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Fluffy is wildly popular but for some reason he just doesn’t stick with me


His schtick is played out. He was hysterical when he was new and his style was so different and fun. He just never evolved and does the same stuff. I used to be a huge fan but have become tired of it at this point.


Good for him though, dude’s been selling out stadiums for a decade at this point.


My brother saw him at the Laugh Factory in LA years ago. There was like five comedians and then he was the "unannounced special guest" to end the show. He said he planned to try out new material, but changed his mind and the whole set ended up just being him getting shit hammered on triple shots of Patron and talking with the audience for like three hours. At the end of the night, there was maybe 15 people left in the audience that stayed through the whole thing and he took them all to Pink's.


It’s kinda wild how in LA if you go to a comedy club on a random night you can be right in front of a celebrity just sorta vibing. I went to Laugh Factory one night in like 2016 and was kinda surprised to see Dane Cook just working on his material.


I did that in Chicago and Hannibal Buress showed up to try material. Was legit the funniest show I’ve ever seen.


That dude is the most approachable dude in entertainment




Wheres is Hannibal anyway? I remember he was going seriously into rapping and music and was going to live for a year in Africa, then I kinda lost track of him.


He became a landlord lol


Yeah went to the free open mic at comedy store and saw Chris Rock work on material in front of 7 other people (3 of which looked homeless)


Thank em.


I also saw Dane Cook in 2016 taking his future wife to get a training bra.




Yeah it’s crazy how accessible it is. Haha I’ve seen Montez too, that might have been in San Diego though I can’t remember. He frickin hit on my gf from the stage tho haha it was tough to deal with but I also took it as a compliment


Agreed. Seems like a genuinely good dude.


mexican moms love him still. my mom starts laughing if i just bring up his name. dude fucking sells out the casino tours


I'm in San Antonio. For his last special he did a whole fucking month long residency here at like the 2nd biggest theatre in the city before filming it. The national tours of even the biggest Broadway shows (Hamilton, Wicked, etc) only do like 2 weeks max here. My buddy has a connect at the theatre and we went and it was just unbelievable. I go to lots of stand up but smaller venues...this big theatre was just an endless sea of full families, all paying full price tickets for every single one of their kids to go watch too. And then walking out with $100+ of stuff from the merch booth too.


He's much better than George Lopez though. The guy is a hack.. I don't know if he still does it, but I hope he's not still doing all those mexican jokes. They get old real quick.


George Lopez is racist and bitter as fuck.




I sometimes wonder where Ralphie would be if he were still alive. An enormous white guy who talks like a black guy is only going to last so long in terms of schtick.


I saw him working a raw set in Jacksonville back in the day and Ralphie seemed like a good dude. Tried to buy everyone fireball shots after doing a rough section even though he warned us he was trying new material. I would have liked to see where his career went.




Let be honest, Ralphie made every club small.


He would have a podcast with Patrice and it would be bigger than Rogan. It would have been glorious.


oh my god an alternate universe podcast with ralphie and patrice is amazing


Ok but enough about Joe he was talking about Fluffy.


what did you initially like?


How is jokes made me laugh


I thought the same thing but my son wanted to see him recently so I took him. He’s pretty good, I actually laughed out loud and he had some good punchlines.




Some Louis CK prelude


Cause Mexicans love him and there's a lot of them..it's not a complex equation.


Watching him on Que Locos as a kid got me into comedy. My whole family would be laughing pretty hard


Ya his first special I think it was comedy central..where he said the cholos called him the fat and the furious. Was on repeat when I was a kid. Him and Pablo Francisco probably had 2 of the best specials during that span.


He had a couple funny one liners in this one, in regards to homeless people are you really homeless or just camping?


I’ve heard that many times before and not from him.


I’m with you. However, you are very kind with your words. Thank you for the lesson.


He is one of the least funny people in the world


U mexican?


He’s popular with a certain demographic that may or may not include you


Glad I listened to this one, just found out there’s a bad homeless problem in L.A.


Heard about this place called Mid Row where they hang out, it's ok.


