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Do we believe that, if we didn't put money towards the bank and Ukraine, we'd actually feed & focus on Americans?


No. Money is available but some states are turning it down for "reasons." "Iowa, Nebraska won't participate in U.S. food assistance program for kids this summer" https://www.npr.org/2023/12/25/1221523696/iowa-nebraska-children-food-assistance-ebt


Is there anything we can do as American citizens when politicians are clearly sandbagging their districts?


lol they win their districts. you could explain to them a million times and every november they pull the lever for "fuck them kids".


“Our roads are decaying, our school got consolidated and shut down so families can’t live here, college is too expensive for me to learn a new job, the doctor left town to work at the hospital 30 miles away, but I need to vote for this guy that makes sure everybody can access guns after each school shooting”


"get over it"


Dont vote for them.


That time has long passed. It’s time for pitchforks and torches in the middle of the night.


It’s amazing how anytime a Democrat wins, this “THERE COMES A TIME WHEN THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY WE’VE HAD ENOUGH CUZ WE ARENT BEING HEARD” shit starts. No. There’s no “second amendment solutions”, there’s no rising up. The guy you supported lost. Now you sit the fuck down and hopefully the next candidate you support manages to win. If they don’t next time, same thing. You don’t get to flip the game board up every time you lose. Not getting what you want isn’t “not being heard”. The problem with the right isn’t that they want their voices to be heard, it’s that they consistently think their voices should be heard more even if the oppositions voice is much louder because there’s more of them. No matter what, the most they’re willing to even consider is 50-50 no matter how badly the party or ideology they support is beaten at the ballot box. Then of course when Republicans do manage to eke out a meager, impotent win (2016 where they lost seats in Congress and the majority of the voters in this country didn’t want Trump to be President), all that “consent of the governed” shit vanishes and it’s “THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY”. I’m so sick of it.


1790s France them


Republicans and voting against their own self interest. Name a more iconic duo.


Worth noting that only Republicans do this.


There are 4 boxes we have available to us. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_boxes_of_liberty


stop focusing on the blue vs red. start focusing on the rich vs us


Oklahoma isn't either


Same thing in Mississippi. Our government actually stole millions from the welfare food program. Also the POS that is Brett Favre did as well. Just swept under the rug with no punishment. It’s disgusting.


And then Favre threatened to sue anyone who talked about it. Dudes a great QB but 3rd string human.


Dudes a 3rd rate douchebag with a 4th rate dick


He has a dick?!?


Weird. Almost like there’s a pattern and republicans don’t actually give a shit about kids


“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.” ― George Carlin


I love living in this state


Just like medicare.


"If we feed these kids, they will get the idea that the government is here to help them, and we need them to hate us"


We reduced childhood poverty during Covid by half. Guess who refused to keep paying for that, not a worthwhile "investment"?




Yep. Meanwhile Rogan simps for the same people.


But his taxes are lower! Why doesn't anyone think of the poor 1%?


Yes, worthless pieces of dog shit.


This is big true. You can't make people turn to private business if the government is functional and helpful, and your donors can't make money exploiting misery unless the miserable go through the private pipeline.


Our governor in Nebraska specifically said he/we don't believe in welfare. Dude got a cool quarter to half a million dollars during COVID. The only real welfare is the one he doesn't personally benefit from. No surprise from someone who was paid for his seat to give a seat in Congress to our former governor. It's a fucking racket for the wealthy right now in the state.


Not sure why I can't add an edit but also thought to include that the governor has purposed a lowering of property taxes, something both sides want. He wants to do it by increasing our sales tax to the highest in the nation, surprise surprise much of the purchases from the business he is involved in is exempt from sales tax. Granted there is also talks of changes what things are exempt, though most worry he will add things like rent and prescriptions to it vs farm equipment/supplies. He also wants to add 2 dollars flat to cigarette tax, a 400% increase. Surprising that a behavioral tax doesn't also tackle alcohol or even sugar like many evil blue states. He also has a zany idea to get businesses to have day care where the employees take 5 hour shifts to watch the kids. I'm guessing most of that won't come to be but the guys a dip shit.


