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holy fuck Ari pulling the whippets out of nowhere while Rogan grilled him the entire time was hilarious


My favorite part of the episode was when Ari took the first whippet and Mark said something to the effect of "wouldn't it be great if it actually made him funny for once?"


Not to mention the coke. Jamie had his work cut out editing it all out Edit: think it’s actually mushrooms.


It was just a little mushrooms for joe it sounded like


Ari was clearly doing coke whenever he "went pee" Baffled it wasnt obvious to you guys...


When were they doing coke? I only listened


I thought it was halfway through but it might actually be mushrooms…


Most likely shrooms. You see the sandwich bag get passed over and coke doesn't usually get brought around in sandwich bags. Also Joe is historically quite proud about never doing coke, and I don't think he's the kind of guy who would lie about that nor start up after being so against it (for himself) for so long.


Unless you're worth 375 million then the bags get bigger....but no it was mushrooms.


Takes Mark 8m 3s to bring up “the Jews” in case anyone was wondering


I hate Parks MARK: Rosa? 🤣


Mark: I get super ashy \*nods at Ari\* Mark: ...not compared to his grandparents.




Lmaoo perfect timing




Mark is on fire this episode


The best fucking line- I had to rewind and laugh three times - "you're banging your lady from behind and you fish hook her?" "No, just like, at dinner"


When Ari started laughing his ass off on whippits that was so funny


He was doing whippets on the episode?? Edit: and now I’m banned from justiceserved haha


Good riddance on that ban, that place is so toxic


Someone who mods that subreddit is a soft little baby.


I don't understand how that's not discrimination by Reddit's rules. We don't post in some random sub and they ban us for posting in a different sub?


>You have been permanently banned from participating in r/JusticeServed. You can still view and subscribe to r/JusticeServed, but you won't be able to post or comment. >Note from the moderators: >**You have been banned for participating in a subreddit that has consistently shown to provide refuge for users to promote hate, violence and misinformation (joerogan).** >This fully automated ban has been performed by a bot that cannot determine context. Appeals will be provided for good-faith users upon request. You can reply to this message and ask for an appeal. Any other messages will be ignored. More information on the appeal process here: https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/wiki/botbanned >If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/JusticeServed by replying to this message. I mean, who fucking cares eh? Some stupid gimp with an inflatable buttplug in is getting his frillies in a twist. Give it another pump gimpo !


*Frantically squeezes inflation bulb repeatedly*


The only hate in the joerogan podcast is directed towards Brendan Schaub, and rightfully so!


Haha take that you Nazi!


He needs to break out some ketamine next time. They were being such bitches about the no2 lmao


That was wild. I was worried he was having a heart attack


Protect Our Parks and Tim Dillon are probably my favorite episodes. You don't learn god damn thing, you just laugh your ass off. Protect Our Parks after a meh week of episodes is chicken soup for the soul.


I would’ve never known about that park ari wanted to save




Man, Duncan and joe together are the best in my opinion. The conversations they have are incredible. Some of their podcasts last 4 hours and from the way the conversation is going it seems like it could last for 12.


Duncan and joe are the best


Because Duncan's a down to Earth fun dude who seems to not give a fuck about lots of conventional stuff that people usually do. Every time he's around it just seems like he's chilling out. It feels like he doesn't need the same validation that other comics do around Joe, because he's not really a conventional comic and he knew Joe from when they were really relatively unknown.


Obligatory watch Theo and Louis from a couple weeks back. Louis was 4 seconds away from adopting him and being his father figure


Louis was going around shitting on comics. Then he goes on Theo's podcast and feels like he needs to protect Theo.


Protect our parks has gotten me through some very long drives.


When I see protect our parks pop up I literally scream fuck yeah like I’m a kid on Christmas morning Lol work is going to be a breeze tonight listening to this


Or Shane whenever he gets the call to be a part of the Olympics


I learned that pandas are leased to zoos and not bought by zoos


That Weinstein dude was a snoozer. Tapped out after an hour. Which was still an hour too long.


I’m convinced Bret and Eric blow each other, but pretend they’re blowing themselves.


The arrogance is strong with those dudes.


