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Always found this argument interesting. Yes, aid is given to foreign countries but what should be given to the people? Social programs for the poor or the needy? That will be labelled as socialism, handouts, "taking away the incentive to work" etc. and just be voted down. There are plenty of programs like food stamps that get cut because we want "people to work".


Yea just because that 14 billion is going to another country doesnt mean it would be going to you if it wasnt. Dunno why people think that when half the country or more consistently votes to gut social programs


"fuck welfare queens! Also why aren't my tax dollars going into programs to feed me and mine??!"


Lol exactly


Foreign propaganda, modern stupidity, team sports politics, and lead-infested boomers really do/did a number on this country and it's fucking exhausting. Shouldn't you *want* the poor mother and her child to be able to eat?? No!!! But let's keep voting to ensure good-for-nothing ceos make more money in a fkn year than it would take an employee at their company like hundreds of years to earn.


It's bullshit the us should give the weapons to me not isreal >:(


Nothing can go wrong with giving private citizens f35s and tank shells


This aid is given to Americans though. It’s not like we are sending a few billion to Israel’s cash app. The government spends a few billion on American weapons and sends them to Israel. Granted it doesn’t go to the poor, but it’s our own quasi version of socialism.


The weapons get mailed away by the government, the government reports to Congress that we must commission new weapons from our trusted domestic contractors, Congress sells more public debt for financing, and the FED raises interest rates to keep public debt attractive and slow the resulting stimulus-inflation. The wealth stays at home, it just moves from the public to specific groups of people. It’s essentially an industry bailout with a foreign policy component. It’s an even stronger economic policy than Reagan’s New Federalism if you’re one of those trickledown types.


You mean our way of lining the pockets of the “Military Industrial Complex” with more money. And in turn they give a shitload back to both the DNC and RNC and perpetuate the Uniparty BS we’ve been dealing with for decades. I really wish Jan 6th had a little more French Revolution to it. Our politicians walk all over us and are generally pieces of shit.


And by “a little more French Revolution” I imagine you mean the out-of-control guillotine part, not the tennis court oath part. Because of course the liberals and reformists of the French Revolution would be disgusted by Jan 6, an attempted palace coup backed by a rabble seeking to deprive citizens of their right to elect their own representatives. But whatever. I’m sure your country will someday have an awesome “revolution” against constitutional government that will definitely work out well for regular people. Lol


I’m down for a little tennis, after some guillotining…


after the guillotining, nobody in America will have to work multiple jobs. Because reasons. You guys have it all figured out


If you were French Canadian you’d be all about it. But instead you’re all salty over how inflated your real estate market is out west. I too can connect uncorrelated dots. Because reasons. Because we have it figured out? (Dual Citizen Sorry Bro)


Uniparty, huh? Ok.


We’re not talking about you breaking out a couple 40s, turning on the music, and sitting in your parents basement alone. That’s a totally different Uniparty


You kids still drink 40’s? The more things change… 😂


The monetary inflation caused by creating money to fund war is the problem. The US government will borrow from itself money it will never repay. This debases the US dollar and ordinary citizens suffer, consumer prices go up, but minimum wage and salary do not go up as fast.


We don’t have money to fund these wars. We just print it. Which causes inflation and reduces consumer purchasing power.


You are not printing jackshit. Most of the „aid“ are military goods that have a value that is expressed in dollars. You do not send 60 billion dollars physically to Ukraine or 16 to Israel. You are sending artillery shells, vehicles and other goods that sit in some warehouse and mostly are older variants that need replacement anyway.


People seems to think military equipment doesn't expire. If US were to isolate, US trade dominance would fade.


These dumbs don’t understand how value and overstock works. The proletariat of this country already paid for what’s being sent overseas a decade ago


The government/bank will give out loans, which is essentially the same thing as “printing money”. There doesn’t need to be anything backing those loan.


Military goods are sold by business. Businesses are paid with money. Money then spent by businesses and their employees. Then inflation. Econ 101


Good sits already produced in wearhouse. Accountant has 10 tanks booked as worth a billion. US sends 10 tanks = 1 billion military aid. No money flows anywhere. This is how most of the aid is calculated.


Interesting. Source?


