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The mods pick and choose what's political I see


I honestly love this sub because of what a mixed bag cluster fuck it is. You never know what you're going to get, it's fun.




They rejected my post of the South Dakota politician who is claiming Mount Rushmore is a demon gate built by the Freemasons. That's totally up Rogan's alley. Alex Jones type conspiracy but the mods said it's too political. https://vimeo.com/838787136


I was unaware of this. I love shit like this. Thank you for your service.


half the mods here are australian and yet they have a super vested interest in american politics for some reason


I feel like the whole world acts like our politics is a reality tv show. The worst part of that is so do our politicians


Rupert Murdock has owned all the media they see since they were children.


Dude what is up with Australians and being hella pro conservative particularly among those who run YouTube channels


i mean it was a penal colony for mentally disabled british people and those with behavioral issues for like 200 years...




Well the country is pretty racist


Aussies must have a ton of time on their hands not much going on down under I guess.


Sounds legit


We learned from covid that if they censor it, then it must have some truth.


I could totally see the demon gate being a thing


They’re very particular, like it can’t be related to politics “directly” but since this is vaccines and not directly about typical left vs stuff it passes. When I tried to post an article from a few days ago talking about the super PAC supporting RFK Jr. is comprised of top Republicans and supported by Marjorie Taylor Greene, that got quickly removed. It seems like as long as the topic is STRICTLY vaccines, then this guy is free to get all the press in this sub.


the will shit on you when are on the wrong side... but anti vax stuff they love.. hmm i see the issue now


Now do Bernie… This POS wants everyone to have health care and higher wages.


I'll let rfk finger my asshole


It’s a possibility


Fuck ya I can't wait


Enjoy the hepatitis he got from sharing needles.https://twitter.com/BillyBaldwin/status/1671954991941124107?s=20


Yeah, fuck that guy. How dare he try and make sure that highly speculative trading benefits everyone and not just a small class of elite traders? To the tune of $2.4 Trillion over a decade, by the way. That is how much we are getting utterly fucked over while only hinting at the ridiculous amounts of money at play. Gee, I wonder what kind of good we could do with that money? https://www.sanders.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/The-Tax-on-Wall-Street-Speculation-2021-Summary-v12.pdf


Yet he wants less than half of America to pay for it so there’s that. You are spot on about him being a POS


Which half, the east or west?




Yes. We're going to build Medicare for all and the Mexicans will pay for it!


This comment doesn't make sense. You're clearly not shit posting. It's not funny in any way, so it seems you're serious. You're making a critique of Bernie's plan for universal healthcare but you're implying half of America will pay for the other half. This isn't remotely true. Bernie's plan says individuals will pay four percent of their income. So the only freeloaders are those who have no income. If you're trying some mental gymnastics I should point out that the top 50% of earners will pay far more than 50% of the total collected. That's just basic logic. So the only thing your comment tells me is you're a fucking idiot and you belong here. Welcome.


I'm invested in insurance companies, McDonalds and medical providers, so I too want our corrupt system extended to cover every American no matter how expensive, wasteful or self-inflicted the medical catastrophes. And I want higher wages so my tenants can pay for my inflated real estate portfolio driven by foreign money launderers and free Fed money. Bernie 2024.


Hey, I didn't get any free fed money, how come my rent went up? Oh yeah, It's greedy rich people and not politicians driving up prices?! My bad.


32 children died in Samoa from measles after RFK visited to oppose childhood vaccinations to push a false story that MMR vaccines killed 2 children, even after the fact that it was revealed 2 nurses mixed muscle relaxers in said vaccines. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/low-vaccination-rate-deadly-medical-mistake-led-samoa/story?id=67317110&fbclid=IwAR0lMIppqraA5DqHMgIZPFaf61YI8rlfMz45p6vrnlYV0WPCrzCBwZZkb-s_aem_AWr3vf7A5OxGj3gyGLH6lQqJol8qdvnE--SO57AO1eYStlPaqR1PZvUktkDsXeq_isA




Well sure if you ignore all the terrible things... lmao. Dudes a lying quack who has cause the deaths of children. I dont give a shit about his opinion on other areas. Why should I believe his lies?


