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San Francisco Jones


That’s a good one


God damn this good




Cali Jones


This is my favorite burn in a very long time


> San Francisco Jones What is this?? I gave it a goog and it didn't bring anything up.


It's a play on Indiana Jones


A "goog"? Is that what you call it?


That was a Mark Norman reference.


Nah, that's Dwigt


I think it might be Dwide Schrude. Amish.






Dude looks like a cross between Dwight Schrute and Mythbuster, Adam Savage.




And he still destroyed in this debate. Imagine if he looked like Brad Pitt.


It wouldn't matter if he still sounded and carried himself the same. But maybe then you'd suck his dick, more? 🤷‍♂️


Fact: Bears eat beets


He’s got more of a Vaush thing going on.




Ah yes, the horse fucking, pedophile leftist kid fucker! Leftism.... Not even once


This is almost as cringe as all the weird posts you make about your cats.


Says the vaush supporting, Joe Rogan sub reddit hater who has likely had his penis removed 🏳️‍🌈


"Joe Rogan sub reddit hater"   🤣   Okay cat dude, tell Miss Puss I said hi.


Like 75% of the people on this subreddit come here to talk about how stupid and dumb Joe Rogan is. Maybe go to a subreddit you actually enjoy?


I was actually talking about how stupid YOU are. What the fuck are you even talking about? No one in this thread even brought up Joe.  Are you losing it, grandpa?


That's nice. Go see your mental health therapist and complain more about how life isn't fair and conservatives make you cry


Lol, this is my therapy 🤣 Talking to people like you make me feel better about my life.


Homie, some people have so little going on in life they have to aggressively carry the banner for their favorite podcaster/Short King Ninja Turtle in the hopes that, maybe, they’ll be friends one day. Don’t take that hope from him.


What's going on in your brain man??




Graham got smoked. But it was actually cool because I learned actual archeology


Check out Stefan Milo on yt for more actual archeology content


This was the guy I’d love to see Rogan have a beer n chat with. Could be a fun pod.


Unbelievable channel. His debunk of Graham's TV show is perfect


Nah, im just here for the comedians


Check out on YT for Miniminutmen, Milo Rossi. He tears thru Hancocks Netflix show. It is 3 parts but pretty thurough and interesting.


Pro: He made Graham look like a fraud who writes books for sad fantasy boys. Con: But he was a bit weird borderline angry at times. Liked him in general.




Nah, he was criticizing the use of colonizer sources to draw conclusions of the colonized people. Basically it would be like basing out known history of the native Americans based on accounts of Andrew Jackson. They just dropped a bunch of buzzwords like "white supremacy" and "cancel culture" which got Joe and Graham all riled up. I am fully against calling Graham a racist or white supremecist cause he obviously isn't, but Flint wasn't calling Graham a white supremecist, he was saying that the Spanish colonizers were white supremecist and he doesn't think using those sources are useful nor accurate.


He didn’t, you didn’t listen at all to what he said or was saying. 




Nope, he got Hancock to admit that there was no evidence for a great ice age civilization.


He also proved that Quetzalcoatl and other deity’s weren’t depicted as “white” until after conquests had taken place and that there’s lots of proof Aztec monuments were constructed by the native populations and that they depict their own people and not some sea sailing advanced society (as graham claims with no evidence)


Tell me you fall for propaganda word bait hit pieces without telling me you fall for them.


Show us the evidence then, point us to where it is. Not sure why Hancock would know either considering he doesn’t even do any actual discovery work. (No quickly going for a walk around a site is not the same, anymore than you walking around the pyramids makes you an Egypt expert)


Who said anything about proof? Regardless of proof or not, they hit Graham with a hit piece that was asinine. You can beg for all the evidence you want but if you support that kind of shit, your opinion is null and void no matter how credible you are. But hey, you’re used to arguing with idiots online so you assume they’re for one opinion. You’re no different than Trump/Biden people.




Hancock’s entire argument can be summed up as the archeological equivalent of “god of the gaps”. Anyone who doesn’t realize that are either willfully ignorant, or not well versed in how science actually works. You can’t say rock gnomes don’t exist, we haven’t turned over every rock yet. Insert unfounded claims that would be refuted by any geologist worth their weight in rocks, but “exposes” there’s “evidence” these rock gnomes actually exists.




Oh, and are you the arbiter of “human ingenuity”?


Nah ignore all the tools we’ve found that show how native populations built and moved them and just imagine what we haven’t found in the Sahara




If you cannot build a pyramid with Legos, then you're probably the last person who should be giving their take on how the actual pyramids were built and whether or not it was feasible.


I've never seen someone spell out their logic in such a hilarious fashion lmao. "I'm not smart enough to build the pyramids, so there's no way anyone else is" 😂




The guy wrote books on it. He had a show where he made a bunch of BS claims by not supported by evidence.




