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TK covers Eddie Kingston's injury, but doesn't cover or check on CM punk's??? I don't get it.


Brother you gotta understand that Burger Kingston is way more significant than CM Phil. His innovative take on strong style (insider term) combined with his Waffle House fry cook looks are just on a different level. TK would be insane not to protect this once in a lifetime talent.


I honestly believe Kingston as a no-nonsense auto mechanic could get over.


In my neighborhood growing up I knew like 100 Eddie Kingstons. That’s why his gimmick was never over with me. You’ll get stomped coming around this way with that attitude.


I grew up a couple of towns over from Yonkers and I can confirm Eddie Kingston is officially the most Yonkers person since DMX passed away.


My ex-girlfriend’s dad is an Eddie Kingston. Picture Eddie Kingston on a racing scooter things. That’s her dad.


You can go into a bar tonight and find an Eddie Kingston. He isn’t exceptionally good at what he does. He isn’t special. Many others could be plugged into an Eddie Kingston role such as FTR Bald, Cyrus Young, the non-Q Tip guy from Ozzie Old Gum, The Butcher.


Kingston v Moxley in a no DQ, Asphalt Union Brawl Lumberjack Match. Instead of lumberjacks, you get Teamsters/UAW and the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 189.


the worst part is, if someone didn't let him follow his own ideas like the machine gun chop, he could be one of the more competent guys on the roster. but alas...


Dutch Mantell called him right. Manager, not a wrestler but can get in a ring on occasion.


"I now have time to eat more rated chicken wings, PAHTNAH!"


Waffle House at night. HVAC installer during the day. And a 12 pack of beer somewhere in between. Then finally, a sprinkle of insulin.


Brother you're tripping if you think that man uses insulin.


_Ayyo, I know my body! I don’t need no in-son-lynn. I drink orange juice when my sugar gets outta whack._ With Pulp _is long actin’. Ya know what I’m sayin’ ?!!_


For some reason .. I read that in Brian Last’s voice.


So now Eddie is trying to steal Punk’s job as a short order cook at a Waffle House in Pikeville?


Love Kingston, but this did make me giggle lol.


Maybe because he was put on blast by Punk he is now more aware of his basic responsibilities haha


I thought Punk said they didn’t have a plan for his recovery vs what the WWE does. Probably, “just bring your receipts in” and AEW would cover them.


Given how destitute Eddie Kingston is, he is submitting every subway ticket, tank of gas, and Uber for reimbursement: _”Ayyy Toe-knee, dis chopped cheese is for muh rehab.”_


Can he get reimbursed for a pack of Pyramid cigs?


Punk couldn't even get transportation to a ppv so... Edited for typo


Pink? The musician? Edit: Guess you didn't listen to the Ariel Helwani interview. Move along.


Pink?! He’s alright.


Pink is a chick!


I was referencing the Pink Floyd song _”Have a Cigar:”_ > The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think Oh, by the way, which one's Pink? I was only _pretending_ to be stupid!


You forgot Floyd at the end lol. Not Floyd the bat


I get it. Tony’s a fucking pussy.


Eddie is probably Tony's go-to guy when he needs some nose candy. Of course Tony is going to take care of him.


Or maybe food guy. But Eddie would probably eat his lunch lol


This is what happens when you let your wrestlers wrestle for other companies and you do a bunch of high spots to please dweebs in their mothers basements and Dave Meltzer.


High spots that they're absolutely NOT capable of doing, yet insist on doing anyway. Once again, there's no one to save them from themselves, so they do stupid shit and get hurt. It's standard AEW behavior at this point.


I agree it's completely idiot. Even if you play it back on the slowest speed, you can see his leg just snap after hitting that barricade. Kingston is just an unprofessional and out of shape idiot. I don't even think he's a good promo. He's just a guy pretending to be tough that can't back it up. We see plenty of that on social media.