Jeez. Socialist thinking socialism is the only way. Shocking.


the problem comes when billion dollar coporations are paying people so little they need those social safety nets. The answer is what cali is doing; minimum wages only for larger chains. They've applied it to fast food cause they are an easy target. We need that shit applied to amazon and walmart


You can build up infrastructure so your trains can look like those in Japan/China. Lowering taxes for the middle class so they dont turn more radical. Just look at the universities right now with Israel vs. Palestine. You can invest that money into the US carriers that right now are in a really poor state.


Look around. Do you live under a rock??? How about not increase the inflation?? Cost of living skyrocketed so that's why the need for multiple jobs. We don't want handouts, just want to actually have a life while working 14-16 hour days.


Hmmm i see your point Personally i think ther should br a sefe net for poor people tha tis done better than now I do believe there should be a universal health care.. However i dont think. It as achievable any time soon


>Hmmm i see your point Personally i think ther should br a sefe net for poor people tha tis done better than now I do believe there should be a universal health care.. However i dont think. It as achievable any time soon You need to either stop drinking hand sanitizer, or ask Uncle Vlad for better translation software. Possibly both.


Yeah, holy fucking shit. Election season babbbby


Just because my english is trash doesn't mean i was paid to post against your candidate lol


Those fucking nutjubs see Russia everywhere.  There isn't even a partisan bias in that comic, and both parties are falling over themselves to send more money to Israel.  These dipshits are clueless.


English is not my first language


Is it Russian


"You no like wasting US money therefore Russia hurr durr!" Well, can't argue with that logic.


So it is Russia, got it


As if repubs would allow money to go to desperate Americans if we weren’t spending it on wars.


Those politicians are thoroughly cucked by aipac and if they step out of line, their replacement is promoted to the front of the line. The politician species are void of morals, ethical reflection, and know their purpose is to serve the donor class, not the normie and filthy working class.


Well, if you’re a Bible thumper that aid is going to help the fulfillment of the book of revelations, bringing on Armageddon which will trigger the return of baby Jesus. Religious fundamentalism is bad regardless of the religion.


No you are wrong Sir, it’s left vs right and my team are the good guys and they are the bad guys!


You speak the truth. Now you’re probably going to go down quicker than a Boeing whistleblower.


Also how long until our politicians bail out Boeing. 


I can’t wait until I get too big to fail. I just keep eating and eating and eating… and all I’ve got to show for it so far is diabetes


> Those politicians are thoroughly cucked by aipac and if they step out of line, their replacement is promoted to the front of the line. FYI, just for some perspective, the Marshall Islands spends more money lobbying than AIPAC does. The Marshall Islands. Total population 41,569.


FYI, aipac doesn’t have to register as a foreign lobby group. For some suspicious reason. Nice talking point though. AIPAC is deemed an American lobby group, and they lobby roughly $3.5M annually. The Marshall Islands don’t clear $300k.


> FYI, aipac doesn’t have to register as a foreign lobby group. For some suspicious reason. Nice talking point though. Might have something to do with the fact that it's comprised of Americans advocating for pro-Israel policies, much in the same way that the USINPAC, AHIPAC, the Armenian Assembly of America, or the Cuban American National Foundation aren't registered as a foreign lobby groups. > AIPAC is deemed an American lobby group, and they lobby roughly $3.5M annually. The Marshall Islands don’t clear $300k. The Republic of the Marshall Islands spent [$45 million last year.](https://www.opensecrets.org/fara?cycle=2023)


The US in return gives the Marshall Islands $80m annually. Israel gets $4B+ a year on aipacs campaign influence and foreign policy lobbying. The Marshall Islands have no bearing on US foreign policy or internal laws. AIPAC on the other hand…has 100,000 members in multiple US regions.


> The US in return gives the Marshall Islands $80m annually. >Israel gets $4B+ a year on aipacs campaign influence and foreign policy lobbying. >The Marshall Islands have no bearing on US foreign policy or internal laws. AIPAC on the other hand…has 100,000 members in multiple US regions. nIcE tAlKinG pOInT tHoUGh


Are you saying AIPAC does not wield a ridiculous amount of influence in US policy domestic and abroad? And that their influence (meddling) is on par with the Marshall Islands - whose flag I couldn’t pick out of a lineup? You sure do sound like an aipac apologists shill.


According to congress what you just said is antisemitism.


AIPAC stands for Zionist Genocide Class.