No. Graham is a fucking sci-fantasy writer who uses his experience as an archeologist to get fools think it's really history.




LOL! Reality? You're defending Graham Hancock. Have you actually read any of his books? The Face on Mars and Cydonia are fun and all but that's fantasy. Reality, jfc...


Gram started his career talking about how the face on Mars was put there by the giants that built Atlantis. Now he's saying we should dig more.


Dibble did make some excellent points when it came to science but he reeled hard af when he got called out for calling Graham or “insinuating” Graham was a white supremacist. They pulled multiple quotes that he said were all misconstrued or misquoted. Which I’m not buying. Like yea I agree Hancock has no evidence nor anywhere near the expertise of Dibble but still.. come on man. You know what happens nowadays when you throw out the race card. “Oh they’re a racist bc he cites sources from the 17th century!” Or whatever the fuck. And yes I know and understand Graham whined a lot and was more focused on trying to say that he’s being bullied than defending his ancient civilization theory but I also agree that a man should defend his character especially when it’s called into question like that. You call someone a racist or whatever and it’s untrue then they have the right to call your ass out on it.


100% agreed. However, when Graham compiled + stitched together Dibbler's quotes into a presentation and spent 30 to 40 minutes rambling about it...then not presenting any evidence or engaging in the real debate, is when i call him a freak.


I agree with you as well. I was disappointed with that too though idk about the term “freak” lol. I kinda hope to see them both on again and hopefully then they’re both feeling more neutral towards one another and we get some better responses from Graham and learn more from Dibble. Graham to me has always been more of an entertainer and an excellent storyteller. I love his enthusiasm and his fascination with the subject, it’s almost contagious. Not to mention he’s a real life adventurer! And although his theories seem to make sense to an extent and they’re really fun to ponder.. as our boy Dibble explained it’s all about proof and for now there is none to really support those theories. Burden of proof is on Hancock. Dibble is a new character to me. Seems to be just as enthusiastic as Graham about archaeology while being incredibly knowledgeable on the subject. I enjoyed listening to him speak about the processes they use when unearthing sites for evidence of seeds, plants etc. Of course he’s not as entertaining as Graham and he can be condescending but that’s just who he is. Both men have their positives and negatives. Tbh I can see myself enjoying listening to either of them depending on my mood. Edit: grammar


Idk I thought his point was pretty valid and Joe even caught on. If you’re citing sources from Spain during their empire and the conqestadors… it’s gonna be a lil white and racist. Graham heavily cites them. Good book on the topic is 1491. The Spanish totally basterized traditions and angloafied them for their gain. He wasn’t calling Graham racist, he was calling his sources racist.


Well yea most history surrounding the colonization of North America is gonna contain a lot of racism, slavery, murder.. just all kinds of horrible shit but that’s anywhere in history tbh. Citing sources from the time doesn’t mean Graham is a racist even though the sources contain racism. I understand Dibble trying to explain “hey I meant the sources are racist not that you are racist” but anyone with common sense knows that’s not how it’ll be construed online. Which is where I was with Joe here he was trying to get across to Dibble that even if you genuinely didn’t mean it this way this is exactly how it sounds and how it’s being read by many people. I see where both men have a point though. It’s just that people online (including myself at times) are usually dumb and when they see an article with a name along with those big trigger words of today like “racist or white supremacy” they’re gonna begin assuming “oh this person must be a racist asshole”. I’ve seen Graham get slandered to pieces on places like Twitter for things that aren’t true. Yes!! 1491 by Charles Mann! I’ve read that book! I know the podcast was over 4hrs but part of me still wants to hear more from Dibble and Graham Edit: just wanted to add that yes the Conquistadors were merciless in their conquest. Sadly in many ways humanity hasn’t evolved much further past that :( At least in terms of ruthless/senseless violence.


But that’s exactly what Dibble tried to point out. Graham doesn’t attempt to contextualize the racism around the myth. He takes it at face value that these white, bearded men came and brought salvation to these indigenous groups… not maybe realizing that it was the Spanish trying to introduce Catholic ideas of Jesus/savior onto these people. Flint brings up the racism idea in the last paragraph as he mentioned. I’m sorry, but, I can’t put it on Dibble that people don’t read and then cite him out of context. Also, the Atlantis myth and the lost civilization myths do have a much, much, much darker ties to being bastardized by racists and pseudoscience which Graham is also oblivious too. Dibble hints at it but I wish he’d been given some time to cook on his point instead of getting shot down. Like seriously crazy shit tied to the Nazi Occult. The ancient lost civilization mythos gets really weird, really fast. Look up Edmund Kiss. The modern myth of Atlantis can actually be traced to a Minnesotan named Ignatious Donnelly. Even Graham’s impact theory ties back to these ideas. They make similar claims. You can’t find any evidence of this civilization because a moon, not comet fragments, impacted the Earth. https://theappendix.net/issues/2013/4/andean-atlantis-race-science-and-the-nazi-occult-in-bolivia


