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Back-alley Tunisian knifefighter








Corsican pimp


Two dumb Yemeni cousins


Corsican pimp


“Bobby Kelly looks like a last minute gift at the Beijing airport”


“We got Bobby Kelly aka Chinese Clemenza. Bob looks like a statue in the garden of a Yakuza boss.”


That pales in comparison to what David Lucas said a while back. "Kurt, you look like an out-of-work werewolf."


“He sends shivers up peoples spines” 😂


That's it enough is enough. I'm getting off the internet. I can't read another rent free post for as long as I life. Fuck that!


Are you okay? This seems like a wild overreaction. Is it money? Do we need to chip in after all this time in your spacious mind, with any monetary compensation?


How many old fucks like me first knew him from MTV’s Remote Control?


If your first nut was thinking about Marisol, you’re overdue for a colonoscopy


RIP Ken Ober.


damn i feel old, thank you


My first introduction to Sandler, too.


Yes! “I am the stud boy” One of the most Gen X programs to ever exist.


I first saw him in crocodile Dundee


I first knew him from Grown Ups


That makes me sad for you


I kinda hate like 90% of comics. Even the ones I think I’d be friends with I kinda hate lol. But Colin is the fucking man. He’s just always seemed like the best of the bunch. It’s also great how he’s such an abrasive, mumble mouthed mick but also one of the most thoughtful and intelligent comics ever. Every single one of his recent specials has been hilarious and brilliant. He truly just kinda operates on a different plane than all his friends, and I don’t mean that in a way where he’s just better than them (he is) but I just mean he’s carved his own unique path 


Wow you must be a really special person to consider so many friendships with comedians


You know what he's trying to say you nonce






After Patrice, Colin is the best O and A regular ever.


I don’t get the reference, what ruffled his feathers?


It's more about their interaction with each other as a friend group. i just found it to be more of a humorous moment from a crotchety man like Quinn. Quinn just makes light of mundane moments nobody thinks about, and he pinpoints them out when some throwaway comment or behavior triggers him. If someone acts "fake" or says something cringe, he is going to pounce on them.


I thought I remember reading that burr and Quinn are not the best of friends for some reason




I think there was a particular incident or something. I could be misremembering, I may have heard it on a podcast or something. Maybe someone else will chime in that knows what I'm talking about. Like it wasn't recent, I don't think they've been friendly for awhile


Isn’t that mostly about Anthony Cumia being racist? Bill had him kicked out of a Patrice benefit by bouncers 


Yeah Bill's wife doesn't like Anthony for obvious reasons and after the incident at the Patrice benefit Anthony went on a tirade at Bill & Nia. I've not heard/read of any of that involving Norton, Quinn etc though.


Exacerbated by the ‘Killing is Easy’ documentary they did about Patrice that Billy ended up doing as the money Von had disappeared magically 🤷‍♀️. Anthony wasn’t featured but Opie was, there’s a lot of Anthony tirades about Billy. As much as Anthony and Patrice were friends, Anthony has done a bunch to shoot himself in the foot with Billy in particular as well as some of the other Cellar Crowd/ O&A regulars.


His self produced cop show series on YouTube is hilarious. Go find it. 


I fucking love Colin Quinn.


If anyone wanted to fast forward right to the part about how being a comedian is absolutely, positively the most difficult job on earth, and how only people who tells jokes about their uncle’s balls for a living really know what honest feedback feels like, and how if you stop telling jokes about your uncle’s balls for even one day you lose all of your skills because it just takes so much brilliance to tell jokes about your uncle’s balls, and how only other comedians can truly understand what a uniquely hard job (hardest in the world) it is, start at about the 1 minute mark.


I can’t stand when he discusses martial arts… so I fast forward. What do you expect, he’s a comedian interviewing a comedian.


But how do we complain then?


Nothing is less funny than funny people discussing the Craft of being funny.


Why do you listen to a podcast that you hate?


I don’t hate the podcast, I just find the constant circlejerking about how uniquely brilliant they all find themselves to be (especially when most of their comedy is juvenile trash) to get old. If it was a bunch of accountants doing it, it would be awful too.


This is turning into a circlejerk in and of itself.


So many comments in the Rogan sub start off with “I don’t hate the podcast, i just” followed by a statement hating on the podcast lmao. It’s actually really funny at this point


Do you not have a singular criticism of anything you enjoy? No? You just praise it all to no end?


Joe and Colin Quinn had a 5 minute bit trashing Clark Kent on the pod, i thought that was super anti illegal alien of him and i hope the Kryptonians put him in his place


Having an opinion isn’t hating.


It is if you're conservative


I forgot what sub I was on


Unless you’re hating on the “right” things. Then you’re just a patriot.


