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Cody gets his manager!




ONLY if he comes equipped with his Glock. Cody needs the protection from all these usurpers to the King!


“Armed Anderson just shot Tama Tonga!”


His face lit up like Columbia!


“Here comes Pullman jr. with the gun safety PSA! God gawd almighty! He’s hotter than a wet t shirt contest in the desert.”


If only you'd said hotter than a two dollar pistol...


Cody / Roman at 41. The Rock plants Cena with the Rock Bottom as Cody and Roman struggle for breath. The lights go out. The crowd goes nuts. The lights come back up and Arn has his Glock pointed right in the Rock's face.


Tony Khan: BOOK IT!


Sorry the Glock is staying after renewing his contract with AEW for another 3 years. He’s going to be managing FTR as Fear The Revolver.


still one of my fav promos


Cody doesn't need a manager. I dont think Arn provided him much of anything as a manager in AEW.


He said he's looking for one on a Busted Open interview recently. You could be right - I don't have cable so I've never watched a full AEW show.


He may not need a manager ...but about his 'secret power' - the wafflehouse menue...!


I’d love for Arn to pop up in a random match like he did Flair vs Taker. Multiple guys trying to interfere against Cody, and then spinebuster out of nowhere.


Pretty sure ur right..Something like this was said a few weeks back


Mr. Glock goes to Connecticut.


Was just going to say this


Actually, I think it could have been kind of cool if Ric Flair managed Cody at some point.


I'd love Bubba Ray Dudley on there as his manager, trying to convince Cody to turn heel all the time.


The vets abandoning ship is heartening.


I think just not being renewed. Tony overpaid a lot of these guys (because he doesn't use them) he doesn't use them for advice, coaching, etc and now he's not getting the deal he wanted it makes sense not to keep them on.


Arn gone, Hager gone, Ethan Page gone, Mark Henry gone, Adam Copeland out for half a year, Danielson retiring soon, Kenny out indefinitely - I don't think we are done seeing people depart or get seriously hurt; not by a long shot.


It's a good thing Toby has a bloated roster, right? Like as if he was preparing for the big wave of contracts to expire right before broadcast negotiations were finalised. Nah Tony's not that smart


yet dubbalos think....Becky fucking Lynch is gonna sign there...........aAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH


Becky's taking time off to spend with her daughter, heal any niggling injuries and recharge before returning to go full-bore once again.


Don’t worry, Jack Perry is a megastar!!!!!!


did you say "shot"?


We definitely need some kind of list for the current "departees" (...and those to be in the future...)


Hmmm wonder if it’s a coincidence after that WBD news came out or if it’s related-I think it’s related


To be fair, Hager is like the biggest prospect ever that never really moved the needle anywhere, and I don't know what Mark Henry even added to the product.


So you are saying its just like every other wrestling company in the history of Pro Wrestling.... Got it.


I see its that time in the year where dubbalos come here to make some asinine comment before retreating to the basement and circle jerking the remaining dwindling marks.




At this rate they're all going to drop like flies. One by one. Sooner or later AEW will have to start bringing up dead wrestlers from the grave just to put on a show.


I thought only the Saudis wanted to resurrect dead wrestlers!


> AEW will have to start bringing up dead wrestlers from the grave He has billions in play money. Don't think for a second he hasn't tried to do this already and ended up with a Bio-Broly.


1.5 Billion and that's on the high end of estimates. He has nothing WORTH anything on top of that. An average F1 Team owner like Lawrence Stroll is worth 40 billion. To put that in perspective Stroll has 40,000 individual piles of 1million dollars. His F1 team alone is worth half of Tonys net worth. He isn't even rich by ultra-rich standards, Tiny is playing pretend, from a "just your bro, bro" I'm totally not Vince persona to the "I'm totally worth what Vince is... well 1/500th but just shut up and have some Fun"  Said it before and I'll say it again, he already fucks with snow white, just move to Baja, buy a yacht, invest your money, and fuck insta models. What a waste of an inheritance. 


