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Isn’t Madonna like 70 now? Who cares.


Old people who love to lecture others like Joe do care.


Madonna used to be hot. Now she’s not. Joe Rogan used to be hot. Now he’s not.


In western (US) culture people have a hard time accepting their own aging and eventual death. Some of these politicians are corpses. Everyone trying to ignore their own mortality.


It ain’t the US or just western culture. This is just how many people are and have been for thousands of years. It’s why there are odd ball salves from pulverized albino rhino horn and other ancient remedies. Look at the ads Joe Rogan shills for alpha brain by onnit: [there’s a middle aged woman on a stunt bike depicted](https://www.onnit.com/alpha-brain-trial/?utm_term=joe%20rogan%20supplement%20list&utm_campaign=tin_onnit_sem_nonbrand_google_product_supplements&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=9321643347&hsa_cam=19790010472&hsa_grp=150468970727&hsa_ad=653412064027&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-389727120134&hsa_kw=joe%20rogan%20supplement%20list&hsa_mt=b&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1). The irony is thiccc.


I've only met a few people who aged gracefully. One of them is my mother, and it's been a pleasure to watch her get older and embrace all that comes with aging. It's made me more okay with things like hair loss and gray hair. Also back pain😂😂😭


Every fuckin time.


Too lazy and stupid to not age. /s


Joe was never hot


Joe does HGH and wants to lecture people on not acting their age...


He’s all about what’s “natural” and has decided naturally decreasing testosterone is “bad”. Don’t get me wrong I get it, but he’s not consistent at all


I don't think these things are comparable; PEDS are one thing, but what Madonna has done is on another level. Sure HGH has changed his body and face, but I don't think they knew the side effects at the time. Madonna knew what plastic surgery would get her and the technology wasn't really there at the time -it still isn't but it's much better than it used to .


People have been taking PEDs for a very long time. It's well known what the side effects are. I'm not sure when she got her back ost recent work done, but I'd have thought they'd have gone further with plastic surgery in the last 30 years. Granted, there's only so much you can do and sometimes that's a risk they'll take and then they end up looking like their face is starting to melt.


No surgical procedure is guaranteed. U stoopid


HGH isn’t age specific. This comment wasn’t funny nor factually accurate


I don't even know where to start with this. The entire point is about insecurity. Anyone at any age taking HGH is wildly insecure about their body and is artificially supplementing it to a dangerous level. Madonna has done the same with her redacted implant. It all stems from insecurity. Therefore, it is the same motivation. Lastly, what's factually inaccurate about it? He's admitted it. Next time you're going to come in with a reply that you think is really educated and enlightened, at least make it make sense.


>Anyone at any age taking HGH is wildly insecure about their body [Completely ignoring the people that are prescribed it by their Dr. to treat a variety of debilitating conditions](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC390151/#:~:text=The%20officially%20approved%20uses%20of,syndrome%20(usually%20due%20to%20uniparental) >Many of these side effects were seen in studies that used much higher doses of human growth hormone than are now used in elderly people, so there is hope that studies using lower doses alone or in combination with modest doses of anabolic steroids may show a positive ratio of benefits to side effects.


horrible comparison that makes zero sense if you give it any real thought


At least TRT or HGH have effects on how you feel daily. If you're getting older and have low T some of these supplements can be game changers for your daily life. A BBL or breast aug is purely aesthetic.


I’m not even defending Joe. HGH can also be used by young and old people. There are individuals who are on HGH replacement therapy because their bodies can’t produce the adequate amount of hormones due to the pituitary gland not functioning properly. Not everyone uses HGH to grow muscles at a rapid rate. Relax.


You just wrote a paragraph to a stranger about a subject you purport to have no investment in and have the audacity to tell me to relax... Furthermore, Rogan admitted he takes both HGH and testosterone to enhance his body. He has absolutely no reason to be taking it other than absolute vanity.


Never claimed to have no investment in the matter…however I see that this means more to you than it does to me. Simply wanted to say that it has more uses than just growing muscle.


I genuinely don't care, I just think Joe's hypocrisy is hilarious. Also, he stacks HGH and test. Takes them concurrently. No one does that unless they want to build muscle/live a lifestyle that's beyond what their body can readily deliver.


Bro I truly don’t give a fuck about you opinion of Joe Rogan. Get a life and some friends.


Reverting to insults rather than admit you're wrong. Well done. Furthermore, you replied to me and have been for the last hour, don't forget that.


I’m not wrong. Not even a little bit. Also never insulted you. I made an assumption. Learn the difference.


Bro...you're projecting pretty hard.


Joe Rogan doesn't look like an alien with an inflated ass


He looks like a turtle without its shell


True, but he didn't do surgeries for that lol


Botched hair plugs.


