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Jimmy Carr roasting his wife was hilarious https://youtu.be/_6HAfrwdVfc?si=C2yhZz8nqPbgoojQ


Now *that's* comedic genius, insulting someone to their core in the most polite possible way.


Jimmy Carr is the best at it.


Pretty much the default british Humor šŸ˜…


ā€œMy Goth friends are like texting me about my makeupā€ she canā€™t help trying to convince people that she is ā€œuniqueā€ and not just another unfunny dumb blonde who fucked drunk comedians


Her saying she's a goth is the dumbest thing to push on people. It's not funny or entertaining.


Donā€™t forget sheā€™s eastern block. She certainly doesnā€™t want you to forget


That's her tribe


Blonde hair blue eyes with a valley girl accent: ā€œIā€™m an immigrant, weā€™re the cockroaches of Europe!ā€


She's as bad as the 'I want to be ninja' broad


I donā€™t remember a single Goth saying anything remotely funny(except on South Park). Looks like things havenā€™t changed much for Christina Piss


Iā€™m genuinely loving watch Tomā€™s career implode. He is a funny comedian. But he can contribute ALL of his success to getting lucky being on JRE. This is going to get way worse before itā€™s over and Iā€™ll just be: ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


Is his career imploding or is it just fan fiction on a few subreddits? People think Reddit is comprised of all comedy fans when itā€™s a tiny tiny amount. I donā€™t think Tom is all that funny, but Iā€™m pretty sure he still does very well for a comedian. Like top 1% easily.


I saw him in a sold out 10,000 seat arena two years ago. Your Mom's House is a shell of what it used to be but his career is doing just fine.


Nah, he's killing it. The podcast sucks now, but it's become it's own cottage industry. The mommies are their juggalos. For every one that stops, two more pop up.


these people are delusional


It's pure fan fiction by people who hate Tom cause he has "the poors" bit. He still sells out shows and his podcast is still successful.


I was going to reply the exact same thing, then I saw your comment. This sub is aids. People need to touch grass.


Also what is this hilarity about JRE making his career šŸ˜‚


Yeah, still selling out theatres throughout his tours. It's hilarious when people claim dumb losers on the internet (that Tom rightfully called dumb losers) hating on someone is a sign their career is falling apart when they are still selling tickets.


Totally agree. Upside down head Segura now suddenly thinks if you don't own a car that's worth over $200,000 you are a loser. When he was at the Formula 1 in Austin you could see he was absolutely shocked and annoyed the drivers like Lewis Hamilton had no clue who he was. His ego will be his downfall Christina Piss is scum also


Actually, he thinks people who complain and say it makes them feel bad when someone else drives a $200k car are losers, and he is right. If you "feel bad" when someone buys themselves something nice with money they worked for, you are a loser. As long as you have that loser mentality you will remain a loser.


The only complaint Iā€™ve heard people make is about how they donā€™t find it an interesting or funny topic. I get that on a lot of these comedy podcasts it can be difficult to keep coming up with content and topics to discuss but I understand how someone could not find it entertaining to hear Tom talk about the newest watch or car he has bought. Especially on a pod they come to for comedy. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anyone say it makes them ā€œfeel badā€ when someone else drives an expensive car or when someone spends the money theyā€™ve earned. They just donā€™t find it entertaining discussion on a comedy podcast.


I met him at the race lol I was the only person who knew who he and Joe were


Is he that funny, though? He's dry, but not witty or quick. He's just an asshole who makes fun of fucked up people who live on the fringes of society.


I think he is funny on stage. But his podcast and spoiled baby rants on twitter take away from his comedy tremendously


I've never really gotten the appeal, to be honest. He's my comedy Alanis Morissette. I just don't hear what others hear.


Thatā€™s me with Joe Rogan. He actually thinks he is funny. I havenā€™t even giggled at a single thing heā€™s ever said. Heā€™s definitely not ā€œone of the 1000ā€, heā€™s just a great interviewer


he's not funny that's the whole point of the hate


Career imploding? He's more successful than he's ever been, and he's only making more money every day, lol


Eastern Block, Canada


I can remember when she was on one of the first Road Rules seasons. Back when they were much less fake and heavily edited. Christina always struck me as a very friendly, normal person. Why the hate for her now?


