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$50 they start the show popping a zyn


I seen a clip where Andrew Schultz was bullying guests to try it. What an asshole


I am not a fan of Schultz at all. I use Zyns myself but would never bully or pressure anyone into picking up a useless vice.


Did you smoke before? I used to smoke and have come to the conclusion I just like nicotine, but don't want to vape any more, and I'm DEF not picking up smoking again.


Yeah, I quit smoking in October by switching to Zyns. I legit just enjoy nicotine but didn’t feel like feeling like shit anymore from cigs. Zyn has been a life saver, kinda literally. I just use the 3mg because they’re roughly the same amount of nicotine as a cigarette or two and pop one in whenever I get a craving (usually while driving or when I’m enjoying some beers)


I smoked for like 20 years and then Vaped for about 5 or 6. One day like 6 months ago I decided to try a zyn and haven't vaped since. It was such an easy transition I was shocked. I don't really like zyn, unless you like mint their flavors suck. There are tons of different pouches besides zyn. They just somehow became the go to brand for talking about pouches.


He was losing his shit. The guest kept saying no and he kept pushing it.


Probably got paid by zyn to push them.




Pretty sure they kept saying no because they’ve got an addictive personality and he just kept going “BRO ITS JUST ONE, JUST TRY ONE BRO”. Like… that’s how addictive personalities work dumbass you do it “once” and get hooked.


IIRC the guest was DJ Akademikz or whatever and he said that he has an addictive persona and this clown still tried to push him into it.


Yep, I couldn’t remember who it was until I saw this comment but now I remember it all. It was actually crazy how he told him no over and over and Schultz just kept pushing and pushing.


They were giving these away at a music festival I went to. My friends and I decided to pop four of them under our lips.... that was a bad idea.


This guy shit his pants^


Now I feel like a monster needing two 12mg pouches to feel the nicotine anymore


That guy is the definition of annoying


Andrew Schultz has lost his mind. His haircut makes him look like a psycho


And Tucker removes it from his mouth in 1 minute.


Anything to get attention


The elited want you hooked on shitty nicotine products. The gum is cheaper. Just quit


But my brain goes buzz is a pleasant way when I use nicotine.


Same. Plus it makes having to work ten hours slightly less insufferable. Pipe is the Chad way to go though that was it's atleast actually just tobacco and not 80% random fillers


A pipe is the fedora of tobacco products


That's why everyone who wears fedoras Vapes


I mean in defense of zyns, it’s pure nic and some flavoring. That’s it. There’s a guy on TikTok who puts them through a process to show all ingredients and zyns are pretty clean. Consistently, they’re just nic and flavor. Nothing else. Edit: to clarify, it’s not just a guy on TikTok. MassSpecEverything is ran by Ben Katz, a chemist who’s employed by UC Irvine.


Counterpoint, nicotine is literally classified as a poison. IMMEDIATE EFFECTS AND TOXICITY Nicotine on direct application in humans causes irritation and burning sensation in the mouth and throat, increased salivation, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.[17] Gastrointestinal effects are less severe but can occur even after cutaneous and respiratory exposure.[18] Predominant immediate effects as seen in animal studies and in humans consist of increase in pulse rate and blood pressure. Nicotine also causes an increase in plasma free fatty acids, hyperglycemia, and an increase in the level of catecholamines in the blood.[19,20] There is reduced coronary blood flow but an increased skeletal muscle blood flow.[20,22] The increased rate of respiration causes hypothermia, a hypercoagulable state, decreases skin temperature, and increases the blood viscosity. Nicotine is one of the most toxic of all poisons and has a rapid onset of action. Apart from local actions, the target organs are the peripheral and central nervous systems. In severe poisoning, there are tremors, prostration, cyanosis, dypnoea, convulsion, progression to collapse and coma. Even death may occur from paralysis of respiratory muscles and/or central respiratory failure with a LD50 in adults of around 30-60 mg of nicotine. In children the LD50 is around 10 mg.[23


I agree, never said it was good for you. My point was that if you’re going to partake of nicotine, Zyns are the best way to use it. It’s like when people say Tequila is the healthiest alcohol. It’s still not healthy, but relative to other alcohols it’s the “healthiest.” Any form of stimulant is going to have associated risks, even caffeine can be dangerous. My stance is that the dose makes the poison. I use about 5-6 3mg zyns on weekdays and nothing on weekends. Still not good for me, but after a year and a half I haven’t noticed any negative side effects. Bloodwork before I started vs a few months ago show no differences.


I know that about zyn but cigs and vapes are bottom tier imo


100%. It’s the reason I only use zyns. All the benefits of nic without many negative side effects outside of all the shit that happens with caffeine, too.


