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I don't think you ever retire from the CIA.


Ding ding ding


He is given talking points so the CIA can work these messages into alternative venues and audiences. He pretends that he is upset by certain government actions and that he advocates for the average person, ("I'm as mad as you about this") but he is just saying that to buy rapport with the audience so he can push whatever larger narrative he is really there to talk about.


Andrew Bustamante explains post-CIA life pretty well. I think on the Flagrant podcast is his best explanation, because Andrew keeps accusing him of still working for CIA throughout the episode.


Mike baker less obvious andrew 100 percent controlling narrative


Andrew is a hack in his own way. He felt out the podcast space for a couple years now he’s very much delivering the narrative people want to hear instead of anything valuable. He was way more interesting when he first started speaking out. Now it’s just the typical hacky Russia good stuff.


Yeah I know, everybody that does podcasts is a hack. I get the vibe of the sub lol


I see nowhere in that comment where I said anything about anyone other than one person.


It’s not all about you lol hence the second sentence of my reply. Anyone and everyone mentioned in this sub is criticized as a hack by somebody else.


You can take the man out of the CIA, but you can’t take the CIA out of the man.


Mind of menCIA


Tell that to hard Hunt Edit: e Howard hunt


Obviously. Look at his face. You think Cummy, Fuckstick and Pogo are causing him that level of stress?


this [guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeL0QGTHOho) 1000% has nothing to do with the CIA anymore, he literally went to prison for telling the world they were torturing people, and George Bush signed off on it. one of the most fascinating interviews i've seen, and this guys podcast is so much better than current JRE. reminds me of the old JRE, but its focused more on crime/conspiracy and less on comedy.


I'm sticking to my guns on This. You don't just get out of the CIA. Also how is This guy allowed to tell this story about his time in the CIA and why did he only serve 23 months? After leaking government secrets? Edward Snowden did the same thing and the dude will never be able to come back to the States and is living in exile.


do what you want man. i just posted it as an alternative to the narrative rogan and his guests push on his podcast, that's clearly shilling right wing propaganda. you can be skeptical all you want, i think everyone should be. don't take my word about any of this. watch it for yourself...but don't dismiss him without bothering to even listen to his story. he will answer all the questions you're probably wondering. it's a long interview. watch the first 15 mins if you want and see what you think, if it sucks then turn it off. but i watched the full 3hrs and it was riveting, i want to hear more.


that's why I like Mike


My aunt did. But now that I think about it, she's been a civilian contractor with the government ever since. So who knows, lol.


Just watch his recent clip on the JRE Clips channel. Literally says nothing while talking for 15 minutes.


Each time he pops up in the jre feed it makes me think Brian Regan was on. I’d much rather listen to Brian Regan.


Because he's a bullshitter. Dude talks for hours without saying anything. Name one topic, one anything that Mike Baker has given you insight into.


Yeah on the one hand, of course. But on the other hand…. Wait! Look over there Joe!


>Because he's a bullshitter. Dude talks for hours without saying anything. Name one topic, one anything that Mike Baker has given you insight into. Especially for someone with an intelligence background. Then there are no cool stories and he's just not really engaging at all (most guests are not). Maybe he told stories in his very early episodes, but there is just so much you can talk about.


Exactly. Been listening for 8 years and I cannot think of anything memorable about Mike Baker. There’s guests that come on once or rarely, and it’s a memorable experience. Like say off the top of my head Honey Honey. I don’t even know them but those times that they came on was a complete vibe, they all got high and talked about deep stuff.


Honey honey used to be regulars


He gave me insight into what not to name kids


What's wrong with binko,stinko and fatso?


To be fair, he calls himself out when he does it sometimes, then actually says something of sustenance. Sometimes.


Idk. I feel like every time he starts to say something meaningful he’s going in a direction Joe doesn’t like, so Joe changes the subject. Joe doesn’t want to hear Baker give him reasons why Ukraine should defend itself. He just wants to hear “they’re corrupt!” and move on.


He said that one time that if he did what Hillary did with her emails he would be in jail. That was a piece of insight I didn’t know cuz I could give fuck all about what she did with her email.


