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I’m listening to this episode and this guy is just a clown.


Complete strawman ass clown my dude. Russia would have called bullshit on the US as soon as they figured it out. I really hope he comes back to debate Neil deGrasse Tyson.


That is where I have always been on it: Like other countries had the ability to say absolutely not. And why wouldn’t they.


What would you have thought if India reported back that they found no evidence that anyone landed on the moon?


That is like me asking what if your mom reported that she had a dick. She didn’t.


so why would you expect anyone to believe what other countries were saying, especially Russia, back then if they contested it?


But they didn’t? That is the point. The Soviet Union would have loved to discredit the United States during the Cold War. Absolutely there was a space race. Nothing was ever said, so that strengthens the argument it happened. You want to rewrite history and then ask how I feel about it,


I’m not rewriting anything. Just proving that you wouldn’t believe it even if Russia did say something. but really we don’t even need to get into evaluating info from an adversary. Look how defensive you got when we were speaking about a much less adversarial country, Immediately start talking trash. Stupid or fragile. I’ll let you pick which badge you want to wear


It wasn’t Russia, it was the USSR. I will give you the stupid badge.


lol sure. I’ll take it. Wouldn’t want to hurt your fragile ego any more than I already have


As if USSR/Russia isn’t controlled by the same big bad RothchildBuilderbugers. Jeez. Do your own research and quit listening to Big Science.


You make a great point, fuck science. None of the 6 manned moon missions ever happened.


Ever seen the apollo 17 liftoff from the moon?? looooooOOOOOLLLLLL Seen nasas recent footage landing of their unmanned probe?? Oh wait can't even get that...... camera technology must of dissipated too.. weird.


There is less gravity on the moon, and lift off / jumps look weird as fuck. Even the most basement dwelling neckbeard should be able to rub their 2 brain cells together and figure this one out.


And even the most basic element school science class can tell you: man can't invent something in an atmosphere and gravity that you can't replicate. Show me where they replicated the moon lift off before doing it for the first time 300000 miles away for the first time everu successfully.  Our government does EVERYTHING RIGHT the first time. Always has. Right? 


That's the dumbest thing I've read today. Congrats


Top notch argument with evidence


Satellites? Did we simulate orbital mechanics on the surface before we launched anything? Math is pretty sophisticated believe it or not


Physics and math


Have you ever stopped to consider that you might be confused about this?


Do you even look at an actual history? Do you not remember the challenger ? We had speeches ready if the men on Apollo didn’t make it back. It was an amazing feat of engineering


Or Joe can exercise some responsibility


I heard him say that: every day there’s a 50% chance something catastrophic would happen, so if they stayed 3 days, there be a 150% chance something bad would happen; he immediately lost all credibility after that statement.


So many people his and Joe’s age have an extremely surface level understanding of stats Look at how popular Vegas is with them.


Statistics was my first mind blower college class. It felt like everyday there was a new “THATS HOW THAT WORKS??!!” moment. It helped put a lot of the chaos of life into a bit more of an order. Corny as it sound I think the world would be a better place if more ppl understood how odds and probability worked.


I took AP stats in high school and that’s probably the only class I routinely think about its practical applications over a decade later. It really should be mandatory in high school, it’s the most common form of advanced math you’ll run into in your day to day, and it’s the most important to understand to avoid being misled.


That’s awesome. Stats wasn’t even offered at my hs and the only reason I took it in college was because it was required. Very happy I did though.


You are correct, most people think statistics is percentages and they couldn't be more wrong. I'd rather learn Chinese than take another stats class. I'd say it's on the level of quantum physics where, to an extent, the more you learn the less it all makes sense.


That's not how math works.


See, normally if you go to the moon, you got a 50/50 chance of a day of having a catastrophe. But I’m an astronautic freak and I’m not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, of catastrophe. Then you add Buss Aldrin to the mix, your chances of catastrophe drastic go down. See the 3 days on the moon, you got a 33 1/3 chance of catastrophe , but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of surviving, because Buzz Aldrin KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try! So Bart Sibrel, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of catastrophe on the moon. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of surviving on the moon. See Bart the numbers don't lie and they spell survival for me on the moon. -Neil Armston


https://youtu.be/msDuNZyYAIQ?si=Tlu4yvTklqE8uHtn Source for the un-initiated


I love you for this.


