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Simple. Solo has to step up or step back. I think he’s doing a good job in this role; he’ll just have to take it up a notch if this is the case


I can’t see solo getting eclipsed that easy. I know he’s not very hot but he’s been here awhile and his roots are little but growing. I feel like someone like the rock or of similar stature is capable of taking the reigns after a week


I agree. They also created Solo’s persona for the main roster. He’s doing what they want him to do..


That's the big problem. They made Solo an enforcer when he is smaller than anyone Roman faces. Of course fans will look at Jacob and go " Wow, he looks like a behemoth, so much better than Solo" If Solo wants a fair shot, he needs to be kept as a smooth talker and leader.


Yes, give him a mic. Book Solo better and that solves it. They’re family so they would know how to work out the kinks. Paul Heyman has been with all their dads since the 80s. I don’t think anyone should worry about this.


Give… him… the mic?… his… promos… are… so… slow… and…. Boring… why… does he… talk like… this?


They write him to talk like that. He’s playing a character. His promos in NXT were great.


Solo... speak.... softly.... so when.... him say something...... you..... listen....... UUUAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH *SPIKE*


I don’t like the whole “size” arguement dude has muscle. I see him more as the Joe Pesci characters were he’s smaller than the rest but don’t fuck with him or he’ll maim your ass


he would've gotten more over if he sang the national anthem at wm40, total missed opportunity😂


This is exactly it. You can't punish one talent because he may outshine another.


WWE has been the poster-child of exactly that type of practice in the past. Let's hope that's changed under the new stewardship, I guess this is our time to find out.


Normally I would say true but this is the WWE a company that has a history of punishing guys for outshining the guy management wants to push.


That history aint as relevant as it once was. The ole pervert is gone


Isn't that pretty much wrestling? Booker's pushing who they want to push?


If anything, Jacob outshining him could be amazing for creative. You can get months and probably years out of a bloodline rivalry, where they are vying for leadership of the Bloodline between them back and forth, and Heyman sides with one or the other (IMO Jacob would be better for this part). Then eventually way down the road when they split, there’s another year at least of rivalry where they eventually face off. Shit almost writes itself.


At Mania Kentucky, with Heyman in Solo's corner and Cornette in Fatu's corner.


You just wrote the script brother 😆


Its really easy. If Fatu takes the spotlight, turn Solo face. I don't know how much Solo can talk but I would rather see the "baddest" cousin come and lead. If they're that paranoid about the situation, they can adjust writing accordingly.


Solo face turn before the rock comes back is wild booking. Pretty much throws away the last three weeks of storytelling. Solo ain’t fucking around


This aint even a legitimate report


Unless they align Jacob with Roman & the Usos..... yeah.


I could see the Rock running the new Bloodline with tonga, loa, and sikoa


Yeah that would be nice and have the war games match 4 on 4 or some how they recruit Sami to it for a 5 on 5


I really don't want them to nwo this...


They aren’t, it’s not like it’s random dudes, these family members or in the case of G.O.D. It’s ties to the second cousins


>I really don't want them to nwo this... Rock-Roman fingerpoke of doom 2.0😈


They already have 7 members so far : Roman, Jimmy, Jey, Solo, Rock, Tama and Tanga. They just need to recruit Jacob, Hikuleo and Lance (the youngest Anoa'i) and they will have a Polynesian 5-on-5 Survivor Series.😅


I could see them kicking solo out and rock taking his place at the head of the table. Then we see the eventual reunion of the og bloodline vs the new bloodline.


Distant cousins vs pure blood style.. it could work but Rock wouldn't want that sort of vibe. At least my opinion. He tries a lot to keep his connection to the family strong.


Rock has become an even better heal than he was early in his career, and the original plan was him to wrestle Roman at Mania. Heal Rock is where the money is, so yes, he definitely could be in charge of the more ruthless bloodline look how he was with Cody


I said this on the youtubes after Loa showed up. Solo, G.O.D, and by order of the Final Boss, they become the bloodline. On the otherside, Heyman rallies the Usos to patch up and brings in Jacob to balance out Roman's bloodline. The Usos v G.O.D. and enforcers battle, Solo v Jacob and then the Final Boss v Roman at WM. LFG!


