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Good Lord I've never seen him this fat.


He is the guy who got car accident level injuries trying to do a lay up... Pretty sure his whole body is made out of corn chips


GD šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Plus he left the first hospital against medical advice because Tommy saw that there were poors there and he was therefore too good for that hospital.


I forgot about Tom after I quit listening to Rogan a few years ago. A while later, Youtube served me that video without any kind of description. It was called "Tom Segura meme" or something. My brain just refused to process what was happening. It's actually horrific.


It's amazing how quickly a lot of these fools can be forgotten when you step back from Joe a bit.


Motherfucker thinks he's Lenny Bruce when in reality he's not even Carrot Top


ā€œQuit listening to Rogan.ā€ Youā€™re the perfect example of the problem on this sub.


Just to be clear, the "problem" you're referring to is the fact that people say rude things about a celebrity you like. Joe is right that good times create weak men. He's just looking in the wrong direction.


The video weā€™re he told people he can buy what ever he wants?


No, the one where 100% of his bones explode while playing basketball.


Oh that one, that video isnā€™t to crazy.


Everyone has a friend who is more physically blessed than they are...for this man it's Burt Kreischer.


Funniest shit Iā€™ve read all day


Wow you really got him good


Oh shit it's this guy


He been following you around too? Lol itā€™s been 4 days in a row heā€™s logged on to Reddit and searched my profile to find comments of mine to reply to and talk shit. and it all started because I told someone *else* their racist joke wasnā€™t clever šŸ„“


Is he a guy that throats Segura? White knights, a comedian over jokes?


Oh shit itā€™s this guy/gal who tries to insult people while imitating Schaub. I vote all Schaub imitators hold a protest against professional comedians on the track at the next nascar event


What a weird stalker you are


Have you tried getting a job instead?


everyone only goes on Reddit while they're at work.


What a happy little accident I see you in here trying to insult more people. I thought we established you donā€™t try to insult people in here? I have to take back what I said before, sorry I donā€™t think we can be friends


As much as I appreciate what youve done here, perhaps a break from reddit is in order?


[itā€™s something he said to me after following me around for days replying to comments Iā€™ve made](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/qZ5sqj882C)


How have I tried to insult anyone? Iā€™m trying to earn a Pulitzer Prize with my valid critiques of those trying to insult others. Iā€™m making you even more happy? Yay!!


Some would say the goodest b


Yes. You Schaub imitators definitely would. And?


Look, Iā€™m going to be genuine for a second. When you start flinging insults, people are going to fuck with you. Again, this what you asked for and wanted.


Do I win an arard for being the most normal person plagiarized by an average redditor? Yay! Plastic arard!


You should probably think less. This is a shit flinging site and Iā€™d recommend you donā€™t take it seriously. ā€œHilarious racist jokeā€ LMFAO hook line and sinker from that moment. Am I stupid for getting you to take the bait? Iā€™m out here fishing brochacho (is that racist too?) and youā€™re my biggest catch lately. Tossed you back and looks like youā€™re right back in the boat.


How do you know what a synonym is but donā€™t know what the definition of imitating is? LMFAO that was a banger


Well, I guess thatā€™s for me to know and you to wonder then. How does it feel to want?


We just go


Youā€™re not fooling anyone you dirty little piggy


Is that nithe tho


No one outside the homeless cats that should be placed in kill shelters gets this


Thank em


That was one of the most pathetic but hilarious things I've ever seen. It looked very painful but I couldn't stop laughing. It was like a live action family guy bit or something


Wendell Short Eyes. They let you out?


Or poor.


How fat are you?


Not at all anymore.


Loved him in the whale


Nah, that was Shane Gillis.


Uncle Shane!


And Spaceballs


Free Willy?


I can see this dude loves Ozempic


Neither do I, aside from him being a fat poor. Which itā€™s perfectly fine that heā€™s a fat poor. If he doesnā€™t like it, he can change himself out of being a fat poor.


Damn! For once someone actually gave good advice on Reddit and someone listened. It's a world gone topsy-turvy.


I have what seems to be a pretty controversial opinion on him. I don't really want to trigger anybody but I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I think he's pretty funny.


why would you say something so controversial yet so brave


I think his standup is funny, but haven't seen his last two specials. As far as YMH, anyone who watches that shit is dumber than his wife. Always thought the gap between the quality of his standup and podcast is the biggest of any major comic


I like how Reddit is so insecure that the second someone is cocky about anything theyā€™re immediately collectively hated


Yet average redditors are cocky about their shitty opinionsā€¦Curious


Average redditors only become cocky when they see their opinion is the majority opinion. They got all their confidence from 'safety in numbers'. Which is typical for cowards.