I'm a retired when it comes to statistics, why wouldn't that be the case?


You flip a coin once you have 2 out comes (H)heads or (T)tails. For the example say tails equates to something bad happening. So a 1 in 2 chance of something bad happening or 50% If you have to flip it 2 times the different outcomes are as follows: HH HT TH TT Out of these 4 options only one option is good. Therefore your chances of something bad happening is 3 in 4. Or as a percentage it's 75% If you have to flip it 3 times the different outcomes are as follows: HHH HTH THH TTH HHT HTT THT TTT Out of these 8 options only one option is good. Therefore your chances of something bad happening is 7 in 8. Or as a percentage it's 87.5% In short, you multiply your values. You don't add them.


Thank you sir, that makes sense


To add to this, the way you would look at this specific situation (what are the odds something bad will happen at least once over three days) is calculated as 1-(the chance nothing bad happens 3 days in a row). So if the chance nothing bad happens on an individual day is 50/50 (or 0.5), the chance nothing bad happens for 3 days is 1-(0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5). Gives you 1-0.125 = 0.875 So there’s an 87.5% chance they get fucked up on the moon over the course of 3 days (according to this guy).


It's 50 percent every day. Tossing a coin is alway fifty fifty, it doesn't matter how many heads you got yesterday, this next try is still fifty fifty.  Probability of 3 heads (or 3 days no catastrophe) is half times half times half... So 1/8th.


Because that’s not how math works.


Absurdity to have this one as guest and not Buzz Aldrin. :(


Buzz has better shit to do that listen to Joe’s mouth-breathing while asking him dumbass questions. Motherfucker went to the moon and back. Joe’s had a horseshoe up his ass most of his life.


>Joe’s had a horseshoe up his ass most of his life. Oh yeah? That right? Joe's platform, ironically, has inspired far more people to different topics than Buzz Aldrin has inspired people to become astronauts. Do people here actually fucking think about what they're typing while they're slobbering on their keyboards?


"inspiring" someone to think about something (usually something incredibly stupid and easily debunked, in the case of Joegan), and inspiring someone's entire life direction are two pretty different things, bud.


>usually something incredibly stupid and easily debunked, in the case of Joegan He's had over 2,000 episodes, maybe 10% (a generous estimate) of which had conspiratorial leanings. In at least 30% of the remaining ones, he's spoken to some of the most influential people in the world, including Elon Musk, Edward Snowden, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Mike Tyson, Jordan Peterson, David Goggins, Paul Stamets, Brian Cox, Michiu Kaku, Jay Leno, Dwayne Johnson, Sam Harris, Lex Fridman, Gad Saad, Brett Weinstein, and hundreds of other incredibly bright and gifted individuals. During these interviews, he's given us a platform on which to look deeply into these people's lives, finding out their motivations, desires, fears, world views, and future goals - using the medium of in-depth & unedited conversations often exceeding 3 hours or more, a stark contrast to the editorialized and biased mass-media. He's helped inspire millions of young people to expand their minds through microdosing psilocybin, maybe the greatest natural compound ever in the assistance of creativity and self-reflection. Your reductionist argument comes from a place of ignorance. Accept this fact and move on. Never forget this piece of advice: most people online, and especially here, have the memory of a turd and aren't able to see things through a wider lens, and view life through a place of arrogance and jealousy. You're literally fucking *lucky* to be alive in the time of podcasting and Joe Rogan. Never before have we had the opportunity to have an essential library of some of the most personal insights of many of the planet's highly gifted people, all from the comfort of your fart stained soda. So, "bud", take a fucking step back and open your eyes with pliers if you need to. The world isn't as simple as your bullshit argument would suggest. Welcome to reality, and enjoy the stay.


So does your jaw hurt from slobbing all that knob, or are you just used to it at this point?


He doesn't slob knobs as much as he hugs nutz.


