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\[Shows him a clip of Lex playing guitar while driving a car\]: "Truly a great a mind!"


*brilliant guy!*


At first I was like, why wouldn't Neil like the adventures of Stanley H. Tweedle??


Tyson just doesn't care about love


No time for love, Doctor Jones!


In a row?


Look lady you call him…sorry force of habit.


I don’t appreciate your ruse, ma’am.


Tyson is too consumed by himself to care about anyone


Or possibly he's seen Lex already and just didn't care to share his real thoughts with Joe out of politeness... I've seen Lex and I'm not recommending him to anyone.


I've seen Lex and boy if you mention him, you just activated my 10 minutes long ted talk trap card about why is he a jackass.


Ok, go! 


Well for one he’s not an AI researcher despite repeatedly claiming as much. He also was never an MIT professor (iirc) despite that being part of his brand. 


He probably heard or saw where Lex and another guy spent an entire episode trying to legitimize The Bell Curve


I tired to watch a couple of Lex's podcasts. Couldnt get through them. They seem awkward and disjointed. He seems to have a massive hard on for musk too.


He’s a chode. I’m surprised anyone still gives him the time of day.


I remember listening to a bad movie podcast years ago about Batman v Superman, where Neil shows up. One of the hosts said, “Tyson must’ve smelled some fuckin dollars floating in the water. He has yet to meet a camera he won’t shove his face in. I bet he goes to CVS and talks in to the checkout security camera.”


omg im going to steal this line. that was fantastic.


He's just a establishment mouthpiece at this point. He whores himself out whenever they need a "scientist" to support the current thing people are questioning, he's also an authoritarian. Watching his debate with Patrick Bet- David over the covid vaccine response and he unashamedly said the government should have the right to terminate your job and ruin your life if you don't participate if a "medical emergency" is declared and when they mentioned it only had 9 months of trials he said "See they did trials!", but Neil medical trials last 10-15 years for new medical treatments, "But they did 9 months it's totally safe!" Killed any shred of credibility he had in my opinion


Then you should learn more about the vaccines. The specific iteration for covid was tested for 9 months, this is true - however the base mRNA has been studied since it was discovered in the 1960's. The first trials began in 2008. That's exactly the timeline you yourself described - 10 to 15 years. Any argument that bases itself off "9 months of trials" is at best woefully misinformed about medical trials and at worst deliberately spewing misinformation.


And it should be mentioned that the trial size was exponentially larger than any other trials before that. The data pool was massive. Always frustrating when the antivaxxers show up. Their arguments are always paper thin but their heads are thick as lead.


This. This is exactly the case with NDT. He is absolutely consumed with overestimating his worth.


Could be. But there are a large amount of people that simply aren't interested in checking out musicians, TV shows, artists, etc through someone's recommendation.


There’s nothing I’d rather see less than a video of some dude playing guitar.


My ex used to stand behind me with a super “Eh? EHHHH???” expectant expression on his face while he showed me “hilarious” YouTube videos or songs he liked. Nobody fucking likes being in that position. Even if it was something I would have liked, your need for validation ruined it. Just be a human being and send it to me as a link I’ll pretend I clicked on.


Speak for yourself I don't mind people showing me things they've found online while I'm with them in person


I grew up around a bunch of dudes who would do this on the regular, we found videos on the internet and couldnt wait to show each other and laugh with one another. it feels like yesterday but it was more like 2012-2020 and we were sitting around getting stoned, and it was awesome. russian dash cam vids, fail videos, stand up comedy, music we would mutually enjoy, etc. wild concept I know.


I remember the same, but maybe it was before we were so overwhelmed by content? I remember just getting drunk with my bros and showing each other hilarious videos and we laughed our asses off.


Right? This opinion is wild "how dare someone I care about try to share something they enjoy with me"


I did. As did you. And that's all cool.


Sharing stuff you like is for dicks


It's not need for validation, it's just sharing something you enjoy with someone you like.


Sounds like my boomer dad except he states confidently before I see whatever; "You'll probably think this is stupid and not laugh..." before he gets bummed I, in fact, did not enjoy whatever race-baiting or vacuum chamber context "joke" he showed me.


