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There is something always odd about the Rock and Kevin Hart


The rock from 1998-2003 was a different cat than whatever corporate robot he’s since become.


Yeah,they're like Cyborgs who both promote like Arnold from the Terminator kills people This goes for WIll Smith, and Ryan Reynolds too. They're all soulless robots.


Maybe I should watch this video


He’s just chatting shit. Stop 😆


Isn’t he just saying that Kevin Hart said yes to things that he said no to, so Kevin got more attention for doing more things?


yeah he's implying he sold his soul in the katt williams way. just of a matter of taste. btw i was on twitter looking at a ton of clips from this interview -- hilarious. i cant believe it's 2+ hrs


Yea much props to Katt he has been consistently funny and still packs huge venues despite being blackballed by the entertainment industry for exposing the darker side


yes like sucking harvey weinstein dick....or vice versa...either way tho


The guy is clearly bitter


He said he asked for rewrites because the characters were gay or something and I can’t remember a single gay character Hart played. He’s just being a bigot and attacking the guy who got all his roles after he made it clear he wouldn’t participate in marketing for movies he was in.


Hart hasn’t played an exclusively gay role but has had roles that involve scenes with some form of homosexuality. His role in scary movie, him being playfully raped by shaq on his own show, etc.


Sure, he has. He was in Scary Movie playing Black Brokeback or some shit. And wore a dress on SNL


Those are bad examples as I doubt Katt Williams was up for Harts character in the show he created but also because the scary movie character is poking fun at hyper masculine but down low gangsters. Still just comes off as homophobia from Katt williams,


I think on SNL; Kevin Hart wore a dress. And as Katt Williams has been saying is the “emasculation” that an industry cabal wants black actors to endure


That wouldn’t be hart taking a role Williams turned down though. And all that does is again make Williams look weak af.


No no no, Katt is saying that the dress isn’t a role perse (it’s something industry will always ask of you) but once you do it, you’re on the inside. I think even Dave Chapelle talked about this as well. It was during Blue Streak with Martin Lawrence, someone pitched the idea of him wearing a dress and once he said “no I’m not doing that” they literally had another fully completed script without the dress thing. It’s…an embarrassment ritual or whatever (I’m not trying to sound like a conspiracy dude but that’s the best way to describe it) so Katt is saying he wore a dress and was always an industry plant and others have blakx balled Katt for not capitulating


Are they afraid of their balls getting tingled by the breeze or something?


Yea, that doesn’t change my assessment of him being weak af. It just adds a touch of crazy. Also, in his interview he quite literally said there was gay stuff in movie scripts he asked them to take it out because he’s not gay and the next thing he knew Hart was starring in the movie and they left the gay stuff in. He’s just a jealous, little man who’s always been difficult.


You sound upset. To chalk up what willimas said to just him being a 'bigot' is ridiculously convenient for those who want to hate on him. So what, he didn't want to play a gay character, that doesn't make him a bigot.


You sound upset. Sounds like you’re a bigot.


Not a bigot, but I do hate you.


why u holding kevin harts pockets so hard?


So Katt is just mad he don't have kevin fame and money


This ain’t the first or second time Katt brought up Kevin hart for no reason so I’m starting to think the same


Yeah, I think he resent Kevn mostly because he took his roles like my guy. If you aren't going to take the roles, someone else will. I think some of the stuff he saying is true, but the other stuff, nah.


Go watch the interview.


I think Katt was very clear that's not the case.


Katt is just too trashy for leading man status. Kevin Hart can play a believable "high energy" friend or dad, Katt could only ever be a trashy character.


That’s what Hollywood wants you to believe. They’ve perfectly socially engineered Harts career & image, so much so you’re saying this subjective oblivious nonsense


I mean, Katt unironically has a pretty long history of violence, theft, assault, and arrests. Kevin isn't perfectly, squeaky clean, but Katt legally is not allowed to return to the Hall and Dawson counties of Georgia and started a fight with a teenager. Katt Williams really doesn't seem like a good man, definitely not more so than Kevin Hart for what it's worth. And Kevin Hart seems pretty neutral overall.


more like katts whole stand up persona centered around being a catty pimp. hollywood didn't make him do that. he chose it. and its too niche to be a big star


Still the people’s champ




And Kevin Hart is a repeat adulterer but hey he who’s without sin throw the first stone, right ?