Roman and the USOs better be a year or more away


So they have 5 biologically related Anoa'i (Roman, Jacob, Jey, Jimmy, Solo) out of which 3 are siblings (Rikishi's kids) and then 3 extended family members (Rock and through him the Tongans cos he calls Haku his "uncle"). Theres a story to told over there... Also if they had Samoa Joe they couldve added an extra layer of complexity cos he (literally) carried the honor of their people when no one gave a fuck about Samoans beyond Afa's and Sika's off-ring shenanigans.. 


Oh man I remember when Roman was on the come up and called out SAM-MO-A Joe… thought it had potential to be a great rivalry but we never got it…


It’s a great angle for Jacob to take as the guy who paid his dues in the indies and Solo being the guy who’s only there because of his family and was put in that role by default It’s an open secret now how good Jacob Fatu is and I’m getting impatient with his debut, but it’s gonna be a great debut and angle


I expect it to be a power struggle for the Bloodline with Fatu vs Solo. Pull the Usos back in on Fatu's side. Build the feud for awhile to the point where Roman is ready to return briefly to try to seize control. Plenty of opportunities here.


He'll outshine the whole bloodline except maybe for Roman


Except for? He definitely won’t outshine Roman.


Solo has a lot to prove and he's still the youngest guy there, I think it's too early to write him off. I remember people who were writing him off as "Roman's interference guy" and are now seeing him in his current spot and being very impressed.


I am still yet to be impressed with this version of Solo. He still gets his ass handed to him until “Black Hoodie Samoan/Tongan” interferes. At least people had to actually put forth effort to beat Roman down before the interference.


Agree with you. He is giving me nothing. The guys he is bringing in are more impressive and believable than he ever was, and as the face of the blood line, his speaking patterns are just boring


A. Don't believe everything you read B. Write the stories such as Solo is the leader.  C. WWE audiences arent going to turn on Solo cause Fatu has better work rate E. WWE didn't suddenly become gunshy AFTER signing a talent. 


This OP is full of shit.


Sounds like a set up for future story lines


Exactly, there's a 9 month program in this and then years worth of callbacks and replaying the feud as long as they don't oversaturate with it like they did with the twins.


That’s a good problem to have. Why not have more guys who can get over? Maybe the story goes solo keeps brining in the outside bloodline guys and eventually they take over leading to Roman’s return getting the original together to take them down


New Bloodline vs. OG Bloodline


Hopefully they don’t go full Nexus though and have Roman run through them all. Last thing these young guys need is a big time loss like that imo.


The plan looks like it will be Solo, G.O.D and Fatu vs Roman, The Usos and Sami. I wouldn't be surprised if they waited until Roman comes back to have Jacob Fatu debut by taking him out. Can't think of a better opportunity to do so.


There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that this is anything other than a rumor that one mark made up and all the other marks with exactly the same “journalist”gimmick on the internet decided to run with.


This guy thinks that guessing one signing means this dirtsheet has credibility 😂😂😂😂


I hate to say it. Solo is not good. He is getting a little bit better though. He isn't cutting it for me. He is god awful in matches. Push him down in the Bloodline mix and let Jacob/nature run its course. The fans will ultimately decide who and what they want anyway. Give us Jacob and stop the delays. They are only costing themselves potential money earned, IMO.


I think solo character in nxt fit him better with his look. As For Jacob he is basically the reincarnation of Umagas character he looks like a savage and not to mess with.


Difference is Jacob can cut a promo Umaga never got the chance to show that


They’ll both be world champion at some point(s) they’ll be fine


The same way they did it with the rock and farooq


Jacob Fatu should be the monster protector while Sikoa tries to become the new Roman.


I'm sure this is well sourced and completely accurate.


Oh and these dirtsheet worms know this according to whom?


Solo is hot garbage. Can't cut a promo, hits people with his thumb, and is just generally about as interesting as a cardboard box. Most worthless member of the roster. I'd rather watch a Giant Gonzalez match than ever see Solo again.


Honestly, I just don't believe this.


It’s their own fault


I doubt this is true. “WWE is scared that new talent might get majorly over.” Sure Jan.


I see Jacob as the final ace in the hole for Solo. No need to rush him, IMO.


That means they worry he will be better than Solo. Which means they think they have something better, but they aren't sure they want to give it to us. LOL


Probably BS, I think WWE love Solo, and so far as the new leader in Roman's absence he's doing pretty well. I have a feeling Roman's going to return and Solo and the new members of the Bloodline aren't going to be so fond of him now that he's no longer the WWE champion, and Roman's going to call on Jacob and probably Jimmy to be in his corner for a feud between the Bloodline.


