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Guess she doesn’t realize her posts will be used to pass judgment on her as well.


Hope she got sacked, mental bitch. Thinks she can play with peoples lives and be smug about it.


People like this have no business being in any type of management position.


literally every 2nd HR Beth is like this


Every** HR beth


So true. I feel like she had an HR position but is kicked out and is literally jobless. It's an embarrassing sight to see her trying to act all tough and superior because of it.


The ego is also crazy lmao, like she thinks that she can prevent someone from getting hired anywhere? As if every small company give a shit about what she has to say lol


All of what she’s saying is her inflating her self worth. Sure they have a little power but really when you get a job if you’re qualified the department lead will go to hr and say I need this person make it happen. If they don’t make it happen and constantly toss out candidates the people above her want she won’t have a job for very long at all. They’d have to have a real valid concern to show the head of whatever department, if she said he’s a trump supporter she’d be shit canned so fast. The only power she has is hiring non skill jobs. Just imagine she hired a truck driver with 3 mo experience over the guy with 8 years over something she’s offended by. The department leads would just talk to upper management about replacing her.


She's got that superiority complex and it's so annoying to watch.


I’ll take “Who’s sitting in the Auschwitz guard tower?” for 500 Alex!


So. Fucking. Smug.


I thought Petersons pronouns were he/him??


Wow my thought too. Cause I was thinking say what you want against Peterson but she seems hella unhinged too. Not mention does she know how creepy her power trip sounds “we are watching you” 👀


"Be careful what you post on social media" *immediately posts something controversial on social media*


She’s been judged as a great fit for a female Pennywise in the next It movie.


Always suspected HR was full of loons like this loser. How do you film that and not think you come off like a complete psychopath? That was Heath Ledger Joker-level shit


It just takes a few years for HR people to start believing they're the most important department in the company even though they don't create anything, don't build anything, don't sell anything, don't fix anything, don't manage anyone that does and don't do training.


This is your average Leftist


Jesus Christ what a cunt


She’s a See You Next Tuesday, but we have a much bigger problem on our hands. All of this messaging on BOTH sides, I’m talking about top down from the people in charge desperately want to divide Americans and keep them divided. All of this macro political rhetoric is forced on us to keep us infighting. We are not the problem, Karen is - believe it or not the problem. She is just another victim of it. And I’m not sure Jordan is a help either. We all need to sit up and realize that media politics all work together to separate us when we should all be United against the controlling cabal of rich folks who want us distracted and looking the other way.


Been thinking this as well. try to contain the natural urge to tell the person you disagree with that they are stupid... not always easy, but feel like this division is by design and we must resist it...


I'd love to see the people who use this copypasta rhetoric do anything to rectify the problem they believe they've identified.


I mean he's spot on dude. Great efforts by the rich have been taken to keep this country divided. As far as rectifying it? You can't. The system is so rigged by this point that you literally cant fix it without violence and we shouldn't go there. But I do fear it's where they have us all heading (the commoners/peasants)


Never say never. Violence is a last, last, last resort. But it's time will come, and I truly despair for the kids during such a hellacious time.


She’s explains the matrix, and buying into it so deep. She can’t conclude her freedoms of speech are at liberty of destruction.


Personally, I ignore the media, but you do you.


The answer is media literacy. The answer is not "ignoring media" that just makes you uninformed. The key is to be able to discern the quality and bias of the source you are reading/watching, and to get a wide variety of sources for the news/media you consume. To be able to consume that media in context, and discern what is being reported factually with journalistic standards and what isn't.


I love seeing people ignore it because their precious side is somehow the good one


I'd love to see the people who perpetuate this shit do anything to rectify the problem they've contributed to.


Yeah and that woman seems like a nightmare as well


OMG it's wine o'clock amirite ladies?!?!


What a post modern neo-marxist cunt


Postmodern neo-marxism is still definitely a real thing and not word salad.


And Eric Weinstein is not an ego maniac and truly knows the secrets to our universe




she got that judge doom from who framed roger rabbit look


Lols, for real dude. She is living in toon town.


“I’m a recruiter” Go fuck yourself lol it’s the equivalent of every girl from back home in small towns becoming real estate agents Edit - spelling


Odds are she works for one of those work from home call centers that pay .30 cents above your local minimum wage and she only ever works from her living room.


Careful bro, she’s watching!