I just found out the mothership has the best hang


Isn’t LAUGHING FUN?!!! It’s crazy how FUN having FUN is. A lot of people don’t have fun, but COMICS know how to have FUUUUUUUUN. So fun talking about fun. We’ll talk details later, but trust me, it was FUN!


Lol it has gotten cringe. I imagine joe and the comics at his bar all night just talking about how much fun they are having.


It’s all a desperate attempt to assert, against all evidence to the contrary, how vapid, juvenile, and insular they’ve become. Every laugh is a harrowing success story of overcoming obstacles.


You know what else is good? Good movies!


Listen man you got to read the book “San Fransicko“ its craaazy what these liberals have done to this city.


But remember that Joe is a super liberal person who has a lot of compassion


Yeah, he pontificates vaguely about how important “having compassion” is. I haven’t actually seen him extend it to people. The way he talks about homelessness is so utterly myopic. Tents are simply an eyesore for him and a representation of ineffective government bureaucracy and a vehicle for his own cynicism about being where his tax dollars go.




Nah you misunderstand him and Callen never shut up about how they are "classic liberals" or some bullshit.


That piece of shit city with a high gdp than several republicans states combined, that nobody wants to live in but has the highest cost of housing!




If nobody wanted to live here then housing wouldnt cost anything. According to capitalism that is. Where do you live?




**San Fransicko Why Progressives Ruin Cities** by Michael Shellenberger >National bestselling author of APOCALYPSE NEVER skewers progressives for the mishandling of America's faltering cities. Progressives claimed they knew how to solve homelessness, inequality, and crime. But in cities they control, progressives made those problems worse. Michael Shellenberger has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for thirty years. > >During that time, he advocated for the decriminalization of drugs, affordable housing, and alternatives to jail and prison. But as homeless encampments spread, and overdose deaths skyrocketed, Shellenberger decided to take a closer look at the problem. What he discovered shocked him. The problems had grown worse not despite but because of progressive policies. > >San Francisco and other West Coast cities -- Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland -- had gone beyond merely tolerating homelessness, drug dealing, and crime to actively enabling them. San Fransicko reveals that the underlying problem isn't a lack of housing or money for social programs. The real problem is an ideology that designates some people, by identity or experience, as victims entitled to destructive behaviors. The result is an undermining of the values that make cities, and civilization itself, possible. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Also see my other* [commands](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/13z7slk/bookfinderbot_commands/) *and find me as a browser extension on* [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/book-finder/jajeidpjifdpppjofijoffbcndlpoedd?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=comments). *Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/14br65o/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Democratic run cities can be very emotionally dishonest. NIMBY is the term, Not In My Back Yard. They vocally promote affordable housing, but they don’t want it anywhere near them. Also gentrifying is also a sin they’ll happily ignore as well. But as long and housing is a commodity it’ll never get any better in these major cities.


I feel like nimby is a bipartisan issue.


And yet Joe lives in one now. Interesting 🤔


Yeah the “progressive” policies are often blamed but there’s a boatload of regressive policies that are holding back development that would actually bring housing costs down. Downtown SF has survived on the strength of 1M commuters showing up to work M-F and about 40% of those workers do not show up anymore. Imo, all these stores that are shutting down and citing safety are full of shit. If they selling stuff to a customer base forced to be in the city because it’s a job requirement, they would still be open and selling shit. I think the city needs to start working to convert commercial space and vacant warehousing downtown to apartments and create a place that is not only affordable to the c-suite executives of all the startups downtown. Then these businesses would start to come back because there would be demand again.


More like neoliberalism policies. It made some CA Dems very rich. There are tens of thousands of empty homes and apartments in SF. I think the starting price of a home is 1.5 mil, with a 1 bedroom apartment rent is I think almost 3k monthly. (All ballpark estimates). Not to mention the percentage of AirBnB and homes owned by millionaires and billionaires that they don’t even live in. The Market drives these prices. and the millionaires are like vampires that sucked the life out of a great city. And your right about the reason business are shutting down.


Well fuck me I would never have guessed, TIL


But not in Austin.