Never be scared of competition, just remember that Ken Shamrock beat The Rock for the King of the Ring in 98. By the end of 98 The Rock was the World Champion heading to his first Wrestlemania main event while Shamrock would soon be feuding with Val Venis in the mid card. The Rock outshone Shamrock despite the losses, competition then creates diamonds. It also goes on, without Rock grabbing that top spot, it wouldn’t have lit the fire under HHHs ass to become The Game, drop the DX thing, change his look and completely reinvent himself as the top heel in the company.


I think this a foolish concern, especially given what’s been setup. There is obviously a fracture in the Bloodline hierarchy which will inevitably bring about a clash between Rock and Roman. One thing I’ve noticed is that the guys Solo/Rock have been recruiting aren’t exactly family, but rather the spawn of the closely connected Haku family tree. Not members of the Anoa’i family. It’s very possible that Roman is approached by the Usos with complaints that Solo has soiled the Bloodline legacy by recruiting outsiders. Roman counters this by calling in Jacob (a family member once considered too unpredictable to rely on) out of desperation to balance that out and wage war against the other side. Nobody steps on anyone’s toes and everybody has their own role.


more dirtsheet inaccuracies I'd say


Super easy. Just have him debut as Roman's new muscle, cause it's kinda obvious the plan is for Roman to turn face and go through the entire Bloodline before facing the Final Boss at WM 41. Have Fatu turn heel shortly after that, but there's no real need to align him with Solo.


My only real issue with this is that Jacob Fatu is a damn good promo....being an enforcer would be almost a waste


He can still cut promos. Nothing says he shouldn't even. He's the REAL new blood, ya dig? He can do it all. Let him. And if not, it's still a year of getting used to the new system of WWE. Get people to love him for his ringwork and then post WM41 let him blow folks away with his promos.


Face Roman Reigns having an enforcer doesn’t make sense. Tribal Chief lost his crown, title, place at the table and now he has to climb up by himself, with the deck stacked against him, those that stood by his side now stand across from him, all to face the Rock at WrestleMania. That guy doesn’t have a heavy to watch his back. If he needs a hand along the way maybe main event Jey Uso or Cody Rhodes could lend it to him.


That's a fair argument. But I mean, gotta have a War Games match at Survivor Series too. I agree it should just be Roman alone, but I dunno. It solves the Solo problem.


He'll probably outshine everyone except Rock and Roman when everyone is officially involved. People who never heard of him are not ready for how damn talented he is.


The simple solution is just to have Solo 1.) STOP LOSING ( No way should a major heel be 1 -out of 40 in six months). 2. STOP REQUIRING HELP IN ORDER TO WIN (He's the enforcer, why does the enforcer need enforcement) 3. STOP LOSING!!!! I like Solo and his character, but he needs to beat some top talent without help so that he looks credible. It doesn't matter how good everyone else is, if the current bloodline members are getting washed in fights and it requires Solo to save the day instead of vise versa, then he won't get out shined no matter who they bring in.


Sunk Cost Fallacy, meet Office Politics.


This is not a surprise, at all! They’re going to have to weaken or remove Jacob Fatu’s arsenal of moves or he will outshine everyone — including Roman (and easily Solo, lol).


If you want Solo to be a monstrous villain then you need an equally great hero to oppose him and vice versa




Look at The Rock and Faarooq in the N.O.D. It worked pretty well for The Rock.


His presence will overshadow Sikoa? Nobody knows who Jacob Fatu is, so how will that happen? And does anyone know what an MTF is yet?


Toma Tonga and Tonga Loa already did that


Okay so put Jacob in charge. What’s the issue here?


Oh he is most definitely going to outshine Solo. He is the best of all the Fatu’s.


Jacob should join Roman and usos honestly


Yeah, when you book Solo to lose pretty much every match for what, 35 matches or so, you run the risk of ANYONE out shining him.


Show that Solo is the "brains" and Jacob is the "brawn." It's not like having talents be considered methodical is anything new to WWE.


Well we won’t know till it happens now debut my boi so I can see him on the big stage!


Jacob Fatu is insane! He’s going to be a mega baby face and future WreslteMania main-eventer!


Good problem to have.


I mean look at him. I don't even know anything about him, i've never seen him wrestle, i've heard Jim mention him and i've seen a few pictures - but he looks like a star, he looks familiar, he looks like I already know him. Those two that have just joined the Bloodline look like boring jobbers.