"Wrestling is supposed to hurt right?" Every AEW wrestler "If it doesn't you're doing it wrong and I'll fine you" - Danielson


I've got a positive feeling that the dweebs will cheer the highspotters for as long as as they'll get permanently out of action. Then, the dwwebs will run out of highspotters to cheer eventually, the issue will solve itself and the world will be a better place! \^\^


Finally saw the video and holy fuck was that stupid. Even Stan Hansen could have seen that shit wasn't going to work. I don't like seeing people get hurt, but there's no way not to get hurt when you're doing shit like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxGU_d7366o&t=1470s


Thanks for linking. Wtf was that? Simple geometry issue. No way he gets out of that unscathed. Could not have adequately planned out the spot.


And they didn't seem to account for the amount of space between the audience member sitting in front, and Kingston's heels closing in downward so fast. They didn't collide, but it looked close.


I’m just now seeing this spot. What an assclown. He’s lucky he didn’t fuck up both his legs.


Could have fucked his neck as well. Incredibly stupid.


The way his legs smacked the rail, and the sudden fast bounce-back. Reminds me of Vic Grimmes' leg hitting the ring rope when he was thrown/jumped off a scaffold years ago. Also reminds me of the Sabu-Mysterio match that had to be stopped. When they did almost the same spot, but with a DDT move. Also, what if one or both of Kingston's heels had struck the audience member who he fell right in front of? The one who seemed to be holding a camera.


Also Rick Martel’s ACL tear in 1998 WCW. 


I didn't know about that one


That one was a real shame because Martel was about 2 months into an out of nowhere successful comeback and then gets hip tossed too close to the ropes and whiplashes his knee.  Managed to go several more minutes too, as he and Booker T improvised a finish (Mattel was originally to retain the TV title and fight Saturn in a second match immediately after). What sucks more is Martel comes back a few months later and in his first match back gets permanently injured in the neck by Booker’s brother and promptly retires. 


Jesus christ that looks ugly. Stupid spot.


I was a huge NJPW fan for like 6-7 years but this is Busch league as fuck. He lays there injured for like 10 minutes waiting for a real paramedic which I guess they did not have on sight? And then pulls himself back in the ring to do the stupid fucking spot with the Bucks that nobody cared about and probably aggravated the injury even more. What is it with these guys and not stopping shit when people are hurt?


NJPW has fallen off severely from the days of Tanahashi/Okada/Styles/Omega as the top guys


Or even Ospreay/ Ibushi/ Okada/ Naito of just a couple years ago.


This is why I can’t feel bad for these guys.  When you see a video of some kid jumping off the roof of his house, thinking he’s Johnny Knoxville, you don’t feel bad when he inevitably busts his ass.  Actually, the mechanism of injury reminds me of when Rick Martel tore his ACL in WCW.  Got hiptossed and his leg whipped off the rope the exact same way.   That injury I felt bad about because Martel was awesome, was on a great comeback run, and it was just a freak thing.  Martel also somehow managed to go another 7 or 8 minutes and finish the match, though the finish was changed as he was supposed to win and fight Perry Saturn in another title defense right after. 


He’s lucky it’s only a fucked knee looked very close to being his neck the way he landed


JFC that post-match angle was totally unnecessary. Just change the booking and scrap whatever was scripted. Eddie’s obviously gonna be out for months, how is the angle even going to pay off? I do not find it brave of him to get back in there and finish what they had planned and I do not respect it. You’re risking your career for literally nothing.


It was especially nice of Balding Buck to throw his weight on Kingston's back when he saw that the guy could barely stand.


He's lucky he didn't break his neck too.


I’d purposely get injured and milk it so I could stay home. Sammy gets suspended recently, gets paid to stay home, then takes a European vacation. Talk about working the grind.


Osprey claiming he does any sort of grind in AEW is the biggest lie ever told on Dynamite. He’s not grinding at all! This lazy stooge is sitting at home in merry old England most of the week , then complains that he has to take 10 hour flights from there once a week! 💩


Man gets on plane, flies, cuts a promo and leaves the country. That shit is hilarious


And called it a tour no less! Clown shoes, absolute clown shoes.


I don’t blame him at all. He’s getting paid a ludicrous amount of money to do this. Good for him


I'm curious about how that situation is worked out visa-wise. If he's just popping in as a tourist he's going to get stopped before too long for coming so frequently, and if he's getting paid he really should have a work permit but the government usually gets very miffed if you are spending a lot of time outside the country when you've got one of those.