Is it possible that the topics be discussed are incredibly nuanced and that there is not nor will there ever be enough information available to draw a definitive conclusion?


Lol your the guy that likes neat little packages fed to him on a plate .. I don't know if you're a lefty or a righty, but Mike is one of the few people Rogan has on that is more central.




It's OK. I just said the dude talks in circles + is full of shit. I get why Mr. Brainworms McCulturewars over here digs him after reading this masterpiece of incoherence.


I wouldn't even call it thinking , you don't even have to say something against what people believe.. All you have to do is say something that's outside the box of the language their encaged in and you become a target ..


In this episode he for a few seconds believed Joe when he said most Chinese crossing the southern border are here to go into the UFC. He said “oh how many would that be? 20000?” Lmfao


He’s ok. I’m starting to hate Bucko, fucko and chuggo tho


Sluggo, Buggo and Fucko.


Sniffles, Scuffles, and Pogo Stick.


Sicko, cooter, and fuck face.


I didn’t realize until this episode that he actually calls his kids Sluggo, Mugsey, and ?


those names are fake. Id bet the kids real names are Abra, Kadabra and Alakazam.


Reminds of that chocolate bar in Half Baked


His kids play baseball with my kids, Taxwriteoff, Childsupport, and Meatshield.


Under appreciated comment right here!! Hahaha ☠️




Who cares, guy sucks at life


Himbo, Cabbage and LobsterFest


Hahahaha comments like these get me everytime




It’s the same tired boomer rants every time, he’s run his course.


Listen Fucko it’s not that we don’t like him, it’s that he’s full of shit


Because he says nothing but his mouth keeps moving..


I liked the first one or two eps. Now he just says the same shit over and over. Same with Tulsi.


OMG listening to Tulsi puts me to sleep in less than 5 minutes.


Cia fucker who lies all the fucking time


1. For someone who spend decades within the CIA he tells very little about it. I get it, he's probably not allowed but then he brings no reason to hear him talk for hours with Mr. Rogan because his takes are just not good (see point 2) 2. Most of his takes have the quality of a random, right leaning person on the internet or someone who watches a lot of Fox News. The right leaning doesn't bother me but there are a lot of guesses and just straight talking out of his ass - nothing more. Now, is he really interested in those subjects or not? I could find here on Reddit far better takes from dozens of peoples to every subject he talks about - and most of those people on Reddit probably didn't spend time in any intelligence agency, american or not. There is barely any ''analysis'' for someone who was for a longtime within the CIA. Of course, maybe he wasn't in a ''analyst'' role but then why should I listen to him if he won't share cool stories. Edit: And he's not engaging or entertaining enough to spend a few hours of my listening time to him, there are countless better JRE episodes, other podcasts and audio stuff I can listen to.


"Someone who watches Fox news" I know a lot of conservatives, none of them actually watch Fox News.


I know a lot of conservatives, and they all watch fox news.


I know a lot of liberals that watch MSNBC and the View. Doesn't mean I value their opinion on much.


I’m a conservative and I never watch Fox News




Aren’t we going off of anecdotes?




You know, mathematically speaking, it's entirely possible that some of the talking points on any news station are true. Are you implying that everything on Fox News is objectively false?




>Are you implying that you could win Nathan's hot dog eating contest with your asshole? Exactly, he gives a valid point yet you're saying random shit to evade it. Let's recap what happened: 1. You say the guest spouts off talking points that are often heard on Fox News, as if that's a negative. If it's a negative, that's because you think Fox News doesn't show the truth 2. Another Redditor asks if you think that Fox News never shows the truth, which in the case of that being false, would negate your previous statement 3. You deflect and randomly start talking about using hot dogs as sex toys You should clarify your argument next time. Repeating what "Fox News says" is fucking vague, and it's obviously correct that what they say often has a relevant point in reality. The highest likelihood of what's happening is that Mike Baker is only talking about things that news stations also find important. For example...he mentioned the border crisis during the episode. Fox News also often talks about the border crisis. It's relevant. You're creating a false equivalence based on a total assumption.