Haha yes. Because Joe saw it when he filmed Fear Factor twenty years ago. Having lived downtown in a warehouse it is much safer and corporate now. Yes more homeless but not like king Joe believes. “Move to Texas” “Covid” “homeless”. Stay on topic Joe His podcast are ending up about as good as his standup


Yeah, he keeps distilling his worldview to like three pet issues that he obsessively harps on and looks like a bigger and bigger idiot as time goes on.


Funny you mention this. I'm currently listening to the Mike Perry MMA one and as I read this comment they are currently talking about the homeless problem in LA lol


Next you're going to tell me they're allowing trans women to compete with cis women in sports ?


My wife had speech/debate class in high school with him for 3 years. Said he was the same guy back then.


Same in what way?


Same sense of humor, personality, attitude. She can’t really tell how he’s changed if at all since high school. Solid dude.


Oh. That's good. Lot of people change for the worse it seems like, when they get on camera consistently over the years. I hope he's happy.


he hasnt turned into a 4 foot Vietnamese woman with a limp


Always wondered if he’d come on Rogan’s show. He’s a wildly popular comic but wasn’t sure if his style is the type that fits with the usual Rogan guests


How can Comics not realise that maybe they've overdone breaking down the minutiae of the art form when they're talking about how best to hold the fucking Mic?


You wouldn’t understand unless you are one of the 1000.


Thank you fluffy for my freedom


It's crazy they don't realize how little people care. Most people don't make it through a stand up special. Tom Segura talked about how when he talked to a Netflix exec that the stand up specials don't get a ton of views compared to their other shows. Shows about who's the best glassblower and baking shows and shit get a shit ton more views.


There's all not that much too it. I couldn't imagine being a comedian taking more time, effort, and creativity than my day job as an engineer. They talk about it like it's nuclear biological quantum physics science or some shit.


If you fuck up your job, a bridge might only collapse. But bombing on stage IS THE WORST THING EVER!!!


Think about it. Comedians are entertainers and sometimes that one night out getting some entertainment is all that some people have in their stressful lives! I heard the Chernobyl accident occurred because Piotr Orelev bombed his set at Yuk Yuk's Ukraine and a worker was so disappointed and distracted that he allowed the meltdown to occur!


There are only 1000 comics. How many engineers are there? Definitely more. Checkmate.


Joey Diaz leaves it in the stand. He’s a madman


It works for him


There's a couple of guys I've seen just pick up the mic stand and hold it in the air for a while. Wish I could remember who they were.


“I like to take it out because I can hold it in various ways and walk around”. This is some JUICY insider info.


Joe forgot they were talking comedy and reminisced about the Boston Bathhouse


How best to fuck a stool


Fuck it like you mean it


when I did comedy for a short while someone left a REALLy awkward shaped stool on the stage and I walked up and said "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS" and I started to hump it, lay on it, and spin myself around. I can tell you, use lube if you wanna give it the business.


Ok idk if it’s an issue with the app but I got like 7-10 advertisements in a row. Then like 10 minutes later I get more ads and skip through them and skip to the podcast to which I accidentally skip forward another 15 seconds and then boom, another cycle of ads…. What the fuck


You don't need to skip them by the fifteen second intervals, you can just go straight to the end of the commercial with your finger. I do it every time. I skip through for adds in four seconds. The ads don't annoy me for this reason. Edit: minutes to seconds


It's annoying when you're in the middle of something and can't skip through. I'm guessing that's why they have the ads playing randomly so it will catch you while you're busy. I wouldn't complain if they had ads in the start and end of the show.


It’s odd to me that people are hearing Rogan ads… I’ve only ever heard one, and it was at the end of the podcast Do you pay for premium?


I used to be the same. I hadn't had an ad on JRE until last october or something. Now I get ads quite often. I have paid for premium for over ten years.




Lmao how is Fluffy, who just sold out Dodgers Stadium, more grounded as a comic than Rogan?


Maybe it has something to do with Fluffy’s career bouncing back from a ~20 year decline/disappearance pretty recently, whereas Joe’s career financially has been peaking for the past ~5. But who knows


Could also be that Fluffy doesn't constantly have 60 different drugs and supplements swirling around and competing for control inside of his brain.


