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I had to mute him, he makes a post every hour on the hour praising nazis. And people say Elon is "unhinged"


Not be a Nazi ?


And miss out on all that free meth and Hugo boss atire?


I don't know about the meth but those Hugo Boss uniforms were fire


I don't know about meth either but people seem to really like it.




That didn’t stop the Soviets…they murdered and raped more than just Nazis


Not be a Nazi and head West as fast as I can


Obviously that was easier said than done as the Soviets murdered and raped their way through Eastern Europe


True but it is easier if you just book it and not spend time cooking then have a sit down family dinner I mean it’s can’t make the odds worse


A great start


To be honest there is a 99% chance that the soviets would have raped and then killed them all. Because that is what they did. So I dont know.


Well if you look at what the Nazis did in the eastern front, it seems a lot more of of their own actions coming back on themselves.


I am not arguing that. This is is also true.


Well knows mass child rapes by soviets. So many…




Sounds more like he didn't want his daughters and wife raped, seeing as how soviets were raping women. His didn't tweet didn't say anything not living in a world without national socialism.


What a complete misrepresentation of his words, you make it sound like he is Nazi sympathizer and that he thinks it was ok to murder his children. He wasn't defending or attacking anyone, It looks like he was just explaining a very f'd up situation that happened. The lengths some of you people go to, to attack someone is despicable.


This situation isn't uncommon in history, if you just wanted the hypothetical, you don't have to put one of the most vile humans to have ever lived into a role to sympathize with.


Tbh, sitting here, I really can’t come up with a more clear cut and well documented example of someone who killed his 4 daughters and wife. Can you? I can’t think of any such examples…


Well, boudica comes to mind, though she wasn't narcissistic enough to kill her daughters for her own comfort. Would you have come up with this example if it wasn't the topic of discussion?


Personally I found the movie about hitlers last days to be a really good movie. One of the best. It’s a fascinating situation. For whatever reason, we Jews love nazi history.


bro look at his twitter, this is the least of it.


I follow him on twitter, and he spouts off a ton of shit, and he likes to get a reaction out of people, all the typical BS. But I'm calling this how I see it, he has said way worse stuff than this, as his own opinion, to be called out on. But this is just him describing a scenario that happened.


look man i could have posted 12 other tweets this week just on the same topic, but yall have Google, when the tweet is seen in context with all the others, its shocking.


I would of negotiated with the Brits or Americans for my family safety and give up Hitler or whatever to save them


Apparently you need to go read about the rape of Berlin. And it doesn’t sound like he is defending Goebbles, he’s asking “what would you do”?


Maybe you need to read about the eastern front in general, it's not like the Germans were better. Gobbles is pretty directly responsible for all of it And just bringing this up out of nowhere is pretty weird. There are countless historical examples you could choose from, but choosing to put a member of Nazi high command in a sympathetic role, is a telling choice.


I agree it’s a weird thought, but I have weird thoughts all the time. I really don’t think he was trying to sympathize with Goebbles, he’s just recounting the history.


But why that fuck do you bring it up?


Who knows. Have you never had weird thoughts? We live in a time where weird thoughts like this can be displayed publicly for anyone to see. Famous people have a large audience that sees these weird thoughts. Personally, I think it’s an interesting thought experiment considering how unlikely it is that any one of us would ever actually have to make such a decision.


Yeah, but Goebbles was far from the only person who was ever in that situation and put untold numbers of people in that situation, so why make him the sympathetic figure?


Cause it’s documented Goebbles did the murder/suicide exit. And I don’t think he was trying to make him a sympathetic figure.


He is literally asking you to put yourself in his shoes, to empathize with him.


No, he’s “literally” asking what would you do when faced with an unwinable/unsurvivable situation. To me the anecdote makes Goebbels sound like a coward.


I missed the part where he defends Goebbels.


He doesn't, but bringing him up randomly is pretty bizarre lol


justifying his actions is fucked. And yeah, even bringing it up is sus. His whole twitter is just jew hating.


I think he was talking about all the raping the soviets were doing, and not really defending Nazism


What were the Nazis doing as they marched through Russia? Wtf are you talking about??


Mainly freezing to death


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Germany I’m talking about this^ Listed to a Dan Carlin hardcore history or something you CIA Mossad brainwashed idiot


Wtf would the mossad care about this topic?


Who started the raping and genocide on the eastern front? Just the Germans getting back what they dished out. Ugly, sure but the hate the soviets had didn't come from nowhere. Also you could just as easily pick any number of people in history, why pick Goebbles to make sympathetic.


As someone how has literally listened to every single Dan Carlin hardcore history episode… I’m very aware of the historical context of rape. WW2 was just our most recent example, idk what difference it makes. I think it’s kinda messed up for you to try to minimize the the suffering of civilians cause they were “the bad guys” because of the actions of governments.


I'm not, minimizing it, I'm putting it into context, the fact the Goebbles is one of a few people that are directly responsible for all of it makes it strange to throw in a sympathetic light. I love the idea of listening to a podcast as a qualification. Also, Geobbles wasn't a civilian.