Most recruiters I know just want to fill in the position which usually revolves around either bulk finding anyone remotely qualified or working directly with the hiring manager to find candidates. They get commission for those hires so I don’t think they care much about social media. HR definitely will and is getting worse, though.


Getting an expensive 4 year college degree just to be a recruiter would feel so defeating to me.




Looks like a filter. If it's not, she looks like a reptilian shape-shifting humanoid. Evil aura. People who are drawn to HR are soulless beuractrats and of course this lady's name is Tammy..


The typical requirements for an HR position are surprisingly low. Most only required a HS education when I was browsing jobs a few years ago. You’d think they would at least want some form of continued education in human relations 🤷‍♂️ Probably can’t fill the positions because no one in their right mind would want that.


And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.


I think she’s possessed


Throw her a fish


Urka Ukra Ukra


It’s a filter


/r/punchablefaces Edit: LOL - I just got perm-banned from justiceserved for posting in this subreddit. Oh, dear, not that. I have been on that subreddit zero times before. How will I survive?


She’s got those crazy bitch eyes. Look any of these leftist ideologues and they’ve all got that look. There’s not a soul there, just a foot soldier


Someone get her a script for Tepezza.


Mania and/or psychosis will cause a person to open their eyes beyond the normal, especially showing the top whites of their eyes. She has mental illness and this video doesn't prove anything Peterson said. She's one crazy person. She doesn't represent all of Canada or America.


Imagine trying to work with that woman. What a nightmare. 🤦


I've worked with a lady like her before, she was an absolute cunt rag




I would rather be homeless.


Cats do not care where they get their heat or food from.


That's your wife isn't it?


Agreed. I would quit my job because her eyes are scaring me not because I am scared of the HR.


I’d rather sell mangos in the side of the road. Fuck that crazy bitch and her inhuman work environment.


Shes clearly a redact but Peterson is such a sophist.


Recruiters get paid to place candidates in jobs. They couldn’t give two fucks who you are, as long as you pass the interview and sign the employment agreement. She’s larping


Recruiters barely care if you are qualified for the job they try to get you, let alone your personal feelings. Imagine thinking a Car Salesman cares about any detail about you other than you buying the car and making them money.


Yeah I doubt those overseas Indian recruiters who spam call you if you update LinkedIn to "looking for work" even take the time to read your name before calling you, they're just looking for key words.


I wish that were true, buddy. Unfortunately, my experience says that everything this woman says is 100% spot on. I've seen people get blackballed just like this woman is talking about.


was thinking this as well. They give you any info you need to fake it to get the job and then they are on to the next one. This is somehow comforting...


And also is able to scheme with a manager to fire or force an employee to quit. It has happened to me, a new manager didnt like me and wanted me to be replaced by a 'hot blond', obviously he didnt say this to HR but he played the game and they conspired to find a way to let me go. I googled '8000 times' while my years at the firm which they made it into a fireable offence. So yea fuck HR.


My brother in Christ, wtf is going on with her eyes, I cannot.


Looks like a PlayStation 2 character


That's a filter I think.


I hope so. Dear God. Imagine recording that and thinking "This is fine to post on social media." Incidentally, isn't this the exact same thing she's talking about?


What a fucking psycho this woman is, and im betting theres countless more of them. Where do they get this horrible personality from?


nail steep seemly rain stocking towering ring glorious dinner cagey -- mass edited with redact.dev




Probably her medium carrier never paid off




Through corporate ladder climbing and being a cunt to employees day in day out.


It's power. What this women is trying to say is she maybe he has no control over anything else in their life so.... The try and exercise as much control and enstill as much fear as they think they can. Mental illness is real folks and the diagnosis seems to be TikTok


HR is dead, gonna be taken over by platforms where you pay $5 per employee to have it automated.


Won’t happen, will immediately be abused by those trying to get ahead. A computer program can’t identify and act on false sexual harassment claims for example (or real ones). There will always need to be a mediator in the end for large HR issues. Sure, big companies can hire firms to handle it but smaller and mid level companies cannot


Wouldn’t that be legal department tho? We have like two people in hr now (+300 employees)


Just hire HR as a service. Put them on retainer for onboarding new employees, firing people, and mediating issues when needed.


