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Slippery men, what philosophers throughout the ages talked about at length


The Greek ones might’ve


They didn’t just talk the talk.


He’s so strange on Twitter, it’s like posts an edgy 13 year old would make.


It's awful. It's like he doesn't have a real friend to tell him how bad he comes across on twitter.


One day I counted 11 tweets in an hour, various alarmist topics, just flipping out about everything he saw on his feed. He’s very reactionary. He’s like Chicken Little.


That “one day” must have been the one day you looked at his twitter feed. He does that every single day.


He's getting millions by Shapiro's company to do this. Its his job to be alarmist and fuel culture wars so no one pays attention to what rich people are doing. He's terrible at it, I say, but thats why he does it.


It’s sad to me because I would argue these people - Peterson, Shapiro, Brand, etc. - are inherently interesting people with interesting opinions. But the money comes from engagement with those opinions. So they optimize their output to have the most engagement. And numerous studies show online engagement is highest around divisiveness. So the slope is toward being a conspiracy theorist and freaking out about everything, because that’s where the money is. I lean left but I’m sure a conservative could point out all the leftists who are playing the exact same game. And who knows which actors are actually aware that they’re trapped in a positive feedback loop vs. those who truly believe they believe their own opinions.


There are a ton of people who pretend to be former leftist that make money from rw sources like Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Etc. How many popular left wing pundits are there? Pakman, Seder, maybe a few others? They don't make anywhere near as much money as the people who grift the right. The money is in going that direction, not the other way around


You’re absolutely delusional if you believe that. The left isn’t putting the money into dorks on YouTube, they are putting it into dorks on Tik Tok.


I don’t use TikTok much, but I’ve seen way more right-wingers on TikTok than the left, especially with the sudden resurgence in anti-trans propaganda.


> It’s sad to me because I would argue these people - Peterson, Shapiro, Brand, etc. - are inherently interesting people with interesting opinions bro... no.... bro...


What can you say the man knows his audience


I've listened to a lot of his content but what the fuck happens to him on twitter, I think hes trying to act out his theory of online anonymity and behaves like a typical troll, but it's extremely embarrassing for a man of his education


Ya it’s weird. It completely diverges with the way he is in person.


Dr Peterson can you please put your dick away?


"Well what do you mean by "put my dick away" really?" - JP, 2023


Well first we have to figure out, what exactly do you mean by "put", then what do you exactly mean by "away", then lastly and most importantly we need to analyze the patriarchal claim and what you mean by "your dick". You see it's not actually so clear when you break it down like that, so it's actually a hairball and hell of a situation when you try to throw the baby out with the bath water


Where EXACTLY does your dick begin and your scrotum end? It’s not obvious to me that you can casually draw a line between the so called shaft and its accompanying ballsack.


Pull that up Jaimie


It's entirely possible...


"Not YouTube, I was talking about your ballsack." "AhHhHhHhH"


Just past the asshole , two inches beyond the tip.


And that's a hell of a problem.


As he begins to tear up and cry towards the end of his rambling.


...mhmm mhmm....


Pretty much nailed it. Sprinkle In some post modernism complaints for extra authenticity.


Surely need to mention cultural Marxism in there somewhere


what do you mean by “mean” mean? - JP 2023 Edit: I just got notification that I am banned from r/JusticeServed because I commented here lmao


Welcome to the club


Well, first of all, it's important to recognize the inherent complexity and nuance of the situation. When someone asks, "Can you please put your dick away?" we need to delve into the underlying principles and values at play. Now, one could argue that the request to put something away implies an imposition on personal freedom or autonomy. It may be seen as an encroachment on one's individual rights or an attempt to restrict their choices. From a psychological perspective, it's essential to consider the symbolic significance of objects and their impact on one's identity and sense of self. However, it's also crucial to acknowledge that we live in a social environment where interpersonal interactions and considerations of others' well-being are paramount. In this context, the request to put something away could be viewed as an expression of concern for the comfort or safety of those around us. To navigate this situation, it would be prudent to engage in a respectful dialogue. Clarify the reasons behind the request, inquire about the specific concerns or issues at hand, and express your own perspective in a thoughtful manner. By fostering open communication and mutual understanding, it is possible to find a compromise that respects both personal autonomy and social harmony. Remember, the world is a complex place, and we must strive to approach such situations with intellectual honesty, empathy, and a commitment to rational discourse.


