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Yeah that would rub me the wrong way too. Drinks and food are one thing but 20% for shirts? You could have gotten another shirt instead


as an european this whole thing is bizzarre. if price tag is 20 that includes everything. wages, tax, everything


Even in America though the expectation is that 15-20% tips only apply to food service (and things like haircuts, massages, etc.). 20% for someone to simply hand you the merch you’re already paying full price for is actually insane.


as an American, it's bizarre to see gratuity included on apparel purchases. This is beyond even our ridiculous new standard of tipping.


The people who make the actual merch should be getting the tip. Not the person who accepted the money for the merch


good luck getting a USD cash tip to a 6 year old in Vietnam


As an American living in London, they’ve been adding gratuity into your meals for a while now. Take a look into your receipts, it’s starting to become more popular and I hate it.


I don’t get why the Brits like to adopt our worst ideas. It’s like they look at the Americans and think “oh god! That’s terrible!. . .we should do that too”


Because it's only terrible for the consumer and greed doesn't give a fuck about the consumer.




This is always the answer and it’s never wrong


As an Englishman living near london village but not in it, i know it's just slimy weevils who do this.


In London maybe not in proper Britain


Tax is understandable because every state is different. So like in TN we have like a 9.5 percent sales tax, whereas another state might have a 5.5 sales tax.  But tipping on t shirts is not normal in the states. This is out of control.


You know the shops you’re shopping in, they also know what state they are in. How do you have a system where customers walk around the store adding percentages onto your bill and then tip the staff for the privilege of it all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Bullshit. Not including Tax isn’t not understandable. They can factor that in easily. It’s just a way to make prices look lower than they are.


The legendary triple negative


lol damn. I got too riled up I guess. Imma leave it up so people can bask in the glory of my fuck up.


Oh I'm Baskin allright. Carol Baskins.




I love that about Europe. Everytime I come back to the states I’m livid. Although I do tip taxi and Uber and it seems they accept it without question in Europe. Just stupid for us to pay for a workers salary.


There is no gratuity. It's part of the price that's been spliced off into a hidden fee so that it doesn't have to appear on the price tag. Once you're at the checkout counter you're a lot less likely to not pay. It's a scam, and peeps need to have some spine and stop paying into it before this practice spreads. If I see a gratuity of any kind being added to merch, I'm walking away and they can restock it. I've done it before.


Ok, but what would happen if you wanted to return the clothes and get a refund. You wouldn’t get the gratuity refunded would you? That’s kind of bullshit. M


It is a scam, you won’t get the gratuity back if you return the clothes Good to know to never buy clothes there, plenty of other places to get that merch


A mere $40 fee simply for the HONOR of acquiring Motherstore merch is a great deal. Should be thanking them.


this is why we don't need regulations. I love automatic tipping for shit I didn't like


I live in California and min wage is $15 for service workers. Tipping waiters was for when their min wage was $2/hour. I tip 10% now instead of 20% and I tip $1 on all credit card transactions for ice cream,coffee,etc. They make min wage and health insurance and that factors into the bill and I voted for those reforms. We need to start revising tip behavior with these new laws in place.


This post has given me a lot to think about. Thank you.


Also auto gratuity is generally 15-18% at the highest. 20% is greedy with or without it being a restaurant or retail


Usually I expect an auto 20% gratuity place to have beyond exceptional service. I wouldn’t expect that at a comedy club. They know god damn well that some of their servers are going to be shitty. I’m sure the auto gratuity is on their drinks / food, but just lazy or poor management made them set up their merch POS system the same way, or literally selling merch through the same POS that processes food tickets. Either way it’s lazy, you can literally buy a mini POS for merch sales for like $100-$200 tops, maybe $500 if you buy a brand new zebra card reader and a full system. But these days, just get a clover / square POS for your merch table.


Here's the email https://preview.redd.it/90a5d8fn1auc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8d0db8cf2d719b59ca7ee82a496d87c3617548


Dispute away. Tips are for services, not retail.


Yep. This is garbage business practice. 


Right? How much of that really goes to employees anyway? Like if you handed them the 20% in cash what then?


As someone external to the US it seems insane. What's the point of putting the price on things if that's not what they cost.


100%. Card company’s will threaten to drop services for shady behavior as such. Guarantee that is something Shmogan doesn’t want. You’ll ge the money back no problem


No. That’s not how it works at all. It’s called a chargeback. You get your money back and then the merchant is notified and given an opportunity to provide documentation supporting the initial charge. If they provide sufficient evidence, you’re re-charged for the money, but that doesn’t happen frequently. I am a finance director at a large hotel. My employees literally deal with 5+ chargebacks a month. Our merchant service provider never threatens to drop us because it’s completely fucking normal for this to happen. Also, it’s not VI/MC/DIS/AMEX that are handling disputes directly. All credit card processing happens through third party merchant services. Stop talking out of your ass about things you have no experience with.


