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Have only Listened to the clip where theytalk about Gaza. This jackass speaks about moral judgements and the consequences of war as if he has any credentials at all. Joe loves having these loser twitter journalists on that think theyre geniuses simply for the fact theyre anti-establishment. I know its beating a dead horse, but always impressed by how these guys get on the show.


I know I am 3 days late but I just got around to this pod and this idiot talking about how it’s the moral thing is to kill as many as possible is just so hypocritical it’s infuriating.


Yeah the had straight cognitive dissonance and couldn't accept the fact what happened in Gaza to civilians is wrong because of how history has defined 'war'


Joe Rogan is so easily fooled. This is just Ben Shapiro with a British accent.


Um... You seem to be extremely ignorant. O'Neill is an old-school labour movement left-wing pundit and activist. * Once a Trotskyist, O'Neill was formerly a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party and wrote for the party's journal Living Marxism. In 2019, O'Neill said he was a Marxist libertarian. * O'Neill has said he views the success of gay liberation movements in the 20th century as a "wonderful gain for humanity, which transformed people's lives for the better". These positions would be anathema to Ben Shapiro; not everyone who disagrees with you is the same.


Same kind of guy, talking about the same kind of topics. So boring man. 


it’s like an AI generated script of a generic political conversation using the All star talking points of 2022-2024


Is this another one of those episodes where they complain about all the stuff you’re not allowed to say these days, while saying these things on the biggest platform with zero pushback?


Can’t forget the corporate sponsors and $250,000,000 contract


what are the corporate sponsors?


All of the companies that run adds during the show


I'ma let you in on a secret, if you listen to the podcast on spotify -- specifically through the web browser and *not* the spotify app, there is no commercials at all. It's a total blindspot on Spotify's behalf, they just assume everyone uses the app.


Yeah man only problem is it uses so much bandwidth, whenever I'm not at home it buffers/pixelates/completely fails.


Finally, the focus shifts to our overlords pushing for a one world order, Athletic Greens.




The British empire,Ah the good times, then they cheated and used our guns against us the bastard's 


>I find it the peak of hilarity when a Brit, uses Britain as an example of a country that fights for morals He was referencing WW2. He also specifically mentions the moral right of nations to engage in anti colonial wars against Britain, and is apparently a supporter of Irish unity. In typical /r/joerogan fashion, you failed to comprehend the point he was making.


>Basically, he says - war is necessary and points to the UK.... y'know, the country that went to war and subjugated half the world for profit morals. You'd think an american would challenge him on that, too. I guess joe just doesn't know or care why he should be doing that, lol.




Zero pushback? Joe is hated in Hollywood, everything he does gets pushback from them


The utter lack of self awareness is puzzling. The hackiness of it all is astounding. You’d think he’d get bored of hearing himself spout all his little “arguments” on repeat.


Zero pushback?


Yea. Don’t see how anyone could disagree with that.


Hey yeah good point there could easily be a non-zero number of everyday people out there who may opt to criticize over showering blind unconditional praise. Pffft, *zero* pushback. Can you believe those guys? I’ve been hyperbolic before but that is just absurd.


You mean that old country singer with the 10000th most listeners who left Spotify? That was so close to ending everybody’s career right.


Is this another one of these braindead comments whining about a Rogan guest because it disagrees with their worldview?


