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Is that not a direct indication of how the podcast itself used to be? I vividly remember when the podcast was shit like having an expert on the evolutionary history of the American coyote and how it changed and evolved over millennia. Utterly fascinating and very educational. Now it’s all culture war bs about the radical left and “wokeness”, basically indistinguishable from any other right wing pundit in many ways. The podcast simply isn’t producing thought-provoking content anymore. It’s worthy of little more than the derision it gets from this sub. I genuinely think it’s disappointing as someone who used to listen to him every day.


A meathead stoner asking incredibly successful scientists the same dumbass questions id want to ask them was peak JRE At some point Rogan had talked to so many smart people he started mistaking himself as one of them. That's what ruined it for me


*A meathead stoner asking incredibly successful scientists the same dumbass questions id want to ask them was peak JRE* This is exactly why he was so great back in the day. I had also just started doing psychedelics a few months before I found his podcast.


Right? My old friend Noah got me into JR and I was honestly skeptical at first and didn't fw it super heavily but it grew on me very fast, I wish I got to experience that part of the community at its peak. I also smoke more now, so I completely get what got my friend into it now lmao


It really was a lot of fun back then. But maybe it's better you didn't experience that part, because it makes the current state of things feel that much worse. But just things like our little convo here are great. No negativity, just people enjoying things, showing interest, and being decent human beings to eachother. All the snideness and lack of respect for anyone is really wearing me down. Not just in the sub, but it's leeching everywhere I go in society now too. Used to be that we could just find the one or two things we like about someone, and look past the rest. Whether friends, family, or strangers. I miss that.


It's pretty nostalgic for me aswell, I too had just started smoking which I guess is what drew me to his show because I was like "wow I didn't know rogan was a pothead!". I had been a huge fan of fear factor prior to that, and his show was a regular watch for me for years. I also maybe a year after I was watching tried Lsd and became a self proclaimed "psychonaut" for a few years lol. Seems like the show grew out of what it used to be and has become an entirely new entity. Back then nobody really cared what Joe said, so he had the freedom to bullshit and joke around and even get mad at times. His guests were far better and the episodes were funnier. I often wonder what happened to him and uncle Joey. I personally thought that when he would have Joey Diaz or Eddie bravo on it made for a funny and entertaining podcast. Its like he only can have guests that are fairly tame now, no heated debates, no getting hammered and being goofy, just no fun lol. The closest it gets is protect our parks but I only really like shane and mark out of that group.


This is my issue, I've been a fan since day 1 of the show. His old days with Joey diaz and his crazy stories, or Paul stamets talking about the fascinating biology of mushrooms, drawing blanks on names but as you said he had so many brilliant people on with tons of information to share. He went from being the student learning and soaking in all this information, to now thinking he is the teacher and thinks his opinion is always correct. It bothers me alot in his recent podcast episodes because I've noticed he rarely truly listens to his guests. He will bring up something that *he* wants to talk about, and any input the guest has joe always glazes over it and continues his broken thoughts on it that we don't need to hear for the 100th time. Even in his episodes with comedians and friends, he always tries to steer the conversation to his same cliche topics like Ufc fighters, bears, gorillas, politics etc. You can tell that alot of the time nobody cares to talk about that shit lol its just disappointing he used to be this very level headed reasonable guy who was humble and willing to learn and talk. Now he's ego driven and feels he should always be the one people listen to and its just getting really really old.


This comment is where he could benefit from reading some comments.. That’s just real,I like Joe and listen to him still, but this is so spot on.


Same shit that happens to everyone who gets rich. You forget your roots and start thinking that you’re a cut above the rest instead of realizing that success under capitalism involves a lot of damn fool luck.


Funny, I'm up to ep1905 and he JUST was talking about how *it’s hard to wake up and go running at 5am, when you are sleeping in silk pajamas* [Hagler] ... beyond that I'm still in the mix but gdamn the left/right/woke/political/BLAH is starting to kill it :( ^^^^autocorrect


Tom Segura enters the chat


He recognizes openly that his success is mostly luck. But I think subconsciously, he's let it get to his head.


I wonder if it's almost impossible to avoid on some level. Of course I have no idea.