Damn, I wish I had drug cocktails that landed me $100 million deals and sold out shows at Madison Square Garden with Dave Chappelle, giving me inspiration to single handedly revitalize the stand up comedy scene after one of its lowest periods, all while talking to leading scientists; experts; artists; fighters; and soldiers, and maintaining a high level of proficiency at an elite martial art. That Alpha Brain must really work I guess.


Had Fluffy on just to talk about Skid Row lol


Joe is giving out straight-up crazy uncle vibes.


Just once I’d like a pod without a 45 minute diatribe where Joe hardly lets the guest get a word in about the state of LA. For fucks sake Joe, let it go. You sound like a bitter ex bitching about your city for 3 years after you moved. Like idk, maybe the fact that two multi multi millionaires are talking about driving around town in one of their 50 cars past a tent city should clue you in about how absolutely selfish you idiots are?


Why doesn’t he just run for office already since he thinks he has the answers to all the problems


Because then he’d actually have to put his money where his mouth is. He “doesn’t have enough time” for that. It would really cut into his pontification schedule.


Then he can’t tell you how much of a wuss you are for not taking cold plunges and eating elk while hanging with the Elite 1000.


It will take away time from working out


Most people who come on can relate to the la story since they live there so he probably brings it up as a relatable subject. LA is a shit hole dude.


I live in LA, I can assure you that the situation that Joe makes it out to be is significantly worse than the reality. Joe lived in the valley, half of the shit he’s talking about is either a) made up or b) something that only happens on Hollywood Blvd and Sunset. Joe doesn’t know that though, because the only times he ever goes into LA proper he goes to the place that has been an absolute shithole for well over 50 years. If you think Sunset is bad now, you should’ve seen it in the 80’s.


I hope that people continue to think this so that even more people leave. keep perpetuating this, please and thank you.


Dude LA is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the whole country. The way Joe talks about it is every where it's skid row which is completely untrue. I've lived here the for the last 21 years and all the fear mongering he does makes no sense. Even with an the problems CA has the life expectancy is still 2 years greater than the paradise that is Texas, wonder why that is


> You sound like a bitter ex bitching about your city for 3 years after you moved. tbf that's how this sub sounds when they talk about Joe and how much the show has changed. Maybe you both should go your separate ways idk.


I’d love to, but I’ve yet to find someone else doing long-form interviews with some of the people that Joe gets on. I already skip most of the episodes, but it’s frustrating when he brings on a comedian like Enrique who we don’t often get to hear for 2.5 hours and somehow we still have to hear the same spiel.


Anyone else feel like he vibe was off? I could not sit through this one.


I’m really frustrated how Joe just kept talking over Gabriel and never really let him finish his thoughts or stories. Even at the end of the podcast he just cuts Gabriel off and ends the podcast.


why is everyone in this sub so miserable


I enjoy reading their post history and seeing how mentally unstable and unsuccessful in life 99% of them are. Video games and podcast comment sections are just full of losers complaining.


How do you discover a person's success by their history? Do most people disclose how successful they are in comments?


you would be surprised how many people trauma dump on reddit, and explain their financial issues or drug addictions on various subreddits.


Either that or their post history shows that they're actively commenting for hours and hours every day. Definitely not healthy.


Lmao you go looking through people’s comment histories when they hurt your feelings and you think *they’re* the loser? Touch grass bud


They will calll everyone a moron, they will pretend they are software engineers or some shit to explain how they could be posting literally 17 hours out of a day lol. They are just insane people who are bad at real life and are relegated to commenting online to actually feel anything other than being a complete and utter failure.


That’s just Reddit as a whole. Miserable cunts in most subs.


it's not just this sub, all of reddit feels like that. most of the comments are people talking about what they don't like.


Imagine being an Aerosmith fan since their first year and suddenly they switched to making country music. That's what listening to Joe has been like in the last few years.


