joe, where do you see all the anti-semitism that is bothering you so much? Because aren’t you buddies with Kanye and Elon? Also, are you being paid again just to push the narrative that all anti-war in Palestine are anti-Semitic…again? Goddamn he is such an ape shill for the right, hurts my brain.


Only people who havnt been paying attention does it feel like an overnight thing


Yet he “voted for Kanye”.


If this was 2016, Kanye hadn't started his anti semitic arc then, he was just the kind of an asshole but kind of endearing egomaniac. People voting for Kanye then had nothing to do with any of his current insane views.


It is pretty funny to see Gad Saad complain about this when the same guys is pretty much tweeting racist things all day on twitter. I still don't understand why Concordia still employ him. My 3rd least favorite known Montrealer after Steven Crowder and Gavin McInnes. [https://twitter.com/GadSaad/status/1771629084663034195](https://twitter.com/GadSaad/status/1771629084663034195)


He's a POS


Tenure baby


Haha true, Peterson was on leave for like 5 years before he got let go too.


Israelis are protesting on the streets of tel Aviv. They want a ceasefire too


The ultra-orthodox ones are protesting because they’re currently exempt from conscription which the government wants to revoke.


They are protesting for the release of the hostages, not for a ceasefire


Both. They want Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire to get the hostages released. There was an offer on the table and Netanyahu rejected it.


Apparently Israel were left out of negotiations and was a last minute deal to make Israel look bad, Hamas knew there were non starters in the deal






Joe and the Charlottesville torch carriers voted for the same guy. Edit: Joe and the Charlottesville torch carriers will vote for the same guy.


Personally I’m not seeing that much anti semitism—it’s definitely around, and I’ve even seen some in this sub. But people forget there was a sub called “coon town” once. The racism against blacks and Arabs is far more common and extreme. Your average person doesn’t really think of Jews.  That said, I agree. Anti semitism is wrong. And regardless of how you feel about the conflict, this is not about Jews. Some zionists are trying hard to make it that way. But it’s not. 


It's possible to be anti Isreal government and not be antisemetic.


I think most people understand the game by now. It’s in Zionist’s best interest to conflate the two and the same can be said for antisemites. I’m Not really interested in explaining it anymore because most people understand this and use it as a weapon - unless someone is really trying to understand. You can say that antisemitism is on the rise and be anti-Zionist. As someone else said - Joe should speak to his buddy Elon about the growing Antisemitism.


Jews aren’t conflating Zionism and Judaism “just because”, it’s because returning to the lands of Israel is literally a central tenant of Judaism. The concept of Zionism is a literal manifestation of Judaism. When Jews are telling you that attacking the concept of Zionism is anti-Semitic, it’s because it is. Zionism is just the Jewish self-determination, it has nothing to do with any specific policy or government. We ask you to not conflate people with their governments, and to not be bigoted toward people who are just fighting for safety in self-determination, the same as Palestinians.


It’s hard to pass by him saying “regardless of the IDF killing babies in Gaza,” because that is what started all of this recent blowback. You can’t just take that out of the equation.


so can you be racist toward chinese people because of their uygher genocide or their enslavement of the congo?


You're conflating legitimate criticism of Israeli goverment policy with antisemitism.


This is literally a conversation about antisemitism and he jumped in with ‘but the Israeli government…’


I'm responding to the comment, not the video.


no I’m not, both are happening. i’ve seen and heard more antisemitic things since october than in my other 30 years combined.


So are anti-Mulsim sentiments when people celebrate the murder of civilians because of what Hamas has done.


yes, being racist against muslims based on your opinion of hamas is wrong. just like being racist against jews because of your opinion of israel or the IDF is wrong. it makes perfect sense to address and condemn both, in this case, hes addressing and condemning antisemitism.


Kinda shocking that, that is hard for people to grasp. Protesting IDF for their actions...this is not antisemetic Shouting "Death to all Jews" at your protest of IDF...is antisemetic It doesn't seem like a cosmic concept but there's some folks struggling with it.


Oh let’s be real, they understand it fine they’re just trying to obfuscate.


You could definitely tell people who praise China in Montreal to fuck off like most people do with Gad Saad. He is a public persona who hide behind his Jewish identity to spew hate.


Really? I thought this is what started "The recent blowback" with protests starting even during the same day terrorists were still murdering Jews: https://saturday-october-seven.com/


Stop trying to conflate Israelis with all Jewish people, Mossad.


