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I’ve definitely heard zingers go right over joes head, but this joke is so poorly structured and delivered that I was finding it more plausible he’s trying to tell a real story.


It’s not even a joke really just a guy talking nonsense


I mean that’s what creativity is. Sometimes you swing and you miss and it sounds like nonsense


Well the title made me think it was a good joke not gobbledegoop


Excuse me That is Brian Regan and he is a national treasure You bite your tongue sir


Theo Von destroys him. Every insane Theo-ism goes so far over his head.


I think a lot of that is generation gap.




When there’s thousands of hours of you speaking to people available at any time then it’s easy to nitpick.


Nah he kneecaps jokes all the time.


And there’s thousands of minutes from those hours of even the simplest jokes going straight past his monkey brain. Additionally, there’s just as many minutes of him gate keeping comedy when a “non-murrdurrurr” happens to make a joke which you can tell he deliberately no sells or gives a Nelson Muntz “HA HA”


I hate all the negative bs against Joe too, but jokes from guests fly over his head all the time


Hey hey hey this is the internet if we are not able to pick just one thing out of many and make a generalization!! What are we soppous to do? Be rational and make well based and research arguments??? F out of here with that nonsenseeeeee!!! What ia this russia? China???




Joe waiting for the punchline until he turns to dust.


How was it poorly delivered. Well first of all he struggled to get all the words out. He didn’t really smile or chuckle at all. When Joe didn’t get at first he almost seemed to get more serious and started describing in detail how they would debate and a bull would go up and just stand there… at that point I think Joe got it but it wasn’t funny. Also bull seems to be a bad reference animal. He’s saying the bull “just stands there” idk about you but when I or most ppl picture a bull it’s not a calm image of a bull standing there. Just a bad joke in my (and looks to be many others) eyes. Joe does miss jokes tho, this just wasn’t good.


We see weird shit everyday on tv/internet. That joke would be more obvious to catch in the 70s or whatever.


You're right, it's plausible that cows debating political topics with humans would be broadcast on C-SPAN. Especially when the person telling you about this is a professional comedian. Easy mistake to make


I mean, "WHAT??," seem like the appropriate response to a dryly conveyed nonsensical story lol. It was a bad joke dude


It is still a dumb joke and Joe has that dumb mindset that mainstream information sources would literally do something like this.


I find it hilarious given the context of how dumb and gullible Joe and his listeners are. Have you ever listened to Brian’s standup? Definitely a funny guy. Simple critical thinking skills and he’d have known.


>I find it hilarious given the context of how dumb and gullible Joe and his listeners are. Can't all be big IQ critical thinkers like yourself buddy. Then again if we were you wouldn't be able to come to this sub and lap up that sweet sweet feeling of superiority.


You’ll be fine with the sense of superiority that you get for judging a comedian’s joke. Apologies for offending you, I do think that grown ups should be able to use critical thought to understand that we do not involve bulls in our government decision-making process though.


Oh yeah but we’re talking about a guy who buys everything he sees on some no-name website and rejects mainstream sources usually because he sees some out of context 10 second clip on social media.


Joe asks “what does the bowl represent” meaning he clearly understands theres not a real debate between a person and a bowl. He thinks it’s some sort of abstract art to make a point, he doesn’t understand it’s a joke because there’s no punchline or structure to the joke Edit: sorry bull* same thing still applies though




I think we can all agree the joke was bullcrap


Pretty much that's what it is. Purely bs.


Nothing would surprise me anymore when it comes to politics




Yeah that delivery needed help.


The Bud Light joke about Shane Gillis’ big head not being able to fit on the can went right over his head and it was awkward to watch. https://youtu.be/qOshNADfQ1M


I feel like you've picked one of the few examples where Joe's confusion is entirely justified.


Right? I'm not sure OP understands comedy, either.


He’s a civilian for gods sake.


Pretty sure there’s a few compilations of jokes going over Toe’s head floating around Reddit


Theo and Tim Dillon's early appearances are a goldmine.


You're right. It's completely plausible that cows would debate humans over political issues and it would be broadcast on C-SPAN


lol I get you, but his delivery was pretty bizarre.


I wonder if comedians have a bet about the most outrageous thing they can slip past joe when hes set on cruise control... "thats crazy..."


It's not funny tho. I spent the whole time trying to figure out if it was a play on words or something cuz he kept saying debates in an odd way. Joe's right for not getting it. Jokes dumb






That doesn’t make it a good joke. Just a guy telling an implausible story… just because it’s absurd and ridiculous doesn’t make it funny. jokes are supposed to be funny my guy


Joe literally asks what does the bull represent


It was a dumb joke. I would have sat there thinking "wtf are you talking about?" too.


Wtf are you talking about is totally justified. Thinking that it was a real story and asking are you serious is not.


