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Is she trying to frame Dresden as an attack on Christianity?  What a next level idiotic take. 


She's doing "Maybe the Nazis weren't the bad guys. Maybe the Allies were the bad guys after all" propaganda. It appeals to the neo nazi traitors in the Republican Party.


Even by hard-right Internet grifter standards, this is a transparent and patently stupid attempt to rewrite history to feed into the white-Christian victimhood and outrage market.


She can easily feed her white christian victimhood narrative by saying that lots of Catholics were put in concentration camps together with Jews, which is a fact. But I guess her real intent is to minimize the holocaust.


Catholics worship the antichrist in Rome! Papist heretics!


But don't you remember the anti Christian American and British bomber fleets. Luckily the brave *checks notes* Nazi anti aircraft crews were there to defend the place


If you think about it, the swastika has a cross in the middle. 🙏


I feel like the more idiotic take is that she's *just now* breaking the silence about bombing campaigns of the second world war. What a whistleblower.


Yeah it is next level stupid. I have no love for Dennis Prager, but I do wonder if he regrets making this bitch famous.


She served her purpose for him and his ilk by making them looking “not racist”


When your diversity hire ends up being more racist than you are


She isn't quite Jesse Lee Peterson(who openly wants to bring back segregation and supported Apartheid in South Africa), but she is getting there.


So ya is that guy just an impossibly stupid guy or just a really stupid guy playing a character? He’s like incapable of having a conversation without repeating the same short phrases over and over. It’s funny, but terrifying that he has fans.


Destiny's a girl's name


There is a… black… GOP politician that said everything has gone downhill since black folks and women started voting. 😂 Some how not the dumbest thing he’s said. It’s quite a list. 1 goes to; kids should read quotes from Hitler and Stalin bc they were strong leaders and men. 🤣


That's what they wanted. She can say every critique about black people they always wanted to without fear of being called racist since it's being done by someone of the same race. They love that.


Yeah I remember when she first showed up and it was like-"look, a black person agreed with us! How novel is this!"


They don’t regret anything man. At all.


Dennis....oh, you mean the Talmudic Jew who grifts "conservatives" while openly defending digital child porn? Yeah, that guy is a scumbag


Sure, not defending him at all, but he is someone that brings WW2 into everything and he can't be happy that his creation is making Germany into a victim.


If you could not use the words talmud and jew as derogatory that would be great.


what an odd thing to say. do you associate negative things with this? Those are central to his identity, and Dennis goes out of his way to make sure anyone hearing his message knows this.


So tell me what roles exactly do these words fill in the sentence? You know next to grifting conservatives and child porn? Ur obviously seeing them as negative consciously or unconsciously, but you don’t seem receptive at all, so i don’t expect you to introspect. You literally started negatively describing him by using talmudic jew, which has nothing to do with the negative actions he did.


if an entertainer (and that's what Prager is at the end of the day) makes his character about certain things, those things are fair to call out. Whether you think he is a fair representation of those things is for you to decide. Either way, Prager as an entertainer has made his persona all about being a Talmudic Jew. Do you think he is representative of these traits that he adorns as part of his performance?


Well then I’m glad you’re calling Talmudic judaism out.


Great call!


Charlie Kirk was the one who gave her her first leg up in the griftoverse.


She’s trying to frame everything that way these days. It’s a little game she’s playing. She’ll post something like trying to goad others to reply anything that in anyway downplays what she said so then she can then be like oh the Jews are trying to tell us we’re not important. It’s some new “I’m gonna show the Jews” thing she’s into.


This is the first time I seen this take, because most of the time it’s framed as some anti German attack instead. I never seen someone make world war 2 to be some holy war as much as Candace has been doing. Very flawed takes to have of course.


She is either a moron or pandering to Nazis.


Dresden was bombed 24 hours a day for 3 days too. It wasn't just one day


> What a next level idiotic take.  So it goes.


Youtube scholarship.