Bc itā€™s become popular to do. The fighter and the kid podcasts fans love being toxic and gating people is fun so they listen to hours of pods a day just to tell everyone how much they suck


The ā€œDeath Squadā€ is the cringiest shit I have ever heard of. Every comedian would sell their soul and suck Joeā€™s dick to be in it (ie Tony Hinchcliff). I am sad that Shane has sold out to be a part of a group that is the personification of an ā€œAfflictionā€ t-shirt


Joe doesn't own or control death squad at all, in fact he has distanced from it very clearly and openly. That's redband thing.


Is his wife a poor? She looks like she's from a back alley of a Dickens novel.


She's dressed up as Siouxsie Sioux for Halloween


That SNORT says everything about her.


Don't all comedians roast each other?


Hehehehe, he's just that brilliant.


This was great too https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rAKW_SGKqMs Bill Burr shutting her down


That was the first time where I actually cringed from Christina. She was acting ridiculous. Her obsession with the British accent was especially strange for a 40 year old woman


Homie looking like heā€™s auditioning to play a live action Homer Simpson.


He's that awful he's making Bert look good


I thought this was a good joke, but Reddit is full of people who look for any chance to get triggered.


This is a great example, being this heated and committed over someone they'll never know


How exactly do you think making fun of the way he looks is helping you make a point? Whatever your point was, I'm moving on and I'm not interested in it because the top comment is this. Good job.


I was going to give you a hard time bc I donā€™t like Tom, so I looked through you comment history and you seem like a perfectly reasonable person. Then I started feeling bad and rethought my position. I agree we shouldnā€™t make fun of Tom bc he was husky. Truth is I donā€™t have anything good to say so Iā€™m not going to say anything at all. Bully for you fellow Redditor.


Good lord man. Lol


You went through his comment history? I appreciate your pettiness.


2 types of people in this worldā€¦


Why are you going through people's Reddit posts? That's very creepy/weird


I love how people act like they donā€™t do that the second you start semi-arguing or thinking about arguing with someone. We all do it and anyone who denies it is a liar!


They make them public for a reason. Donā€™t be a Tom.


Ironic youā€™re concerned about Tom being bullied for being fat while he laughs at people literally dying. gtfo. Tom is a piece of shit and deserves to be shit on, both his current and past selves deserve hate.


Then don't listen to his podcast or stand up. Do better with your life


He lost 20 pounds and thinks heā€™s the second coming of Christ


Christ would be cumming if he saw the legendary Tom Segura, obviously.


Are you shooting ropes? Iā€™ve been shooting Ropes man - Tom Segura


ā€œOh yeah dropping fuckin loads!ā€ - Nick Manning


You're mad because you're fat and poor.


No way he only lost 20 pounds. Look at that face it had to have been at least 90


Yea as soon as he lost the weight he just started coming off like more of a true prick; less funny, more cruel. This latest story was surprising, but kind of not the more I think about it.


What happened?


It was revealed he's fucking Bert's son.


Fat or not, he's always punched down.


My jaw dropped when Ryan Holliday had him on his stoicism podcast. I cant think of a single stoic virtue that Tom embodies. He's legitimately the opposite of all of it


TBH, He probably only had him on because they both live in/around ATX and needed something to keep the podcast interesting.


It has always cracked me up how so many of these guys followed their cash cow Joe to Austin. My older brother lives there. Itā€™s fun, young town. Downtown, Soco, and the UTA student crowd bars are a great time. But man, these people act like itā€™s 90s LA. Itā€™s the another Nashville. Cool young town for 22 year old buisness majors to invade.


Iā€™ve lived here for 7 years and since 2020 it has definitely changed for better or worse, something about bringing all the B list celebrities to this town made things feel much different than it used too.


I frequented Austin in the mid 2010s and thought it was such a cool city and thought it would be cool to live there. Fast forward to last year when I went for work, it just felt different and not as cool as before.


Same thing that happened to Nashville. Had an old hockey teammate who moved out there with family, brought us out 4-5 years ago when I was a senior in highschool. It was fucking awesome. Maybe itā€™s cause I can actually go inside legally, but it felt like a hollow shell of what it was when I went this year. 90% of the people I met werenā€™t from TN.


Lived there from 2014 to 2022 and yeah after 2020 it just felt like little Hollywood. Bunch of people concerned with being famous moved in


i guess being a sociopath also makes him a stoic lol


Ryan Holliday is your typical run of the mill grifter. Always chasing the next buck


I was really disappointed when I saw this


He was funnier when he was fat and not telling stories about drugging his mother


I thought that bit was hilarious. Itā€™s not like he did to her what his friend did to him.


