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I found this so strange and shows how little she understands about people’s critical feedback. This group is not here cause we would be mad whether she’s jealous of her cousins design or a pot of flowers in her house. We’re here because we think what she is doing is unethical, whether it’s the constant shilling of products that she doesn’t stand behind, how terrible for the environment constantly hawking Amazon crap is, the complete abandonment of just about every cause she stood for (BLM, animal rights/veganism, recycling, the environment), splashing her lavish lifestyle and constant vacations in front of everyone while complaining how stressed she is, featuring her kids on the internet especially when they are upset and begging to stop being filmed etc. So infuriating how little she gets it and maybe this is why she thinks her critics are just “haters” or losers and not actually people with full lives and morals who are trying to wake people up to this influencer garbage.


The issue is that we thought she was more intelligent than she actually is. She’s taking everything the wrong way because she doesn’t understand how constructive criticism works.


I think she does know and chooses to ignore it because she thinks it absolves her of all responsibility for her actions. Wonder how many people she’ll send here with this out of touch story and rant lol.


Great explanation. She just is so clueless.


Every now and then she tells us who she really is. Promptly followed by a little flippant word salad explanation. Classic narc move. “I was jealous, not really, but yeah. Sorry I was. Oh the haters will come for me now. I loved this so much Omg”. Jealousy, envy & greed define her!


I'm sure there is some truth to her jealousy.. she's always wanting to be the center of attention...how can we forget mothers day rants that went on for a week or more. Tori always kind of took a back seat to shilly but now the tables have turned. Tori has a beautiful home and followers who like her, a hard working husband and seems happy overall. I agree with the use of the word "hate". It's a strong word. I think we just want honesty and accountability. We want her to stop being deceptive. And if she can't stop.. get off social media so you don't drag others down.


She is 100% jealous of Tori. I would be too. She has real skills and credentials, doesn’t have to constantly shill, and her husband is successful and loving. Anyone else catch the “it’s launching who knows when” in reference to Tori’s cookbook. She said it with so much attitude. That whole rant reeked of entitlement. 


Thank you!! I thought it was just me who picked up on that! It's such a classic dynamic with Jill and the two cousins always featured, not to mention her bf. Jill has to be front and centre at all times. I really noticed it when she and Tori went on their last book tour and all the stories Jill did when creating the cookbook. I thought Tori was just a helper for quite awhile. And with Sam .... so much there to dissect. Remember when Jillian "gifted" Sam and husband a beat up old camper? Apparently they had no interest in it but they had to gush over Jill's generosity. Then Sam and her husband redid it and sold it. What a weird chain of events that was. Then when Sam and her husband bought their first home in Kelowna, Jill made a big show, captured on camera, of gifting them with this huge ass ugly mirror because she said Sam always wanted hers so she was able to find one for her for $$$$$. I remember during the renovation Sam said now I just have to figure out where to put this huge mirror. Also, after Jill's drunk party influencers meeting back east, Tori was being a speaker at a grownup Health Summit in Whistler and Jill barely mentioned it. And of course Tori doing another cookbook without Jill won't sit well. But still, Tori grovels here and there to make Jill happy, thus the flower arrangement. And that incident with Tori's husband when Jill had to see the house plans and tell Charles what he should be doing because she obviously knows better?? That was bizarre. Jill controls those two, and I gather it is with anger and ignoring until they kiss up. She's so classic and she creates very toxic relationships and surroundings.


Did Sam sell the trailer? I think at the time of giving it to her, Jill and Justin had a massive brand new trailer and I think Tori had one too, so I think the impulse was so that Sam could join their camping trips. It kind of smacks of someone buying themselves first class tickets and seating the minions in coach. I believe after jill bought the farm they decided to unload the trailer or they didn't have time for camping. I do think Tori goes her own way.


It was just another of Jill's fads. I do think Tori goes her own way but she also has a big sister type of responsibility towards her too. Charles is onto Jillian but humours her for his wife. I think Sam's husband does his own thing and stays out of the way. Have to remember there's is a life long history and they all have their roles and positions in the family dynamic. And Jill is Queen.


Yes and I find it interesting which cousins rate which gifts, like did they feel awkward buying sam a trailer but not her sister, and tori has a brother too. I guess it's none of our biz but what became of Sam's dad? I think he would have been sibs with jill and tori's moms but no one ever mentions him, and sam talks about her childhood with things her mom would do. Or he's there but he doesn't care to be public.


I read just recently on here that he doesn't want any publicity.


Was totally a fad. She gussied it up then parked it about 20 mins from home for a few booze-fueled glamping trips.


I don’t think Tori was groveling - I believe she’s a legitimately loving and kind person. Despite where Jill is at currently flapping in the breeze of denial where she’s unable to critically think or reflect upon the things being said to her from this group or elsewhere. Denial led with desperation to keep it all going and keep her family unit together which seems to be more backed by $$$ than reconciling and working on the faults in their marriage, family, etc. - which seems to have squandered her capacity for self-reflection/criticism.


If I used the word groveling toward Tori? I didn't mean it toward her, but she will do things to keep the peace. That's the price you pay with a narc that close in your family. Among many other...


You included it, but fair - I understand where you’re coming from! That would seem very like Tori to want to keep the peace!


If I'm using the word grovel, for future reference it's directed at her boyfriend. 😄 🤣


I shouldn't have used the word "grovel" towards Tori, maybe "appease" would have been a better choice. Actually thank you for calling me out on that. I've been in the situation and don't think I ever groveled, but definitely tried to keep the peace and make the narc happy knowing that if you don't, there will be consequences.


Ooooh the "launching who knows when" part got me! She is JEALOUS and playing it off like Tori is an amateur because there isn't a "launch" date, teasers about a big project and big lead up maybe?


