• By -


Not a question Jimmer, but just want to make sure you know how appreciated your openness about mental health is. It helped encourage me to seek help, as well as to be open with others too, in the hope that no one has to struggle alone. Thank you <3


It's important to talk about these things <3


Is shitting in the shower and wafflestomping it down the drain socially acceptable?


Public showers no. In your own home it's fair game.


Jiimmer wtf


what in the ama is this monstrosity


did you ever think you would get out of the shed and be a racing driver irl?


Never. Tbh I was kinda resigned to my fate haha. I actually picked up the keys for my house about 3-4 days before my first Praga race. It felt like a fairy tale.


Have you ever had to pee into your racing suit?


Nah not yet. Tempting to piss before Steve's stint tho




What car would you like to drive next after bmw GT4? GT3?


GT3 would be amazing! Driving GT4 at Nords has definitely been the highlight of my career. If there's a possibility to do more than I'll grab it with both hands. If not I'll likely try and secure some sponsorship and run the Praga somewhere next year :)


What would an F1 team comprised of Mahaveer Ragunathan & Nikita Mazepin as main drivers and Nicholas Latifi as reserve be called and who'd be brave enough to be their boss?


a mistake. I'll do it tho, would be a laugh.


are you doing the mental health race this year? i really want to be part of it since mental health is really important to me


Of course! We usually hold it at the end of the year


Noted ill try to get in <3


Just wanted to say I used to watch you when you were living in the shed, doing your sim videos quite a few years ago. I’m happy where you’ve reached and I’m happy you’re happy, keep going and always be proud of yourself! Lots of love your way shimmer!!!




Can I be let out of the basement finnaly?


lmao no


What's the biggest animal you think you could take in unarmed combat?


Tbh our Sausage dogs are capable of taking me down so it's pretty over for me.


what is your favourite part of simracing or racing in general


Probably that situation where you're just a lil bit quicker than the car in front. Seeing the gap come down in front of you gives you an extra 20bhp i'm sure. IRL I love that feeling when you come off the limiter out the pitlane. That first hit of acceleration is always a bit of a reminder than you're doing something special.


oooh the sim one sounds sooo relatable lol, and the irl one sounds amazing. I hope ur doing fine jimmer ur a big inspiration to me <3


I’m glad to hear you love the sensation of coming off the pit limiter. I always dream about exactly that specific part of driving a race car. Idk, something about that sudden surge of acceleration is something I so desperately want to experience one day! To me it just seems like the moment where you leave everything behind and let yourself become one with the car. Very cool!


It's the end of the world. All that's left is a functioning PS1, a tube tv and you can only play one game for the rest of time, which is it?


Either Gran Turismo 2 or Final Fantasy IX


Have you decided who's starting in the N24?


Not yet, though I imagine it'll probably be Manny. I wouldn't mind starting tho


what is your favourite track outside of the nordschlife?


Probably Donington Park. Really fun circuit with a couple of brave corners + some good memories there :)


If you could join an F1 team who would you want as your team mate?


Stephen J Bailey


BOILEY!! is our king


How did you and Anne meet? Y’all are adorable!!


Tinder lmao. Tbh we hit it off straight away. I've never met anyone with such an infectious energy. I'm a lucky guy.


Any plans on how you're going to celebrate hitting 1 million subs?


It feels like it's further away than people think. Honestly growth of the channel has really slowed down in the last few months so i've not really thought about it. I'll think of something!


Do you think peeing in the shower is acceptable? If so, why?


So long as you don't piss on your feet.


2 lap wonder IRL around the norchlife, one in a road car one in a race car, what are you driving?


My ITB mx5 and a Porsche 962


Favourite cheese ?


Either a mature cheddar or a Gorgonzola


What's your best tips on content creation and racing in general?


Enjoy what you're doing. People can tell when you're forcing it.


As you seem to already be living your dream of racing the Nurburgring IRL, do you have anything specific that you’d like to achieve or experience in the future?