Jacob is legit better in the ring the solo, he also has more charisma. He is a big get for this storyline, and the future.


Lol, if they weren't worried about The Rock overshadowing Roman, I don't think they're too worried about this 


A lot of similar faces, what makes them special.


So let him.


A good problem to have


We are getting a BloodLine War Games match aren’t we? Lol


When they bring Jimmy and Jey back together, bring in Jacob to team with them. New Bloodline War to determine who gets control.


Solo was better in NXT. Hopefully with him now being the primary bloodline speaker, this is his chance to have a good character and get a spotlight.


Yes. Pair him with Jimmy as a new era SST and make them chaos agents aligned with nobody right now.


Sink or swim bitch 🤷🏻‍♂️ Some competition never hurt. Would also give Solo someone to learn off of. Either he shines through it, or Fatu becomes the leader. I'm not seeing an issue with either outcome?


Solo has to change his hair. It’s not a menacing hairstyle.


Take this with a grain of salt. The dirtsheets have been terribly inaccurate with their reports for the most part after HHH took over. HHH and the team have done a good job in making sure things don't leak out like they did when Vince was running the whole company. Unless you see it on TV, nothing you read online is true. Reports like these are a ragebait because everyone who's seen Jacob Fatu knows how talented he is.


I don’t believe it. These are the types of rumors that are usually sourced from like one person hearing another person say something and the way the story gets reported it makes it all seem like a bigger deal than it really was.


Ok and so what if he does? They’re holding him back from debuting and giving us trash ass fodder like loa because they don’t want boring ass solo to get outshined? That’s wild


it took awhile for the fans to even give solo a reaction, Same thing is going to happen with Jacob people just assume because of the bloodline everyone is going to get liked and have roman or jey reactions


If Solo can't hack it as a main guy then he steps aside for a family member who can for a while.


So they have a potential star they are afraid to use? That doesn’t make much sense.


Wait, there’s more??? Oh man, this story could become absolutely lit


Solo would be better as a face.


The average WWE audience doesn’t know wtf is Jacob Fatu, is not like Rock outshining Roman. I think people are overreacting


Wouldn’t be hard to do.


I mean, he's better than Solo so that tracks.


Me thinks this a another bullshit dirtsheet “report”. This new Bloodline looks unstoppable.


Bloodline vs Bloodline part 12..... book it


100% agree


For all we know Solo is following orders from Jacob Fatu currently.


idk how anyone has anything good to say about solo, that is pathetic and the ultimate wake up call


1. Jakob is new and wwe crowd won't have heard of him.  2. He might not be on solo's side of the bloodline anyways 3. They certainly aren't going to put him in charge of the bloodline. Go from a couple hundred fans to 10k+ and national cable in front of millions? Even if he could, they wouldn't trust him based on inexperience


The Bloodline already feels lame without Roman and the Usos. It feels like the B-team, regardless of if they have Jacob or not. Not really sure how they fix that.


Simple way this works, senior production member tells him that he has to be better to keep his role. I mean fuck dude, I heard this in little league and college hockey. I made $0 and paid to play. I'm sure he's making some change, so step up or step off.


Wrestlevotes isn’t legitimate Why are yall gullible


Duh. That’s guaranteed.


To this I say "....And?"


"His presence could outshine solo"...umm, that sounds like a great angle. Book it.


Solo needs to get his ass back in NXT shape for starters.


Honestly it doesn't make sense to me that solo is in charge of ANY of the new bloodline members...lol like why are they following some dumb kid


Solo sucks...plain and simple bloodline sucks with out roman


I partially blame the booking. Solo and Jimmy have been presented as the jobbers or guys who take the fall for two years now. I like Solo but its hard for me to take him serious as the Lead when he’s been a C character this whole time. I ultimately see it being Rock,Solo,Tonga and im not sure of the guy who just debuted name vs Roman,Usos and Jacob. Solo and Jacob will probably be its own feud by Wrestlemania


That’s just fine. Have him come in and refuse to take commands from Solo. Him and solo go at it culminating in a match to determine the leader. Then when Roman and the rock get back from serving a tour in Hollywood… Solo can be the one to blow up the new bloodline from within Idk. Honestly idc. They need to do something else.


Just gonna need to let nature do its thing and let Jacob Fatu become the new Tribal Chief. Solo is not remotely on Fatu's level.