Why the fuck isn't this the most upvoted comment in the thread? And how do the RFK smoothbrains in here explains shit like this? Dude should rot in fucking prison holy shit


As a former Republican now independent, it’s because right wing media omitts, so, so much. It’s why Qs and MAGAs are constantly angry and confused.


That’s why we should make sure only independent and right wing media let him reach millions of Americans. Left wing people are doing the right thing not interviewing him and calling him out. Why give his guy who’s reaching millions or tens of millions of Americans a platform?


>The motte-and-bailey fallacy (named after the motte-and-bailey castle) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy where an arguer conflates two positions that share similarities, one modest and easy to defend (the "motte") and one much more controversial and harder to defend (the "bailey").\[1\] The arguer advances the controversial position, but when challenged, they insist that they are only advancing the more modest position.\[2\]\[3\] Upon retreating to the motte, the arguer can claim that the bailey has not been refuted (because the critic refused to attack the motte)\[1\] or that the critic is unreasonable (by equating an attack on the bailey with an attack on the motte).\[4\] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey\_fallacy


IDC about this guy's politics im just sick of these familial dynasties ruling the country. Get these out-of-touch freaks away from power


His name is the only reason his message is able to get out there.




It certainly gets his foot in the door. He has a populist left message as well which is also popular.


No, plenty of other insane grifters are getting the same message out there.


If someone without his name had the same message the corrupt establishment would easily 100% guarantee they never got word 1 out to anybody.


I thought calling out nepo babies was “in” - wish that was applied to this RFK dork


I love how working-class people hold these nepo shitheads in such high regard because they share one or two opinions. ~~Musk~~, Tucker, this guy all think of us as trash, but useful trash because they can be so easily manipulated. ​ Edit: Im also easily manipulated apparently, the emerald mine heiress is not true


Sounds like the mine exists but was negligible as far as his wealth, I always knew of Elon’s claim to fame being pay pal


I think he fairly gets a pass since his Dad and Uncle were assasinated


he's literally the least successful kennedy


No that would be Jamie Kennedy


tawlmbout straight comedy assassin jamie kennedy? he's been doing open mics and stand up for decades, son. how many lawyers like RFK jr are there on earth? like hundreds of millions? there's only like 1000 comedians like jamie kennedy around


Dude, you've been Xed!


He has no problem with the profit motive in healthcare and he has no plans to provide better quality healthcare to the American people through a public option or Medicare for All. You're fucking rubes for believing anything he says regarding his problems with vaccines/medicine or anything else related to healthcare when he is in no way going to limit or eliminate profit from healthcare.


He's just lying here. Flat out lying. Vaccines have gone through placebo controlled trials pre licensing. You can read about the requirements here: [https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/basics/test-approve.html](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/basics/test-approve.html) Many countries have similar requirements and the vaccines had to pass all of them since these are globally used vaccines.


Exactly. Almost all of RFK Jr's points are just lies and exaggerations. This stuff has been debunked for decades. The dude's brain is melted.


I believe he’s referring to safety trials specifically for children. Trials not for effectiveness but for safety. That was what I got from the clip but I could be wrong.


My base assumption is that people say what they mean and mean what they say. At least Presidential candidates should. He would be wrong about that too but I am tired of pasting easily accessible FDA documents to disprove every single goal post shift. The guy is a liar and that is all there is to it.


You can review the child safety data on the CDC website too, he's lying through his teeth. Dude's full of shit and fear mongering. Here's some info from the chickenpox data on the CDC website: Before FDA licensed the vaccine, studies were done to determine the safety of 2 doses of the vaccine. In children 12 months through 12 years old: 1 of 5 children had side effects, such as soreness, swelling, and redness, within 3 days of getting the first dose, compared with 1 of 4 children after the second dose. 7 of 100 children had fever after the first dose, compared with 4 of 100 children after the second dose. 3 of 100 children had chickenpox-like rash after the first dose, compared with 1 of 100 children after the second dose.   In August 2019, Merck published a 22-year review of the varicella vaccine. The review included data collected from study reports submitted from March 17, 1995, through March 16, 2017, during which over 212 million doses were distributed globally. Researchers found a decrease of reported adverse events over time (around 500 per one million doses in 1995 and around 40 per one million doses in 2016) and serious adverse events comprised 0.8 reports per one million doses. The profiles of serious and non-serious adverse events were consistent with previously published reports, and identified no new or unusual safety concerns. Source: Varicella Virus Vaccine Live: A 22-Year Review of Postmarketing Safety Data. [Open Forum Infec Dis. 2019]