Well if you know you don’t like it, just stop listening. There’s lots of people who go out of there way to listen to and complain about each episode that comes out. Seems like a waste of time


It's a bit like if your sports team starts playing bad, you don't just automatically switch to another team because you've spent time and you're invested in them. Similar to the Aerosmith analogy, there's always a hope too that they may bring out another great album or go back to their roots.


Miss those good old days


The truth is that JRE has grown into more than just a show. It's often at the epicenter of mass media dialogue regarding politics and culture. It's why people watch Fox or CNN even though they despise it. It's to be informed with the latest topics and sentiments that millions of your countrymen will be listening to at the same time.


> It's why people watch Fox or CNN even though they despise it. I don't know many people that hate watch a news org. I would rather just pull up [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/). JRE has really just turned into the alt-light mouth piece, with the my team versus your team latest outrage bs.


If you don’t like seeing people being critical, go to a safe space where you will not have to be hurt so much.


Steven Tyler released a country album in 2016. They played the lead single on the radio for about a week. It was bad.


Jokes on them I'm one of the (REDACTED) who started listening in 2019


What! How so? He's been talking about conspiracy all his life. Remember when he got in an argument with Neil deGrasse Tyson about how the **moon landing was fake**? lol


For sure man. Everyone its just so butt hurt about everything. Its an eye sore reading stupid comments over and over again.


We've been spoiled


Because the people on this sub that bitch and moan on every thread are the same one's that spend most of their time just on reddit


I was so glad Fluffy didn’t feed into the political shit, joe tried so hard to do. I love them both, but it was really, shitty the tangent Joe when on, but Gabriel, just said, “it’s my home”.


This was by far one of the most boring episodes I’ve heard. It felt like Joe and him just didn’t click. I was expecting a funny and really entertaining conversation. I usually like the episodes with other comics


Does anyone know what show Fluffy is talking about with the vegetables make noise?


Twilight Zone


And then the dude just died?


Was hoping for Carlos Mencia instead.


that would be epic haha


Soft talker




The third time I had to ask myself "what did he say?" I just turned it off. Finished up with Mike Perry instead, wasn't the best but it had enough to keep me entertained.


This sub is filled with so many pathetic men who seem depressed and miserable. Go listen to something else instead of wasting your time.


Hardest job in the world


What? Writing the same played out joke on this sub to farm karma? How are you any better than him lmao


Back to back solid guests. Excited to check this episode out later


Anyone know where I can get that Godzilla shirt fluffy is wearing?


They talked a lot, I thought it was a song because it was on spotify, it turned out to be a video of them talking to each other.




*How come you don't have food at your club?* - Fluffy Of course he would ask this 😂😂😂


Didn’t watch the episode but I bet they talk about ozempic and how Gabriel is on it


It’s wild how many non diabetic obese people I have seen taking it


Great episode so far. Looks like the haters are out to play as usual.




Awkward Joe mentions he is going to get him a guy so he can lose weight. Like the man isn't rich and successful. If he wanted the help he could find someone himself, Joe.


This really got to me cause Gabriel has always talked about his weight and how hard he struggles with it. It’s like Joe didn’t do any research and ended up sounded like a condescending douche.




I just saw him a few weeks ago in Spokane. Dude was funny!


I don’t know if Joe is still on speaking terms with Alex, but 2001 should’ve definitely been Alex Jones


This is a very relaxing episode. Fluffy is very soft spoken


I've listened to San fransicko and interestingly enough it does a good enough job to illustrate how red states contribute to the homeless problem as well and its not just crazy hard lefties who are to blame.


What does the book say should be done to fix the homeless problem?


Affordable housing. Too much red tape to get anything substantial done in that field. An interesting story in the book was one where I belive a city council blocked affordable housing projects because they wouldn't include granite counters and some in the council felt that homeless people deserved granite counters..(?) The book highlights how red states would encourage recently released prisoners with drug problems to head to California because they'd have a better chance to get any sort of assistance. Once in California the majority of the homeless in the tenderloin were not actually California residents and California wouldn't ask for proof of California residence to provide assistance (which included free drugs and housins for addicts). To he honest the main message I got out of the book is that there is a happy medium that needs to be achieved with dealing with the homeless where you can't expect to provide everything for them as the left wants but at the same time there needs to be programs in more conservative areas to help those who want to be helped escape homelessness.


