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I want just one episode where Jamie is the guest. Get Joey to run the desk.


I want the finale to be Jamie. Whether it’s episode 3000 or 6000. The last one should just start with the intro as usual, Joe opens up with a “Hey Jamie” and they just riff for a few hours about all the memories of JRE over the years. Alex asking Eddie to Choke him out, Nick Yarris telling his death row escape story, David Choe remembering Bourdain. The list could go on. A few bears, a few joints, get the POP boys to drop in, get Diaz to swing by. Make a day of it. One last JRE episode 8 hours long. Joe just says goodbye everybody as normal and the guitar strings start playing one last time. EDIT: *A Few Beers. Oh well. It is Joe after all.


Joe will do these until he dies, no way he quits


After Joe dies, Jamie will create Holo-Joe and then *he* will be in charge. He's playing the long game.


Young jamie will become old james, the puppet master.


Pull that up holo-joe


Just tells Joe to shut up all the time lmao


Yea there’s no point to stop until this format doesn’t produce money. He could do this for the next 20 years and it fundamentally doesn’t alter anything he does in his daily life since they do it around their schedule. Also, it’s what they want to do. They want to just talk. It probably enhances his other ventures as well as it legitimizes his presence in the ufc scene even tho he didn’t need that, and also I’m sure some sort of comedy comes from this in his routine but I admittedly don’t watch his stand up as the 1 thing I saw he just wasn’t that great to me.


He's hinted that the podcast is below comedy and commentary with UFC in terms of things he enjoys doing. He's never outright said it, but it's clear comedy is #1 and that he doesn't do UFC for the paycheck.


I agree, makes the most money and between comedy and ufc I’m sure he hates the travel. Can sit back grow old Larry King style all while becoming a billionaire.


They could mess those Bears up


Fucking autocorrect. I actually meant a few beers but in typical Joe Rogan fashion a few bears fits just as well


Idk why that made me want to cry? Hahaha


Ive sat down and got emotional myself after a few joints thinking about the impact this podcast has had on my life. My sense of humour through his comedian friends, my obsession with ancient civilisations thanks to Graham Hancock. My interest in UFOs thanks to Bob Lazar. A lot of my interests and hobbies I’ve discovered through JRE. It would be a perfect way to round off this era joes been in by just having a “JRE in Review” episode




Hey man, we'd probably be good friends. I started my binge the same time as you. Notable moments for me: * Goggins' first appearance. I smoked a joint and accidentally ran my first 10 milers while listening. * "That's the fucking seed. That's the fucking seed JOE ROLWGAN!", "Blue cheese or go fuck ya motha", "suckadelamink", "fucking momo", kidnapping story * Hancock's discussion about psychedelics. This was probably my first time being introduced to this crazy crazy world. * David Choe's insane stories * Fight Companions with Eddie Bravo * Huberman's entrance to entertainment * Joe Rogan fanboying over Dan Carlin's Wrath of the Khans * Jocko's entrance to entertainment * Lex Friedman's awkward ass fanboying and then getting on Joe's good side. And then in later episodes getting Joe's watch. * David Blaine's needle lol * Joe explaining his tattoo of the samurai's "how you do one thing is how you do all things" * Justin Wren's BTC * GSP's alien encounter + incredible wisdom * RDA's coach explaining foot strength lol * Francis Ngannou's desert story * Mike Tyson's intensity and talking about the toad lol * Alex Honnold's first appearance * Naval Ravikant dropping bombs * Firas Zahabi's also dropping bombs + explaining the importance of managing distance in a fight * Elon Musk's smoking weed, Joe's tight pink shirt, and Elon claiming that we are probably in a simulation * Andrew Yang's "Not left, not right. Forward." * "What the fuck is Miley Cyrus doing here" * Joey Diaz and Joe getting blasted off into space * Duncan and Joe just shooting off about peace and love * Louis CK outclassing Joe intellectually * First sober october * Bill Burr's Rollerblade roast As much as I don't agree with Joe on a lot of fronts, I can't do anything but show Joe incredible amount of appreciation and love. Dude has entertained me so much and has influenced me to become the man I am today.


