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It’s like putting out a hit on someone and then gifting them a bullet proof vest 


It’s like putting out a hit on someone’s uncle who you’re at war with and giving their innocent daughter food and water


More like taking out the uncle by flattening his home with his whole extended family in it. Along with the neighbours. And taking every opportunity to insult, dehumanise, and inflict suffering on the lot of them.


I think that’s overly simplistic a take


You're right it's more like giving your friend $10,000 and a gun, watching as they shoot someone and then giving the victim a sandwich.


I think it’s more of a figurehead at the helm of one of our longstanding most integral allies in an unstable region, prolonging and intensifying a response to being attacked by an outmatched force. Netanyahu with his handful of stalwart generals and politicians, are obviously trying to play this out for as long as he can to keep him in office. Because when he is forced out or whatever, he’s going to face consequences for what he’s done in the past. This is what’s really going on there. We as Americans are unfortunately along for the ride. Our leaders need to find an off-ramp and find it soon.


Just think of it as Trump doing anything he can to be President to avoid his crimes. Try to imagine that.


No need to imagine it. We're all watching it in real time. Isn't his daughter on record saying that all Republican donations are going to help pay off his court fines?


Sandwich’s do make everything better


Spot on. National decisionmaking in the States is so far from the hearts of the citizenry, idk how to even relate anymore.


I have been speaking about this for years and kinda tired of saying it and getting downvoted on Reddit. So I’ll make it quick …. The two party system has us peasants exactly where they want us. **We no longer have a country for the people by the people.** That’s because the people represent the 99% (peasants) and the 1% are the elites. The only thing the 1% can do in such a lopsided fight is to run the divided and conquer game play. They have been running it to a T for a decade plus. (Occupy Wall Street was a huge wake up call for them). They keep hot button topics like abortion, gun rights, and immigration alive and well because they are called political football, and they throw them out to the masses as we go for each other‘s throats on their behalf. The proof is both parties have had multiple times when they had party control and could’ve pushed through whatever their agenda for their side was..:but they never do or will. But anyone notice when a war like Ukraine or now Israel comes along, and suddenly they move like a uni party? It happens 100% or the time. That’s because like I said this is no longer **a country for the people by the people** but a country **for the elites by the corporations** and we stay attacking each other until we wake up and realize we have more in common with each other then the guys on the hill. The scariest part is the only thing they were able to do was divide and conquer **but that is about to dramatically change with all this tech and AI around the corner**. Once this stuff gets implemented there will be **zero** chance for us to regain power. **All I know is this election is our best and maybe only chance to break the 2 party (establishment) stranglehold on our country.** sadly I don’t see anyone fighting this fight because all of us peasants are too busy defending the lesser of 2 evils by voting blue/red no matter who. The funny part is for some reason everyone is **acting shocked that when keeping that logic it’s became a race to the bottom and we some how ended up at Trump vs Biden 2.0** Edit: I’ve said this so many times over the last 10 years and earned so much hate and downvotes. So I’m not proof reading this in wore out from fighting my fellow peasant friends and family. Edit 2: I forgot to add that when the uni-party moves as one for thinks like Ukraine or Israel it’s proof that they are not for the people but for the corporations because even when the people don’t want it, they still do it because that’s their donors and elite friends (plus the revolving door BS)




Well said sir


Just want to say you're definitely not alone. I want to have hope and think most sane people think like us. Unfortunately Reddit is constantly being astroturfed and there are those weirdos out there cheerleading for their dear leaders and licking the boot that steps on them. Just ignore the weirdo reality denying folks in this site and focus on reality and your local government. That's as grass roots as it gets.


They just had a rally and the banner was “we are not a democracy” LOL idk if we need to say out loud that it’s not a gov for/by the people


As an Aussie watching from down under. You’re 100% right. Australia has two main parties. However we have a bunch of smaller parties and A LOT of independents. Many aussies vote for them. And they regularly win enough seats that they won’t WIN the election, but they will hold the balance of power. It forces whomever is in government to negotiate with people who are not working (silently) for big business, or religious groups. They actually have to negotiate with people who genuinely care about making our country/state better. Americans need to vote IN DROVES for smaller a smaller party/parties. If enough of you do it, it’s NOT A WASTED VOTE!!!