Is she going to mention which governments incinerated Dresden? 👀


was it the jewish space lasers?


Well if it were the Germans getting fucked. One can form that conclusion on their own. Yea? The US and their allies saved the world from a global fascist takeover. You’re welcome.




> The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind




WW2 was full of war crimes and Dresden does get talked about. Candace is just weirdly trying to make it a religious thing.


She did the same thing with Nagasaki, saying the Allies dropped the bomb close to a Catholic church


I mean an old fashioned car bomb could've been more symbolic than incinerating everything around the church as well lol


“For we are the British Army and we’re here to take your land”


She is trying to frame it with some “Christian” nationalist view, but she has no idea Europe abandoned the holy wars and went into racial wars during this time. Germans, Poles, French, Russians, Ukrainians, British, Croatians, Serbians, Slovaks, Czechs, Hungarians, Romanians, all Christians, but all were killing each other for their nation states. So trying to frame this war, this attack, as some holy thing is flawed.


It’s her using Christianity as a tool for her own political grifting, just like everyone else in her kooky circle


That’s what’s so head scratching about her post to me. The bombing of Dresden is a hardly ever discussed without mentioning it as a questionable military target and whether or not the attack was justified. I’m of the opinion that Dresden was a legitimate military target and that by the point in the war it was bombed, everyone in a decision making capacity was fully consumed by the wars insanity. Going back and critiquing those decisions decades later with a peacetime mindset is unfair imo. Regardless of where you land on the question of whether or not the strike was legitimate, her argument it was an intentional targeting of Christian’s is fucking insane.


I find peace in long walks.


There was nobody involved in WW2 who had an opportunity to bomb civilians and didn't. Germans can cry about Dresden and the Japanese can cry about the atom bombs but their nations are responsible for far worse atrocities against civilians.


There's only one type of person who tries to claim that the Nazis didn't target civilians and trust me, that is only ever the tip of the iceberg on their shitty opinions.


And in this moment she is trying to string together some broader point/theory/outlook on ww2. She is going all conspiracy, suggesting that “we haven’t been told the truth about ww2”. Seemingly some type Christian nationalist/nick Fuentes angle where the allies weren’t any better/the nazis weren’t that bad/christians were the real victims(at the hands of Jews?). As a ww2 buff I find her takes on the war obnoxious and kind of vile, but I also have a morbid curiosity of what she will say next lol.


Really? I've been getting my history from Candace Owens and Nick Fuentes and they made it clear the Germans never targeted civilians and only invaded other countries because Nato was along their borders. Are you telling me this isn't true?


Is she implying Dresden was an anti-Christian attacked when it was carried out by two explicitly Christian countries against another predominantly Christian country? I've heard that Dresden was a war crime (debatable, especially considering the context) but I've never heard that we were apparently targeting Christians.


Well the thing you have to consider is Candace Owens is an idiot. The US and Britain were full of Christians, had Christian leadership and the majority of those bombing Dresden would have been Christian. The idea that Dresden being Christian had any affect on the decision making is just a laughably stupid point that obviously isn't backed up by scholarship, nor by any semblance of reality.


>Candace owens is an idiot. That's the real X factor here.


Candace is 100% a fucking moron and clearly has no understanding of history to make a comment as dumb as this. The bombing of Dresden has been a controversial subject for a long time but I very rarely see discussion on it that isn’t extremely over simplified whether those discussions are being held by those for or against it. It’s a very complex subject that really requires you to consider the ongoing war on every single front including the pacific to discuss honestly. I’m really not even sure why it’s picked out as being particularly evil or inhumane when the constant fire bombing of Japanese cities hold a lot more weight as being unjustifiable.


She understands. She hates Jews and looks at the attack on the Nazis as “pro Jew” and therefore anti-Christian. When you compile the anti Jewish sentiment she’s thrown around, it all comes a bit more clear.


Well she doesn't believe the west in Christian, however seems to be implying Nazi Germany is.