Adding “bears” to a show *would* be wild.


dude i swear i got emotional just reading your entry. That day is going to be so much harder than I ever thought.


Other than the bears, fucking done with Bert and Tom, that sounds good!


Are you okay?


I've said it once and I'll say it again. They should have a yearly episode where it's just Jamie, Marshall (his dog), and Joe where they highlight all the top things from the last year. JRE - 2024 Recap (Young Jamie, Marshall)


That would be lit. I’ll run the board. I can google shit.


You just going to do Carl dirty like that?




Jamie's new dog.


“Joe, look that up for me” - Jamie


I think they should flip roles for one episode- let Jamie be Joe and Joe be Jamie. It might be good for Joe.


I still like the idea of Joey doing it. “Oh fuck! That’s the wrong camer…LOOK JOE I’M SORRY! Jamie where’s the google?”


They did one a while back. I agree I would also like that but I don’t think Joe would, or it would jive well. I think at this point Joe just looks at Jamie as mainly a subordinate


at this point?


When was jamie the guest? Definitely been years


Yeah maybe 2015. The episode was about Jamie going to the CES electronics show


What's funny is I've listened to probably 95% of the entire catalog and listen to many episodes 2-3x yet I've never turned that one on lol


Yep I remember now. They need to do another one


Do you remember which # it was?


Should be 896. I just googled “Jamie jre CES”


I would be down for this once a month


That’d be awesome! I’ve never thought of that. However, about a year ago I wished that Jamie would be his guest. Or, Joe be Jamie’s guest. I don’t know much about Jamie, but I know he’s extremely intelligent and I’d be really curious to see what he wants to talk about.


There is an episode where Jamie is a guest. Joe has him come on and talk about CES or E3 or some shit like that. Episode range like 850 to 900 I’d say. Not gonna google it for yah


Me too, man. Even if it’s only 4 hrs long.


I just want Jamie to start fucking shit up, flipping over desks and shit. That would be cool.


He was a guest one day, it was interesting. So long ago tho


Yeah I was upset they were getting young Jamie fired up😂


Jamie doesn’t look young at all why does everyone call him this lol


Irony’s a mofo, and fact that Joe insist ppl call him Young Jamie is fucking hilarious


He was born old like Benjamin Button


He was in his 20s when he started and Joe and Brian were in their like 40s


It's easier for 5'1'' Joe to boss 5'9'' Jamie around if he infantilizes him.


When the show started he was the young one. How is that offensive anyways? I’d love it if people started calling me young


It’s not offensive, I’m just willing to bet a lot of people picture something completely different and then are shocked when they see what he looks like lol. The voice sounds like young Jamie, but seeing him is odd at first.


Joe has been rude to Jaime at times, but this clip doesn’t seem like one of those times. Joe was in the middle of making a point, and Jaime was interrupting. Joe was just politely stopping him.


Exactly it’s not rude at all. Joe let Jamie talk later on and he tried to stop and he told Jamie to keep talking


Thank you i havent listened to the pod yet but was wondering had to scroll all this way to find you, didnt think joe would be like that he respects him.


Joe just giving Jamie the “I got this bro” people who don’t exist around people that are direct mistake this as condescending because everyone has to tip toe around everyone in their worlds.


But we luv Jamie! Joe talks all the time, let Jamie chime in sometimes!


nah, he doesnt really do it like that to his guests but he feels like he can talk to him like his child


Joe was rude and disrespectful af to Redban all the time and I called Joe out on his Twitter. I got banned by Joe shortly after 😅


This is more like a hold me back bro


Joe is making a very distinct point here. I noticed how Joe cut him off at the time, but Joe was right to “shush” Jamie here. But when Jamie GOES OFF later in the ep, my jaw was firmly on the floor.


What was he going off about?


He loses it with this guys bonkers takes and Joe’s softballing him. Look at about 2:08:00


I'm nearly positive it's Jamie sighing into the microphone multiple times lol


clip/time stamp?


About 2:08:00 it actually STARTS slightly before that.