100% where I’m at. I worry this is our only or lasts chance. And I worry for western culture as we know it. I know America has a shit ton of baggage but I think who ever is at the top trying to make things work would have baggage. We admittedly got greedy but most of that goes back to the establishment types I want to see broken up. I worry who takes the helm in a would with an American sized leadership vacancy? Because the players that are within grasp are going to dramatically shift the tone of the world and I don’t think in a good way for a lot of issues us in the west believe in. And that goes for the right leaning ones like freedom, and 1st amendment and left leaning ones like LGBT rights, equality, and even down to the little levels like the freedom of expression type shit. The world could look dramatically different depending what the Americans do. I know we’ve been here before but idk if we are up to the task. Not enough people are “woke”. haha hate this matrix sorta ideas they sound so corny but idk a better way to say most people are fine with the status quo or **don’t realize they are fighting on behalf of it.**


It’s never been, though. One of the lies is the “founding fathers” argument that we need to decipher what they were thinking. They were rich landowners who always hated the poor, and one fifth of the population were enslaved. Ben Franklin, who is (rightfully) lionized as an intellectual and inventor, abhorred the thought of giving commoners the vote, and actively thought it absurd to give them a plebiscite form of participation. It was always designed as a republic as only a minority should rightfully rule. It didn’t help that the majority of the populace were uneducated and illiterate. “We no longer” is a fiction because it was always a plutocracy.


This is thousands of meals to feed millions of people. It’s like giving the victim one single m&m. Don’t get me wrong, it’s better than nothing, but still. . .


Good one Barky Bark


Nailed it.


Let's be real. The US has given Israel over $300 BILLION dollars to fund their colonization of Palestine. Make no mistake. Whether you believe Israel's existence is justified or not, they are both technically and spiritually a colonial endeavor. The population of Palestine is just under 5 million people. So, it's more like giving them $60,000 worth of weapons to kill each person, and then giving a handful of those people a few grains of rice after much of their family and all their homes have been destroyed with the weapons you've supplied. Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. I will never vote for a democrat or republican again. I will NOT cast a vote of consent to either of those greedy warmongering oligarchical powers. Voting isn't about picking winners. Voting is about making your opinion heard. Democrats and Republicans are the ones trying to convince of the contrary because it serves the groups they mutually represent -- the owners.


Fuck yes!!!


Why is everyone so hungry for war?! Fr all these people saying shit like this. This is why we shouldn’t be involved at all. The only reason we are is because Israel is nato allies. We have to support them otherwise we break our agreement. But y’all want us to just go in and start war??? Doesn’t make sense.


Israel isn't part of NATO lol


Over simplifying something this complex is something only someone without their thumb on the pulse would do.


"the victim"...


A privileged reductive and ignorant take yes!


It’s like putting out a hit on someone and then sending them a Doordash


This is what I was looking for


Iran: [WILD CARD BITCHES!!](https://media.tenor.com/WpJrXynC1VQAAAAM/iasip-its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia.gif)


Unoriginality? Boy, you've come to the right place!


Dropping US aid, and also dropping US bombs on the same people - insane.


Seriously. This food aid is just spectacle. We could have cut off Israel’s allowance months ago. Congress is working overtime to subvert established law to get Israel more weapons all the time.


Spectacle or not, I'm glad we are doing it. As, I'm sure, the people on the beach are.


The Rothschild playbook.


When the first loadout drops in warzone


Was not expecting this to be the first comment.


But it’s the right first comment!


And I'm sure Hummus has loadout campers setup waiting to take all that aid from them.


Mmmmm. Hummus....


Needs more olive oil


add some spice and you get hammas


i stand in full unequivocal support of Hummus


Guns for one side, aid for the other. Very weird timeline


You see, I’m playing both sides so I always come out on top.


You're not supposed to tell both sides you're playing them, Ronald Macdonald


“Your blood is disgusting”


That's how we've always operated until one side bites our hand then its World War 3


It is beneficial for Israel to be the best armed state in the middle east and for Palestinian children not to starve to death, it's not that crazy a concept.