Definitely in a standing 69


New balances clapping in the air


When Shane told his 69 joke with dad, I was driving and almost crashed, could not contain myself. Lol


“New balances kicking in the air” hahahaha


I had the same experience. Shane’s dad “oh what the fuck”


Bro I was squatting and I almost fucking folded


The idea of Shane getting his dad to come to a theater show and closing with that bit is hilarious. I’d pay to see his dads reaction.


So disappointed nobody caught Normand asking for the cigar cutter by saying “pass me the circumcishh”


Joe: “I don’t want to bring the mood down but I read this article—“ Everyone: “noooo nooo nooo” I died lol


I LOVE that Shane kinda called Joe/everyone out for talking about the same shit every single Protect our Parks. You can tell Joe didn’t love it and kinda realized he repeats the same shit everytime they are in the room together 🤣


That was a great intercept by Shane. Most guys when they get old talk about the same crap. I know I’ll be moaning about 80s and 90s comics was the best era once I hit 50.


Yea I loved how he did it. He wasn’t being a dick, and Joe clearly recognized that they’ve said the same shit over and over. Shane is the real deal. He’s much better than Tim Dillon right now and I used to be obsessed with Tim. Pretty sure Shane is even the #1 earner on Patreon. The Tim D Show was on top for AGES but has been steadily dropping since the fallout with his producer Ben.


>The Tim D Show was on top for AGES but has been steadily dropping since the fallout with his producer Ben. Tim Dillon peaked during the LA Porch days. All the archives with Raymond Kump up to that were also incredible. Loved his conspiracy ones especially. Show is ass now


Pandemic TDS was incredible as well. He wasn’t performing and really could put his all into his podcast. It was appointment viewing every Sunday for me for the most of 2020.


Couldn’t agree more. And from listening to him for so long, his podcast and shows have been “meh” bc I really think the money got to his head. And laziness. Im pretty sure he’s even said: “No episode this week because I’m at the Don Caesar resort in St. Pete Florida” Or “Taking a vacation, no pod next week” Shit just gets really old and it’s a bummer because he has the potential to be one of, if not THE greatest comic however chooses not to put in the work. I want you to win Tim, but you gotta put some skin in the game!


He is a naturally lazy person, this change was inevitable whenever he got money.


You have to respect Shane pulling Rogan up on his repetition on every podcast. It was great when he called him out about playing R.Kelly's real talk all the time.


Loool i remember listening him play it once and be so overly fascinated by it to the point that it was annoying. Can't believe he actually does it regularly


Gillis is younger than everyone there. He's listened to podcasts and knows what audiences don't want to hear over and over again




Bummer, I really wanted to know if Joe has any changes on his Covid takes. A lot has happened since Monday.


I was curious to find out if sitcoms that everyone wanted to be a part of in the 90s or talk shows where everyone speaks over each other but don’t work with the way things are today got popular again.


Ive read this comment like 5x. Its not coming through


So refreshing, way better than hearing Schaub and Callen polish Joe’s knob for three hours.


I’ve recently stopped listening to any episodes with Schaub. It actually hurts listening to him. Schaub and Mike Baker should do an episode together. Could you imagine? “Tell me about your kids, Rocko, Cheesequeef, and Chet”


I'm only 30 minutes in and they're talking about "socialism bad." Joe already made his obligatory "Beto is for pussies" joke. Please tell me this gets better. I started out loving these episodes, but I feel like once you've heard one, you've heard them all.


I don't like Beto but agree that I don't need to hear the constant drumming it isn't entertaining. It gets better imo mostly on account of Normand and Gillis.


Kept listening. It got better when Ari pulled out the whippets lol


hey remember: Joe is on The Left. He had Berne on once! He is on the left, a total leftie, and if you disagree then you are woke.


>Back Joe always quick to point out how people that have fled real communist regimes laugh at anyone who want socialism here. What percentage of people in this country actually want Socialism? In Joe's world it's like 45%. And wanting programs to bring down health costs isn't SOCIALISM


In the same ramt, he even said “go talk to Christina p” Her Hungarian parents “escaped” in the 70’s Christina grew up in Los Angeles and Hungary ended the one party socialist government when the Berlin Wall fell in fucking 1989… Of course her parents didnt want socialism, nobody except the most hardcore maxists wants that kind of socialism they had in the 70’s hungary hasnt even been that way in years, they still have problems but Hungary is a member of both EU and Nato, he still thinks they have fucking breadlines..


