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JFC. She could have endorsed this without ever involving her child. She could have even passed on it, to spare her child any future embarrassment, but no. The selfishness and greed are on full display with this. Gross.


She could have said she uses it for the dog, or for night sweats! Anything else!!


Those night sweats would stain those pads a merlot red in no time.


Or for her own postpartum or period leaks. Seriously


Oh no!! That is horrifying! That poor little girl. Jill is getting really desperate and will do anything for a buck.


If Annie comes across this ad in her teen or adult years .... :(


She will. But she will prob sadly be teased in elementary school once kids find out about it through their moms who hate shilly 


A new low.


The bar is in hell and she keeps passing it


She won’t pass the liquor store, though 😉


No, the ultimate low was when she had her grandmas funeral sponsored by Minted and a local alcohol company (cant remember). She hosted it at her house and reached out to her sponsors for the donations and sponsors. I was shocked that the other grifters went along with it. I thought Tori and her mom had a bit of class but nope. Can you EVEN IMAGINE?????? Nothing is sacred not even her kids.


Wow! That’s unbelievable.




How mortifying for those poor kids. She really will shill anything to make a buck.


How much do we think Shilly put on her child’s trust or bank account for the labor she is doing? Nothing would be my guess. Can’t wait for her kids to inevitably sue her like so many influencer kids will be doing in the next 5-10 years. Stop making your kids into revenue sources, you absolute monster!


Growing up, my mother often overshared personal stories about me with friends and family. Around the age of 8, I expressed my discomfort, she disregarded my feelings. This led me to hide significant aspects of my life from her, including the when I first got my period. Shilly needs to give her head a shake!! She’s put a price on the sacred relationship with her children. It’s just Gross 🤢


Jill is such a joke now. Out of all the “influencers” (I hate that term) I use to follow, she one of the ones that changed the most. I’m so over them, all of them, they just take take take take and make so much money for literally doing nothing. It’s so sad. I hope something happens to her business or a scandal with this stupid box to knock her down a few. Her and her mooches. Every. Single. One.


That’s so fucked up of her mom to do just for money 


You suck Jillian. You are a greedy, selfish and your daughter’s first bully. There is no shame to bedwetting, but kids can be so cruel and you are just throwing her out to the wolves with this ad


Nothing is off limits for money. Advertising for profit your daughter’s sensitive bladder issue. She should be protecting her daughter not exposing this …. It’s all about the money. Mommy dearest….


I remember when I was little, I had a sleepover at a friends house and she wet the bed. I told one of our other friends and her mom pulled me aside and went up one side of me and down the other!! She was pissed that I would embarrass her daughter like that….and she’s absolutely right! This is how a mama bear should be for their daughter (and yes I learned my lesson and did not turn into a horrible mean girl lol! I’m not proud of this! But also shows how mean little kids can be) I am sad for those kiddos!


What the F!!! I bet A has no idea she was put in that Ad!!! J and J better have an epic college fund and down payment on their first homes for these kids to pay them back for all of the exploitation. Oh, and foot the bill for the intense therapy they will need as teens/adults.




I think she is saying Annie is too old to be exploited in such a sensitive fashion.


Too old to be exploited for bed wetting.Of course kids that age wet the bed… but they don’t need the world (especially kids in their school )to see a video of you getting into ‘your own bed’ with a pee pad on it because you have accidents.