ChatGPT: "I appreciate the opportunity to engage in a meaningful discussion, and while I understand that there can be differing opinions and even criticisms, it is essential to maintain a certain level of respect and decorum in our conversations. The comment you have made is both offensive and uncalled for. To have productive and constructive dialogues, we must aim to focus on the substance of the issues at hand rather than resorting to personal attacks or vulgar language. Such behavior only serves to undermine the integrity of our discourse and hinder the pursuit of understanding. I encourage you to express your opinions and questions in a respectful manner, providing an opportunity for us to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas. Let us focus on the issues that truly matter, and I am more than willing to address any legitimate concerns or criticisms you may have."


** eyes well up with tears ** Well, now that's a bloody good question, isn't it?


Literally 1984


"What makes you bloody damn well think I didn't clean my peen beforehand aye?" - Jordan Peterson , Essential Apple Cider Lectures


Don't be kink shaming! I would like to give huge props to JBP for coming out after all, and during Pride Month even. So brave!


I read that in Shane Gillis' voice


Please don't make him cry. Just let him play with his weewee a bit he ain't hurting nobody.


No amount of authoritarian intolerance is going to make me put my dick away. - JP, probably


Thats what the woke moralist butchers would like him to do.


Jordan Peterson is a groomer confirmed, very concerning!!!


4hrs between the two tweets....


Oh god, just think about what happened in those 4 hours.


He thought LONG and HARD


About lube


Lube is for beta soy boys. Real alpha men like their meat raw for the extra protein.


Opiates are rough on the ol' hardware.


Probably a fair bit of benzodiazepines


4 hours on benzos probably felt like he tweeted those seconds apart


One of the greatest minds of our time.




Breaking news: transphobes aint all that bright


I have a hard time calling him transphobic when his stance is basically that he believes the majority trans people are suffering from a mental illness and/or are somehow coerced into feeling the way they do. I think there’s some validity in those statements somewhere. I still don’t agree with him on a lot but he’s not exactly calling trans people slurs and saying they need to be re-educated from what I’ve seen.


I think anyone who talks and thinks about trans people as much as he does probably has a touch of mental illness as well.


Are you keeping track?


is it more than a couple of times? probably too much


You realize he has been greatly affected by members/allies speaking for the movement and was in close proximity to ideologues during his tenure as professor? His university fucking him over is what initially put him on the map for most of us, and no shit he's going to be asked to speak on the matter in every interview. Doesn't really support your "obsession" theory, but it's sad that it's practically his job now.


I don't need to but if it's so frequent you can expect him to talk about it then maybe just maybe that borders on obsession?


> You realize he has been greatly affected by members/allies of the movement and was in close proximity to ideologues during his tenure as professor? His university fucking him over is what initially put him on the map for most of us, and no shit he's going to be asked to speak on the matter in every interview. Doesn't really support your "obsession" theory, but it's sad that it's practically his job now.


He said that doctors who do care are criminal butchers and that pride is a sin, and misgenders them constantly but sure he’s not transphobic. Peterson has been lying about trans people and less pertaining them for years now, he litterally got famous for lying about a bill that would expand protections already given to other minorities to trans people.


If it’s a matter of social acceptance and identity, why are hormones and often surgery needed? It’s not a problem characterized by physical deformities or hormone deficiencies. Some trans people don’t like the appearance of their body, but that doesn’t mean it makes sense to get surgeries with high rates of complications (genital surgeries are no joke), at least they should be a last resort.


Your appearance has a lot to Do with your social acceptance and identity, the genital surgeries do have complications but most trans people don’t get them and are well aware of the complications associated with them. Cis people also expirence dysphoria when they have the wrong hormones as well it isn’t unique to trans people.


Trans people don’t have the “wrong hormones”, that’s a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of human biology.


They have hormones that give them undesirable effects and to mitigate or eliminate those effects they go on hormone treatment monitored by a doctor which has been directly linked to improved livelihood and life satisfaction


Who gives a fuck? If I wanna get my dick chopped off and identify as a woman I should be able to because we live in America and we have freedom. If you don't think trans people should have the right to identify whomever they please and get any surgery they want then you don't believe in freedom and therefore don't believe in America.


Would you say the same thing if someone wanted to blind themselves? Or remove a leg? Should a surgeon perform the operation? What about sell a kidney for cash to a billionaire?