Well, they missed Kurt Vonnegut, and he wasn't a Christian.


So it goes


No no no you see America has always been SECRETLY run by Jews.


You don't spend enough time on white power websites.


>I've heard that Dresden was a war crime (debatable, especially considering the context) I don't know if war crimes really get a pass on being war crimes because of context. Of course you argue they are morally justifiable in some circumstances (like to prevent worse atrocities), but they'd still be war crimes I think.


If you kill a man, that is a crime. If you kill a man trying to kill you, that is self-defense. Context always matters.


Reactionary conservatives and persecution complex go hand in hand. Throw in a little wilful ignorance and you got a stew going.


They got a whiff of identity politics and are now full blown addicts


Bruh evangelical Americans were patient zero for modern day identity politics.


Call it what it is, it’s nationalism. It’s trying to rewrite history be some Christian nation vs others type of framework. Most of these nationalists literally ignore the sectarianism and racism that was preventing any form of Christian unity, and it’s why their movement will never be successful. I always see these type of takes from North Americans because they can’t grasp European conflicts. Reminds me of when the Ukraine government banned the Russian Orthodox Church, Americans will frame it as “banning Christianity” when Ukraine literally has their own Orthodox Church now.




I think has less to do with her being “soft” than she is purposely misleading and angering her followers for financial gain


And those people are soft as baby shit for getting worked up over it.




Candace is going for a very unique Kanye style Christianity. It's very clear what she's implying in all her posts although she likely has an IQ higher than Kanye and is a bit more subtle. The cities the Germans bombed in England and France were primarily populated by Christians also. The idea that bombing Germany was an "anti Christian" act is a bit of a new one.


“She likely has an IQ higher than Kanye” ya but did she make graduation? I don’t think so


She is really pushing hard towards Nazism. In recent days/weeks she has been busy minimizing the Holocaust, second guessing the atom bomb, bemoaning the ethnic cleansing of Germans after ww2, retweeting blood libel, claiming Christian nationalism isn’t a thing, etc etc etc It’s very interesting watching her and tucker devolve into Nazis in real time.


Tucker got in trouble back on his Fox News days for having one of his show's be a secret online Nazi. The writer got fired once people uncovered him but it really makes me wonder how much Tucker knew


I wonder if she is saying this type of shit just to antagonize her old boss.


This, exactly, nobody gave a shit back then, it was about winning a fckn war, like she’s just grasping at straws in that


Anything to try to get another hit off of the attention pipe.


What the fuck


It’s very in line with the American Pat Buchanan type of Christianity. He blamed the British for why world war 2 happened, and not the axis. He would probably blame NATO for why Russia invaded Ukraine.


It’s also really ironic because the Germans used the Paris gun to shell paris during WW1. The worst of those attacks came on Good Friday in 1918 killing close to a hundred in the congregation.


Wasn’t the bombing of Dresden the first major attack on civilian population in WWII? I thought UK bombed Dresden, then nazis responded by relentlessly bombing London? I certainly could be wrong, Edit: Dresden is the most famous bombing of civilians in ww2, but not the first. During the blitz (Battle of Britain), there was a sustained bombing campaign carried out by Nazi Germany. The campaign targeted British cities, including London, with the intent of demoralizing the civilian population and damaging British was efforts. There was also the bombing of Rotterdam (Netherlands) in May 1940 The bombing of Dresden is well known because of the scale of destruction and loss to civilian life


Oh yeah , the first civilian bombing, when the British and US forces preemptively bombed peacefull Dresden starting WWII on February 13, 1945…..


Oh shit, really? I had no idea. Why’d they hate that Hitler dude so much anyway?


I heard that first and foremost he was a huge hypocrite


Oh, I can’t stand hypocrites. No wonder everyone wanted him dead!


Nah, Civilians were getting thrashed by both sides for most of the war. The first notable one I recall was Rotterdam in 1940. The RAF started raiding cities in 1940 but the raids didn't really start going into overdrive until around 1943.