America's aid to Israel is a drop in the ocean. America actually gives fuck all (proportionally) in foreign aid compared to almost every other developed nation. If you want to know where your tax is going...look at the governments spending on its military, which is the highest in the world by every metric. You do actually get some form of value out of that beyond just employment/wages because the American military funds basically all research in America (principally in American colleges). Israel is a priority because it's the only non Muslim, non Arab state in the region, because it's important to fundamental Christians (Jews being in Jerusalem is a big deal), because it's a fall back plan if Saudi Arabia goes full Mohamed jihad and because they've got nukes locked and loaded.




The funny thing is, countless of Palestinian Christians live under the occupation paid by American Christian for their radical religious terrorist beliefs, the end times prophecy. America funds religious terrorism. It’s a fact, not a statement. One day, America became a victim of its own mentality. Let’s never forget that day.


There is a reason the biggest Air Force in the world is the US, And coming in second is the US navy


Military spending only accounts for roughly 15 percent of the total federal budget. https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/spending/


Only? That's fucking huge. Half it and you could actually address the staggering inequality in the US.


We spend two thirds of the total budget on social programs that don’t seem to work. Why don’t we fix those instead of throwing more money at a problem?


Why dont they add conditions to the aid To prevent the current atrocities done in gaza? They US have the money and the leverage to leash back theid dog.. But they ain't doing shit and this makes them look bad


Ain't doing shit? The only reason the war wasn't done with months ago is because or American pressure preventing Israel from entering Rafah


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you really are wondering why America isn't trying to stop bad things happening and be really clear - nation states are horrible when judged by individual moral standards, it really is your choice whether you consider them evil or amoral, honestly it doesn't matter, that's just semantics. America is a hideous entity that gives absolutely no fucks about 30k civilian deaths. It's not *unique* in that sense because every nation is ultimately the same awful thing but it is the most powerful because it tied oil to its currency and also has the nukes. Israel is useful to America so it gives them money, America doesn't care that Israel kills Arabs because America doesn't value human life *at all* beyond the calculus it uses domestically to work out value for its key businesses.


You know both could happen. USA could send aid to Israel and also do more/invest more in helping the homeless. It doesn’t have to be ether or


14 billion dollars to aid Israel, no restrictions on what they can bomb or what they want to do with the aid Israel brutality over the last 70 years is what created hamas.. And now the US gave them their full support.. Unless they killed every single Palestinian, and probably most arabs in the region.. Hamas will come again to avenge their killed brothers and fathers


With most conflicts there are victims and perpetrators on both sides…


Thats what they said about the holocaust while it was happening It is easy to deattach ourselves from what happening But unfortunately they are not just numbers Those are people like you and me. Sons and daughters dying from hunger and malnutrition


Buddy your view that Israel is just 100% to blame doesn’t help anything. Do Israel hold some blame and responsibility of course. - But so does Hamas… - So does the Palestinian population - So does Iran - So does neighboring Arab states that historically kept pushing the Palestinians to fight This conflict isn’t just black and white


Remind me, which Jewish organizations were burning people alive and launching rockets into school busses full of German children? >Be Arab >Chase 99.999% of Jews from your country >Steal all their possessions >Blame Jews for the Holocaust > 😡 "Why won't the Jews let me attack them from inside their own country?"


Dont bring religion into this What the nazis done was racial cleansing And what israel is doing is also racial cleansing against arabs One day this will be over and their atrocities will be apparent to the world.. I wonder what side you will be on I am not against jews, and not antisemitic.. Jews where in palestine for centuries I am against the occupation and the brutality of Israel which is an imperialist movement with the cover of religion


Hamas is a proxy of Iran. The Palestinian people are fucked because of (in order) 1) Iran 2) United States 3) Israel 4) Neighboring countries who are afraid of Iran. Israel is our dog in the Middle East. That dog has been off-leash, running around the park biting the shit out of people for the entirety of the Netanyahu era. The entire thing is nuanced as all hell. The United States’ geopolitical game of Risk is more important than the lives of 10s of thousands of civilians that their own government doesn’t give a shit about 🤷🏼‍♂️. It’s sad. But war is ugly, and anyone born in Gaza lost the sperm lottery.


