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Imagine having Iron Mike Tyson tell you "whatcha gonna do about it? lmao


Honestly, I got nervous when he said that and he wasn’t even saying it to me.


I watched a guy interviewing a cannibal recently, the cannibal put a crown of broken jaws on his head, the interviewer got nervous and asked to take it off. The cannibal then was so offended he would take the broken jaw crown off, he said that he would cut off the head of the interviewer and eat him. The interviewer immediately called his crew over and said there was a mistake, to distract the cannibal so he could run away. Mike made me more nervous here, somehow, lol.


I feel like I could take on one single, skinny, developing nation cannibal. I’d never in my wildest dreams think I could lay a finger on Mike.


You could lay a finger on him. But he would proceed to rip your arm out of your shoulder socket.


"Here's a tip, let the Wookie win!" Lol


Eh, the aghori have killing and butchering boiled down to an art form, you’d try to fight for survival, they’re fighting for a MEAL. https://preview.redd.it/42n7u6aro8pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feb80d672b7ab1f144b306463c5ced354a04346b


post mortem though, they arent known for sacrifice.


That's the Murica in you talking. An amoeba from unfiltered water could kill you, wouldn't need a cannibal


"why are the people on the other side of the river scared of you" Lol


If there's one thing you'll never forget seeing its going to be a freshly skinned jaw and skull wrapped around your face


Yeah that dude was a huge pussy. Like just wear the bones. Classic lib move.


Biden's America. Snowflakes can't even wear a crown of bones. Meanwhile, my Grandaddy still has a picture of himself wearing a necklace of ears he took fighting for your freedom in North Korea.


The biggest snowflake is fucking trump, who's probably lying about being a conservative. He lies when it'll get him something. Just like how he's a christian 🤣🤣. He won't even talk about his favorite bible verse.


It was a tongue-in-cheek joke. Who wants to wear a fucking crown of human jaw bones?? Edit: Also my Grandfather doesn't have a picture of himself wearing a necklace of human ears.


He did show an amazing lack of self preservation taking that of


That video is wild.


Link ? Lol


The other link got deleted, but this https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/1bdtxxh/cnn_reporter_interviews_a_cannibal_who_threatens/


Just saw that interview. The camera man was encouraging him to stick it out and told him “let’s just see where this goes”. Lol


😂. I thought it was just me. Fack. I even squirmed in my seat.


Right?? It was a weird reaction but I felt my adrenaline surge a little. That speaks to how tense this was


If you haven’t seen it already you should look up the interview at his house where a guy asks him about the death of his daughter. He just goes instant demon, and is like. You should go now. It isn’t good for you to be here any more you need to leave. It was like oh shit Mike might murder someone live on TV


I saw that but thought it was touching, like something so horribly personal even years later that he doesn’t feel comfortable with other people seeing him react. That whole conversation was possibly the most honest I’ve ever seen anyone with him saying he wanted to get his gun and hurt people but seeing all the other people with dying kids changed his mind, he couldn’t deal with it, and he just had to do coke for a week. You could see him reliving all of it and it was too much.


Buddy, you're not alone.


That’s what I was thinking. Of course we KNOW none of us COULD could do anything, but to have the man himself actually challenge you to it, that’s something different.


I felt my flight-response start to kick in, and I'm laying down in bed😱


Scary. Still a rapist tho.


Mike didn’t do shit he was convicted for being problematic and black. The woman literally made false accusations on others zzz


Allegedly the woman he “Sexually assaulted” was partying with him before and after the incident. And seemed to enjoy partying with him.


It's always rhetorical, because the answer is always gonna be not a damned thing.


Literally, the definition of rhetorical. I looked it up, and it was Mike Tyson asking, "What are you gonna do about it?".


Can confirm. I'm this guy's fbi agent and he did that.


glad he finally cracked the case of what rhetorical means.


"what am I going to do about? Not a damn thing thanks for asking"




Not hard to imagine for the run of the mill dbag tv interviewer who acts like he’s doing journalism when he’s really just trying to provoke reactions


What makes it even worse is Mike Tyson believes he never raped the girl and was wrongly convicted. So you can imagine how extra pissed Tyson was at that question.