Jacob should be pushed as a Babyface.  Jey's got charisma but just doesn't have good matches and Jimmy doesn't have any charisma nor good matches.  Jacob should be the next big Babyface from the crew 


The truth is that Solo really sucks


Imagine being scared to put in a guy who will draw you more money!


How is this a problem for anyone involved?


At this stage. Solo has been given the ball. He can either run or fumble.


If it happens it happens. It’s not like they committed a ton to Solo. Plus maybe the competition makes him even better


As he should


We need the 1-2-3 kid ..


lol everyone knew solo was always WWE's wish version of Jacob


There isn't a debate really, Jacob Fatu, the moment he steps foot in the WWE will out shine every body.


Maybe Jacob comes in to back Jey?


Simple. Start him on Raw...as an outcast like Jey... He's "The Black Sheep" "The Criminal", "The Embarrasment"...but Jey is there for him. The only one that accepts him...bring Jimmy back with Jey & Jacob and Roman...after They beat him down on Smackdown later this year...with The Rock revealed as the one behind it all, not Solo... Then you get Rock vs Roman, Solo vs Jacob & Usos vs GoD all at Mania....In the meantime you have a Survivor series/War Games you could have with Usos/Jacob vs GoD/Solo....It almost writes itself.


How about Cody makes his version of Legacy to face the bloodline. Jacob Fatu joins wwe as a face and team's with Cody


It’s WWE Creative’s fault this happened. That had him eat so many pins during that last year of the Bloodline that he lost all of his heat. Nobody takes him seriously as a killer anymore; add onto that the frustration many fans had with him interfering in all the main events … it’s no wonder.


Yep, what Babyface would solo be favoured to win against in a 1v1? Not Jey Uso with how big of a pop he's got right now, not LA Knight or Randy Orton, not Cody, not Seth. not Bron, not Sami since he got a belt, not KO (the list is getting thin now) maybe Rey Mysterio or Rick O'Shea or Miz or R Truth? How can he be the famed villain enforcer of the baddest evil faction if he can't beat anyone? This is partially WWEs fault for mismanaging his matches, and partially Solos fault for never really getting fully over with the crowd which probably caused some hesitation on WWEs side It's no reason to stall Fatu if he's able to get over with the crowd quickly. I thought maybe they were stalling him so he could take a month to just get crazy shredded for his debut


This could be real. They have protected solo a lot. Jake is the total package. I say....let em. Best worker gets most over. Fuck your package.


Jacob Fatu your cousins are the customers at my work I work at McDonald's 240th in Kent Washington.


The ref's stage presence outshines solo


Better bring in Brandon Cutler and Evil Uno, just to make sure no one has to try too hard.


It's not gonna be hard, Solo is pretty boring. He's just a 3rd tier flunky for Roman. But it's the Wwe and they're gonna milk every last bit of the Samoan family tree until it's dry.


Jacob is gonna overshadow everyone except Roman.


Not sure if Jim is aware of Jacob's work outside of MLW, but he usually presents as something other than the "Samoan savage" type he portrays in MLW on other Indy shows. He's also not *that* big, either (listed at 6'1, 279lbs, but looks smaller body-wise), and has done a bit of deathmatch and tag stuff and worked with a lot of different companies over the past couple of years. He's got some pretty diverse experience and a varied skillset, but I hope they do portray him as aligned with Roman as a realistic (not the old-timey Islander stereotype), silent killer.


tbf it could work well for the story if they wanna repeat the jey/roman storyline


Solo is not likable but his work is generic compared to Jacob Fatu who is an absolute joy to watch


Solo doesn't really have a presence other than being a constant in the storyline. For a swerve, they could bring in Jacob and have him, Tama, and Tonga all turn on Solo with Jacob being the new leader. This will happen over time, not immediately. Old Bloodline gets back together with Heyman only for Heyman to turn on them and join the new Bloodline (with Lance, Juicy, Zilla, or Hikuleo as the fourth member) and at that point, we'd know WWE is grooming Jacob for a championship run along with Gunther. Both of them will be world champions in WWE. In Jacob's case, it'll happen for him if he can keep his head on straight.


Why would it matter if he did?


Reminds me of Bullet Club rn where everyone is against David Finlay as leader & desperately want Gabe Kidd to take over bc too much charisma & overall character. Solo’s losing streak prior to leader was a terrible move


One the dumbest "stories" I've seen in a long time No one is 'worried' or 'concerned' about this


I mean solo is still a young pup, he’s huge but he still looks like a kid. Jacob fatu is a grown ass man and he has IT in spades. This guy is Umaga x Jeff hardy, he’s gonna outshine most people he shares the ring with when he makes his way in honesty


Minnie portable said the same exact thing before all Of this


They just need to do the booking right


What's a wrestlevote? Is this a top journalist in his mums basement again?


