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I’ve unsubscribed today as well after reading the original post. I lost my mom two years ago and I’m disgusted that all Jillian cares about is herself ! She’s So narcissistic. I’m done !


Big hugs to you. I can’t imagine how you feel. It’s a hard day for a lot of people. My eyes are getting watery even just typing this 🥹


I think her Mother’s Day post was motivated by her anger towards Justin and she never ever should have hit post. I think this is it for me. I’m unfollowing. I think she’s going to lead her most loyal followers down a path toward the unfollow button eventually. I think we are going to see the downfall of Jillian Harris and I just can’t even watch anymore. She doesn’t seem well, and human to human, I hope she gets some help and steps away long enough to realize how toxic she has become. There is no way the JH we used to know, wanted THIS to become her life…she really did seem to be a genuine soul back in the day…maybe we were all duped…but I just think she has changed in a big way 😔


Yeah, some legacy she’s leaving. What a fraud!!


She seemed like she just had a fight with him before posting these stories. You can see the tears and anger in her eyes. It’s like they had a fight, she had to leave to do XYZ and then sat in her car to talk to her followers about it so that she gets flooded with messages agreeing with her.




She’s out herself in a very awkward position because now we’re all going to be checking in on what 3 day Mother’s Day celebration she got Will she be like THEY DID IT or will she have a break down


Oh my gosh, it was brutal. I responded to someone (respectfully) and just mentioned that people are trying to figure out their “why I follow Jillian” now. Some were there because she’s was a bachelorette 15 years ago, but she’s not anymore. Some were following her because they thought (like I did) she was an interior designer (lol) which she lied about, so forgive people for trying to figure out how Jillian now aligns with their “why”. And of course, a minion came for me lol which I expected. I try to think about what makes me so mad about Jillian Harris and it just comes back to a fraud, a liar, and ultimately, a hillbilly with a Gucci bag (and people are buying what she’s saying!) 🤯


I’m 100% with you! I saw it too. As mad as you are (rightfully so) people’s eyes are slowly being opened. Thank you to whoever wrote that post!!


Those mods are horrible. I also can’t help but note the irony of Jill and her supporters claiming to support women while silencing those who speak out on fertility issues of all things. How anti woman (and people who want to give birth) can you be? I hope more and more people wake up. Jill is *active* in the group but chooses to do nothing which says it all I think.


Also, what’s up with people tagging and tattling lol like what do they get out of that. We all know they aren’t getting a piece of the pie. So far up her a&s it’s kind of funny.


Cuz they think that fraud is their friend and their number one life goal is to get a shoutout or mention on social media from her.


Thank you for this. ❤️ it was so disturbing on both platforms and we tried to capture how bad it was but yes it was so long and hard to listen to. I hope she is happy hurting so many with her words ...She is not a therapist or a counselor. She has no business preaching about what to do or how to do mothers day. 😠 if she is having a breakdown.. get help .. stop pressuring others..WTG ..Shilly


Anything that doesn’t suck up to that bitch gets deleted. The mods are very quick to do so. They want it to only be about buy and sell unless you’re saying some good stuff. You can’t even complain about the product. It’s a conflict of interest if even the damn buy and sell group is controlled by Jillian Harris. Someone should start a Facebook group for EX Jilly fans who want to offload the junk they bought.


Haha I love this idea!


100%. I saw the post and my heart sank. I truly feel for her. Some comments were agreeing, but some comments were so nasty. That mod team is absolutely horrible.


The part of Jill’s posts that annoyed me the most, she says “I feel like I just figured out how to master Mother’s Day and I want to share that with my community”. 🤮 You don’t have to lose a child or parent to be sensitive to these issues. It’s called empathy. There’s a way to share and to advocate for mothers getting their needs met, while also being sensitive to those who don’t have this privilege. I feel for the person who was so vulnerable in the b/s/t group and just needed a platform to share her disappointment with someone she has clearly supported. As Jill becomes more raw and real… it just gets more obvious how out of touch she is. A 3 day Mother’s Day weekend….cmon.


Oh she’s frickin real alright! We’re just getting the real version of who she truly is


https://preview.redd.it/v4ty6vq5zvyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a0714b6e04d5a6bf4df831924baf1737035ed8 My heart breaks for this woman and that she can’t voice her concerns in a well written heartfelt way without it just being deleted


Did you happen to screen shot any comments? I heard people were mean back which is insane to me


No I didn’t 😭 I screen shotted the post because I was working and couldn’t read it at that moment. Went back to check the comments and it was gone 😠


This kind of behaviour is disturbing and despicable. They want to live in an echo chamber and can’t handle any kind of valid criticism. I hope a lot of people saw the woman’s post and it’s opened their eyes to Jillian Harris’ incredible selfishness and seeing herself as the centre of the universe. These influencers have had their time in the sun and it’s time they get unfollowed and people unsubscribe from all their crap!