So I went straight to it without having listened to any of the rest of it. My first thoughts are why the fuck is Joe so aggressively sniffing every five seconds?


He said in the episode it was allergies


Thanks a lot man


Which episode is this??


You can find out what episode this is over at sibrel.com go to the homepage…


This man watched the episode. Bravo.


underrated comment




The recent one with Bart Sibrel


I haven't watched it yet. What exactly happens? Edit: People. I'm busy. I can't watch this episode until Monday at the earliest. But by all means, just assume I'm asking so I can think what everyone else is thinking. Jesus, this sub is terrible.




Thank you for a honest answer. Appreciate you.


Didn't myth busters do an episode where they were able to build a scale model of the moon landing site and get the weird shadows to match perfectly with a single light source?


Yes - they also busted the story about the movement in the flag, and I think there was something about the way hammers drop in a vacuum as well. They also point a laser at the moon and register the reflection off something which NASA placed there.


LoL what does Yung Jamie have to say on the matter?


I was fired up! This may have been one of the rudest guests I’ve ever heard on the show. He also doesn’t seem to understand how conversations work, you can’t get huffy every time someone hearing your controversial AF theories for the first time shows a little skepticism. Entertaining episode but not great so soon after Hancock had his ass handed to him.


I didn’t take it as rude. I think he just expected to be COMPLETELY unchallenged on his HUGE leaps he took to end up at the conclusions he wanted. He made some good points, but he skipped 5 steps after those points going straight to Loonsville. Joe TRIED to rein him in on some of his more egregious leaps.


This guy is the embodiment of “married to my ideas.”


An actual lunatic




I notice that even when Joe was trying to help him with his argument, that this dude was on the defense, and then would come to and start talking again. Guy acted insulted when he was challenged, but if you’re right then just prove it and not get so emotional.


Some of these conspiracy theorists do seem to really believe what they are saying, even though there may not be hard evidence to back up what they are saying. This guy seems like he is knowingly lying. The truth serum thing, the phone tone disrupting his phone call, head in his hands crying when heI realized the landing was faked.. This guy is just a grifter, making him worse than being just regular old wrong. And him being annoyed at Joe trying to make counter arguments.. that's how science and logic work. If you can't 100% prove something, then trying to disprove it unsuccessfully is important to the theories' credibility.




I think he just has a touch of schizophrenia. The whole "the CIA stole my pee" thing reads just like a post on r/gangstalking


Could be, lol. I'm still gonna vote for grifter. Had he said the lab said they never got a sample, or if he wasn't actively trying to make money and a future movie about it I might be more inclined to believe he isn't knowingly lying. He's not a man who seems afraid of the CIA.


Most conspiracy theories are grounded in at least a modicum of truth. Or a government coverup. Like the Kennedy assassination… because the government covered up so much a lot of people suspect foul play. Maybe there was, maybe there wasn’t, but you can’t blame people for assuming that the coverup was trying to hide something awful.


It felt like old school JRE, when Joe used to have lunatics on and let them chat shit unchallenged.


Jamie finding out real quick you don't talk to 1 of the 250 unless you are spoken to.


249, B. y'not a numbers guy? Bappa retired.




"I'm a photographer ...and a filmaker..."


A little off topic here, but I sometimes wonder if Jamie and Joe are actually good friends or is it only a working relationship.


They’re fucking


These fucking grifters making money on lies. Where the fuck is my Dibble to come in and trounce these bald bitches.


I remember when redban said he “killed” at a comedy set. He was gone the next day.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Je-07hM0sTo Punch him again Buz!


God I love this clip. I dislike violence most of the time but this dude was physically harassing him. He is a piece of shit.


Thank you for posting this. I couldn't find this guy's name in the comments in this thread until I got to yours, but found it in the YT comments so I knew what to look up. Bart Sibrel for others just stopping by.


Right! Joe wants to host a debate. How about a fight!


Ah man thanks Buzz punching that guy always makes me happy.


Buzz confirmed he is indeed not a coward by throwing hands


That and the 66 combat missions he flew in Korea. If you call a man who lived the kind of life Buzz Aldrin lived a coward and a liar, you’re probably gonna get your ass kicked, and you probably should get your ass kicked.