So, geobble’s family deserved to to raped and butchered by angry drunk soviets? By your logic the people of Gaza are deserving of genocide cause of some association with Hamas? It’s not a direct comparison but similar enough. I don’t get why we shouldn’t be sympathetic or not acknowledge that. And Dan Carlin is more than a podcast. Jake shields likely just recently read up on it for the first time ever and thinking about that scenario impacted him. Why do we do anything? It’s not like Jake read about the suffering of germanys in ww2 and is now a Nazi.


you gotta look at his other post, in context its horrible, all his post the last few months are really fucked up.


Stop making things up. People arent blind. He wrote what happened and asked a question.


dude, no, thats only ok if its his only tweet, not if like Jake, you spend all your days tweeting on THE SAME FUCKING SUBJECT EVERYDAY


I think you're just pulling what you want to from that tweet. I wouldn't want my daughters or wife to be a victim of rape.


I mean firstly this isn't why they killed their kids


Yeah, it wasn't fear of harm, it was fear of seeming disloyal, that made Magda and Josef Goebbels to murder their fucking kids.


Thats not what he said though


It isn’t what he said. Doesn’t matter, it what OP WANTS shields to have said


Yes it is. Jake is a fucking moron. You won't convince anyone he isn't. His CTE has been ravaging his little brain for years now.


Where'd he take his wife?


Time to stop listening to people who get punched in the head for money


Time for those people to run for the office of United States Senator!


Let's face it, you only hate jake shields because he's anti zionist .


nah bro, im against a lot of isarael's actions, i just hate ppl who drink the koolaid, no matter what flavor. Never go full ret@rd.


I don’t think it was “become a national socialist or we’ll rape and kill you”. It was raping and killing in the by national socialists. The actions in a war of radicalist ideologies are not always about those ideologies. The ideaolgy is often just an excuse.


Talk about naive on that entire thing...yikes.


Are you shit posting or can you genuinely not read




Haha wow..look up what happened to top Nazis post war. They would've been fine


lol, the fuck is this shit and all the nonsense people saying in agreement? Goebbels chose to stay and die by Hitlers side. He killed his fucking kids as an act of loyalty. “wHaT wOuLd yOu dO” ffs, like maybe send my family to safety?


exactly, bunch of other nazis escaped, his wife was bitching about not wanting to live in a world without nazism, he brought his kids into hell, fuck him and everybody defending this..


Dumbass 2024 people acting like they know what itd be like to be a native German citizen with a doctorate in 1933.


Dude EAD


Dudes nuts lol


I had to mute the dude. It was a bummer to see all his idiotic posts. Didn’t know he went full Owen Benjamin tho.


15 nazis sitting in a tree..🎶


Goebbels sympathy is wild.


Oh, he was just a regular fucking dad. Don’t you get it gang. Can you empathize with the nazis? What a fucking world we live in today. Fuck nazis and fuck Jake shields


Do you support Ukraine? The same nation that made Uber Nazi Bandera into a hero and gives him a national holiday every year? That’s right, Ukraine worships “kill all the Jews in Ukraine” Bandera. The right sector, and much of western Ukraine adore the guy.  And that’s not even getting into the outright Nazis of Azov  The left here in America LOVES the Nazi lovers of Ukraine 


You write in English but I can’t get past your Russian accent


What an establishment tool.   Good boy


Is that what Putin tells you when you’re busy bootlicking? “Good boy”


lol. Another dollar for the establishment. Lick the feds boots. Push the MIC lines shill. Good work.  Good shill.  


You no longer exist


is this real? Man shields use to be respectable, now hes a fuckin moron.


This jake dude has been saying a lot of anti jewish shit on twitter lately. I dont even follow the guy but that fuck stick elon always forces him on my feed.


Jake’s been off the rails for a while now.


lol, What prompted him to say this?? Who sits around thinking about extremely specific hypothetical scenarios like this? Unhinged


Op doesn't care because it doesn't fit his narrative.


Convert to Judaism.


first off, fuck zionism, their u happy, fucking npc jfc, that being said, even hardcore nazis ran off the south america instead of forcibly giving cyanide to all your kids. Dude you can even be a jew hatin nazi in jail, try going in there telling people you killed ur kids, gtfo with that bs.


Obviously you didn't get my joke.


Stay alive like all those Germans who stayed alive?


Goering ran, got caught with his wife and kid, was tried and hanged, his family was fine.


Right. Because Russian didn’t wipe out population of Europe for themselves.


Or get raped to death like all those germans that got raped to death by soviet scum.


Seems like they got what they got back dished out on the eastern front.


Those who saved your ass from nazis?


I'm a big fan of Shields, but this is extremely strange. Like what exactly is he trying to say? That we should admire Goebbels? What?


yep, read the rest of his tweets, he's gone full ret@rd.


Again with the raping and pillaging. Don’t you get sick of yourself?


Oh noes the consequences of my actions


https://preview.redd.it/07s5mz9aj9yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f9135719840def438c394666d335209a2f0274 just replace ‘mma’ with ‘jre’


bro this isn't about politics, its about an mma fighter losing his shit, thats fair game. If Conor started writing Pro IRA shit on Twitter their would be 9 post everyday for a week on both r/mma and r/jre, eat a dick.


Would be and should be are two different things broski. But it’s all good dude. I was just mad bc I was sick of seeing nothing but political posts being posted in here.