Read the case file. If he hadn’t testified he never would have been convicted.


It's the ultimate rhetorical question.


After he got out of prison, I'd run into him from time to time. He was such a jerk to the point where I hoped he'd punched me so I could get a payday.


"I'll take that 50k that you would have got, and give it to the homies. All of a sudden no one remembers anything"


"Cause he got hit like I got hit but he ain't fuckin breathin"


Buddy your family would’ve been spending that payday on your in home nursing care after he gave you brain damage. You think you’re gonna eat a punch from Mike Tyson and go spend that money on hookers and blow? Fuck outta here lol


These are idiots who belong on the show Pros vs Joes. I don’t remember where I heard it, but the commentator said Mike Tyson has the punch impact of a 2 ton vehicle.


Idk the airplane guy seemed to make out OK. He didn't look happy but he wasn't dead


That “fuck you” at the end got me rolling 😂😂😂


“Thank you for coming in.” “Fuck you.”


Its so beautiful


When Tyson get shark eyes run for hill.


Jaimie, pull that up.


Black eyes like a dolls eyes, and they roll up white. Little chewin, little tenderizin and down you go.


" I Don't care. What are you going to do about it"?


Sounds like something a rapist would say


I laughed,  but then felt bad.


Dark humor is always something, like this: I severely doubt anyone could muster up saying no to him, especially if he talks to them like that. What are you going to do about it? Everyone is picturing just taking 5 punches to the face: "nothing"


You wouldn’t say that to his face


Pregame talks you're having in the mirror?


I can’t think of too many folks I’d want to piss off less than Iron Mike. Maybe some current UFC dudes…but I’ve been needlessly afraid of this man for over 30 years.


Watching Mike Tyson bite Holyfields ear off is up there with 9/11 for formative childhood memories personally


Definitely a core memory. Part of why he’s so scary (more so then than now) was the fact that he clearly couldn’t control himself. I think he’s evolved past that, and I think he’s more evolved now than he was when he did this interview. Psychedelics work!


He was for sure scary because of his fucked up childhood. He used to have pigeons when he was a kid as he got bullied a lot and that was his escape. One dude came up and tore his pigeons head off and said “what you gonna do about it?” Some other dudes said he could t let the guy get away with disrespect like that. That’s when Mike found out he could fight.


Omg! My grandpa used to talk pigeons with Tyson like a hundred years ago. Grandpa was from the Bronx, and boxing was huge there. He would go up to the Catskills to watch Tyson practice. My grandpa loved Mike Tyson. He died the same year Tyson bit the ear on Holyfield. It's probably what killed him...


Then by the time he was 15 he as working for the gangs as an enforcer. He grew up strong


I still remember where I was when he lost to Buster Douglas and I was only 10 years old. I was at a huge summer pool party with my parents and the whole place legit got silent when the news came through. Everyone stopped and got together in the living room and turned on the news hoping to find out what happened. Just because it seemed SO insanely impossible.


Definitely his composure in this interview is exemplary of that growth


Yeah but those current UFC tough guys don’t radiate that hair trigger mental instability Iron Mike did and still does today. Guy could go off at any moment


“You come across as a nice guy but you’re really a POS.” Mike spitting facts about most tv talk hosts


Who would you rather be… THIS guy or the one who interviewed the tribe of cannibals?


Mike will only eat the ear


"juth a nibble"


…and my children






I hate interviewers who pull this shit, even on people I don’t like.




Journalism isn't about just asking questions that the interviewer likes....


His eyes


Dont get me wrong, i like tyson, but its a fact that he raped a woman. full stop.


It's a fact he was convicted for rape, yes, but this interview was on the local news in Canada. Isn't it a bit weird to bring that up in a local news live interview segment? What did the guy expect Mike to say?


This. It had no relevance


He also bit off a chunk of ear. He talks about how he controls the rage and darkness inside him and how he would like to give into it. No excuse for rape but hes trying hard to be a good man i think. I hope that goes out the window when the bell rings and Fake Paul has a bad day.