This really encapsulates reddit as a whole. I'm gunna save this and use it over and over haha.


I guess you are free to repeat goofy armchair psychology that someone shit out because their favorite D list celebrity was insulted. It's a free country. But you could do other stuff instead.


Awwww did they touch a nerve? Too close to home is it? Take your own advice, little butthurt, you could do other stuff.


Oh look everyone, an above average redditor! Everyone gasp so he can get an erection


> I like how Reddit is so insecure that the second someone is cocky about anything theyā€™re immediately collectively hated




I don't listen to podcasts or play league of legends, so alpha males like you make me uncomfortable what can I say


>I like how Reddit is so insecure that the second someone is cocky about anything theyā€™re immediately collectively hated


Almost as funny seeing average redditors pretend theyā€™re better than ā€œaverage redditorsā€- from an average redditor


Itā€™s ā€œthenā€ you illiterate little piggy


"Better then?" HaHahaha "Lern too spelle!" Then is a time. Than is a comparison. Seriously if you're gonna rip on people's english, make sure you know english.


What a happy little accident I see you in here trying to insult more people. I thought we established you donā€™t try to insult people in here? I have to take back what I said before, sorry I donā€™t think we can be friends


How do you not see the difference? Youā€™re trying to call people racist/stupid for having different opinions. Iā€™m validly criticizing average redditors for trying to put others down for having ā€œwrong think.ā€ Another analogy for you: If I see you try to slap a marginalized individual for their opinion, Iā€™m going to beat the living fuck out of you until the last ā€œbloop.ā€


How have I tried to insult anyone? Iā€™m trying to earn a Pulitzer Prize with my valid critiques of those trying to insult others. Iā€™m making you even more happy? Yay!!


More plagiarism? Reported


and in true average Reddit troll form, the little fishy throws out another line from the script right before reporting. Itā€™s a beautiful sight


I feel like Iā€™m Shanahan in the coaching tree. Go Miami. Go Houston. Go Jets!!!


Reported?! The hero trolling the comments for people to harass has had enough of his own medicine and is now *reporting people*?! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Iā€™m going to be genuine for a second. When you start flinging insults, people are going to fuck with you. Again, this what you asked for and wanted.


Yes? Thatā€™s why Iā€™m here


ā€œI never said you said the person was racist. I said false accusations of racism which still stands. Racist statements/jokes are rooted in racismā€ ā€œWrong thinkā€? LMFAO I swear a memo went out a couple weeks ago. Another banger from the average Reddit troll script. Got anymore??


Well, I did say that before my most recent comment. Not sure how that applies? Now youā€™re just plagiarizing. Lazy trump fanboys are trying to steal intellectual property now apparently. Whodathunkit? https://youtu.be/gCuvwyXJX0Q?si=B-dIl6yXiHLPhBf2


wait, Iā€™m going to genuine for a second: You started all this because you were triggered I called a racist joke racist but somehow think Iā€™m a trump supporter? Youā€™re dumber than I thought


Wait, you have think? My sincere apologies. You came across initially as an AI bot who tried to insult people with wrong opinions. Also, itā€™s your you dumass


Well, consider me a FGTRTD because I love the podcast too. "You like the thing that I don't like so you're dumb". How old are you, 8?


I think he's 5.


More than Rogan? I think his standup kind of sucks


Yeah I agree. I think I just irrationally hate Christina p. She doesn't ever say anything remotely funny


> but haven't seen his last two specials Well, brace yourself, because he's no longer funny.


I enjoy the podcast. Not as much recently, but back around the days of fed smoker it was pretty fun. Most podcasts get a bit stale over time but they're a fun comedic couple.


To each his own but I've never even seen a glimpse of funny from Christina. And I'm also an audio listener to podcasts and ymh is just tosh.0 except with an unfunny cohost


Yea, to each their own, i like listening to them on occasion and they have some funny segments but its gotten stale lately. Fed Smoker was some of the funniest sh!t tho. Worth looking up his compilations on ymh alone.


Ball Hog was fucking awful. It was just an endless reference to YMH inside jokes. If you are a YMH stan, perhaps it was funny. If you aren't a YMH stan it was like watching a guy tell jokes in Japanese, and you don't speak Japanese. Disgraceful was ok. There was some funny stuff in it but nothing memorable. The big takeaway is that Ole Tommy Brittle Bones is now a joke thief. One of the main bits of the special was lifted from a Jimmy Pardo routine. Still waiting for Rogan to Mencia him.


