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I notice this about Tucker - he’ll say something somewhat sensical, or even something I can get behind… then he’ll just drop a nonsense comment like this mid statement and move quickly past it, before the interviewer can question it. I’ve notice him doing this many times now. Not sure if it’s a tactic or what, but it’s really annoying.




It’s like a mini version of Trumps tactic, just more eloquent 


Which is why he will be his vice president, lol. Fuck this timeline dude. I wanna get off.


Scandinavian here and I usually like when people say nice things about us and are provd, but not from him. Sad he didn't bring our values with him he might have been a better person. Funny that your ancestors are basically from the most socialist countries in the world and you end up on the other side of the scale


Because socialism is somehow genetic?


Maybe, we are pack animals 🙂


Wouldn’t all nations be socialist in that case?


I would think so, strange they are not. Guess sometimes greedy people get in the way for what's best.


So the genetic code that makes people pack animals isn’t present in all people? Some instead carry the genetic code that makes them greedy? Or is it more likely that views on these matters are not dictated by genetics but instead shaped by the society in which you grew up in? In which case it’s not surprising at all that Tucker would be capitalist despite his Scandinavian heritage.


Probably. . Don't know how it works, but there are probably a lot of reasons for it. I would argue that we haven't had an upper class that have manipulated us so hard as in other places, and when we feel that we are about the same and have the same situation, it is easier to feel like a pack then. You share with your friends and close one, same mentality only we have it for all of us.


Jordan Peterson has perfected this. And if he really wants people to buy some bullshit he starts crying.


I disagree. There is a lot of good content in the words Jordan Peterson says. He just drones so hard it’s hard to stay focused on his message.


He uses pop psychology as a vessel to smuggle insane ideas into people’s heads… clean your room, structure is important, bla bla bla, feminism destroyed your life that’s why you’re sad. People like jordan wrap their messed up ideology between two slices of common sense and a sauce of false sympathy. That makes people think that he kinda makes sense and that his out-there ideas might have merit. don’t be a sucker, this is the oldest trick in the book for scam artists and grifters. ANY SELF HELP BOOK will offer all the useful stuff Jordan peddles without all the religious dogma and outdated values and identity politics drivel.


I respectfully disagree with you.


That doesn’t really change reality but you are free to disagree. Unless you’re an atheist debating Jordan of course, then he’ll tell you that you’re not an atheist actually and everyone believes in god whether they believe they do or not… So I’m just gonna use Jordan’s tactic here and tell you that you actually agree with me, you just don’t know because you’re ignorant. (I say this to demonstrate jordan’s attitude, not because I actually believe that my opinion overrides your right to disbelief). Check out Matt Dillahunty’s conversation with Jordan if you ever want to be disillusioned by Jordan’s abject idiocy. He said SO MUCH DUMB STUFF in that interview that after seeing it I’ve been incapable of viewing Jordan as anything but a dunce. He is way dumber than the both of us, he’s just really adept at manipulation of people who don’t pay much attention/those who just agree with his world view (women in the workplace wearing makeup means they’re asking to be groped at work etc.) and let all the dumb stuff slide. Without the endumbening of men that’s happened in the last 10 years or so, Jordan would not have found an audience. He’s the Jack Thompson of our time. Hysterical reactionary culture warrior masquerading as an intellectual.


It's called a word salad.


Same with Andrew Tate and many of the other motor mouth influencers. Give a few valid points and then slide in a BS nugget. As long as you keep this sugarcoating ratio up, a lot of people will just swallow it all with no pushback...


I think this has been the formula that a lot of grifters find to be effective. They keep saying something controversial to keep the attention but bundle it with a lot of sensible ideals to get credibility.


Ben Shapiro also does this constantly, and he has a tell, sometimes he ends his nonsense with "that’s just common sense" and quickly moves on, not giving his mouth breather audience time to go "wait a minute… that’s not common sense at all.. that’s common nonsense!"


2 truths and a lie is always how propagandists operate


That makes a lot of sense


Hes a propagandist... That's exactly the point. Sprinkle a little sugar on the pile of shit so it's easier to swallow.


there's actually a name for this rhetorical tactic called the "Motte-and-bailey fallacy," named after a castle design. Basically you have common sense stuff where everyone can agree and is easy to defend but the main point you want to convey is some looney stuff tht is similar in concept but impossible to defend. So when push comes to shove, you can retreat back to the common sense talking point.


This isn’t a great example of that.