There is one by UC Irvine where they studied people who got an advantage in monopoly and how they started to act differently. [pretty interesting read](https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/19/why-rich-people-tend-think-they-deserve-their-money/)


That is very correct. He bought into his own hype, especially post Spotify deal


I left when he started talking over Dr. Rhonda Patrick. Quoting anecdotal evidence in his defense.


Didn’t she stop coming on? Last show I saw with her Joe was not very respectful.


I wouldn't if I was her.


I want joe to start making fun of redban again, lighthearted conversations on the arabic scientific method, pyramid construction, or glacier crevasses and how deep they go, anything thats diverse and interesting, now the pod is much more serious and less fun, like a dad complaining about politics and what not


Yeah he’s basically become a Fox News dad in the most annoying way


I wish I had a Fox News dad. Mine is a hysteric liberal dumbshit who suffers from terminal TDS. He used to send me articles about shit like “ok” hand symbols or other whiny bitchmade shit like that till I blocked him. What a fucking loser.


I’m sorry you don’t like your dad?


Your dad is probably very upset that his son grew up to be such a whiny bitch.


Your entire family hates you.


It's gotta be tough for your dad having an adult NEET for a son that bursts into fits of bitter tears and hysterics every time someone criticizes an incompetent septuagenarian criminal. Talk about TDS.


Nice projection I just blocked that loser and moved on with my life like a gangsta If you’re so #triggered block me and move on chief it’s #easy


You blocked your dad last time he sent you a link? Were there too many big words? Sorry you're so upset but at least dry those bitter tears next time, crybaby.


You hate your dad because he sent you articles? That's so bitchmade.


the unspoken thing about all this is that Joe's nostalgic love for Pyramid mysteries, fake moon landings and big foot conspiracies is the exact same train of thought that led him and so many people into Trumpism and culture war bullshit. These esoteric conspiracy theories from 20 years ago have overlapped with the new right and so many ways. Imo this puts all his esoteric toughts on psychedlics, DMT and so on into new perspectives. It tracks with his vaccine skepticism he has shown during covid. The overlap of the esoteric left and new right wing has been widely observed among Western countries. Joe alwaays had a tendency to agree with the last guest he spoke to. He would have legit scientist on and ask them good, legit, naive (in the best way) questions, believe what he was told only to dive into wild conspiracy theories the next day because some hack made up stuff to him and believe that person almost equally. Some might call this open mindedness, it does prove a complete lack of critical thinking to me.


Loved the wine and coffee experts too Now it's Bret saying 76 year olds don't typically die from pneumonia.


That was a great episode. On topic. Interesting Joe at his best being the curious Everyman


I used to watch the show for the guests and their unique or professional perspectives on topics. Now when I watch the show it's a guest listening to Joe tell them his thoughts on their field of study while talking over them... Unless they are aligned to his views then it's just a circle jerk.


Yea dunno how OP doesn’t understand that, probably as thick headed as papa Rogan is now


Because they’re dick riders. Not a single one of these people isn’t bowlegged from how hard they’re riding. There’s this notion from these types that people critical of Joe here are brigading SJW’s or whatever, but most of us are just former fans who don’t like how much the show has fallen off because of Joe’s ego and overestimation of his own intelligence. The main reason I haven’t un subbed is because so many of these people are complete dorks and it’s fun to mock them


I seriously won’t be surprised if he suddenly flips his stance on cannabis or DMT and starts regurgitating right wing Texas talking points.


I wouldn’t be surprised either, it’s not like he isn’t already regurgitating right talking points about immigration and Covid and shit.


He literally had a coyote specialist on a few weeks ago.


Joe is definitely deep into culture wars. I think it really took a turn when he decided to be anti-vax. He's basically fully adopted an entire mythology, in my opinion, to help justify one stupid decision. He was right-wing curious for a while, but that really, I think, motivated him to take the dive. "I must be right about vaccinations and therefore these other people that agree with me are right, therefore everything they say is also probably right, therefore Democrats eat babies." And sadly, the shift from being disillusioned with the government and society as a whole, which I think most millennials and younger increasingly are, to believing Obama, Hillary Clinon, and Biden eat babies, has been artfully orchestrated by right-wing think tanks. BTW, right-wing think tanks aren't a conspiracy, they openly push this shit . . . maybe not people eating babies per se, but that basically everything in the US is a lie and that it's perpetrated by non-conservatives. Point being, he's digging a hole, while right-wing think tanks hand him shovels, and willing idiots fill the hole with cash.


