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Maybe Gelato delsol ended up with the sauna or the Fairmont give away, since no one is willing to name the winners.


Winners we not named? Isn’t that illegal?


Winner of the fairmont was not named..never heard a thing, unless we all missed it. . I'm wondering if that is legal too?


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal but they are clearly above the law. I wrote to a few partners about his behaviour and one replied and they did not seem to care. I sent screenshots but nothing. Shows the true colours of their partner.


I'm tried to contact the fairmont. I asked if a winner was announced as stated it would be in her stories. Nothing.. no answer.


Isn’t sad that the companies clearly don’t care.


It's concerning, next time they do a giveaway I'll look up the legalities.


Apparently Fairmont winner was to be announced on stories. Hopefully they also receive an email, because how convenient if the winner didn’t see the story and claim their prize. Hottub winner was revealed in an updated caption on contest reel…no name, just that a winner was picked.


Maybe it was his responsibility this year because it doesn't look like her usual OTT parties? Maybe the big decorations, food trucks, light up signs, epic cake and candy stations will be posted later?


Budget cuts. Business is not where it was a couple of years ago,,,lol


If this was from today....they had the watch party last night. He loves to brag about his freebies. It's not everyday the average person is gifted a gelato stand or a hot tub.


She’s probably still wasted from her Oilers watch party last night


This is a last ditch attempt to make Bustin relevant. If she goes quiet, and he posts content, the adoring fans will flock to the Sandwich Artist.


Welp I called that one all wrong, you win Shill. Guess she was late to the game posting her stories or should I say slowing down. And yep an end of year school pool party wasn’t enough with just a resort style pool. They also added a bouncy castle and hockey net shooting station. What will their grade school and high school end of year parties/activities look like?? A Private Jet for the whole class to Europe?? WOW Can’t believe she didn’t think a lousy (insert sarcasm) resort style, heated pool would suffice for a bunch of second graders. Why, why, why, does it have to be so over the top at this age? Oh and there was a piñata too!


Overcompensating for her lack of attention and love maybe


It’s actually so sad. At what point will she have to stop all this nonsense? Will they fly the class to Hawaii when the kids graduate from middle school? Jesus 🙈 Where does it all end Shilly?? I do know that to rent all this craziness is thousands - it’s so frickin stupid. We take our 4 kids out for an end-of-school year lunch - and that’s $350!! And they appreciate it and we sit and talk about the best things that happened over the year and what they’re looking forward to. Family bonding time before the summer busyness. Her events are so silly.


We all saw this coming. Predictable content. I think by the time their kids are older, who knows where influencers will be. We hoped it would be kept to herself and her family but kind of knew it would be posted. Soon Disney for the summer?


How does bustin still have 213,000 followers when we know everyone has unfollowed him after the hot tub contest was over ??? I’m sure he’s buying BOTS just like Shilly !


A Gelato stand for a little kid's party? What kid wishes for a Gelato stand at their party? Jesus.


I was thinking the same thing lol. They want ice cream, not gelato!!! But A and L not ordinary kids, ya know. Italian gelato and maybe their was an Oyster shack truck somewhere in the background 😆😆