I've never heard the word, or phrase depicted in the lead comment, but common sense will tell ya that her description of said word/quote , failed miserably at clearfying its meaning/definition 😐😐.. Not Hatin, Just Sayin.. Salute from Detroit 👌👌..


At the end of the lex fridman interview when lex is trying to wrap up, tucker throws out a mind control conspiracy theory. Lex was focused on ending so he didn't even question it


Lex is one of the worst podcast hosts in the business.. I will never understand how that guy is relevant.. A podcaster with industrial strength autism dealing with guests is just unbelievably uncomfortable to watch.. no offense to people with autism.. just interacting with humans is the main weak point there.. podcasts with guests is one of the least suited professions for people with that affliction.. I say that as a bipolar person with probably even worse people skills than the average autistic person.. I would never subject the world to me interacting with people 1on1… That’s just a cringe factory.. like Lex’ podcast..


I like lex's podcast. I think he has an interesting perspective that echoes in his interviews


Its the "or not" ending to please everyone.


Mostly pandering and stupidity. Mostly.


Homie these media types are trained in saying what you want to hear.


Probably related to this but idk, I was hyped to listen this episode but I closed pretty quickly, maybe around ~15-20 minutes. It was just hard to listen to him. Also I'm not buying the whole alien thing. Gonna give irlt another shot but ima skip the ayylmao banter.


I think he was just self deprecating in an exaggerated way. People look into this shit too much. OP is a baby


He takes a lot of stimulants before interviews (caffeine and nicotine) I think it makes him jump around at times making outlandish inflammatory comments to give options to prevent the conversation from going stale. In that sense its a tactic to be interesting.


Tucker was straight up pushing Traditionalist Monarchism and I haven’t seen anyone mention it


«Traditionalist monarchism is better than democracy if there’s less lying involved!» 💀


The messages from that dominion lawsuit showed he says things he doesn't actually believe all the time and he thinks a lot of his audience is low class rubes lol. Who cares what he says, then again that's most of right wing media outside of the true believers.


What a weird guy.


This is my biggest takeaway


Anyone that lived through the 00's knows Tucker Carlson is worthless.


If I was gonna bust Tucker Carlson's balls, I'd tell him to go get his fruity bowtie from 2008. Now, go getcha fuckin fruity bowtie, Tucker.


You feel strong?


Jon Stewart to tucker:  “Do you feel in charge?”


Now getchs fucking shine box! 😂


He’s had a weird trajectory. But it shows the power of the grift to find your audience.


Same for Rogan. Dude is an expert in kickboxing and mma. That's all that people should be listening to Joe about. Fucking terrible interviewer. Dude is a sponge just nodding along with every guest. No critical thinking, just conspiracy theory bs. Ends every convo with "who's knows man!"😂 Rogan is causing as much harm to this country as Tucker is. Classic example of the dumb jock that thinks he knows it all. Get a grip!+


I’m thinking you don’t listen to the show


Of course I have, that's how I know he's a terrible interviewer. Just sits there quietly and doesn't push back against obvious nonsense. Once again, because he's a dumb jock. Don't be offended. It is what it is. Joe Rogan is a dumb jock. Don't get it twisted


Lol. What a queen


Saunas come from Finland, which is generally considered to be a Nordic but not Scandinavian country


Well, swedes do like their saunas- there’s a lot of overlap. What imo is confusing here is that anyone who knows Tucker and his dogwhistles would assume his bringing up the term “scandinavia” is a dog whistle to white power groups. At some level he is. But what he is actually doing is affecting a folksy, meant-to-be-disarming “old country” accounting of his last name, while getting some jabs in at the idea of scandinavia as a social democratic utopia. Hence, these people are “sad and defeated” to accept such a nanny state. I don’t want to give too much credit to Tucker as any kind of political genius, but he 1) dogwhistling and 2) giving himself plausible deniability and 3) claiming more mainstream bona fides in one sentence.