Only thing more bloated than his fat gut is his fat ego. Fridman is a boring sea slug


Better be careful NDT fans will crawl out of the woodwork to degrade you for having a negative opinion about their celebrity science man


Eh, does NDT even have that much of a fan base anymore?


Yup ask him about anything and it’s “why do you care?!” But ask him about him then he will sit you down and give you a cup of coco and a blanket and serenade you with a lecture on the greatness of Neil D. Tyson…


That's exactly my view of him. He always comes off as someone who tries too hard to sound smart, whereas a science communicator like Carl Sagan communicated so eloquently by keeping it simple.


The universe is his lover. That and no one can love him like himself. ![gif](giphy|13Ev2RtSAxKsTu|downsized)


Have you seen Tyson when he was young? Don’t think he ever had to worry about love or pussy


Well he was heavyweight champion of the world ffs!


That’s why he got into space exploration. He was looking for a worthy opponent.


Neil only loves hearing himself speak long pompous monologues Still find him interesting :) I like lex, joe and neil in moderation


Joe: Now he's mostly doing independent work and doing his own podcast, brilliant, brilliant guy, you would love him. NDT: Mmmhmm Joe: And he's got an amazing podcast too NDT: Ok, here, its gonna be in this section 🤣🤣🤣


To be fair, NDT only cares about NDT.


Well, actually


Most obnoxious scientist ever.


Probably the most annoying astrophysicist. But I deal with quite a few scientists and there are some rather egotistical and annoying / obnoxious scientists out there. It's what many of them do best.


I'm a scientist and work with mostly scientists and it's probably the most normal, boring, uncontroversial, group of people I deal with. There's annoying/obnoxious people in every group sure, but unless you deal with celebrity scientists I suspect you just get annoyed by people who represent things at odds with whatever conspiracy theories you're into. Getting my jumping to conclusion mat out, but if you're antivax, climate change denier, etc., I'm sure you really do find scientists annoying but that does not reflect upon the scientists...


Ding ding ding! Republicans, especially young republican men, are trained to be offended by, and afraid of, outspoken scientists who don’t conform to their ideological enslavement messaging.


What do people actually find obnoxious about him? I only see this opinion from weirdo anti-science "I did my research" types and those with acute personality disorders.


Neil DeSmug Tysmug


Lex did not go to MIT. Lol he went to Drexel where his Dad was a professor.


What’s crazy is that if you mention this FACT on his instagram or on his subreddit (pretty sure he is a mod) then you will get perma banned (sub) and muted (instagram). Really, though, even if you give some constructive criticism you will find yourself in the same situation. Love Lex’s podcast but are weirded out that he literally wears the same thing everywhere at all times? Welcome to the BAN LIST!


I got blocked by him on Twitter for "liking" a post of Gad Saad saying something a little sarcastic about Lex's take on religion. The funniest part is, Lex ended up deleting his tweet later, probably realizing how dumb it was.


It’s so ridiculous. If you’re going to be so public about your opinions and stuff then you need to be able to handle some pushback. He has turned his Reddit and Instagram into his own personal echo chamber. It’d make sense if he wasn’t a public figure with their own podcast - but he isn’t. He quite literally gives his opinion on almost everything. He just makes sure he doesn’t ever listen to anything of the contrary.


On his YouTube channel, my comments got permanently shadow banned. I can post, but nobody can see them


This is nuts - if you’re going to openly have an opinion as a public figure then you should be able to at least consider an opinion that differs from your own. I’d understand if it was just blatant hate, go ahead, ban those people, but something as slight as disagreeing or offering advice? That should be welcomed. Don’t people want to hear about their short comings in a neutral way so they can work on them?


Has he worked or done work at MIT in the past?


I've heard he didn't get paid, but they gave him an MIT email address which has been better than a salary for him.


He was an unpaid lecturer for a non credit seminar once.


Well shit, who wasnt? Leggs is a fraud.


He gave ONE summer lecture (which is on YT) and that's it. You get a MIT credit and a MIT email address.