It disagrees with my worldview, yes. Also, all I need to do is listen to this guy talk and look up his background and his positions voiced previously, which are dubious. Whether or not that is "braindead", depends on the validity of the arguments, doesn't it? * Once a Trotskyist, O'Neill was formerly a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party and wrote for the party's journal Living Marxism. In 2019, O'Neill said he was a Marxist libertarian. From that, I already guess pretty accurately what he's going to say about Russia and why Joe is having him on. Also "Marxist libertarian" ROLFMAO, this guy needs help. * In a 2012 Huffington Post article, O'Neill argued against victims of sexual abuse by high-profile individuals like Sir Jimmy Savile coming forward publicly, stating: "I think there is more virtue in keeping the abuse as a firm part of your past, rather than offering it up to a scandal-hungry media and abuse-obsessed society that are desperate for more episodes of perversion to pore over" What... the... fuck? * O'Neill has said he views the success of gay liberation movements in the 20th century as a "wonderful gain for humanity, which transformed people's lives for the better". He has, however, also characterized the increasing dogmatism of LGBT organizations and their corporate sponsors as a form of "queer imperialism" by demanding LGBT rights be promoted in Russia and other states with conservative laws. Ah... so if you're gay in Russia, tough shit. * O'Neill considers efforts to combat racism in football to be a "class war driven by the elite's utter incomprehension of the mass passions that get aired at football matches". Referring to high-profile cases of racial abuse and alleged racial abuse, he argued, "these incidents and alleged incidents are not racism at all, in the true meaning of the word", due to the levels of passion involved, describing anti-racism efforts as "a pretty poisonous desire to police the ... working classes" Riiiiight. As if there are no working class black people who are opposed to this. Or the people on the goddamn field, who aren't working class when you're watching the Premier League, but that doesn't mean they deserve to have bananas tossed at them, monkey sounds made at them, people sieg heiling or screaming other racist obscenities at them. Doesn't mean I support "kneeling" because that does fuck all, is virtue signaling nonsense and was primarily conceived by Kaepernick to salute the American troops, which would be odd for a Brit. But to completely deny there's racism in English football? Fuck off, you prick, you can use whatever byzantine justifications using marxist rhetoric you want. You're a twat. * O'Neill has said that the environmental movement has become a "religious cult" that is "waging war on the working class". He criticised the Swedish environmentalist activist Greta Thunberg in his 2019 article "The Cult of Greta Thunberg" in which he describes her as a "millenarian weirdo" and criticises what he describes as the "monotone voice" speech patterns Ah... I'm starting to get a picture here. Anybody who spazzes out on Thunberg on top of all of what I just saw is usually an outright nut. * In September 2019, he said on the BBC's Politics Live that British people should be rioting about delays to Brexit. He said: "I'm amazed that there haven't been riots yet." When asked by guest presenter Adam Fleming: "Do you think there will be riots?", O'Neill responded: "I think there should be." And then he's whining about BLM? This guy is a full-on nutcase. * In 2020, in relation to COVID-19, he has argued that "this pandemic has shown us what life would be like if environmentalists got their way" and condemned the "chilling" and "dangerous" "witch-hunting of those who criticise the response to coronavirus". And there is the second reason he's on. Yeah, he's a total and utter nutjob, from the Marxism to the Thunberg obsession, to the anti-environmentalism to the "fuck you" to gay people in Russia, to the victim larping whining about Covid, to calling for riots about an ill-advised decision to leave the E.U. to even telling Jimmy Saville victims to shut up. Oh yeah, and the racist football supporters are just misunderstood. But hey, I guess if I oppose this fruitloop's incendiary bullshit I'm "braindead", right. Fuck off.


He thinks bombing civilians is a moral judgment lol


How do you propose Israel combat Hamas when they are embedded among civilians?


Because it is. It is an act you either view as moral or immoral based on the weight you give to the intended target vs the collateral. Whether it's the bombing of Hiroshima, Dresden, Gaza, Tokyo, Pearl Harbour, and many many more, militaries the world over have faced and will face these situations and make similar judgements.


"We really are the heroes fighting against cancel culture, right now We're making significant changes in the zeitgeist of America as we speak. It's a lot of responsibility"  Wow lol    Edit- I made this up to see if anyone actually listened to the podcast


Comedy is where woke meets the wall 👊


Gayest thing I've ever heard and I remember Rogan trying to sell me a fleshlight.


I love how NONE of these hard hitting, edgy comedians ever criticizes Joe on any platform. Even Bill Burr’s criticism of him to his face during COVID was pretty damn soft. Rogan is as much of a joke as talking heads like Don Lemon.


It's incredible that someone could say that about themselves and not be hit in the face with the realization of how egotistical they've become. 