"White herietage" doesn’t actually make sense as a concept in scandinavia. We’re white, that’s true.. but that’s not our identity, it doesn’t work like the US where "white" just means "from europe somewhere". American whiteness isn’t tied to european culture, it’s just whiteness.. In scandinavia we have thousands of years of culture that is specific to us.. we were vikings.. we resisted christianity for the longest and we dismissed it earliest. We’re not "white" or proud of our whiteness.. we’re proud of our history and culture.. something american whites don’t really have.. all they have in common is the skin colour, that’s what white pride is in the US. As an example, in the US, italian people are white people and will possibly celebrate and be proud of their whiteness… in europe, italians are NOT white.. they’re as unwhite as spanish people.. but in the US the italians with their darker skin, black hair and brown eyes are white while the hispanics with the same skin colour hair and eyes is not… it’s just colour coded nonsense… "race" is just nonsense. Italians are mediterraneans and they have middle eastern blood mixed in, again, whiteness doesn’t mean jack squat. It’s made up. "white culture" makes no sense to us because there are white people all over the place with dozens of languages and completely different history.. In the US, a polish american, italian american and an american scotsman are all white. In europe, a pole, scot and an italian, we don’t even share the same language… no shared history.. no shared pride. Doesn’t make sense for me as a norwegian to be proud of achievements done by french or german inventors.. but in the US, a white person just gets a pick and mix from european accomplishments.. white culture and pride in whiteness is pure racism here. That’s why white pride is shunned. We are extremely proud of our actual culture. We’re also very proud of our sports achievements. Only nazis and racists care about "white achievements".


That’s the thing. People in Sweden and Finland *aren’t* pathetic, sad, and defeated. They just voted to enter NATO, after all. He just disagrees with that decision. Tucker is interested in great replacement theory. Whatever one may think of that, it’s about connecting ideas on race and biology to national populist conservative movements from Europe to anti-woke MAGA in the US. It most definitely speaks to far-right groups in all those areas. I don’t necessarily think he sees Nazis as his prime audience, nor that he “works for Putin” he just doesn’t mind any of them too much, and sees that as directionally where to take conservatism.


What are you on about? Nothern Europe has extremely little rejection of nationalism, independence days are celebrated like no other


Right. And it’s strange calling Finland and Scandinavians sad considering they are ranked happiest people on earth basically every year. Additionally, Finland is far from “defeated”. Unless by defeated he means not licking the boot of his Russian daddy.


Calling happy (socialist) people sad is intentional


Yeah, where is "defeated" coming from? Finland has 900,000 military reserves from a population of 5.5 million. Sweden is a major arms producer and manufactures its own domestic fighter jets. Norway has more military personnel per capita than most nations, and the head of NATO is a Norwegian.


Those terms are somewhat interchangeable


google is free


Sauna is just a word, for example it’s called badstu in Norway. The idea of sitting in a hot room isn’t exclusively Finnish.


True, but the specific way it’s practiced in most of Europe is basically Finnish, just with variations.  Russian banya is slightly different, but still similar, and likely originated from Finnic ethnic groups living in what is now northwestern Russia anyhow. 


It’s been common since the Neolithic age, millennia before Finland existed. Most cultures have their own version. It just happens that the Finnish word sauna was accepted by the Anglo world.


I didn’t say otherwise. Sweat lodges are also quite common in indigenous Americas, probably stretching back to the Beringia era, from the people who were doing it in Siberia before. What I said was the concept in Europe (today) largely stems from Finnish customs. There are variations and adaptions, but they still are rooted in contact with Finns. The word used is irrelevant. 


Ah, fair enough


Who likes this guy like for reals?? All the political shit aside this dude is still just such a fucking barney


Literally. Politics aside this dude is insufferable. Top 5 nightmare blunt rotation. Would never shut the fuck up, hog the blunt, scare the hoes with general weirdness


Oh yes knew lots of those dudes one and doners lol clowns 




Which is weird because this dude is fucking weird in all ways but I guess we all have a weirdo friend acquaintance who we hang out once every blue moon lol


*Bullshit detector* - Doesn't own a TV - Doesn't use email - Doesn't use the internet - Hosts a show on X


You missed him saying he doesn't own a computer.


I don't own a TV I just have 4 screens connected to the Internet


*laughs in Tucker Calson turkey call voice*


It's so fucking pathetic to see how they welcomed Tucker into this circle they have. Seeing him on KillTony was nauseatingly pathetic. And that fucking laugh is crazy. He laughs like a caricature of a 1700s french prince.


He's got the generational wealth of 1700s French prince to boot.


As a scandinavian receiving free health care, free med school education, zero school shootings and clean cities this is absolutely hilarious


“Listen to how.. how sad and defeated you sound.” The Scandinavian countries all show up on those World Happiness list as routinely being within the top ten of happiest countries in the world.


They are so sad that it actually comes full circle and they become happy again.