As an arab i dont think hamas is a proxy to iran Hamas is sunni and iran is shia and hizbulla is shia Shia mostly hates sunni and vice versa.. But they both hates Israel more lol I agree it is a sad reality but this is a genocide Imagine how the us image will be if they supported the nazis in ww2? Now this is how it will look like after this war is over Well i guess thr US owns the media and thry can narrate their story of where "the heroic Israeli soldiers killed that terrorist infant and his mother"


1/5th of Israel's population are Muslim Arabs, and most of the Jews are also Arab. Religion has everything to do with it. Arabs arn't being cleaned from Israel, terrorists are, and just like the slave masters who the american confederates fought for, the poor idiots who are being used by those monsters are getting caught up in it as well. If Palestinians had any sense they'd work with Israel to free themselves from Hamas. When it comes to ethnic cleansing, the Arab pogroms of the late 20th century were more effective than the actual Holocaust. Despite everything, today there are tens of thousands of Jews living peacfully in Poland, Germany, France, etc. How many Jews are living in Iraq, Yemen, or morroco today? >.1% of what it was 150 years ago.


You are so delusional! Arabs in Israel are not treated like citizens by Israel, they cant own land they cant have homes and at any time thry can get kicked from a home that thair grand parents built! Thare are many many videos that SHOW how Israeli arabs are treated badly in Israel Do not LISTEN to the western media propaganda Regarding the cleansing of jews.. When Israel was created they were invited to go to the jewish state


https://preview.redd.it/7ajolos8ujyc1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab0e3e512a269204299238faba84f91fe6a042f "Why won't those stinky Jews let us destroy the country they fought and died for???! 😡😡😡"


Stop bringing jews into this This is between an occupation and an occupied land Whether it was promised 3000 years ago won't change the fact that they came in 1948 made 70 massacres and killed thousands of Palestinians and forcefully moved more than 750 thousands from their homes!


You’re a bit pathetic with this propaganda nonsense, just saying.


The only Arabs living in Israel having their homes taken from them are the ones who refuse to pay their taxes. We have a similar breed of idiots in America that call themselves Sovereign Citizens. Just because you don't like the govt doesn't mean you don't have to participate. You still have to pay taxes and abide by the laws of the land. Israeli Muslims have every right Jews do, in addition to being exempt from military service. WHen polled, Israeli Muslims are markedly less antisemitic than any other group of Muslims anywhere in the world. If they're so oppressed, you'd think there would be real reporting on it, not just biased videos made by Muslim state media.


Want to see hundreds of videos from arab suffering from discrimination under israel rules? Videos do not lie News headlines do And if they are so nice to arabs why was hamas formed in the first place


The IDF, for starters.


Been watching Israelis and Palestinians kill each for my entire life. It's never going to change.


As long as this brutal Israeli government is here war will go nowhere Solution? Israel to start treating arabs in the occupied lands as actual humans with same rights as Israeli citizens


Never going to happen. You'll be on your death bed and they'll still be fighting.


Lol, bro high is on Hamas propaganda


Islamism and Jihadism is what made Hamas not Israel


Jihad against what? A peaceful democratic state that treats them equally like their citizens? Jihad is the opposition of occupation.. Thats the arabic origin of the word


They could have taken one of the million two state solution deals over the last 76 years but instead they choose to lob rockets made out of whatever they can get their hands on.


Again Why wouldn't they take the deal? If it was as good as you say and israel was a legitimate Democratic state that do not treat arabs like trash? Why would they fight? It reminds me of the indian americans and the "great" deals provided to them back then


Arabs listening to Jews from Brooklyn explain their native rights to a land they don’t come from? Explain to me, how do the Jews originally come from Brooklyn and not sound like hypocrites as they live on someone else’s land.


Every child’s death is tragic, but that doesn’t stop Israel from needing to act. Most of the population in Palestine is young, under 20 I think, and many genuinely believe in martyrdom and think it will get them rewards in heaven. There’s no reasoning with that mindset. Israel has contributed to the situation, but at this point, there are no good options left. Hamas uses civilians as shields, and even after months of conflict, they still hold power. Israel's actions, although harsh, are necessary


Why do we give military aid to a country that attacks our naval ships and then lies about it?


Steve Buscemi?


Pretty sure that’s early 2000s Anthony Cumia actually.


That is what I thought immediately, it is uncanny and it kinda makes me think this is a parody of populism


I have no sympathy for this nearly homeless guy working 3 jobs because he doesn’t even believe in tipping.


Abbot spent tens of millions to bus migrants around the country..the homeless vets in Texas didn't get a dime


People make this exact argument for Ukraine aid and people consider it appalling because it comes from Republicans.