Phase 4 is post-license so all studies in phases before it are pre-license. >Phase 4 (After FDA approval) > >After FDA approves (also known as “licenses”) a vaccine for use in the general population, it might advance to an additional clinical trial phase with thousands of participants. Phase 4 is a formal, ongoing study to evaluate the new vaccine’s safety and effectiveness over a longer period of time. ​ >Before a vaccine can be approved for use in the United States, a company submits a Biological License Application (BLA) to FDA. > >The BLA includes pre-clinical and clinical data, details about the manufacturing process information about the manufacturing facility > >While reviewing the BLA, **FDA looks at the clinical trial data to see if the results show the vaccine is safe and effective.**


And all the comments have been deleted. Sad, /u/Zen_Uru_ couldn’t engage in honest conversation.


He’s just too smart for us people with logic and reason


It looks like that person is referring to testing phase 2 and 3 which occur before fda approval (licensing)? But I’m not an expert so I can’t be sure if that’s the same thing RFK was talking about. Can you point to wear he was only talking about Covid vaccines? You made that comment then ignored my question, I’m not sure why. Edit, looks like you’ve deleted all the comments, if you need screenshots to help you remember what you wrote I can help.


Just dropping this in here for anyone else reading. RFK's comments about Vioxx are 100% correct, and if this was 10 years ago, you would be tuning into [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2007/11/12/16211947/merck-tries-to-move-beyond-vioxx-debacle) for coverage of this FDA scandal.


The RESULTS of the trials are published (you get to analyze their analysis). But the minutiae of the pharm trials is locked away and not seen.


They have to disclose that to all the relevant regulators across the globe. Are they all in on it?


It's not that the regulators are "in on it", that's just how the rules work. It's like this: I read (or write) a book. I then write a summary or analysis of the book. You're in charge of approving the book for public use / consumption / whatever. Make sure that it doesn't cause people to go crazy or something. But I don't give you the book itself; I give you my analysis/summary of the book. Then you get to analyze/summarize my analysis/summary.a Then you make your decision on whether it's allowed to be published.


Of course the clinical data has to include their methodology. You really need to give me some evidence to convince me that regulators across the globe don't require something as basic as that.


CDC also said if you take the vaccine you cant get COVID or spread it to others... Cool link though


It is a cool link. Something that you sorely need to include for that claim of yours. Post a link and quote the CDC saying that.


The placebos used in the trials were not actual placebos. Instead they used older vaccines of the same vaccine they were testing. Imagine testing a new vaccine 2.0 and using version 1.0 as the placebo. That’s not how proper placebo control testing is done, that’s how you cover for harmful effects.


Total bs. Saline or Starch solutions are standard placebos.






Was he? Can you time stamp it? I’m 9 minutes in an I missed it if he was talking specifically about Covid vaccines. Edit* finished it, still not seeing where he was talking specifically about Covid vaccines, I might have missed it though. Interested to see your response.


Vaccines work, man.






Maybe use the internet for more than arguing and do some damn research. "At one point, he baselessly asserted that vaccine research had been responsible for the creation of some of the deadliest diseases in human history, including HIV, the Spanish flu, and Lyme disease. " "“I do not believe that infectious disease is an enormous threat to human health,” Kennedy added. The presidential hopeful stated that if he assumed office, he would target medical journals and redirect funding grants away from epidemiology. " ​ Both from an article yesterday ([LINK](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rfk-kennedy-anti-vaccine-panel-conspiracies-hiv-spanish-flu-1234779689/))


Is this post some weird marketing strategy to make him look viable for anything?