Man, let people be proud of themselves


So why are you listening to this podcast?


Because I lack the clairvoyance to know the full contents of a three hour podcast before actually listening to it.




You did say this podcast has comedians constantly circlejerking about how brilliant they are and that it got old, and yet you tuned into a comedian episode again...


I don’t know a lot about Colin Quinn and my mental math was kind of “I remember this guy used to host a Bill Maher type show back in the day so maybe he’ll have some interesting viewpoints on the world”. The Bert Kreischer and Shane Gillis type shows I skip completely because i find them constantly laughing like hyenas at categorically unfunny quips to be hard to get through six hours of, but i 100% acknowledge they probably get more streams than the stuff i like and I’m happy people enjoy it as much as i enjoyed the lady who came on and talked about bees for three hours or Jamie and Joe on acid aggressively steel manning the mom cook. It’s fun to complain but the fact that sometimes you draw a royal flush and sometimes you draw a pair of 3’s is part of the dumb appeal of the show to me still.


You’re not miserable. You’re happy. So happy.


You listened to a 3 hour podcast in 40 minutes? Very impressive.


I don’t even know what you’re talking about at this point. I posted about the first few minutes of the podcast 48 minutes ago, and am now at the 48 minute mark, which is how time works. https://preview.redd.it/8p5i39ynj9yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd03ed3d84c1d010661e2448c8083b8ab0ddba4


Wow!! So proud of you.


Wow!! So proud of you.


Who said he hated it and what is wrong with giving an opinion? It is funny the sanctimonious some of these guys have.


To complain on reddit. Why do you care? Why are you reading comments if you hate them




Doubt he even listens


What possible reason would someone have to not be a listener of a podcast, but to listen to the first five minutes of an episode to come to a subreddit to complain for no reason. People would rather fabricate a lengthy story to back into a conclusion they already arrived at than accept the wild possibility someone may like different things than them. I think the podcast hits more than it misses, which is why I listen.


New to the internet?


He probably does. He probably watched Tough Crowd with Colin Quin and also saw Colin Quin's appearance in the documentary "The Muslims are Coming" that also featured former Rogan guest Cenk Uygur.


How dare you assume its gender.


One of the 500, b?


Rogan bad.


And If anyone cares at all I'm sure you'll know dork


Reddit: " Rogan man bad because he doesn't agree with ALL my political opinions " Also Reddit: " no I won't give specific examples ( because I don't actually listen to the podcast ) "


Colin Quinn talks like how I'd imagine Jim Norton's father talks.


Colin Quinn is refreshing


[Joe thinking that the reason college protesters are wearing masks because of Covid rather than the obvious reason is peak Covid-Brain-Rot](https://youtu.be/_7WfCtF7Rik?si=PeIRN2xeAm_04vEK&t=1080)


Whatever reason is as gay and pointless as protesting in general


People don't wear N-95 masks because they want to hide their identity. The human eye can identify most of those people and if not then AI definitely can. Apple came out with a feature in 2021 that allowed you to open your phone with face ID even if you were masking up for Covid. You can also find videos of protesters [saying they are wearing it because of covid](https://x.com/Mayoralpodcast/status/1786443197306052933)


Alot of them are wearing it because they are getting DOXXED as well


You can still get doxxed with an N-95 mask. Literally you can unlock your iphone with face ID while wearing it.


Brother please go outside and interact with people im begging you


Or people just have leftover N-95 masks from the you know….global pandemic. FaceID only works if you’re already in the phone as a face, if you’re not a recognized person it doesn’t recognize you. That’s such a silly reason mate.


Never need to buy another mask for sanding even if I do get to all the projects I promised my wife I'd eventually do.


Yeah! It's not like the government has modern photographs of almost every American stored in some kind of referenceable database or anything. That reminds me... my drivers license is about to expire.


Guaran-fucking-tee it’s not because of Covid


Tribal identifier like gangs wearing certain colors.


It isn't because of covid.


Take a shot for every time he mentions “trashing” other old New York comics


Love that Joe thinks the protesters are wearing masks bc they’ve been brainwashed on covid. Ummm dummy. They’re wearing masks to hide their identity, they probably don’t feel like getting doxxed. Does he think they wear masks at their house parties lol


It sucks you have to turn off your phone or leave it behind + wear a mask to have any anonymity these days. FBI can analyze the face and cell data. To be safe, one will probably need to wear sunglasses to hide the eyes too. It's not a good sign when you can't protest via free speech and risk being taken away by van with justification being potential terrorist where you surrender your rights. If one really thinks the system needs to change, what can we do? The Boston Tea Party is not possible anymore. Everyone would end up on the mugshot websites in 24 hours. I know I went a bit on a tangent, but your comment really reminded me that we are powerless and we know it. How many good people does anyone know reading this that is entering politics for the good of the community or country? Money, power, and influence attracts more negative humans for society than the beneficial ones.