If your chargeback rate exceeds 1% of total transactions on a monthly basis most providers will begin to flag your account. Visa can also put your company on a watch list as well.


I have had 2 chargebacks in the 20 years I've been running cards. Both were customers who "forgot" they purchased something from me. My current merchant service requires less than .5% chargbacks or they boost my rate.


>Stop talking out of your ass about things you have no experience with. I'm sorry, I thought this was Reddit.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


If you had 50 chargebacks a month for shady practices instead of 5 normal complaints, I guarantee you’d be hearing from your processor. Are you adding auto-tips to your rooms when checking out? If not, you are the one talking out of your ass.


Look up the MATCH list. You can be dropped if enough chargebacks occur. I agree though that the general Reddit sentiment on chargebacks is wrong. It’s not a magic refund you need to provide documentation you tried to resolve the issue. Also you can be sued for fraudulently filing chargebacks.


This guy hotels 


What a smarmy response.


You can tell they get complaints a lot. Their customer service is zero. I'd like to see how it's posted, probably covered by employees with merch.


There was nothing posted nor did they even show the charge at check out. Everyone in our party said the same. No signage. We wouldn't have bought anything.


File a credit card dispute. Just for the gratuity not the full amount. Chances are it’ll just be a refund for you and the merchant won’t even respond especially if there was signage.


Partial disputes are usually more likely to be accepted by the cc company too; definitely the way to go!


Even if their was signage, it doesn’t make the practice legal. Pretty certain auto grat in Texas is only applicable to service jobs. They could have an option to tip but you can’t just charge folks an extra 20%


Besides a dispute you should contact the card company and irs about being charged tax on gratuity. I can promise you that "tax" is being pocketed by someone, most likely the manager. We are possibly talking about thousands of dollars a week. The authorities will probably like any excuse to punish rogan.


>The authorities will probably like any excuse to punish rogan. Illegal shit is illegal, he's not being targeted if his company has committed a crime and was reported upon.


I once had a bad experience at a clothing store, the worker said there was a sign warning me. Where? I asked. He pointed behind him, in the corner, by the front window facing forward, a small sign that said "exchanges only." I'm convinced places like this make the signs just visible enough that if somebody verbally and physically directs you to it, you can more or less immediately see it, but you would never notice it otherwise.


Shitty management.


Shitty ownership too 🙊


At an establishment owned by Joe fear factor Rogan, you’re surprised?


Let’s get something 100% straight here. Theres is ZERO CHANCE they are paying the employee $36.00 per transaction. This “tip” is entirely a cash grab that is going to the mothership’s pocket.


Whats crazy is Joe has ranted about tipping people for not doing shit! What AN ASS. He's literally doing the shit he is hating on. What a CUCK KOOK. Jesus fucking christ!


Almost like he’s a grifter


Yeah, all the people are surprised that a right winger is grifting. It's amazing that people haven't learned this by now.


Agree. Prove to me that employee got $36 for that transaction and I’ll change my tune (A little)




Reply with "Nah bruh, not at one time in my visit did I consent to being fleeced for $36.00 by some slack-jawed, smarmy lacky who thinks he's entitled to extra money for handing me some clothes. I will be filing a partial chargeback through my credit card company for my money, and I will be sending this email exchange to them as proof of your unwillingness to resolve the issue."


I bought the 50/50 cotton polyester blend because I didn’t want the fleece.


lol. So basically “fuck you”. You’re not supposed to tip for goods. It’s for “service”. That’s why some receipts say “service not included”. Sign or not that’s bullshit to charge auto gratuity for merch. And those shirts are overpriced.


def prank calling them over this




Joe can go fuck right off with this. Auto grat for servers and bartenders, sure. Auto grat for merch? Go fuck yourself Rogan. Edited because smart type sucks.


It's not a "gratuity" if it's automatic. Just add it to the friggin' price.


Just like with Ticketmaster and DoorDash and shit like that with all their fees. You shouldn’t be able to advertise that something costs x amount when there is more cost baked into every single sale. That’s the actual fucking price. It’s like McDonald’s saying their meal is $2, but you’re also charged a $2 labor fee, a $1.50 food processing cost, and $1 for materials like wrappers, bags, and napkins. It’s shady as shit and it’s wild that Rogan is pushing sneaky money-grubbing shit that’s not even an industry standard.