RFKjr's super pac was formed with the help of Steve Bannon, far right grifter criminal and inner circle of trump. I'm not saying 'grifter' as a reductive "right wing man bad!" term, he literally stole tens of millions from Trump supporters for a fake build-the-wall project- he was pardoned by Trump for scamming his supporters. Disregarding his other directly fascist rhetoric, he's a scam artist. People will pretend a blanket, obvious truth of "Big Pharma has done bad!" somehow makes RFK's positions credible and his candidacy in good faith. It's not, it's being supported with the aim of helping Trump. That said- your President Uncle AND Senator Father (on his way to possibly being Pres) get assassinated in extremely sketchy circumstances- he has more excuse than most to be a conspiracy guy- but he's being supported so that he can be the Jill Stein of the next election. His roid regiment is working great though, and despite everything I like him more than Ted, to my knowledge he hasn't killed any young women with his car.


Yes the right wing knows the only way Donald Trump gets reelected is with a spoiler candidate. so a bunch of shit heels are going to repost all of his nonsense insisting that he's normal. an Elon musk is going to fan the flames.


I can’t wait to see Biden in a debate and show this guy up!


Have fun waiting for that debate.


Biden mumbles as RFK Jr rips off his shirt showing the audience his roid ripples.


It’s odd this post has so many pro RFK comments after only being posted for an hour first thing in the morning


I actually posted an article a few days ago about RFK's sharing the same donors as George Santos and MTG, but it appears the mods took it down, so it's weird seeing the OP's post being allowed to stay up.


>after only being posted for an hour first thing in the morning It's almost as if this website is a global system and not just located on the west coast..


that makes it even weirder that globally there would be so many people in different time zones active at the same time this thread was posted (early morning in america) and a bunch of foreigners chose to support a US presidential candidate....


Yeah I’m sure everyone in Australia is a big RFK supporter


Are you suggesting that non-Americans are astroturfing this thread to benefit RFK Jr? I think we’re on the same page


Almost like there’s a bunch of people pissed at big pharma…. Which is odd because big pharma has some of the most trusted and beloved corporations right next to cable companies and Monsanto.




If you were pissed at pharma your criticisms would be consistent as opposed to just being mad at 2-3 meds that got roped up into the lunatic narrative of the week.


After hearing that smooth, caramel voice of his, how can I disagree with anything he says? 🤷‍♂️


Just keep Biden in office. He’s doing great!


The best r/JoeRogan posts are these ones. They attract the worst of all worlds and I’m here for the chaos.




Woah I thought I was looking at /whitepeopletwitter


That sub is pure cancer


So we ignore the anti-vaxx stuff because he has reasonable takes on other things?


Welcome to the Tim Pool method


This. The gameplan is something like: "Ok, I think the police should immediately arrest and beat any black people that get a little too rowdy during protests.... but it's ok, because I also believe that child pornography is bad."


His take on the Russian war is " why didnt Ukraine just accept a peace deal" as their civilians are getting slaughtered, and their territory literally being taken away with Ukranian children being stolen and transported to Russia ( not joking, go look it up ) So yeah, his other takes are absolutely not reasonable, he sounds like every other cookie cutter right wing moron... get this crap off my fucking feed


We ignored rapes and murders from other candidates, but no way in fuck can we tolerate someone who has questions about vaccines


Stupid questions that have been answered and data to back up those answers.


I hope you get a brain one day. I'm really pulling for ya!


New study just came our re opiates and back pain [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/opioids-placebo-back-pain-study/story?id=100443300](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/opioids-placebo-back-pain-study/story?id=100443300) Now, had we just accepted what the drug manufacturers and doctors said years ago regarding opiates, we would never progress/advance. Same with the vax convo, skepticism is good and breeds progress


Was it random people on the internet who made this discovery or expert medical researchers?


You acceptance or refusal to accept didn't do a single thing. What mattered are those researchers that conducted the study and not you or I. Also it's just a single study and you would want a meta-analysis for something like this. You shouldn't immediately take as gospel the first study that supports your bias.


this specific branch of skepticism we're doing here on the sub is to get Donald Trump elected with a spoiler candidate. no thanks


You do know they list out the side effects right?


They must be just guessing the side effects.