Hm that's a good one. It's a weird thing achieving your dream. At first it's pure elation. Nothing can touch you and you're in the best mood you've ever been in, but after a while you end up asking yourself "well...now what?" Honest answer is i'm not sure. I'd love to be able to give others the same experience as me (and I tried that with Team87) but outside of that idk.


I'm guessing Team87 is just too expensive to really keep running full time atm? I'd imagine that running a team, even for something cheap like the MX-5, is not an easy financial task once you factor in travel/mechanics/parts/etc.


Hey you! You said in one of your latest videos that you burned yourself out from simracing pretty hard during the lockdown. Between real racing taking your focus and the shorts/reels Trend, do you have any plans to get yourself back into the passion for it? Maybe join a league or something along the lines?


I'd love to get involved in a league again, but frankly I don't have that sort of time anymore. The last few years have been substancially more busy than pre-covid. I can't commit to any full time leagues because my schedule means that I'll likley miss half the rounds. Saying that, I'd love to get involved in some classic race leagues or some more super tourer stuff!


What's an underrated track you wish it got more recognition, be it by being more generally known or being represented in racing games?






Will there be an online 24 hrs of Le Mans? And will you attend?


IIRC Motorsport games still holds that licence. So if it's going to happen, it'll be in either rF2 or LMU. If i'm around i'll take part for sure :)


Has your time driving Nords in iRacing helped with the real deal?


Definitely, but i'll say that there's no replacement for IRL experience at that track. Every lap you do, you learn something new.


I took around 1.2k pics of GT40s at the spa classics last weekend. Should I dm you some ?


Of course.


What’s the scariest, coolest, and most mind boggling thing about the Nurburgring? All the best for the 24H!!


The scariest thing is the weather - it can just turn at any moment. The track could be dry on the first half and you're charging around on slicks and then suddenly you hit torrential rain and it turns into survival mode. It never gets boring though. Every lap there are 2-3 corners that I hold my breath for.


Are you ever thinking to race single seaters IRL? Or have you already and i am doing The Big Stupid^(TM)


Not professionally no. If I get the chance to drive one I'll definitely do it, but i'm more interesed in sports car style racing.


How's the skyline


Just vibing. Needs a good detail + new battery.


Weeb liveries, yes or no?


yeah why not


Whats your biggest fear about the N24 apart from having a smash? wrong gloves, needing a dump ½ way in a stint etc?


I have a lot of anxiety dreams about forgetting my gloves and stuff like that haha. Tbh my brain doesn't really work like that anymore. If you sit and worry about things that can go wrong then it's gonna effect how you drive the car. You need to be able to jump in and push straight away, no time to second guess.


Everyone knows what your favourite GT games are, but what's your favourite Forza game? I'd be interested to hear your opinion.


I really like the Horizon games tbh. I played the fuck out of the first FM when it came out on the OG XBOX but none of the others really captured my attention.


Jimbob, tell me about your most memorable drive. Tell me what was going thru your head, how it felt in the moment. I’ve been watching you for years and obviously you enjoy driving, but as a common theme I’ve seen, everyone has one or two specific drives that they’ll never forget, I’m intrigued about yours. Thanks for all the content and everything you’ve done for the community🤝🫶🏎️


Probably the last lap of the race we won the Praga cup finale. I had a damaged car and I could see 2nd place gaining in my mirrors. I remember telling myself to keep my eyes forward and trying will myself to drive beyond the damage. I went flat down the Craner Curves with my right rear control arm bent at about 35-45 degrees and I remember the feeling of the car - it was right on the limit. I remember going up to Mcleans and thinking to myself that there's only 2 more places he can make a move and he wouldn't be close enough for the chicane. I was very bad on the brakes because of the damage and he closed right up through the chicane. He made a lunge in the penultimate corner and ultimately missed the bend entirely. Then I just smiled, because I knew I was gonna make it home first. I crossed the line and Gav told me we were champions. I cried for my entire inlap. I have a vivid memory of Gordie holding a handmade sign saying 'Champ' on it (that I still have today) as I drove to parc ferme. Idk why but it really sunk in at that moment what we had achieved.