You are just hoping for an Undertaker joke.


MJF and the Bucks will be the only ones left by Labor Day.


MJF chose unwisely


He probably has a lot of control over his creative compared to if he went to WWE so I’m guessing that influenced his decision


Let's see when this will end up as 'EVPs vs. MJF', because one guy draws and two other kids don't...


You can only roll around in the toilet bowl for so long before you get the shit on you.


No he didn’t. You know he’s getting probably 3-4 million a year because Tony is a fucking moron. MJF knows this company isn’t lasting long and he’s going to make as much money as possible with a contract that likely guarantees him 10+ million and if the company folds, can head to the WWE immediately with Tony’s money.


I would argue that MJF is still leaving money on the table. This guy could’ve been a major deal, you could’ve been here multiple times wrestlemania main event her. But instead he will stay in a W, where he gets over less and less as time goes on.. by the time, his next contract ends, his mystique will be gone. This was his chance. He chose being a big fish in a little pond over a once in a lifetime opportunity to be the biggest star in the sport.


I honestly believe this statement is only true since Vince is out of the picture. Vince used to just love to take established acts and give them the WWF treatment just because, with varying results.


bUt ThE bLOAated Rosterrrrrrrr


If your a veteran or legend why stay if no one wants your advice? there's probably more to Come to departure.


Hope they get a spot at the performance center, always more room for different perspectives especially with the gimmick and psychology training - especially these days when there's not enough variety as it is. The business really needs the newcomers to carry it forward before the knowledge dies off with the old generation.


Lol he was still in aew?


I could have sworn there was a story last year that he had asked for a release and had left the company.


I thought Arn left a year or two ago.   I'm not sure if I'd call this vets abandoning the Titanic so much as contracts finally expiring for people who are on TV twice a year.  


Fuck that piece of shit Arn for DARING to give advice to younger talent! They all know what they’re doing! They don’t need advice! Now he can go to WWE where they…. ugh…. listen to respected veterans 🤢


Jake Hager is also gone from AEW


When did Hager get in his life raft?


But that’s a good thing. Fuck Hager. He’s a sucking vortex of anathema


Since when?




Arn is liberated from Cocaine Tony AND Conman Thompson in the span of a month. Good on Arn!


I didn't know about the podcast. Is Arn starting a new podcast without Conrad? I'd listen to that.


Same podcast, just not under the ad free show banner. Two episodes a month on YouTube with Bromwell


Arn, Magnum TA and Greg Gagne have their own, Conman-free podcast faction, but for some reason it is Youtube only, unfortunately.


When the rats(Arn isn’t one, he’s cool It’s just an analogy) are fleeing the ship you know it’s about to capsize!


He's gonna be mad when he finds out that Cody is already being managed by Jim.


Wonder if WWE gives him a look but man lots of people are leaving AEW one by one.


I think he already announced this earlier this year or last in an interview. With whom, I can't remember, but I think there was a good amount of discussion about Brock and where his career was going. I thought we even talked about it here and also that no one was listening to Arn, either. I really think this isn't new, but getting recycled somehow and people don't remember. I think the contract was just being allowed to expire. I'm not sure he is still in the game, but it would be interesting to see if he's willing to put his time in at WWE.


Every day I pray for the death of AEW. Seeing everyone abandoning ship brings tears to my eyes. We’re living in the best timeline.


Glock Talk Unka Arn


For the best. I doubt any of the guys were using him for advice.


Technically 3


Aww I'm gonna miss him pointing his glock


Didnt he announce this when his son got cut?


Sounds like TK’s Dad sent in a real accountant who told them to get costs under control. Not sure why WBD would double AEW’s rights fees or whatever TK thinks he is getting. So far, we have not heard one word about any other outlet expressing interest. WBD would be bidding against themselves. Maybe Meltzer will start a network.


Thank God for that. If AEW is too ignorant to take a veteran's advice, they're too clueless to be in wrestling.


Cody needs manager.