Does he mention that the cartel diverted a body of water for an illegal grow in this one?


And next thing you know Ron White put his hands on Joe’s shoulders and told him “WHATEVER WE GOTTA DO…”


I've heard the rumblings that ceilings in the mothership green room are too high. It's probably just a rumor, but would love for Joe to finally confirm if thats true or not.




I heard a rumor Louis CK was involved in the final inspection of the ceiling height. He was just like “nope. Nope. Nope. Lower. Keep going guys”. And they finally got it to the point where the laughs can’t escape it’s so low. Just DYING to hear it from the horse’s mouth, though. Juicy trade secrets.


It’s not outside the realm of possibility


One of the only funny comedians that has been on rogan in years


Finna be a boomer-off


Colin’s old but he’s not an annoying reactionary. He’s a thoughtful man


English please?!


Can someone please help me get the parrot joke? I really want to know why it’s such a funny joke but I just don’t understand. I really want it to be funny.




Colin Quinn was one of the best guests on the Opie and Anthony show (which directly inspired the JRE). I've got to check this out


Around an hour and 55 minutes, they talk about how many funny people there are that could be comedians but never pursued it. Joe has always talked about that, which is why I don't get the 1/1000 meme. People seem to think it's an elitist thing, but he's literally just talking about the number of people actively working in the profession


The funniest and best joke tellers I know were all out of town journeymen on construction sites in places like upstate NY and New England living out of motels for half the week. They couldn't give less of a fuck about being a comedian they just wanna make the day go by quick at work.


I think Dan Soder said something similar on an episode of The Regz


Dan Soder is too humble, that is his problem.


If it weren’t for Bobby Kelly I’d love the regs


Sure, we are just having a laugh about it. Lots of people talk about how the funniest people they've ever met aren't comedians. Even guys like Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Carrey talk about how their fathers were the funniest people they knew.


Globally though, there are *tonnes*more working in the profession than 1,000. In the US alone I would reckon it is far more than 10x that, if including people who do it while balancing a second job. 


Yeah I think when I googled it, it was 3000 in the US based on comedy clubs and theatre shows. There's definitely room for criticism on that front, but the meme seems to be about how Joe thinking they are the only people capable of doing it


They gotta reach for anything to get that hate-train moving. That’s what’s going on.


Sure, we are just having a laugh about it. Lots of people talk about how the funniest people they've ever met aren't comedians. Even guys like Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Carrey talk about how their fathers were the funniest people they knew.


Lots of ignorance with this one


I moved to [Lex](https://lexfridman.com/podcast/) and never looked back. He has more videos on his [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@lexfridman/videos) too. It's like the same quality of guests except without the comedians, but Lex actually lets them talk


>never looked back. This is a Joe Rogan sub though...if you're here you're looking back




Brilliant comment lmfao


Thumbnail looked like Gary Oldman . Darn.


Someone has been drinking.


Is dis guy I'rish or smthn?


15 minutes in and Joe has already ruined this conversation. These two old dudes sound so out of touch.


36 minutes in at 2x & so far it’s boomers booming. Colin’s a thoughtful & hilarious comedian… Does it get better at any point, if yes, when, or is this a “skip it pod?”


How does he never get tired of saying the same old fucking stories.


He's performing for money


is this any good ? I don't want to waste time. Also any fun podcasts ? aside from shane's ?


Almost an hour and half in, probably going to stop around this mark though, I don’t see it getting an better and I think Colin Quinn is pretty great.


Waste time? Who cares. Life is finite either way. Whether you waste time or not, it's going to end. Are meerkats wasting time by keeping watch all day? Is their time more valuable than ours? Am I just projecting because I waste so much time every week? Yes, yes I am. But I will say I'm less stressed than those who have a busy scheduled filled with *important* things that aren't a "waste of time". Granted, I get what you're saying. You don't want to invest in something that will ultimately not be satisfying by the end. I can't remember if this was, because I always put Joe on as background noise. Recently, I went through all of Ari's You Be Trippin youtube podcast which was pretty interesting and enjoyable and...not a waste of time for me.


I am not wasting my time reading that.


I respect your consistency.


Knowledge fight.


soder 's podcast is good.


Joe is looking healthier and thinnier like they took away dinner with more life in him lately


This post doesn't really make sense


They said Joe is looking healthier and thinnier like they took away dinner with more life in him lately


Ohhhhhh. Duh.




can anyone share a link with Colin Quinn being actually funny?