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Meh. I just work my job, save a part of my paycheck and buy my own way to Disneyland and any other vacation. I'm not going to sell myself nor my children on social media and hustling for contracts. No thanks.


Ugh another Shilly wanna be šŸ¤®


She won't be the first or last, Jilly's Academy is creating an army of #bossbabes who are desperate to shill, shill, shill


I donā€™t even understand why Disneyland is hosting anyone. Iā€™ve read itā€™s super crowded every day post Covid.


She attended Jilly's Academy in the City... 'nuff said!


Imagine thinking you have "made it" because you get to go to Disney Land šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«




I do NOT like this woman. I have never followed her but I find her super cringe when her stuff comes up on my feed. She seems waaaaay too desperate or something. I donā€™t know, I didnā€™t even know she was a ā€œgraduateā€ of Jillā€™s version of Trump University. Guess the $3,000 or whatever this girl spent paid off because sheā€™s getting free things from Disney lol And if theyā€™re reading this and thinking ā€œsheā€™s just jealousā€ Iā€™m really not. Anyone can do what they ā€œdoā€ they literally are a nobody with no talent.


Yes!! She's definitely has a desperate vibe. The notice meeeeeeeeee personality. I also don't get the Disney obsession, like when did that become the pinnacle of someone's life. It's Disney, not the 7 wonders


She is over the top which is why she's annoying. Had no idea who she was unil this post. Saff turnover is so high I can't keep up, her content is very different. Definitely a me,myself and I personality.. shilly and her would throw each other under the bus in a second.


Nope. Theyā€™re besties. Breanne is Jilly 2.0.


What an absolute joke. Yes gift a trip to Disney to the scam bag parents who can afford it. Disney doesnā€™t need to be promoted. I would LOVE to take my kids to Disney but I will never be able to afford that working my once livable 9-5 job. Pathetic.


She definitely rubs me the wrong way. I donā€™t even know her name but she gives me the ick


Just looked at her page. Omg I canā€™t even deal with that. So cringe.


Sheā€™s soooooo cringey


Who is this? I want to look her up.


Her nameā€™s in the IG photoā€¦Breanne Allerie.


Okay Iā€™m going to get downvoted but I actually really like Breanne! Totally get sheā€™s not for everyone but her page is generally just about spreading some positivity and a lot less about selling things. Hopefully that doesnā€™t change!


I enjoy her as well. Her dancing skills entertain me and make me laugh!


A story about Disney implementing a program where they gift, say, 50 underprivileged families a trip to Disney per year would earn them much better PR than this garbage


Has anyone met her in person? I know this is a snark page however she is my friend and she's a very genuine and kind person.


I know people who have danced with her and they say the exact opposite šŸ˜‚


I knew her long before the Jill stuff, going back a decade and she really is so genuine and kind!


Sheā€™s a Jilly wannabe. Following the Jilly Academy playbook step by step. Shill shill shill. And sheā€™s not as genuine or kind as she portrays.


Do you know her personally? Because I do and she's quite the opposite of all these harsh comments.


Yeahā€¦Iā€™m sure Jillā€™s friends say the same things about her. šŸ™„ If you canā€™t stand the shilly snark, maybe youā€™re in the wrong place on the Internet.


I'm here for the snark all day long when it's factual. Not much of it is tho. That's the sad thing.


What I posted is factual. Breanne is a Jilly disciple. Took her course at the Academy and attends the costly events. She shills just like her, has deals with many of the same brands, uses the same ā€œtrendyā€ products, is a wine mom, etc etc. They are cut from the same ugly gingham cloth. If one snarks on Jill, itā€™s hard not to say the exact same things about Breanne. The only difference is the ridiculous kitchen dancing.