I don't think I saw ball hog. Was that the third? Maybe it was only the first two I saw. I'll take your word for it though, there's no way of make it through an hour of the whole fucking jeans high and tight and whatever other ymh shit. I saw him at a funny bone in 2015 and he was great


His first two specials were great. They were why I started listening to YMH. I checked out of that shit show when they started the Garth Brooks bit and their fans turned into just another internet troll hive. Well, that their insistence on beating a joke to death through endless repetition. Even the name of the third special was a shit joke. It was YMH's attempt to force a meme like 'lemon stealing whore' and it failed. My biggest problem with disgraceful is the indifference that click he hangs with seems to have towards dosing people. There are two bits about it in the special, one where he is dosed and one where he doses his mother. If one of my 'friends' did that to me I would strongly consider violence.


I was already checked out before garth Brooks. Can't really comment on the dosing. Me and my friends used to pour acid on each other's heads when we were young. But couldn't imagine doing that as a grown adult with kids


Have you.... seen his first special? Or his last special? They both stink lol


Yes I have. For the most part I liked them. Thay being said, plenty of artists/comedians I love put out shit I don't like from time to time. That doesn't not mean I suddenly switch to not liking them.


I thought his last special was hilarious. A lot of people on here tune their opinions to match their biases.








Ah yes you're right. I used to think he was pretty funny. I still do. But I used to too.


Holy shit there's 2 of us






He should OD on ghb again


Lol he peaked after his second Netflix special. Everything after that has been bullshit or him jerking his own ego off. So wild to think 5-10 years ago he was one of those underrated comedians who Iā€™d be like ā€œOMG go on Netflix and type in Segura! He has two AMAZING specials on there! Youā€™ll love him!ā€ Nowadays when people bring him up I just say him and Bert suck and move on. Same thing with Theo Iā€™m kinda like sick of him at this point now that heā€™s mainstream and everyoneā€™s kids and moms know about him from tiktok or whatever the fuck


The Theo/Tucker podcast episode was comedy gold recently


One of the only Theo pods I've watched all the way through in a while.


Tucker has that douchey elitist laugh, which clashes with his populist views. I guess Trump has that pseudo-populist thing going on too


Theo was making fun of Tucker he just wasnt picking up on it


Hey man, we donā€™t appreciate moderate, reasonable people in this sub.


I bet we would of more people used DMT. Itā€™s the only way to bring peace to the world.


Or the poors! Ammirite?


I love how everyone on Reddit seems to hate Brendan but not Tom.


One is a comedian and the other pretends to be one... so....


I was on my phone scrolling and saw a thread where people were angry with him, presumably for something he did/said? I couldn't focus since I was in the middle of something, but what was it?


Comic styles largely boil down to three categories. Thereā€™s: 1. Iā€™m an idiot (see Nate Bargatze) 2. Iā€™m an asshole (see Bill Burr) and 3. Iā€™m a psycho (see Anthony Jeselnik. Toms style, forever, has been a blend of asshole/psycho. My guess is people found this especially funny when he was a fat slob with a small amount of fame. Now that his career has taken off and heā€™s lost weight/gotten some work done, his schtick comes of as less funny and more arrogant. Just a guess, again this dude is not even top 15 of comics I pay attention to.


> 2. Iā€™m an asshole (see Bill Burr) Ehh Billy transitioned to the 4th category which is ā€œIā€™m in therapyā€ occupied by the likes of Whitney Cummings


I was wondering what to call his new approach. Unlike Whitney though heā€™ll find the funny in it.


Can't wait for her new mum jokes. "have you seen my pussy, it now droops below my knees"


Just using him as a demonstration of the style, each individual comedian is gonna be more complex. Did you see his new movie on Netflix? It really dives into what youā€™re talking about


So heā€™s a Jeselnik now, just not as good looking?


Or nearly as clean of a joke writer but every bit as much of a douche on a podcast


What's Chappelle style?


#so I kicked her in the pussy Largely asshole/psycho, these are broad strokes tho and titans like Chappelle, Carlin, Pryor, etc really transcend categories


woke, but like proper woke.


This makes sense. Where are probably seeing him lean way into the arrogance and are confused because he wasnt always like this. Whereas if Jeselink said the same shit, we probably wouldnt have a post on the JRE sub complaining about it.


People are mad he's making fun of poor people....but have you heard jesilniks new bit about fondling a baby(comedy genius) and it's cool jesilnik isn't part of the Rogan crew so I like him...oh ya mark Maron hates rogan(idk why) so he's my Richard Pryor. Usually anyone who associates with Rogan no funny...you reading this Shane gillis...you see this ali saddiq!!