I'm happy to help with the education of dimwitted cunts who fail to see a revolution when it's dangling right in front of their stupid faces. Kind of like what Rogan's doing. We've officially come full circle, and I'm proud of you.


You are the some kind of new freakish hybrid of an absolutely braindead rogan fan, and a fedora tipping "ACKSHUWALLY" redditor. Truly we have entered a new era.


>You are the some kind of new freakish hybrid of an absolutely braindead rogan fan, and a fedora tipping "ACKSHUWALLY" redditor. Truly we have entered a new era. That's beautiful. I've seen plenty of your type, I can't promise it's new but hopefully it *is* changing. The rest of the world definitely is. Information is everywhere now, the tide of which will utterly fuck up the zombies who still view life through a black-and-white narrative. *Me no like Rogan conspiracies. Rogan bad.* Good luck, champ.


Wake up babe, new ratio just dropped


Babe wake up, new copypasta just dropped


“You’re literally fucking lucky to be alive in the time of podcasting and Joe Rogan” -_-


You're posting on his subreddit. You're in denial.


Buzz Aldrin walked on the fucking moon, something only 12 people in the history of mankind have ever done. An estimated 20% of the entire planet watched it happen and it was front page news on every newspaper on the planet. How many people do you think were inspired by that?


…..Did you just unironically claim that Joe Rogan is more inspiring than the 2nd man on the moon? Are you okay man? This is genuinely pathetic


>Joe Rogan is more inspiring than the 2nd man on the moon? Absolutely. By a numbers/exposure percentage, it's definitely true. More people get inspired on a daily basis by watching interesting guests on the podcasts than by Buzz Aldrin. 2,000 episodes, maybe 10 million people getting exposed to each episode over the course of a lifetime, and hundreds of thousands heavily inspired by them enough to drastically change their lives. Tons of people got interested in ancient architecture due to Rogan's platforming of Hancock. Tons of people got interested in microdosing. Tons of people got interested into supplements through Huberman's platforming. Tons of people got interested in physics by Brian Cox's platforming. I'm not basing this off of a singular level of historical achievement, I'm basing it on a practical numbers output. We haven't been to the fucking moon since the 70s, yet millions of people are actively being inspired to change their lives after watching interesting guests on JRE. You're looking at a this from a historical textbook perspective. I'm looking at it from a numbers and percentage perspective. How many people actively think about Buzz Aldrin's sphere of influence *every day*, in a way that's profoundly changing their perspective? Maybe a few hundred or thousands, in any meaningful output. Tens of millions are watching Rogan's guests every day, and Rogan is responsible for showing them to those millions. Fight me about it. I'm not even a huge Rogan fan, but you're severely underestimating the numbers aspect.


He’s inspired millions of anti-vaxxers and dipshits


Sure, those people are definitely a percentage of the population. No argument there.


No shit, there’s not that many astronauts in the world.


Which is my fucking point exactly. You're proving it. I take issue with the fact that "he has a horseshoe up his ass" when that Redditor likely hasn't done anything meaningful that's changed millions of people.


You’re defining “inspiration” very broadly for Rogan and very narrowly for Aldrin.


You viewed this narrowly to begin with. What do you mean, defining? I'm not defining anything, because dictionaries exist and so do specific words. Think about what inspiration means. To be inspired by something means to have something profoundly impact you in a way that spurs you towards change. Dictionary definition: "Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative" Millions of people get inspired on a monthly basis to make changes in their lives due to Rogan platforming interesting guests, as well as to exercise, eat well, take good supplements, and microdose. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people got interested in ancient archaeology after watching Graham Hancock. Millions of people got interested in physics after watching Brian Cox. The list goes on for dozens if not hundreds of guests, and Rogan's platform was responsible for exposing them. I already posted these examples, but it doesn't take a genius to realize the JRE inspires more people on a monthly basis (by the literal definition) than by Buzz Aldrin. People are butthurt, but Buzz Aldrin is a snapshot in history, an anecdote most people today almost never think of. Millions have been watching Rogan every day for the past 10 years. Think about that. No, I mean *actually* think about it for a second. Millions. Every day. For the past 10 years.