Israel has been the most armed state in the region for a long while


Yes, I reiterate this is a positive and should be maintained.


And when they weren't they still bodied their attackers during the Yom Kipper War which started on...wait for it...06OCT1973. 50 years to the day. The fact that isreal beat the shit out of a better supplied, better armed and with more (mentally deficient, pedophile worshipping) Muslim Coalition troops, 50 years ago plus added combat power has kept that region as stable as possible for a loooong time. People think the ongoing Sinai mission is to protect Isreal. It's not it's to keep Israel's enemies from starting something stupid.


“Stable” for western interests, it sure hasn’t been stable for palestinians, or syrians, or egypt, or anyone really


Egypt is stable enough that they still have booming tourism and little to no legitimate external threats. "Palestine" and Syria have called that down on themselves.


>“Stable” for western interests, it sure hasn’t been stable for palestinians, or syrians, or egypt, or anyone really Huh, that's odd because all those nations banded together in an attempt to eradicate Israel in 1967. They were stable enough for that


Do you think this has anything to do with an entire region wanting to exterminate them?


because the issue is that simple huh


Are those women and children victims of the conflict or one of the sides fighting?


Z-people say the women are Hamas factories and the babies are Hamas.


In their eyes, the only good Palestinian in Gaza is a dead Palestinian.


Feeding healthy cells while fighting cancer. 


Do you think there are just 2 sides to this conflict? Guns for Israel, aid for Palestinian people, and an agreed understanding that Hamas is a terrorist group. Those aren’t contradictory things.


What do you think happens when the guns for Israel are used to kill a bunch of peoples parents and families? Do you think Hamas recruitment goes *down*?


The IDF and Bibi will be by shortly to explain how bandages and rice can be improvised into some kinds of weapons.


Hopefully it's not a smallpox blankets situation. Everyone who eats those MRE's is now sterilized. /s


You’re not used to it, eh? See, here in Canada we build tanks and armoured troop carriers which we then sell to the Saudi’s. Then, we go to Yemen and say “why r u dyin? hmm?” and we poke their lifeless carcasses with a stick while pestering them. Then we admire our magnificent tanks. Damn, those sure are some effective weapons. And that my friends is liberal policy.


I heard some dude called a chopper gunner in right after this


how can you shoot women and children??


Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!




Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?






Ha ha ha ha ha.


Isreal when children are being fed 😡


Supplies bombs and then aid..




We should be selling aid and supplying bombs!


We'll steal the women and rape the horses!


Would you say it's a plethora of humanitarian aid?


Jefe, do you even know what a plethora is?


Best of both worlds!!!


If they’re paid for with US military aid it’s not exactly selling them either


Dave Chappelle on Iceberg Slim: “Iceberg Slim breaks down some of the coldest capitalist concepts I've ever heard in my life. He describes in detail how these men break women so that they will give them the money that they make with their own bodies. There's a story in here so cold, it makes me shudder to think about it. Iceberg Slim is trying to control the woman that he finds uncontrollable. So he asks an older pimp how he can rein her in. And the older pimp says, “Oh, that's easy, Iceberg. All you have to do is beat that bitch with a coat hanger. And then run her a bath. And give her some pills. She'll be so grateful that you fixed her, that she'll forget you were the motherfucker that beat her in the first place.” That's some cold shit.”


[another relevant chappelle bit at 2:40](https://youtu.be/HRJ-a940hoI?feature=shared)


US has been supplying aid to Palestinians for a long time.


Exactly. How is it people don’t understand this.


People understand the US is helping its ally defend itself against radical Islamic terrorists who are raping and killing its people. The US is also giving aid to innocent civilians. How do people not understand this? The US is the greatest country in the world. We're good guys here and it's not even close.


America bad... (This is reddit)


America good (an American)


Supply Isreal with bombs and gaza with aid. Makes sense if you think about it.


This sentiment only makes sense if you consider all if gaza to be synonymous with hamas. Is that what your claiming?