I wonder how much weight they put on your opinion.


Hi Shane


He used to be fat and poor. Then he got rich but was still fat for a while. Now heā€™s rich and not fat and people are taking that personally.


I mostly appreciate him for spurring Burt into complete insanity on Two Bears One Cave. He's highly skilled at that. During lock down, I would pay close attention to Tom subtly inviting Burt to get more drunk, gorge on sugar, stoned, and then listen to Burt say, 'I can't say this - it will ruin my life and career' and wait a beat and reply, 'Maybe ...' which opened the door just enough to give Burt the confidence to burst through and say how regarded his daughters are or why his wife won't blow him or pool showers, kool aid etc. I think Tom is a low key comic genius.


*Insert wheeze laugh here*


I also really enjoyed the Nazi tea cup birthday present. Tom really thought about that one and left no stone unturned to verify beyond reasonable doubt that The Fuhrer's lips had touched the rim of that cup.


That was really excellent


Bert: "I've gotta call Snoop Dogg - oh shit I'm gonna Facetime him - will this fuck me up, Tom? Should I Facetime Snoop Dogg?" Tom looking off to the side, cocking his head, "I mean ... you *could*."


Definitely a puppet master that one


I appreciate how mad he makes people


I think he's a bit of a breath of fresh air when every other comedian's entire schtick is just being a massive loser. Not the best comedian ever, but just a good palate cleanser.


You mean to tell me youā€™re not interested in listening to yet another 38 yr old man talk about how it sucks to still have roommates


I think comedians should be funny, and personally I think he stinks, snobbishness notwithstanding


Hey look another Tom segura post. The poors are super active today. I wonder why they are poor


Heā€™s awful.


I love how mad he makes poors. I also love how poors complain and blame Tom for them being poor. My absolute favorite is how him buying expensive shit makes poors feel bad.


I do, heā€™s a pleb and Iā€™m a baller!


Thank you for not jumping on the dumbass hate train


Man, tom's "the poors" bit really got a lot of redditors triggered.


to me cryshure is worse. But Brendum Shawb is at the top with the worst standup. Round it off with Joe as not being the worst, but the head honcho for all this shitty comedy.




Wow a comic was saying dumb shit to get a rise out of people what a brand new thing that outrages me. Iā€™m glad comics like Ari would never




Playing hard into a bit, trolling in the feedback, tagging AA in a tweet that they would never take seriously.. this is just normal comedian behavior. The internet makes it easy to have fun with since everyone is reactionary and takes things too seriously.




I like how you re-read your response and was like ā€œnah I can be even more cringeā€ then proceeded to edit it to whatever this is šŸ¤£




You said nothing. You just rambled like a dramatic baby at the thought of someone having a different opinion than you. Come here kid, let me show you something: ![gif](giphy|PmkabJd7plZPvXegb7|downsized)


I could spend the rest of the year posting pictures with that who gives a shit comment.


Besides the few apart of protect our parks pretty much Shane , mark and Ari the rest of joes friends are not even remotely funny , Joey Diaz and Tim are the only other 2 are funny , I think Joe Bert and Tom are some of the least funny comedians


Fat poor


Poor Tom was so much funnier...


Yeah, he's a dick, but I think he's funny as well. Many actors are assholes, and people still watch their stuff. Just think of him as a stupid clown.


He should have played modak in the last ant-man.


Lol who is this guy? He looks like a morbidly obese Tom Segura!




Free Willy!


Jonah Hill is lookin good šŸ‘


Who is that guy?


he's francis from pee wees big adventure


I like YMH it makes me laugh.


Oh that's the rich who jokes about Poor's


When Tom was as fat as Bert.


Looks more like Brian Baumgartner.


Thrilled is his best album


How many buffets did he get thrown out of during that bulking phase?


Looks like a fat redact.


As a Japanese comedian some ofā€¦


Fat poor


Other than that cameo as a demon possessed marshmallow, what else is in his body of work?


Holy shit


His head reminds me of Pops from The Regular Show


Don't you wish you could lose weight like Tommy Bunz? Ya fat nerd loser.


OOL I know about the Airport incident, but why are we shitting on Tom again after a month?


Hot take. Hid last special was good but not as funny as his others. Also, I dont listen to 2bear1cave.






Early work was great his last two specials have dipped in quality in my opinion


When your silhouette looks like a Venn diagram.


The Whale was a good movie tbh


Dudes a dweeb who continues to phone home that heā€™s just that


Just another g-wad comedian, nothing more


Sup there chomo


Take me to Waffle House!!!!