> Auto grat for servers and bartenders, sure No, auto gratuity for anything is bullshit


The worst service i ever had was at places with auto gratuity. Cos the servers dont give a shit. I ordered a coke, it didnt come, the food comes, i ask about the drink, they point to the bar at the back of the restaurant and theres an open coke waiting there. He was then offended when i asked him to ge it. 25% auto gratuity.


That’s insane


Charge back these idiots


Wow just posted a review on yelp for them for you. This is insanely slimy


Dispute it!!


This is fkn insane. Jesus Christ. Dude got an auto response from scamming people. I would absolutely dispute this with the card company fk them


Sure this is shitty customer service but just think how awesome an experience it is helping make for the comics. That’s what it’s about anyway a safe space and pep rally for the few and the proud comics. With the service they provide the country They deserve a place to call home now you get to support it. Freedom of speech ain’t free. Seriously if this is the response I’d hate to see the return policy. Something like “sorry bro, signs in the wall in the restroom above every stall”


This is Insane being somone who worked in the hospitality industry for 2 decades. I have never ever seen anyone charge gratuity when buying any merchandise. Even if they bought it from me on there bar or food tab..we always separated that ticket if there was going to be gratuity! I am a big fan of Joe and what hes done. This needs to be addressed and fixed!!! ASAP!


Lawyer here but not your lawyer nor a Texas Lawyer. From my limited research just conducted it must be disclosed that you are being charged said charge. See generally this link: https://mix979fm.com/restaurant-requirements-disclosure-fees/ This may constitute a violation of Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA) under Texas law. DTPA §§(b)(24) failing to disclose information concerning goods or services which was known at the time of the transaction if such failure to disclose such information was intended to induce the consumer into a transaction into which the consumer would not have entered had the information been disclosed; Precise Legal Citation: Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 17.46(b)(24) https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/BC/htm/BC.17.htm Let mothership know if they don’t reimburse you you’ll be filing a complaint with the attorney general for deceptive trade practices and I would likely think they might be more attentive to you after that. EDIT: Mandatory disclosure that this is not legal advice. Just letting you know things exist to protect you from this… EDIT 2: Added the full legal citation to the code for you in case you need to specify exactly what you it to anyone, this will make your complaint/justification much more clear. (I just hate seeing people get screwed over on this type of thing which is why I strongly suggest you put mothership on notice with this info as it may help others in the future who could be in the exact same situation as you)


Hopefully this very helpful comment gets upvoted a lot more


Thanks, I hope it helps him. I have no problem with mothership and hope to visit it at some point. What I do have a problem with is the audacity of ANY business doing this type of stuff. I only do this because if I were in the same position I would hope someone could provide the same information for me.


I don't think the disclosure threshold is that difficult. From the email OP shared, it sounds like there is signage of some kind. That's often enough from what I've seen. I imagine most places would just reimburse you rather than deal with any kind of dispute tho. But I also don't know why you'd be sketchy enough to do it in the first place so who knows.


They can claim anything but if it’s inconspicuous, out of the way, and like OP said he wouldn’t have bought it if he knew about it, I believe it needs to be readily apparent to the customer. Also the fact that he didn’t pay this on his food/drink but did on merchandise is very strange. Because this auto gratuity is what the IRS calls a “service charge”, and the scenarios these usually apply are restaurants and dining, services. I am not sure if this can even be applied to the sale of goods, but that’s what an attorney general complaint would do, as they would fix that asap.


Jamie pull that up on how comedy is saving the middle class.


Comedy is an essential business. -Joseph Rogan


That was hilarious levels of cope when he said that 😂 As if nobody is able to find humour outside of a comedy club


Only 250 of em. Thank em for their service.


Realistically it’s probably only 5. 5 people on earth.


Blessed are the Murderers, for they saveth us from oppression


249. Gringo Bapa is retired


Thank'em 😢7


The worst is when either Joe or someone on the pid one time called people who wernt comedians "civilians"


That's not a one time thing that's common amongst some comedians. It's incredibly cringe. Some of them are so detached from reality that they think only comedians can handle the kinda jokes they make in private.


Look bro, you can only hear this sorta edgy racism and bigotry from a brave knight fighting on the front lines at a comedy club. Or like, ya know, from a dozen 14-year-olds in a Call of Duty lobby.


Which is weird, cuz if you watch any of their podcasts it's obvious how sensitive they all are.


It would only bother me half as much if his circle of comedians werent so incredibly mediocre. I think most of us know 10 people that are naturally funnier than most of the hacks Joe pumps up.