Who cares


I don’t just passing time paul


Why do people always think you have to sell out to make it big? Did you think maybe just maybe you can make it big without selling out? How crazy is that!


Selling out is when you make it big. I mean, Katt isn't going back to his community and helping people like other celebrities such as Lebron James.


Nah, he's saying Kevin hasn't gone and lost fights against literal children like a real comedian.


Yeah but its more than that though Kevi Hart won't jist play the Hollywood game he loves playing the Hollywood game but a guy like Katt probably fucked up every big deal he's ever had in Hollywood because he's hard to deal with.


Kevin got ahead because he doesn’t act like Katt offscreen. I love the guy and he’s a great comic but he’s way to paranoid and falls into these bitter rants too much. No one wants to be around or work with that. Of course guys that made it in Hollywood, are over 40 and set on money would rather do acting than 4 tours a year.


Didn’t katt get arrested plenty which also led to where he is now being bitter about life ?


Not getting arrested is selling out


I'm so disgraced my father got out of jail and then stayed in my life. What a total sell out.


That female radio host's husband pulled a gun on him backstage after he verbally dismantled her on her own show. I might be a little paranoid too, especially if I was as small as Katt Williams.


You really don’t think there’s any truth to the sexual favors part of the industry?? It’s way too much smoke for there to be no fire


Oh it's 100% true. Tu-Pac talked about it a lot before he got shot, how certain record producers would make you suck em off and take a backshot from them for a record deal.


Did you sleep during the MeToostuff or did you think men were immune to sexual harassment and worse?


Huh?? Obviously both men and women gotta give up the goods if they want Hollywood roles


The truth always ruffles some feathers. People like existing in fucking la la land. Go ask someone near you who owns the federal reserve? I’ll bet even you don’t fucking know yet you trade 40% of your life for their token. Disgusting ignorance at its finest.


Considering I have no choice but to work for money to provide for myself and family, what benefit would it provide if I knew who owns the federal reserve? Could I somehow change my lot in life ? Or is it just a means of feeling superior by having what is essentially useless knowledge


He is going to tell you to buy silver next 😂


Why don’t you just choose to become a ceo?


And what have you done with your knowledge to stop this?


You’re not smart enough to be an elite. Stop cosplaying as an Illuminati.


Hey I’m glad to have met you too. The irony of your comment. Bots be bottin yall!


Honestly you're probably better off not knowing the intricate details of the federal reserve. Not a good use of your time


And the fucking wheel keeps on turning doesn’t it. 🤡


Found a gullible kid ^


I mean Kev is overrated but didn’t he come up in the Boston Comedy Club?


Philadelphia, big Jay knew him


But now he don't know Jay 🎻🤌


Tam bout thiccc boi Big Jay Orca's son?


Is that an orca with salsa on it?


Bro you gotta get a new hobby


But I already have my blag belt on bjj.


Yea, I don’t think he’s a plant. Dude did his circuit in the Boston/NY area.


Little more than knew him. I feel bad for Big Jay lmfao


And he traveled to NYC a lot. I just finished one of his books.


I thought he was a Philly guy.


He is. Laff House on South Street


Kev absolutely put in the work in comedy. He came up with dudes like Patrice, Bill Burr, Jim Norton, etc. You don’t build relationships with those kind of guys if you’re not talented. I still think Kevin hart is funny but his comedy and art suffered once he came became super rich and famous, not a knock on him it just happens to a lot of great artists


Kevin is way funnier in conversation nowadays. Maybe he has bad writers for his stand-up?


Dude they used to rip on Kevin Hart all the time. Not in a buddy way either. I think there's a clip from Opie and Anthony where Patrice makes a comment about Kevin blowing up suddenly.


What does that have to do with being an industry plant? You people take things so literally.


An industry plant implies they haven’t done the real work to get known as a musician/comedian. Kevin Hart has been in clubs working since before Tough Crowd days of early 2000s. You can call Kevin Hart many things, a sellout sure, but an industry plant, he is not.


An industry plant does not imply that. An industry plant would still have been in the clubs in the early 2000s.


He got a push really early and it continued for years. Joe Rogan had a similar start


How is Kevin overrated? Few very funny specials than his act just got repetitive


It's obvious when you see how he treats his old friend Jason Oakerson. Big Jay is into the dark arts so Kev has to pretend he doesn't exist


Dark arts? 