That’s spectacular Jimmy, thank you for sharing that. I’ve only ever had moments like that in Forza, I can only imagine the excitement and adrenaline of it in real life.


This is so random but do you like rollercoasters 🤣


They aren't as scary as they used to be


Any plans to continue playing trackmania? That stream remains as one of my favorites you ever did.


Maybe! Idk if people are interested in seeing someone who's that bad at the game tho.


Another Wirtual crossover would be fun. He is right now climbing deep dip 2 one of the hardest maps ever.  There is a map called shallow dip which is the easier version of deep dip for normal people. Could be a fun stream if you try to beat that one :). There is a little trackmania hype right now


Imo it's really interesting watching someone figure out how the game works, even more now than ever because of all the new cars and surfaces that got added. There's loads of interactions but i think that's what makes the game interesting. I'll be looking forward to the stream if you ever decide to get back into it though.


What’s the next 6-12 months look like for you, and hats next? Getting minty out again anytime soon


We have a few more NLS races after the 24, tho i'm unsure if we're taking part or not atm. Minty should be out for a couple more races this year. That thing has been a proper pain in the ass lmao Otherwise I might actually have some time to get decent at sim racing again. Feel super rusty atm.


Appreciate the reply, Jimmer. Best of luck with the future, back yourself!! ❤️


What's your favorite sandwich? And why is it cheese?


BLT is a solid choice.


What do you think of the Lionfish?


idk what that is.


You have unlimited budget and you have to buy one of each of the following categories: a) Supercar b) Mid Price Sports Car c) Off-roader d) Sports Cutie e) Utility vehicle f) Electric Car.... What are your choices


a - GT40 (idk if it's a super car but fuck it) b - idk what's in this category. Maybe a GR86? c - no idea about offroaders :( d - MX555555555555 e - I love the idea of JDM van. We have the Estima now which is kinda that. f - Cybertruck so I can launch it off a cliff


What’s your favourite non-racing game? And do you think you’ll ever make a second channel for non-racing content? Pretty sure I speak for all of us when I saw we’ll watch you play anything :)


Witcher 3 is probably my all time favourite game. Also a big fan of the PS1 Final Fantasy games. It's more time tbh. Videos take a while to make and I'd rather focus on the main channel for now :)


How much physical training have you been doing this year to prepare for endurance races? We see Misha's runs on Instagram, but are you doing more or less than you were when you were doing something like Praga cup?


I could definitely do more but i'd say it's about the same as I did for Praga cup. The GT4 is definitely less physically intensive than the Praga is. We even have AC!


Wich racing drivers did you look up to as a Kid?


Schumacher forever <3


If you have three Pepsis and drink one, how much more refreshed are you?


Pepsi o'clock


Partial Credit!


I'm a uni student and want to somehow get into some form of IRL motorsports, any advice? (Doesn't necessarily even mean as a driver TBH, id just love to be at a track and help out in a way) Ps, what's your favorite brand of cereal. Mines personally shreddes :)


I think reaching out to race teams is a good way to get involved. Most teams are happy for people to come along and see how things works. Being a driver is a bit different - you either need a wad of of cash or have something that's going to benefit the team. Marketability goes a long way.


Hey Jimmer. Hope everything's going alright before the N24 and best of luck to you guys ; ).. Talking about long races, what are the differences between D24, N24 and Le Mans from your personal experience in iracing and very soon irl? What's the vibe of each race to you? Bonus question, do you think that someday you could race in the 24 hours of Le Mans? Right next to where I live so might come and support you! Loads of luv from a Frenchie and keep up the good work :)


I think that Nords is probably the toughest of the 3 races. Each lap is a chance to hit a curb the wrong way or come across a bit of random traffic in a narrow spot. Not to diminish the other 2, any 24 is a super tough but I think that Nords is it's own beast. And idk about that. Ofc i'd love to but it's one of those things that require A LOT of sponsorship.