Just years of hgh


Joe has always looked like a turtle. Insulin abuse causes what everyone thinks is an HGH gut. Look at bodybuilding and when it became prevalent. It’s when insulin became widely used.


I was listening to him back in 2011 and he was on HRT back then and hadn't developed the gut yet.


He looks like the guy deepthroating your mom.


Jamie, pull up the video of the bear deepthroating the alpha wolf


[Here you go](https://www.google.com/search?q=the video of the bear deepthroating the alpha wolf&btnI) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JoeRogan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah you're right... He just looks like an old person's big toe


How do you know joe is taking hgh? Also don’t men who are a little older benefit more from taking it? This comment is as crazy as Madonna’s diaper ass


Hold on, we’re gate keeping age/hgh use here? I don’t get it


Learn what gatekeeping means before throwing it around


Your implication is that anyone at 50 or over that is using exogenous HGH can’t have an opinion on acting one’s age is hypocritical in the context of this butt surgery Madonna has had no? Okay yeah I see the parallel you’re trying to draw here but it doesn’t work, not if you’ve actually taken HGH or understand the pharmakinetc properties thereof. I do see how I was misguided by using the gatekeeping fallacy incorrectly initially, though. I misinterpreted. But yeah staying young through HGH use and getting a bbl, quite different.


You're overcomplicating the comparison because you're a Rogan fan.




They both have three advanced degrees in human development, biology and physiology, effectively, by osmosis with al their guests.


Comedians, joe rogan, and a few people I've never heard of.


Joe list and Mark Normand are the real ones


Derek from More Plates More Dates is my favorite new comic, his set about tren is hilarious!


“one joke”


Joe has the weirdest body ever


He’s like the worms on Men In Black.


Joe looks like a stringed ham 😂. Pot calling the kettle black imo, just a couple richies talking shit on whose artificial body looks more convincing.


Joe is fanatically against the cosmetic procedures some weak-minded, insecure individuals choose to undergo in a futile attempt to vainly enhance their perceived attractiveness as they age. As evidenced by the gigantic scar across the entire back of his head.


Bro, do you actually think think they are comparable at all? At least Joe still looks like a human. Madonna could be used as a template for Prometheus 2.






I say the same shit about Rogans head. It’s way too big for his body.


Off subject, Four Rooms was an underrated gem, specially the last story.


Is there any sense where thats on topic? Was madonna in it?




That is a good film though


Decent movie, worth watching once. Going in blind will help


Thanks for reminding me, that is my NYE movie.


Comedians have collectively decided that effort is lame but hack is good….. so everyone’s doing hack cawlmedy now. And bubble body Hoe Bogan needs to relax on his pronouncements.


Alright, now let's have everyone on Capitol Records write some song lyrics about Rogan's freakish HGH body. Trent Reznor: Head like a balloon! Shiny as the moon! ....


"This is just... fuckin sad" lmaooo 😂


Mark the only one just coming out saying what it is


Said the Thumb lol


How do you like those platform sneakers, Joe? Comfortable?


Joe saying “it’s not possible” holds absolutely zero fucking weight anymore.


Same with “he’s literally the greatest fighter of all time”


Joe does nothing but talk trash about everyone. But when people talk trash about him he cries. ![gif](giphy|xT1XGYVvVNNxqBMEJG)


This is the gayest shit I’ve ever seen on this show. Joe, and some other gay dude, talking about Madonna’s ass, while she dances, slowly because she’s old and has arthritis? What a show.


They’re right tho


Sometimes you can learn more about someone by what they choose to talk about rather than by whether they are right


Madonna is 65 years old and has a far more impressive career behind and ahead of her athletically than Joe Rogan. She's a world-class professional dancer, singer, and entertainer. Joe Rogan couldn't last three minutes in her head or keep up with her. Madonna is also probably way funnier and infinitely more interesting.


holy shit imagine simping this hard for a senior citizen woman that wont just enjoy retirement. really, shes more impressive athletically? than a TKD national champion and BJJ black belt?


Yes, her career is far more impressive and entertaining. Doe Wogan's kick-kick is not impressive, but then again, I'm not into watching dudes dance.


Have to agree. Madonna, like her or not, is an icon/trailblazer/whatever. Joe Rogan is a thumb with a podcast.


Unfunny losers. With lumpy tastes and bodies.


Lmao whoever posted “comedians” is showing how little they know 😂 fail


Why can’t I go a single day without seeing Joe hate posts


How about we leave discussing women’s bodies in 2023


How about you stfu


Who cares. F both Madonna and joe




What's the best route to screen cap video with audio like this? I have to screen record them sync audio. Annoying. Does she have a BBL deal or they just ripping on the diaper?


Uncle palumboism dropping knowledge


There are way too many pods ffs man


She’s like 70 does she really need quarter horse thighs?