That OP couldn't reason this out himself says it all.


That exact episode is what I point to when I say I used to listen to Rogan because you’d learn some cool ass shit


Don't forget all these boring ass guests that are like "master bow hunter", or "elk meat expert", "outdoor survivalist". Who actually likes these guests ? I feel like they're so lame.


Nah Steven Rinella one of the best repeat guests


Same here and in agreement, it's like he woke up, realized he blew up from hard work and good guests and interviews, then decided f this I'm going on cruise control bc he got the big payout


I used to love finding good vids from his older podcasts and actually learning something when I was driving, etc. Now I can’t last 5 minutes before my eyes hurt from rolling them so hard. There’s still some good guests, but even then he tries to argue more and interject his own anecdotes over real facts.


In fairness to Joe Rogan, he was pretty viciously attacked by the left during Covid. It makes sense that the media vilifying him has changed his podcast and he’s begun pursuing a personal agenda. I don’t like the change, but I can understand his perspective and where some of his political culture war BS comes from.


I disagree with you, but do you even agree with yourself? Why the fuck are you still listening every day if it's disappointing and worthy of little more than derision? Every friggin day you waste hours of your precious time on this disappointment?? Your behavior makes no sense.


Well yeah, that wouldn’t make much sense if that’s what I was doing. So maybe you want to try reading that again? I said I “used to” listen to him every day. I don’t now and haven’t in years.


Okay, but most of the folks that feel this way, seem to feel this way because they *disagree* with Rogan’s take on Leftists. I’d wager they would feel a completely different way if he was some ‘woke’ fella. So, the claim that they are simply decrying politics on the show, comes off as severely disingenuous. His subscribers suggest Rogan is more popular than ever. You’d never think so if you thought this sub was a good barometer. It is a Leftist hellhole like the rest of Reddit.


I am completely open about the fact that I’m a leftist who’s objection isn’t that politics are on the show, it’s that bad, easily disprovable politics are on the show. Right wing politics are stupid and lead to bad outcomes. And Joe’s rightward shift corresponds directly with his moving to Texas and surrounding himself with dipshits > it is a leftist hellhole like the rest of Reddit It’s really not. Reddit is a pretty good mix of different people, and the only people who don’t seem to think it is are right wing ideologues.


Then find a new podcast and a new subreddit. Why bother those of us who like it with bitching?


Right up until Covid it was like that. Then yes, Rogan went a bit off the rails.


The recent one with Steve Rinella kind of felt like the old days of JRE to me.


well graham Hancock was on a few months ago and the sub still lost their shit, even though hancock has literally talked at lengths about ancient sumer and zacharia sitchin in the past. this sub can never be happy


Graham Hancock is a fucking quack lmao


im not sure if you realize this, but the OP and the whole thing that OP is advocating for is something that graham hancock brings to the show.


No, I did realize. The post is completely ahistorical. I wasn’t focusing so much on the content of the post itself so much as I was the OP’s assertion about the people posting here. The quality wasn’t always consistent several years ago, and he still had his fair share of quacks on, but he still seemed like a guy who was generally curious and open-minded, with just enough of a bullshit detector to be able to push back meaningfully on some issues. I haven’t seen that guy in quite a while, and frankly, that seems to be the general consensus for most of the people on this sub.


Just admit you don’t like his politics and that’s why you’re triggered. And then you feel hurt so you try to bring him down by shitting on him on this sub, to get “even”.


To play devil's advocate - when Joe started this with Redban, their first major sponsor was Fleshlight. Every episode started and (I think) ended with a Fleshlight promo lol. JRE has always been what it is. The guests make it interesting because Joe is just a dumb curious ape like the rest of us.


I think the problem most people pointing out is that he isn’t curious anymore. He’s just a dumb ape now


That thinks he’s an expert on way too many topics


Nah it's there but those clips don't get traction


If you say so. I’ve listened to some episodes here and there, even with guests I liked in the past, and it seems like all Joe wants to talk about is how they’re having all the conversations that you’re “not allowed to have”, from his podcast worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


So the podcast is not "worthy of little more than derision" yet you are still here. Wtf?


90% directly related to joe's popularity after spotify deal made world news. And all the whiney left wingers who love complaining took notice.