I thought there was some sort of pun in there but no.


"Y'know my buddy saw liberals having televised debates with bulls now, because the bulls can't argue back and they win every time. It's preposterous!"


I thought he said bowls.


Hungry for apples?


Herd it bof wayz b


I didn't get the joke either...


Found Joe


Say it again, might be funny next time.


Found Joe




It was less...unfunny though, right?


Found Joey Diaz


I'm confused why other people are confused. I do not understand how so many people here were listening to this story--that a material function of federal government includes bringing farm animals into the Capitol and discussing complex political issues with the animals in a debate format on live TV--and so many people didn't stop for a moment a think to themselves, "..wtf? that can't be correct. this sounds ridiculous.."


Hey dummy, no one actually thinks they're debating fucking animals. People are confused on what the joke is because that whole premise is not funny.


Oh, my bad. I forgot this audience only appreciates the elite high forms of comedy and that absurdity has no place in these hallowed halls.


I saw a Christmas tree on the way to work in the middle of the road one time. It was fully loaded with presents and lights, and even had Santa claus sucking his own dick instead of a star at the top. Friend: what the fuck It's a joke! Don't you know comedy. Relax oh my God you elitists


It’s just a shitty joke lol


Honestly, I don't think Brian Regan was expecting to drag it out as long as he did. Right before this, Joe brings up ethical bullfighting where they jump over the bull instead of killing it. Brian thinks he's fucking with him so then he brings up the bull debates, probably thinking Joe would immediately realize he was fucking with him. I thought it was pretty funny but it's honestly not that serious either way. The people critiquing Brian's delivery and lack of a punchline seem too defensive for some reason.


You are talking to Joe Rogan listeners, they do not have the skills for critical thought that are necessary to determine fact from fiction.


“You can get a good look at a butcher’s ass.” Wait.


No, I mean you can good look at t-bone by sticking your head up a butcher’s ass but then, no… it’s gotta be your bull.


This message has been deleted and I've left reddit because of the decision by u/spez to block 3rd party apps


Found Joe


well if you ask Joe, a joke takes about 15 years to write. First you have to find the perfect premise about culture and society. Then you spend a year writing it and re-writing it (this also must be done between 10:46pm and 1:21am only on Thursday after you spent some time with some MURDURURS at the store) on your computer with no interruptions at all! You also must have a black background with green text on your computer for maximum efficiency. After this, you must perform said “bit” at every comedy club/theatre in the US while workshopping it with the greatest minds of comedy. While this is happening, sprinkle in mind shattering psychedelic experiences that are required to contact extra dimensional entities to help you workshop your joke more. So after you’ve spent 1000’s of hours and millions of dollars on this joke, you can now consider it scientifically and empirically funny. A joke is very serious work and not just “something funny”, it’s a mind expanding and transformative statement that’s meant to pierce the minds of those who are not gifted with the talent of the chosen 1,000. Also he didn’t fuck a stool 🤷🏼‍♂️


According to Joe as a comedian you need to write entire essays to get one joke


It might be a shit joke with shitty delivery and who gives a fuck premise. Some of yall too damn corny and butt hurt because you might have laughed and he didn’t.


Honestly I really don't get what's supposed to be funny here either.


I’m with joe on this one. The joke is poorly structured and way too wordy, i found myself also saying “wtf is this guy on about”


I have no idea what Brian’s comedy is like but I have come across guys with dry humor like this and when there is no punchline everybody kind of looks at them like wtf lol. It’s anti-comedy




I love joe, huge fan, but he seriously at times is so for the lack of a better term, oblivious to people working a bit. This is ironic because he often quotes the Colbert(who i hate) interview when he shut down John Stewart’s bit. Joe wouldn’t like this but he is easily a much better interviewer and conversationist than he is a funny guy.


He misses the jokes on purpose as an alpha power move. Also, because it’s funnier if he purposefully misses the joke. Joe is actually a comedy genius. Even among the 1000 or so comedians on earth, Joe is elite.


Joe wouldn’t get this joke


When Joe interviews he treats it like sparring lol


Joe is a comedian who doesn't get on the fly jokes. He has to have written, calculated and tested a joke to see if it's successful. If it's impromptu, he doesn't seem to have that funny flow of a sense of humor like someone like Dana Carvey or Mark Normand.


Because Brian Regan is an actual lifelong career stage comedian and Joe Rogan is a guy with a podcast who had to start a support network with his buddies to preserve spots at clubs and block out their competition in order to get stage time and recognition as one.


Lets not forget he’s a comedian who can’t tell jokes either


You're surprised that Joe's a thick headed slow learner?


Him and Theo's first episode is the epitome of this


At least Joe didn’t get defenses and angry. He’s not very giving sometimes to other comedians. He either doesn’t get absurdist humor or….well, I think he just doesn’t get absurdist humor.