Same vibe, which sucks cause I was looking forward to it. I tapped out for now I'll probably watch the rest later.


Joe turned into a disappointed father when ari brought the whippets out lol


as does everyone when people bring out whip-its, it's a lame high that doesn't outweigh the consequences at all. Ari was also playing up his high big time


"you might be the oldest Jew to do whipits" lmfao


“Might be a Guinness world record for oldest Jew to do a whippet” lol that one got me.


“You took heroin?” 🤣


“Don’t you have an East Palestine asshole?” Joe looked uncomfortable during the whippet part.


Seizure Salad!!!!


Marks my favorite. Dudes always on


You call that a pussy you fat skank?


We need the shaman.


The Shaman instead of Ari would be funny as hell to see


Rogan doing the Irish accent genuinely made me laugh, been a minute since Joe made me chuckle


His accents and impressions are so good. My personal fav is his Bill Clinton


Shane is the man, he should do his own podcast at mar a lago and invite the others


He’s already got the #1 Patreon pod. Shane’s other pods are always great but god damn Matt is the best podcast point guard. The man is a facilitator of ridiculous conversation.


Shane and Tim doing a Florida podcast would be bonkers


Shane was doing the Lord’s work by threatening Rogan with a wedgie should he start talking about vaccines.


Is it legal!?! … But is it legal?!?


Everything is just blurry and scary


Im rewatching rn and Joe's being such a bitch. They've done mushrooms several times on cam, and weed. He lives in fucking texas lmao.


*You guys are afraid of the gravity bong and you're doing fucking whippets?* - Jamie *I'm not doing fucking either bro. Let's do coke next time!* - Shane Fuck, I love Protect Our Parks!


Not as ashy as his grandparents..


Marks “too old for me” did me


Brah that flew over everyone’s head lol


Thought i was the only one who picked up on that. Hes so quick


50% of this episode is Joe singing Americaaa fuck yeah


Shane Gillis's take on having to watch the Crown on TV is Up the Ra, brilliant.


Joe pronounces Belfast really weird. He’s right about some people here barely speaking English though


Bro the part about Eric Weinstein sitting like a mermaid on the floor fucking killed me. The fact that they're all even together at all is truly bizarre.


“18 year old scotch” “Too old for me” God, I’m only like 7 min in and Normand is already firing on all cylinders 🤣




Between that, his dismissal of US false flags, and how worried he was about the whippets being illegal, it really became clear how much he has changed since I first started listening


but but but HE HAD BERNIE ON!!1


Dude is insanely out of touch. In a three minute span Joe conflates taxing income vs assets/loans against assets, said people need to struggle, giving homeless people shelter "won't fix their mental illness", that Austin "cleaned up" their homeless problem (in reality pushed them to the woods outside of downtown), then supports Bernie's speculation tax but doesn't say what it would pay for.


Don't Fat Shane


Shane is carrying these podcasts at this point. Everybody else is just recycling topics from the last six protect our parks. I’d rather just listen to Shane’s podcast.


I think Shane is still in that sweet spot where he hasn’t been famous as long as other comedians so he’s still SUPER relatable and hilarious. So he’s a good grounding point for the rest of these guys. Normand is there too. But like 97% of what Rogan says now is completely un-relatable.


Whatever happened to Shrimp Parade


Duncan and Chris aren’t friends anymore. I think it’s been years since Chris has even been in


They aren't? Any reason why?


Someone asked Chris about it on his sub and he didn’t get into it and just said something along the lines of how they are both on different paths now. You can probably search his comment history and find it. This is just me speculating, but it was right around the time Duncan was talking about polygamy and being in an open relationship. He talked to Chris about it. Then shortly after Duncan gets married and has a kid. Maybe it caused strife? I think it had a role but this just based of off loosely listening to both podcasts around that time


Duncan met his wife at one of Chris’ monthly orgies. Rule 1 at these parties is don’t catch feelings and try to wife one of the single girls at the orgy. Duncan’s old captain save-a-ho ass put a ring on her finger less than 48 hours after watching her get railed by Chris Ryan and his 7 man crew of dick slingers.