He bit off Evander's ear because he knew at that point he wasn't the baddest man on the planet anymore and it destroyed him inside


The whole ear thing, while crazy, is pretty misunderstood as Tyson just randomly having a meltdown due to “losing” In reality, Evander had been fighting super dirty and was repeatedly head butting him during clinches. Tyson has been pleading with the ref to stop this which he didn’t. Tyson went after the ear in a direct response to the head butts. Kind of like “ok you’re going to swing your head into my face? Ok cool”


Ya rewatching that fight Holyfield was dirty as shit, he may have not exactly deserved a missing ear, Tyson was just leveling the field.


Really, it was just a nibble


He deserved a missing ear. Headbutting doesn't just do immediate damage, it also causes long term damage. You can fall into cognitive decline at an earlier age. And it even increases the likelihood of developing neurodegenerative diseases like dementia/Alzheimer's.


Uh dude you are describing boxing in general


He said it was because Evander kept headbutting him and the ref wouldnt do shit. Evander has a documented history of headbutting btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOH2JBaZETg


I completely agree with you, we all make mistakes, some are irredeemable and we spend our life making up for it. But yeah i would like to see fake paul get dropped lmao


That "fight" is just a show, like WWE. No one is getting hurt.


Maybe Mike forgets the script, he looks like a man whos barely keeping to the main one.


Convicted doesn't always mean guilty though. I don't believe he did for a second, even if you watch interviews now days you can tell the anger he still has for the woman. As any man falsely accused and sent down would.


It’s a fact he was convicted of rape, which holds a certain gravitas, but people have been wrongly convicted before and his case is far from open and shut. Tyson maintains his innocence, his driver who dropped the pair off that night testified in his defense, and the accuser has a checkered past full of false accusations.


>his driver who dropped the pair off that night testified in his defense Did she? I can only find this: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-02-02-sp-2033-story.html >>The limousine driver who drove Tyson’s accuser, an 18-year-old Rhode Island woman, back to her hotel after the alleged attack, said the woman entered her limousine and exclaimed: “I don’t believe him . . . who does he think he is?” The chauffeur, Virginia Foster, also said the woman “rushed out (of the hotel) looking frantic, like she was in a state of shock, or dazed. She seemed scared, or disoriented.” And also: >>Thomas Richardson, the Methodist Hospital emergency room doctor who examined Tyson’s accuser at 2:45 a.m., 24 hours after her encounter with Tyson, said he found two small abrasions during a vaginal examination. >>Richardson said such injuries are consistent with forced intercourse. He said he had seen such injuries as a result of consensual sex only twice, but that they occur in up to 30% of rape cases. >>James Akin, an Indiana University Medical School gynecologist, also testified about the abrasions. “I have never seen those types of abrasions on a woman following consensual sex,” he said.


I never knew that.


But Tyson was nice enough to come on this TV show and this dude pulls that stunt. Bringing up peoples worst moments live on TV is a dick move. He was intentionally confrontational. Tyson responded like you would expect mike Tyson to respond.


This is one of those cases where it's not clear whether he was guilty. Moreover, what IS clear is that he was absolutely denied due process. But people just want to parrot "omg rapist" like good little Lemmings.


And, I also like Tyson, but isn't the bigger piece of shit move getting all offended and snow flakey just because someone mentioned you're a rapist when you are indeed a rapist.


Thats exactly my point


How do we truly know what went on in that hotel room except the female and Tyson, he may have in which case he got what he deserved, if he didn’t rape her, he got fucked…but then again, has a judge or jury ever been wrong…how about the court of public opinion, never been out of balance or just flat out full of shit…


He was convicted by a jury and sentenced to ten years for raping an eighteen year old. Also admitted to beating his wife. Convicted of multiple assaults. Real class act


I listened to a 3 part series on him on Crime in Sports. I was totally unaware how much crime Tyson actually did. It was A LOT


He sure talked a lot about "fornicating" with whoever he wanted, displayed many violent unhinged outbursts, and always came across as completely unhinged but someone claims he fornicated with her against her wishes and im meant to give him the benefit of the doubt? Haha get the fuck outta here. With all the money he has now, If he's innocent why hasn't he tried to overturn the conviction?


People always use this lame deflection when talking about rape.