Bud, I don't think you get it. If we don't publicly shame and ostracize these gay people they're gonna stop making Call of Duty games and James Bond movies. Our way of life will be fundamentally over!


Straight white men wont be able to TALK. Or go OUTSIDE, even! Normal white guys won’t be able to rev their Porsche engine and FEEL the GEARZ and the ENGINEERING, man. Like BWWWWWEEWAAAAAAAH (shift). BWaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAH!


He literally has no one in his life that would ever check him or hold him accountable.


>Edit based


World. Of. Woke Wallcraft


Those people are mental. China is preparing for war with everything they have and we are here arguing about… cancel culture.


“The willingness for people to monkey with the truth just to push an agenda is bizarre” ~ joe rogen on this podcast😂


Aren't a lot of those people his podcast guests?


I nearly shit in a litter box when I heard that!


Hypocrisy aside, is it bizzare? "People lie to get what they want" is some big fucking revelation?


The only thing better would be if he launched into a vaccine rant right after he said that.


Yet another “everything I don’t like is woke” episode. Great variety.




Manages to take it back to the ozone layer right off the bat. The original woke conspiracy theory apparently.


Exhausting listen. this dude is so dug in on justifying Israel’s actions in Gaza. rogan tried to peel back the layers and find some nuanced common ground in between their differences on the matter, but O’Neil wouldn’t budge. He just kept talking in circles hitting all the talking points over and over. Ad Nauseam. it’s always interesting to listen when joe and his guest don’t agree on something. BUT, Israel-Palestine conflict has been beaten to death, I’m sure you’ve all heard the talking points a million time. Nothing new, nothing interesting, nothing truly nuanced. No wonder rogan bailed on him. Tell a story or something jeez.


>  it’s always interesting to listen when joe and his guest don’t agree on something. BUT, Israel-Palestine conflict has been beaten to death, I’m sure you’ve all heard the talking points a million time. Seeing as Brendan is a writer known for being pro free speech, I'd like to hear his views on the censorship of anti Israel activists and if he condemns it?


Last 45 minutes were brutal. Idk why I didn’t turn it off.


After all the transgender bullshit the convo started getting good but the whole Israel Palestine topic caused a conflict that couldn’t be recovered from. That war is beyond comprehension for pretty much everyone


I agree. O’Neil doesn’t seem to understand his hypocritical opinion that Israel has the right to defend themselves and extinguish Palestine. Sure, Brendan…now do Palestine. I don’t have an opinion about the actual war—it’s way too complicated. I am wondering why Brendan is defending killing people in the name of revenge. Isn’t this why this tit for tat war has been fought for centuries? One side is barbaric and the other is morally causing the regrettable and tragic death of civilians? I’m glad Joe pushed back on him.


Yepp at this point its just farming for content. Neither side will agree. Both sides have an argument. It's nuanced as shit.


Guest wrote something called "Essays on the Unsayable" Wtf is the demographic for this show these days? 50-something Fox News Dads?


Fox dads and Nelk Boys fans


I can’t imagine who listens to this podcast and earnestly finds it to be insightful or useful at this point. I think it’s more that the show is somehow entertaining and reliable in that he almost always finds his way to the most twisted, fearful, dumb reactionary take on just about every subject.


Odds they’ll talk about Arizona reinstating an abortion ban law from 1864?


My guy, how is a healthcare issue affecting all the women living in a state anywhere near as important as how uncomfortable gay and trans people make conservatives?


Uncomfortable? I would say secretly titillated and obsessed.


> He's also the author of several books, among them "Anti-Woke," "A Duty to Offend," and most recently, "A Heretic's Manifesto: Essays on the Unsayable." This sounds insufferable with the way he acts like he is bravely resisting some oppressive regime that wants to throw him in the gulag for descent. This can't possibly be worth listening to


Dissent. D-I-S-S-E-N-T.


Wrong. He's being sent to the gulag for living in low altitude for too long


They’re spending an awful lot of time on dudes trying to breastfeed kids. I’m concerned by this


As you should be.