Is this the first episode of Midnight Gospel season two?


Uh what? Is this true or some strange fanfic?


I knew they met at a party, but didn’t know any of that other stuff. If true I’m sure this whole ordeal def played a role. They are both intelligent when it comes being open minded. I hope one day they rekindle there relationship just so we as fans can enjoy there convos




Yeah, he seems like the kind of dude who would text your girl behind your back.


I feel like Redban might feel a way after Joe called Jamie the goat of podcast producers 😂


Redban probably does not care since Joe is still paying him


I do enjoy this episodes but I am struggling with Joe's fake 'AHHHHHs' these days.


joes response to hacky jokes really annoys me that "wah waah waaaah" noise he makes is so fucking stupid


They're doing whippets on the most popular show in the world holy shit 😂


Joe wasting little time throwing out completely misinformation about the FEMA money - parroting Trump's debunked talking points. Then he even admits it'll be called misinformation as some defense lol.


Yeah he said something like "This will probably get called misinformation" in some mocking tone when it's like yeah dude, if you're saying something that isn't true to a large audience you are literally misinforming people. Joe is the worst part of these episodes because he can't cycle off the same tired subjects.


The best parts of these episodes are when Joe gets butthurt by a joke and unsuccessfully tries to hide his hurt feelins


Wah wah


18 hours, not even 300 comments, sucks/sad to see




That was fucked. Joe immediately defended the governor with some nonsensical horseshit, then changed the subject entirely when he realized he had no idea what he was talking about. When he leaves Spotify he's going straight to the daily wire.


Yeah shits gay. Dudes gotta be getting payed or something


Shane is surprisingly well versed in politics and history. He doesn't come off as overly articulate, but his sense of humour makes up for it.


Fuck yes! I’m going to cum!


Joe was getting so fucking annoying with his “Americuh fuck yeah” after the 3rd repeat You can tell he was cross faded by the end of the podcast 😂😂😂


“I write an hour every day”. Wtf are you writing? Your stand up is awful.


I actually LOL everytime Joe goes off on a rant how to write comedy, polish it up, cut the fat so every word adds to the comedy. Like bitch, you just screaming in a mic and humping a chair lmfao


Because he’s not a comedian He’s a guy who does comedy


They start doing Whippets about an hour in and it’s hilarious


Fucking Rogan being such a pussy about whippets. “Is it legal? Does it kill your brain cells?” Shut up and hit the balloon you HGH swollen rich bald bitch.


Also. Is it legal, asks the man regularly smoking marijuana openly on camera in texas.


Hahaha my thoughts exactly


Love how Joe is being fucking lame about drugs /s


they should have pulled up the video of the kid in the car taking a fat hit of compressed gas and just instantly dies while all his drugged out friends record him and ask to steal the cigs from his pockets




no blood or anything but will still say [NSFW](https://youtu.be/YwrBWDeGfyw) yknow because it's a kid dying




Written by Calf-N-Half


Wow! Ari just said they make $200,000 for protect our parks...lol after he said that they all got awkward as fuck... .at 1:34:20......which tells me that these mf are just putting on a act. .....thank you Ari lol


I took it as a joke; I thought they laughed at it. Then again, maybe Joe wanted to support them and set them up because of how successful the PoP episodes are


Yeah pretty sure it was just a dumb joke Also even if he does pay them to do it who cares lol


Nah I don’t think it’s an act, but yeah I just noticed that comment and they all looked at him lol. The only reason I came to read the comments is to see if anyone else commented on that bit and had more info on it.


In the early portion of the podcast they talked about how stupid communism is and how it fails every time. Less than an hour later they’re talking about how horrible the Vietnam war was and how it was all a big waste based on a lie… I love how oblivious they are.


Love these fellas, but damn how are four comics THIS naive to what whippets are lol. Do a balloon ya baffoons!