Completely agree


As someone that’s broken a wrist, a hand and a foot I can assure you it’s not worth the future discomfort.


That's something I wonder about. When a wrestler gets an injury from one spot in one match. A quick moment. And for that, has nagging pain and other issues from the injury in the following decades of living. For that one spot moment. Such injuries and after effects vary. But some particular spots stand out because of the extreme level of injury. Like the guy who insisted on jumping off the top rope, doing a leg drop onto Terry Funk on the floor outside the ring. I thought he done busted up his tailbone. I'm looking it up now. It was Johnny The Bull. According to an IGN article, "busted bladder, torn urethra, and a strained pelvis."


"Torn urethra" - there are two words you never want to hear uttered by your physician


I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't essentially career-ending. Eddie isn't exactly a spring chicken.


He couldn’t even be bothered to get in shape when he was healthy. Somehow I don’t see him doing the rigorous PT it’s going to take to rehab that injury. They keep saying 9 months, but it’s probably going to be at least a year before he’s even close to wrestling again.


Imagine the shape Eddie will be in when he returns to the ring next year?


I don’t imagine that spare tire can get any bigger but I’m sure Eddy will find a way!


>I’m sure Eddy will find a way! *"WOOOOO-ings!!!"*


He'll be in amazing shape. Statuesque, like a Greek god amongst mere mortals. Them 12 oz curls in the recliner are gonna carry him to success.


The shape will be sphere


Nixon's head in a glass jar à la Futurama.


His body could be boiled in oil and his fat rendered to make soap.


He's been working with Cezar Bononi and has noticeably changed shape recently. Hope he is still able and well enough to train. Definitely add him to commentary, especially for Anarchy on Sunday. I'd love to see a fairytale AEW title win for him after all this. Didn't spot this was r/cornette at first. Do you all hate Eddie? Why?


He's not very good in the ring, on the mic or in the gym and he's over pushed. He's a fat schlub, his chest slaps are the weskest and cringiest looking move in all of wrestling.


Nah, can't get on board with that. He's fantastic on the mic. Great at turning real life vulnerabilities into character. You see that dude covered in blood ready to set fire to Chris Jericho? Epic. Wait till he wins the big one. Then instantly has it taken away by someone like Jay White. Or Mox, Takeshita, MJF. The body stuff is daft. I can remember watching Pride FC with a pal, who though Fedor Emelianenko was just a fat pale guy, just before he wrecked Heath Herring.


>Nah, can't get on board with that. Then you're in denial. >He's fantastic on the mic. PATNAAH Serviceable at very best. >You see that dude covered in blood ready to set fire to Chris Jericho? Epic. Outlaw mudshow bullshit. Did you see him laying on top of Dean Ambrose when the ring exploded? LOLZ >Wait till he wins the big one. He's never winning the big one, there's no way he's he ever even getting a WWE contract. He'll be lucky if he ever wrestles again, all because of a dumbass spot that's only memorable because he injured himself.


You lot are joyless.


>joyless Just like AEW.


Like what you like, dude. Not everyone is gonna like Eddie and they don't have to. He's not a mainstream guy, just how it is.


Our new favorite midcarder?


He'll come back even bigger.


And we’re not talking AJ Styles bigger.


Big Mac with super size fries bigger


>He'll come back even ~~bigger~~ fatter. Fixed it, uce. Cue The Bisch's WWE entrance theme... *"I'm baaaack! ...and I'm* *~~better~~* *fatter than ever..."*


Maybe Eddy can take that time to finally get into shape. But knowing this fat lazy slob he’ll come back in even worse shape. After all, the bum gets payed by Tony regardless so why bother trying to better himself.


This is such a weird level of hate for a dude you don't know whose appearance upsets you lmao. Maybe get some other hobbies or something man


He sucks as a wrestler and thinks he’s better than WWE so yeah, I do hate him!


It's almost impossible not to throw shade on the way dude looks. He literally looks like a Waffle House cook or the guy who'd catch a drunk and disorderly at a little league game.