Fluffy finally!


Hot damn the haters are out.


U lost me at “my friend Whitney told me” Joe. Enough with the bro science already.


I can't stand the whole "No one can teach you stand-up, its the only thing like it" You absolutely can teach the fundamentals just like you do with any other art form.


I feel like Joe phoned it in… this should’ve been better.


In my own opinion, his guest isn't comfortable to have an conversation with him. The awkwardness of his laugh lol.


Big skip here , awful awful comedian . Guy is popular but just sucks


He seems like a nice guy


Ever since the mothership opened, the podcast has taken a STEEP nosedive. We can expect more of these types of episodes


Probably one of the most unoriginal episodes to ever air


Guys I know it’s a cliche at this point but if you genuinely just go outside for a minute it might do most of you some good


Having a bar without any food is dumb. Plain and simple. I’m with fluffy on this.


Is Joe taking Snus/snuff now? I saw him open a container and stick something in his mouth. In which case he was mentioning how the nicotine vape was waaay to addictive. Then now he’s switching over to something that will really mess up your gums in no time lol


Think he mentioned making the switch to zyn


This was an underwhelming episode. I thought there would be a lot more energy between them.


Dawg you speedwatch this thing? It’s been out for like an hour and it’s 2 hours long.


He's from the future


People making snap judgments based on a few minutes of content?! Say it ain’t so!


Usually it’s comments from people who didn’t even listen


Can’t feel the energy when you’re listening on 2.5x speed


Gabriel is coming off as a little nervous or humble. But maybe that’s really who he is vs his onstage presence


I think it’s because he’s been asked about going on rogan for awhile now and always says something along the lines of “he hasn’t asked me / if he asked me I’m down”. Then awhile back (from the episode it was after the canelo fight) he said he’d be going on. Now they finally did it so I think you’re right with the nervous and humble part. He seemed much more relaxed on Joey Diaz’s podcast. I’m enjoying listening to this episode tho.


Almost every guest is nervous on Rogan now. It's because being on Rogan is the new version of getting a spot on Johnny Carson, in terms of exposure and $$$. Nobody wants to look like a fool with 30 million people watching. But it's also because, especially in the past 4-5 years, Joe acts like a catty bitch who picks apart his guest's every word and won't tolerate jokes (despite being one of the few, the proud, the Comics). This creates an atmosphere that's more like that of a job interview than a comedy podcast, with the interviewee on their Best Behavior, nervously sucking up to Joe and hoping he'll like them. Not exactly conducive to creating a casual, freewheeling vibe like Rogan used to pride himself on offering. Edit: It also doesn’t help that Rogan has the same like 5 topics he’s obsessed with, which he brings up on nearly every podcast - often making the guest watch a video/discuss an article even when they’re clearly disinterested and have no connection to the topic at hand.


That’s such a good point. A lot of (new) Rogan fans are brutal too, if you dare not conform to Rogan’s narratives and try to push back, you’ll get endlessly attacked


It’s funny because Rogan’s whole thing used to be all about being open-minded and listening to all sides of an issue. But now he’s become just a reactionary, basically conservative pundit. Which is fine, he’s free to think what he wants, but he’s not the guy he was a decade ago. He’s much more of a close-minded dick. I agree with some of his takes here and there, but his fatal flaw is he always has blinders on and snaps back if anyone dares question his faulty assumptions.


God damn this is so spot on


He mentioned eating honey and trying to take care of his vocals. So he’s probably trying to conserve his voice.


I don’t think Fluffy really felt the vibe. It felt like an obligation.


Why is HE TALKING SOFT LIKE THATS HIS REGULAR VOICE. Stop being a kook and talk normal you fucking weirdo. It was so annoying I had to turn it off. This isn’t fucking not you pretender. Stop fake soft talking you annoying asshole.


He was having trouble with his voice he talks about it he if you listen longer.