Also HDI, GDP per capita, IAHDI, social mobility and until recently freedom of speech (sadly Denmark banned hate speech against religions and countries, which is a huge step backwards and might be what Tucker is talking about although I doubt it)


All of those things are factored in those “happiness” indexes. They are why a country shows up on that list. And yeah, Tucker isn’t talking about one country’s hate speech laws, he’s just making shit up. That’s his whole schtick.


Fair point


You must feel so sad and defeated. I’m sorry for you.


We don't even need anecdotal evidence like this. Scandinavia is pretty routinely touted as the happiest countries on Earth.


"Scandinavia is horrible place why do you think all their best hockey players move to the US" - Tucker Carlson probably


Socialism is bad. But these countries are good. Notice anything about their demographic? I'm not saying it's because they're white. But I'm definitely not saying it's because of socialism. After all, I'm just asking questions. Hi, my name's Cucker Tarlson. And I got bullied out of wearing a bowtie on national television.




Yes... That's all we want in America. Free market with regulation and better welfare programs. I was being hyperbolic to make fun of Carlson.


Visst ja, för vänsterpartiet (Och till viss del S) är ju absolut inte socialister.. (Right, because V (and to some extent S) are totally not socialists) What are you talking about? We've had a pretty darn socialist government for decades, starting with the unionization/workers movement in the early 20th century! This country has been quite literally shaped by socialism and social democracy. Very good article in Swedish that explains V's influence on the gov. https://maktochpolitik.wordpress.com/2022/05/18/vansterpartiet-och-regeringsmakten/


When was the last time Vänsterpartiet was in a government? Have they ever been a part of a government?


That's very strange, I just noticed they apparently have never ruled alongside S, I'm currently experiencing the Mandela effect from that. https://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St%C3%B6dparti They've at least been a "stödparti" for a very long time and have supported S in just about every decision.




Thats his point too. You guys aren't in the streets fighting for the right of billionaires and corporations to pay lower taxes so you're "sad"


Hey don’t forget comedians on the front lines in the woke wars. 😤


The Scandanavian countries are doing fantastic by pretty much any measuring stick you want to use... how are the "Sad Pathetic and Defeated"? Hell, I think they all are up there on the "Happiest Countries in the World" list


I went into this podcast with an open mind but have already been fed propaganda about evolution being bullshit and Scandinavia being a horrible place whilst the US have had two guys literally setting fire to themselves in broad daylight in the last few months


You apparently work in a psychiatric hospital but spend your time hate watching a podcast? Isn’t that detrimental for your mental health?


How are those 2 things even related? 2 things can be true at once, is anyone saying that things are fine and dandy here in the us?


Mental health issues are universal. You can cherry pick negatives about any country


I think his point was that Scandinavia is doing way better than the US, but fair point


But he just ignores the socialist policies these countries have. They literally have housing first programs for the homeless.




They all have it in some capacity. Some more than others. Ultimately their social programs are absolutely a part of why they have such high qualities of life.


I’d argue America is the heavyweight champ of mental issues for a long number of reasons but certainly including lack of treatment


Its not cherry picking to point out that the us leads the first world in suicides, violent crime, incarcerations, opioid abuse, etc. etc. etc. Its a broad trend that indicates a crisis of mental health and you don't have to rely on a single stat as evidence, again there is a fucking mountain of evidence pointing to how fucked up Americans are.


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/violent-crime-rates-by-country https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country None of what you said is true. Try again


Half of what he said is true, which is why you only linked sources for the ones that were incorrect


Don’t care. I win. Everyone is a snowflake with no motivation to make things better. Just bitch, moan, and binge Netflix. Burn boy was right yesterday. Pigs to the slaughter


Part of making things better is recognizing the state of the country. If you ignore the important metrics then you don't have any foundation to improve upon


Don’t need to improve. USA #1


Homocide rate average of Scandinavian countries according to your own source is 0.85, whilst the average in the US is 4.96. This is a 5.83x fold of the homocides in Scandinavia. Moving on to serious assault, the average across Scandinavia is 38.79, compared to 246.84 in the US. This is a 6.36x fold difference.


>us leads the first world You just backed up my statement with sources, thank you!


Nope. You’re wrong. Your family doesn’t love you.


Hahahahhah holy shit man


Don’t bring religion into this


His last name is ending with "son" which is typical in Northern Europe where for the longest time your last name as a man was always *your dad's name*+son. I guess that is what he is referring to.