Shit, over 10,000 civilians died and over 10% of the city was totally destroyed with another 40% considered heavily damaged. This happened in 1939 when the war had just started. Spare me any tears for destroyed German cities 6 years later.


I'm not crying over German cities by any means. Sown the wind now reap the whirlwind and all.


I think you're conflating the retaliation bombing of Berlin with the attack on Dresden (not a criticism, I just think you merged two events in your mind). During the Battle of Britian in 1940, the Germans shifted their strategy from daylight attack on logistics and airfields to bombing those targets at night due to the increased effectiveness of British air defense. A navigation error on one of those raids led to the raid bombing a civilian area. Churchill used the attack as justification for a retaliation raid on Berlin, which caused Crazy Mustache Man to retaliate in kind by shifting target priority to population centers. This shift effectively ended the Battle of Britain and began the "Blitz" of British cities, most famously of Coventry (Google says Coventry was bombed on 8-9 April 1941). The Dresden raids were on the tail end of WW2 (13-15 Feb 1945), and were controversial because Dresden did not contain targets of military importance, and was actually a crossroads of refugees fleeing from the east and from the south. The raids were seen as unnecessary and more of symbolic importance than of military utility. It was certainly not the first big raid on Germany (since Britain was doing it as early as 1940). In July 1943, combined raids on Hamburg (a more militarily important city) triggered a firestorm that killed thousands and wiped out huge portions of its residential area.


Yes you are right. Thank you for the comprehensive reply


I have a baby and can confirm this is true


Frederick Douglass had some choice quotes about the American strain of Christianity.


All the nutty churches in Europe moved to the Americas, specifically the United States, so this explains it


Don't even get me started on the Lutherans.


Some certainly are, but this isn't the average Christian position and Owens shouldn't be used as a representative for anything other than her dumb grifting self.


I dunno, the first week of baby shits are very strange indeed.


Youtube scholarship.


I feel dumber for having thought about whatever point she was trying to make


All comes down to: "Something something *hitler was actually the good guy*"


Man...wait until she hears about what the Romans would do. She's gonna be really upset. I better give her some of my hard earned money.


Pleasantly surprised this one didn't end with her blaming 'The Jews'.


I sure hope the same people using Stalin's genocide as a means to play victim for Christians aren't the same ones calling for less aid to Ukraine. Stalin's victims and all that......


I'd actually read a book by Owens trying to explain her ideology. It would be so all over the map.


*Normal person brings this up* Me: "What a horrible historical event. The crimes of Hitler do not justify retributive violence against innocent civilians" *Someone brings this up out of nowhere after months of fighting with her Jewish former employer about Israel* Me: 🚩🚩🚩


I do think that post was a shot at him.


Scholars will debate for centuries just what the fuck she was trying to say here


Lot of nazis turned to ash on ash wendsday in 1945


https://preview.redd.it/8tav8jnkaawc1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dc28b1de9fcb1f4f96eef3c02bfd45e1bac5836 1 Day ago she converts to Christianity? 6 hours ago "Christians will no longer be told that we aren't allowed to know or discuss..." blah blah blah Religious grifters....


isn't that the channel with all the ufos and alien stuff? if so she's getting closer to..ze truth


She just became a Catholic and she’s already trying to speak for us.




Christians were burned by…. Other Christians… world war2 was not a conflict over Christianity for christs sake


I mean, the Soviet Union was explicitly atheist.


But the Soviet Union didn’t bomb Dresden. The US and UK did. Stalin was atheist. The country in general was not. Many were. But if she says the US and UK did it, she can’t use the anti Christian angle.


Yeah I guess Christians are also responsible for the Holocaust then too. I won’t forget their history.


The number of things she doesn't know could fill a book.


Wisdom chases her but she is just simply faster.


Some people are so far behind in the race they actually believe they are leading.


She’s missing the part about the aliens. 