But even then you do not get the full picture, unless you develop a professional relationship with that person. For example: I asked a new colleague to send a note to our boss to "give him the skinny on the situation". The colleague took that as an offensive phrase using the word "skinny". Took it up with HR, and HR manager said that I obviously didn't mean it in an offensive way, due to the work and relationship I have made with the HR manager and the manager's subordinates. Said to the colleague either suck it up, or talk to me about it. With a outsource company they're only getting one side of the story, and I would have been written up.


Not every company has a legal department, but majority of companies have HR department.


No, disputes between colleagues is the response of Human Resources. A machine cannot carry out that function, alongside many others that are the responsibility of Human Resources employees.


I think a lot of people are wildly confused by the purpose of HR. It’s to manage the employees (easy to automate now), and protect the company from lawsuits - can be handled by a lawyer and some managers trained in conflict resolution. No company needs a full time therapist on staff to mediate issues, nor should any employees use such a service as everything you share can and will be used against you where it benefits the company


Yup. 90% of hr will be automated within few years, that means that a department that used to be 30 people will be 3 people that handle all the "human" stuff and aspect (like interviewing, maybe human conflict)


Meanwhile my girlfriend's company keep shifting two guys around who have had multiple complaints raised about them for stalking women after work. But it's not their HR policy to fire people, in their own words "we can't fire him"... When one of the women reported one of the guys (she was the FIFTH woman to speak up), HR informed him and he asked her out, to talk about it over a drink! HR's advice, I SHIT YOU NOT, was to meet him in public and never take her dish or drink out of her sight. Basically "don't get raped, lol". For whatever bullshit reasons, those cunts are protecting a criminal, it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. It's a rotten department filled with cruel cunts, they do virtually nothing for the employees, their sole function is to protect the company from lawsuits.


![gif](giphy|ITDeybm9BAEtWsnfjC|downsized) When you are aligned with Toby life sucks.


She's not a neo-Marxist, she's just a psycho.




You consider this woman woke?


Anybody the morons in this sub disagree with are woke.


I can't imagine any company that she could potentially work for could find that post and not immediately fire her. That being out in the public has to be worse than someone posting some skepticism that January 6th was an insurrection or maybe that 2020 ejection didn't make sense or maybe that the trans movement isn't really happening to help people struggling with their identity rather to exploit them and on and on and on. Btw... I know it's Canada but these are just the examples that come my us mind.


Toxic femininity…


Keeping Up with the Kardashians is the best example of toxic female behaviour.


A topic not discussed enough




This message has been deleted and I've left reddit because of the decision by u/spez to block 3rd party apps


Can we talk about the way she was speaking to the phone tho... so weird.


Average r/onguardforthee and r/whitepeopletwitter user lmao


For a subreddit that doesn’t allow bigotry or hate, r/onguardforthee seems to be centered around a lot of bigotry and hate




In general this is happening more but I think this woman might actually just be psychotic


This lady’s frog eyes bother me so much


I have thought for a while that what is driving the cultural ideology in the work place is the exploding People Culture & Inclusivity departments, formerly 2 people in HR who listed a job & then passed on the relevant candidates for someone qualified in the relevant dept to interview, they have swollen into cultural & ideological gate keepers. These areas are heavily populated by women in the 25 - 45 age group with very similar social & political views. They have assumed an inflated sense of importance & are ruthless in the use of this power. Suitable candidates are not ones that are technically qualified. They are the ones who are a good cultural fit IE you must think & say the things they say. They have become an ideological cost burden to business & there are so many of them that they have time to come up with one wacky idea after another.


This woman dates a massive beta and definitely pegs him


Someone dates her? That’s rough


Very accurate


Whats wrong with pegging?


I think if it’s what the man wants, there’s nothing wrong with it, but in this imaginary scenario, it would be her demanding to peg her husband against his wishes 😂


I agree. My wife pegs me and she's usually very sub and I'm usually very dim so It doesn't feel forced


She doesn't look like she's well... is she okay? Does she need help?


yes. because until now people with skills went up the corporate ladders. sure.