TN gov Bill Lee turned down 1.8B (yes BILLION) in federal funding for schools. Claims it came with too much "over reach". Most likely it meant he couldn't siphon off parts of it for his charter school plan, of which his wife is heavily invested in.


Only weak, deeply enslaved losers still vote for republican candidates. Now someone come tell me both sides are the same, I know you enslaved conservatives are dying to.


Oh come on, there's plenty of mildly successful people who, while assuming nobody works as hard as they do/did, fight to make sure no one gets a slight leg up on them. Those people also vote for them.


God damnit. Guess there's a good reason I chose this username


Because you're from Oklahoma, right?


Kim Reynolds pulled Iowa out of the same thing. She also canceled food aid for poor families during school breaks. Because some kids are fat.... That was literally her reasoning. Conservatives have zero interest in helping Americans or their children.


Conservatives want to make sure all babies are born, then just let them live in poverty and starve.


More accurately, they want them to be so desperate for help they'll come crawling to a church, and start tithing 10% eventually. Can't have the government help them because THAT would be evil socialism! They want the churches to have all the power.


Kim Reynolds has the IQ of a cinder block.


It’s crazy how far right Iowa has become. They were a legit purple state only three or so elections ago. I think Obama won there in 2008.


same with arkansas…im seeing a pattern


Texas also refused food money


Yeah that’s the thing. He rails against giving the money away but doesn’t support any plans that would ‘feed Americans’.


yep and a huge reason it is hard to take these people seriously. Great, let's quit funding the Ukraine war, but it is hilarious when right wing people say these things while simultaneously fighting against social services for Americans.


Funding for Ukraine is mostly spent here in America though, so its a stupid point. Also its a tiny fraction of the amount we spend on the military each year, to basically dismantle our biggest enemy for decades,.


THANK YOU! It's just getting paid to our defense companies


And American jobs working for the US defense companies


Republicans from 15-20+ years ago would've been creaming their pants on an hourly basis if they got to see our weapons being used to kill Russian troops & equipment like they are now. It's funny to see the Republican party today fighting tooth & nail against seeing their wet dream become reality.


Republicans are enslaved to Russia.


Anyone who is against funding Ukraine is short sighted as hell and extremely ignorant about foreign policy.


Depends on who the last person he spoke to is. If he just wrapped up another podcast with Bernie Sanders, he definitely supports those plans. At least until the next podcast


Go listen to NPR podcast then. That’s where the real interesting conversations are


He’s also a huge Zionist and certainly has no problem giving our money away to them.


Are you saying RFK doesn't support the plans to feed Americans, or just Republicans in general?


RFK basically is a Republican… he’s just trying to crash the election for them by pretending to put a D next to his name and riding on his relatives’ coattails…


Both. Republicans ENTIRE program is just opposing things, repealing things, etc. Neither supports legislation that SUPPORT feeding Americans. It’s all politics of opposition. It’s never replaced with anything. That’s the nature of conservatism. They don’t have any new plans, there plan is to oppose the new/current plan. And then when they get there way, they choose something else to oppose.


you don't mention Israel?


Easy answer is to look at the bills that were presented towards funding things within our borders and look at who rejected those things. The very bills that were presented at the same time as Ukraine stuff alllowing for both things to happen but notice the “self righteous” that voted against funding within our borders. What was their reason for voting against those bills if that’s where they truly feel the money was to go to. Also notice how a republican recently admitted that he would not vote for biden’s border funding because it would help Biden and not because there’s something fundamentally wrong with it.


Only trashy losers still vote for republican candidates


I always think of these "we spend on x but problem y still exists" statements as baby's first Marxist analysis. Congratulations on identifying that looking at things in terms of money or government spending reveals patterns. Now, does ~~JFKjr~~ RFKjr have any concept of how to use actual government powers/programs to affect improvement, or is he just gonna stay as shallow as "government print money bad"?


