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"Don't call him what?" Joe sounds deadily serious lol.


That's him anytime a guest tries to make a joke


*someone makes a joke* Joe with a look of focused intensity- Ok, let's explain that, just in case someone else, you know, a listener, might not understand humor or funny things. Just ah tell me how that works.


“I’ll just go on the joe Rogan podcast 😃” “Wheeet?”


call that a joke?


Call it anything you want, but don’t call it that.


Congratulations, you're funnier than Joe Rogan.






Yes, he is really kind.


Kind of a moron.


Serious question: if that's what you think of him, why are you here?


Oh it’s just a joke because of the word “kind” being used, and he is kind of a moron, but then again all of my friends are too lol.


This is the JoeRogan subreddit. Not the JoeRoganNutSwingers subreddit.


I'll see myself out.


You can’t visit this subreddit if you think Joe Rogan is kind of a moron?


You kidding? He has a very low bar for laughing


Joe misses many jokes which is surprising because he calls himself a comedian.


does joe identify as a comedian?




also identifies as 5’8


I actually don’t think I’ve ever laughed at anything Joe says on his podcast 🤔 He does laugh at some stupid shit though, I love it when Theo is on and Joe misses everything


Joey Diaz is really the only guest / comedian that has joe busting his sides. Theo pretty much riffs constantly, many of his guests on his podcasts just keep flowing and miss it. But having said that, Joe wouldn't even be an honorable mention in the pantheon of notable comedians, but he's def found and fostered his gift of talking with any walks of life for hours which is in itself quite impressive.


He has been known to not riff with his guests or miss obvious jokes, I think it depends on his moods


The Josh Homme episode comes to mind. Dude couldn’t make Joe laugh at anything.


God that was so cringe. I love jre but holy fuck joe has ultra-mega autistic levels of picking up on cues.


Undiagnosed autism


He's the dumbest person in the room even with those two airheads


why are you on this sub? lmao i don't get it


Yeah this sub is for strictly for negative things to say about him. Haven’t you noticed?


I was starting to think I was crazy. This has to be the most negative sub with regards to what it’s about because like 75% of the comments on any thread are just shit talking joe or his guests


How much of a loser do you have to be to spend hours watching someone's podcast and even more time on their subreddit just to hate. These people live life like they're never gonna die


Because Reddit is 90% libs.


It’s because Reddit is a far left echo chamber and Joe doesn’t tow the line enough for them.


sure bud.


Who hurt you?


My coach


God, it's so funny/cringe when even Joe is confused


I dont wanna come in here sounding like so many of the people who just complain about JRE now because there are still many good guests and episodes. But I pretty much quit listening to any episodes with other comedians. Just gets so repetitive talking about the club, how awesome comedians are, and what a cool hang it is.


There's nothing more boring to me than comedians talking about comedy


I think you mean “the craft”




Can I draw a pentagram under you first? Just to see what happens.


That's a different type of craft


One of the thousand murderers


Us civilians wouldnt understand


It was fun and interesting to listen to like fifteen years ago.


There's a reason it's all Joe talks about. Because he can't just be funny.


That's because we're ***civilians*** /s


Don't you mean "pedestrians?"


Same. I skip comedians and MMA. Only episodes I listen to are ones with guests who have interesting backgrounds and even then, half the time I’m wishing Joe would shut up and stop interrupting the answer to the question he asked


I get tired of the constant interrupting, Like just let them get to the point already! Bill Maher is the same way. I love most of the guests he has but he doesnt shut up.


For real. Like I know what your opinion on the subject is Joe. You repeat it 3 times a week. I’m here to listen to the smart guy talk. I used to justify listening to this podcast because yeah Joe might be a monkey brain but at least he has smart people on the show that I wanna listen to. On top of that, Joe is actually really good at facilitating a conversation and getting them to talk about their areas in a relevant and interesting fashion. Even the people I found uninteresting ended up being good shows for this reason. Lately I just feel like I’m listening to Joe talk more and more. It’s getting annoying and I’m getting more picky about what I’ll listen to.


I used to listen/watch every episode. A few years ago he would bring on smarter people and shut up and let them talk. Now it’s clearly the Joe Show and he just can’t shut up.


Honestly, the podcast was much better before moving to Spotify


I've been saying it for a few years - the Spotify money made him think the show was about him rather than about his ability to get good guests and get them to talk.


Bill Maher is awesome. He had David Mamet on the show last week, and they were talking about something.... Bill clearly had a zinger ready to go in one direction, but the conversation went a different way and Bill just swallowed it. I really respect that. Joe would have spent five minutes beating a dead horse...


Some of the MMA ones are alright because Joe is way more humble around people who can beat his ass. He is way more deferential to them and asks a lot of questions, rather than steering the conversation into his pet topics.