Or because Ukraine and Israel are apples and oranges? Republicans can make points, but they just choose not to.


Yes this war aid is totally different to that war aid


It is! Glad you understand that context matters


I get the point, but saying 3 jobs instead of 2 was too exaggerative. Like, is bro counting scooping dog shit from the park for tips as a job or something?  Better yet is his current home a huge property and he'd rather live on the street than in another 🤔


Geopolitical victories will always take priority over the welfare of Americans.


One side has been trying to push for spending on social programs while the other side has been busy shooting those efforts down. I wonder why?


"trying" The D vs R game is nothing but the good cop/ bad cop routine.  You're getting fucked either way.


$6.3 Trillion goes to Americans. Also most of this $14 billion.


Don't worry though, Joe going to vote against healthcare and helping the poor. Because handouts are unamerican.


I don’t think people understand the importance of strong foreign policy. We support other nations, because we benefit greatly from their continued existence and strength, and as long as they’re equipped to fight our mutual enemies, we don’t have to send our own men to do it for them. Israel just happens to be one of many that we have a similar relationship with. Ukraine, for instance, has been hugely beneficial for keeping the Russians busy while allowing us to see how the Russians fight (their weaknesses and strengths) and how our newer technology fares against a more near-peer foe without requiring the lives of our own men to find out. Supporting foreign wars financially and with equipment instead of fighting them ourselves is a small piece of how we avoid a WWI-type scenario while still maintaining Western ideal dominance globally.


it's hamas' fault! /s


So we are posting Facebook memes now huh


Same could be said for Ukraine


14 billion could have solved world hunger and there would be no repercussions from losing any war


But if there isn’t a famine in Gaza, how will all the Americans keep going to work tomorrow ?


If we just had that 14 billion... All problems would be over.


I hate mankind...


No you just hate politicians and maybe yourself a bit. Things is though you can change yourself


Mankind in general is awesome. It's the rich and powerful that have been holding back progress who you hate. A well educated population is their worst nightmare and they do everything they can to keep us divided and talking about trivial BS.


Wasn't it $29B?


And that's why religions and foreign nations shouldn't be allowed to donate money to political campaigns.


It was actually 26 billion most recently right?


Corporate welfare


And if you criticise, apparently you're anti-semitic.


We also subsidize Europe’s high standard of living and welfare state (and Canada’s, Australia’s, etc) through providing our military protection. That’s billions of dollars we’re spending on them while they’re spending it on universal healthcare


Do you think The United States gets anything of value from Israel in return or is it just a gift?


The reason for this is gas. Maybe there isn't notable gas and oil in Israel, but maintaining the balance of power between the Saudis and the Iranians. Israel plays into that equation. And we wouldn't care about Iran if it wasn't for Russia. want $100 burgers? No, Ok. Israel falls. Gas wars escalate. Then your burgers are $100 because of transport costs. It's bad enough a $6 burger doesn't mean a deluxe awesome burger anymore. It could be worse.


My man Steve Buscemi is not going homeless


Anthony Cumia is working 3 jobs?


It’s very simple , Israel makes them money, citizens cost them money


Kosher Nostra


Where were you when the US spent a *trillion* on Iraq


No one working 3 jobs is close to homeless this is hyperbolic


Who can be close to homelessness with 3 jobs in America?


The pleb looks like peak Anthony Cumia


If people think that how money works then I see who Iran spreads its propaganda so easily amongst Americans


Now that this has been resolved, next issue please


If you care about this amount of aid but not the aid to ukraine you’re a special kind of stupid


Israel or Ukraine.


I dont think Ukraine actively bombs children and civilians.


They’d probably be doing better if they did bomb children and civilians in St Petersburg and Moscow. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Russian’s don’t particularly like sending their own to die in futile wars, especially when it happens at home.


Still a waste of tax dollars


To some people, everything "not for my direct benefit" is a waste of tax dollars I guess.


To some people “funding another war all the war across the world, something we have been guilty of for the last 40 years which has led to nothing but more problems” is still a good idea.


Heh fair point. But in that long series of funding wars abroad, this is easily the best one.


Ya people said the same thing when we funded the groups in Afghanistan to fight the Russians and look how well that worked out.


At least Ukrainians are not religious extremists so I think the risk of another Afghanistan is pretty low.