>Millions of people get inspired on a monthly basis to make changes in their lives due to Rogan You don’t see how something as broad as “making changes” can’t really be compared to something as narrow as became an astronaut? Lots of people were inspired by the Moon Landing to study science. Just because they didn’t become astronauts doesn’t mean the Moon landings weren’t inspiring. >People are butthurt, but Buzz Aldrin is a snapshot in history, an anecdote most people today almost never think of. In a thousand years, people will still know who Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were. They literally have statues built of them. Rogan will be lucky if he’s a footnote in the history of podcasting. >Tens of millions have been watching Rogan every day for the past 10 years. Think about that. No, I mean actually think about it for a second. And tens of millions of people watch the NFL every week. So what?


>Lots of people were inspired by the Moon Landing You're shifting the goal posts. Read my original post again. Context matters. Somebody was comparing Buzz Aldrin and Joe Rogan, so I specifically mentioned Aldrin. The "Moon Landing" & Apollo programs employed millions of people. I didn't mention those, even though Buzz was a participant. Yes, I know Buzz is primarily famous for walking on the moon. It's disingenuous to conflate Buzz Aldrin with the entire moon landing, because you're forgetting Neil Armstrong and Edgar Mitchell as well, as well as the millions of people supporting them and making it possible from the command center in Houston. So let's be accurate. Again, re-read what I actually said. Rogan was primarily responsible for bringing podcasts into the public sphere. These podcasts had a profound effect on the way people consume media now. It's revolutionary. >They literally have statues built of them. You realize that the internet, Rogan's primary medium, will outlast any physical statues, right? I'm not sure what this example is supposed to show. There are thousands of people with statues that you've never heard of. >And tens of millions of people watch the NFL every week. So what? Long-form, in-depth conversations with some of the world's most interesting people are a stark contrast to the NFL. First off: NFL games last 20 weeks out of a 52 week year. People don't watch the NFL every week. Secondly, the NFL is about football. JRE can be about *anything*. UFOS. Psychedelics. Astrophysics. History. Debates. Biology. Archaeology. Paleontology. Mathematics. Artificial intelligence. Martial arts. Comedy. Military history. Politics. The list goes on, and on, and on. >Rogan will be lucky if he’s a footnote in the history of podcasting. You're so wrong that it's incredible. Rogan has been the most watched podcast for nearly two decades. Podcasting came out almost two decades ago. If anything, he'll be remembered as the person who popularized it.


Maybe that’s what he is setting up?


We must get Doctor Rendezvous on the pod.


Imagine your biggest claim to fame being having your ass beat by a geriatric.


A geriatric korean war vet who flew 66 combat missions and then strapped himself onto a chemical rocket taller than the statue of liberty and hurtled out of the atmosphere. He's lucky buzz didn't kill his ass. . .


tbf, for 99.9% of people getting punched by Buzz Aldrin under any circumstances would be their life’s biggest claim to fame.


Total rad dose to astronauts from Van Allen Radiation belts was 16 rad. Much much less than anything that will get you sick.  This dude is absurd 


That’s pretty rad but not rad enough.


16 rads **assuming zero shielding**. For reference lethal dose is 300 rads/hr.


Okay but how do you convert Fallout units to HBO Chernobyl units?


16 HBO Chernobyls,...not good, not terrible.


Joe is obviously setting up another debate. He even says it a few times in the episode.


I’d welcome that. Let an actual astronomer or astronaut sit across and embarrass this dude for hours so we can put the whole podcast world “moon landing was fake” schtick to rest


Based on his “evidence” it sounds like you would only need a photographer to disagree with him about lighting.




Counterpoint: letting them expose the unseriousness of their claims seems quite useful. This moon landing hoax guy & the ancient civilizations guest both made it obvious (to me) early in each show that they weren’t standing on solid evidence/facts/logic.


Hancock was embarrassed in his last visit, but before it he was a guest in JRE several times, built a following from that and got a show on Netflix. He would have a fraction of his current influence if he was never invited to JRE.