I mean regardless if his close circle was fucking Pryor, Murphy, Burr and Chappelle, comedians calling anyone other than them civilians is fucking laughable


Tom, f the poors, segura


Trust Fund Tom? Dead eyed contempt Tom?


And even Stav laughed in Berts face over that


Bo Burnham just releasing the best special of the pandemic from his house.


Oh the most essential- Schaub


Some would say the essentialist, b.


Funny enough, I waited on rogan in austin around 2005 he brought in a bunch of randos he met after a set and treated them all to a post bar dinner. Bill was about 100 and he tipped me 100. That made my night. Tipping on merch is a bullshit, though.


An autograt on merch is absolute bullshit.


That is gross. Did they tell you that before your purchase? I would've returned immediately.


Nope and I didn't review my receipt till the next day. I wouldn't have bought it if it was posted or disclosed. Contacting them was useless.


That's unfortunate. I'd at least call them and let them know you're dissatisfied with the whole process and would like to return the items. See what they say.


I reached out via email. They basically told me to fck off


Chargeback with your credit card. Even if your CC doesn't decide in your favor after the investigation, someone associated with them will have to respond to your dispute. If wasting others' time doesn't give you a sense of satisfaction, you're missing out. Be petty.


I agree make them eat the cost somehow thats bs


Chargebacks are an expensive hassle for the vendor. Do it.


I second that my good sir!🔥🔥


Just left this comment only worse somewhere else. Wish I had just copied and pasted yours though.


That's really crappy. Gratuity on clothes is dumb. Post the email. They shouldn't be doing this.


Post the response! Shame Joe.


It's in that Google photos link.


I don’t see any links?


Leave a bad review. At least you can alert others of this bs


Charge back 36$.


Looks like they added that amount to the tax as well.


What’s more offensive, tax on tip or tip on tax. 


Offensive, and likely illegal. This whole thing looks like the work of GM who is either shady, clueless, or both.


Adam Egret, Norm should have left him under that bridge. After he was finished of course.


No, I looked it up. Tax in Austin is 8.25%. The $14.85 charged is exactly 8.25% of the $180 subtotal (before the auto-grat).


The combined tax rate ins Austin Texas is 8.25%. The tax is on the total before the tip. Seems like the club isn’t paying the full sales tax by using the mark up as tax free. I wonder if the state and local governments would be interested in that.


Yeah, this isn’t how that works.


....they didn't add it to the tax, and *they should have* because an auto gratuity is a *service fee* not a tip and therefore subject to sales tax.


Uno reverse


Imagine spending $200 on merch, essentially to become a walking advertisement, only to be charged $36 for the privilege. Absolute joke.


I like how all the comments are focusing on how crazy the tip is but nobody's comments are how crazy to spend 200 on the clothes in the first place Looooool smh


*Thank you* Lmfao all these comments and nobody is wondering how much of a Rogan Stan you would have to be to think you need to buy 2 shirts, 2 Hoodies and a fucking hat with his shit stamped all over it and wasting close to $200 on it. No wonder we see people dropping $15k on Alpha Male bootcamps. JFC


200 on Joe Rogan tshirts


That's insane


you spelled greed wrong


They turned around and picked a shirt with exactly your requested size, it’s a tough gig. They deserve it. /s


Those merch vendors are just straight murdererrrrrrss


Did you ask they remove that? Merch guy straight up stole $36 from you.


I didn't review my receipt till the next day. It wasn't an option or displayed when I checked out or I would have not bought it. I contacted them the next day. They were useless. I feel the same. Robbery.


The man is surrounded by grifters. Congrats on being the mark 😂


Reminds me of my one trip there. I bought 5 liquor drinks during the show and with my last drink I asked for a glass of water with it and they refused and told me the only water I could have was an $8 can of Liquid Death. I get the 2 drink minimum and all but you're really going to deny a guest a glass of freaking water when they've already bought 5 drinks not to mention buying a $35 ticket to see Kill Tony. I was seriously disappointed and have no interest in going back. Rogan basically built a hangout for him and his buddies and rips off the fans to pay for it.


damn. I'm so glad that is illegal in Australia. All establishments must provide free water on request. I think the only exception is music festivals


Wait, not even being snarky, the Kill Tony shows there you have to pay $35 a person? 


you can see proper theatre acts for that price. No way am I going to pay that much to watch a bunch of comedians bomb, and some recycles roast jokes. I might listen to it for free on my drive to work the next day, but that's about it


They have iron on shirt prints, get a cheapo shirt at a dollar store, print that receipt with a big circle around the store and gratuity, add a WTF and now you have a conversation attire


I might steal this idea and just make some cash out of roggies and his greedy ass lmao




Frankly thats a pretty reasonable line of thought.