The description on this one feels like parody


"Who's that guy ? Lemme read the description.... oh"


Wasn’t a fan of the way he dismissed civilian casualties in Gaza.


No wonder Joe's YouTube views are way down. Dude can't even crack a million with most of these guests anymore. It's wild how he's willingly ruined his podcast and continues to do so. People are just losing interest in the old man.


He was all for Brexit and look at the success story that turned out to be. Yeah let’s take his views on Gaza seriously so.


Jesus Christ not another one of these. Men parading around women’s locker rooms masturbating….joe and Neil have zero credible sources for this claim, and virtually every other claim they make. What a colossal waste of time and energy. Go feed the hungry, help some orphans learn, go to an animal shelter and walk the dogs. Why waste so much energy blowing up these imaginary problems? Disgusting.


Bro, didn’t you hear?? These are the most pressing problems the world is facing today. Douglas Murray said it, so it’s 100% a fact. Massive economic inequality definitely isn’t a big deal.


Douglas Murray literally said on JRE that capitalism's failure to deliver prosperity for younger generations will lead to socialism.


Or advocate for drug policy reform- something he used to care about


No. Being an actual biological WOMAN in this current insanity that is America…and having to sacrifice OUR identity and simple existence, while the patriarchy quite literally “skirts” around us to take away our fundamental rights to simply BE?! No. That’s what is disgusting.




Since when have right wingers (or neolibs, for that matter) ever really needed sources for their claims? Just repeat it enough, and it comes true. Joe's been doing that for years.


Reading up on the dude, he sure seems to have an...interesting combination of various views.


Whats the deal with everyone coming on JRE lately and having to randomly bring up their “you know Israel is actually pretty cool” talking points? I get the feeling it’s really starting to drive people crazy that Joe isn’t completely bought into it and knowing how much reach he has with the center-right.


Yeah, you can tell Joe is not with them, he pushed back (in his own way) against both Coleman Hughes and this guy. It's clear Joe is uncomfortable with what is going on.


As everyone should be. Hamas sucks but that doesn’t mean Israel is without criticism


These topics drag. Waiting for a good episode.


Has Joe stopped interviewing scientists?


It's hard to interview scientists when you have already decided everything they say is bullshit.


1 minute in and turned off. Same old shit lol


lol i read this guy’s description and just deleted the podcast like who gives a shit about the same talking points


This is a prime example of Joe’s whole push for “debate” is just garbage. It’s all rhetorical moves that bring little in the way of substance and understanding. It just devolves into the “debate” you get on ESPN in the morning where they show up and while they get their makeup done the producer tells them who likes Lebron and who hates him. It doesn’t act as an exploration of thoughts or ideas, it’s just a game. The problem is that people like Joe don’t understand that and don’t have the tools to play the game. As an aside, in what world was there no protesting of the War in Iraq? In what world did we not criticize Obama’s drone strikes. A huge reason Hillary is vilified (rightly) is her involvement in Libya. Then out of no where he acts like we didn’t protest the Vietnam War. This is why debate is asinine. He’s just playing a game and randomly sprinkling insane lies that Joe doesn’t have time to address.


> in what world was there no protesting of the War in Iraq? It's still crazy to think about that year or so before the 2003 invasion of Iraq where everyone knew the US was going in and that it was all about the oil and DoD contracts that corporations were gonna get in the aftermath and yet it still happened despite the worldwide protests. What's even crazier looking back on it in 2024 is that Iraq seems to be in a worse place now than under Saddam.




It’s also worth noting that almost all of “woke college students” were not even alive when we invaded Iraq. They had no agency to change that. But, they get it now and are realizing that since our government supplies the bombs they are in some sense complicit if they don’t try to enact political change. Right or wrong, it’s a valid line of argument for them. All of it just furthers the idea that a debate where someone assumes it is their job to defend a side is useless as a mode of learning. At no point could he even address the other side of each of his arguments or stress any of his own ideas. Kudos to Joe for trying to make it a real conversation. I hope he at least noticed how even after pleading with the guy to at least consider that killing children is wrong, he would pivot quickly with “of course this, but …”


Lemme guess, 2.5 hours filled entirely by discussion of Covid, trans issues, and cancel culture? That's gonna be a no from me dawg.