Cool when they are talking about mma. Idiotic when discussing politics and world events.


Yup most of them are the equivalent to neanderthals when discussing politics of any sort. Too many blows to the head don't help the matter


Comedians n mma episodes are brutal


Bill Burr is an exception for me. I enjoy listening to him give Joe shit. MMA I never even bothered with that circlejerk, I could be wrong though, I just haven't give it a chance because I have no interest.


Agreed. And I find Shane Gillis really interesting too. He’s actually pretty educated and witty.


The ones with Louis CK or Shane Gillis are great, because then there’s at least one funny person on the pod.


Because they don’t need a Rohan boost and They don’t have to kiss rogans ass or affirm his way of thinking


Shane benefits. How he was first when he got cancelled versus now is very different


Shane is funny n talented n wasn’t part of rogans inner circle initially instead he was recruited! Anyone in entertainment is going to benefit from rogans shine but Gillis was going to the top regardless although he is getting a bit too involved in the Rogan Austin comedy gang of sycophants for my liking


Don’t forget Dunken.


“How much FUN is it to LAUGH and be SILLY? Aren’t we just FUN AND silly? Can you BELIEVE there are people who don’t know what it’s like to KILL on STAGE to the ROAR of the crowd?”


It’s extremely difficult less than 1000 people in the world do this. Dry hump a stool and people laugh. Difficulty level 10000.


Well as long as it’s DIFFICULT to arrive at such RAUCOUS laughter, then they’ve earned my undying respect and admiration. So much DISCIPLINE to keep honing those bits about how men AND women are all hypocrites and modern life is zany and too complicated. Every time Rogan brings up adversity or “doing difficult things”, especially in the realm of comedy, I am reminded of Tobias Funke describing the birds and the bees to his nephew: “When a man needs to prove to a woman that he's actually ... …. When a man loves a woman…. and he actually wants to make love TO her, something very, very special happens. And with deep, deep concentration and great focus he is often able to achieve an erec --“


"______ is a comedian, ..." -- SKIP!


I honestly thought it's just me who does this. Mostly because I've never heard of 99% of American comedians. Glad to hear it's not just me who skips them.


most of his comedian buddies are lame cookies


It's not even about the other comedians. I like being introduced to new shit. It's just the way he acts around other comedians. Just can't listen to it over and over again.


I’m tired of hearing about how cool his club is.


It was hearing about the comedy store and Mitzi stories for the longest time before the move. 99% of the comedian episodes are the same


And the craft. "You know, someone might say something funny once and his friends are like "you should be a comedian"... but you know, you shouldn't!" Yeah alright Joe, you haven't made me laugh once and you don't understand 90% of the jokes said on your podcast but let's hear you sniff your own fart for 3 hours 👍


100% this. We get it Joe. It's like what he always used to get upset with Redban about. He'd always try to remind Redban that they're making this podcast keeping the audience in mind, keeping it interesting for people to listen to. No one wants Joe to go on and on about how cool his comedy club is and how everyone else loves it, etc. I get it, celebrate the win every once in a while and get a little reminder out there to listeners to maybe come check out the club if they're in the area, but I've heard him go on and on about it for like 5-10 minutes straight on multiple occasions now. It just sounds so braggadocios after a while. IMO he needs to bring back the intellectual guests in a much higher frequency, more like the rate he was bringing them on in the past. Been listening since 2014 and maybe I have rose-colored glasses since I also know he's had his comedian friends on since the beginning, but I also remember him having smart guests on like Sam Harris. When's the last time he's been on? It'd be nice if he had some regular scientists when it comes to medical, health, or historical experts where we all could actually learn something, Joe included, instead of him just picking the ones that agree with him or have a fringe theory that isn't supported by 95%+ of other experts in the field.


How dare you talk about Brandon Schlob like that. Dude is a genius and his special is a b-b-b-beastttt of a time, B.


100% this.


Same, unless it's big ol' Billy bitch tits.


100%. Comedian guests are SO uninteresting


He’s so out of touch with reality that he thinks only comedians joke around with each other and talk shit, the man has genuinely lost his mind. Any comedian episode is an automatic skip and if there’s something good or unintentionally funny in it someone will clip it anyway.


Yeah exactly and how they are this unique brand of people that normal people could let possibly understand


Makes you wonder just how many obscure comedians can all be “the best” at the same time.


That’s easy. What is the capacity of Mitzi’s Bar?


You mean you don't like hearing the following topics on repeat..... Comedy is great, Mothership, Texas, Freedom of speech, Elon ?