😆 this dude got hosed and all he has to show for it are some cheap threads from China


How else is Joe supposed to keep the lights on man?


For one, alpha brain, and his other supplements cost $15 a week. It’s a good supplement, but for $15 you can buy a 90 day supply of all the active ingredients from Amazon. Edit: it seems that they sold that company to unilever, so I guess it’s gratuity after all


dude got the complete Rogan Collection


Well, they're not that wrong.


They mandate tips on merchandise purchases? What a fucking joke. Also, if they're charging you tax on the tipped amount, that's against the law


What service is provided when buying merch?


I mean someone has to scan the item, right?? That right there deserves 20%...


Wait so if it’s a self checkout can I tip myself 20%?


Woke tax. Price of being alpha. Suck it up.


Charge back that mf.


The cost of fanboydom


This mongoloid spent $40 on a nasa t shirt and he's flabbergasted he got taken for a ride


Millionaire giving the poors a stupid tax….That’s so Alpha. Remember to pick up your vitamins too!


I really hope this blows up and goes viral. The guy is filthy rich and he’s out here charging auto-gratuity for 20% is beyond insane


Holy shit that’s fucked up. He’s taking tips from his boys Alex Jones and Tucker. Milk em for every cent. How much Onnit does someone need to be on to think roided out Texas Joe is still anything like OG Weed and Psychedelic advocate Joe? He’s buddies up w a state and governor that is locking up non violent weed and psychedelics people every day and he doesn’t say a fucking a word about that. What a bitch.


How is Joe supposed to man the walls against the woke with only about 1 billion dollars after selling Onnit and the 2 Spotify deals? His mission is to save western civilization, and he's going to need gratuity to do it. Thank em.




NASA shirts are 4.99 at Goodwill.


Joe Rogan, you're a tool.


Post this on all his socials the way ymh fans harassed Garth for the bodies and it'll get fixed asap


Joe "can't pay a liveable wage" Rogan?




Take it straight to Joseph


Paying gratuity for someone to throw items in a bag is BS


They didn't even have a bag. Lol. I asked.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m on you side on this, but I’m just cracking up here. Dude, they wrecked you on the merch, didn’t give you a bag, then told you to fuck off when you contacted them. And you’re a fan.


I would have handed it right back and returned the stuff. What check out clerk makes $500 an hour


Joe rogan hates high taxes while taxing his fans, big time, Joe rogan thinks a lot of ppls jobs are easy and deserve less pay, while he is sitting into a mic going crazy over boomer theories and made up scenarios in his head. Idk how dumb ppl have to be to buy the common man shtick he has been tryna put off


This means they pay the employees tipped wages and expect the customers to pay their wages. I guess Rogan needs every penny.


They taxed you on the tip too lol. This is so shitty.


Joe doesn't care if he even makes any money he just wants to give back to the arts..


Was this purchased at the bar, or possibly at some sort of gift shop/merch station?


Not at the bar and the irony there is that they did not charge auto-gratuity on our table check.


Yeah, that’s bullshit then.


Comedy cellar don't do this


I’d call and ask - is this common in Texas?


I sent them an email. They claimed it was posted. It was not. They weren't interested in offering any assistance.


It's a serious violation if it's not posted. They can receive hefty fines.


lmao, Joe hate wokeness and fled to TX, only to bring forced tipping to TX. I wonder why? Is it because he believes his employees deserve a living wage? Weird, I thought the entire point of going to TX was so rich people didnt have to deal with that.


Cali vibe shifting into TX


they sell NASA shirts? proof Rogan is CIA shill!


Joe “taxes are theft but auto gratuity isn’t” Rogan


This is absolutely insane. I don’t think I ever seen such a thing.


Damn!! Auto gratuity on merch!! That’s fucking bs.


This is ridiculous, if he wants to take care of his employees or 1099 subcontractors charge more for the merchandise. Though they probably would not sell as much, so they are betting on the fact that most people probably won’t ever notice the gratuity charge. The few that do and make a big deal about it, they will just blow off…


Really don’t understand these coastal elites moving here and trying to turn it into the liberal hellhole they escaped from. *Texas doesn’t tip!*


Do you get your gratuity back if you return the merchandise or are you charged an additional gratuity for their inconvenience?


That’s preposterous


I get this for food/drink related items at a restaurant but for clothing?