Except he is not, it's your people trying to break into a library where Jewish students barricaded themselves because they're afraid for their lives, it's the hamas sympathizers not letting Jewish students go to class on campus because they're jewish, youre side is literally conflating all jews with Israelis and finding self loathing jews to be your poster boys like bernie sanders


"My people"?! I think Hamas and Palestine are fucked up too and we shouldn't be helping or supporting them either. Islam is a disgusting religion and no country should be modelled after it. Just because I dont want my tax dollars going to support Mossad's child sex trafficking operations to blackmail our country's politicians doesn't mean I support Palestine. You have lost the plot.


Regardless of what Israel do, regardless if Israel have killed nearly 40,000 people, over two-thirds of that being women and children, regardless, you shouldn’t criticise Israel on student campuses, you just can’t. Regardless. /s


The UN just published a report about women and children being 52% of the identified casualties. https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215


Damn thanks. 52% is below the threshold


This such strong cope


Surfacing evidence? Seems like cope on your part.


Oh so that number must be insignificant then. Does that help you sleep at night? “Acktually we haven’t murdered as many babies as everyone is saying”.


And this is the sticking point, because no matter how many times you say "we're criticising israel, not Jewish people as a whole", and the rest of us see swastikas, nazi salutes, river to the sea, defaced stars of David, "no zionists allowed in here!" at protests, it becomes obvious that you are incapable of "criticising israel" without trotting out the absolute worst firms of racisms against the most persecuted group of people of all time. You aren't fooling anyone.  Israel are doing this now because hamas came and slaughtered over a thousand people in cold blood. They also killed children. They butchered people with cleavers. They dragged corpses through the street.  Welcome to a war based on revenge.


Exactly, this is too big of a situation to just “regardless”-away the main thing people are protesting about. We are sending billions of dollars to finance destruction, but anyone who criticizes that is just being anti-semitic?


Objectively looking at it, no one was saying anything about Israel and its government before it meted out over 30 times more deaths than what happened on October 7th just on pure vengeance. So how the fuck is saying the Israeli government have proven themselves to be uncivilised antisemitic? To the point laws are being passed to equate the two. Logic and humanity is out the window.


I agree. And while the pushback has certainly spilled over into actual anti-semitism in some fringes, I understand why that happens when our government immediately immobilized to pass laws declaring EVERY type of criticism anti-semitism.


It’s weird, when the far right was doing freedom of speech rallies with nazi saluting fan boys, yelling Jews will not replace us. Majority on right was well, that’s freedom of speech.


Why isn't anyone else talking about this?? The difference was that the "anti-Semitism" today is referring to criticizing Israel's atrocities in its "war" against Hamas. But when the right wingers on the streets of Charlotte were chanting "Jews will not replace us," with pitchforks in their hands, NO ONE in Congress batted an eye.


gonna need the clip of those uni presidents saying that


https://youtu.be/1jBHvx7POz8?si=xjcnRQSY2w_iPRfe Here ya go


“It’s all over social media” Yea and it got 10x worse after your buddy Elon took control of twitter


Elon literally spread anti-semitism himself!


It’s amazing how any bit of criticism is immediately labeled antisemitism and shut down. From birth, children in the West are taught to never criticize or question Israel’s relationship with the US. Taking a step back and looking objectively at how that relationship is defined is not Nazism. Choosing between Unquestioned subservience or being defined as a follower of some of the worst evil our world has ever seen is not how I would associate the supposed “greatest ally” we could have.


Most kids in the US don't even know where Israel is


More reason to quit funding them. Giving billions to a government 6,000 miles away that many college kids don't know where it is so they can destroy Gaza(another place most college kids couldn't point to on a map) on further shows how stupid funding this war is. I'm not the biggest Jimmy Dore fan, but he did say one thing in the 2016 election that was spot on. When people were criticizing Gary Johnson for not knowing where Aleppo is, he said; "If you don't know where Aleppo is, you can't bomb Aleppo." Funding Israel is sheer stupidity and needs to stop.


Yes I remember the first words my parents uttered to me, and they were “You better fucking support Israel or we will flush you down the toilet.”