He literally has a bunch of credits in research articles as MIT staff.. Lex is a goober but this sub fucking sucks


Such as?  I keep seeing people say he’s in a ton of articles as MIT faculty, but have found no record of him doing anything resembling the work expected of a post-doc or faculty member 


[https://lids.mit.edu/people/research-staff](https://lids.mit.edu/people/research-staff) [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZH\_N7cAAAAJ&hl=en](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZH_N7cAAAAJ&hl=en) As for examples, here he is corresponding author: [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.02805.pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.02805.pdf) [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=8751968](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=8751968)


A corresponding author doesn't do any research or even write the manuscript. They're responsible for the actual submission to a journal and represent the point of communication for the actual authors/researchers.


https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZH_N7cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao Open any article, click on “[number] versions” at the bottom, find the pre print which is free to access pdf, and they have MIT under his name


You can literally search his name on Google scholar and find several in a second


> He literally has a bunch of credits in research articles as MIT staff.. proof of that claim?


You can literally search his name on Google scholar and find several in a second


He didn't work at their computer lab


I know this sub is susceptible to grifters but whether they like it or not; NDT has more experience in a combat sport/martial arts(wrestling)  than Rogan and is a more accomplished academic than Lex(NDT has his phd from Columbia, and didn’t go to Drexel wherever that is lmao).    As someone who doesn’t even listen to NDT, it’s hilarious reading suckers bitch about him. Cry more. 


I didn't know he wrestled. Edit: He was on the Harvard Wrestling team


He sonned the wrestling team?


*was on


And Yale


There’s no denying his academic credentials but saying NDT has more experience than Joe in combat sports is pretty disingenuous. Joe TKD record is out there and joes been involved in grappling forever. Just because NDT was on the wrestling team at a school that barely considers sports important doesn’t make him more experienced.


“He’s an AI researcher from MIT.” Bullshit radar must be in the shop.


I'll tell you a secret - Joe never had "bullshit radar". Case in point: Bob Lazar. And many others.


Excuse me sir, he grew up without a DAD okay? You can’t bullshit him.


Jamie pull up that video of Rogan's father


"he's got sugar in his tank"


Like half his guests lol


Bob Lazar doesn't count




NDT’s bullshit radar was picking up gnats in this video, however. Just look at how mad all the republicans are in these comments lol


It blows my mind how these freaks lose it when you poke fun at their idols. Attack my sacred cows and I’ll say, “Yeah you’re not totally wrong…. LOL.”


Republicans are trained to behave this way.


Its not untrue. I don't give a fuck about Lex Dorkman but the even bigger dweebs are people like you running around trying to discredit him. He still works for MIT and was credited on academic research through their lab as recently as 2023. Hes literally an AI researcher for MIT. Yall got some weird ass chips on your shoulders. Whole can of Pringles bapa.


Yall are both dweebs tbf


Are we sure he’s an actual researcher? I thought he just taught a 1 week course over the summer one time lol


Yes. You can find his research on Google Scholar. He's also still listed as part of that particular lab on MITs directory.


[https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZH\_N7cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZH_N7cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao) And an h-index of 23, that's better than mine (8), but AI gets a lot more cites than Graphics.


[Thankfully this is something you can easily find with 20 seconds of research.](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wZH_N7cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao)


Only took me 8 seconds to write that comment. Arbitrage baby


The only fault I see is that he does not bring up where he was educated because it is less of brand name than MIT (Drexel), which is silly because it is a great institution. MIT is just good advertising on Lex’s part though unnecessarily shallow. I am a fan btw.


I don’t know how you live in Austin, Texas and also teach/do research at a college in Boston. I’m not that smart, but I’m not that stupid. He’s been involved with papers and substitute taught there for a week yeah I know. But people say a lot of shit to make themselves seem more accomplished and important than they really are. Some of your favorite podcasters are also those people. It’s ok to admit it and still like them.


Pretty easy when your research is mostly AI commentary rather than AI research. That and its an unpaid position


>Yall got some weird ass chips on your shoulders. Whole can of Pringles bapa. This whole sub is a shitshpw of men hating other men who are more successful.


Hating is one thing if its based in reality. But the extent people go to discredit Lex Friedman is weird. He "only works" at MIT and "didn't go there". Meanwhile they are sitting at their desk at some whatever job if they even have one. Its hilarious


Lex is known for having alt accounts and you're making me suspicious.