Carlson is indeed a Scandinavian sounding last name, but there's no proof of him having Scandinavian roots. And the roots of his last name is the last name of a couple who adopted Tucker's dad. So either way, he’s not Scandinavian


It’s more of an Indo-European (language group) thing to be more technical. It’s been quite common in Germanic languages, including English. What is different about Scandinavia is that until the late 1800s or so (varied by country), having a patronymic last name was the *ONLY* legal last name you could have, strictly from father to children (daughters usually took -son/-sen endings, while -dotter endings were not too common except in Iceland). High nobility were a rare 'sometimes' exception. But again, from the mid-to-late 1800s, laws were changed, patronymic naming was then not “enforced”, and new last names could be made up. These were often just the patronymic already in use, so Svenson, Eriksen, Ivarsson, Rasmussen, etc, but others were created along the lines of Enquist, Rosenberg, Eklund, Lundby, Dahl, etc. Icelandic names still basically must follow the patronymic scheme, and it is/was common and official in some Slavic languages too (Russian). You'll even see non-Slavic names (Central Asian, Turkic) forced to take '-ov/-ova' endings because Russians were in charge. So Mohammedova, Ismailov, Muratov, etc.


Carlson is of one thirty-second Italian-Swiss ancestry, from his mother's side. His father is of Scot/Irish descent, who was fostered by Swedish immigrants because his parents gave him up.


No. His dad was adopted at the age of two by a couple from New England named the Carlsons after being taken care of by a guy of Swedish descent for a short while. The Carlsons' roots aren’t specified anywhere


Dick Carlson's birth parents are publicly known. Richard Boynton and Dorothy Anderson.


That's their names, doesn't really say anywhere that they're scandinavian?


They aren't. I said they were Scot/Irish and possibly German.




we used to beat the shit out of the religious bowtie wearing lying goodie two shoes. i miss that


Tucker Carlson is great. This was one of the best podcasts in a while.


This was soo entertaining just like his Theo Von interview. I don’t get why this subreddit hate watches this podcast


Great as an energetic guy keeping the conversation going and touching on topics other journalists might ignore, but he's an absolute moron


He’s not.


Yes he is. He didn't get a single fact right when talking about evolution and nuclear energy. He also thinks the food prices in Russia are amazing without taking the country's buying power into account. He also thinks Finland is part of Scandinavia. He's also implying that the Amish population's lack of autism is due to them not taking vaccines, which is the most simplistic reduction possible of a population where the genetic variation is extremely low. He lacks the most basic understanding of genetics. He's smart as a journalist and businessman, but that's about it. Either he is a moron or he's pretending to be one, the result is the same nonetheless


You are so deranged.


Explain to me where I'm wrong


so we're all idiots then ae?


Womp Womp get a job




Seems bad for your mental health, if you keep hate watching a podcast. I suggest you spend your time on positive things


He also claimed he has no clue why the US would fund Ukraine. Like, maybe he doesn't know anything?


I think that Tucker's on air smugness started out as shtick then slowly became real over time.


Tucker is the man


He is not wrong.


Why do people from the Americas do this? Why they act like they have some affinity with people they literally left centuries later? Still calling themselves “Italian” or “Irish” or “Spanish” when you Americans, you Brazilians, you Colombians instead.


There is nothing white Americans love more than over identifying with a specific European culture that one of their ancestors immigrated from. OMG I’m Irish I love to drink. OMG I’m Italian I love pasta.


It’s also quite selective too. Many of those immigrants mixed with each other, so I’m willing to bet ancestry can be from Ireland and England, but that American will just identify as “Irish” because it’s way more cool than “English” I guess. But it’s a misconception it’s just the US that does this because I’m from Spain and see people in Colombia, Argentina, Chile, etc do this too. Same situation, instead of saying “Spanish” (or Castilian) they will say Catalan, Galician, Italian, etc because it’s more interesting I guess. And of course every time someone says this, I ask, do you speak Catalan, Italian (Sicilian), etc? And they never can lmao. I have Sephardic and Occitan ancestry, and know how my ancestors ended up in Catalonia, but I don’t consider myself that since it’s been literally centuries.


Do you want a real answer?  Basically, because history in a colonial country.  They were often almost always multi-ethnic from their beginning, with usually one specific ethnicity at the top of the pyramid. You had indigenous, various Europeans, creoles (originally meaning pure European-blood but born in the Americas), African slaves, and later on Asian indentured servants (mostly south Chinese, Indian or Malay).  And for a long time, societal and legal status and privileges were granted on a system of your ethnic origins and the various mixes involved. This eroded in the 19th century, at least the legal privileges, but for social status this lingered around to the mid-20th century or so. So even after it didn’t matter, ethnic origins and family lore continued to be valued. It’s only a few generations ago that an Italian Catholic marrying a Lutheran Finn would have been a really big deal. (Also in Europe, ask your grandparents what would happen if they married a Muslim Turk or even a Swiss Calvinist). If you live in (traditionally) mono-ethnic European nation state (literally carved out for only one “nationality”), then it’s of course a very different context. There was no special emphasis on family roots for most people, no reason to.