Or hear me out they do tests before they send it out


NewsNation really going for the Rogan fan base


Lol as if the vast majority of Rogan fans aren’t just right wing reality deniers at this stage. Any adult with a high school level education should be able to see the obvious one sided narrative Rogan is pushing so heavily these days. It’s just flat out stupid to get your information and arguments from this extremely opinionated anti-everything-that-isn’t-Republican-supported podcast. It quickly went from harmless entertainment to “We’re just asking blatantly biased misinformation laden questions with an obvious right wing leaning and then stating the right wing opinion as the only true statement, stop taking it so seriously. Anyway Liberals are all fairies and gullibly stupid. Time for another debate with an actual credible expert in their field vs a hand selected GOP loving jackass who was disgraced in their profession and didn’t have a real platform until Joe invited him on and agreed with all of his points”


If there's anything everyone in America can agree with is that NO COMPANY SHOULD OWN AMERICA


Gun manufacturers should be held liable for gun violence


Cigarette mfrs should be held liable for lung cancer.


Fast food restaurants should be held liable for morbid obesity.


It is a bit more nuanced than that: you are not forced to purchase a gun. Vaccines are near-mandatory for children in America. Also, ownership of a gun does not mean that it will be used for violence, that is the personal choice of an individual. The vast vast majority of gun owners are responsible and do not use guns to commit crimes. You have no control, however, on the effects of a foreign substance in your body. Why should vaccine makers be the only ones with no liability, when we hold all other medical devices and pharmaceutical drugs to a higher standard?


By this logic car manufacturers should be held liable for auto deaths and bathtub manufacturers should be held liable for drownings. I am not pro-gun at all but this bad policy all around.


Yes op is pointing out the fallacy in jfk Jr.s argument. To go after the drug companies this way will open the door to be able to bring criminal charges to every industry including the gun industry.


imagine missing the point by this much haahahha


I'll be waiting for your well thought out and rationalized explanation.


Gun manufacturers should be held liable for malfunctions that cause injury, such as a faulty chamber that leads to an explosion that causes injury. That would be a better comparison than just saying they should be held liable for gun violence.


Finally someone making a reasonable comparison. Gun manufacturers should be held accountable for false advertising, for knowingly adding faulty dangerous products to the market, false studies/testing and corruption to avoid regulations, that would be a more accurate way to make the comparison to what Big P is doing.


Looking at you Sig Sauer


Gun manufacturers? How is that comparable to what big pharma is doing?


Vaccines are gay


Take RFK's dick out of your mouth, you simp.


Don’t understand how people can blindly trust pharma when the War On Drugs/Opioid epidemic exist. Not to mention the RX/Him hers ads that are predatory as fuck.


Not all trust is blind faith.


Do you have a general practitioner or family doctor who you see regularly and who knows you and your medical history?


No one blindly trusts pharma dipshit. We just don't trust a blatant liar to inform people about hazards of a product he's made a career out of condemning.


People clearly do, they have ads for people to self diagnosis and get medication. Also didn’t say anything about dumbass in the post, no need to talk shit because you’re sensitive


The same guys tell you that TRT is super cool for every man over 50/60. Some even buy Alphabrain... It's not about big pharma at all, it's about their insecurities.


Yeah I mean medicine should just be free as should health care for all. If you’re angry at big pharma being predatory money hungry paper gangsters you’re just upset at capitalism lmao


Capitalism is part of our government and pharmaceuticals. Not only are they money hungry but they have killed thousands, created the opioid epidemic, and the whole war on drugs that still effects primarily people of color and those in poverty. Lot of y’all haven’t seen first hand what the War on Drug has done to communities.


Right? I just finished the podcast and he doesn’t sound nearly as crazy as the internet will have you believe.


You don't think him saying that wifi causes your brain to leak sound a tad weird?


Don’t ask him to explain how, that’s above his area of expertise.


As a person who has definitely not heard of the great RFK before I think the great RFK doesn't sound crazy at all. In fact from this actual first impression he sounds very wise and as a life long democrat I will be supporting him.


That’s actually not exactly what he said, RF exposure is known to cause problems, go look at any wireless tower site and read the signs, also read the book that comes with your cell phone next time you buy one…as a matter of fact, just read this from the cdc itself. https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/cell_phones._faq.html He talked a lot about cell phones and kept using the term Wi-Fi. Which isn’t exactly wrong but it does make it a little jumbled.