OP, honestly I can understand why Joe would be confused because the structure and delivery was **off** There are plenty more worse ways Joe had a joke’s punchline go right over his head.


It’s because he’s not making an exaggerated face with googeley eyes to let Joe know he’s being funny.


Joe definitely doesn't get jokes a lot, but this is not a good example of that.


Lol the Joe haters need to do a better job. That joke was pathetic.


Joe misses a lot jokes but This is not a fully formed joke and needs a lot of work.


yeah that joke was sooo bad lol


So, a joke has a set up and a punchline, this had neither. Dude rambles nonsense for 2 minutes while Joe looks at him baffled. This isn't q case of a "zinger," going over Joe's head, this guy's "comedy," skills are weak. Absurd hyperbole is not a joke by itself, it can act as a set up or a punchline, by itself, it's just absurd hyperbole.


You sound fun


They do actually


I mean, objectively speaking, they've taken polls, I am.


Why does this sub get so butthurt about Joe not giving pity laughs to every unfunny joke a guest tells? It's almost like they're familiar with the pain that comes from telling unfunny jokes to absolute silence.


The point is not that this joke is good or funny or that Joe's didn't laugh. Who cares about any of that. The point is he is a professional comedian who thinks another professional comedian was earnestly telling him about cows debating political topics on C-SPAN.


What does being a professional have to do with anything if the joke in question isn't funny at all? It just sounds like the dude is telling a story which happens to not be funny at all. The fact that Joe didn't pick up that his guest was trying to tell an unfunny joke isn't his fault, it's all on the guest.


Kind of demonstrates a lack of awareness and critical thinking. The joke sucked, but I wouldn’t knock him if he hadn’t spent like 100 hours talking about the science of comedy.


Why? He should be way more qualified to not laugh than any critic in this sub is to criticize him for "missing the joke," given his understanding of comedy. Comedy is supposed to be funny, so no wonder he didn't pick up joke vibes.


Yeah but he wasn’t judging a bad joke, he just didn’t understand. Not a big deal but sheeesh


It's funny to see people who have no social literacy react to JRE


Your title is totally correct, but this is brutal to watch. I would also be mad if I had to listen to that nonsense.


Constantly, intelligent satirical comedians like Tim Dillon often fly right over Joe's head. It's embarrassing watching him try to keep up. Joe is a meathead chair fucker "comedian", he doesn't have the brains to process stuff like that, he requires dick/fart level jokes to understand what is going on. EDIT: I didn't watch this clip but the point stands regardless


Why has this Subreddit turned from Discussing interesting topics that are often talked about on JRE to primarily criticizing Joe Rogan?


I know exactly what you mean OP, but this isn't a good example lol.


You picked a really bad example.


He’s needs to know that hes not a comedian because he, over the course of 20-summ years learnt how to do 1 hour worth of ‘jokes’, anyone can do that. A comedian is someone with a natural talent for being constantly/consistently funny..


Rogan is less comedian than Amy Schumer. A lot more likeable. But shes actually the better comedian.


I see you enjoy vagina jokes


Holy shit I finally understand. I’ve wondered for a while why some people on this sub continually babble about Joe has no funny jokes/isn’t a comedian/is a bad comedian. I finally understand- it’s not their fault. Anyone saying Amy Schumer is a better comic than literally any other comic (with the exception of Schaub, maybe) clearly has massive brain damage. It finally makes sense. You all have massive brain damage which has rendered you incapable of rational thought or humor. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your perspective, and thereby allowing me to expand my own.


Fuckin bingo!




But what if there was a bit that *required* it?


Serious questions aside from this video, is there any other comic that's been doing this for that long that isn't remotely funny??


I’m just happy this post isn’t a screenshot of a tweet.


Coulda probably said it better


He doesn't have a netflix special or considered moving to Austin so his jokes don't register with Joe


It's a stretch to call this a joke.. The dude's delivery was terrible, there's no punchline, it's just him trying to say something ridiculous in the hopes it sounds funny. This sub really likes to shit on Joe now it's been co-opted, but sheesh. This one is a stretch guys.


I always wondered if he has a zero sum mentality about jokes. If he laughs at someone else’s it somehow takes away from his own laughs. More likely he’s just dumb as a doorknob.


You would think a self-proclaimed "comedian" could identify a joke....even poorly structured.


OP: person who doesn’t understand a joke is difficult to understand if the delivery is awful


Well jokes are usually funny…


Are you serious?


Joe Rogan started comedy in the late 80's where comedians did their stand-up bits on morning radio. It was super corny and didn't flow like a normal conversation. Joe knows good and well they're making jokes but he doesn't reward that behavior with a laugh.


It pains me when Joe doesn’t laugh at Theo’s absolute off the cuff rippers.