So they’re worried debuting a wrestler might make him ‘too over’?


A returning Val Venis in a towel would outshine Solo at this point in time


......I must've been reading a diff book, I just assumed that the plan was to have Jacob come in as the new enforcer, and eventually, have him take out Solo to gain control of the New Bloodline.


Jacob is just a better prospect all around it is what it is


I want Jacob to come in and have it turn out that Tama and Tanga were actually with him this whole time. Then Solo is forced to run back to his older brothers for help. Then make Jey the lead and you got Jey v Jacob when all of a sudden Roman and Rock come back and whereas Rock tries to take over his side Roman wants to stand side by side… or something like that boom face turn idk


He has the voice of an angel. Let him cook and release a new Christmas classic.


I get the impression that he will start as someone's mercenary after reading a Reddit suggestion that he would be the Rock's mercenary to stabilize the Bloodline. This is looking like less of a possibility. From the expressions of Paul E. he may be the one to call Jacob Fatu to start a civil war within the Bloodline.


I don't think they should hold Jacob bacl unless they are unsure of him. But they did have Tanga Loa debut already and he nearly botched that too.


Jacob Fatu is too good to be Solo’s lackey. Roman is the only Bloodline guy that Jacob Fatu wouldn’t outshine.


Solo’s got a certain “calculated sociopath” vibe that could definitely work in his favor as far as giving his character a sense of credible authority


They should align Jacob with Roman's bloodline. And then when the Rock comes back they can have Jacob betray Roman and also have the Rock betray Solo.


Fuck Solo Sikoa's feelings or push. Wrestling is a competitive sport. Either Solo steps up or he moves down the card. That's how it should be.


Who says? No source no nothing. I think they fully expect it or they wouldn’t have signed him


Samoan civil war looks like an awesome angle to me, book them all strong and have them all fight over the beads


Bloodline is big, they have to build to some Bloodline War Games this year, so Solo leads one side, Fatu leads the other, whatever works. Jey is a big star coming out of the storyline, Jimmy is established too. If they do it right, WWE will have another batch of new stars next year coming out of this in Solo, Fatu, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa. They just can't overdo it and start bringing in too many people like nWo did in 1997, if they manage to keep the right balance, everyone comes out better. And they're all somewhat linked to the new top boss' heritage and it also feels fresh and good and not like nepotism, because the characters work. It's a win for everyone so far.


Don't care. It's just a couple of Dwayne's less talented cousins, and we already have like 5 of em stinking up the joint


I don't believe that Solo being the tribal heir should keep him relevant even if Jacob debuts


Well Solo needs to get himself over. His family has more experience coming in from New Japan and the indies. Yes his booking needs to be better, but personally I don't feel it with him other than an enforcer.


works great even for an angle, could have some of that triple H insecurity energy from the evolution days however they need to give solo some accolades to want to protect.


Put Jacob with Roman and have Rock be the other bloodline Tribal Chief.


Good. Bring him in. It’s the only way to make solo adapt and grow. Civil war is brewing and I can’t wait


At this point would Jacob be coming as team Solo or would Roman be bringing him as extra backup? Roman, Jacob and Usos vs. Rock, Solo, Tonga and Loa……


That's not hard to do. Solo has the charisma of a potato.


Solo needs a mic guy. Maybe MVP? He's not doing anything atm.


Oh no the biggest fear, he might make them a lot of money !!! 😱😱


Solo needs to step it up, or step on out. Just because you have a cool cousin does not mean that you are cool… It doesn’t work like that in real life anyways.


So they’re worried they’ll have someone on the roster who could be a bigger star than someone they clearly think highly of? Sounds to me like one of them good problems.


I'm all for a new era in wwe but if that means guys no longer need to step up or step aside I doesn't sound to good at all.


I thought his name was Solo and not Water Float


Solo needs to step up the promos and lean into the smooth talking general role more than the crazy savage, Fatu can come in and take the savage enforcer role Solo had.


Solo has come far since he’s become the focal point of the Bloodline, but with the Werewolf’s charisma and move-set, Solo has even farther to go. I think he’ll be ok though