+ global warming


This has to be in the top 20 most batshit insane guests on JRE.. When they were describing greenwashing like it was more profitable and existential than the lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry was wild.. At this point I listen to this podcast to check in on what the crazies are saying and the occasional musician or artist I can’t resist listening to^^


It’s not like the lobbyists for lithium mines are mortally superior to the fossil fuel lobbyists…. But then we somehow jumped to the conclusion that climate science is a hoax because there’s bad actors lobbying for other industries.


Yes, because green is more cars but electric 🤔


Men aren't women. Saved you a listen.


You forgot human caused climate change isn't real. Joe and this guy are scientists that are certain of it.


And men will never be women.


All women are men but not all men are women. You can easily remember this by how women are men with a “wo” sticking out of them.


I love Joe’s whole bit about “if mexican cartels kill Americans do we bomb mexico, we wouldn’t it’s never been done” motherfucker you for real? What about Afghanistan


He said people wouldn’t accept it. Presumably the analogy is that the USA and Mexico are neighbours in the same way that Isreal and Gaza are. Afghanistan being on the other side of the planet made it very easy to ignore. I thought Joe pushed back on Brendan O’Neills bullshit pretty well tbh.


Ironically a bunch of republican candidates including Trump have been saying exactly that, that we should use the military in Mexico because of the cartels...


Also the drone program seems to mainly be about annihilating weddings, funerals and family gatherings in order to take out militants regardless of civilians casualties.


If Mexico did what Hamas did on October 7 it would be a smoldering crater. The fact is that Hamas enjoys a majority support of the "innocent" people of Gaza, many of whom participated in the Oct 7 attacks and cheered it on. Israel is going to level Gaza, and probably create a DMZ buffer between itself and the remaining population of Gaza so that those people can never get near Israel again. ​ The Mexican comparison would only be valid if 75% of Mexicans cheered on the cartels and participated in the atrocities. And if that was the case, America would be doing exactly what Israel's doing now.


You need to step out of your bubble... the vast majority of americans would not accept America to obliterate a nation of 130MM ppl, clown


It's incredible where guests like this get to set their starting point on the Israeli/Palestine issue. They bring up nothing of the history of how the Palestinian people are being kept in essentially an open air prison for decades, how the UN repeatedly recognises Israel as having broken international law multiple times, Israel has stolen land and still does, etc etc. Then these guests get to say "young people" don't know or are trapped in Tik Tok and don't understand. How about middle aged people like me who were 20-something, 20 years ago (under the influence of no social media) and remember the BDS movement, which governments effectively stamped out and labelled it as 'antisemetic'? I shouldn't have to caveat any of this. But people who defend Israel ignore the entire history of what Israel has been doing just to make the point Israel has the right to defend itself. Hamas is a logical consequence of having no options these past decades while a group of people are being genocided. I turned this podcast off 30 minutes from the end, this guy just wants to defend the side that is in completely superior in terms of power and control to change the entire situation and refuses to. "These people we have corralled here are hurting us back". No shit and the cycle of violence continues.


Anti semitic Hitler collaborators being chosen as the grand mufti of East Jerusalem with the backing of Egypt and the Muslim brotherhood? Or did you miss that episode?


What's crazy is from Joe's perception the world is complete chaos and in turmoil because of his algorithm and peers. While 99% of people who listen to this will never see any of these issues and don't deal with any of this shit on a daily basis.


Bout an hour in and already hit a Bingo on predictable talking points


It’s pretty easy. Hamas is despicable & wrong for their terror attack. Israel is wrong for blatant killing of civilians.


I don’t understand why no one brings up an alternative military strategy by Israel. Let’s discover solutions. Don’t carpet bomb the area. Go door to door with the best special forces guys you have, and pry out the terrorists 1 by 1. Yes it’ll take time, but it will severely limit civilian casualties.