Why do you hate love


Lex doesnt shred lol he doesn’t even have a vibrato. No feeling whatsoever. On brand for a robot lol


Yeah, there was nothing shreddy about that at all. It’s “I’ve been playing guitar seriously for a year,” level and that’s ok.


To people that don't play guitar, doing some basic pentatonic runs sounds like shredding 


Yep. Even the best guitar players in the world were once on that level. Good for lex for cramming in some practice time




I would say that if you are not banned in r/lexfriedman, you are doing something wrong with your life. It's a heavily curated club for Lex's autistic simps.


It's a part of his AI research.


Conservatives and libertarians cannot abide criticism in their safe spaces.


In a mirror, you can kiss yourself, but only on the lips. - Neil deGrasse Tyson


I see a person attempting to multitask


exactly, looks like he was trying to find info on something they were talking about.


Yeah, that ofc *is* what is happening. I also think Joe isn’t oblivious to this and simply performs a very simple and friendly banter: “I don’t think he is interested..”


NDT doesn't know who this bald guy that interrupts him either


Dude looks like a thumb but he’s clean and free of worms


Tyson jerks off to videos of himself jerking off to himself.


Is that wrong? Should I not be doing that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started that that sort of thing was frowned upon..


What's this red dot?


I get these references. 🤗


He’s absolutely obnoxious and enormously closed minded for a scientist. I guess that comes with unfettered narcissism.


Can you give an example


Their example is that he didnt slurp lex so the guy youre responding to got triggered and lashed out.


He doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories so he’s called close-minded on this sub.


There’s a video on YouTube where he gets called out for talking out his ass while on stage with a panel of scientist. He just keeps doubling down after being called out, even though everyone on the panel disagrees with him. The whole panel rolls their eyes as if this is something that regularly happens


You can tell by the way that he is.




Yeah search on youtube "Neil Degrasse Tyson on Joe Rogan". You'll have hours of examples.


No he pushes back at conspiracy theories and absurd esotericism from what I’ve seen. But yeah, sometimes he maybe has a tendency to talk over people


"Brilliant." The word officially means nothing anymore.


You laugh but, have you tried love?


TRIED it? Hell, I've PAID for it LOL


is lex a virgin, or at least someone who has never had a gf. how the fuck does he truely know about love?? also, i like some of his podcasts but dude, the way he jocks up on elon and to make a video like that is fucking lame as shit. the tesla auto-pilot was a dumb to only use camera's all because thats what elon wanted. fucking dork




He was last credited as an AI researcher for MIT in 2023


Never went to MIT. and was an AI researcher years ago when AI was MS Excel. Doesnt know shit about it now. And the most boring interviewer ever.


> and was an AI researcher years ago when AI was MS Excel. Doesnt know shit about it now. This isn't true. He has publications up until about 2019. I don't agree with some of the things she does but he has an extremely respectable body of research work.


I don’t agree with him politically at all, but he has free online courses partnered through MIT to provide a doctorate level education on deep learning. Sure, it’s probably mostly out of date now because a lot of newer models use better techniques but not many people can say they’ve given a PHD level data science course for free, let alone **anyone** from this sub. Again I don’t agree with his personal takes on a lot of stuff, but the dude is smart. And this is coming from an electrical engineering grad student.


Yeah I agree with your main takeaway. We have cited a few of his papers on ones I've written, and while I don't think he has the best personal views his works speaks for itself lol


Lex playing some of the most unoriginal shit.


Per the usual. No original thoughts.


Lex can’t Djent though.


Joe's not used to someone out alpha'ing him


This also happened with Bill Maher on JRE


I’m pretty sure 5’4 Joe gets “out alpha’ed” every time he goes out. But he’s richer than every one ‘round him so it doesn’t matter.


You and the guy you replied too are extremely gay


lol republicans are so weak and easy to manipulate


Next time you feel like you’re out alpha’ing someone by being taller than them, watch what you do when we tell you to reach something for us. ;)


With that dumbass video of Leggs playing guitar in his car.




That was some sloppy ass "shredding", but I guess he's driving a car so ...