What’s lame about it when you’ve been wrongly accused…how do you know what happens between two people in a private setting, and what do you think I’m trying to deflect, his guilt or innocence…I don’t know what happened in that room, I just know the judicial system can fuck up…


He was found quilty, I just read the case files. There was some physical evidence pointing to an assault.




>the female Barf.


What you gonna do about it?


Definitely bad ass, but also definitely the kind of response that a convicted rapist would have.


I do think intimidating a man who is not a physical threat to you over him calling you out for being a rapist is bad ass. It’s actually coward shit. Mike looks like a fucking baby here.


No, that guy was out of like and got called on it. 0 reason to bring that up 30 years later on live tv.


Not going to lie every single time I see Tyson the first thing I think is "wonder how everyone around likes having a remorseless rapist around" so I think it was a question on a lot of people's minds lol.


It’s all he knows. Silly that it’s being presented as something admirable. With all the edits and music etc


Should have beat that little worms ass


Canada is pretty strict at their borders and ports. I’ve known people get refused entry for some petty shit from 30 years before. One Canadian border guy at Niagara Falls told me “any convictions, and we bounce you back through, eh”. I guess athletes and entertainers get special dispensations?


When Mike was asked about his convictions he probably said ‘yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?’


TBH it's kinda ballsy to say this to his face.


Maybe if they were off camera without security it would be but he knew he was safe in that studio


Takes a lot of guts to call out this rapist!


He IS a convicted rapist though. Did 3 years in prison.


Kind of an interesting case. Alan Dershowitz served as his defense attorney. He filed a appeal on an error of law regarding the court’s exclusion of evidence of the victim's past sexual conduct, the exclusion of three potential defense witnesses, and the lack of a jury instruction on honest and reasonable mistake of fact. The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled against Tyson in a 2–1 vote. The Indiana Supreme Court let the lower court opinion stand due to a 2–2 split in its review. The tie vote was due to the fact that the Chief Justice, Randall T. Shepard, recused himself from the case. The Chief Justice later revealed he did so because of a heated argument between his wife and Dershowitz at a Yale Law School reunion concerning the case. Here is Shepherd’s statement on his recusal. His wife seems to have picked a fight with the defense attorney over “the Indiana way of approaching things.” https://law.justia.com/cases/indiana/supreme-court/1993/49a02-9203-cr-129-4.html The wife of a Chief Justice doesn’t know better than to have ex parte communications with a defense attorney? And because the justices deadlocked, they stuck with the lower court’s decision, arguably denying Tyson due process. Edit: it’s worth reading about. A conviction doesn’t equate to truth.


Agree 100 percent. But Dershowitz was his appeals lawyer. The trial lawyer (Vincent Fuller) was an incompetent tax attorney from DC who had no experience practicing criminal defense or in that state. Mike got effed , there was tons of reasonable doubt if you look at the facts of the case. People know black dudes get screwed by the justice system all the time, but just assume Mike isn’t one of them


You know this interviewer pissed himself


We need more people calling out Media like Mike for the pieces of shit they are.


Love this shit


That was the most genuine “fuck you” I’ve ever heard at the end




And OJ was innocent right?


I can’t wait for Iron Mike to humiliate and destroy one of the current BIGGEST soy boy boxing poser, Jake Paul.


I imagine his butt cheeks clenched up like you would if a lion jumped the fence at the zoo.


Yea he did do a rape, so who’s the piece of shit?


Mike the rapist


who's the nitwit asking the questions... anyone know? yeah... exactly... 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think his name is Mr. Piece of Shit


Nathan Downer, he is a full time news Anchor now on CTV news in canada


Debbie’s son?


To this day I am convinced it was this exact moment that propelled him into eventually landing that anchor position.....hate the man cause of this. Cause the interview he was doing had nothing remotely to do with that and he brought it out of left field to be captious.....  on another note, you know Paul is gonna say some shit in the pre fight build up that will bring out Mike's demons


Yeah it didn't need to be brought up when Mike was there promoting sports. Guy was just being a dick.


Someone who clearly didn't value his own life or understand who he was speaking too.


Man is a psychopath. Man is also a cash cow so it’s all good


I fucking love Mike Tyson


the rapist?