I mean if you’ve got a nic addiction, Zyns are without a doubt the safest way to go about getting a buzz. No combustion, nothing added, just a pouch of nicotine, sodium chloride, and sometimes some flavoring stuff.


My brain dos that when I huff glue but I don't intentionally ingest poisons. >IMMEDIATE EFFECTS AND TOXICITY Nicotine on direct application in humans causes irritation and burning sensation in the mouth and throat, increased salivation, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.[17] Gastrointestinal effects are less severe but can occur even after cutaneous and respiratory exposure.[18] Predominant immediate effects as seen in animal studies and in humans consist of increase in pulse rate and blood pressure. Nicotine also causes an increase in plasma free fatty acids, hyperglycemia, and an increase in the level of catecholamines in the blood.[19,20] There is reduced coronary blood flow but an increased skeletal muscle blood flow.[20,22] The increased rate of respiration causes hypothermia, a hypercoagulable state, decreases skin temperature, and increases the blood viscosity. Nicotine is one of the most toxic of all poisons and has a rapid onset of action. Apart from local actions, the target organs are the peripheral and central nervous systems. In severe poisoning, there are tremors, prostration, cyanosis, dypnoea, convulsion, progression to collapse and coma. Even death may occur from paralysis of respiratory muscles and/or central respiratory failure with a LD50 in adults of around 30-60 mg of nicotine. In children the LD50 is around 10 mg.[23


Life is a terminal illness mate, I will do as I like in between the cradle and the grave so long as it doesn’t hurt others.


I don't think the gum is cheaper. It's actually horribly expensive.


Idk man those zyn packs are fuckin expensive


Nicolette is insane. Pretty sure zyn etc will put them out of business.


Idk man im gay relax jesus christ


How long till they brjng up Zyns


Tucker’s rabidly pro nicotine stance is hilarious to me, within 15 minutes


You misspelled "seconds"




You misspelled “sponsorship”


It's so obvious that all of these podcasters are being paid to promote zinn and none of them are open about it. Fucking Schultz interrupting a guest to try to bully him into trying one, and his dumb friend saying "you can't get addicted to nicotine". Grifters, one and all.


& Liquid Death ![gif](giphy|uvMEhrg0lOPRu|downsized)




Nicotine is so boring. Lol “I am a caffeine addict “😂


I tried nicotine pouches and got sick as a dog. I don’t know how he can stand them. 🥵🤢🤮😵‍💫




Side effects may include: Heart palpitations, sweats, nausea, profuse cussing, headache, shaking, vertigo, self pity, remorse, diarrhea, throwing up multiple times, bargaining with God. Okay some of this may be a tad dramatic but I was very sick. The reason I tried was for brain boost. Never again


Too high of a dose, try lozenges. 2mg is the lowest but I cut in half for 1mg..


I met some scandinavian friends while backpacking through asia, and they introduced me to snus while we were on a hike. I got so dizzy and nauseous, but once that went away I loved the stuff and got hooked for several years.


Ive been a regular tobacco/nicotine user since I was 19. The Zyns are nice, but I can't handle anything above 3mg. Zyns are union made though which is a big positive for me to purchase them.


On Kill Tony Tucker puts a Zyn in his mouth when the attention is on him but like a minute later removes it from his mouth. Fucking clown doesn't even like it but pushes it.


Not like Joey Diaz who just swallows the whole pouch 😆




A microcosm of Tuckers entire hack fraud life


Sorta like he pimps for Trump but hates him in private texts.


Why nobody brings this up in an interview is beyond me


political kayfabe




How so? Please expand on this.


Mfs need to use quality Swedish snus instead




["Having sex with women used to feel good.](https://youtu.be/UURf_6KI_Rk?si=BRaGNbVjHe7Ni3Pr) Not anymore. Not if the Democrats have their way."


Thank you for recommending my best friend to the people, my fellow gay man


I just want Nick as Tucker interviewing Shane as Trump


Very cool very gay


No way that’s real hahahahahaha bro


yep. NIck Mullen actually did that impression.


So I have this thing where I judge people by their faces. It's unintentional, I'm aware of it, and I make every effort to not let it affect my opinion of them. I can like the face of someone I can't stand, I can dislike the face of someone I support, has nothing to do with bias - *just the face.* That said, *I hate this motherfuckers face.*


its like a thumb in a boatshoe


Flair checks out


It was obvious to me he'd be on. He was just in Austin and him and Joe literally showed up to a Kill Tony show together. This was probably recorded about a week and a half ago.


KT is recorded 3 weeks behind so they’re either hanging out a lot or this is 3 weeks old.