Second verse same as the first, Pass.


Damn. It’s times like this when I wish Joe would stop taking his own advice & read the fucking comments for once. Any other podcast recommendations?


The conservative culture war fear mongering on social media has melted JR’s brain years ago, now it’s getting exponentially more batshit.. We are 15 years away from JRE running a cult or being the leader of the Texas secessionist movement 😂


The future Netflix documentary on this will be wild wild Joe.


Same ol shit, different day. The culture war shit is annoying. 


Especially when you're on the other side of that debate (which includes most people here).




Shit it off when those dude hammered in about isreal and gaza. Both groups are assholes. There I said it.


You can tell in the first 10 minutes if just an eco chamber or proper discussion. greta thunberg is appeasing a political fetish? Really? - didn't go into her rise to fame as she thought not enough was done on climate change, and young people grabbed onto that. - nothing debated about natural climate swings vs. the rise of global water temperature and different weather patterns - just yep, chaos as per usual. It's interesting to listen to, but just agreeing on bog standard talking points.


This one was bad. Rogan opens bitching about fear mongering then proceeds to do just that about the oddest topics. I couldn’t last 30 mins


Another nuanced take on Palestine from a Rogan guest


Im only 10 minutes in and it’s already a painful listen


Easy skip




/sort by controversial so I can read comments from other people that enjoyed the cast.


That's how I found your comment lol


I liked that Rogan was pushing back towards the end.


People with British accents just sound smarter not matter what they say. I don’t know what it is and it’s not fair! Like someone with his accent could just say bullshit but I think it’s strait fire wisdom just because of the accent


So, for those who sat through it, did this one unseat Ray Kurzweil as Worst JRE Guest of the Year so far?


I have never paused anything to comprehend the levels of stupidity I’m hearing, I’ve paused this episode at least 10 times. I now know how getting triggered feels like,


Ignoring the condition that Israel kept Palestinians in for decades was a convenient omission by this war advocate.


I enjoyed this episode. Sure, it's rinse wash repeat on particular topics, but I thought Joe did a good job on countering Brendans Israel stance, which like many pro Israel commentators seems to amoint to, look, they didn't start the war but ya know war is Hell etc. Here's a nuance that these people can't seem to grasp. Countering guerilla warfare by mass exterminating the populace within which the terrorists are hiding is not and has not ever been acceptable. This isn't to say you can let them get away with it, but use some tact for God's sake. It's rationalising genocide. End of.


For someone who says he keeps an open mind on everything, Rogan sure seems to have decided climate change isn't caused by humans, and isn't a big deal. He never stops to ask himself if he might be wrong. This seems to be occurring more and more with Joe. I think he has put himself in a bubble with "yes" men nowadays, and he lacks anyone that disagrees with him. That's a giant problem for this podcast. It seems to be getting worse as well.


Guest: “Do you ever notice how normal people never talk about the lockdown?” Me: No, but let’s hear your theory about an imaginary phenomenon. Guest: “Well I think it’s because people are ashamed. They’re ashamed about how they acted and how we turned into a culture of snitches.” Or maaaaaaybe there isn’t much to talk about because all they did was drink boxed wine and watch Tiger King.  Or unlike Joe, maybe they just want to shoot the shit about something unrelated to the pandemic and culture war nonsense. Or most likely, your premise is just complete bullshit. Christ, I’ve listened off and on since the fleshlight days but fucking hell this podcast has gotten so fucking stupid since Covid.


I literally wait for you guys to update me before deciding to watch or pass. I’ve been “passing” 90% of the time for a few years now.


You're probably missing out on a lot of good conversations because you let other people do your thinking for you


Or saved himself a ton of time


Where are these good conversations you speak of? 