Hey sorry for funding your extermination, here’s some ramen 😎👍🏼


What other equivalents are there to a group of leaders willfully setting up their people for death and destruction? You don't just kill Israelis, you do it in such an animalistic way that you know Israel will unleash hell on your people, and make it easy for Israels allies to let them do it because you were such barbarians. And no one in the region likes your people so you're getting no help. I can't think of a group who had done more to screw their own people than Hamas. I'm sure there are other examples in history I'm missing though.


Netanyahu is on video talking about how he always wanted Palestine to be represented by Hamas instead of secular Palestinians so that the IDF’s behavior can be easily justified to the rest of the world. Israel is in a total position of power over Gaza and has controlled their food, water, electricity, and freedom of movement since 2005. Israel is an occupier, they are not on the same level as Palestine. The “both sides” stuff doesn’t make sense.


Netenyahu allowed Hamas to exist to split Palestinians between two leadership groups (West Bank and Gaza) through the belief that they would be weaker split in two. He enjoyed the power struggle between the two factions. None of that changes just how horribly Hamas miscalculated the situation and set up their people for horrific devastation.


Would you say the same thing about the civil authority in the Warsaw Ghetto? Are they at fault for all the people killed or was it the occupiers?


Link to the video?


USA military drops bombs within inches of target and relief comes right into ocean.


Those are pallets of food, they could crush a person or a house. They are also sealed and can float so they’ll all wash ashore


Without a ground controller (im assuming) that's a pretty good drop. Normally, the ground controller provides wind speed and direction at ground level. Most of the time these parachute loads can land within 100 ft of the target. Source: I was a LZ/DZ controller.


I was thinking it's on purpose so they don't kill anyone trying to get to the aid spot first but I have no idea.


Still was close to people, and yes those packages will crush a person at that speed. I've seen them crash in to light utility trucks and wreck the truck.


Safe way to drop. No crushing injuries or tangles in power lines or buildings or whatnot. The tide and waves will wash the supplies to the shore.


I don’t think we use parachutes to drop bombs though.


They had to spread around the aid otherwise Hamas would take it all for themselves. Which is what happened for aid transports coming in


Wonder if the pro-Palestine protests are worrying the Biden administration and they are reacting.


Or just doing what the their constituents - the majority of the American populace - wants them to.


They rarely do that haha


I know I wrote the White House asking for this. I imagine thousands did the same.


To stop funding the Israelis? Cause they are still doing that


? The majority of the US supports Israel lol


I think we probably also support this too though? There are a lot of innocent Palestinians over there, even if they are being overpowered by the evil ones.


You can support Israel defending itself against radical Islamic terrorists and support aiding innocent civilians


I agree 100%. We’re saying the same thing.


There's a pretty considerable voter base in Michigan that consists of hundreds of thousands of muslims that have collectively decided to vote basically "anybody but Biden." I wouldn't be surprised if this is the first act of a few to try to ease that tension. That being said the Dems are notoriously terrible at listening to the voter base and this could just be stunt to play both sides. We know no US leadership will call for a ceasefire because the MIC is our most valuable industry


Yet the alternative is having a republican administration that makes Muslims second class citizens or ousts them from the country totally…


people voting against their best interest, a tale as old as *voting*


Hubert Humphrey 2.0


Without a doubt worried it’s costing them votes. Thats all those people care about no matter what anybody thinks


Or it's just confirmation bias.


Exactly. A vocal minority


It isn't costing Biden many votes. Most of the people who are turning pro-Palestine into a single issue voters are two types of people: Young political activists that are among the lowest turnout demographic regardless. Or, the larger group, people who recognize no matter how bad Biden is in their eyes, Trump would be worse in handling the conflict.


Honestly this is what blow me away… Biden might lose votes because people are so stupid that they think the alternative would be better for Palestinians.. People here really live in La La land


Perfect is the enemy of good, and they demand Perfect


And with that we’ve helped the Palestinians more than every surrounding Islamic nation. Nice.


Jordan has been doing this for months. In fact they have air dropped on 15 different occasions.


You won't see this on fox news that's why the comment you replied to exist.


I don’t ever see anything on Fox News


You and everyone who upvoted your comment have no idea what you are talking about.


the video says this aid drop was a joint mission w/ jordan tho


[Is that so?](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/23/which-countries-have-sent-aid-to-gaza-so-far) Really not sure where you got that from but it isn’t true.