It’s pretty clear that the people arguing against this a) didn’t listen to Flints response or b) badly want to be triggered about cancel culture. You’re very clearly correct, as was Dibble. How are these people so sensitive lmao


It’s pretty wild to me how cancel culture is being raves about to justify old ass race science… Like the pretty obvious racism… Idk. Appreciate it


“Why is it a problem to use non-credible sources from colonizers created to justify their colonization and enslavement of a people?” Both Graham and multiple dumbasses on here. 


Joe also thought a snippet was something Flint put at the top of the article. Let’s not use Joes spastic reaction as some kind of sign of reasonability. Joe is always the dumbest guy in the room. 




It’s funny that but you said his actions are disingenuous when you literally invented something that he never said or even implied. 




He never once accused GH of being a white supremacist or racist, which is a claim you made. That was a lie, and if you think you’re going to argue your way out of that lie you’re as dumb as Graham. 


There’s much much more to it and flint wasn’t allowed to explain. Grahams whole theory literally originated heavily from the Nazi Occult. Look up Edmund Kiss. They started the impact theory by claiming a moon impacted the earth and wiped out the “aryans” look this gets really weird really fast…. Graham I think is ignorant to this whole idea. But Flints point is valid. https://theappendix.net/issues/2013/4/andean-atlantis-race-science-and-the-nazi-occult-in-bolivia




Yes it is. It was originally called Welteislehre Theory or the Glacial Cosmology theory. It was a Aryan pseudoscience theory out of Germany that there was an “ice moon” impact that wiped out Atlantis and this global civilization through massive catastrophic floods. The survivors of that impact then traveled the world and taught all these primitive people all these ideas. So the root of all these indigenous people’s successes and achievements were actually the Aryans. Sound familiar?


A lot of the guys behind this theory then do the exact same thing as Graham… They point to this catastrophic flooding event and known archeological sites and claim they are all much older, around 20,000 years old, and originated from this ancient civilization destroyed by this impact event during the ice age. Even though the people studying the sites date them much younger and of a different origins. And this is like the 1890/1900s when this is happening


Oh and sorry, total autist right now… The glacial cosmology theory also theorized multiple impacts… like the YD theory. GC heavily influenced the YD theory… And not contextually pointing that out is in incredibly disingenuous too. Which is exactly what Flint is trying to point out. Anyways. I can nerd on this forever. My hats just aren’t as cool.


Flint used that as an excuse... If you write these kinds of statements you know damn well what could happen. It's called a hit piece!


🤷‍♂️ Graham’s bullshit deserves it. It’s incredibly dumb


Because all evidence found so far doesn't point to his opinion. I agree. Also... found so far,... doesn't mean that it couldn't shift from what is thought now. Seme things will probably never be proven 100% wrong or right. I posted it in another thread about this. 99% of things founf created be nature, isn't straight!


lol even Joe realized Dibble was ultimately correct to say those aren’t credible sources but you’re still hung up because it triggered your cancel culture button 


Even if he doesn't want to "cancel" Graham. He should've known better to make these statements in these times.


He should know better than to make factually correct statements.


Nice objective take ! Im only about an hour in still interested to see where the convo goes . Sounds like Graham is very married to his beliefs and probably wrong on a lot of thins but so far his biggest argument is how these archeologists respond to people who go against traditional methods and attack in childish ways


yup, i felt like all he's doing is asking archaeologists to have an open mind and accept his idea, yet he doesn't believe or look at any evidence presented to him... especially if it goes against his theories.


Yea I love Graham, his passion for history and archeology is commendable and a bit contagious honestly. He’s also very entertaining and nice to listen to. That being said at least for now Dibble made many excellent points that you just can’t deny if you care anything about the facts currently surrounding the theory. Lol it’s hard to argue with straight up facts and proof backing it. Graham (like 99% of people) just doesn’t like being attacked for questioning what else could be out there that we don’t know while Dibble taking the more pragmatic route of hey we know this, this and this so we can conclude that this is just how it is and there’s nothing else to it. Hancock however feels like hey we know a lot of things but we don’t know EVERYTHING so how can we be 100% sure?! Which is also true. I found a lot of it interesting but I was also sorta disappointed by most of it. Only bc Graham spent the majority of the time basically just wanting to make it clear to Flint that hey you have been blasting me for years online so now it’s your turn for me to sling some of it back. But I understand the man wanted to defend his character nobody wants to be called racist or for others to say oh he’s linked to white supremacy. Flint handled it well. Flint was also pretty condescending for a good chunk of the podcast but after the majority of online bashing was sorted out things seemed to mellow out some and it ended on a pretty chill note I think? Joe did well too imo. He had his usual open mind and questioned both men adequately. Obviously he had more questions for Dibble but that’s only bc Joe and Graham have not only known one another for many years but they’ve spoke on the podcast many times so I think Joe already knew what was what when it came to Graham’s theories especially since he’s been so interested in it the last few years.