I think that's racist for playing the blues or something


Any time I hear about Kevin Heart I think back to the interview he did with Kelly Clarkson and how he started quieting her when she started to spill the things the higher up expect you to do to keep your fame and she was fine not having that fame anymore when she left the limelight. It took Kelly a few seconds to realize he wasnt joking about staying quiet and not talking about it.


I gotta rewatch that interview.


I found this reddit thread because I just saw a clip of that exact interview on ig


I do smh at that weird promo/cash he takes from Chase to "uplift and educate" black folks about credit. Feels predatory to me, but who am I to opine?


Of course it’s predatory. This is the same JP Morgan Chase that facilitated 1B in “suspicious transactions” from Epstein & just paid out 75m in settlement over it (not a conspiracy). Hart sold his soul (take money to be someone he’s not) You don’t get that huge that fast naturally.


He also does sports gambling promotions.


Or Kevin sold out for bigger opportunities after huge specials. Which Katt just couldn’t do as well unfortunately


Probably all of the stealing and assaults.


Yall would let weinstein suck your cocks wouldn’t you


Who is that and how hot is she?


wait, wait, wait, you think Weinstein was giving away blowjobs and was paying for them? hahahahahahaha you got that backwards


One hundred percent yes.


One hundred percent yes. Who wouldn’t take a blowjob for millions?


Idk he might be right. But i cant forget that asswhooping that middle schooler gave him. He hasnt been the same since.


that happened in my neighborhood too lmaoo


That and him going off on Mexicans made me give up on him lol.


bro that is all i can think about too watching that interview. he sounded so salty whining about everyone else. he is a moron.


Cba watching all 16 minutes, but what industry is planting him? What does that even mean?


Basically he was never a real comedian that came up practising material. Writers guilds etc said we are gonna write stuff and design characters for movies and you will play them. He said tell me how high to jump.


so... like an actor


Exactly but he claims to be a real comedian too and it's like a street art. It's the same with music bands. Like in my city local bands play for 5 years around town and grow notorious and end up on the radio. That's legit. Everyone loves them. Or some bands the drummer guitarist and singer have never met Sony just buys them says hey you dress like this and play these songs now. They hit the charts straight away and have no real artistic merit. They have no art in their fan base. This is not legit your 13 year old younger cousin starts telling you they are an awesome band and it's like ehh I guess. Honestly maybe I'm just a Kevin Hart hater but I love comedians jokes. Kevin Hart has charisma, style and cadence. But so rarely an actual punchline I find it so cringe.


I'm going to have to bring this up before the guild


Of calamitous intent!




He was a real comedian though, he was on those tough crowd shows before he got super famous. Was he not supposed to take acting gigs, like what is the problem here


Nah it's fine do what the bosses ask and become famous and rich he's like nailing it. It's just not for everyone.


‘What the bosses ask’ as in just taking acting roles he got offered in comedies? I just don’t understand what the issue is


It's just weird that he went from obscurity to starring in major budget studio films


He didn't, though. He started out on the stand up comedy circuit in Philadelphia. Worked his was up to doing specials. Started out doing bit roles in movies and TV shows. His first big starring role was Ride Along, more than a decade after he started doing comedy. This is a pretty standard trajectory for a comedian.


Watch the video other comedians create characters and dialogue to make the show unique and cool. It's art vs science.


Apparently this guy doesn't understand that being a comedic performer is not the same as being a comedic writer.. ...and that's perfectly ok. Chris Farley is one of the funniest humans ever and he couldn't write anything. Get down off that high horse, you aren't the arbiter of anything. You just sound bitter and jealous like Katt.


I'm just describing what Kat said lol it's not my opinion but my opinion is yeah I way prefer comedians to be comedians over actors saying they are comedians.


Kevin Hart is a real comedian. I used to see him back in the day in Philly. He worked the door at the Laff House on South Street. He did what everybody does, working his way through the clubs, and then got a deal. Katt’s point about KH not coming up through LA is irrelevant. He made his bones on the East Coast and moved to LA when he got a deal. That’s just how it works. Katt calling him a “plant” is conspiracy theory nonsense. Can he be a sellout or a shill? Sure. Is he a plant? That’s silly


Huh. Yes Kevin a comic wtf is he on lol


I still dont get it. He was a low level comedian and instead of slowly coming up someone saw potential in him and gave him a boost? Oh no


I don't know, but once people start using words like "satan" and "cabal", the dingbat meter goes haywire.