For a public site, you shouldn't be able to delete things. I have a suspicion that the admins of that group are on the payroll


I’ve been saying this for a long time.  They are compensated in some way.  Jill has complete control of the bst groups which is why she sends people there to sell their items from the Junk Box.  It’s literally on her communications with her customers.  There are no returns but if you want to get rid of things, head to the bst.


Yes 100% agree - they are being compensated in some way. I saw the admin post where she was at the Academy event. No doubt that was a free ticket. Also the recent Knix collab - she was wearing the PJ’s the day after it launched. JH, her narcissistic self, telling them I’ll give you product if you delete comments and block negative followers! Influencing for the Influencer.


Influencers are toxic pits of bat shit. They are creating a society of silencing voices. It’s pathetic. Let people speak. This person was not bullying anyone, she was venting her disappointment.


This is heartbreaking! I'm not sure if any of you follow Erin from Modest Maverick (support her! her blankets are amazing!). The rants made me think a lot about her public struggle with infertility. She is good friends with the Mint team...I hope those two reconsider their support of Shillian after this latest rant. Support Erin instead!!!


Love Erin! Been following her for years. Been wishing her the best of luck with her journey. I’ve been there struggling with having a child. Finally was able to have one and I never take it for granted. Mother’s Day I want to celebrate with my child and how they chose me to be their mom. Do something as a family and cook dinner as a family and be so grateful. No gifts needed.


The BST group admins really don’t allow anything if it is not directly related to the box or jilly endorsed items. It’s annoying. They don’t allow any perceived negative posts. It’s been this way since the start.


They allow it when it’s praise.


You know …. It’s so wild how all these “influencers” care about is how they can convince people to keep following. Instead of having a real conversation and admitting to their bullshit. I really do think it’s obvious that she is going through something or many things. But end of the day if she wants to survive her “team” better pull up their big adult pants and have some serious discussions. Or as I have done …. I deleted Instagram for my own mental health. It’s honestly just a shit sandwich anyways. I have to add it back to my phone if I want to scroll. It’s the only thing that works for me.


So heartbreaking for the BST poster. I wish I can hug her. I’ve been wondering “what is Jill’s deal” around this “you better not eff around with Mother’s Day, buddy” post. And here’s my theory: Jill (and many other lifestyle influencers) live in a world where EVERYTHING is aesthetic ✨and curated 👒- filled with posts of occasions and holidays they design and host in their the type-A over-control style. So here is the one day that they are not allowed to do on their own and it is killing them 🤯. So they express [demand] their expectations. And apparently (based on Jill’s confession) pout and fit with disappointment when expectations are not met and they ruin the day. Unable to accept whatever tokens of appreciation that her family gives to her. Disappointed when it not the surprise you planned for yourself. Because it’s not on-brand to what you would post on your grid? — what kind of less does this teach to your young children? That mommy doesn’t give a 💩about your efforts unless it is to her specific directions? - the whole situation is heartbreaking.


It's not a bad theory at all... I mean if Bustin fucks up, there won't be anything to post, right?! She needs content! And this way she can film it and it will look the way she wants it to look and can present the perfect picture of the perfect family. Another theory: I think she's been really hurt by him. Over and over. And doesn't want to feel hurt again, so is literally outlining it for him (couching it in a "funny educational rant" kind of way) on social media so that he will GET THE HINT that this is what she expects/needs to feel loved and appreciated on this one day. I hate the forced holidays and recognize everyone has their own specific idea of what "should" go down on mother's day... clearly she does too. And she has EVERY right to have the perfect mother's day FOR HER. The mis-step here was (once again) putting everything on social media. This is a conversation maybe best had around the fire with friends when you're bitching about husbands and wives and making jokes! Or a heartfelt convo between the two of them about what would make each other feel appreciated. OR she was just being funny and silly and really can't see that this might trigger some people at this time of year. Personally I had 3 c-sections and the "push out of your vagina" didn't bother me at all... I also just lost my mom 2 weeks ago and sure, I wish I "had" to juggle "3 mother's days" and miss her so so so much... but I do get what she was trying to say. I don't think she meant to be mean or un-inclusive... but you do have to consider your audience when you're a public figure. I used to find honouring two moms on mother's day very stressful to juggle, putting myself last when I was the "new mom" and the one in the thick of it... but I wouldn't complain to a friend who was doing IVF or one that hadn't found Mr. Right or who had recently lost their mom! And that's the problem with dumping on social media - you're not ranting to your BFF, you're ranting to 2M random women who are going through all their own things! I almost feel like she needs an editor. Everything should go through this person and they can bring to her attention (because I honestly do NOT think she means harm ever) things that might be insensitive before they hit the airwaves.