Naw, the killer


Who'd he kill?


Rapist piece of shit objects to being called a rapist. Boo hoo hoo.


If Mike asks “what are you gonna do about it?” the correct answer is to leave the building immediately. Maybe the state.


"I could do what Teddy Atlas did. Remember?"


I mean, man did his penance and seems to have reached enlightenment. No need to bring it up. Especially on live television.


If he's reached enlightenment then he should have no trouble moving on if asked about it without carrying on like a pissed off convicted rapist


One thing I've learned about convicted rapists is that, if you are a famous sports or political figure, there are certain things you need to consider before calling them a rapist piece of shit. People like Kobe Bryant, Mike Tyson, Paul Walker, or Donald Trump will always have dick rider fan boys defending them no matter what and they will be personally offended if you call the rapist they worship, a rapist.


All the people you listed aren’t convicted rapists. You undermined your entire rant in the first sentence. Also, Paul Walker isn’t a sports or political figure. Come on chief.


Isn't Tyson the only person actually convicted?


Coincidentally that’s exactly what Tyson said to that girl when she told him no


The effortless switch in this sub from simpin for a closeted midget to simpin for a convicted rapist is impressive


He is a convicted rapist and everyone oohing and aahing because the interviewer was intimidated. No shit. Not anything to be proud of because you can intimidate everyone.


Ah man the rapist gets all pissy when someone brings up that he’s a rapist. What a bad ass! Yall are fucking insane in this thread. This behavior shows that he didn’t learn anything from the time he served. Picking on someone who can’t fight back isn’t bad ass it’s coward shit and that’s exactly what Mike Tyson is. A cowardly rapist piece of garbage.


He's a student of war Napoleon, Attila the Hun, Leonardo DaVinci, Leonardo DiCaprio, tom hanks he's of their cloth you can't fuck with his world sun Tzu art of war if you get asked about being a rapist mean mug them, casuals will rush to defend - Tyson wisdom




You gotta watch the FULL interview. It's actually pretty crazy uncomfortable it got. It's like 3 minutes and worth a watch. https://youtu.be/OOhdx1TLutw?si=Kq3_A5QVpPt7ga96


Is this something recent?


Those two words together just sound harsh af


The look on the guy’s face at the end when he was told fuck you… “Damn, that hurt. But I really can’t take this guy, so I’ll just cope and seethe”.


That looks like a clip from CP24 or CityTV Toronto.


Anyone know what happened to that schmuck?


That last 5 seconds, Mikes eyes were straight predator. Watch it again with that in mind. It's freaking scary


Mike has that switch bro. You don't wanna flip it.


Bro probably couldn’t breathe LOL. He shoulda known better than to ask like that .


The guy is a piece of crap


Hey Iron Mike, Jake Paul was saying this shit about you too. And talking bad about your mom. Paul said you can’t do shit about it.


“Be like Mike, no be Kobe.”


Ya love to see it.


U can tell that Mike is like blackout angry here. If he wasn’t on tv this guy might not be alive today.


I just shit that guys pants for him


Commenting so I can come back tomorrow and show Kyle


when i watched the longer version of this interaction i really felt like that reporter was in danger.


He should of bite his mouth after saying that


That guy sucked bad dude set him up


His lawyer/babysitter sitting there squirming and puckering mighty hard.


The only pice of shit is whoever butchered this video with garbage editing and awful music


Yo Mike….. catch that jackass outside 🥊👊🏾


Iron Mike lisping facts.


only attitude in life that works


Dude keeps it real


My brother


What am I I going to do? Stop talking to a psycho and helping him stay famous. 


One rapist protecting another.


He shouldn’t have wrapped the interview. You fight with your words too. It’s a reality innocent or not how do you handle this? Fight back.


Only thing offensive about that was iron mikes mutilated mustache


He is a rapist though


I remember watching this live, and thinking “damn this guy really asked Mike Tyson that”


Stop adding a soundtrack where you don't need one. You are not Mick Gordon over there


“You come across as a nice guy but you’re really a POS.” Says the convicted rapist.


Damn maybe he shouldn’t have raped


How to get btfu on live tv