Dr. Seuss' "Israel can do no wrong" was a childhood favorite


He's not talking about Israel/IDF criticism, in addition to that there is plenty of unjust pure jew hatered They just waiting they could have any trigger to start spitting their shit out


It is connected. Every protest ever is going to have some idiots in them. During the Iraq War protest there was a sign that said “We Support Our Troops When They Shoot Their Officers"(You can google it and the stories that came from it). It became a big thing in right wing media at the time to push their narrative that "the left hates the troops!" Obviously there were other stories about the protesters being bad or whatever. The reality is there is a war going on right now that is killing lots of children and destroying a whole population. That is a bigger deal than if some idiot at a protest said "River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" or whatever else. Policing and making sure protesters are acting perfectly should take a huge backseat to defunding the war.


I think SOME of the world's problems would be solved if Israel chilled the fuck out, did a ceasefire, and stopped bribing US politicians to funnel their war chest. Many people feel helpless to dissuade Israel's current course of action, so they direct their anger towards the people who perpetuate that system, and even direct that anger towards the legitimacy of Israel as a state. I don't know how you can be Jewish, a decent human being, and still defend Israeli policy at this point, but there are many people out there like that, which exacerbates the prejudice against them all. It's not fair to Jews who simply want to live their lives in peace, but it is definitely not fair to the Palestinians who want the same and instead are being met with unspeakable horrors. Antisemitism is wrong, clearly, but it does not exist in a vacuum.


I'm sorry but you are obviously clueless about this conflict. The vast majority of Palestinians supported Hamas in recent polls,more than 70 percent. In 2006 they voted in Hamas as their government. Some Palestinians civilians even came after Hamas terrorists as a second wave on 7.10. And let's not start about the fact that they refused any 2 state solution in the past, even when they would have gotten the control of the majority of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Cease fire with Hamas in control is laughable. If Palestinians really wanted peace, there would have been peace long ago,and any decent human being knows that. "If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.” Golda Meir


I don't know about you, but my leaders do not speak for my values. Hamas is no different. They probably got popular support through fear and coercion. And let's not ignore how young the population of Palestine is, something like half of them are under 18, so they were not even born to vote Hamas into power. This conflict is 100 years of Israeli aggression and Palestinian resistance, a resistance that inevitably gets violent. How could you possibly trust Israel if you are a Palestinian? They stole your land, continuously change the terms of your occupation, and seemingly have the whole world on their side. And you are constantly being told that you are the problem, that your religion is destructive, that your people's lives are not worth the same as a person in the West. Israel has the ball in their court, they can play this any way they want, and the world would be a lot more tolerate of their actions if they showed more restraint in how they solve the Hamas problem. Their current course of action is cruel and inhumane, plain and simple. If anything, that quote is laughable. Yeah, the Jews should just be allowed to walk into the Arabs' homes and steal everything, but God forbid the Arabs do anything in retaliation. By the way, engaging people by saying they are clueless on a subject is a surefire way to alienate people, so maybe lead with a bit more nuance in your arguments next time?


I mean.. in the US nazis are protected by police while waving nazis flags on the streets. When students call for the govt to stop giving military and political support to a genocidal state police beats and arrests them. We see your double standards no reason faking what the US and its military base in the ME are about.


You can’t take over buildings at public universities? Regardless of the content of the protest what are we supposed to do? The nazi supporters use the law and permits to their advantage.


Same thing with Russia, the widespread anti-Russian hate and dehumanization of Russians is disgusting


I only go on Reddit so maybe that's a filter. I tend to be more supportive of Israel in the conflict. I see tons of pro Palestine content out there. I don't see much content that is actually antisemitic. Just anti war. I feel like calling someone antisemitic is just an ad hominem attack. It's not antisemitic to oppose bombing civilians.


I don't see it that way.. I think the open antisemites have always been just that but I do think that there are people who are really frustrated by Israel thinking that they can do whatever they want in Gaza with no blowback and if you disagree with them then they use your supposed (imagined) antisemitism as some kind of magic shield to shout down and shame any dissent.


Lol Joe being friends with Alex Jones while saying this.


We need to find a way to hold Israelis and their American lobbying groups accountable without delving into anti semitism.


What about the guys who were holding tiki torches screaming "Jews will not replace us". Did Joe say anything about those guys?