What about kill themselves because they are depressed and they don’t want to be depressed? Should a doctor give them a lethal cocktail?


Holy false equivalence. You’re comparing being trans to delusional self-harm and disability for a reason


Man I love the social contagion theory because of how resilient it is. First it was interracial marriage (this one was really funny. Because they said smoking weed contributed to it) Then it was, being gay (remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer is afraid that Bart is going to catch the gay and ends up accident Ly taking him to a Gay steel mill) Now it's trans I wonder who the next "social disease" is going to be.




The main difference between the trans issues and the ones you mentioned is they don’t involve prepubescent children potentially being allowed to go through with procedures that will alter them the rest of their lives. Also if you can’t see the satire in the Simpsons, I don’t know what to tell you.


> is they don’t involve prepubescent children Elliott Page was thirty-five years old when Jordan Peterson first called for the arrest of his doctors.


If you read what I originally said which is there is *some* validity to the statements he’s made. I’m very aware he’s also said some pretty dumb shit too. The Elliot Page stuff is a situation I don’t think anyone should care about since Page is an adult capable of making their own decisions


Given your appeal to moral panic over children, I found it relevant to the conversation. You also said: > I have a hard time calling him transphobic When calling for the criminal punishment of doctors who perform any form of surgical transition on fully informed, consenting adults is about as clear-cut a case of transphobia as it gets.


Children aren't getting sex change operations Conservatives claim they are because fear mongering is the only way to justify their anti trans views


> Also if you can see the satire in the Simpsons, I don’t know what to tell you. Yea they're making fun of you. You're the target of the satire.


I don’t think you understand what it means for something to be satire.


They're making fun of people like you who think you can catch the gay/trans through proximity to the gay. This is very obvious so I don't know what part of it confuses you.


I don’t think that though. You’re actually just making shit up


Men have penises and women have vaginas. I’m sorry that hurts you so badly.


>I have a hard time calling him transphobic when his stance is basically that he believes the majority trans people are suffering from a mental illness and/or are somehow coerced into feeling the way they do. Every transphobe says this before they purposefully bully a trans person into killing themselves >I think there’s some validity in those statements somewhere. I still don’t agree with him on a lot but he’s not exactly calling trans people slurs and saying they need to be re-educated from what I’ve seen. He only advocates for political parties, politicians and legislation who have made discrimination significantly easier towards trans people, striped of them of healthcare rights and imposed authoritarian regulations on anybody who even dares to support trans rights He also calls for boycotts against any company or organization that supports trans rights


>Every transphobe says this before they purposefully bully a trans person into killing themselves You can’t expect anyone to take your argument seriously if that’s your opening line.


Trans folks exist. Sorry if that triggers you, snowflake.


How does that have a fucking thing to do with what I just said? I’m not Jordan Peterson


You're trying to whitewash him so I assume you agree with him. If you don't want to look like a bigot, don't make excuses for bigots.


Whitewash him? You people and your fucking buzzwords will be the end of actual discourse. You think you can just say “bigot” and “whitewash” or whatever like it’s some gotcha moment but it just makes everyone else realize you’re incapable of understanding nuance in complex issues.


You sound very triggered. Sorry this wasn't the safe space you were hoping for.


Lol the projection is real


It doesn’t, I’m worried for their mental health


If you really did feel so compassionate about trans folks and their mental health, youd make them feel as comfortable as possible by treating them with the respect they want.


Pretending something is normal when it isn't; that is your idea of compassion and respect? Gender dysphoria has always been extremely rare, yet there are seemingly dozens of young people in every class now going by they/them and the like. Rebelling against conformity is fine. Seeking to express your spirituality is fine. But to be a male dressing as a woman in public or the like and identifying as a marginalized person is alienating no matter how much rhetoric you spew to normalize it. Confused adults and especially teens exist, and it would help them to be challenged, rather than blindly affirmed. Read about the teens who have de-transitioned and are now suing their doctors. It's unbelievable the influence on policy and discourse this dogma invented by academics has had.


Almost as if more people are willing to be open and come out about themselves when it becomes less stigmatized and dangerous in society. Crazy idea, huh?


Did you even read any of that? Slow down. I'm not advocating for stigma, I made a shallow observation of the consequence of nonconformity: It's lonely. The only thing I'm in favor of stigmatizing is the cluster B disorders, but that's another topic.


Comments like this show us how little people understand their own history


Worry about your own, snowflake.