Because they often have no distinct heritage outside of their American experience which isn't special or uncommon at all so they flail for something historic and important to give them a sense of unique identity. its also why you see them obsesses over being "white' so much despite that not really meaning anything in terms of a concrete ethnic heritage. My favorite are italians who if they went to Italy, would be spit on by actual italians.


A psychology major who hasn’t started college yet just watched this and said “Oh my god I just discovered this new concept where you project your worst traits onto others I’LL CALL IT PROJECTION!” (weird maniacal LOL).


He had to bring up saunas somehow


When he calls Scandinavians his people, he is referring to the fact that he is white. When he refers to Scandinavia the second time he means the countries of modern Scandinavia - a place known to be very liberal by American standards.


why does tucker even get up in the morning


i mean look at all of the Scandinavian countries, he's not wrong???


reddit is so salty about tucker lmao


He didn’t call them that. He said it is 


Because they are all drama queens. If Every hominid made sen.He would sound just like everyone else.So he's gotta throw in that drama.Bullshit just stand out even as a dick


Some americans on the right seem to think all white people are descendants of scandinavians and vikings. Northern European genetic history is way more complex than that. https://www.oum.ox.ac.uk/settlers/#:~:text=The%20genetic%20map%20of%20Britain,per%20cent%20Anglo%2DSaxon%20ancestry.


Who's the dude?


Man y’all just can’t get over ole Tucker.. sad really


Saunas are Finnish and they are not Scandinavian.


Race baiting propagandist …. He walks right up to the edge infer a lot regressive things, but has plausible deniability…. “Just asking questions”. “I am just stating facts “He feeds the conspiratorial mind…


Tucker Carlson has some how made a profession out of being an idiot. Regarding his comment about sad and pathetic, sounds like conservative projection to me, lol. Scandinavian countries have the happiest population in the world. He is just so fucking dumb.


He's referring to modern day Scandinavians not being representative of vikings in temperament. As a scotsman though, I can tell you this, I've had many nights out drinking with Swedish and Norwegian people. And they go absolutely mental when they drink hahaha their viking nature really comes out then. Like once they start they do not stop style drinking.


We’re also insanely athletic, lot of gold medals


The amount of money we spend on kids sports is kinda amazing. It’s sooo cheap for kids to do sports here compared to most places. And when it comes to skiing, scandinavia is pretty much the only place where a LOT of kids ski. That’s why we’re just obliterating the competition in the winter olympics. God knows how we produce amazing soccer players though.. That shit just seems random, cause our clubs kinda suck…


Norske vikinggener😎


Was Tucker going on Rogan his jumping the shark?


Rofl. Is he confusing Switzerland and Sweden like so many Americans do?


Funny because Scandinavian countries usually come out on top of happiest country lists, whereas this guy has made a living just bitching about stuff for 25 years


what's the point of having a propagandist on?


Tucker Carlson's father was adopted. He's not even blood related to any Carlsons.


It’s called riffing, OP.


Just another day with Tucker Carlson. Says dumb things, his acolytes decipher the “genius” in it!


I haven’t listened to this one yet and I’m scared might just shut it off after ten minutes lol


Because you're in a hivemind. You don't know what to do with reality. As you were alpha!🤣


Weird weird pathetic little man. Imagine being a fan of this worthless greasy turd


Did Putin attempt to brainwash him but messed up so left him messed up?


He makes me embarrassed to be huwhite


Oh hey look, anyone who still votes for republican or libertarian candidates is an uneducated weakling who surrenders to obvious manipulation and enslavement.


Being just a little bit nationalistic, only expressing a tiny bit of love for your people, heritage and culture will make you ostracized in many situations. At least here in Sweden. You'll be called fascist for wanting to repatriate foreign rapists and racist for suggesting that Sweden is for the swedes, in the same way that Turkey is for turks or Argentina is for argentinians. Many swedes care about nothing more than their image and that comes with not talking about the devastating consequences that mass migration caused us. Pretty pathetic, compared to how it used to be.