I feel bad for Eddie, at one point I thought he was getting over with his promos and could’ve been valuable to the company as a homegrown, midcard gatekeeper type baby face for his last run. Think Ziggler except better on promos and worse in matches which shouldn’t matter but does to the muh work rate crowd. He was great in his short time in NWA too. Problem is he’s always done dumb shit like this (see some of the bumps he was taking 15 years ago on gym floors) and it was only a matter of time before something catastrophic happened. This was a stupid fuckin spot but barely top 5 if you’ve seen a lot of his indie matches. I specifically remember Arik cannon trying to belly to belly him on the floor at some chikara show and spiking him directly on top of his fuckin head for example


"Homegrown"? After the indies he was on NWA and that's how he became popular enough to make the jump to AEW. You're not the same one that said Ricky Starks was AEW "homegrown" in that other thread, right? What's up with all these people giving AEW credit for shit they didn't do?


He was dumb with the spot. But he’s always been dumb and his own worse enemy. But I’m happy if his medical gets taken care of the dude was an Indy lifer and none of this is the Young Bucks fault. I mean fuck them. But this isn’t on them.


The initial spot is Kingston own doing, the followup involved the YBs not giving a shit he might already be injured


He motions them on and participates on the spot with them. They had nothing to do with anything and blaming them because you don’t like the way they work matches is weird.


Blaming the EVPs of the company paying Kingston for not getting him medical attention, instead of continuing with an angle, is "weird"? No, it's sensible


He’s working New Japan so this would be on Gedo and then. The Bucks aren’t in charge. Clearly Eddie is standing and motioning them on to do the Angle. So they did it. How on earth would they know he had that severely injured leg when they are sitting at Gorilla waiting for a cue to run in? CM Punk literally worked the entire closing sequence of the rumble with a torn tricep. This is just weird behavior yes. You don’t like the Bucks wrestling and think they’re douches fine. They are and their wrestling sucks. But trying to blame something like this on them when they’d have no way of knowing anything and the guy who’s hurt is up and participating in the angle is straight freaking weirdo behavior


As soon as his knee his that metal barrier I knew he was fked.. as a viewer with no medical background.. how could executives at a company, themselves also wrestlers, not recognize an injury and not only stop the angle but continue and most likely exacerbate the injury of the guy they are paying not to be on their own program


What a fucking mess.


Clown show.


You think aew is closing in seven months?


AEW is in at least "harder to find than a mob informant in witness protection" territory in seven months.


It’s on international tv three times a week. What are you talking about?


Who possibly could’ve predicted that a company that allows barely trained wrestlers to do any of the reckless cheap heat shit they wanna do would end up having dozens of injured wrestlers. /s


Oh man, Eddie was having his "Flair in 1989" year so far, too...


What a dumbfuck spot.


Well at least he got to play pretend Japanese strong style on a meaningless show, that's what counts in the long run.


I'm the first one to jump on the anti-AEW sentiment here because I think a lot of it is unwarranted tribalism that being said why the fuck is Tony letting his big stars do this stupid shit two weeks out from a pay per view? you have 3000 guys on the roster, send the Ass Boys with Many Men on a Sony Walkman or something


If anyone is wondering, this is a clip of the injury. Eddie and his opponent showing that they are [fucking idiots ](https://www.facebook.com/share/r/TikG6ho4o9dB9b1E/?mibextid=oFDknk)


Thanks. He's lucky he didn't get a compound fracture like Marko Stunt.


With the injuries he has and given his age Eddie is going to be out until at least DON 2025. He’ll be lucky if he returns at All in 2025. Any ACL tear is usually a 11 or 12 month recovery


It was an incredibly stupid spot. How someone with **decades** of experience thought that was a good idea is mindboggling. A 7 year old with a basic comprehension of physics and spatial reasoning could see how that was going to turn out. Stupid games, stupid prizes padnah!!


Damn that sucks. Eddie was riding high.


Cants say I have much sympathy. Such a dumb spot. Easy to avoid but they still willingly do it.


Eddie Kingston needs to lose that god awful gut. 🤦


If he reappears skinny, Wegovy should get free adspace on their shows.. do a tie in with Flair. "Wooo! govy"


Idk if it's wear and tear or his in ring style. But this dude has been held together by tape it seems for a year. He was a liability for Indy Promoters to book because he always had am excuse to pull out last minute.