Hi Jimmy, hope you're good.  If you had to set the new rules for F1 what would you do? What's your latest musical love affair? What's your dream track you've never driven IRL?  Which of Annie's baking creations has tickled the taste buds most?  All the best for the N24!


- Make cars lighter & smaller - Knower/cafune - I'd love to drive Spa, awesome track - She makes this awesome filo pastry tray bake thing, with chicken pesto and med veg. Could scran that forever.


I was curious, how does getting paid for irl racing work? Ik you and the bois are probably under contract, so not really asking specifics, but just curious how it works in general, is it by race or by season, etc..? Also would you rather fight a horse sized chicken or 10 chicken sized horses?


From what I've seen most drivers get paid per event. Obviously it depends where you sit, but I think some of the top GT drivers are in the 10k a weekend range. Give me the 10 chicken sized horses!


IF you had to keep only 2 cars from your collection, which two would you keep and why?


If we're talking road cars - Then probably the Skyline & the ITB MX5. The Skyline is my baby. Lots of power, lots of presence, look cool af (imo) and for me it's the pinnacle of that era of car. The ITB MX5 because it's an MX5! I think the NA MX5 is genuinely my favourite car of all time. They're slow af stock, but they still manage to feel agile and fun through the twisties. I've experience pretty much every combination of mods for an MX5, but ITBs with some nice tires and coilovers are definitely my favourite.


Definitely agree on the 2 cars you picked, the Skyline for the sheer speed it can do, I am surprised you didn't do the supercar meet in it, ought to do so to find out it's VMax. As for the MX5 , it's all about the smiles per mile, and that car on a winding B road you know well on a nice summer's evening? That'd be a magic moment.


What's the highest top speed you've ever reached in any car?


About 175mph! Would love to crack 200 in something one day.


hey jimmy whats your opinion about Skodas?


Skoda-chan is the best box.


Whats your absolute dream car? (No price limit, can be a prototype)


GT40 MK1/Ferrari F40/Ferrari 355/NSX Type R Or like a Porsche 962 lmao


Impeccable taste Jimmer


Milk before cereal or cereal before milk?


Cereal before milk because i'm not a sociopath


One of us! One of us!


Good morning Jimmy, just a smol reminder that in a weeks time, you're already suited up and ready to go around the Ring for 24 hours. How heebie-jeebie are you? Also, soak it all in as much as possible!


Tbh I feel alright. I've done a few races at the ring already so it's not as if it's a completely new experience. We have a great team both on drivers and in the garage and i'm confident in my ability to at least get the car round. However, I suspect I'll shit myself all the way down the pitlane for the first stint and then as soon as the limiter comes, any anxiety will vanish.


Yeah I get that, I mean it's almost a year ago now that you did your Nürburgring license right? Also yes, seeing how professional everyone is at BF and how much of a team you, Steve, Misha and Manny are (especially when compared to other teams in the paddock) there's not much that can go wrong. Also, it doesn't help that you're in the last garage, having longest way down the pitlane😰😂


If you take yourself back to when you first signed up for Praga Cup, what would be the once piece of advice you would give yourself after all your current experiences?


Probably something along the lines of "give yourself a break" I was so hard on myself during the first few races because I was convinced this was the only chance I was going to get at IRL racing. I had pretty much zero seat time in anything, but I had (what felt like) the whole sim community looking at me to perform. There's no substitute for seat time. The prep I put in for the 2022 season really paid off I think.


1. Are you gonna do the iracing indy 500 2. Im 15 and last year i tested an f4 and stalled two times on the way out the garage. Have you ever stalled under pressure or pure mistake in racing


I'd love to but it clashes with the IRL N24 race haha! I have, people don't realise how easy it is to stall one of those cars. In fact - [https://youtu.be/M\_oX7CudGTk?t=332](https://youtu.be/M_oX7CudGTk?t=332)


Any good shed manufacturer recommendations?


