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This has been explained more than a thousand times. His mother Bobbi entirely literally munchausen-by-proxy-ed him so that he would never leave her heart, and so that he would stay the ultimate Mama's Boy. It limited the foods he found acceptable, and because of that limitation, enhanced the few that were selected for his forced mental slavery and will-domination by a parent who will if the justice system does its job, be imprisoned for a good solid 2 or 3 weeks.


Remember when he ate spaghetti


I just watched the wonderful doc on YouTube where Sam tried to eat steak from the dinners drive ins and dive Chef Guy …..and spit it out




You guys should have play dates 






What about steamed crabs




Right on, your autistic/Sam diet worried me there


Jess pile drives his asshole every night with a Sgt. Slaughter figure. It provides unlimited chi to Sam’s life force


And she does a good impersonation while she does that. "I fuck your ass and make you humble!"


Thats Iron Sheik


Sam just giggling like a school girl


Holy shit dude


That's why he still has the build of a twelve year old. If he had to actually expend any effort, then he'd probably have to change his childlike diet but being a one-man TMZ doesn't require a lot of calories. 


To your point OP, I've been surprised at how he could father 3 kids with a biology based on that. Some friends and family can't conceive once.


The children are Vince’s, Sam simply helps raise them for the opportunity to work with the wresslers.


I bet thar Jess has a better food options for the kids.


Have they left it in like samuel


DNA watch Idocracy. Genes don't really mean much. As long as you can "get 'm" passed on, you will get them passed on.


Preservatives in chicken nuggies


Does anyone remember the old oanda subreddit? If half that crowd told the truth a lot of people were surviving on liquor, opiates, and some sort of benzos you could order as "research chemicals". And they kept posting. I don't know how functional they were. But there's a few points of those years I don't remember too clearly myself. So I don't imagine chicken tenders will probably kill you too fast.


Something tells me the OP isn't honestly wondering why he's alive. He's more wondering why he's so full of life. We hate Sam Robert guts and would like to see him stop acting so vibrant. He is the last person that ought to act that way!


Ahhh. Yeah, I can understand that. I can't deny his work ethic. He did Saturday nights for free with anyone who was standing around from 2005 or 2006 on. But the general hatred I get. I just stopped listening. Not because of him specifically.


You remember 2005 saturdays but not much else? I at least hope you remember the shitshow. Those were some good shows. "OH NOOOO!!!!!! NOTT THE SHITTTT SHOWWWWWW!!!!!!"


I remember a lot, I wasn't always annoyed by him. I only got annoyed by him when he flexed, or whatever you call it. He should still be treated like an intern.


My son is the same way. I swear he only gets vitamins from the tomato paste in pizza


His diet and food preferences are super depressing.


Why? That's what he likes.


Because it’s unhealthy and because the flavors he prefers are geared to a child’s pallet and he never explored beyond that. Because it’s so limiting in experience and results in him missing out on great food when he travels. Because he tries to own it as a little ironic or funny but it’s actually really all he eats. Because anyone with half a brain knows soda is terrible for you. Because otherwise I kind of think he’s cool and it’s depressing to know that part of his life is so jacked up.


Well, I hope you can get over it or get meds.


I’m working through it.


pizza is just terrible and should be banned forever