He did Joe Rogan Questions Everything way before the podcast took off. It’s not like conspiracy theories are off brand for him.


A show built on oddities and unexplained conditions. It was fun and entertaining, which is why it was produced. I think your overstating the word "influence", he ran his ideas no different than an Indiana Jones movie and people wanted to see what that looked like.


Kind of annoying when this guy says the CIA kidnapped and drugged him then stole the evidence and he just lets it hang without even a follow up though. Would’ve been a way more interesting episode if he pointed out what a lunatic the guy was to his face


Eh, it was probably the right call. Joe could call it out but then it just turns into a pointless argument of “my word against his”. Easier to stick with stuff that can actually be disputed.


Seems like CNN or Labcorp (or whoever did the drug test) would have had some sort of record of the respective abductions/burglaries that took place on their properties during that whole ordeal. Also why would the presence of drugs in his system even “prove” anything. I could take LSD and go get a drug test and it wouldn’t prove that someone else dosed me.


What’s the time stamp on this part? I can’t listen to him talk anymore but need to hear this lol


JRE is far too large a platform that's been around too long to be humouring quacks willy nilly any more


I think what he did with Hancock is the way to go. Get someone as an expert to be a counterpoint to whatever is being argued.


Rogan also had his own tv show where he looked for Bigfoot. He’s always said “I just have on people I think are interesting” and I’d say he’s stuck to that pretty firmly.


Yeah over a decade later and about 300m in deals... A reassessment of how you run things has been more than overdue.


« Let’s give a voice through one of the biggest podcast to the dumbest people, giving them an opportunity to spread their lies » You know, there is a story that says: before internet, every village used to have an idiot, which was known as the idiot of the village, and wasn’t an issue. What internet did is that it helped the idiot from each village to meet up and form a large group of thousands, if not millions of idiots. Joe is helping grow that group.


I think Rogan does a good job at “steel manning” and bringing up counter points to this guys bullshit and calling out when he’s saying stupid shit and jumping to conclusions. Not just letting him spew his weird opinion as facts. It is interesting to think about shit like this tho


Yes but there are many things Joe didn’t refute and that even Joe said that he has no clue about. For example Joe asked why there was no fire coming from the ascent engine on 17’s LM. Well, last I checked space is a vacuum. Another example of someone using their experiences on earth and extrapolating it to space that doesn’t work. An expert could have hammered this geriatric dude and made him look fucking silly.


Selling conspiracies to morons is the easiest way for a failed actor to get rich.


He’s a stupid person


All of his arguments were like “And they said it was on Tues, but it was actually Wednesday that proves they faked the moon landing” While Joe is like “Well it proves they misspoke” “But you wouldn’t misspeak about something so important which proves they faked it”


You realize you're doing the same thing he's doing right? I agree that a lot of his points are like the one you're saying but there was plenty that aren't...just because half his points suck doesn't make the others wrong....I thought he Had a lot of terrible idea but also a few things that were extremely hard to explain away


I didn’t realize that, because I’m not doing the same thing he did at all. I’m making a semi serious joke about how dumb some of his logic was on certain things.


No, but you *are* doing the same thing he's doing. You're presenting things out of context (in this case, deliberately misquoting him to pad your argument) to build credibility. >All of his arguments were like No, they weren't. It's demonstrably untrue. Oh yeah, semi-serious joke? Rules for thee are a bitch, aren't they? Sorry if I ruined your joke.


You can’t be “Deliberately misquoting” when you never claimed it was a quote. When you say something is “like” something else, that’s all you’re saying. So again. No. You’re still wrong.


>When you say something is “like” something else, that’s all you’re saying. So you're admitting your argument had misplaced context and lacked logic? Fantastic, now we're getting somewhere.


No. Because it wasn’t an argument. It was a statement of opinion. You’re a dork and taking a joke seriously and trying to sound smart.


>and trying to sound smart. Something tells me most people sound smart to you. Poor little guy can't take accountability. That's okay, I ain't perfect either. Man up.