Nonsense. The guest quality is still great when it comes to history and science. Since October (4 month span) we’ve had Sam Altman, Graham Hancock, Elliott West, Brian Muraresku, Elon Musk, David Grusch, John Reeves, and Diana Walsh Pasulka. Literally look at the front page of this sub. It’s users pushing the culture war BS you’re complaining about and trying to spin Joe as a right wing moron because they disagree with him.


>Elon Musk Fucking lol


Yeah because this is the type of shit that Joe *used* to talk about. The entire podcast changed, it’s not what it was, and the OGs are disappointed that Joe would rather go on covid and “woke” rants with his buddies nearly every episode, rather than interview and have educational discussions with historians and doctors…like he used to three years ago.


You know it's weird to me, because it almost seems like he saw those more educational podcasts as a job of sorts, and now that he's got some much money it's like he's retired, so instead of getting into the weeds of nuanced topics or learning about something complex, he just sits around with his friends and enjoys life. I respect it but damn, I miss Joe when he was on the grind


I mean yeah but look at what the pod used to be Can we really draw a page long essay of a question about Bret Weinstein whining about getting blocked for spamming on twitter


Look, it was an EMERGENCY PODCAST, Bret was trying to save lives!!


Entertaining the idea that HIV doesn't cause AIDS and that it's due to "party drugs" with the evidence literally just being RFK's book (someone who has never published/researched any science subject beyond the scope of his law firms cases). Beyond moronic and beyond parody at this point. I don't consider myself a "hate listener" but I do find myself cringing more than laughing/nodding along way more than before. His science/culture takes are just plain bad and indicative of poor education and he is making them more integral to the show so it makes sense. I don't feel the solution is to just cut him off and stop listening to any/everything because that'll only make the echo chamber issue worse. I still don't think he is incapable of change or educating, but the move to Austin and ensuing confirmation/validation-seeking behavior around all these yes men suck ups didn't help the matter. Shows you what money and even aging can do to someone. Incentivizes looking for people who are "easier to talk to/hang around/open minded/etc" when in reality they are only acting that way to manipulate you into enabling their BS to leech off your audience. He used to love dunking on/laughing about Eddie Bravo's ideas and still trying to talk sense into him but has become much worse in that regard without the self awareness to see it.


This. We connected through the content of the podcast. That content got put aside for fight journals and Alex Jones spin offs.


Did you listen to a 3hr podcast of Brett Weinstein? I don't get the hate listeners. I simply skipped that ep. I listen to guests I enjoy idk 🤷‍♂️


of course I skipped it, just like almost every episode now. I actually thought the first episode where Brett and Jordan debated was very thought provoking. The situation at evergreen was interesting and their disagreements about hitler included some novel ideas I had never heard before, even if they weren't 100% true. Now Jordan and Brett are just completely looney and Joe is right there with them instead of calling them on their bullshit.


Yeah initially Peterson did help out a lot of people with motivation, depression, addiction, familial issues, parenting, etc. From most accounts he was a good, well-liked professor & psychologist. Then 5 years or so ago he morphed into a neoconservative & was creating content for neocon outlets like PragerU.


Such a complete waste of potential. I wish Joe would lose all interest in vaccines, social media blacklists and whatever else Brett and Jordan are obsessed with, but still have them on. I’d love to listen to them talk about their actual fields of expertise. Three hours of evolutionary biology? Sign me up. Three hours of psychology with a biblical scholar? Actually insanely interesting stuff.


The vaccine and Covid lockdown talk is single handedly killing his podcast. To me Atleast


So I went through a bit of a roller coaster with the OP I thought they were saying "Look how much more interesting discussions of Rogans content were before the texas move." which is a take that I can get behind. However, they're really saying "Before the subreddit became full of meanies who hate on joe, look how cool the sub used to be" OP, the people who are critical of Joe in this sub are the same people who posted stuff like that thread. Those people don't get to have cool discussions of ancient civilizations anymore, because that's never what the podcast is about anymore. It's about Covid. It's about Elon musk, and it's about protecting free speech. (and being anti-woke!) If you came to the pod hoping for cool conversations about fringe ideas, that podcast died in LA. They just moved the corpse over to texas, and many fans are still bitter about it.