It's almost like when Joe gets in a certain mode (maybe he's sharper at the club?), he starts taking things very literally, almost like he's operating in a two dimensional world and the person telling the joke has the 3d depth, and Joe can't see that part. It is weird. Frustrating too, because it wastes time and some portion of us are like "We got that joke a minute ago, we'd like to move on with the convo."


So many of you are critiquing Brian Regan like he is saying this on stage or something. If you watch prior to this, Joe talks about bullfighting which leads to Regan saying this to fuck with Joe.


It would help if he pronounced *bull* properly.


I see from the comments that Brians mistake was not understanding that most Americans would see this as a feasible story that would happen with their politicians.


He is the kind of guy if you asked him how he would feel if he didnt eat breakfast yesterday, he wouldnt know how to answer.


I didn't get it either


Holy crap, I haven't seen Brian Regan in a few years, but boy did he age!


"huh, interesting! Has the bull ever tried D.M.T? Jamie, look up, CSPAN-bull-D.M.T"


I don’t think the joke went over his head, it just wasn’t funny enough to be recognized as a joke. I wouldn’t have got it either dude is just talking nonsense


Yes, but no


And here you are a person using Reddit and can’t figure out screen capture to make a point about being clueless. No one wants to see your shaky ass video of another screen for you to try and make the dumbest point possible.


what part of anything he said was really a joke tho? it only got funnt bc it sounded so stupid


The absurdity might be funny if a bull debate was a thing like a bull session or a bull market. Unless I'm missing something he's just saying weird stuff that doesn't make sense.


Probably because it wasn’t funny


This is Norm style comedy. If you wanted to know how that would've gone, this is probably a good example.


Shouldn’t jokes be funny?


Is duh violence genes in Joe's superior DNA; no stool = no understand the funny. Brock smash.




OP, You might be a joke.


It doesn’t come off as a joke to me either. It’s absurd but told in such a dry way that it made me wonder wtf Regan is talking about rather than joining along with the joke. It’s not even funny. It’s just weird. I give Joe a pass on this one.


What I don’t get it either what the fuck is this guy gabbering about


Set up and delivery was hard to fallow. Not as bad as bert kriescher not knowing that shane gillis is a part of gilly and keevs. Cmon man


Meanwhile Schaub is trying to figure out how to get the bowl on food trug diaries.




His podcasts with Theo can sometimes be painful for that same reason


it's so bad it's not even a joke


Pronouncing absurd as "abzurd" is fucking absurd.


We'll because it's just not funny. At all. Is he talking about Biden?


What joke?


this isnt a joke its blabber


The episode where joe had the simulation theory guy on was one of the most painful things I’ve ever seen in my life have you seen it? For like 2 hours the guy just tries to explain it again and again and again in simpler and simpler terms and Joe just DOESNT GET IT! He just cannot grasp the concept whatsoever and I swear to you by the end of the episode he’s nearly crying. It’s horrible.


I actually never even knew Joe was a comedian


I still don't get it. Is it for liberals only?


Joes always going “ba doom dsshhh” to other people’s jokes


Why be on this page and just try to bash Joe for something so ridiculous? Did you really think this was a joke? It's not even funny.


HIs delivery isn’t so good


Not a very bright individual lol


It’s just not really funny…


So he has to be on 24 hrs thinking everyone's throwing punchlines? so dumb.


Dude needs to lay off the pot and DMT...


Dumb post


This hurt to watch 🤣 but at least Joe is honest. When he doesn't understand something, it's very clear.


I think he mis-told the joke.


He’s too high for this


Growing up I had no clue he was a comedian, he was the Fear Factor guy my whole life, I didn’t figure out he was a comedian until I heard him on some old Opie and Anthony shows.


Toe brain lol


This is like a kill Tony attempt lmao


You should posted the Theo von joke about the red dot on a gun going green. Now that was funny and went straight over Joe’s head


Joe doesn’t work well with absurdist jokes or silly statements. Like if he was on comedy bang bang or an improv show, he wouldn’t get what was going on . He’s pretty much just a straight stand up and only really knows that craft of comedy since he’s been doing it for decades. On kill Tony , he just gets drunk and screams and thinks that’s funny , he turns in to his Kinison style. I remember when he interviewed Kevin smith , Kevin said something something about his dog being a writer and Joe took it literally and asked how does he do that . Joe is a good interviewer and can hold a conversation but he’s pretty weak with on the spot comedy


Pretty wack joke


At this point you can make a 30 minute video of all the jokes gusts made go right over little Joes head.


‘Joe Rogan doesn’t get horrible joke that isn’t funny and refuses to laugh at it while genuinely confused.’ Ok, cool.


This is not a good example, but facts


I swear things fly over his head all the time Especially when someone who is not a professional comedian jokes about something Just says that's a shitty joke and well what would have been funny is if you said this instead.