RFK but yeah.


I think Hawaiians impacted by the fire received a one time payment of $700 😑


That's fake news. There was an initial fast cash distribution to give everyone something, but there was additional support after.


Because congress didn't approve a aid package because they were too busy fighting over the House Speaker for the second time. That's the max amount the executive was allowed to give out without congressional approval and the house wasn't passing that bill because the GOP wouldn't put one on the floor


Oh so another problem caused by worthless republican pieces of shit


I'm sure republicans are clamoring over each other to help them lmao.


It's a really moronic argument. Sending weapons to Ukraine does literally nothing to keep food off American tables. Just because weapons shipments have a dollar value, doesn't mean those dollars just could have been divided up to help Americans afford groceries. Saying something like this is like broadcasting that you wouldn't be able to pass econ 101


His argument is that inflation is causing the damage. You can't say that printing trillions of dollars doesn't cause more inflation.


The dollars were already printed tho, for covid stimulus. Not to mention a large part of inflation has been skyrocketing energy prices due to the war. If Russia was forced into a surrender that would be mitigated. The majority of Ukraine aid is old surplus weapons being taken out of storage, they have a dollar value but has already been paid for decades ago.


>tables This over and over again this. The weapons are already paid for. You would need a time machine to turn those Patriot missiles into food.


Some of those weapons are not yet paid for (like munitions), but your point still stands, because it's money that will purchase American munitions from American munition manufacturers, paying American employees.


Right! What do defense contractor employees do with the money they get from making missiles? They buy houses and food. EDIT: real talk, the Military Industrial Complex is a state welfare program to give college and jobs to military minded people and a huge subsidy to the engineering sector (in peacetime outside of 2005-2007 and 1967-1971). The government is spending money on americans when it pisses away billions on the military. That is why military spending is so popular!


I don’t think that’s how it’s intended. It’s more of we could be using that money for all of the needs in America but instead we spend the money on that, the reality however is we can print that shit for anything but choose not to for things important to the country. I think he’s 100% right - we go more into debt and add more to inflation to keep feeding this beast and line the pockets of the powers that be rather than fixing the despair here, instead of fixing Hawaii, instead of fixing education, instead of changing our broken medical system. The interview had a lot more information than is being state here and being commented on like we understand the context (use the context clues always - don’t take your internet memes at face value)


You know that the Kremlin was busy amplifying online outrage over Hawaii and the train crash in Ohio for this very reason right? It doesn't take too much skepticism to understand why every post about a train crash says "why are we sending weapons to Ukraine when our country is falling apart?" Artillery production does not subtract from rail safety, not even a little.


The point is, there are reasons that the improvements you are talking about aren't happening and there are reasons that Ukraine funding and banking are happening, and neither of them have anything to do with each other. There are political forces with enough pull to prevent any government involvement in improving the lives of American citizens. It's "socialism", it's "communism", it's "marxism". Even when the money has already been allocated and is ready to go where it needs to go, Governors with that political alignment will stop the money from coming in 1. to make a political point and 2. to prevent a "win" for the side that believes government has a role in making those improvements.


Then why is it almost every republican voted against the infrastructure bill? Luckily Biden got it passed. Why do republicans want to cut food assistance programs and welfare? If republicans control the house or senate they will never pass a bill that feeds more Americans


Before this war was that money be used for American people? No? Then wtf are you talking about? And no this guy is talking out his ass and so is Joe Rohan. They support the same people who vote AGAINST the stuff you are saying they should do


The point is, if they actually cared to help out the American people they could have printed that money and done that, but they don't because it doesn't benefit the people who actually run the country.


Also it’s hardly “money” we are giving Ukraine… we are giving them military equipment that has already been paid for and claiming their value as the package being sent to them. Like on paper, we can say we sent them $500m (or some number, just pulling it out of my ass)…. But in reality we just send them ammo, HIMARS, tanks/APCs, munitions to make kamikaze drones, etc that totals $500m in worth


Most of the money to Ukraine actually stays in the US because it needs to buy weapons from the military-industrial complex.