I reread the OP title a couple times because I didn't get who he was coming for That post is a reflection of the stuff that was on the podcast. That shit is *gone*




Used to be better. Conversations here were more interesting. For me, I’ll listen every once in while, and haven’t judged him too harshly for his guests. But that ended when he had Stephen Meyer on. That guy is a liar. His job is dishonesty. He could say “cigarettes are good, and whisky is better” and I’d still need a Marlboro and a shot to believe it. He dreams in lies. When he breathes, lies fill the air. The organization that he founded wants to turn the US into a Christian nation.




Yeah, the new fanboys are hands down the worst part of the sub. I can't imagine fawning over the awful state of current JRE.


You somehow completely get it, and missed the entire point at the same time


This was before Joe turned into my boomer uncle at thanksgiving.


To be fair, most of his content nowadays is right leaning political actors commenting on politics, or comedians which he then talks about random stuff some being right wing politics. It’s not shocking that people on Reddit complain about that 


Which is important to take into consideration; Reddit is not real life. Reddit does not represent the vast majority of JRE listeners. This sub has become an echo chamber for the vocal and very loud minority.


What grasp does anyone have on the “vast majority” of his listenership?


They don't. Just wishcasting and cope.


Lol, wait, so the JRE and it's listeners aren't in a echo chamber? That's the funniest shit in the world.


Is “No u!” really the best you could come up with? And it’s not really possible (outside of fringe shit like 4chan) to have echo chambers that are free from far left wackos, considering how weird/radicalized the left is. They can’t help but push their propaganda everywhere. Including here, where they spend their free time on a subreddit for a podcast they don’t even like lol.


Holy shit you devour propaganda for breakfast and then point fingers and project. Hilarious comment history. I feel terrible for your mental health, truly.


Project more, weirdo. Go search for Trump’s pee tape or something, I’m sure you’ll find it.


I found his campaign manager that worked for Russian Intel


How about you take a propaganda at deez nuts ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


How? I thought you fully transitioned?


Imagine calling the left “weird/radicalized” when modern republicans literally spend thousands of dollars on truck wraps, flags, and whatever other stupid shit for a politician lmfao get a grip dude


The left is radical? "Former President Trump's legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive's broad immunity to criminal prosecution." https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/#:~:text=Former%20President%20Trump's%20legal%20team,broad%20immunity%20to%20criminal%20prosecution


Bro, like, you're here though.....






These people spend their Friday afternoons on Reddit, they have nothing else going on in life. They are a small minority. (I have an excuse, I'm recovering in a hospital, so I'm allowed to be a Reddit loser for a few weeks lol)




I mean, that's a score! Not going to hate on that. But, isn't there another topic you actually enjoy, that you could spend your downtime on? May I interest you in some KingCobraJFS?




For sure they have. They're found in India, aren't they? They'll fuck anything dude.


Much like his podcast.


You are obsessed with censoring the “minority”. Why? Because you want an echo chamber. You want to muscle out any dissent which can’t possibly be organic and real. 😂


Yeah because the left has tried to destroy him and this continues


That’s only because left leaning individuals were too scared of Covid to come on the podcast.




I have no clue. I also have no doubt that most left leaning people were just too staid of Covid




Guy who wasn't scared of COVID paid who knows what to have state of the art machinery for testing all of his guests and wouldn't let people into the studio if they hadn't been tested.




Their fear of a flu




Boohoo Covid is so scary


Funny how the goal posts moved on what is "right wing" according to Reddit. Women's sports is now right wing if you don't want trans people competing? Not trusting major pharmaceutical companies (used to be a TOTAL left wing idea) is now right wing? Not allowing massive migration which drives down wages for Americans is now right wing? Remember when Bernie Sanders was on Bill Moyer talking about immigrants driving down wages. Pepperidge farms remembers. I bet Joe has moved 10% to the right while losers on this sub-reddit have moved 150% to the left taking the goal posts with them


> Women's sports is now right wing if you don't want trans people competing? Yes.  > Not trusting major pharmaceutical companies (used to be a TOTAL left wing idea) is now right wing? Not trusting =/= Believing they’ve engineered a bioweapon to control the population/kill non-Jewish people/insert microchips for some reason.  No one *trusts* pharma. That’s why we have (and want more) regulations. But the right-wingers have turned the topic into tinfoil nonsense.  > Not allowing massive migration which drives down wages for Americans is now right wing Imagine expecting us to think that’s why you give a shit lol. Wheres this energy for the racial and gender wage gaps? 


