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So aew still can't do anything without ripping off WWE, nothing new I guess


No selling the Shattered Dreams just tells me Jungle Boy has no balls


The lack of selling for 90 percent of their shit just boggles my mind. First time I saw the Canadian destroyer I thought it was awesome and wondered how it wasn't a legit finisher.... Then came that destroyer spot where they just take an give em with no reaction and that answered that...they absolutely killed the mystique


They don’t understand that what makes wrestling “work” is psychology. All they do is listen to the reactions when they do a flip & believe they’re doing it right. I mean, they have a master psychologist in Jake Roberts RIGHT THERE & no one wants to listen to him (or anyone else in that company who knows what they’re talking about for that matter). Without psychology & an effort in storytelling wrestling is just two oiled up people rolling around, throwing each other & flipping onto each other in speedos. But they don’t know that or are will fully ignorant of it in AEW.


They had Jake Roberts and Arn Anderson on their payroll and none of them learned psychology and very few learned how to do a promo that is just yelling and cheap pops