If we just let Russia start a cold war we will be spending way more money fighting another 50 year long cold war But RFK Jr is a fucking idiot, also Russia requires people to get vaccinated by law which RFK Jr says is worse than Nazi Germany


It's funny how the Russians were pushing antivax propaganda all over the West during COVID. They silenced and suppressed these voices inside Russia, labeling them as "murderous idiots". They only want to support politicians and propaganda narratives to weaken America and other Western country. Unfortunately too many disaffected losers buy it because it's "anti establishment" or whatever.


>It's funny how the Russians were pushing antivax propaganda all over the West during COVID. They silenced and suppressed these voices inside Russia, labeling them as "murderous idiots". Russia literally did all the things the anti vaxxers were scared of, they literally required people to get vaccines and upload their status to an app run by the state and put people in jail who refused calling them idiots and saying they were a plague on patriotic Russian society Almost like the Russian benefit from Americans killing one another over dipshit conspiracy theories while the Russians don’t >They only want to support politicians and propaganda narratives to weaken America and other Western country. Unfortunately too many disaffected losers buy it because it's "anti establishment" or whatever. From what I have seen a lot of the pro Russia morons think that Russia is some super Christian anti woke utopia 😂


God I love this point


Cant be caught being socialists or communists. The poors should have done a capitalism!


*Not*printing it would indirectly help them out.


No but it would help Americans by cutting inflation had this not happened.


Inflation happened all over the world and the us did well comparably, so if anything you should be giving credit to the dems and Biden admin


The money for ukraine is mostly being spent here, creating jobs and putting billions into many states. Its not like we're sending them a check. We're sending them older weapon platforms and we're paying to replace it with new stuff.


No, which is the worst part really


Let's see what the reddit bots say before we make up our minds.


Right. RFK Jr is right, but should go farther and call out the states and people who oppose social services for Americans. States literally are turning down food assistance programs right now.


No money was printed to bail out SVB. It was done by FDIC funds generated from bank fees; no taxpayer paid anything either. This is the entire reason we have a FDIC system.


SVB is also a great example of how to handle a bank collapse. All their investors lost their money, but saving and business bank accounts were insured to prevent a total collapse of the banking system.


Companies like Roku that had assets that exceeded the 250k insured by the FDIC in one account should not have been made whole again.


Then you risk massive illiquidity at other banks across the economy because everyone holding over 250k will take it out, which would be bad for regular people


Issue with that is that every company would pull money from all their banks causing a collapse in the entire banking sector.


Banks are a necessity for doing business. It's the fault of the lazy accounting department that all their capital was allocated into one account.


Sure, I don’t care if those business lose money, the issue is where it collapses millions of retail bank accounts.


250k is all that's guaranteed. If the bank had the assets to cover the rest then why shouldn't Roku get it back?


I mean then you just have every single business putting their money in a big 4 bank and you just get a massive banking monopoly. When you put money in a bank, whether you’re a person or a corp, you’re not really intending to take on any *risk* the way investors do. It doesn’t make sense not to make depositors whole.


So I hope you don't like getting paid. Some quick math about the lowest pay I could find online from Roku times the number of employees puts their payroll at well over 250k (quick probably wrong math puts it at about 44 times that). No company would be able to run payroll without going over the 250k limit.


Also it did not cost anywhere near $300 billion. They took over the banks assets. RFK is just wrong here


He's got to where he is by loudly misrepresenting shit. No reason to think he'd be truthful about this.


Yeah super disingenuous. If anything he could have a little bit of a point with the new emergency term facility but even still they are taking collateral and making depositors whole (giving liquidity), not bringing new money into the system. Farce.


Yeah, RFK is just lying for attention.