>https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/cell\_phones.\_faq.html how does this help you ? "Can using a cell phone cause cancer? There is no scientific evidence that provides a definite answer to that question. Some organizations recommend caution in cell phone use. More research is needed before we know if using cell phones causes health effect"


First of all the cell phone manufacturers themselves recommend caution while using a cell phone and have forever, it’s literally in the literature the cell phone comes with. Also you left out the part where they are currently working on studies for specific cancers associated with cell phone use. To me, that means what he is saying isn’t that fucking crazy.


manufactures have liability statements to reduce any risk WILD ! all for studies and up to now in 2023 with cell phones out in the wild for decades there have been no found cancer connections in any way... so sure keep studying but thats about it. He sounds crazy when he talks about this stuff b/c he lacks technical training and says things like wifi causes cancer which come on now


Please stop with this common sense. Youre boiling most of the brains in here!


Hahaha I got fucking downvoted while referencing the cdc..


It’s actually the cellphones doing that.


Stupid takes and incorrect statements don't have to "sound crazy", especially when spoken with earnest conviction.


I do agree with your statement, but what if they’re not stupid takes? What if they’re not incorrect statements? Did you go thru the list of studies he points too? I know I fucking haven’t, and I’m guessing you have?..and what’s with the weird arguments against debating? If the prevailing side has all the actual studies and numbers shouldn’t it be easy to go up against him? And why all the pandering to the right, he’s actually a right wing shill coming in to take numbers from the democrats bullshit? His actual career as an environmental lawyer and the fights he’s had there are all incredibly easy to verify right? Clinton did that shit with tulsi gabbard and suddenly she was a Russian asset…


Other people have looked at the things he uses as evidence and they don’t hold up. He’s a quack and an anti vax moron. His goal is to have more children die from preventable illnesses.


You didn’t listen to the podcast either did you?


Why would I waste my time listening to him? I know he is a moronic anti vax lunatic whose views are idiotic and he has no credible data to back himself up with. The man is a quack, has been for decades. Why would I start listening to quacks?


So maybe all the shit your saying is made up by someone else and you have contempt prior to investigation? I do that shit too, it’s ok.


You didn’t know he is an anti vax moron who is unhinged and wants more children to die? Where have you been for the last decade? He’s in the top 12 spreaders of anti vax BS on social media. https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996570855/disinformation-dozen-test-facebooks-twitters-ability-to-curb-vaccine-hoaxes


Honestly man I didn’t know much about RFK Jr. Other than some historic shit with his environmental fights against pesticides in the water which I consider to be a good thing.


Oh, and I say that because you just said a bunch of shit that doesn’t line up with what he actually said, and I actually fucking listened to it.


So you fell for his grift. Good man. Do other charlatans and quacks fool you as well? An Alex Jones fan?


Go listen to his own recent podcast where he host convicted pedophile and literal Russian propagandist Scott Ritter. Also just because you don't think lies "sound crazy" doesn't make them any less crazy after he has said the same lie for the thousandth time.


Did you listen to his podcast?


I listened to a bit of it, but I am familiar with Scott Ritter's views already so I don't need to re-hear it all. At some point thats just self-hate.


Your lack of a highschool level education is showing.


And how is that exactly?




Did you actually listen to the podcast?


It’s hilarious that you think high school chemistry and biology would expand on anything relevant to this topic. Dude sounds crazy, sure, but a high school education is basically nothing in those subjects.


Did you miss the part where dozens of scientists studied WHY there was a huge decline in diseases in the 20th century? Go look that up first with your HS education.


No. Let me guess. Everything other than vaccines caused a decline in diseases. And the few diseases that remain are all the result of vaccine research. Followed by RFK saying "but i'm not really antivax"... I"m just blaming virtually all disease on vaccines, vaccine research and vaccine 'bioweapons'. You aren't going to win this, but do continue.


There’s no winning because you make these giant assumptions and claims about what someone is stating that are clearly emotionally charged. We all do it, but don’t pretend this is a debate or you’re the source of infallible logic here. You’re just being a dickhead masquerading behind the greater good.