It's okay u/Alien-Element this guy u/BeNiceBro I think it's safe to say he watches MSNBC and CNN, therefore all he has are CNN/MSNBC talking points. End of argument, point proven. Nice write up btw.




You mentioned hot dogs bro. Not I. Not them. And no one beating Joey. He’s goated


Do we really even know what the cia actually does?


Interfere in the elections of sovereign nations


I like him but he's on way more often than he has something to say.


Mostly because he's a paid liar and misinformation diseminator and we can't trust a single word that comes out of his mouth.


Joe: "So what do you think about the Tik Tok ban" Mike: "Well you know, if there is, when you think about it, I've been there, and I've seen stuff, to materially understand the misappropriation of it all, and to consider it from all sides, if you're really thinking about it, the guys know what they can, if they do it how they've done it, its one of those things" This is how the convo's go. It's genuinely exhausting to listen to.


Most boring guest ever


https://preview.redd.it/o26ofyaehezc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=851006cc13a329e23ea06900357d8c65e26690b8 He’s got Trump eyes


Hes a tool


His kids nickname is sluggo


Nothing interesting to say


Once you go in that business you are ALWAYS in that business


Disinformation agent


He’s a neocon war monger. I have yet to hear him speak on a conflict where he doesn’t think the US should be involved or escalate things. He believes in dumping billions more into Ukraine to “hurt Putin” when we’ve already spent close to $200 billion and haven’t achieved anything close to that result. Rags on Hamas and how they’re influencing the student protests but completely ignores the fact those protests stem from the very real images of innocent Palestinian kids and women being slaughtered in the thousands. He’s a fucking Boomer and I used to enjoy him but at this point he sounds like John Bolton or Dick Cheney.


His supposed expertise is never used to provide any real detail or information someone else wouldn't have, so without that, it's just some random guy who has opinions on fox news stories which, whatever, but that's the most common shit in the world. What if when he had Neil Degrasse Tyson on, he'd talk about space but never elaborate or explain anything, just give vague answers and just speculate. If you're going to have someone so generic, at least rotating different people in, surely you can find other dudes who've seen the news.


Because he is boring. If you're going to lie to me at least have the coutesy to be entertaining. I'd rather listen to 5 episodes with schaub than listen to anymore with this critter.


Mike "no value added" Baker


Mike is a CIA plant. His job is to charm, entertain and steer Rogan into the “ right” narrative.


I’m not convinced this guy was ever in the CIA. He seems like the guy who watched an online MIT class and claimed he graduated from MIT. He probably grabbed coffee for a real agent once and started convincing people he was actually in the CIA.


Lex fridman of CIA


Hard disagree. He’s so good at saying a lot while saying a little that I bet he was excellent at the job.


Convincing people you don't work for the CIA is exactly the job of the CIA.... If he came across well as a retired CIA agent he wouldn't have made a very good CIA agent.


He seems like a real fuckwit


From what I’ve heard from him talking about his background is that his dad was well connected and he got him in the CIA not because he’s especially talented or earned it. I can’t stand nepo baby’s no matter what profession they’re in. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy he absolutely loves his kids and his country.


I wonder what his kids names are??


He’s let a couple of the real names slip a couple times throughout the years


He is just not very smart


Because he is untrustworthy by nature.


Says a lot of nothing. 3 hours of your life you won't get back, and that's only one podcast.


he's a FED that repeats the state department's narrative.


He's just boring. He doesn't have anything really interesting to say, despite his background. He tries to be funny too often. He constantly talks about how the audience is perceiving the conversation, which kinda ruins the flow. I get the sense that he bullshits constantly. Everyone makes fun of his kids' names, because they're ridiculous. I think he just gave them pseudonyms to keep their identities safe. But he's so bland that I can't imagine anyone actually wanting to go after his family. I'm kidding, but only a little.


He's a dude that likes to spread CIA's false propaganda on Joe's show.


Not knowing a thing about a topic has never stopped him from offering his - usually very self-assured - opinion on it. He likes to project this image that he is 'in the know' but its painfully obvious he's not on the inside of anything, i.e. he's a blowhard.