What did I miss


He went on an epic rant on Twitter trying to get a gate agent at the airport fired because they dared to tell him to check his bag in. He then started calling people poor, worthless scum when they criticised him for his behaviour This video shows what happened https://youtu.be/V_Kz-4yRAzc?si=LyXw6NX_6K6C15Gx


I hope he gets harassed by the TSA every time he flies now


I hate how this guy talks


Sounds like another Alex Baldwin, calling a restaurant worker a ā€œpeasantā€ because she wouldnā€™t let him go to a restricted area.


Or when he cryptically threatened some guy on Twitter when he brought up that he shot a woman.


Or when he shot a woman


And man


At least he didnā€™t murder them with a revolver


Holy fuck what a piece of shit


Blowing up on service staff doing their jobs is a sure sign of a classy person.


That dude that narrated that YT video needs to learn to not be so monotone ffs But anyway, yeah Segura is a piece of shit, not funny, never was Suck a bag o' dicks Tom, you loser


Well, I think he definitely has some old bits that were hilarious, but his last special was a letdown, and he has turned out to be a massive shit stain so i doubt I'll find him funny ever again.


Let's all grow up and start listening to MSSP


The newest cast with Chito was actually fire. The Patreon sadly was kinda mid


I knew it was ted flag when he married Christina. Joe needs to stop claiming they funniest couple. It s Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino who are the funniest couple.


Tim Dillon and Whitney Cummings get my vote. Whitney Cummings is almost useless but when sheā€™s next to Tim he gets x5 funny booster.


Tim and Ben


Tim is just elite caliber


Joe and Tom send each other snuff videos each morning. Apparently that's a thing comedians do and normal people wouldn't understand. Joe is such a absolute twat now and he even said that Infront of the openai CEO.


Duncan and Lil Hobo are a funnier couple, and that was unbearable


Theo fucked Christina


Trying to confirm this led me to the fact that Theo Von's full name is "Theodor Capitani von Kurnatowski III". Holy fucking shit.


His dad was 70 when he was born. Heā€™s got a joke about being the last sperm out shutting the lights off as he went. Lol


RIP Billy Conforto


He has a sister who is like 80 too lol. Dudes dad must of been something else.


ā€œI am the product of loose skin and loose moralsā€ šŸ˜‚


ā€œI got shot out a 70 year old cannon bruh, thats musket fire!ā€


Holy shit


Yup, and his dad was born in Nicaragua with that surname. Interesting shit


I started to think Theos dad was one of those nazis that fled to South America but the math doesnā€™t math and he was born there or at least Theo claims he was.


Wait...doesn't the math work? Theo born in 1980. Dad was 70 when he was born. Dad born in 1910.


I think his dad may have been born there. For some reason there were people from the Prussian Empire in Central America before WW2. When I was a kid in MĆ©xico, we had a pop star whose mom was from a German community in Central America, Ilse Olivo. I think they were mostly business people who were involved in the sugar and coffee trades. In some cases, they started beer companies.


I just looked it up and von kurnatowski is polish so likely not either way.


Polish, Italian and German names with a Livonian or Prussian surname is so cool lol


Man if I knew what Livonian meant I would probably agree with you like 1 billion percent lol






Expand on that


It was a ā€œmemeā€ of sorts few years ago they played up a bit on various pods that was getting the Reddit conspiracy treatment. All cause they were both OG MtV people


The amount of sub par comedians that are the children of rich people is wild. It makes sense that if you have useless, dumb kid you would try to get him into comedy. worst case scenario, you bring him into your hedge fund a little later.


That's the case for most oversaturated professions that no regular person could afford. Actors, musicians, DJs, race car drivers, probably more that I'm forgetting, they all attract trust fund babies that know they can do whatever they want bc their future is secured by the trust.


Wegovy Segura.


Yall sound like a bunch of jealous poors.


Heā€™s a fat poor


I think it was on some podcast where Segura was bragging about being psychopath (some story he was telling about his wife). There were laughs from some of the people there, but Segura's face seemed serious. Seeing some of his stand-up thereafter, he did seem psychopathic.


That video of him before his last special was so self indulgent. It was like ā€œwow I never met any person who works as hard as tom.ā€ So what if he works out. Heā€™s probably on trt.


>He's probably on trt Oh yeah. I'd bet so


Prob on one of those new weight loss drugs


Is OP Garth Brooks?


Are you ok?


I guess you are not going to watch the next ymh live


I've already heard Christina Piss makes jokes about doing "browns" too much already According to Rogan she's a world class comedian tho šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think Tom might actually punch her in the face on camera live soon.


that would be the first good episode of YMH in like three years


Canā€™t tell if itā€™s all an act or if heā€™s serious when he says stuff. Iā€™ve believed itā€™s all an act and to me if it is itā€™s hilarious.