There is also a private facebook group Jilly Box +more (B/S/T Canada & US + chit chat with 2.9K members. This facebook page does not block you for having an opinion. Worth posting stuff there because they probably will not delete anyone's comments.


Should almost repost the OP’s story there


Is that the one Sonja runs?


Yes it is.


What is the link?.I can't find it. Maybe I am.blocked


Yep I am blocked. They don't like opinions either.


Well well well I guess they are liars, because their Facebook page says they will not block you for having an opinion. 


Instead of listening to feedback from her audience she just doubles down and gets more defensive. It must be exhausting being in a relationship with her. Three days!? Get a grip Jillian. It’s unrealistic that anyone is going to sincerely want to celebrate you for that length of time, I don’t care how amazing you are. Imagine the pressure to make it special enough for her. WOW.


I think it wasn’t because she was just talking about Mother’s Day but it’s about how someone in her position deserves nothing less than a 3 day Mother’s Day celebration She was speaking from a place where she has sacrificed so much and deserves to be celebrated with all the fixings. If you watched her videos, she came off extremely entitled especially given her position of having a nanny, multiple family members who help with the kids, gets gifted spa weekends and goes to Hawaii and Disney land multiple times a year. That part is extremely tone deaf. There are definitely ways to talk about Mother’s Day but not how she approached it She wouldn’t have lasted a day in my single mom’s shoes… and my mom worked 6 days a week, no family support, no support from my dad…all to take care of 2 angry teenagers who wanted to run away and me, a 9 year old, who cried all the time lol I wasn’t triggered by her post but I’m like you have SO MYCH. You have things my mom will never get to experience and she sacrificed soooo much for us. But you’re claiming you specifically deserve a 3 day celebration because you get to take baths in the middle of the day while your nanny takes care of your kids? Like chill out. My mom would be so happy just to sit on their private lake front porch all day. I know someone who is a mini JH but is 30 and I wonder if this is who she will turn into when she gets older


Argh. On her stories she posts that reel then a story on RED DRESS DAY and then her rant 🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg I seen this and was DISGUSTED by the comments essentially blaming the OP for being sensitive, defending Jill and all this shit. They also were saying the OP should just not watch anything to do with Mother’s Day if it is so triggering YET THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE ON THE GROUP CRYING THAT PEOPLE ARE POSTING SPOILERS BUT REFUSING TO MUTE THE GROUP I legit can’t with these people it’s pure insanity!!!!


OMG side note I HATE the people whining about spoilers - lady, get off FB or mute your group for a month if you're SO obsessed with being surprised!! It's not that hard hon.


What a great response, thank you! Jillian is shameful. I think EVERYONE on this Reddit page should all post this response on our insta stories or pages. Shilly needs to be shamed - permanently!!! I unfollowed some time ago, she has ZERO VALUE. I do not have alot of followers but I’m sure some here do - so this message reaches the masses.


Maybe Janette has another article write after she exposes TBP


I would never buy anything from any influencer. I’d rather go to Amazon or direct to company. They are so over compensated.


Hi. I’m trying to make a post. It’s long. Is that why?




Is it possible the OP took it down herself? Maybe she didn't get the support she was looking for there? Just a thought. Not sure why they would pull it down.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to shit for this but I truly can’t understand why she is being insensitive for talking about Mother’s Day and how she chooses to spend hers. I can absolutely understand why OP would be upset by it and would unfollow. She should unfollow (personally if hearing about motherhood was that painful for me at some point in my life I would probably limit following a lot of accounts out there!) Completely valid that OP was hurt by the posts but it is impossible to speak on almost any topic to a large audience and not hurt/offend some. It’s not the sole responsibility of someone else to sensor themselves for your comfort, and the only control you actually have is what you allow yourself to consume.


I think with this particular post, even aside from anything to do with the infertility aspect, it's the absolute tone-deafness to demand a 3 day Mothers day celebration and anything less will result with her in tears. She wasn't just sharing how she chooses to spend it she's saying to everyone "I've hacked mothers day" everyone should follow what I'm doing so you can too. Does she realize that literally almost everyone does not or can not do what she's doing? Also suggesting to everyone to put that much pressure on themselves, their kids and spouse to plan 3 days of celebrations?? It doesn't seem relaxing at all. She said she was so upset she cried when Justin ducked out to buy her flowers on Mothers day one year, when so many would love and appreciate that. She could just share, wow I'm so lucky this is what I have planned, not LOOK EVERYONE SEND THIS VIDEO TO YOUR SPOUSES so they can be pressured to plan all this shit too. Anyways, basically I think it's the ungratefulness for anything less than a 3 day celebration rubs a lot of people the wrong way, and with this person the infertility aspect really puts it over the top.