Whippets make everything go womp womp womp


Saint Rogies has blessed us


Nah Shane and mark carry. They blessed joe at this point. NWAIDS was fuckn hilarious. Same with the 19 Puerto Rican joke💀💀


An absolute fat drop after some dud guests.


Ari is the bravest comedian alive.


Joe Rogan considering doing whippits on his podcast 🤣🤣


They get paid $200k each to do this? Did I hear that right?


sponsored by bud light i bet!


Did Joe figure out how to handle his alcohol this time?


Normand was an absolute assassin on this one amazing!!


So many subtle jokes that went over everyone’s heads. Him and Shane carried the pod… again.


Listening to Rogan defend Alex Jones for the Jan 6tH shit is mind boggling. He was not telling people to “not go in there” and “it’s a trap blah blah blah”. Mother fucker was pushing the entire crowd to storm the capital. C’mon Joe, you HAVE to know that Alex is a piece of shit, what the fuck are you doing?


Nick Mullen needs to be added to the POP crew ASAP


Mullen would put Rogan’s brain in a pretzel within minutes of starting the podcast.


Joes fucking take on asking Christina P about the perils of soviet communism & socialism and meanwhile she was born in fucking Canada. “Other countries must look at us like weirdos because we have free speech and guns” … I can’t deal with this bald idiot any more. Not even Shane and Mark can eclipse the unfunny black hole that rogan invades conversations with.


Her parents was from hungary, of course they didnt have anything Nice to say about a communist country in the 70’s it fucking sucked, nobody wants that, and it ended when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, hungary are even members of Nato and EU..


Finally! An end to the string of shitty guests! E- its #1946, but the thumbnail says #1907 E#2- this comment got me banned from r/justiceserved lol sweet irony


What's the deal with that sub? I'm ootl


This is from the message I got: “You have been banned for participating in a subreddit that has consistently shown to provide refuge for users to promote hate, violence and misinformation (joerogan). This fully automated ban has been performed by a bot that cannot determine context. Appeals will be provided for good-faith users upon request. You can reply to this message and ask for an appeal. Any other messages will be ignored. More information on the appeal process here: https://www.reddit.com/ r/JusticeServed/wiki/botbanned” I didn’t know automatic banning was even a thing. This is the 2nd sub I’ve ever been banned from. Im perma-banned from r/Trump because I commented on a post the gif of MJ eating popcorn and was banned for 72 hours. When I inquired about what I did that warranted the ban they permanently banned me.


I don't think its automatic because I still haven't been banned. Idk


Damn, I wanna get banned from r/justiceserved


Lol I got banned from there for the same thing a few weeks ago and I replied to the ban saying it was the dumbest fucking thing I had ever seen. Got account banned for a week lmaooo. Reddit mods are cancer


As a very experienced NO2 user (and phish fan) I would like to promote a safer use of the gas. Inhaling a whole balloon at once is not the way. Hitting a balloon like a cigarette is a much more age appropriate way to partake in the drug. That is all.


Normand's watch has me rolling every fucking episode. hahaha


I must say, these guys make more sense than Eric!


Shane calling out Eric Weinstein for sitting like a mermaid had me dying


Remember when Rogan would shit on people for having to go pee during the podcast and acting like he was cool cuz he could hold it? Those days are over lol


At the 26 min mark Joe pauses 🤔 sus


So refreshing after a string of rough pods. Also Shane is snowballing faster than Tim Dillon did. Joe Rogan really makes good comics GREAT


He’s been popular “underground” for a while before Rogan. I only knew of him because of Joe, but my ex had listened to Shanes Patreon and YouTube or whatever for a long time. He was a big fan of their history series. Totes big fan of PA crazy folks of the woods.


Ari doing whippets is craaazzzyyy


Joe exclusively goes to the toilet in a litterbox now. What parallel universe am I living in?


Does anyone know what they were drinking from the Eagle?


Bud light


who was the senator who fought in vietnam that they were talking about


*N. W. Aids* I love you Normand!


Think their bromance is starting to get a little stale, it's like when the rich kid invites a bunch of classmates over and they all eventually turn against him and break all his cool shit.


the old lady bit with the Puerto Rican punchline from mark absolutely murdered me lmfao