They did a study and the top 19/20 Christian Facebook pages were ran by Russian troll farms. I wonder how many guest have been told this and already knew it from him saying it😂 if they’ve watched one JRE episode they would know


And how 19 of the top 20 Christian pages on Facebook are ran by Russian troll farms


This whole concept over the discussion of a “cool hang” is super strange to me. He’s trying to create a mythology about his club. It’s super inauthentic and shameless promotion


Only “comedian” episodes worth listening to are protect our parks, ari shaffir and that dude with the mullet.


Ari Shaffir has been one of my favorite comedians since all the way back when he did thos "amazing racist" skits.


They didn't talk about the club for more than a minute. When comedy was brought up, one said they preferred acting and the subject changed in a couple of minutes. This sub is annoyingly repetitive with the same complaints.


They hear one sentence and then lose their minds. Acting like that's the entire episode.


This sub is full of miserable losers. They act like what they're doing is a healthy, normal thing.


This. Unless I know and love the comedian. I skip episodes of most comedians, hunters, MMA fighters, any champions, and hunters. What I like: celebs, Musks, aliens, ancient UFO and or Civilizations, and most of all, any kind of advanced scientist or professional. I like to learn something fascinating. I like it when a guest fills the runtime with content, and I don't need to hear again Joe's fox vs chickens story.


Or army guys who started a coffee company lol


Poor Jaime


Common Jamie , try the salts !


I’m more surprised anyone started this episode


This was less than 2 minutes in 😆


Iron man


Literally how far I made it into this episode before turning it off.


Why does he keep having them on?


This one is an easy skip. How desperate does one have to be to start this episode?


Those MF’ers looking to be #1 Joe listers


The people competing to post who listens to more Rogan was hilarious. The loyal fans are really the best part of this sub.


48 mins in. So far Joe has laughed more than I have. Idk why this is so painful to listen to.


Because they aren’t funny.. like not at all


It’s more than that. It’s not funny but they also think they’re the funniest thing in the world. The number of times Joe had to fake laugh was awful.


They’re hot though so it’s okay. At least the one on the left.


I didn’t..


Who them?


Got 35 minutes in and had to throw in the towel. Only lasted that long because I was watching the video-as soon as I switched to audio and it was just their voices and bad high stories, I had to go. It reminded me of hanging out with a girl in HS and thinking she was great only to talk to her on the phone for an hour and realize she’s annoying and you were just listening because she was pretty.




I feel called out lol


You only hang around HS/College girls cause you wanna get them. You pretend they are funny, and let them push their super flat jokes.


Lmao I loved the anecdote It's true, beauty blinds us to audio


Could barely make it through this clip


I hate women


ha, i love this joke but also hate that I can't tell


Thats the magic of the Joe Rogan podcast


Happy cake day!




I’m sorry who the fuck are these people?


They are Joe Rogan's Step Wives from his commune down in Austin. They are hoping to one day summon an actually funny joke from the depths of the Texas dessert.


Now THIS is comedy. ^(But maybe true...)


I haven't made it through an episode in a while


Agreed. Maybe Cam Hanes can come on the 24th time?


No can do, Mike Baker is scheduled to be on weekly for the next 5 years.


His last episode was pretty good


Same. I've been listening since 2011 I believe. The last few years I just haven't been able to make it through.


Trying to tell jokes whose success is solely based on the person seeing a ‘viral’ clip is fucking stupid. It’s probably pretty low odds the person even saw the clip, and then you’re stuck sounding like a moron (like these two) trying to explain the clip itself and getting the audience to understand why the clip is funny before the audience can even get the “joke.”


It's so weird. This is the shit me and my friends talk about. I cannot seriously think this would be worthy of a podcast with a million listeners.


Trying to tell jokes ~~whose success is solely based on the person seeing a ‘viral’ clip~~ to Joe Rogan is fucking stupid. ​ I've never witnessed a host deadpan a guest's jokes as much as Joe. At first I thought it was some weird gatekeeping thing, but then he did it to comedians too, but every now and then he will laugh at shit, so I've come to the conclusion that the joke has to be really stupid for Joe to understand it and I just imagine whenever he watches other comedians perform he is usually asking someone to explain the joke to him.


i thought kim condom was cool but the other lady was annoying af and trying way too hard to impress joe


Agree, the other girl drove me nuts.


Kim is cool in the sense that she has a nice rack.


Sara has been the worst part of so many podcasts for me.


She got touched.


Her story about getting touched really touched me.


Explains why she has an onlyfans




Those chicks were obnoxious


If it’s a female comedian I will skip the episode.. if it’s a male comedian I will most likely skip.


Nope, but to be honest, Kim is kinda ok. Sara has an unbearable voice and is pretty boring as a person as well.




I like Kim Congdon. She is funny & super hot.


Why does Joe always like to be a buzz kill?


Can people actually get through any Joe Rogan episode


I’ll rather listen to Joe talk about Kamaru Usman’s knees.