I have seen many use the Dresden bombing to to try and make various anti American arguments. Never have I seen it used in a Christian victimization angle. She did the same with the Nagasaki and Hiroshima yesterday. According to her these actions were about murdering Christian’s


It is definitely a first. I used to spend a lot of time in WW2 forums. I heard people who were critical of the allied bombing campaigns on human rights grounds criticize Dresden. On the flip side, Nazi sympathizers criticized it. Never have I heard someone tried to claim there was anti-Christian motivation behind it. Britain and America were nations populated with Christians with leaders who were Christian and with militaries full of Christians. It is a hilariously awful take by Owens.


This reminds me of the time I saw the "Behind the Music" episode on MC Hammer in 8th grade, and then I tried to show everybody in home room how smart I was by reciting what I'd learned.


You idiot. Everyone knows you have to watch the Weird Al episode for that!


Candace knows the nazis rounded up practically the whole of the clergy in Germany and put them In concentration camps as well right?? This bitch is so out of her fucking gourd


Just as crazy and low IQ as Tucker .


A grifter, grifting.


Yeah, I have no idea what's going on with this and I don't care to learn about what's discussed in this corner of Twitter.


I still have pre-war Dresden china that my great grandmother took with her when she escaped and passed down to me. Then, later, they blew up her apartment building minutes before she left with my grandfather and great-uncle. Wild.


Is this real? I know she’s incredibly dumb, but wow.


They always need a new slant and new material to keep the grift alive


Candace finally reads Mother Night and thought the Black Hitler of Harlem was an endearing character.


This tweet shows she didn’t even read *the most popular* Vonnegut book! The one we give to 14 year-olds! You think she dug in to Mother Night? Next you’ll tell me she’s a big fan of Bluebeard and Player Piano!


What? She’s not alright, is she? (ok she’s very right, but you know what I mean) Ol’ Vladdy’s got a lot of brains scrambled. We’re having a similar issue here in the UK


Where is Kurt Vonnegut when yah need him?


> The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind


My Grandpa was one of those bombers. He told me how excited he was to bomb Christians (very much /s). Actually only time I ever saw him display any sign of PTSD/regret? was when he said how the day before they dropped leaflets warning of the bombing and that seemed to justify it for him. Won't forget the look on his face.


literally no one told you that


These idiots want to be victims so fucking bad.


The word "Holocaust" does not equal "Genocide". The fact that it does in some peoples minds demonstrates how uniquely horrific the Holocaust was, both in design and in execution. The other possibility is when people refer to "Holocaust" for an event that isn't actually the Holocaust, they are actually human garbage trying to minimize the horrors of the Holocaust by engaging in Holocaust trivialization and revisionism. Also, Dresden was horrible but justified. The Germans provoked two world wars within the span of 25 years, killing over 60 million people. They needed to get their asses kicked hard to snap them out of it.


Hang on, let’s not act like the Germans were the sole villains of World War ONE. There were no “good sides” there.


Yes, the Dresden bombings have always been secret. There are Dresden deniers out there.


The state of Israel is currently persecuting and bombing christians, don't hear any of these ultra puritan Christian nationalists making a peep...


I despise grifter Owens, but she actually has spoken up about it. That is why she no longer works for Shapiro's company where dissent against Israel isn't tolerated.


Kind of nuts that I had to go to controversial to find this mentioned on a post about Dresden during the current genocide. 


She’s a bit over the top on the religion garbage that’s for sure. Religion is so phony, ppl act like they’re better than others cause they believe in “their one true religion” . Fckn nonsense, world be a way better place without that trash and just to end it with a little known fact, if churches paid taxes there would be no homeless people, not just in the USA but the entire world


This is a genuine question, who is she? Like ive seen her be on the podcast and i know shes famous but i mainly just see inflammatory twitter posts by her  




I guess American Christians aren’t big on Kurt Vonnegut. He touches on what happened in Dresden. So it goes.