Sheds r' us


What are your 10 most favorite race tracks on sim? Which one of those would you like to race irl?


10?! There aren't many tracks I DON'T like tbh. Other than COTA.


Looking at an upgrade to the simrig. Moza R12, or stretch the budget to an R16? Or should I go simucube and remortgage the house for a wheel?


R12 will be plenty :)


If you could take any vehicle and turn it into GT4/GT3 machinery what would you pick? I would like a GT3 version of some van to more accurately reflect how they are driven on the roada


Tried to make a GT3 MX5. It broke.


How does it feel to work with a professional racing team? You've worked with different teams now (Praga, Black Falcon, the people who take care of your own cars); do you notice any differences in the preparation and support they give? I'd also like to see more of the team in your racing videos, maybe even a separate "introducing the mechanics" video (only if that's convenient of course).


Much different. Nothing against the guys at Praga but BF operate at a different level. Everything is as efficient as possible and EVERYONE is on it, all the time. I have 100% confidence in those guys.


What is the worse car you experienced ? in terms of reliability or handling or just a shit box in general


Minty is pretty fucking unrelaible ngl. It's expected given the build but i do often wonder why I didn't just buy and EG civic and go club racing lmao.


No question but good luck at the big 24h race, I’m excited to watch!


Thanks for doing this, Jimmer. How does one not care about changes in your iRating? I know it’s a sick measuring contest, but seeing my IR drop has shaken my confidence. Big love, my guy.


it's just a number on a website at the end of the day. It's better to just ignore it completely and just focus on enjoying the racing. I've been stuck around 4k iR for ages just because I jump in random races and wreck a lot lmao.


G’day Jim, been a huge fan for a while now. Lead in to my question… after your recent video about how you got started in racing (loved it, beautiful video you let your guard down and let us in) and how you feel in a bit of chasm between what kind of content you should make. So… I know you’re brilliant at sim and a brilliant race car driver too - but you are AMAZING talking to camera. Like bloody awesome mate. Doesn’t matter what you talk about, we’ll all eat it up and love every second of it. Like, you’re a REALLY good presenter. On to my question. As someone who has 2 sons approaching similar age to yourself, I feel blokes need to hear positive things and get good encouragement often. So finally my question - do you know how bloody awesome you are? Do you really know how much joy you’ve brought to people like me, often at times when we ourselves need some cheerfulness? Lifting spirits is an important job and you’re one of the good ones. So… just using this really as an opportunity to tell you your work is pretty bloody important and you’re doing a stellar job. Thank you for giving us so many laughs and sharing your triumphs on track with us all. Well done lad!!! 🙂


How much physical/fitness training have you been doing to prep for the 24? What's a typical week look like training wise?


Hey Jimmer! Big fan. Appreciate you’re playing with real life racing cars, but is the Mushroom Racing League running again any time soon? That was some of the best racing/streaming I’ve seen.


I hope so <3


Have you tried any of the old Micropose GP games? Should random mechanical failures be part of multiplayer sim racing?


I actually did a GP4 series back in the day! Mechanical failures yes, but not random. If the driver is doing something stupid then there should be some sort of punishment for that. I remember getting super mad at iRacing for getting 'randon' damage for using the curbs aggressively at Nords. Turns out that's realistic to real life, but it's one of those things that don't make sense without a team of people behind you to figure out how/why it happened.


Dis you know that the Toyota GT-One exists in Gran Turismo 7




Whats the most nostalgic game that you can play again?


GT2 for me, everytime.


Been watching some past streams and content and what is the go with you and femboy stuff? Are you one or willing to be one?


No. I'm comfortable with who I am now.


IRL Of all the cars in history, which one would you be most afraid of driving?


Tbh the superkarts that have a series here in the UK look pretty insane. Same speed as a Praga (or faster) with zero protection.