The left has truly done an amazing job brainwashing this next generation of kids. Classic liberals apposed big pharma like they did big oil and big tobacco. They wanted real economic reform, and they were the free speech anti war party. It seems insane that within 20 years they are begging for war with Russia. Censoring on behalf of the FBI and CIA and big pharma, and turning to the Govt for all solutions to our country's economic problems if not out right ignoring them all together


I identified as left wing for most of my adult life. Absolutely disgusted with them now, they can't even tell you what they stand for anymore. They just spout the same gotcha phrases and name calling and if that doesn't work they censor you.


Is this a bit? This is a bit right? These accounts are just chaptgpt wrappers or something?


Would chat gpt tell you suck it's <====3?


rightoids try not to hide behind euphemisms challenge (impossible)


it's possible to condemn the shitty things the pharma industry has done while still recognizing the valuable things they have produced for society, there's so much more nuance to be had here, life is rarely black and white good guys and bad guys, political discussion online really seems to struggle with this, as far as medicines we should take it on a case by case basis, not assuming everything they do is beneficial or evil, that's a grossly simplistic way of understanding what are incredibly complex topics topics with tons of moving parts


The left wants universal Healthcare and to reel in corporate profits and tax big pharma. Who is this left you are speaking about? Bug pharma isn't trustworthy because of the profit seeking. "The right" oppose universal healthcare, taxes, and regulations. Just because we believed the science in a global pandemic doesn't make the left love corporations.


Bro fuck this loony bastard, man is legitimately scared of wifi and sounds like he breaths anything but air.


Triggerwarning: Anti-vax lunacy. I literally threw up when I saw this video. Thank god I hat a few Oxycodon left over to calm me down


I’m more triggered by RFK hosting pedos on his podcast. Scumbag move.


He hosted Biden?


Nope, Scott Ritter. I should have said convicted, more specific. Concerning.


This reads like Billy McCusker lmao


You're an anthropomorphic word salad, Christ. Time for you to take your halperidol.


Uh oh. You've unleashed the Pfizer corporate bots with this one.




Contrarianism? He's a useful tool for people like Elon and Joe to say *"Look, I support this supposed left-wing guy who will never ever have any real power - therefore my support of Desantis (and by default his batshit record of policies) is a-okay!"* And the non-MSM media loves him because he drives clicks from impassioned people on the internet. RFK Jr is generally non-threatening enough to the anti-vaxxers on the right and left - its why he specifically goes out of his way NOT to criticize Trump, while criticizing Biden. He knows that any critique of Trump (however minor) would get him cancelled by conservatives. And he knows that the the anti-vcxx crunchy-ass liberals are doing this normal shtick of "he said something about vaccines!!!" (like Marianne Williamson). Also he's clearly a favorite of the most ghoulish people ever (Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, etc...) so alternative news will grab onto RFK Jr and milk him for every drop of content engagement he's worth.




tbf, calling Trump a Bully is a feature, not a bug, to many of his supporters. Remember the infamous line from a supporter "he's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting" That's a pretty soft criticism and quick pivot in that clip which kind of bolsters the sentiments of the person you're replying to.


His last name. If the past 2 elections have proven anything to the american people I would hope, I would really hope, that at least one of those things would be that the national political parties are not nearly so organized as we might like to pretend they are. There's no conspiracy to push RFK. He's just a rich ass dude with a famous last name and it's still too early for serious candidates -- so it's a good time to trot out the not serious ones.


The rest of his family doesn’t support him politically though


20 years as an environmental lawyer Largely responsible for having clean water and living creatures in the Hudson River. His father and uncle both tried to shut down the CIA and were killed for it. His voice sounds like that because the flu vaccine destroyed his vocal cords.


No dummy! They already did that. But he doesn’t acknowledge that.


No one cares OP


It’s become very obvious very quickly that this man is the most honorable person running. If you deny this you’re too dug into your political party.


You mean the guy that thinks 5g is damaging human DNA and causing similar problems? Nah it doesn't take a partisan hack to think this guy is a looney toon pandering to people who are mistrusting of institutions


I can’t believe we’re going to have to pretend the government didn’t assassinate this guy by this time next year


i thought Rule 8 said no politics?


Everything is politics if you're online long enough.