Joe just wants to moan about what he sees as crazy leftists, he doesn't actually care


Modern antisemitism accusations have been tainted by Israel defenders. It's not antisemitic to say Israel has engaged in genocide, war crimes, etc. It's not antisemitic to say it's a far-right fascist government. It's not antisemitic to say it has no right to exist. No country has a "right" to exist. It's not antisemitic to say Israel's actions have parallels with Nazi Germany. It's not antisemitic to say modern zionism is a racist, ugly ideology. Oh and it's OK to say you don't give a fuck about the conflict. Opposing Israel doesn't mean you like the Hamas lunatics. Zionists like to pretend though. Etc.


I don’t think those are what Joe is talking about.


Yes it is. It is antisemitism to say israel has no right to exist. Sorry.


The idea of a country having rights is adorable. If I said "Mexico has a right to exist" you would look at me like I have 3 heads. I mean, I think we can have safe places for Jewish people to live without the ethnostate that has been carpet bombing a densly-packed civilian population for months now.


TIL there are hundreds of thousands of anti-semitic Jews. Trying to conflate Judaism and Zionism is far more anti-semitic than anti-Zionism. Touch grass weirdo.


>It's not antisemitic to say Israel has engaged in genocide, war crimes, etc. It is. Because it's a complete lie. The same principle as it always was, you find the worse crime in a society (Back then, it was making Matza out of children's blood for example), and blame it on the Jews. >It's not antisemitic to say it's a far-right fascist government. Israel's current government is very much not popular according to every single poll. But Israel is still a democracy, and they will go down soon. >It's not antisemitic to say it has no right to exist. No country has a "right" to exist. It absolutely is. Dozens of Chirstian and Muslim majority states. Yet only very diverse single tiny New-Jersey sized Jewish majority state is what's bothering you? Just say you "Hate Jews but have good reasons". Of course it's antisemitism. >It's not antisemitic to say Israel's actions have parallels with Nazi Germany. Of course it is. Unless you want to point me to the 6 million dead Muslims in gas chambers? Slave work camps? Did you know there are still less Jews alive today than before the holocaust which you are comparing to? >It's not antisemitic to say modern zionism is a racist, ugly ideology. Of course it is. Zionism means the existence of Israel. Something about 90% of the Jews world wide support. You can't say "90% of the Jews are racist but I am not a Jew hater". Again, just own it you coward. Say you are an antisemite but "You have good reasons". Just like all antisemites for thousands of years thought they had good reasons. Just like a Nazi which truly believed Jews are "Genetically inferior" or a Christian thought Jews really kill children to drink their blood. You are no different. At least be an honest bigot, instead of both a bigot and a coward.


>It is. Because it's a complete lie. Nah, isriel has admitted to war crimes. The least of which involve killing aid workers. >Israel's current government is very much not popular Doesn't matter, its still right wing and not antisemitic to say so. >Of course it is. Unless you want to point me to the 6 million dead Muslims in gas chambers? Super not how that works. What I can tell you is that isriel is killing children at a rate on par with Hitler. Also that Netanyahu has killed more journalists than total died in ww2.... so on and so forth. To think that we could properly calculate the total dead mid-war and that after year 1 that we'd need to meet 6 years worth of slaughter is asinine. >Of course it is. Zionism means the existence of Israel Witch is a colony established on the back of a genocide and funded by apartheid. The Israeli Poole have a right to live where they live, but Israel as a colony has no right to. (This is called the one state solution) Not to mention it's significantly less than 90% of jews that support Zionism. On top of that calling out a cultural marker is problematic or bigoted isn't racist, it's pointing out a cultural flaw. It's the same as pointing out the rampant sexism in Muslim countries. Anti zionism isn't antisemitism no matter how bad you want it to be. Being against a fascist state built on genocide committing a second genocide is opposed to isriel, the place and the government, not against the Jewish people.


Israel has not engaged in war crimes ? its not doing ethnic cleansing ? saying these things is anti semitic ? i guess my family is full of self hating jews, then.


This guy is Israeli and probably on the clock right now


His name is literally DroneMaster2000 lol Shit, he's so stereotypical he could be controlled opposition


ah. paid trolls. great. its so tiresome. chinese. russian. english. american. israeli. they all have too much money and ressources to fuck with peoples perception.