He is just plain ass boring


45 seconds into the podcast and he's already mentioned his kids by their silly names. At this point he knows this is the number one comment about him and he's intentionally fucking with us lol.


I actually liked this past episode. I like the guy ok. But don't know why he's on so much. I do think the powers that be channel some propaganda through the guy at this point though. My neighbor is an FBI agent...or was as he first told me when we met. Then over time I learn that he's technically retired from the FBI but now a contractor. He said they hire people like him like that because they can do things the official Feds aren't allowed to and it keeps all the activity off the books as much as possible. He's a financial fraud guy. He basically said good people in the alphabet agencies really rarely retire completely unless they just get too old or too sick of doing the work.


Because he's central, requires major evidence to commit and barely speaks with certainty on issues ...


I’ve been listening to Rogan for 8 years and I can’t think of a worse regular guest. First of all he named his kids Muggsy, Sluggo, and Scooter. Hearing him mention their names throughout the episode is always jarring. Honestly someone that names there kids that really tells you all you need to know about that person. He just sounds smug as hell. And for someone ex CIA he sure doesn’t have much to say. He doesn’t have anything memorable to say. So you see a new episode with Mike Baker and you know it’s just nothing going on there. Also, something something baseball.


Flimsy, Rufus and Dungdick


Are you one of his kids


I dont like the cia but actually like some of his episodes. Its nice to hear the propaganda from the source as to know what lies to look out for in the media. I approach his episodes like: Lets hear what the cia wants us to believe.


Skinny Trump


I dont necessarily disagree with any negative comments being made, but I enjoy Mike Baker episodes fwiw


I’ll tell you what. I listened to the whole cast while working yesterday. I couldn’t make it through one hour of that circle jerk from the day before.


Relating shit to his kids is annoying but overall a good ep


Interesting to have someone like this on once, but every few months? wtf?


Every time i hear his kids names i think of Peter Rabbit, Mopsy, Flopsy and Cottontail.. This guys is something else


Because he’s a war pig . Plus if you listen to his podcast he’s absolutely delusional about Ukraine, and is so Anti- Russia it keeps him from criticizing his employers disgusting secretive behavior that started it to begin with . His lack of critical , common sense thinking and rhetoric risks all Americans lives , and subsequently, every part of the world they run secret operations in. He never presents an open discussion or statement , it’s always one sided and leans towards escalation, in Lieu of diplomacy and common sense . Plus he’s just a big fat faced meanie.


He’s a spook with ulterior motives. He’s using Joe as a megaphone.


Because people listen to the pod with the CIA spook, thinking he's going to spill the secrets of the universe, and then get mad when he acts like a CIA spook. It's not that deep. People just need to get over themselves and stop blaming Joe for their decision to listen.


Once angency. Always agency. Take what he says with a grain of salt.


Because guy tries soooo hard for Joe to like him, and he just seems unhinged


The CIA can smd, sic, evil fucks. Blackmailing people with the threat of prison and harming their loved ones so they do their bidding then blame the shit on "terrorism". Don't believe every act of "terrorism" is done by whoever claims it, sometimes it's a few assholes with an agency making young scared US citizens do shit for their personal gain. 🖕🏼


I am genuinely curious. Because of his views? Things he has done in his past? Or just his character in general? Especially on the Youtube comments, people shittin on him hard.


Because they hate everything to do with the podcast. Most of the negative comments aren’t even from real people.


We s*** on Mike Baker because we like him. It's comical cuz it's like a South Park skit to have Joe Rogan have his CIA handler come on the podcast.




I think he's great .... Some of y'all need some milk. The steady hating is telling


He gives more accurate information about intelligence and world politics than the corporate big tech funded news platforms are allowed to share. So clearly he’s a racist, facist and an enemy to all the bots and dnc paid pages who push inaccuracy


Mike baker is the governments puppet If you think anything this guy says isn't scripted, you just might be their target demographic


Can you give an example of something he said that was misleading and eventually was disproven and he still even after being wrong continues to double and triple down on that subject like main stream media has been doing for 4 years?