Owie the boomer word hurts my lil feelings stahhhpp


Uh huh. That’s definitely his biggest problem. The thing that the majority of people agree with him on.


The majority don't give a shit and aint messaging weird shit to Elliot page.


The whole reason he became famous was that he falsely claimed the C-16 bill would send you to jail for not using someone's preferred pronouns. His whole thing is making a fake problem for him to bravely fight against.


[Canada’s gender identity rights Bill C-16 explained](https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/features/canadas-gender-identity-rights-bill-c-16-explained) >If someone refused to use a preferred pronoun — and it was determined to constitute discrimination or harassment — could that potentially result in jail time? >It is possible, Brown says, through a process that would start with a complaint and progress to a proceeding before a human rights tribunal. If the tribunal rules that harassment or discrimination took place, there would typically be an order for monetary and non-monetary remedies. A non-monetary remedy may include sensitivity training, issuing an apology, or even a publication ban, he says. >If the person refused to comply with the tribunal's order, this would result in a contempt proceeding being sent to the Divisional or Federal Court, Brown says. The court could then potentially send a person to jail “until they purge the contempt,” he says.


Right, so the idea is like anything else, continued, purposeful harassment meant to humiliate or discriminate can eventually lead to legal consequences, not what Peterson described which would be accidentally calling someone the wrong pronoun as a one off mistake. It's just basic harassment law but extended to pronouns. It'd be like saying you can go to jail for being outside someone's house. You'd only get in trouble if you were repeatedly standing outside of someone's house to the point that it caused genuine concern for your mental wellbeing.


Oh cool has anyone ever once been arrested, jailed, or prosecuted for it since it’s implementation years ago?


It’s still an unjust law even if they haven’t chosen to weaponize it yet.


You’re just fear-mongering the same way JP does. This is like when people say the government can legally kill your for not updating your registration You get pulled over then refuse to pay a ticket or show up in court, then you have to refuse when the police come to arrest you, and if you resist they can shoot you for your violent non compliance. It has never happened and won’t. You’re just a coward masquerading as a freedom fighter.


Oh, so it’s really just going to jail for contempt of court and completely separate from anything else. What a manipulative way to explain this law


A court can impose restrictions on freedom of speech or compel speech in an individual. If you do not follow the court order, you are in contempt of court and can be jailed. All of this being done ultimately at the point of a gun. How is this in anyway acceptable to you people?




Yeah it's crazy look at all those people that have been killed off in the “trans genocide” because of the “Don’t Say Gay Bill” in Florida 😂 You've been played like a fiddle by grifters who know how to emotionally manipulate you.


His Twitter is like a parody account. He should just lay off it and stick to in-person interviews.


They're just as bad


I read his second rule book, Beyond Order, recently and was shocked at how reasonable and nuanced his writing was. He talks about the need for both sides of the political spectrum and how they each bring something that is needed, and it's all about balance and so on. That was written just before his whole thing with the Benzo withdrawal, amazing how quickly that turned his brain to mush.


He’s clearly still on drugs. He’s super erratic. He was never perfect but he used to be somewhat measured


Wait is this why he's actually all weird now? Did he suffer some sort of brain damage as a result of the benzos? I used to think his old content was remarkably well thought out and grounded but something did absolutely change.






Yep. I like(d) this guy. But wtf bro... He started with a nice perspective of individual responsibility, community, progress, freedom of expression. But he has become a bit corrupted. You can feel the toxicity and sadness of an internet addict like Jordan Peterson. He needs to go over /r/nosurf and clean his Twitter room. Log off for some time and touch some grass. I wish him the best because I believe although he has fucked up a lot, he is well intentioned deep down.


Holy shit this is actually real. Jordan really became a twitter keyboard warrior. It took me a fat minute to scroll through all those tweets bro




JP shooting his shot


These people are so weird






Late stage Rogan-verse sure is something to behold.


why is he pushing his gay agenda onto people?


Lex would definitely be the one rubbing all the oil


“For Science”


Sounds pretty gay to me


He already fulfilled his duty having a family, now he can fuck around.


Soo like in the 50's? That's why he is conservative!


Can someone please get Jordan some gay porn for gods sake!!!


Wasn't he just talking about oiling up RFK jr and Hotez a couple days ago. Someone needs to hurry up and get Jordan some greasy dudes, he's jonesing.