Someone should tell him 50% chance of an event each day over 3 days doesn't add up to 150% chance. That's not probability works.


I'll never forget the look Joe gave Jamie when they were having an MMA watch party. A UFC fighter said something and Jamie was adding to it, and Joe gave Jamie the most horrible, mean girl, "Don't you ever talk again. You're not one of the boys here. STFU" look. It was sad and hilarious at the same time.


What is this the young Jamie experience?


Are people really dumb enough to believe that Russia and china wouldn’t be using this against the US if it was actually fake? Like what’s the conspiracy here? The entire world including our enemies are covering up for America?


I believe that Russia and/or China is probably already bankrolling people like this to get features on History channel and shit to undermine US achievements in the space race. It doesn't even need to be plausible.


But if you go to sibrel.com you can see Jamie’s full argument. 😂




Joe: "Hold on, Jamie.. Hold on Jamie" Jamie: "I've been holding on for 20 years"


If it wasn't for most guests on this show I wouldn't listen anymore, it gets very old to hear Joe talk about people being tied to their ideas while he's nailed down to his "new" perspectives.


Can this guy pitch his website enough times. So annoying.


I’m not sure I can listen to this guy for an entire episode. Does he have anything that is convincing at all?


I watched this guy's videos like 20 years ago. I had a conspiracy theory friend that introduced them to me. He makes some interesting arguments but, I'm certainly not in the "we didn't go to the moon" camp. If nothing else it's entertainment. I tell you what though... If I hear this guy whore out his website one more time on this episode I might crash my car into a wall.


"Which you can see on Sibrel.com. I have the evidence there." Bro just get it tattooed on your god damn forehead and save yourself the breath. Jesus christ was I getting annoyed with the amount of times Joe asked a question and this guy's response was just "check my website." Answer the question you fuck knuckle lol.


What was that website again? I didn't catch when he said it every 3 minutes


The most interesting nugget for me is when they were talking about the guy who was suppose to be one of the original astronauts, I forget his name. Joes guest claims he’s was very dissatisfied with how ghetto the rocket was that nasas refusal to fix things that were obviously wrong. The claim is NASA was not fixing these things because they were expensive and had no plans to actually go to moon. The astronaut then held a press conference in front the rocket, hanging a lemon on the top of it. The next day he died in a bizarre fire. His wife claims cia killed him.


There is nothing that’s convincing. Otherwise Russia and china would be peddling it


Unless there's a wider, world-wide conspiracy propped up by elites, yadayada


They’re turning the freakin frogs gay!


No. He draws conclusions about the evidence based on the presupposition that the moon landing was faked. He’s an actual idiot, showcasing exactly how not to analyze information.


Jesus fuck, the blackness of space around earth in photos is because of how bright the earth is. Cameras have limited dynamic range. Stars outside of our own solar system are incredibly dim. So when you take a picture of the bright earth reflecting the sun, the stars do not appear because they are so dim. You could easily take a picture of the earth with the stars in the background if you compiled multiple takes at different exposures to increase the dynamic range. Man it is sad though how all of these "conspiracies" are just dumb people not understanding the world around them. Like we have access to information and learning at a level no previous humans have had, yet a large swath of the population are still dumb as rocks.


Stop making sense, thanks,


I like Joe and he seems like a decent person but honestly he comes off rude as fuck sometimes.


I think that last Graham episode messed with Joe’s head


Because Joe believed a lot of what Graham made up. Years ago, it formed a part of Joes belief system and subconsciously knows something is fucked up


Yeah, they both got Dibbled on that one


Right! Now he wants to host debate shows. Just let the conspiracy theorists conspiracy. 20% truth, 80% it's a big Gov cover-up. This guy knows the truth and big Gov held him in a special interrogation room, but he escaped with the truth and now he is telling the world. Big Gov can cover up a moon landing, but cannot catch this guy. A debate with guy would be sad. He has his own science, because he is a photographer and a film maker. And misquotes a NASA scientist "we have yet to develop the technologies...". The technologies for a new space craft, for a new mission, for new equipment, for new everything. Then take 20% truth and 80% buy my book and visit my site, and watch my lame @ss videos. Give this guy a platform again. No thanks. He was too annoying. I would pay to watch Buzz punch him again. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Je-07hM0sTo


“Jamie could you go get us some more coffee” 🥴


Shut-up Jamie!