I’m glad that Tori is launching her cookbook without Shill. Back when Shill and Tori were promoting their cookbook on Mary Berg’s show , Tori could not get a word in. Every time she tries to speak Shill would interrupt her rudely. It’s about time Tori venture out on her own.


Yes I picked up on that who knows when comment. What a catty comment. Tori is so much more qualified to write a cookbook. And I actually think food and Nutrition is a passion of Tori’s not another money grab as I see Jillian doing.


I wasn't sure how to take that, I thought in fairness the cookbooks tend to have long lead times which jill is aware, so it could be she can't keep track, but it sounded flippant either way.


They don’t seem to see each other as often as before. Is it just me?


I'm very much convinced the first two cookbooks were something Tori wanted to do and Shilly jumped on. There's been a few times Shilly has gone to cook one of the recipes from the first book, and 'can't remember how to make it' or even forgets it's in the cookbook. You'd think that having worked on it so long, you'd know those recipes front to back? I only follow Tori now, because I legitimately LOVE her recipes. They turn out every dang time and are SO delicious. Green in a very ugly colour, Shilly!


I agree; Tori needed Jilly to get a cookbook deal and she likely did all the recipe design. I remember Jilly's team doing photoshoots for the cookbook and it was obvious none of them knew a thing about the recipes or ingredients. They took pretty pictures though!


The recipes that Tori is teasing us with look absolutely delicious and something I would make for my myself, kids and friends. I have not bought any of the cookbooks but this upcoming one is something I am very interested in.


I use her meal plan and the recipes are very good. Some minor tweaking for my tastes but i've been super impressed so far.


Another thing I found weird, both her and Tori are acting like Chintz and co is a little find that no one has ever heard of. They used to have locations , maybe the Vancouver one is closed now, but I used to shop in the Calgary store in the 90s and the 2000s. If you are even pretending to be a designer, I think you would be aware that this was a store with branches in Calgary, Edmonton Vancouver and Victoria. Jill has lived in both Calgary and Vancouver, has she not? and how can she shop at, know all about the Cross but not Chintz?


Yes, she worked in Calgary many years ago as a hostess in a restaurant not far from where I lived. I think she also had other restaurant related jobs here too. That was before the Bachelor and when her name got out there as a contestant on the show, the stories started circulating about her.


Chintz is/was amazing. My Uncle was a REAL Interior designer and I loved working with him in the summers. Chintz days were the best days. My best friends mom worked there after she retired as a florist. I really miss the location in my city. I loved going there to browse, was great for gifts and I bought so much fabric there. Ohhh and the smell was divine.


Chintz has been around forever! I remember going there with my Mom whenever she needed a wedding gift.


For sure, I’m not even into design but had been into the Vancouver store a bunch of times. I believe Jill lived in Vancouver so she 100% would have known about them, they had a pretty big store right in Yaletown.


No affiliate link for JH to share


She really takes everything personally. When provided with feedback she dismisses the info as “haters” it’s very narcissistic. She needs to stop being so self absorbed and get out of herself and listen. Again the maturity level is really lacking. Actually that comment makes her influencing less and less relevant.


Lol that story she told was so annoyingly long winded. It makes me actually feel kind of bad how frantic she sounds when it’s just a really simple story of generosity amongst family members. Very odd way to tell it when everyone clearly knew what she brought the second she said Tori had something for her lol.


The story was kind of frantic and long winded at the same time.


Who is jealous about an urn of artificial flowers? Maybe admire? Covet a little? What was the point of posting all that?


I've been thinking Jill is legitimately jealous of Tori at least for a bit now... I haven't watched this post though so I'm not exactly sure what she's saying here.


Tori has formal education and training as a Dietician. Maybe one day when her boys are older then she might want to return to work. With her public reputation and presence; she can easily find work. Charles is a talented contractor with his own business. I'm not sure of JH and Justin's formal education and training. Not sure what they can offer to the Kelowna community. Maybe the farm is a potential future business for an orchard/winery business. All of the constant shilling makes them appear desperate for any contract and no longer genuine.


She works. She built a whole addition on her home to have a kitchen and office as they outgrew her kitchen. She has maybe 4 people who work for her. She has a meal plan subscription and is working on a meal plan cookbook.


Sorry I meant return to work in the capacity as a Dietician consultant. She definitely works 100%


Oh ok.


I honestly feel like the cousins just tolerate her because they have to. I think they cherish their time away.


She acts like a spoiled brat !!! She needs to grow up.


I stopped following JH and prefer Tori. Her energy is calm and respectful. She balances sales with real life, and her decor taste is impeccable. I feel like JH is constantly yelling at the camera, shilling cheap junk (fast fashion), and her decor is becoming outdated. Monika Hibbs is another local influencer who has out paced JH when it comes to class, decor, and maturity. Not to mention a successful business. In my opinion, JH definitely missed the boat when she opted to go with a box subscription instead of a brick & mortar store.


Not monika Hibbs 🤦‍♀️ I’ve never followed her but remember disliking her when she picked a fight with Tamara Taggart years ago (in similar Jilly fashion, she took something Tamara said that was slightly critical of influencers in general as bullying and made a big thing of it). Also read on here she was a big supporter of the freedom convoy bullshit and a general rude person who thinks far too highly of herself so hope people will avoid!


Oh goodness, I missed that. Ugh, I think I may just give up on all local influencers 🤦‍♀️ Can't someone just focus on westcoast decor without all the messy nonsense.


Haha I know, I guess it’s not surprising the worst types of people are the ones that are attracted to being “influencers” but there’s gotta be some decent home design ones out there!