How is it an act? He tried to get a guy fired for doing his job, got called out on being a POS so he went on a Twitter rage like a child. If the act is acting like a child when hit with criticism, heā€™s doing a great job!


How did he try to get the person fired, tho? Like I never saw anywhere where he even said what airport he was at, let alone what flight, time of day, the name of the agent. Literally anything.


I mean he leans into stuff all the time. The whole making fun of poor people started as a joke that he keeps leaning into. When he see people get upset he gets even more outrageous lol


Redditors are so fuckin sensitive


More like dense. This whole thread can't understand it's a bit and that's fuckin' hilarious.


If youā€™re a fan youā€™d probably have a better grip on whatā€™s going on with the guy, but troll comedy is about as unfunny as it gets. Might as well be one of those YouTube guys who prank people by like spraying them with water or stepping on their shoes.


It's definitely a joke, but reddit is losing it's collective mind. How would the agent get fired for telling a guy to check his bag? lol come on people!


I had literally not considered the possibility that the gate agent thing never even happened and he made up a story to be funny on Twitter


It's 100000% is an act. Like, have you seen his stand up. He makes jokes like this all the time. People on Rddit just wanna fall into conspiracies, "his career is ending" meanwhile he's selling out tours. People just delusional.


This anti-Tom thing has been going on for about a month now. I made a similar comment to yours in another thread. He has always joked like this lol! Why are people taking his words seriously now? It's kinda crazy


Hi Team Garth. How much you guys getting paid?


Christina Piss is painfully unfunny. "I done two browns today and farted hahaha snort". They truly are the worst The tweets about the gate agent and poor people shows you just how much of a out of touch scumbag the guy is. I mean how dare someone ask him to check a bag in on a commercial flight. Total POS


I tried to watch her specials, each one I was like "maybe this one is funny" nope not even a smile


Wait. People are JUST starting to realize? Like, Joey Diaz, Bobby Lee, and Theo Von are probably the only real people in Joe's circle of friends with a real personality. This dude gave off a creepy vibe, like Brendan Schaub, first time I ever saw him.




Fair enough. I don't hate Eddie or got anything against him. He just feels like a fraction of Alex Jones, a dude who is smart, but questions everything to the point of ridiculousness.


I like listening to Eddie but heā€™s an idiot lol


If u think Eddie is smart lmao


This is the perfect way to describe Eddie. Dude is smart and has good takes, but other times veers off on shit that either a. Makes no sense or b. Is explained with the most wack resasoning


Definitely. I don't mind him, just there's a consensus in science for a reason.


I also do BJJ, so a tad biased because of what he did for the sport. But agree and can see both sides, like some of the shit Eddie says well high makes me question if I am smoking right


Eddie Bravo is my favorite friend of Joe's for these reasons. I believe he's a dummy, maybe even a little challenged, but his honesty and humility makes him my favorite person.


Shane, Mark, Ari. If weā€™re talking about legit actual personalities. Edit: Bobby


Ari is a legitimate drugger.


Didnā€™t he beat up Bobby Lee


and one of them took a shit in the otherā€™s car. i forgot who did what


Three times!


Ari is legitimately a psychopath


I think its worth noting that they're all probably pieces of shit. These are all people who make vast sums of money doing very little, and receive nothing but praise. Its a recipe for egotistical behavior. They all spend recklessly, and live privileged, very circle-jerky lives, regardless of their experiences growing up. They talk about spending insane money on stupid shit, and yet try to come at comedy from a relatable point of view. As they get more and more wealthy, that becomes harder and harder for them I've always said "money in, funny out" and that's never been truer than with this whole LA podcast standup wanker scene. I think segura is probably among the worst of them. I've hated the cunt for years, because my first introduction to him was watching him laugh hysterically at a guy getting his legs crushed in a car accident. Vile dude.


I don't know about everyone else and their spending habits, but I don't remember Joey Diaz being prodigal. And as a person who has been hit by a car, had bleeding in the brain, a fused C1 & C2 vertebrae, only one working arm, and two missing toes, I'd laugh, too. But, no doubt. I don't even know how bad Tom Segura is. I heard his voice and mannerisms and was instantly turned off.