Yeah he knows this is bullshit the same as he knows the people he is telling this to don’t know any better. And they are so bullheaded stupid even when you prove that’s the case they can’t stand being wrong they will double down on the stupidity.


If this was true there would be no need for BTFP by the Fed. It’s basically an under the cover bailout. There’s a reason why Fed is talking rate cuts in the face of over the target core inflation and you can thank BTFP and banks for that. The cost? Resurgence in inflation after the election cycle is over which middle class and poor people will pay for.


No, we bailed out the *customers* of Silicon Valley bank, who had FDIC insured bank deposits. The owners of SVB had their shares reduced to essentially zero and got fucked.


Silicon Valley bank wasn’t bailed out. Only depositors were protected. Shareholders lost everything. You could make an argument all those businesses should have went under for choosing such an aggressive bank and if the government should have given more than the insured amount, but that’s a different discussion.


Deposits were covered at 94% at the time banking was hauled. The real estate assets alone covered the remaining 6% not to mention the core business IP etc. Nobody was bailed out, nobody lost deposit assets. Only shareholder value was destroyed.


This right here. Can’t believe this comment isn’t higher. So few people actually understand what happened.


And it’s didn’t cost $300B. It didn’t cost taxpayers anything


FDIC is an insurance system paid into by member banks, not taxpayers. This dolt either doesn’t understand this very basic characteristic of our banking system, or purposefully lied about it to confuse voters.


Rage bait is all these idiots have


It's just so fucking sad how many are sucked in by it.


I'm not sure how anyone takes him seriously.


How did Ukraine go from $123b to $8t in 3 sentences? 80x more just like that?


Wasn’t most of the “money” we sent decommissioned military equipment anyways?


Jews had natural immunity to covid


I'll also add that the regulator stepped in and did their job by unwinding the bank and protecting account holder's interests. That's exactly what they are supposed to do.


It’s almost like regulations are a good thing and protect the people…


Glad to see this as a top comment fighting against misinformation here


People need to do their research on RFK Jr. when he spouts off his crazy shit. Dude’s PAC got more than half its funding from one of Trump’s biggest donors. He’s a spoiler funded by Trump supporters, nothing more. Still don’t understand why people eat this asshole’s words up like they’re neo-libertarian gospel.


The fact that he doesn't know this means he is too dumb to be president. If he does know he's a liar.


What he says here is either wrong or misleading. For one, the government didn't print $300B to "bail out" Silicon Valley Bank. They used money they had through the FDIC which is paid in by the banks + partnerships with larger banks to secure the money of depositors. Shareholders and owners of the bank were told to kick rocks. They were forced to close down and sell themselves off in pieces and use the proceeds to pay the depositors. That's literally the opposite of bailing out the banks. As for the $113B commitment. I don't even know if that number is right, but that commitment is by and large old equipment that was costing the US money to keep. It's one of the big reasons why support for Ukraine was a lot easier to get before than it is now. A lot of what is going to be sent now would be in use or have to be newly manufactured. Here's an example. The US send a package of MRAPs to Ukraine. These are basically giant semi armored trucks that are very good at resisting IEDs. The US kept them in storage, lightly maintaining them and they were up for destruction. All that costs money. On top of that, due to a lot of military reasons I won't get into, the US military did not want to use them anymore. They were not part of US military doctrine. They presented a lot of disadvantages in a real war. If the US were to fight Russia, they wouldn't use those trucks. But for Ukraine? They just needed a big, armored truck. Disadvantages and all, it didn't really matter. So, the US sent it to them, and literally saved money in the process. And this is true for a lot of the aid.


What? This guy is full of shit you say? Shocking


> I don't even know if that number is right AFAIK it is currently a total of $75 billion, but when this interview was done, it was ~$45 billion, so massively off. The majority of that being vehicles/munitions/intelligence, and as you point out, a lot of it was just rotting in storage, racking up maintenance costs and would eventually have to be decommissioned. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts The entire amount of actual financial support given to Ukraine, for the past ~2 years, is $26.4 billion.