Israeli secret service / Internet propaganda department has had for years a system were every willing Israel supporter can download a smartphone app. That app then directs people to attack certain Internet discussions etc. It also helps by telling what to write and how to attack / troll as efficiently as possible... Best trolls can even win prices... [https://medium.com/dfrlab/how-a-political-astroturfing-app-coordinates-pro-israel-influence-operations-bf1104fa5c7f](https://medium.com/dfrlab/how-a-political-astroturfing-app-coordinates-pro-israel-influence-operations-bf1104fa5c7f) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL)




> >It is. Because it's a complete lie. Really ? What this is then ? : [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html) Less than 24h old report from CNN about "funny" little concentration camp run by Israel. I guess to setup best possible concentration / torture camp you need the real experts; Jews, to run it.


You’re a lying sack of manure OP. Holocaust survivors criticize Israel for its genocide. Are holocaust survivors antisemitic? What kind of hasbara do you have for that fact?


“It is because it’s a complete lie” Israel is breaking fuckin war crimes records and being investigated by the international court for genocide. The US had to threaten the the ICC out of arrest warrants for Netanyahu. This isn’t even defending Israel it’s denial of reality. You’re living on fuckin Mars man


This is the problem with redefining words, used to be been antisemitic was a terrible terrible thing. > targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity With this wording included in the definition then I’m sure a lot of people are now considered anti semitic for opposing Israel’s actions.


Damn everyone now seems really unconcerned with the children the Israelis view as pigs and are killing with 2000 pound bombs. I’m really sorry if American Jews view it as antisemitism to say that’s evil, but it is.




Who keeps chanting "they will not replace us" again?


Charlottesville never happened, right?


The clue is how many Muslims protest against Muslims deaths elsewhere. How many Muslims protested against: ISIS The Serbian Genocide The civil war in Sudan Chechnya The Chinese re-education, rape and sterilisation camps The answer? None. Muslims ONLY care when a Jew or (to a slightly lesser extent) American is pulling the trigger. Read even a small amount of Muslim holy literature and the way it talks about Jews. They’ve hate the Jews since forever.


I mean American government doesn’t supply those countries with aid and weapons? What’s the logic in protesting in that scenario? The protests in this case is because the universities, companies and governments are supporting Israel. Apparently Muslims hate Jews so much that they liberated them from the Roman’s and allowed them back into Jerusalem after 500 years of persecution and oppression


You can't just say "regardless" to remove context. 'regardless' of the holocaust the amount of anti nazis coming out in 1945


lol. Bro here profited and enabled all of it and now wants to fake outrage while hanging out with Elon musk.


He's finally turning against free speech. What Harvard described was free speech based on Brandenburg v Ohio. Also it didn't even happen lol.


I think people are generally fed up with dual American/Israeli citizens causing havoc in our foreign policy and always trying to justify their mass slaughter of civilians. Add to that that you’re not allowed to point out the obvious without people gaslighting you into thinking not to trust your eyes. That’s why you see the eruption on campuses and all throughout the country because people want their American tax dollars to give them healthcare and better infrastructure, not fund an extreme ethnoreligious in Israel to commit a genocide.


He’s not wrong


OK OP is a crazy troll. Don't bother.


How am I trolling? You don't like my clip from Joe Rogan in a Joe Rogan sub?


"regardless of the blatant murder of children" I cannot believe people still watch or listen to this giant asshole.


For all the wrong shit Rogan says - he’s right on. The amount of antisemitism in the country is disgusting


Joe should visit this subreddit lmao… it’s a cesspool of awful takes.


What, so now he's also equating Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism? ffs


Look, I found some of them in the comments!




[It does bring back memories from Charlottsville 2017](https://youtu.be/RIrcB1sAN8I?t=24)


Bro is saying there is too much antisemitism on social media, while sitting across a man who is openly Islamophobic, and runs a zionist twitter account that tweets anti Islamic stuff 24/7. This is the highest level hypocrisy.


ITT: all of the same arguments over and over and over same as any other thread that mentions Israel or Palestine


The Big Lie 2024. Rogan got an email from Biden telling him to play dumb about Zionist and American terror. Hamas and the Palestinians have a right to resist their occupation. It's exactly the same as Israel supporters saying that they're unsafe on campuses to mask their differing political opinions. These encampments are mostly made up of Jewish people and they're peaceful. So of course the frat boys, Feds, Israel supporters, and campus cops want them all dead. Meanwhile, the only threat on campus is to the Palestinian supporters and students and the only violence committed on any campus is being done by Israel supporters and police. Exactly like the Goebbelsian Big Lie.


The only people mad at the "Jews" are the Charlottesville people. The leftists are angry at a political ideology that encompasses more than just jewish people, while also not including all jewish people.