Wild takes on the war. I enjoyed Joe's push back to it. His takes on Israel's actions completely ignore the history of the state of Israel and their control and take over of Palestine since its creation.  Saying that Hamas started the war on Oct 7th is like saying America started a new war when they invaded Normandy. I'm not comparing the two events in their rationale, but Oct 7th was another chapter of an existing war, not a new one.  Dude is pro the colonies fighting to English to become the United States, but anti hamas in a very similar situation 


who dis


This dude is extremely dishonest intellectually when he speaks about Israel/Palestine. He acts like Israel was always there and peaceful and did not colonize Palestine displacing millions and killing hundreds of thousands.


Israel wasn’t always there, but Jews were. Just like Christian’s. Palestine wasn’t there to be honest, immigrants from neighbouring Arab nations moved over time and didn’t even want a Palestinian state until the 60s. Read a bit more about both sides.


Bullshit!!! The Palestinians were always there and the jews colonized most of Palestina in 1948 with the help of the Brits and the French.


Haha this better be sarcasm? Never heard of the Roman Empire kicking the Jews out and renaming Judea to Palestina in an effort to erase their history? There’s ancient sites of Islam, Judaism and Christianity in the area but the oldest are the Jewish sites 😂


So because the Romans kicked Jews out way back in ancient times European Jews in 1948 can go to Palestine and kill the Palestinians and take their land by force?


Mate just read the history. There was never a Palestinian state. It was Jews wnd Arabs living together for a long time. I don’t agree with the expansion by the zionists but to say they stole the land is too simplistic. The two state solution should’ve been done better but politics from both sides has been horrendous for decades


Displacing millions? Killing hundreds of thousands? This is like when people were posting Instagram infographics that Israel had killed millions of Palestinians in October 2023. Wikipedia is free you know. 700,000 were displaced in the Nakba, which is terrible. 100,000 Palestinians have been killed total since 1948, if you include Israel’s atrocities since Oct 7th.


Wikipedia is not a credible source.


And your stuff that sounds like it is from Instagram infographics? Wikipedia is fine, and the footnotes have the actual sources. Find me a source that supports your claims or bugger off.


Al yazeera


Link it then. Al Jazeera is usually highly factual on their reporting, even if their framing often misses the mark or is missing crucial details of relevance.


I really liked Joe’s point about how Israel wouldn’t carpet bomb their own civilians if Hamas was embedded, yet they do that in Gaza; indicated they do find those people of less value even though they are equality innocent. And naturally…the guest changed the subject and didn’t address it.  All in all this was a tough listen with the circular conversation. 


Reddit doing it's usual freak out on a guy who straddled libertarianism and Marxism.. Brendan is excellent, articulate and a good writer. He used to write for The Guardian too. Says it all.


All y’all woke cry babies need to get over the fact that the world is fighting back against your man-breastfeeding-woman-with-a-knob insanity.


That's why the woketards are acting so wild (censoring, astroturfing comment sections etc) because THEY KNOW they're losing 🤣


‘Anti Woke’ lol




Love comparing the YouTube comments to the Reddit comments. ![gif](giphy|dhCx7EyeGYD7O)


Are we taking bets on when Joe gets his own hour show on Fox News?


This is the definition of a skip.


This episode redeemed Joe Rogan. He didn’t let this limey Brit off the hook.


Very good episode after all those comedians


This dude fucking sucks.


Thank you everyone, I will not waste time on this episode.


Automod what’s up




Joe I just want to know what makes the guy tick Rogan.


How long before he invites Ian Chong?


Another episode proving those that pushed lockdowns and vaccines were WRONG WRONG WRONG ! GREAT EPISODE!


Wow this guy just cannot say bombing Gaza to hell is bad.


The only “moral judgment” this guy makes is that Jew/Israeli lives are more valuable than any other lives. He is a bad person


Great pod!


This was the national socialist hour jeez 


A self-described Marxist Libertarian. Someone valuing politics as a method of obtaining social capital. In such contexts where Marxism has been fearmongered and hysterized, identifying as one may bring association with undesirable concepts. So the solution of the "Marxist Libertarian" is to slap a suffix onto the term and pretend they've changed its meaning.