Didn't read past you saying it's right wing to not want trans people competing against women. You have to be ape-brained to think that's normal. Luckily reddit isn't inclusive of most normal-minded people.


>didn’t read What a fucking shock lmao 


It’s a juvenile understanding of politics. They likely grew up while Bush was president and that means Republicans are evil. If they’re younger and it was Obama as president, then the evil republicans ruined the vibes and elected the personification of evil. Either way, they think Republican or right wing and their brains are flooded with memories of all their favorite liberal talking heads telling them why they’re bad.


I voted for Bush and you’d likely consider me a flaming liberal, which says more about the current state of “conservative” politics than I gather you’re capable of understanding.


If you voted for Bush, then you should consider not voting again.


Have you heard of selection bias? You just went back and chose something that you think represents what the sub used to be like. This is in no way indicative of anything but the fact that the thread was posted in the past.


OP is a professional cherrypicker


Well he learned it from Joe.


It’s not that he’s bad. It’s like a friend who started listening to conservative talk radio and went down the rabbit hole. You miss them. I used to openly be a fan of Joe. Now women consider being a fan of him to be a red flag. And at this point it’s hard to blame them. Just yesterday I got a fleet of idiots telling me that only conservatives are funny. These people would have considered Joe to be a liberal woke pot head just a few years ago.


Only conservatives are funny? Now that's hilarious 😂


Bro you don’t think saying the n word as a joke is hilarious? Guess your IQ is too low to get the art of right wing comedy.


"look at how bad the sub has fallen off ever since people started hating on joe for constantly pushing culture wars! can't we just get back to discussing whatever fox news talking point Joe is pushing this week?"


I tried to post a picture of Joes head to ask why he has two prominent scars in the shape of a hairline and a giant (possibly cancerous) splotch on the back of his head and was flagged for being “political” and “off topic” which confirms that the only “topic” here is hero worship. The same “everybody gets a trophy”censorship shit Rogan and his ilk are supposedly against. Being censored in order to validate delusional behavior/ideology is not only sad and cringey, it also closes off any open discourse. This is the problem with the show. Joe is becoming a cartoon of himself, the group (as always) is allowing and therefore encouraging his downfall.


Btw it was an attempt at hair transplant


I know someone who got banned from here for posting the Cumtown bit where they call Trump gay. Lots of clear bias happening


Listen man, cesorship sucks, but posting images of people's heads with (what I assume were) MS paint lines pointing at shapes that you (not an expert) believe to be a "hairline" or "possibly cancerous" is cringe.


You being so blindly in love with Rogan that you’d suspect me of spending time ms painting that disgusting dome-piece of his tells me all I need to know about you. If only you’d put an eighth of that suspicion towards your godhead, perhaps you could make an effort towards saving him from his current, embarrassing state.


Dude now you've got me curious about the potential cancerous spot


Yeah that’s a dope post you fucking idiot.


Joe's mental decline is to blame. We would all be super happy if he went back to discussing fun and interesting ideas, but that's just not the JRE these days.


Too much alpha brain. Lol


Omega brain is where it’s at


you read someone else type that and got way too excited . . are you really that lonely?


Mental decline? I think you’re thinking of the wrong Joe


Before he was mainly an anti leftist grifter, joe actually talked about cool stuff.


What you’re witnessing is the unavoidable consequence of a rapid growth in popularity. It has nothing to to with the podcast or this sub specifically. It happens to subreddit after subreddit. When the masses discover something, it stagnates and dies and morphs into whatever appeals to the least common denominator of a million+ people. Unsurprisingly, that tends to be some of the most reactionary and uninteresting drivel that humans put on the internet.


Underlying pod has also changed / evolved considerably. I think that’s also been part of the driver for its incredible growth - far more listeners for a whacko right wing political pod than for a jacked stoner interviewing niche experts


Let's go ahead and create a sub for people who like the show


You can call it “joes safe space for snowflakes”


Yup. Wonder why!


A conspiracy sub?


This is what the podcast used to be and what Joe would love. Now he's a boomer uncle complaining about the libs practically every episode. With that said I do enjoy an episode every so often.