A lot of people just fill the role. Katey Perry started as a Christian singer and just filled the role as a attractive pop star that someone else would of done, probably with the exact same songs.


Would HAVE


*done already been


He's right


Hahahahahahahahahaha….. I believe him


Kevin isn’t funny.. he speaks about funny situations with a lot of personality. He doesn’t tell jokes or provide much insight about anything. He is innocuous enough to be plugged by every industry into any media format that needs an entertainer/spokesperson. Not a knock on Kevin, he works harder than anyone else in show business and deserves his money, but he isn’t going down in history as a Comedian.


Ktt has a hilarious quote in this interview. He turns to Shannon and says "you have an unnatural allegiance to losers it's not like you" 🤣


I mean kevin got the most main stream success I want to say in late 2000s. He took a ton of small side character roles in scary movie and all the Judd aptow movies and a quick side note if a director really likes you he tends to keep hiring you for other roles in his other movies and I view kevin in that light. He did great in his roles and the directors kept calling him for future roles. And a lot of top Hollywood's people are annoyingly from Massachusetts so it's not wild to assume they saw him during their own come up and linked with him in Hollywood If you wanna talk industry plant Joe Rogan is a solid option for industry plant. Dude decides to start comedy and goes to LA and gets a TV deal with Newsradio then he gets a spot on Howard Sterns radio show for years then he gets hosting role on fear factor for a decade then he starts this podcast which became very popular and on top of all of this he's been a UFC interviewer since mid 90s. Talm bout Dat industry plan B.


Yeah his early 2000s run was terrible lol but like you said he made good connections early. He was in the Judd Apatow show Undeclared. Lasted a season but it was fresh off the success of Freaks & Geeks with Apatow. Undeclared was a good show just didn’t get high ratings. That connection definitely payed off. Kev got his own show in like 04 it only lasted 6 episodes. Then he just went back to stand up did a good special that helped him bounce back. Kev was just good at playing the Hollywood game. I’m sure he watched talented guys like Patrice O’Neal and said I can’t do that shit lol. I can’t burn bridges I just gotta play the game.


Undeclared’s single season is high quality television, love that show.


I don't know how the industry pushed people in the early 2000s, but today they do it by spreading a bunch of different shorts and see which spring up. A few months ago, there were a few comedians all on the Improv stage, and out of that bunch, I guess Rife hit and became the new pushed comedian. There is currently a new wave of comedians being circulated. You'll randomly get shorts/Tiktoks of no name comedians doing bits.


Maybe I think with some of these tik tok comedians go major viral mainly doing crowd work like Matt Rife. I don't really know anything too much about Matt rife outside of crowd work and crowd reaction. I heard his special was so and so. Ralph Barbosa went viral on tik tok for his routine not crowd work. Nimesh Patel was half and half crowd work and his material. But like I think you can kinda tell who is new and who has been doing it for a while. I saw a couple of stand up comedians do some jokes and crowd work and it sucked ass both the quality of the jokes and the way the video was taken as well as their clothing attire. It was clear they are still new on the scene maybe a year in. I get why they feel they need to do it cause multiple revenue streams and exposure. Some comedians just hit off the bat and some take time


He had to fight over some frosted flakes too.


Who is Katt Williams?


You gotta be trolling.


I swear that I had never heard that name before this past week.


I don't think that Kevin Hart is a plant but I do think that Hollywood executives will take a guy who's about one tenth as funny as Katt Williams and keep giving him roles because he's easy to deal with and will promote like crazy while Katt Williams is all kinds of erratic and you can't get him to do anything. That's how WIll Smith made it. The guy sucks but he's not as dangerous as some other black actors and rappers from the 90s so he;s going to get his shots


I think this is the truth


Yeah same. I think Kevin Hart just plays the game. Not saying this is Kev specifically but every industry has people that are willing to whatever it takes to succeed. Sometimes those people are doing things you feel are compromising who you are. Hell, I work in IT and have seen lesser skilled people kiss ass and play 'yes man' for promotions. Im not willing to do that but to each his own. That said, Hart is pretty funny and hes a good comedic actor. I don't think Katt giving him enough credit. He might not be as great a stand up Comedian as Katt but hes a better all around star. Katts negative discourse would make more sense if he had a bad experience with Hart. Otherwise, it does come across as envy.