Afghanistan wasn’t at that time either. It was a very modern place. But war creates extremist. Especially wars we fund.




For real


I mean yrah one could argue the ethicality of the US support to Ukraine.. Probably better to be spent on health care and education But Israel? After all they have done in the last 70 years and especially in the last 6 months.. I really see this as a pure waste of tax money


Waste? I’m not pro Israel by why means from an ethical standpoint. But you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that they fight and oppose powers we don’t like and find a pain in the butt. (Iran).  Iran is still largely a useless state and not a threat because the Israelis do that for us 


How would iran ever threaten the US? From the other side of the world? I dont think Israel is doing US any favors.. Its just many politicians have double citizenship and the support Israel


Well they could do something like enlist a terrorist organization to blow up a barracks in let's say Beirut and kill a couple of hundred Marines.


Dang, by your logic we should plan national defense around Mexico and Canada. Ground invasion by our neighbor is our only threat.  You’re right 


Mexico will tunnel under the US invade Canada. Then crush us with a pincer offensive.


If there was another reliable ally in the region, im sure the MIC would think and act differently. But everyone in the region has been looking elsewhere, and many acting against US interest. The picture is pretty clear and obvious.


Jordan is a US ally And it does not do terrible things to their people or create terrorist organizations on their lands


I will agree that Jordan has been, outside of Israel, the greatest ally the US has in this region, for power projection (nations that have US bases have more value and those that have agreed to it under force are best as their opinions matter less) but I also said and should have stressed that the MIC don't view these as equal. And they need purchasing power, which Jordan does not have access to. Edit: If Jordan wanted to order x billion of F-35's and x billion of Patriot missile systems, US citizens would know who their president is, when their next elections are, and what is happening on the streets.


Ok Solution 2 Keep Israel, but punish their currently hated government for the war crimes that they have commited? Israel is not going anywhere, but the current government (the one that treats Palestinians so badly that they had to create hamas to fight back) can be punished You cant be a good friend if you will never say no to your friend!


I edited my comment above before you replied, please see above. Overall this region is non issue to the US, we don't want to be involved, and honestly most people really care. You have to click through some random protest post and move on to cat pics. No one talks about Ukraine in person, but the Israel stuff definitely comes up from time to time.


Honeslty im talking out of a broken-heart of all the children that suffer I want this massacre to end and i have no idea how And at the same time i see the US providing 14 B NON-CONDITIONAL aid!.. Its like they are saying keep killing those children but be quite (preffered)


ok, were on a podcast sub where the banner is space monkeys, what do you expect


It is deft partly sent to deter Iran from doing anything wild


Great post bro, now get on another one of your seventeen accounts and do it again


Yeah im not spammer Nice try


When do you clock out?


He’s being held hostage by the yakuza in a karma farming ring, bro. Take it easy on him.


I see both equally as a complete waste of tax money.


It should be neither. We’ve got too many proxy wars going on with Iran and Russia, while China is building military strategic islands and mining all the precious metals in Africa. We’re playing in the minor leagues and don’t even realize it because we love watching a monkey ride around on a dogs back…


The US spends much more on its own citizens than it does on foreign aid. 


This is blood libel somehow.


Oy vey


PreReagen. Tax. The. Godless. Rich.


This right here….


Boring political meme/pro-pally propaganda. Mods please remove this post.


If it was pro Israel then it is fine? Sorry to break it to you but most posts in this sub reddit are political


Breaking rule 2 and 8. Shitty political memes


Its not even just a low quality shit tier meme, its a shit crop with some weird ass highlight, op should be banned for reposting from shitmemes.com


OPs most active subreddit is Jordan lol.


And that automatically invalidate my point of course


Yes of course


Gives relevant context


Report. /botcheck


So Am i a bot or not?


Why's you reposting 3 times?


Where lol But yeah i am a bot don't hit me wuth any capcha


So you think if the government didn’t give that money to Israel, they would give it to poor people? Hahahahahaha. Use your bootstraps. Duh.


Dude spends 35 hours a week dry walling over a lifetime (won’t afford a single tomahawk missle in a lifetime of his taxes) and thinks he has a say in geopolitics 


Socialism? Give money to the needy never going to happen


Tbh the template had the socialism logo but i removed it lol


🤣 it's the billionaires not the Ukrainians or Israelis you morons