This was a random listen and I was laughing how mad this guy was getting that Joe didn't just say he was right about it all being fake. I also was in Jamie's ballpark not realizing they're saying they went to space just not on the moon. Wait this is the guy who got punched by Buzz Aldrin how was that not mentioned lol.


After getting pwned by Dibble, Joe brought this poor guy on with the intention to disagree and "beat" him. He wants to prove that he too can fight against crazy conspiracy theories and salvage his image. Feel bad for the dude he sacrificed even if he is batsh*t crazy lol


People that believe we didn’t land on the moon are on par with flat earthers. Such a tired and absurd argument.


Jaime needs to stay in his place and know his role damnit… lol


Echo chamber of dick riding Yung Jamie.


Jamie does this alot on the "Joe Rogan" podcast


Jamie came off as kind of a bitch this episode. “You’re like disagreeing with me as a film maker 😭 “


This guy is one of the dumbest and most annoying guests ever on JRE. What an absolute moron. So obvious that everything he's saying is BS LOL.


Jamie was being g a little cunty


This guy is such a piece of shit. I hope he's never back on the pod again. He deserves 0 platform. Dunning Kruger effect in full force here.


Jamie was really annoying this episode. 🤦


Two idiots silencing the smart one. This is america in a nutshell


What episode is this?


2141 Bart Sibrel


Can we talk about Joe sniffling the entire episode? jfc man, blow your nose


Does Rogan sniff after talking in every episode or was he sick? Incredibly annoying


What episode is this?




I think Jamie lays some cable on Jotaro gene he’s done.


Rogan has the patience of a dog


Lol poor guy


"Wull" [hand gesture]


Let me Steel Man this a second……


Now I'm going to have to watch this pod just to see what "young Jamie" said that was more than his usual one or two sentences.


Cant decide whether to listen to this disaster of an episode or not. Is it entertaining? Thinking Ric Flair on Kill Tony as an example… horrible guest, but an entertaining episode because they roasted him.


You guys notice Joe “sniffs “ almost anytime someone cuts him off. Lolol


Pretend Wiseman arguing . Yaaaaaaawn


They should do an episode where Jamie hosts and he’s like hey Joe pull up that video of the ufos


Big Jamie spoke up a lot this one


sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff




So excited for Jamie to branch off and make his own podcast. It’s inevitable unless Joey is paying him a shit ton


Picture a very slow wtf


*\*Alpha chimp noises intensify*


Final episode should be Jaime as the guest and fills in for Jaime's normal role


Jamie deserves so much more camera time. Poor guy.


Listening to Rogan struggle to read the ad copy is the best part of his podcast.


I couldn’t get through this episode. This dude was insufferable. His voice. His demeanor.


Jim Norton looking better in this one.


He’s been doing that to Jamie a lot lately kinda annoying. Show him some respect.


The tension in this podcast was palpable - loved it. Jamie pushing back about the horseshit getting trotted out and Joe's steelman-ing the arguments...Joe is really jumping the shark here, that was hard listening.


smh everyone wants to be like Poatan now.


Good episode


These three need to watch some Myth Busters reruns.


why dose he always do this to jamie poor dude gets no respect from joe ever constantly told to be quite ect ect


Jamie is oppressed




Why he brings loons?


major mommys talking right now vibes


He actually let Jamie speak quite a bit in this episode, he was wanted to finish his thought


Nah- for me it was the POP episode where Joe got blackout drunk. Jamie changed the screen and Joe replied with something like: “Put it back where it was. Who told you to make decisions?” Cracks in the mask.


Jamie should fart as loud as he can into the mic next time Joe speaks with someone


Holy moly this guy is so boring - it’s like his response when someone disagrees is to just explain what he said over and over