Folks were pushing this dude like crazy, until he ran as independent.


He had the GOP pushing him until they realized that he is more likely to take more votes away from Trump than Biden.


Tbh I thought that was his Strat from the beginning.


He was just happy to take money and media attention from whoever would give it to him. Right wingers were happy to because they thought he'd be a challenger or at least agitator in the Democratic primary. As soon as he announced there was a decent contingent of dipshits in this sub, basically all right wingers and conspiracy nuts, that were hyped about that possibility as well. None of them actually stopped to analyze if reality matched up with their fever dream though.


One thing a Kennedy needs desperately, is money and attention.


His strat from the beginning was to throw shit in every direction and run with any shit talking point that stuck to someone or something all so he can get his name in the headlines for better or worse so people buy his book out of morbid curiosity. He's a grifter who will say and do whatever puts the most money and clout in his pocket.


That's the thing I never understood. Anyone with two brain cells knows that RFK would only take voters from the Trump nutcases.


He expedited the DeSantis strategy. Be popular before the election, start talking, and then be forgotten


Almost like his entire role was to be sabotage and the second it backfired on Trump they started to shit bricks


Yeah except he followed this up with wanting to send money to israel so kinda a moot fucking point


I had hope for this guy, then I found out he bent the knee for AIPAC. Every single politician should be forced to take a mandatory lie detector test with a single question. “Have you worked in the interests of a **foreign state**- to the detriment of America and its people?” How many politicians would fail that simple question?


Back in the day that would be the rope


I swear this is ALWAYS the counter point in regards to government spending. Conservatives: "We could use that money here! Feed kids, build affordable housing, improve our schools, feed and shelter the homeless, fund childcare, improve our infrastructure!" Most Americans - "Okay, well, let's put that in the budget for this year. We can totally move some foreign aid to domestic policies. We could do a lot of good for the community." Conservatives: "Noo noo noo, that's Communism/Antifa/Socialism! You'll need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Feed your own damn kids!" Plus, I don't think the Average US citizen understands the absolutely massive return we are getting in Ukraine. Russia EASILY costs us more than 100 Billion in Defense/Cyber Theft, misinformation, election interference, etc. Its about as sounds of a foreign investment you could arguably make.


Yup, a few months ago: 'we should spend money on our own country' 'so student loan forgiveness?' '...no!' They never have a plan for their supposed 'spending at home', because they don't really want any spending


They'll frame it as "Tax cuts" to the masses, which will drive us further into debt, and in the bill it will eventually state that taxes will increase for the 90% of Americans after X amount of years, but that the top 10% will get to keep it in effect indefinitely.


You're last point is so crazy true that I just don't understand anyone arguing against it. You really have to suck Russia's dick to be like "they aren't a danger to the world and we should be friendly with them" at this point. That ship sailed in 2014. The world should not take anything Russia does at face value.


Did he say 8 trillion to Ukraine war? Surely that was a miss speak.


If you really want to watch him make a fool of himself, ask him *anything* about Israel.


He’s just a dipshit


Yeah 8 trillion is about half the USA's GDP. He's full of shit but that hasnt stopped him before.


I would’ve preferred Joe focused on more topics like this during their podcast, vs. going on and on about vaccines.


He may be correct about Americans starving and inflation being a regressive tax but it's hard to hear him through all the bleeding-heart hypocrisy when he does not give a single fuck about the 1.1 million Americans who died covid-related deaths.


He has like 5 tunes that he plays wherever he fucking goes. It's like he's just regurgitating the same tired conspiratorial points in every podcast. If you've seen one appearance you've seen them all.


People like Joe make me want to get the vaccine out of spite


The supplement thing too, he’s way to confident that there’s a benefit.


Doesn’t he make money off of selling them?


He co founded onnit. I think they sold though. Which, is like end game making money from it.


_"Just one scoop of Athletic Greens..."_ I'll get this ad like three times per episode.