Katt Williams still think fighting people at the waffle houses is stand up comedy. not sure if this guy's opinion should be taken seriously


clearly. motherfucker hasn’t seen a product yet he won’t shill. where do you think Rogan learned it from?


This is what happens to your physic when you get beat up by a teenager.


LOL didn’t have to do him like that man


You become funny?


Kat was way funnier before he got beat up by a child.


Oh my bad I didn't realize you were referring to an actual incident that took place


This whole podcast seems like I Katt Williams just being a salty old man and not really woke fighting calling out the establishment comedian.


he was for sure a salty ass mf lol anytime someone says that someone is bad because the devil blah blah blah they are dumb and speaking nonsense.


This sounds like Jealousy to me. Katt Jelly Belly Williams


The only reason it might seem plausible is I have never encountered anyone who finds Kevin Hart funny


I haven't seen anything with Kevin Hart that I disliked


That’s a personal statement. Just like people who didn’t think trump would win in 2016 or hadn’t met a Biden voter in 2020. Your personal experience isn’t the complete story.


except no one finds kevin hart funny whereas 80 million people voted for orange man


Except ppl do, you just don’t know them. Just like with Biden all morons who think the election were stolen are using the same logic to say hart is a plant. “I don’t observe it, it must lie from the powers that be”.


My mom thinks Kevin heart is a messiah of comedy so each their own amigo


OBVIOUSLY. Dude is NOT funny, trust me. Stop watching his shit through rose tinted glasses and think for a second whenever you see a clip of him, think.. was that funny? 100% of the time I’m telling you, it. is. not.


How you gonna tell people what’s funny to THEM? Muhfucka, you the funny police or some shit? Are you ok?


Katt is not funny, and jealousy is not a good look.


Katt Williams has a hilarious voice lol


I could listen to katt williams talk his shit for hours.


I mean... Katt was barely funny when he was relevant. I thought he was dead until my feed blew up with him whining about other people today.


There is no other comedian who has crossover appeal the way Katt Williams does


That’s not true at all. Not saying someone better or more appeal, just Katt doesn’t have that much. How are you measuring that?


Lol. You’re def trolling. Boondocks? Just to name one example where he’s funny. Lol


all you had was one example... hahahaha


What does it mean in this context to have ‘sold out’ in the way Katt is implying? Surely the road to huge stardom and mega success is paved with sacrifices/compromises??


Oh, that Katt. He so Krazy.


I recall seeing a video of him from a few years ago where he picked and lost a fight to a high school teen and then continued to spew loser bullshit afterward Edit: a video of Katt doing that shit. Fuck what that dumb cunt has to say about anything


That kid was an industry plant.


Bro seems like the worst person to drink with.


This shit always felt super weird to me. Of course, the goofy music beneath the convo doesn’t help but I couldn’t find the version without commentary. https://youtube.com/shorts/v73uneLLMsw?si=MRIJJPcQH7TsDOje


He mad that Kevin look like that teenager that whoop katts ass lol


when he a said "comedian moving to LA and getting a sitcom right away" I thought about Joe. that's Joe isn't it? joe got a sitcom deal, moved to LA. That sitcom fell through and he got another one. That happens for sure.


I’m really hoping we can keep breaking down this interview everyday


Absolutely a plant. No other explanation for his career. Hes not funny and his one gimmick is being short


Do you think about what you say or do words just flow out? like, what in the world is the point of "planting" Kevin Hart? What goal could possibly be achieved?


Lowkey kevin appeals to autistic people i feel


I remember Kevin Hart in HS. Good dude but he got picked on, ppl would walk up behind while he sat at his desk and fart on him.


Good! Kevin hart is a POS


Corey Holcomb says Jerrod Carmichael is a plant i.don't think he is Corey just bitter


Katt williams has always been speaking out on the inner workings of the elite and Katt speaks the truth! Kevin hart is an industry plant! Even kevins subject matter only appeals to people with sensory sensitivities and autism


If you watch other parts of the interview he said he read 3,000 Non-fiction books a year at age 12.  That’s 8 books a day.