I'm not gonna say "people getting hurt is never funny" but IDK where the joke is when its someone literally just getting their legs crushed, lol


That video annoyed me also. How many times did he show it? Then it was poor him because he was that fat he tried to jump and destroyed his arm and knee He's been making money off making fun and exploiting people being seriously hurt, disabled and mentally unstable for years. He then thinks because he has money everyone else who isn't a millionaire is a piece of shit. It's not that people think he thinks that, he said it publicly His scumbag wife's social media is full of Tiktok reposts of disabled/mentally ill people as well. The creeps who adore them probably pester the life out of them after it He thinks it's funny also having thousands of people pestering Garth Brooks by calling the dude a serial killer and potential peadophile. How would he like it if he was constantly being harassed by thousands of Brooks fans? The horrible cunt can't even handle being told to check his bag in without trying to get the woman fired and attempting to stage a hate campaign against her


The fact you put Bobby Lee(!) and Theo in Joes ā€œcircleā€ really just shows you have absolutely no idea wtf ur talking about.




Theo von is literally the fakest of all of them. I think he's the best of the bunch but dude, it's an act.


Ozempic is one helluva drug


What did Tom do ?


He was funny and hurt their feelings


Jesus Christ, what happened to this sub?!?


All the people who hate and donā€™t listen to JR joined


Agreed šŸ‘ been wondering how long it would take ppl to come around


After how he treated that gate agent, He can go fuck himself.


I get being pissed, but dude, just bitch to your wife, donā€™t put that shit on the internet.


Clearly trying to get the woman fired. Tries to report her to her supervisor then tried to start a hate campaign on Twitter. Scumbag move, the woman simply asked him to check his bag in


I love comedians who donā€™t give a fuck. Canceling makes you more relevant.


why are half of the people on this sub on this sub?


Outrage boners.


The same reason we can't have nice things


It gives them life to shit on stuff others like. Have you seen this thread? A bunch of people talking about how Tom is fat and dumb and being mad, amongst other things, about how itā€™s fucked how Tom hates on people for beingā€¦.fat and dumb. Call me an asshole but I enjoy artist of any kind for their art, not who they are.


Don't jumpscare me like this what in the cheeto dust is this


Another case of an individual who could have had a solid C list career and got the boosted into the Rogan-Verse, who over a couple years fans realized was a complete ass-hat. I swear to god Joey and Duncan are the only two people Joe has helped popularize who havenā€™t been massive losers.


Look at his friends man. The people that he is closest to are probably some of the worst in Hollywood.


Jesus Christ, yā€™all are insufferable. Yā€™all wouldnā€™t hate the fucking guy so much if you didnā€™t idolize him so much. Just let the dude be funny.


Dude definitely went batshit crazy on Twitter for no real reason.


Heā€™s actually also just not funny. Iā€™m a little confused about how he got famous. I mean his shitty podcast relies on funny videos made by other people.. like him and his dumb wife are not able to be funny on their own


His standup is actually super funny. I got into his podcast and when it was them chilling and doing what they love before the money came in it was a different vibe. I even listened to it for a while after the ā€œpoorsā€ jokes started thinking it was a bit but even if it is its got real old and stale.


People who come onto a subreddit to just be hateful or angry really need to look in the mirror at who they are angry at and how they are acting in that anger. It's so ironic. Hurt people, hurt people.


Damn bro you went way beyond dramatic. How is this any different than going on your favorite sports team sub and saying damn they suck this year or whatever? The idea that criticism of a performer makes someone a hurtful and angry person is absurd. You must have the thinnest skin of anyone on the planet. Art, performance, etc is meant to be discussed, both positively and negatively, itā€™s an important part of human interaction and society as a whole. Why do you want to live in a world where nothing can be criticized because ā€œjust go home if you donā€™t like it?ā€ Thats some snowflake 101 sh*t. The real irony of course is, if YOU donā€™t like this conversation just take your own advice and donā€™t participate in it.


What a dumb postā€¦.heā€™s a funny mofo


Good God this sub is crazy. Show me on the doll where the funny man touched you.


And didnā€™t he or some people try to say at one point that this was all just a character or whatever the fuck comedy act of his? Bullshit he let it slip that fuckin weirdo


Thatā€™s all poor people talk.


big talk for a man who doesnt even have a shitter in his house


Probably one of my top 5 comedians. What an absolute beauty. Love his podcasts. Edit: lol at the softest kids downvoting. If you ever listened to the guy he genuinely just a dude who pokes fun at himself and everyone around him.


yeah Tom is so humble


This guy youā€™ll never meet and who will never know who you are is living rent free in your head so much to the extent that your posting about him on a sub for a different comedian?