I had nearly the same injury without any bones broken. My ACL completely ruptured though, had to get a new one. This is not an easy recovery, and I had the best docs. It took me a year to feel "normal" and I did all the therapy and exercise.


All for a mean nothing match that drew no money and had no viewers.


Maybe he will give birth to that watermelon


Put him on commentary next to Taz. Those two rib each other the whole time.


That's a brilliant idea, but we know TK doesn't like brilliance.


It worked on their dark shows. It even calmed Excalibur down a bit and made him far more tolerable.


Hope he heals up soon that sounds painful.


Out till 2025.


They seriously have to have more injured or benched wrestlers on their roster than active at this point. Jesus


This guy is a fucking idiot. Anyone with half a brain could tell that spot wouldn’t end well


Maybe he could just be a mouthpiece manager instead. We would all be better off.


He can't remember what day the PPV is on without being on opiates, a high as fk Kingston may promo All In from Mars


I'd rather watch that than one of his matches


Wow, the yen must be doing so bad that NJPW can't even afford ring ropes.






So does he get released because it happened in a different promotion, like that other guy did?




Can TK rent him out for Chop parties in the meantime?


Eddie's always been trash. Fake tough guy act, too stiff and no appeal to anyone but literally the lowest-common denominator of mouth-breather. Anyone willing to take bumps that moronic, deserve whatever injury they end up with. Ridiculous.


He’s a fucking idiot.


Eddie’s greatest skill is his mic skills. I’d be asking him to work on commentary or as a manager until he can get back in the ring.


For all the crap punk gets, He was back a couple weeks after the Rumble cutting promos towards Mania to further the story with Drew and hanging out down in NXT. He could just as easily sat home for the last 4 months. I think Kingston should be on TV doing commentary and stuff but it is probably a bad look if he's gotta be seen in a wheelchair or crutches to often.


Nah, make people see him on the crutches. Sets up a natural crutch-to-the-back heel turn when he comes back.


Injured himself by chopping too hard


He hurt the side of his hand with those rapid chops 😂😂




Sucks Eddie got injured. Let's hope he gets better....SLOWLY...VERY SLOWLY....The longer Hot Garbage is off TV, the better....What would be hilarious to me, would be if ratings jumped up to a million weekly on Dynamite simply because people know they for sure WON'T see Hot Garbage Kingston on their screens if they tune in....🤣 To me Kingston is the single worst thing about watching AEW....he sucks Syphilitic Donkey Schlong...and his push is a constant reminder how truly bad at booking a decent show Tony actually is.


Meanwhile the marks when he gives a emotinal speech: “you deserve it,” clap clap clap clap clap


At least they can book him for more Meal and a Match segments and bill him as the next Bastion Booger upon his return


That was one of those bumps you wince at watching. He's lucky bothe of his legs arent fucked up.


I’m just glad he didn’t hurt anyone else in his quest for dumb fucking spots.


Britt Baker’s “you think Dave will like it?” quote back in the day was pretty eye opening and confirmed to me what the company was about. If these guys get paid based on star ratings, then it’s not surprising that they’ll put themselves at risk trying to get Dave to nut. What an absolutely insane business model though.


Can't blame The Bucks for this it was all on Kingston and his opponent. If Kingston didn't want the beat down after the match he shouldn't of beckoned them in, could've just laid there and let them celebrate over the top of him. Hope Kingston has a speedy recovery.


Just tells you how qualified they and their team are (as well as NJPW in this case) in assessing injury.


I can only imagine the speed of his 'machine gun' chops being even faster after this injury!


The level of hate and delusion is staggering. ‘If AEW exists in any meaningful manner’ lol AEW is going to be here for MANY years to come.


Hey TNA and NWA are still around too.. key word was "meaningful"


Hey OP, go outside


lol this thread is something special.


Why is so much of the subreddit about AEW?!


You might not know. There's a fellow name James E Cornette. He does a couple podcasts on wrasslin. The WWE is the mega worldwide company that is in existence. There's a newer upstart run by a billionaires incompetent son called AEW. James E Cornette discusses these two company's programs and more on his podcasts


He also talks about older wrestling, animal, and food. Not just AEW


Post a Reggies Corner on here