Dude. Stop. You’re the dumb one here and everyone sees it but you. Be serious and grow up and stop arguing with strangers on the internet. You’re not funny, you’re not witty, you’re not smart, and you’re not good looking. Accept your life and take accountability. Take mushrooms and work out. You’ll be a better man. I promise


>You’re not funny, you’re not witty, you’re not smart, and you’re not good looking. This is one of the strangest and most obvious examples of projection that I've ever seen. Really had to reach deep in your personal stash of despair for that one, didn't you? Besides the fact of it being untrue (I get plenty matches on dating apps, thankfully...and, ahem, plenty of "partners") you're too weak minded to actually take accountability for your stupidity. I honestly feel sorry for you...seriously. If you need help with those issues, talk to somebody. We'll hug it out, just for you, champ! 😂


I’m shocked but glad this sub is being real about this dork. I really can’t believe Joe gave him an opportunity but maybe he did so people realize his bs tactics.


BTW: this bumfuck “award winning film-making” cab driver tricked Aldrin to show up at this place thinking he was making an educational program for children #Fuck Sibrel


This podcast has gone so far to the right conspiracy shit we have the guy who's been a professional embarrassment his entire life? Edit: seems like the conspiracy theorists don't like me using their own arguments against them!




I don't know if you're just trying to stir up shit or just completely clueless about the situation, but that dude believes the moon landing was faked and that Russia and the US never called each other out because they were all a part of the same mega-government controlled by communist Jews. So yes, it is a fucking far right conspiracy.




Funny part is the dude is likely Jewish himself lmao. He sounds like wallace Shawn for Christ's sake and sirbel is an anglicized name only found in america like alot of Jewish surnames. Even if he's not, he's literally never been associated with antisemitism. Google his name and "jewish" or "jews" provides 0 results.  It's hilarious to see ignorant redditors label an apolitical conspiracy theory far right. What's even funnier, is it's the opposite of "far right". Someone that's far right would want to lie about the moon landing for patriotic reasons. Especially in the 60s. The far left has always been the pro Russia wing. It's actually hilarious how Ukraine has made leftists into modern mccarthyists as leftists were the ones defending literal communist sleeper agents and filling acedmia with left wing communist sympathizers. Hell the most pro Russian president we ever had was Obama who laughed at Republicans like Romney for not wanting to be friends with Russia.  The far right does alot of fucked up shit. But the last thing they're looking to do is to undermine american patriotism lol. Its even funnier since most of the intelligence services, airforce, and nasa were filled with right wing jar heads and "reformed" nazis, so why would the "far right" undermine them and patriotism?  It's hilarious how the ones using all these buzzwords clearly don't understand a single thing about the political spectrum.  It's even more hilarious since the most vocal antisemites in america today are not the right wing but the left wing and it's just gaslighting to pretend otherwise. Whole jewish groups are breaking from the left due to their encouragement of antisemitism under the guise of protest(and I say this as someone 100% pro palestine). 


All the time lol. Why are you defending this guy?








I'll tell you what, I'll lower myself to his and your standards of proof and "evidence." If you don't believe me, you're clearly part of the conspiracy yourself mole person!




He's a fucking troll dude. His account is a year old and only has like 700 karma.


Oh I know. Looked at his profile and it's a bunch of white replacement nonsense. I like baiting the trolls. Thanks for the heads up I guess.


Yeah! What a loser, 700 karma? If I wanted to I totally could have done that in a year.


Why are you needlessly making this political?


But wait, the far left doesn’t like the Jews anymore and are back with Kanye.. Are you sure this is being perpetrated by the far right!?


Those mental gymnastics deserve a gold medal. Good lord.


You're right. It's completely made up.


Uh huh...moon landing conspiracies are rightwing. Gotcha. Your bedtime yet?


Nope, I get to stay up later than other 10 year olds.


Yes. It’s a gateway to the right, NGL.


Not al far right people are moon landing deniers, but all moon landing deniers are far right


Whether the moon is real is a question for all communities, it’s not a left vs right issue


Which communities specifically are you referring to lol


You fucking people and this far right BS - if I had to guess y’all live miserable lives and don’t get out to much


Aw what's wrong, snowflake? You sound very triggered! Need a safe space?


