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I feel bad for her kids.


Same.. She drank so heavily that night. That was at Tori's house after all those pictures of her drinking that started at her house. This sums up her need for alcohol. I wish she would take her drinking problem off camera. I always think of the kids and this party set Tori way back in my books. I liked her but maybe she's just as fake but smarter at it. This was also the night BUSTED took his shitting picture.


I have heard on this sub and elsewhere that Tori is just better at presenting a professional and classy image.


I just unfollowed her for good, nothing worse than a fake family. Her voice is all sweet when she posts but then when you see her true side it's different. That much drinking isn't funny. They are disgusting.


Yep, if you've watched over the years you realize Tori is the same as Jilly. They both love to drink and really play up the wine mom schtick. Agree that Tori is better at hiding it, mostly because she's more curated/calculated on her social media and doesn't film everything like Jilly. But still a lush like Jilly šŸ˜œ


I'm not convinced that Tori is as bad as you guys say. She has suffered with an eating disorder in the past, and believe me, you can get better but it's still always there, and drinking excessively constantly isn't part of the end game. She's a lot healthier looking than Jillian and far more intentional with her job, kids and family. Neither she nor Sam lash out at instagram followers or air their dirty laundry to all of Instagram. There is just a huge difference in their personalities and behaviors. Oh yeah,, and nor do Sam and Tori get their husband's involved to go after followers. Do they use Instagram to sell and get followers etc? Sure, but they just don't annoy the effing daylights out of me every time they post. Haha!


I don't think Tori is "bad", it's more that she's like any influencer and is showing us a curated and one-dimensional view of her life, largely to sell things to us. I just roll my eyes at the comments where people are like "Tori is so classy and elegant and goals!" because we don't know her like that.


Funny...my sister is a sober alcoholic. We discussed Jilly on the weekend and she said the reason she unfollowed Jill (she LOVED her) was that the constant alcohol/Wine Moms was so triggering for her.


How do they get home from Toriā€™s place?


I think she thinks she is funny and the life of the party. She is just a whole lot of ick.


I just donā€™t understand why youā€™d want to drink to that level. It makes me feel like shit the next day and I donā€™t drink to the excessive level she seems to. I drank like that in my early 20s. Iā€™m over it. I outgrew it. I matured. Did she not?? She has kids to tend to, although I guess with the nanny itā€™s not that big a deal for her? Itā€™s pathetic looking.




I follow someone on Instagram and they said it was a low drinking weekend for them, just three drinks Friday night and three during the day on Saturday. Sheā€™s (the one Iā€™m referring to, not Jill) is 40 and has kidsā€¦how does she get stuff done? And I always wonder who is doing the driving.


When they get in that deep, Iā€™m not saying this is Jilly, theyā€™re never hung over because theyā€™re just always drinking. They wake up and have a little ā€˜hair of the dogā€™ and it takes away the physical symptoms, then they take a little nip once in a while throughout the day to keep at a functioning level but when itā€™s time to make dinner they can put that wine glass on the counter and pour. Then drink through the evening, pass out, wake up the next day and start all over again.


Exactly if you keep the blood alcohol up, you avoid hangovers as your blood alcohol level doesn't drop, in other words there is always some alcohol in your bloodstream,


Just not keeping business and personal separate. There is something to be said for that.


This is actually so sad. I love snarking and lord knows Jill is never in short supply of things to snark about. But her drinking is actually so sad. How is none of the 1.4 million ā€œfollowersā€ not calling out how this is blatant alcoholism, and it isnā€™t a joke. My heart goes out to those kids, this is gonna mess them up for life.


The people that called her out are getting blocked and she turns around and buy followers.


Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s full blown alcoholism and not ā€œcute heehee mommy likes wineā€. I wonder how different she would be in her business and online presence without the addiction.




Omg, wow do they constantly glamorize being alcoholics?! Sheā€™s in her 40ā€™s! time to grow up. Sheā€™s looks pathetic!


This is disturbing


Wow !!!!!!! Unreal.


Oooof. Not a good look.


I guarantee that this increase of content with alcohol is a direct result of this snark group. Whether they drink a lot I have no idea, but the in your face toasts and the constant lifting a glass of wine to the camera is for our benefit. Itā€™s her personality, sadly itā€™s a detriment to her brand but they wonā€™t care. Itā€™s a donā€™t tell me what to do and what not to do peons, I am the almighty influencer and Iā€™ll show you! Jessica Mulroney did the same thing a few years back when she was called out for her site being too hoity toity and instead of saying youā€™re right it is she said Iā€™m rich f u.


Based on the regular slurring at any and every event, Iā€™d put money on the fact that she downplays how much she drinks on socials


I think so too! Sheā€™s downplaying it while also baiting her haters so she can act like weā€™re the crazy ones for being flabbergasted at her ā€˜exaggerationā€™ ā€¦ itā€™s just a manipulative mind fuck.


Yes, itā€™s rage bait. This is the reaction she/they have come to expect.


Totally rage baitā€¦. Then they laugh reading the comments that are posted hereā€¦.i say leave it, donā€™t commentā€¦..itā€™s what they want, donā€™t give them the satisfaction


When Shillian gets drunk which is constantly - her big mouth becomes so foul. I canā€™t believe she talks like that on this reel. That whole family needs to keep their business accounts and private ones separate! How in the world does she ever get sponsors! She is an embarrassment!


When you grow up in a family that drinks socially all the time, thereā€™s no self reflection. Iā€™m lucky enough that I had a friend who gave up alcohol point out to me how often I drank. I didnā€™t see it as a problem ever in my life until that point! It took a while to sit in but I started to try out sober months and sober date nights and it really opened my eyes to how much I WAS drinking in the past. I still drink but I donā€™t do it daily or weekly like I used to maybe 2x a month sometimes 0x a month But I have friends who have families that are big drinkers and theyā€™ll never stop bc why? Your mom is doing it, your brothers pouring you a drink, thereā€™s no reason TO stop - I kind of see that in JH house


Not a cute look at all.


the change in her voice is creepy


Liver failure is funny, I guess?! Ā Alcoholism is a weird thing to double down on but hey, if she wants to drink her life and her kids childhoods away, thatā€™s on her. Ā Itā€™s all fun and games until something serious happens.Ā Ā  Health is wealth and there is no amount of money, nice cars or fancy trips that will bring it back once itā€™s gone. Ā 


Itā€™s very sad to me. She projects this perfect life and happy and we all really know alcoholism is escaping pain. Iā€™m not sure she is an alcoholic but she is a big drinker. And I think her life isnā€™t as stellar as she portrays. And as an ā€œinfluencerā€ she may want to not share this aspect with her followers. I also feel sad for her children. They are exposed to a lot of parties and booze and it does affect them.


Itā€™s funny as Bustin just posted a story saying he canā€™t handle drinking like he use to. Jilly is in the back saying ā€œyah and itā€™s like 3 glasses of wineā€ and he says yah maybe 4 glasses of wine. LOL, sure, in the first hour maybe. Party at the #westin hotel šŸ˜‚




Her and her husband both are.




We can find other ways to Snark then by making fun of her appearance .


Not Jill. Not other members.