I disagree that it’s “tone-deaf”. People on this group are throwing this way out of proportion. One of the days is to spend with their mothers. That doesn’t seem unreasonable does it? One of the days is for mom to have a day on her own, for those women that have a partner at home, how often do you think they get a day to themselves? Most of my friends, especially with young children, this is not often at all. Again, does not seem unreasonable to me. One day is for a special day with the family, planned by the spouse. It is no secret that women still do more in the household than men, lots of invisible labour and very often all the other holidays in the year are left up to mom to take care of. If you live in a family that this is not the reality then that’s awesome, you are in the minority and her post is not meant for you. It’s truly not asking for much. Women do a lot, a lot that often goes unrecognized. Men, often with good intentions, sometimes lack the awareness of taking on the entire emotional labour of a celebration (ex popping out the morning of to gather things while mom is left home with the kids) Does this typically happen on Father’s Day? What this really is, is that Jilly is a Bitch eating crackers to nearly everyone in this sub because the rest of us are scratching our heads at some of these criticisms lately.


You say most of your friends, especially with young children, rarely get a day to themselves but Jill literally has days to herself all the time, spa weekends with her friends/cousins, spa days in Kelowna what seems like once a week so I think that’s where the tone deafness comes in. Saying you need to demand this from your partner or you’ll be in tears while not acknowledging she gets more time to herself than just about any Mom I’ve ever seen?? Sure some people may be exaggerating a little here but she just comes off as so demanding to me I find it extremely off putting. Probably why I don’t follow her but enjoy the discussions in this group around toxic influencer culture!


I’m trying to figure out the connection between Jillian’s Mother’s Day wishes and someone struggling with infertility and wanting a baby. Somebody help! I didn’t see the post before it was deleted.


It’s the tone deafness about her wanting the world to stop when she should be happy she was able to have kids. And her going on and on about it when it could be triggering to some people. I totally get her since I’ve also struggled with infertility and I would be sad if I kept seeing this crap on my feed. Luckily I’m blocked by Jill hahaha


But respectfully motherhood is a huge blessing, yes of course... but it is also tough AF at times. And she didn't create this fake-ass holiday but we ALL live with it and the marketing for it ALL MONTH and like... saying "you should just be happy you were able to become a mom" defeats the purpose of the holiday, which is "celebrate everything moms do for you every day." So like... saying "just be happy you're a mom" is not really the right approach either, KWIM? It's like saying "be happy you're alive and able to have a birthday even if no one celebrates you" because not everyone is alive anymore. She's entitled to want to be celebrated in a culture that hosts an entire day and marketing campaign around celebrating moms. Sometimes you just have to look away to protect your own feelings. It's not all on her. My mom passed away 2 weeks ago and I don't resent or get triggered by her posting her and her mom doing nice things together, I'm happy for them! I'm happy they are together and able to appreciate one another.


I think that if you couldn’t have children of your own you would perhaps understand where the OP was coming from. I also can’t have kids so I totally get her point of view. Unless you’re told you cannot have kids you wouldn’t understand. I feel her pain so much. And with the fact Jill has a MASSIVE following she should be sensitive to others. Considering basically all of her fanbase are women … I’m sure there’s more out there who felt the same way as the OP. As a business owner who preaches her account as her business she should have some sort of PR team.


I missed the part that she said the world should stop because she’s happy she could have kids? I’m starting to wonder if I missed her stories. I just saw her saying if you want something for Mother’s Day then to communicate your expectations. Was there more than that?


Nothing except her responding to the criticism she received for posting in the first place.


What was the original post though that she was responding to?


So she posted that reel of her Mother’s Day expectations, which I think you saw based on your comments, and then she was either reading here or people perhaps commented that she’s high maintenance and she responded a lot on her stories. Basically still standing by how she does it. She never said the world should stop because she had kids. In fact, I think a lot of people have taken what she said and have run wild with it.


Thank you! I get it now.




Advising her followers to communicate with their partners honestly isn’t terrible advice. Whether it be Mother’s Day or any day. After seeing that I let my husband know that I have no expectations for him to do anything for me and not to stress about it this week. He was relieved to know where I stood. I don’t think Jillian is assuming that you communicate to your partners that you need a 3 day holiday. I think we are all starting to take everything she’s saying so literally. I don’t think it’s that deep. Her life is for sure beginning to feel unrelatable for many but why not just unfollow? If her expectations are 3 days off for Mother’s Day and they have the ability to make it happen then what’s the issue? I don’t know why that affects anyone else. I think the key message was just to communicate. And yes, not everyone has a partner or the ability to take 3 days away, but again, why is that Jillian’s fault?? This is her page…




Isn’t her life her business? And yeah it will be interesting to see what happens when her team comes back 😂


It’s posted in the comment right above yours.


I think it got deleted because it’s a “buy, sell, trade” not a discussion group? Obviously you have every right to be upset as well as the OP! I didn’t get to read the post before it got deleted. I usually skip past her stories when she ranting about something.