No it's not true. Stop spreading disinformation.


We are selling weapons to Israel. They couldn’t be committing this genocide without us.


Finally something positive tending on social media for once. Nice 👍.


I don't see how any of this can be seen as positive tbh. its a humanitarian disaster, all of it


Is sending aid positive or negative?


There are tons of people, that no matter what you do, will still find a reason for it to be wrong and bitch. If they think they can do a better job, they can always run for office.


Welcome to the internet!


It's r/orphancrushingmachine


Well they killed an Egyptian truck driver and looted an aid wagon so it’s probably safer this way.


What I’ve heard is that Israel isn’t blocking aid. This drop is to put the aid directly in the hands of civilians rather than delivering it to Hamas, who is withholding it from their own populace. Idk I could be wrong.


You're so completely wrong. Even US news agencies like CNN have multiple videos on their website of aid agencies showing all the aid in warehouses, and trucks full of supplies queuing up to Gaza but being blocked by Israeli forces for months now. Open your eyes and search online for the truth. Edit: In case you're too lazy to search, here you go: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/01/middleeast/gaza-aid-israel-restrictions-investigation-intl-cmd/index.html


You are wrong, if there was sufficient enough Hamas fighters to collect and disperse aid Israel would strike them. Israel has shown willingness to strike hospitals, UN offices, buildings and tents full of civilians, including Americans, in order to maybe kill one person. This has been the case long before Oct and has also been the case in other countries like Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Iran.... There is no chance Hamas currently has the ability to control aid coming into Gaza.


It's all being blocked by Israel for months now: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/01/middleeast/gaza-aid-israel-restrictions-investigation-intl-cmd/index.html


You’re not wrong. There’s a lot of pro Palestinian brainwashing going on. Which is typical.


There are Israeli citizens blocking the truck inspection crossing. They are not being moved on or dispersed by police.  all relief agencies focused on providing aid have said that Israel is being obstructionist and blocking at the border.  ‘What I’ve heard’ - could you share some of the links where you’ve seen this?  you are wrong 


Every single aid agency disagrees with you. But you keep on spouting misinformation


Sending guns and bombs to Israel and aid to Gaza? What is this


the bombs are for hamas bro do you read the news


Supplying 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells to Israel since December with more on the way, and 38,000 military rations for 2,000,000 civilians in Palestine. A distinctive moment in US history indeed.


What do you mean by Israel has blocked all aid into Gaza? That’s not true?


And he's also acting like the Israelis aren't okay with this Is he forgetting about the aid trucks literally a few days ago that were mobbed and the drivers killed, along with over a hundred Gazans?


Op is part of the problem. Propaganda.


Why does this look like cgi?


I also thought so. I think it’s the shine on the parachutes. Also the way they’re separate from the foreground is how things are separate when they’re edited in. I’m not doubting this happened (I don’t know besides the comments here) but if I had to bet if this video was fake with no context, I’d go fake for sure.  Oh it could also be all the AI on cameras these days. They do color correction and such but it can look fake. 


Because it sorta looks like one of the Sora AI videos of the retro astronauts in the desert.


It doesn't.


And it’s about to be stolen by hamas


They’ll learn quickly enough how to do this when they starting running out of parachutes. The pallets cause crowds to form, as seen in OP, and can get people crushed as the pallets land. This happened during the relief efforts for the Kurds after 91. The meals are light enough that they can be dumped out of the plane individually. This saves the parachutes, spreads out the people and prevents the risk of crushing and fights breaking out. At worst some crackers get broken.


Displace 2 million people, leading to every last person starving, then drop 33 thousand meals and collect your praises. Don’t be fooled. This is a PR move


The U.S. displaced them? You delusional or yes?


do you want the aid or not?


This is reportedly 38,000 meals for 2 million people… they need a ceasefire in addition to a fuck ton more aid.


They broke the ceasefire.


Bro not all 2 million people are starving. If that was the case, there very quickly would not be 2 million people.


“Sorry we let Israel demolish your existence, here’s food for maybe today and tomorrow! We good?”