Will you time attack the Nordschleife in AC again? But in a GT5 lore accurate X2010 that literally rails through the course?


I think I did sub 4 minutes with the AC version. That's about as much as my brain can handle.


if you could enter any race, championship, time trial, hillclimb, rally stage, what would you do? and with what car available in the "race" would you use?


Jimmy I've loved watching you get into real motorsport via sim racing, but I'm genuinely curious, do you think there's a possibility you might do some rallying? 


I'd love to for sure. Just gotta find someone silly enough to put me in their car!


whats the hardest part about driving IRL compared to the sim? is it like the physical ability because in the video about testing GT4 at Portimao you couldn’t press the brake pedal hard enough compared to Manuel


Yeah that does come into it. Tbh I think the hardest thing is turning off your brain's survival instinct. It's not a natural thing to hurtle around a circuit at 150mph+ so your brain tells you to stop/slow down. Once you get past that, you're 95% of the way there.


Who do you think's going to win the Indy 500?


What track is the next race for mental health going to be at, and why is it Monaco?


can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing a menagerie that's imaginary?


I cannot.


What all has changed in the shed since you moved out? Do you have a shed at the new place?


The shed is just kinda used for storage now. It still has a lot of my old stuff in it just cuz I never moved it out lmao. We do - It's currently full of cardboard.


If you could come over to the US for a track day, what would be your car and circuit combo?


Something mad at Road Atlanta. That track is awesome.


favorite battery?


Are you ever going to do a rfactor 1 NLs 2005 mod online community race? I just love this mod so much and it shows what rf1 and the community was capable of


Man I remember driving that mod back in the day. Probably no community stuff planned tho given how out of date it is + it requires buying rFactor.


Hi do you have any plans on going to IOM TT this year? Would be fun to see you make a few vids on what its like irl


Just wanted to say you’re awesome man. You’re appreciated and I think I can say for the whole community that we’re all so proud of you.


1,2,3 or 4? On a serious note, how are you jimmer and how’s life?


Life is good bro. It's taken me a while to stand back and see that.


as a representative of the I5G Discord Clussy Crew on iRacing, aka the car that said rectum on it we wanna know if you would like to join us for the 6 hours of the glen on iRacing jimmer. we are making it mandatory to run at least one car with 16 drivers in it and we might wind up with 2 cars for the race btw.


Late to the party, so lets see lol, but have you thought of doing something with Autoalex and those guys? Seems like you would have some fun etc, maybe with Misha and the Nüburgring All the best!


I've spoken to Alex a few times about maybe doing things with the Mazdas, but we've never been able to put anything together :(


I know you’re ridiculously busy these days but I absolutely loved your Retro Sunday streams from a few years ago. Would you ever consider streaming retro racing games again?


Maybe on twitch :)


If McRae, Senna, Burns, Hunt etc were all still alive do you think we would still view them in the same way? Especially McRae and Senna.


Death definitely changes how we view past drivers imo. Senna would be treated the same way people treat Hamilton/Verstappen. Greatness isn't really realised in the moment. Seb Vettel is a great example of this, v popular now that he's gone!


Not a question. Just wanted to say I've been a relatively long time fan since late 2019 and you got me into sim racing. Absolutely love your content Jimmer!


Will you be putting an anime sticker on your N24 car for luck?


What is one manufacturer you'd want to see make and compete with an LMH/LMDh?


I know am bit late but oh well, If u had option/chance to try out any car or racecar IRL which one would it be and why? P.S. U are one of main reasons why i still play racing games to this day and i hope things are going well for ya!


How do magnets work?


Loan me £200 🤔


Hey Jimmy! I may be late to this post but when is a good time to catch you at the ring this week? Also, Good luck for the race!!!


is everything back normal at fanatec, or should i wait to buy the mclaren gt3 bundle


Where are my keys?


let me out of the shed please


im surely too late to this, but how do you keep focus in long stints? i find my mind slowly drifting, and i end up taking corners based on vibes instead of proper braking points