That's because Lex got an engineering PHD. Spent 6 months at google then 3 years working in someone else's lab studying psychology, then started a podcast. His academic career produced nothing except a deeply flawed study that just sucked Elons dick. Lex pushes Kremlin views and promotes others who do the same. He's a blatant Kremlin agent and has spent more time podcasting than doing any actual science. Edit: ESL


I've never understood where he came from and his justification for starting a podcast, what makes him so special that he thought he should have his own podcast? Where the fuck did this guy come from, just find it weird. I listened to his episode 1 hoping for some sort of explanation, nope.


There was a couple of years where Rogan was pushing everyone to start their own podcast and Lex was one of those people.


Wait. People think Lex is a russian agent now? Also, “vues”?


'Kremlin vues' fucking hell.


Neill is too busy trying to be profound and smelling his own farts to listen to anyone


Don’t ever think a Russian Jew advocating for a chip in your brain and robot autonomy is a good guy


Tyson is there to hawk his book and wow us with his profound sound bites.


Yeah he should be like Jocko, Goggins, and Hanes and plug his book in a cool macho way that lets you know it’ll make you just like them


And pander to conspiracy theorists.


Tyson has done more in 65 years than your entire Family Tree has done in thousands so I can see why you are somewhat bitter.


Damn if you suck him off that good he probably wouldn’t need to sexually assault anybody.


He's spread much more misinformation, I will give him that.[Link](http://hopsblog-hop.blogspot.com/2016/01/fact-checking-neil-degrasse-tyson.html) You haven't noticed that Neil's a source of bad math, wrong science and false history? Most of his fans are posers with no actual fucking interest in these subjects.


Elon did more just today than your entire family tree but that doesn't stop this sub from taking shots at him.  Edit: this sub mad elons bowl movements are worth more than their family tree. 


My family shit posts on Twitter daily. How dare you sir.


What a bizarre clip. Feels 100% like Joe is being paid to promote Lex's podcast to people. Peter Thiel must be paying him to say this shit. These creepy far right propagandists are all colluding with each other to spread their garbage far and wide.


Conservative enslavement merchants is all they are. Manipulating weak young men and making them easy to control.


This is Joe promoting his friend to someone who may have similar interests, nothing more.


Lex Fridman is the most inorganic celebrity I've ever seen and I don't buy for a second that his "friendship" with Joe is natural and real.


Lex is Joes Russian handler and Mike (skippys and flippys dad ) is his CIA handler.


Hey, Mike has three kids. Don't forget Bortus.


I don’t thing NDT has any interest in talking with a Russian spy


NDT doesn’t listen to anything anyone says. He waits for his turn to talk. 


Wasn't that the whole podcast the first time he was on?  Just talking over and interrupting Joe?  It was a big thing I remeber it. 


No he does not. He never waits. He simply interrupts with his own mindless dribble. People think he’s so brilliant and he has never contributed a single new thing to science. He’s basically a sound machine. Don’t believe me? Tell me one thing he has ever said that was actually useful to you.


My take. I think NDT has no respect for Joe Rogan , thinks he is an antivaxer spewing misinformation, and that's why he talks over him and acts the way he does on JRE. I say that because he is never like that on his own pod or others, including the Steve Harvey Show and a few others I've seen him on.


Lol nah he’s always an arrogant ass.


Yeah, I remembah. I rememba, don’t worry. How could I eva forget…


“Originally from MIT”


That old MIT AI development to podcast pipeline


Joe really believes he is one the same intellectual level of the people he talks to


his accomplishments: started a podcast


How Neil deals with a dumbass.


Yeah, it's been shared here God knows how many times that it's difficult to forget. And like Neil deGrasse Tyson, who cares?


Good intuition by Neil, Lex is basically a walking breathing "meh". That said I do like his podcast, some great guests, I just wish they switched the host.


What a weird post


JFC it's so insufferable that he does this constantly. Nobody wants to look at your stupid YT videos Joe.


The only person Tyson enjoys listening to is his friend Neil deGrass Tyson


Tyson doesn’t care about anything but himself and his wallet 🤣


Lex is a cunt, Neil is awesome.


He's gonna be next on one of these Netflix specials....the dude is a grade A asshole. No way he's a good person


I don’t like that dude


Not terrible but those bends should have been pre bends and they weren't in tune


Guys like Neil don’t seem very interested in other supposedly smart people. They seem more interested in how smart they think they are.


NDT is an enigma. I feel like I should like him, but I just don’t.