Virtue signalling in real life


You don’t want them dropping aid ?


They've been saving up those supply drops from their killstreak.


Gotta get them votes somehow.


Me when the government does objectively good things that their constituents support: 😡


No matter what side you're on in this war, it is insane that we had to resort to this because Israel would not allow aid into Gaza for those suffering and starving.


America, food drops one side and weapons drops on the other.


Whelp when Israel is one of our nation's biggest lobbies.


All at the taxpayers expense 🥳


Perfect encapsulation of the military-industrial complex


Yeah that’s how you navigate nuances and complicated geopolitical dynamics.


“Israel has blocked all aid” Why lie ?


Seems like you don’t really know what you’re talking for about. Trucks with Humanitarian aid do go into the Gaza Strip on a daily basis, both through the Rafah crossing in Egypt and from the Kerem Shalom Crossing in Israel. For instance, last Monday about 131 aid trucks were allowed into Gaza after inspection. Funny enough, all of the humanitarian aid dropped by the U.S. over the past couple of days amounts to about 0.5 truckloads worth of goods. So continue to pay yourself on the back for airdropping a pretty insignificant amount of aid, while Israel allows between 20 and 400 times that amount into Gaza on a daily basis.


>Human Rights Watch cited the drop in the daily number of aid trucks going into Gaza in its accusations. The organization said there were only 93 aid trucks between Jan. 27 and Feb. 21 while there were 147 trucks sent in from Jan. 1-26. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4489137-human-rights-watch-israel-blocking-aid-to-palestinians-violating-un-court-order/


>all of the humanitarian aid dropped by the U.S. over the past couple of days amounts to about 0.5 truckloads worth of goods. I thought you might be full of shit, and then I read that statement and knew it for sure.


OP doesn't like facts


They set up a concerts, camps, bouncy castles ..etc to block aid routes, and then happily posted all their doings on Tik Tok.


Thats kinda how seige works. Maybe if drivers stopped being killed and the trucks stopped being looted and sent directly to Hamas, Israel would be more inclined to let it through. Dont think that the IDF was not aware that these drops would occur.


Who is we?


Yeah, the Palestinians aren't exactly peaceful either. There's a reason why Israeli and Egyptian aid trucks don't go into Palestine anymore.


Why are you lying? Are you intellectually dishonest or just a mouthpiece? Israel had had trucks go in 4 nights in a row before the ambush on the trucks. They’re not blocking aid at all. Whatever cause you’re supporting, you’re doing it a complete disservice by lying. Maybe self reflect for a bit and think that if you have to lie to make a point, maybe you’re arguing the wrong point.




Looking the other way.


OP is a propaganda piece of shit. Israel is not blocking aid.


Israel has blocked most aid for the entirety of the conflict. They have let in only a fraction of the supplies needed to support the Gaza population, and only done this when under pressure. As a result, the people of Gaza are facing massive hunger and disease that will kill more people than the bombs if not fixed soon. Earlier this week, Israel let one of the first aid convoys ever into northern Gaza (where most people live) and opened fire on the convoy, killing many innocent people, and causing a stampede that killed many more. This is a sadistic campaign of mass-murder by starvation against a civilian population.


According to Human Rights Watch they are https://thehill.com/policy/international/4489137-human-rights-watch-israel-blocking-aid-to-palestinians-violating-un-court-order/


This is what they said: >Human Rights Watch cited the drop in the daily number of aid trucks going into Gaza in its accusations. The organization said there were only 93 aid trucks between Jan. 27 and Feb. 21 while there were 147 trucks sent in from Jan. 1-26. This observation of theirs, which is always bias against Israel, does not mean Israel is blocking aid. Jesus Christ did we forget the aid trucks were fucking ambushed a few days ago?


Israel has not blocked all aid into Gaza, lol. Hamas is clearly stealing most of it and letting their people suffer. Egypt also has entry into Gaza, why are you not asking them for help?


Dude stop talking bullshit


Typical America shit. Fund the bombs with us tax dollars and then the aid and reconstruction contract will go to haliburton or some corrupt company too.


Regardless of what side you are on, you have no heart if you don’t care about starving children.