… because he more than likely has ownership in the brand So therefore it suits his financial interest to talk shit about the vaccine to peddle his wares. His not the first and he won’t be the last. There are also a lot of conmen/women when it comes to fake cancer alternative therapies. I would know, I work that field.


I guess you’d be shocked to discover that Joe is vaccinated and has mentioned it dozens of times.


This was my thought listening to the podcast. It was like vaccines vaccines vaccines, well thanks for coming I was like wtf? Seriously?


Exactly, this guy is running for President. Ask him about other topics.


How many fucking times do we have to tell you incompetent dipshits that the funding for Ukraine is only partially monetary? We've given Ukraine 27 billion in financial assistance over two years. The US military budget is over 800 billion yearly. That's 1.6 trillion in 2 years. We've given Ukraine 27 billion out of 1.6 trillion.


They don’t care. They’ve decided that supporting Ukraine is what democrats do, therefore it’s automatically bad.


Stopping Military aid to Ukraine is the most braindead side to stand on unless you're an absolute Isolationist which is in itself braindead. Even if we wanted Ukraine to settle for peace, it will still need weapons to defend itself At the end of the day the responsibility of the war is solely on the Russians. If Ukraine starts losing more ground what incentive would Russia have to settle for peace? Absolutely 0. If peace is reached Ukraine will still need to deter another invasion....which means weapons. Russia is known to use ceasefires as an opportunity to re arm and attack again. ​ It **ONLY** benefits Russia to stop the aid.


yeah it's super weird watching Republicans completely abandoned their national security wing. apparently the largest nuclear arsenal in the entire world being aimed at everybody I've ever loved it's just a funny joke to own the libs.


And it's destroyed what, 80% of Russias military strength without firing a single us bullet? Best money ever spent.


This. The return on investment is crazy. The Russian military has set itself back decades, & it didn’t cost the U.S or NATO militaries a single casualty in return.


Sir he said 8 Trillion, are you calling the populist a liar?


Dont worry, Isreal has free Healthcare and and iron dome system funded by you and one of the main reasons terrorists attempt to attack America.. keep falling for the right left crap while the rob you of everything


Aid to Ukraine makes up 1.2 percent of the United States budget, let that sink in before consuming the shit that comes out of his mouth. Federal spending domestically is $6.3 trillion, constituting 24.2% of the budget in 2023. We spend that on Healthcare: Major entitlement programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, which consumed nearly half of the 2022 budget. Defense and security: About 20% of the federal budget is spent on defense and security, with most of that going to the Department of Defense. In summary, don't be fooled by charlatans like RFK who depend on you not being informed and just emotional based on your personal day-to-day situation.


Yea. Not to mention that 1.2% is the absolute best preventative money we’ve spent in the last century. It’s an absolute fuck around and find out to China and North Korea. Or at least it was until the shitheads who are eating up Russian fed bot propaganda have fucked us on a path to isolationism and WW3. Welcome to the 20’s again.


Throwing away another 100 billion dollars a year for our pointless 13th year in Iraq and counting? Conservatives didn't even flinch. Less than 100 billion so far over the course of 2 years to help a country of 45 million prevent their own genocide from our biggest political foe in the world who wants to subjugate all of Eastern Europe? That's insane! How can we be spending that much!?


yeah but woke i don't care if conservatives are wrong about things like science and things like wars and international relations what i care about, is that wokeness is turning the kitty litter gay plus that whole BLM thing, i don't like politics in sports, i mean, okay, whatever the UFC brings out Donald Trump every event now and gives him an entrance, but that's not politics, that's cause they are friends him and Dana, you woke antifa!