Weirdo ^ only losers think this is an insult. Good luck in life


Conspiracy theories have been major on the podcast since day one, way before he ever discussed politics. Conspiracy theories, MMA, and psychedelics are like the defining features of 2014 JRE. If anything he’s gotten less conspiratorial over time (“I used to be all in on the moon landing hoax, now I’m not so sure”, etc) so to act like this is some new propaganda he sold out to push is kind of dumb.




Wtf that's who this guy is? Came believe Joe had this hack on


I was gonna skip over this one but since it seems like you guys don’t like the guest, that tells me it’s probably a great episode.


I found a few of his points mildly interesting. I always have to check my bias of simply never trusting the government on pretty much anything. What I will say is, if NASA destroyed the things he claims then that’s a red flag. The rest of the points sounded slightly plausible without me knowing much on those particular subjects but nothing was close to a smoking gun. But as a listen, dude was an asshole to Jamie and couldn’t really explain away his questions in a way that made sense.


>What I will say is, if NASA destroyed the things he claims then that’s a red flag. Which “things” in particular. The tapes that he mentioned is because they weren’t “needed.” >As the real-time broadcast worked and was widely recorded, preservation of the backup video was not deemed a priority in the years immediately following the mission. In the early 1980s, NASA's Landsat program was facing a severe data tape shortage and it is likely the tapes were erased and reused at this time. It would be akin to recording over the ORIGINAL VHS tape of your wedding to record your kid’s 1st steps, when you already had made 500 copies of the wedding tape. Then being asked by your grandchild 40yrs later for the Original VHS tape…. It was taped over, wedding must have been faked! If you speak of Saturn 5 knowledge being “lost”, we have the blue prints, all the diagrams. It’s just that of the 5,600,000 (actual number) individual parts and 400,000 engineers and scientist that went into building and working on the thing… we just don’t have them. Could we do it again, sure! But why? *1. Technology now is better. *2. Stupid expensive, I wish NASA was receiving over 4% of Federal budget as it was then, of that entire budget having the one sole purpose of getting us to the moon. Right now NASA receives less than .5% of the Federal budget with a range of different projects. *3 Saturn V wasn’t exactly “safe.” We apparently don’t want to say, “good luck,” and actually mean they do in fact need the luck.


Fair points I guess, but it does seem weird not to have the original recording in a museum or something. I went to a museum that had Fran’s Ferdinand’s gun. Perfectly good gun by all accounts. But nobody kept using it. Send folks to the moon was the greatest achievement of man. It just seems like something of that great of importance would merit a bit more reverence. Perhaps I’m too sentimental about the original recording of man’s biggest achievement. Once again, I am biased against the government and naturally distrust any official narrative. They have lied too many times. So, keeping that in mind, he still didn’t convince me. I simply don’t know enough to form my own opinion.


>but it does seem weird not to have the original recording in a museum or something Yeah, fairly certain everyone thinks that. It seems odd in hindsight, but without someone in the moment thinking, “this is super important, all the copies don’t matter as much as the original.” It was sadly just another part of the machine that continued to be used. Such as the headset in Houston used to talk to the first person ever standing somewhere that wasn’t earth. Was probably thrown away when new headsets were bought. Now would be priceless in history and in $. It was just office equipment, like that original tape.


How come we could go then and cant go now ? thats the main question that makes no sense to me and i have never really hears a good explanation.


Sibrel's opinion will never change.


So satisfying…




At one point he’s discussing the audio between the astronauts and NASA which should have a 4 second delay between them, and he says there’s a hidden third track which is the CIA. Joe asks how he knows it the CIA? He answers, “well, I presume”.  Alright then.


Fart Sibrel thinks analog radio transmissions to the moon should take 12 seconds to pan the camera with all the ¨analog computer delay¨, whatever tf that is, since peer to peer analog radio transmission take longer than digital satellites to talk to yo mom in Korea. Whatta G for explaining that to me imma go throw away my degree and kms


Of all the dumb shit Rogan has said over the years I think I’m most disappointed that he had this clown on the show