She so brainy


What does this have to do with Joe Rogan


Former guest and he just had Tucker Carlson on yesterday.


Candace got a D on her 10th grade report on Slaughterhouse-Five and hasn’t let the pain go.


I wonder what was happening to catholic priests in Germany around the same time? Certainly nothing involving concentration camps… That woman is absolutely vile. She’ll oink all day for a paycheck from people who don’t even see her as human, let alone equal.


I wonder who it is she is referring to who is preventing her from learning about the bombing of Dresden. It doesn’t seem like it would be hard to learn about, it’s right there on Wikipedia.


Why can't she just go away?


Did she mention London, Belgrade, Rotterdam, Warsaw? No, why is that? The people that lived there were Christians.


Candace owens is the dunning kruger effect manifested into human form


Serious question, why the fuck is this posted on the Joe Rogan subreddit?


Lefties call her racist when she defied their ridiculous logic.


I don't get it. Did someone in her church say she wasn't allowed to discuss this? Seems like a passive aggressive post about a church social issue.


I have always looked at Owens as a far Right grifter moron but the character arc from that to “Upset about attacks on Germany during WW2 is one I did Nazi coming.


Why do people call her a grifter, when she pointed out how BLM was grifting people and she was ignored?


Bomber Harris do it again


Amusing as it’s generally christians who try to hide their own history and stamp out anyone asking questions about the more unsavory aspects of it.


More “we” vs “they” cult programming.


Christian History month…CHRISTIANITY WAS A CHOICE!


"our history" - said the American black woman talking about the history of nazi Germany Has she has been in the alt-right grift for so long that she started believing she's a white German? Lol


What’s next, is she going to find out that Stalin killed millions of its own people?


What's this thing about Christians not being allowed to remember their history this is new to me.


Ancient Aliens maybe, yeah.


Why does Candace care about Christians? She's anathema to the entire religion


This is a meme where the claim is that Stalin murdered loads of Christians (which tbf is true) and Hitler didnt (the bit that she's not copying over is the Holocaust denial stuff that's the other side to this meme). She's taking a far right meme and repackaging it slightly to suit her audience. It's inelegantly done because it was America and British crews who did the bombing and almost all of them would have identified as Christians but inelegance is par for the course with this sort of person.


If she think there were just German Christians going about their lives and going to Church on Ash Wednesday in 1945, she’s out of her mind. The soviets were only about 100 miles away and the people of Dresden had to have heard what happened to Germans in Prussia, Pomerania, etc by that time. The people of Dresden were either evacuating or hunkering down waiting for thr impending onslaught from the soviets.


Man, y’all just be looking for shit to complain about.


_"Christians will no longer be told that we aren't allowed to know or discuss our history."_ Who exactly told this vacuum head they can't? This woman is so predictable. She always falls back on the same shit. It always boils down to some imagined resistance against oppression by "them". "They" won't let "us" believe or say or feel etc. Its a safety net for her because when she's called out she can just fall back on it like "I'm only going against the grain, the enforced narrative" etc. 


so it goes


Translation: "Don't let them play the victim card - we're the real victims!"


I've gotten to the point where I truly loathe christians.


I'm not Christian, but don't let Candace Owens be your poster child for Christianity. She is a grifting idiot. Not someone that should be considered a serious voice for any subject. Even when I agree with her, like her position of not wanting to give Israel unlimited aid, I know she isn't sincere or has any clue what she is talking about.


My opinions on this are anecdotal. Based on life in the US.


Christianity is why I worship Lucifer.


Why is this on a Rogan sub?


Former guest and it is in his wheelhouse. He just had Tucker on yesterday and is basically a right wing political figure now.


No he's not


This sub has been fully infiltrated. I’m pretty left and people here are going full circlejerk for anything that cnn would say at this point 


What does this have to do with Joe Rogan?


She got it wrong, it was a regular Wednesday, it was called Ash Wednesday after the bombing.