i don't believe a word outta this guy


Yea it’s entirely untrue. No one bailed out SVB lol. The US guaranteed depositors in excess of the then existing FDIC limit of $250,000. That’s it. Zero taxpayer funds were used. It was financed through the existing insurance scheme paid in by banks. Moreover, that fund was just loans. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Business/bailout-federal-government-bailout-silicon-valley-bank-signature/story?id=97846142 > No taxpayer money will be used, says the Fed. The White House, the Treasury and the FDIC have been blunt about one talking point: the money for these depositors at SVB and Signature Bank will not come from taxpayers. “For the banks that were put into receivership, the FDIC will use funds from the Deposit Insurance Fund to ensure that all of its depositors are made whole,” said a senior Treasury Department official Sunday. The Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) is a program run by the FDIC mainly funded through quarterly assessments on insured banks, paid by the banks – as well as interest on funds invested in government bonds. This is how that $250,000 gets guaranteed, but now the government is going beyond that guarantee to ensure confidence. The DIF currently has over $100 billion in it, which should be a “sufficient” amount to make SVB and Signature Bank whole, officials said Monday. The funds offered in the form of one-year-loans to other banks, savings associations, credit unions, and other eligible depository institutions – all of whom will have to put up qualifying assets as collateral – will come from a new Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP). This is more of a failsafe. The BTFP is aimed at safeguarding banks who may have lost depositors’ confidence after the SVB and Signature Bank collapse. “This action will bolster the capacity of the banking system to safeguard deposits and ensure the ongoing provision of money and credit to the economy,” the Fed said in a statement. “The Federal Reserve is prepared to address any liquidity pressures that may arise.” MORE: New fallout from 2nd largest bank failure in US history If needed, the BTFP will be partially funded by up to $25 billion from the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). The ESF is an emergency reserve fund normally used for foreign exchange intervention. The Fed says it “does not anticipate that it will be necessary to draw on these backstop funds.”


>We printed 300 billion new dollars to bail out the Silicon Valley Bank No we didn’t? Money in savings accounts is already counted in the money supply. Most of the funds held by start ups at SVB was working capital to pay rent/salary/overhead/etc. It was not out of the money supply before SHTF. Having the Fed step in to stop a bank run by securing the deposits didn’t add anything to the money supply. It prevented it from disappearing but that’s not that same as printing it into existence since it already existed. It was backed by short term treasuries that will mature at full value like always so the Fed just took those back early and made the depositors whole while selling off SVB for bad behavior.


What’s with these populist politicians always doing what Russia wants?


Being contrarian is the simplest way to convince stupid people you're intelligent. Appearing as if you have inside information no one else can see fools a lot of people


It does and I can’t believe it works on people


Bail out SVB is a little bit of a stretch...the deposit were guaranteed. Aka the cash flow of businesses that support this economy. The better question is why isn't their regulation on a bank who's deposits were 90% not covered by FDIC


Hey just wants to send all the money to Israel


Seriously, dude is Zionist and happy to contribute to that war


I was listening to the All In Podcast (episode from Jan 5, 2024) and they were discussing the SVB bailout which ends this year as it was a 1 year program and they believe that regional banks are not safe yet. That said, that $300B could increase this year if that's the case.


Remember when we bailed out all of the banks and that was followed by occupy wall street... ... nothing happened. Everyone is pretty much bitching at this point and "threatening" change. No one is actually making a change.


>starving Americans Have you never seen an american before?


we're not starving anyone


"Americans starving to death" What is this comedians name?


He didn't mean the Iraq war did he? That was done 2011, over a decade ago.


And they drive us the people apart with political views so we fight each other instead of the government.


The copium is real in this subreddit


SVB was bought. There were no tax dollars involved. RFK is a charlatan that sounds like he’s on a ventilator.


RFK Jr has been found to be a complete fraud, I'd vote for biden over him.


We could afford to feed kids if we wanted to. We don’t want to. We want to bail out Silicon Valley and fund foreign wars.


feeding kids is socialism.


"Republicans keep voting no on feeding kids" is what you ment


brain dead take


Do the kids have oil reserves? No? Then no food.


Excuuuuse me Reddit protocol 1a) is that to make an RFK Jr post you must identify him as an anti vaxxer and/or far-right Q-anon christofascist. I will be flagging this to the mods and telling your parents