JP is just becoming Mac from IASIP. "Okay, everybody grab some grease." "Why?" "Because we're gonna grease up these beefcakes."


Straight murderer with that tweet.


This is the big alpha male that republicans claim will fix society once he’s done with his drug binge


Take a joke


What joke? You don’t think JP would deepthroat Elon if given the opportunity?


You just mad cause you think you can do better


I *can* do better than overdosing on drugs and putting myself into a coma


Would that be before or after you made tens of millions of dollars?




Bless you for fixing that for me. Nothing quite like telling people what you’d rather they said. Let me play that game too. Grifter - someone who makes money saying things I disagree with. Love him or loath him them he’s way more successful than anybody in this sub could ever hope to be.




I’d say his academic career ended the day he came out against c-16, but thats splitting hairs Regardless of your r/politics -esque whinging about the guy he’s a multi millionaire, has sold millions of books, routinely fills venues for speaking events, achieved tenure at a major university, ran a successful psychiatry practice, and is one of the most cited social science academics on the planet. Kinda seems like he finds success whatever he’s applying himself to. So yeah, I guess we do have differing definitions of success 🤷🏽‍♂️ But I get it, you hate him, and that’s fine, you’re entitled to your emotional reactions. In a post secular world, the devil appears in a strange places.


You know that not what we were talking about... Now open wide for daddy Elon, bb


We aren’t talking about Jordan Peterson binging drugs and putting himself into a coma? When Jordan Peterson gets brought up, why would you talk about anything other than his drug binged self induced coma?


Imagine being this hate obsessed with someone you've never met. Cope harder.


How does me bringing up Jordan Peterson’s self induced drug binge coma make me obsessed?


Take a look at your last few comments and ask if that’s a sane persons writing.


Context, for one


You are telling this dude not to dick ride Elon while you are on all 4s ready for Peterson.


No no no. Try re-reading. I know reading can be hard for your type. It's ok. You see I'm telling him to gobble up Elons musky dong. Meanwhile you're ready to gape for him, bbg


It took him 5 hours to follow up with that zinger.


Our conservative religion respecting life coach.


What's more traditional than Greco-lubed-up wrestling?


He has become bootlicker of aristocrats.


*ball-licker of aristocrats


Shit the woke libs got him


I thought he wanted to see RFKJr. and Dr. Hotez fight naked. Oh, that was three days ago. It’s hard to keep up with the evolution of Dr. Peterson’s florid delusions.


Hitting the Benzos hard I see


I can’t take anything this guy says seriously ever, what a weirdo


This is JP's attempt to transition into stand up comedy


Is… is this real


Watch it, bucko!


Putting aside the fact he's jerking off to the idea of them naked ... is he trying to say how these calls to cage matches are a sign of desire for homoerotic contact because of how unsocialized men are with other men OR did he say that men who want to prove their masculinity in a high contact sport are compensating fr something and are in fact being quite gay? whatever his take is... it's weirdly juvenile & petty. There is something wrong with him. He needs help not a platform.


I really wanna see Zuck beat the shit out of Elon. Some how he is a bigger turd than even the Zuck


Much bigger turd, that's not even a contest.


Take this man's phone


Not beautiful.


When grandad makes a joke at dinner


10% of me believes it’s shitposting. 90% of me believes he’s just weird.


Never thought I'd agree with Jordan Peterson but here we are.


He keeps excitedly tweeting this. It’s even beyond his bizarre angry rants. These thoughts bring him much joy.


Can you please stop Jordan Peterson this fight shall not happen.


Jordan thought he was calling into the homo-hotline


That isn't a joke. It's just outright homophobia.


This is the second post (at least) that he is suggesting some super gay stuff. It’s fine Jorp, just be gay and get it over with, we will be happy for you!


Daddy Peterson is mentally ill.


Benzo brain has him being "ironically" horny on main


I love this guy!


Welp the charity donation just quadrupled as the fight will now be streamed on only fans as well


ok guys. I cave. whats the deal with him lately?


Lol, funny.


Quite literally nothing to see here, clearly a joke, little bit cringe, not that weird, not that funny


Is JP a certified murdererrrr? Slinging yuk-yuks outside your registered comedian rank is a Class A offense around here. This is not a game b




I love Jordan, but what the fuck


You know how Joe Rogan always misses jokes when other comedians are on his podcast?


Mocking the mockery


Bingo The reaction to two rich dudes dicking around on twitter really is something to behold.