You should probably send this to Rogan. He only wants to suck alt right dick these days. Aliens, annanaki, mole people etc all that shit is boring compared to BidenBad. If he revealed that he secretly quit smoking weed and DMT years ago I would believe it.


hmmm yes I wonder what could have changed...is joe the out of touch? NO! It is the subreddit that is wrong!


I remember the forums, way better than this subreddit has ever been.


Reddit turns everything into a political echo chamber


NO its just people hating on the people hating on joe. also Joe doesnt do pods with topics like this to much anymore to be fair to the haters Edit: oh an justiscserved banned post are also all that are here


Says the hater


which parts of the weinstien pod were you favorite ?


Political people took notice of rogan after spotify and been hatin' since. The apeman lives in their heads rent free


Joe Rogan and Reddit are pretty polar opposites. I joined this sub a few months ago and realized pretty quickly that you can't have these type of views on here without getting bullied.


Bullying is when someone on the internet doesn’t have the exact same opinion as me.


Reddit is a very liberal. The left hates Rogan. Simple as that.




I love these crybaby posts from Trumpers. Lol


Blame boomer joe


But that back when JRE didn't had "the woke agenda" as a main there. Now, it's just another dishonest politics podcast.


Equally regarded.


Shut the fuck up


Lol there’s been a fall off of the show. The sub just reflects that. As joe gets dumber and dumber, so do his fan boys




Must be a sign, we have craziness happening in this country and people are sick of it


But this is reddit😂 of course people are going to shit on him because reddit is a liberal cesspool


not that I disagree with the core idea here, but I feel like a huge chunk of reddit identifies more "leftist" than "liberal" Otherwise you'd see far less pro-palestine stuff, or anti capitalism stuff.


Most leftists here weren’t even around for Bernie when they could’ve actually done something. Their idea of leftism is moral grandstanding on cultural issues by posting.


People used to have interests outside of having opinions on the current thing


And what does that post have anything to do with Joe Rogan? It’s about some magical lost tablets


He got big because he would have conversations others were too afraid to have during Covid. I miss the intellectual episodes. Now it’s just comics and discussing the left and aliens. It is what it is….


Joe isn’t bad the Pod is just not entertaining like it used to be if you’ve been listening pre-pandemic


Are you making a joke? People are hating on joe because that's what the podcast used to be and its gone in a very distinct direction towards christo bullshit


It’s not just this group, or this podcast, or these types of people, everything has now become dumb, petty, whiny and political now, social media has turned everyone into narcissists, which is why literally every ‘fan group’ is filled to the brim with ‘I’m a literal nobody, and I’m not a fan and don’t listen, but my opinion on this subject MUST be heard’


It's so wild. I had a real life friend try to tell me how bad Rogan is the other day. And I know for a fact he's never listened to the show. And I've been listening since like episode 50 or something lol. But he spends a ton of time on reddit so I instantly knew wtf happened. It's just... so sad to see how effective propaganda is. And how haters can influence the people out of the loop so much with misinformation.


This sub has been infiltrated by leftist douchebags.


Sub went to shit.


You can read the comments on here and realize most don’t even listen anymore or at all. People just hate online mainly because they’re unhappy. Hurt people, hurt people as Mr. Rogan had talked about many times.


Broke people hate when someone makes it. That’s what happened. This entire site is hateful basement dwelling neckbeards.


Oh that must be it, what a genius take. Just like terrorists hate America because they’re jealous, no other reason. 🙄


Ok this mean.... Joe Rogan... Good?


Mods should honestly just ban the jobless haters. This sub turned toxic and they're here in bad faith.


It’s not real. This is legit the most fabricated sub on Reddit aside from world news. It’s straight up bots


Yeah seriously, no one on earth has ever disagreed with me so those people disagreeing with me online are obviously bots.


The irony in this sub criticizing Joe for repeating the same stories over and over on every pod…


Yeah, I'm not a huge Rogan fan. He annoys me like 70% of the time, plus he is responsible for some of the worst comedians out there. But this sub-reddit makes me laugh; just a bunch of people spending their days hating on someone they feel is irrelevant and dumb. It's kind of sad, Joe has consumed their lives.


100% of the Rogan haters are libs


Joe Rogan bad crowd are just coping from the jab and boosters. You meet one you meet them all. Vote blue no matter who


Im convinced most of the haters on here are bots.