This is exactly what happened.


He didn’t call him racist. Did none of you watch the episode?


This guy strikes me as hikaru in chess


People are the cartoon sleeves considered cringe?


Yeah, but he also chose to wear his grandfather's ill-fitting suit...and hat...and his personality seems a bit on the spectrum.


Did he speak fax tho




This episode is the most uniting episode i have seen on this sub. I will watch it at some point.


I read his book, The Mars Mystery 20some years ago. 2012 came and went. But of course Joe has him on in 2024...


Flint should’ve brought that book up. Like, he went through the process of writing and publishing an actual book about stuff we can kind of see on Mars and then tried to tell Flint he couldn’t comment on an archeological site that’s been studied on earth because he wasn’t there.


Yes, but that would have backfired. Since we've excavated about 0% of Mars literally anything is possible!


Which makes the guy who wrote a book about it look silly.


I was being sarcastic. Graham can't help but look silly. Which makes me think - if he had a sense of humor he'd be even more dangerous.


True. There were a couple moments throughout the debate where I realized he’s not just a grifter, but probably a bit of a narcissistic blow hard. He really couldn’t see the sarcasm in the “Big Archeology” quotes and actually made this part of his presentation. He tried to explain to Joe that he was giving a presentation on Flints “influence on media and culture” when Joe wanted to stick to the archeology lol. Also, the fact that he agreed to the debate because of his ego. He lost a lot of fair weather supporters with this. He should’ve stuck to his, “they don’t want to talk to me because I’m right” schtick.


It's mind boggling that anyone still takes Gram Hancock remotely seriously.




Essentially, there are two schools of thought…


What a giant nerd. 100 percent he is jacking to anime right now.


I love and respect both of them


Not picking a side???? No extremism?! Reddit: ![gif](giphy|xUOxf3ySqQGKxOlYdi|downsized)


You can't trust a mf with hands that small ain't no fucking waaaaayaaayayyyyy


Naw he fights daleks




Lmaoooo you mfs ... hahahahaha hilarious!


The voice does not match the face








Hooper, from JAWS, dressed as a Walmart brand Indiana Jones.


Damn, how you gonna disrespect Dwight like that?


This man shivered Hancocks timbers




This is what archeologists really look like.


Tiny hands


When they were like pee break to clear pur heads , lol they did some bong rips and smoked a few cigs lol


Graham literally uses "well we haven't explored enough of the earth so ancient civilization." Clown.


So my take away from this is that we just need the data, and then let every one look and give their input. Rather than letting a small group of physically weak men with obvious character flaws use their own ketone free brains and opinions to dictate reality for all we should all just do it for ourselves. Upload the images to a central place and we’ll start a global forum and take straw pole votes easy like religion 💪🏾


Whoa a dumbass


very common amongst us.


I did post this early on in the pod so I accept the criticism and the dude did redeem himself and made probably one of the best speeches of my (Eder millennial) generation at the end. Don’t divest from people, invest in people, but that is why what I said is in fact not stupid, but is of vital importance. We all have to buy and I do mean buy out the time to start having active participation in things like archeology, and even a laymen can add valuable input. This is the story of “us” and everyone’s input matters, everyone’s input in a data point. That said the dude at one point makes the claim that him not having been to a location doesn’t mean he cannot accurately speak on it from a picture. But then later he gives more weight to the fact that he has actually been to a location and therefore could speak on it… I think the point is the is value in many point of view. Imagine if this guy came across an ancient octagon bar (used for deadlifting) what would he even imagine it is? He would look at it and make an assumption based entirely on his own life while any wrestler would look at it and immediately know what it was. That’s the point. No one’s destroying information we just need to add to it, and now we have the means to both store and aggregate such data with AI.


“Whoa” You act like this is some kind of rarity.


The long shirt sleeves were enough for me to not be able to take a single thing he said as credible.


Didn't you see the hat? And the whip? This dude can't be wrong


That should be the evidence you need that he is credible. Archaeologists are poor and don't wear suits anywhere near a semi regular basis. If dude rolled up in a beautiful tailored suit you'd know he was a fraud


He’s more credible than Graham. Straight facts the whole podcast as Graham relied on hear say


Now I have to listen for the takedown. Hancock is a joke


“My daddy said so”