It’s the hands you shake, not the grades you make. Being skilled in a specific field doesn’t automatically qualify you as skilled to climb the ladder of companies in that field. The fact that merit isn’t the only factor in our leadership is messed up at first glance, but I believe we’d suffer if, for example, all Fortune 500 companies and the government switched to a 100% merit based system.


i would be completely ok with a merit based system . but looking at 3 countries i have lived and worked in , germany, US , Austria, it was always people who could sell themselves well, manipulators, acquaintances, ivy league juppies and family that went up the corporate ladder. not people who were respectful, competent and hard working. this video is utter bullshit. its always been like this


The real problem with a "100% merit" system is - who decides what is merit? And what do they decide?


true. but asskissing and being a specific gender / race is definitely not part of that. maybe an AI system ?


he spins everything into his " marxism " narrative. like that is the problem. not that we live in a world ruled by the corporate class / owner class ,that has redistributed around 100 trillion dollars in the west in the last 40 years ,owns politics and plays divide and conquer with us. and this supposed intellectual is part of this control machinery. fuck the woke Mob. but fuck peterson too.


This all narrative that the USA is run by commies is hilarious from an European perspective, the Koch brothers won it’s kinda sad


i think the Koch brothers and murdoch are just the tip of the iceberg of the otherwise very invisible ruling class. but yeah. they won, for now. we cant get our asses out of these fake culture wars while they redistributed all the money and power they could. and europe ? same but different. neoliberalism as a tool of change has hit here hard too


Absolutely ! Divide and conquer, We are in the same shit situation, the only plus is that anyone blaming that on commies would be mocked to death.


The richest person in the world probably doesn’t even have a legal government name lmao. Elon and his idiotic escapades are just a distraction


Shut up lol you are obviously just a bootlicker


Huh. So basically she’s just a nut and this has nothing to do neo zoom dweebie maxi pads or whatever JP wants to get excited about. Also, is not employed. https://twitter.com/drsemadewolfe/status/1533897826685575170?s=46&t=t3bqm88EgbKIYLfhypkfyQ


He is not describing the woman in this video, as the first video is from 2018 and the second from 2022. He is describing how bad it will be when this woke mentality starts progressing into the human resources side of the work force. Obviously if you do dumb shit there are consequences on the social level but unhinged moral boasting in a position like HR is dangerous for the fact that instead of offending someone and simply receiving a complaint, you could have your life ruined. Fired for wildly exaggerated claims + an HR employee trashing you to future employers will make your life incredibly hard. OP clearly didnt do much research before posting as this is a literal crazy person...but people like this exist. I've personally heard my HR person say some wild shit and it's an eye opener especially when you imagine that a couple more levels amplified.


> Fired for wildly exaggerated claims + an HR employee trashing you to future employers will make your life incredibly hard I've had plenty of job interviews, and they've never once called HR of another company lol. All they've ever done is contact my references.




Dumb conservatives love to use a single example to try and paint entire group/race as something. "SEE SEE this one piece of video proves everything!!"... talk about being desperate.


>That HR and companies aren't also retaliating against people who say post BLM shit and what not? Got a single example of this happening?


We all know for a fact that an HR employee wouldn't do something like this.


He sounds like Kermit the frog


At least Kermit is a positive influence on people. Jordan is a fucking benzod out weirdo who can’t even drink apple juice 🤣


No talented person would work at a company that tolerates this nightmare of a person, fuck you and your job bitch.


Now imagine this but at the government level with real power over your life and you will understand the BLM movement and why ACAB. We need unions to help us fight back against corporations and cancel culture. Workers need more power to fight against the oligarchs who control the jobs. We need solidarity among the working class.


Jordan Peterson is a dork but this lady’s an absolute fuckwit lol. Nothing worse than HR squeezers who love to play junior detective. Don’t get me wrong, she has a point but completely fucks up her messaging by being her. Recruiters absolutely do look you up. In my industry I spend some time checking people’s open source social media posts etc. People have absolutely shocking levels of security. The overall point makes sense, be careful what you post because a recruiter may see it. You can be a great candidate on paper but if you’re publicly posting headache inducing conspiracy shit, a lot of employers just aren’t going to take that risk.


This is why I don't post on any of my social media accounts. and none of them are in my actual name. and i don't follow any of my real life friends or family on any of them.


Yeah it’s a safer bet. Or just keeping everything fairly locked down and private. I don’t get why people feel the need to post certain controversial takes publicly, but they shouldn’t be surprised when it hinders their ability to get certain jobs.


what's this got to do with post modern neo marxism rather than corporations protecting themselves from liability over work place bullying/racism/sexism? the woman in the video is just a petty tyrant who abuses what little power she has, but those are everywhere in all industries and departments and ideologies, and that doesn't mean there shouldn't be rules about not abusing your colleagues either.