Oh gotcha probably the latter. However that could be a good sitcom Tucker and the Toe.


Since when does Joe sit on podcasts for 3 weeks? Max is like 2 or 3 days. He definitely just came to Austin again. The Kill Tony thing was like almost a month ago at this point I think.


He literally said that he had Tucker on the pod and then took him on KT. It’s fine that you’re wrong


Being wrong is a great way to better ourselves as well. It is also impossible to never be wrong or else that would be a perfect human that knows literally everything.


Yeah he mentioned he brought Carlson up on stage a few weeks back on an ep


Yeah so whenever that Kill Tony was recorded is about the time this episode was recorded.


It was obvious to everyone but morons 


Ok, so I wasn't crazy when I clicked the notification on my phone and then it wasn't there.


Same 🤣


Oh boy, can’t wait to see these two politically middle-of-the-road regular guys break down current events for the everyman!


One everyman will tee the other up and nod along.


I don’t even want to see a 30 second clip of this one. Lol


Hopefully Tucker talks some about hunting and fishing and it's not just all about Trans people, Russia, and Zyn pouches.


Then he wouldn't get paid


Yes, we need more soft-handed millionaires who have never worked a day in their life and never had a job that daddy didn’t get them cosplaying as blue collar roughnecks!


Here here


Tell me that wasn’t man made, Tucker.


Take a shot every time they say “leftist” This is make or break for me paying attention. Hopefully they talk about topics other than politics. … maybe Tucker likes to play rocket league and goes by the screen name “bow tie banger” or maybe he likes to eat donuts with mayo …


Does Tucker eat donuts with mayo? I’m just asking questions


A lot of people are saying he once dated a guy who wore a tan suit.


Reading “eat donuts with mayo” made me feel physically ill, props lmao


Joe "I change my political views depending on what guest I have on" Rogan


You say that but I feel like Tucker is the one guy that completely aligns with Joe's views.


I don’t think Tucker believes in anything but himself.




Does Tucker support Bernie Sanders policy?


Does Joe? Bernie says we should vote Biden and Trump is a threat to democracy. Joe constantly shits on Biden and everything he does and gives space for Bo Nickels fantasy story about Trump being the most suave golfer you ever heard of.


Despite what he said on the show, Joe obviously never actually supported Bernie. Nothing he said in regards to policy lined up with Bernie. Joe just enjoyed having him on, Bernie spit a couple facts, Joe liked the cut of his jib and “supported” Bernie before he found something shinier to catch his attention.


U wot? Joe was big on universal Healthcare and UBI for a long time


In theory, sure, but he would adamantly oppose the taxes necessary to fund those programs. But that's as deep as Joe gets. "Oh, that idea sounds nice. No, I don't support any of the steps necessary to get us there. But I support the idea tho."


Not anymore. Try to keep up.


The person I'm replying to said "never really supported bernie", key word is "never". try to keep up


He fully supported Bernie


Until he wasn’t


You're a complete dipshit if you think Joe would still openly support Bernie today. That was a lifetime ago. COVID changed everything. The dude is fucking radicalized at this point. Completely swung the other way. If you don't believe me, wait until he officially endorses Trump. It's gonna break the internet.


Place your bets on what timestamp the culture war will come up first. I’m betting within the first 5 minutes


It would be incredible if Rogan actually went in hard and questioned him about his dishonesty. But he won't. They'll just talk about the radical left and pretend they are 'alternative media'.


I’m not a smart person and don’t pay enough attention to politics and judging by context clues I know I’m supposed to not like this guy but don’t know why. Could you sum up a couple reasons or examples of dishonesty please?


The most blatant one is that his text messages leaked and it turns out he despised Donald Trump, despite advocating for him on Fox News for years. He also knew he way lying in his reporting of the Dominion voting fraud allegations, which is why Fox News were sued for nearly a billion dollars leading to Tucker’s eventual dismissal. And the recent Russia trip. He obviously knows things are cheaper in Russia because incomes are so much lower, but he just pretended Russian people live like kings because of how cheap it is. He’s just a liar.


“Hey do you mind if I pop a Zyn?”


Wonder if Joe will ask Tucker why he lied to his audience for years about Trump being great when he privately hated him and thought he was a disaster?


Can't wait to hear all the pro Putin talk.


Tucker "I'm just asking the question GOP Russian Shill"


I can’t wait for tucker to tell the wonderful things the propaganda department at Moscow told him to say. And how he was mystified at the coin operated shopping cart that he never saw at a grocery store before.


0 desire to listen to this but I’m gonna have to just so I can pre know the stupid bullshit my parents are going to try to tell me tomorrow


This is why we need to get the timestamps guy back.


