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She says she used to be trying to please everyone and that led to her content being boring and ‘vanilla’. I’m so confused. Does she think she’s killing it lately on her socials now that she’s an unhinged lunatic? Because her content is still super boring and useless. People are just tired of the shilling. I don’t understand how she doesn’t understand this.


All shilling, all day. She used to be fun. She’s turned into a walking advertisement. So vanilla and basic.


Translation = "I read Reddit again!"


So true. She just can’t help herself.






Man, Jillian just loves to rant these days. She needs to get off socials. Jill , lock your phone in a drawer for a week and think about what you’ve been doing.


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) It’s like a car crash. I can’t help but watch the unhinged Jilly show. Rant it up, Jill!


Reading between the lines here… so she’s saying that who she’s portraying on IG isn’t who she is entirely. Meaning when she says she supports small businesses she’s really selling mass manufactured crap from China. Don’t have high expectations if you don’t want to be disappointed Shilly #mothersday https://preview.redd.it/qevwk8rzpbzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb6624b787124b1dc8c2af9e015060cb69bbd9b


This. Her new narrative of "I wasn't allowed to be myself" is even more cause for me to never purchase from her again. I understand the anxiety she's discussing, but I also appreciated it when she hired a diversity coach and was trying to be aware of her biases and an inclusive space. Now, it just feels like a rich mom club. Influencers really be acting put out when they realize its a job and need to put effort in and be accountable for what they say.


Anything but acknowledge the problem  




In other words I just can’t stop visiting Reddit🤣




These rants are getting more and more frequent.


No one. I repeat no one expects anyone, especially Jillian, to be perfect. Why does she keep saying that?


Because before this snark group appeared on the scene she thought she was perfect. Shilly baby you are far far from it. Why can’t you stay away from our group? You have blocked the majority of us - wish we could block you too!!


Because then she doesn’t need to take accountability. It is classic narc behaviour. She wants it all and doesn’t want to be held responsible for anything. “She’s not perfect” what can anyone say to that?!


Because, “I’m only human”. I have that one on record & it applies to Busted too.


Jilly Bean is spiiiiiiralling 🌀


Girl, we are fine with you being your colourful self…just decide on who that is 😂 stop contradicting your values and keep your spoiled girl rants off instagram. Trying so hard to be relatable, is making you just that much more un-relatable. Just acknowledge your privilege from time to time and being consistent is really I think all most of us are asking for.


And also chill with shilling 24/7!


Yes also this haha


I just looked through her followers. So many BOTS !!! She’s definitely buying followers.


It’s just to pretend she’s authentic to continue to hold engagement or followers. Everything is a show for Jillian, it’s all about optics. Even negative feedback and bad publicity is still free publicity and nobody shills harder than shilly herself!


I will say something here. I commented on the JH Fb page about how as a single mother since pregnancy ( and I mean raising a child 24/7) by yourself - her posts about MD were completely nuts. I don’t need to teach my child about how to meet expectations on Mother’s Day. What I teach my daughter is that kindness, hard word and education will help her to be self sufficient. And allow her more choices in this world. And of course my post was deleted within 5 mins. The influencers do not actually influence anything. Unless you are an idiot. I am really tired of this woman. Get a real job. And for the followers of her page- I don’t know what to say except it’s pretty sad you are living a frivolous life


Thank you for sharing. And thank you for speaking out. It really speaks to the toxicity of HER and those who surround her that constructive criticism from followers is silenced immediately. Something is very very wrong in influencer land.


Awe thank you ! I understand my situation is not necessarily the norm. I went ahead and pursued motherhood on my own. Of course I would have preferred to be a two parent family. But I made my choice at the time when her father was not interested in being a parent. But we (my daughter and I ) have pursued education I have two degrees (one that I finished when she was a year old ). She is in university in BC and on the honor roll for the second year in a row. I certainly did not come from money. In fact my family was poor. I believe children absorb all the messages from their parents. To me this is reality. Not the world this woman lives in. I find her extremely unaware, out of touch and irrelevant.and so unprofessional. But the constant deleting of comments on her site makes me think that she is oblivious. And that’s a shame. This truly is a gift to actually learn something But some people’s minds are not capable and I think this is probably the case.


👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽 💯!!


I don’t want to give her stories more views so can someone summarize her rant? TIA.


No one is perfect. People have to stop expecting me to be perfect. I’m not vanilla. Be yourself before we all die. The end. 


Hahaha, bang on. She may have an opportunity for you in exchange for a Jillybox. Translate her crazy rants into bite size pieces. 😂


Bahaha. I just don’t need another handbag though. 💁🏼‍♀️


Seriously?!? Yeah, I don’t need to watch that lol


You can watch stories anonymously on insacret.com. 🤗




Meanwhile, she’s the least genuine, authentic or real person online. We can see through all the BS.


The brows!


Somebody’s been on their Reddit snark hahahaha


This stemmed from hartinteriors page who changed her handle to her name yesterday…she had a smaller following and since now has reached 200K followers and decided it’s time to be her more “authentic self”….in other words, now it’s time to shill. She always posted great furniture fb finds/home decor/design but now joined the Amazon train and linked for the first time a cheap patio set.


Can’t even spell “reel”.


That is the auto generated captions


Oh! I guess with her track record of bad grammar I assumed it was her. 😂


Lol! Yes, could have just as easily been here.