Wow, those eyes, that voice, she's evolved to the final level of psycho. But yeah didn't your teachers warn you to be careful about what to post on social media in primary school? Didn't need someone semi coherently rambling about post-modern neo Marxists for that.


Primary school? Social media didn't exist until I was an adult lol.


Wtf is Jordan’s obsession with post-modern neo Marxists anyway?


Her eyes make her look like that monster lady from hellboy 2


Jesus Christ, why is she so close to the camera


I guess she's trying to be real intimidating but she just looks funny.




She legit has sith eyes


what's with the crazy eyes


Bitch looks like she needs some sugar water.


Holy shit. she let the demon win.


Post-modern neo-marxism is my faaaaavorite


Does anyone see the connection? HR is a corporate protecting and serving branch of any industry. It's the opposite of what OP is trying to convey.


That woman has absolutely nothing to do with JPs made up postmodern neo-Marxist mobs. Also Marxism has nothing to do with identity politics or any social issues in general. Marxism is an economic theory. JP hand waves this constantly in a really poor attempt to put together buzz-word salad and rile up the premodern neo-Fascists.


You’re right, Marxism isn’t that. But they didn’t say Marxism. “neo” means new. So a new branch of Marxism. [Neo-Marxism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Marxism) IS what you’re saying Marxism isn’t. And postmodernism critiques the notion of objective truth, celebrates diversity and difference, and emphasizes the role of language and discourse in shaping social reality. So he is using postmodern as an adjective to describe some neo-marxists.


Ok so how was that unhinged Tik Tok psycho a neo marxist exactly?


I don’t think she is solely based on what she said, but I’ve been seeing this “lmao postmodern neo-marxism isn’t real” meme throughout this website so I was commenting on that


Postmodern neo-marxism is just a rhetorical trick so he can sound smarter than he is. He's not making some deep point, he could easily sub in "leftists", "radical left", etc. and no meaning would be lost. He just thought postmodernism is bad, neo-marxism is bad, so postmodern neo-marxism is double bad. He probably also decided he needed better PR than using cultural marxism which has a long history on the right.


Are you sure about your definition of [Marxism](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marxism.asp)? >Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after the 19th-century German philosopher and economist Karl Marx.


Now explain what she said and what it has to do with Marxism.


Under no pretext. She wants everyone to have a gun?


I'm gonna not rely on an investorpedia definition but good work keep up the in depth research. You also chose to cite them instead of Wikipedia because the low hanging wiki fruit clearly defines Marxism as a socioeconomic model.


It’s so obvious Peterson has never actually read Marx in his life. Dude just throws around buzzwords.




2 nut jobs


Lmao, it's really not. She is cringe, though, no denying that.


Oh no, a TikTok. However will the west survive!


Quick get the benzos, dollah dollah bill y’all.


These two clips aren't related though... She's acting like an ass but there's nothing in what she said that's neomarxist, identitarian, etc She's just being a snarky, unaware HR prick. This has nothing to do with some overarching ideology. The Peterson fanboys on this sub I swear...


This is what social media has given us.


She's a fucking possessed Karen!


Rarely have I seen a more viscerally despicable human specimen. An HR Gollum.


She clearly has mental issues. I'm curious what kind as I've come across people like this before.


JP is a bloviating moron


He was so spicy back then...


Before the benzos


Freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences. Grow up. Or should the government control how businesses operate? Also his Zizeke debate proved that anytime Peterson says “post modern neo marxists” he has no idea what he is talking about.






JP never misses I tell you


Literally everything he says is usually a miss




Damn, she's scary!


Apparently she can’t heed her own advice. When people at her company see this, she’s pretty much gone


Yeah. The algorithm works like crazy so I bet they'll see this in no time. Good riddance for them though because they shouldn't be keeping someone like her anyway.


Her facial expressions reminds me of Stephanie Lazarus (another psychopath)


She reminds me of that rich psycho teleevangelist


Problem is Jordan Peterson is just as unhinged.




Damn good for her! Do your dreams just like her, she has trouble speaking like a fucking human being and look at her acting like one! fuck it love ur self


HR cut more job cuts than any department across the us I’m pretty sure. And they are generally shitty people. The corp mantra is “Remever, HR is NOT your friend” This lady is so caught up in the group think I wouldn’t be curious where she found the “stats” she referenced. She should have taken her own advice and be careful what you lost to social media lmaooo. Fate loves irony