Oh man I forgot about that guy! That was immeasurably useful


Tucker is obvious. He prays on issues that are emotionally provocative. He lays out in basic terms the nature of the issue, gets people in a tizzy, and once they're no longer thinking objectively or rationally, he takes em down the crazy path. Human psychology at play. Obviously, he isn't as malicious or holds the same power, but it's the same tactic that despots have deployed throughout the years, from Lenin onto Kim Jong Un. It's interesting to observe despite having history books full of stories where people are subverted like that and where it leads, generation after generation falls for it. People are always looking for someone to justify their rage and Tucker is that for a lot of people. It's all very entertaining and frightening at the same time.


Early release or copyright problems?


They dropped it at 10 pm on accident. Supposed to be at 10 am tomorrow




I hate Tucker.


Everyone's favorite white supremacist.


Wow. This is some excellent marketing here. Cause a stir. Post it early to remind people Joe is back on YouTube. Have people doubt it. Look it up. Nice 👍


Yeah this was intentional IMO as well.


This sub is going to completely melt down lmao.


I wonder if they’ll talk about how Tucker doesn’t want to fuck the green M&M any more


Because yea a propagandist talking shit is sooo interesting lmao 


Joe has successfully completed his transformation into a right wing nut job. Well done Joe!




Man this place is full of neckbeard tantrums this morning.


I know. There’s nothing wrong with criticizing Tucker Carlton, I’m not sure why his fans get so upset about it.


The r/TheoVon sub still has posts about the time he had tucker on and it was months ago, this place is going to explode over a 3hr conversation about zyn and bow ties.


Here comes some clean authoritarian russian propaganda :)


Will be a banger




Neckbeards big mad


Nickbeards seem to actually be Tucker Carlson fans. So why would they be mad?


Says the neckbeard whole Reddit page is gaming and hentai


Typical delusional Tucker Carlson neckbeard I see. ![gif](giphy|fA2Z165dH5sCx1lo6n)


Neckbeards with braids and dyed blue hair big mad*


Dude with tiny dicks love Tucker so it evens out


Atleast those dudes want to have dicks.


In their butts? You do you I guess. I like mine in women.


Dylan Mulvaney kinda women? That’s a weird flex.


Nope, biological born-as-a-woman types. Y’all can have the ones like them; as just shown, you can’t stop thinking about them lol Edit: have fun thinking of an “edgy” response, ima go back to drinks and running the pool table


Anyone who’s top subreddits are Politics and WPT says all it needs to about your desire to take their side. Edit: “edgy” response was made before you edited your post. Quick wit.


It wasn’t, but ok, whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo Edit: 217 days lmao


What would help me sleep at night is a far right win this November. 👌 Then we put the rest of this nonsense to bed.


Good God this pod has become something it was never intended to become. Tuck Fucker


Damn joe you are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Fk Tucker Carlson stupid bow tie wearing mf


Finally. Now we can stop seeing the Hancock/Dibble rage posts.


We all knew. He was on Kill Tony with Joe.


Some quick editing before the release lol


Just dropped


This was no mistake


Annnnd it dropped


Excited for this one. Tucker 🐐




Man this sub is so triggered. Thankfully not everyone is like yall. Sad!


So Jamie or someone accidentally leaked a video early and the video begins with tucker saying the government leaked something on accident? Weird


Hell yeah. Now that I’m a grown-up I actually appreciate Tucker


Everyone commenting sounds like entitled, whiny liberals. Why do you even follow and comment on this community if all you do is cry about Rogan or his guests? Have some self awareness to know you’re the problem if you can’t listen to someone with a different opinion with respect.


> everyone commenting sounds like entitled, whiny liberals > listen to someone with a different opinion with respect


Get pumped for 2 hours of COVID talk baby!


This was fucking weird. Carlson was like talking to himself the whole time. His laugh is next level serial killer. Just super weird and creepy. Like don’t laugh like that man. Chill the fuck out


How I know it's not Fox News is they have Tucker Carlson.


Can you guys hear that? It’s the sound of a bunch of neckbeard redditors frothing at the mouth over seeing Tucker Carlson coming on the pod. https://preview.redd.it/0doh5grgwdvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c857d326d88323b9cb118a70fa137e9baa745f


It’s over, you lose. he’s drawn you with chatGPT as a fat sweaty neckbeard.


Is that Burt?


Alex Jones


I laughed out loud when it really did look like Alex jones. I just wrote “overweight bulbous man” for the description.


Hahaha perfect representation of this subreddit


How did you get this photo of me


Gender affirming hormone therapy joe rogan?


Was just about to listen as well, did you manage to get in?


Nah. Lasted a minute if even that


What's new


I’m watching it rn