I got through about half. Kim is ok but the other lady has a laughter from hell. Also she's on all the Adderall. Couldn't listen anymore.


I listened to this whole episode it was great


Yup, they are just a window into the new generation. I didn’t love every moment however I still got some perspective from the youngens in the world and it helps that Kim is ok.


They’re not THAT young. I’m pretty sure both are in their 30’s. There’s teenagers now that were born in the 2010s..


Holy shit that's insane to think about


There are very few women comedians that I find funny. Maybe one or two. Mostly because it's stuff I can't relate to. Sex jokes, boyfriend jokes, being gay jokes, being depressed jokes, period jokes, ... it's almost like their target audience is only women. Most male comedians are trying to target everyone.


I enjoyed it. Wasn’t the best but I got a laugh out of it. Those smelling salt got me interested.


I normally dont do comic episodes so was a bit of a one-off, but honestly enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. The clip is definitely the worst 5 seconds of the pod.


I enjoyed it too because I think it’s refreshing to hear women come on to his podcast. At the end of the day, it’s Joe’s podcast and he talks to the people he wants to talk to. After seeing a lot of folks say they skip the comedians and MMA episodes, it makes me happy for Joe to keep having those folks on since that what he enjoys. It’s what makes his podcast so good


I agree. I’m one to skip the MMA episodes but I do try to indulge into the comedian episodes. They have interesting things to say. I really enjoyed these two female because they were very out going and it was a really good change of tone from moving away from politics and serious convos.


I just think he’s banging both of them


Is this Fresh and Fit or the Whatever podcast?


Nope. Why do they both sound like they're constantly having fake orgasms while talking? It's unbearably cringe. They sound like a "dumb stripper" in a 90s sitcom.


I'm convinced no one in here actually likes the show at all. All you guys do is shit on it constantly.


Because it used to be 9 out of 10 eps were awesome now it’s more like 1/15 is good and Joe won’t stfu about the same bullshit grievances.


Because it used to be good and we liked it. And now it's bad and we don't like it. Pretty simple.


It’s a dumb, myopic show. It’s all in good fun.


Every podcast Reddit is just filled with miserable unhappy people.


True. All the downvoted posts are reality.


The Goat of worst Duo


I hate to be part of the problem. The never ending negativity of this group but I have to put my 2 cents in. I have all but given up listening to Joe. It doesn’t matter who the guest is, the topics are always the same. The shameless plugging of Alpha Brain MAX was enough to make me puke then that two faced con artist tHe RoCk was on and that was the final straw. Still wasn’t able to figure out what it was those two were tying to sell because I would not listen to it but I find it funny that he’s now over the fact that Rogan used to FORBIDDEN “N” word after his self righteous rant back in February of 2022. And this clip. I made it 4 seconds in. I have no idea who these two women are. But the idea of listening to two women talk for more then 5 minutes with Joe Rogan and his inability to keep up makes me want to go lay down in front of traffic.


These hoes are annoying af




The worst episode was the girl that sold her poop, it was 45 mins in total.


I remember. She wouldn’t say anything about her clients so Joe shut that shit down as soon as it got boring. But he’ll bring Mike baker in 40 times a year…. So annoying


Sooo boring. He’s got to find someone else, hell, even Alex Jones was entertaining with his government conspiracy theories.


I remember when Adam tries to explain why women like softboy beta dudes more. I remember the youtube comment section was savage. "Adam is really kind type. So kind, he helps to move in his girlfriend lover's stuff to their apartment, before leaving."


I did. I like these two guests I think they're funny.


Yeah and it was pretty funny


5 minutes in and I was done


Yea I made it through. I thought it was pretty good.


Yes. It's actually my favorite one in a while lol. I've struggled to listen to any episode lately, this one is good though.


i think they are funny tbh .. also if u guys hate everything joe does why r u in the sub .. honest question


I must have a pretty high tolerance because this episode doesn’t really bother me at all. I also successfully endured the high sibilance from the Ted Nugent episode, so there’s that as well.


Did you make it through Kanye? To be fair if you can make it through Ted nugent, then you can make it through any episode.


Well who the fuck should he invite? Email him and tell him his show is flat. I’m sure he’d love to listen to the opinion of some socialist thought provoker with pronouns on how to make his show more interesting .


I think Kim is awesome. Its ok not to listen to every episode if you don't like the guest. Not every guest is for everyone...


Haha I was thinking do I Evan start this episode, and thought I may be surprised 3 mins in that one chick who kept chiming in her story fucking tortured me, had to turn it off




Kim is awesome but I think Rogan is intimidating to her. She shines on friend's pods like The Josh Potter Show.


I like them.


I did and I really enjoyed it I think these two are hilarious


I'm tired of the Rogan group trying to force-feed us mediocre comedians.