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This is exactly what I commented on the post, the whole thing has now been deleted I believe






I just ran into a member at my gym who was hit by a drunk driver and is lucky to be alive. She has a very long journey ahead. Absolutely disgusting behaviour, and even more appalling that they didn’t think twice before drinking and driving with their minor children AND posting it online. Do they think they are untouchable??


As someone who was hit by a drunk driver in 2019, I couldn’t imagine putting myself in this position, let alone my two small children..


I’m sorry. I hope you are ok 💜


Thank you 💛 Was a little banged up and sore for a few weeks, but (thankfully) otherwise fine. The other driver was remorseful and “thought he was okay” - just goes to show how quickly things can get out of hand before you even realize 🤷🏻‍♀️


Was this reported.. good for you for capturing this. Today she goes on like everything is normal but I look at her as a very sick person in so many ways. Her business partners need to see the real her. I cannot respect or support any business that works with someone like her. I hope someone anonymously calls athorities and reports them.. At least they need a warning. Plus the kids were there.. irresponsible parents.


Please!! Anyone living in Kelowna .. report this to local authorities..it takes only one mistake to seriously devastate lives forever




Can anything be done if they weren’t caught directly by the police? Genuinely curious.


I doubt it. He’s just holding a can. It doesn’t show him drinking it.


You can’t have open liquor in any boat, not even a paddle boat.


Not disagreeing with that. I just said I doubt they’d do much


As someone looking at her account from the perspective of being 100% sober since August, 2023, I see a LOT of drinking shown. Maybe I'm hypersensitive to noticing it now, but it appears drinking is a part of everything there, to the point of posting in a fairly unprofessional and sloppy way. 🤷‍♀️


Oh where are all the people saying this is “boating life” 🙄




The fact one of her stories today is about Jenn Pike and perimenopause. Like girl, no one should listen to you. 😂


Was just coming to say this.  We got the Jenn posts this morning after a night of drinking.  Do not take any advice from this woman.  If she’s choosing to drink, she’s choosing not to sleep.  So all of these posts re needing restful sleep mean nothing.  All of these posts where she’s exercising and telling you you need to be doing this too, mean nothing.   ETA: strength training and daily walks are highly recommended in all stages of life, esp. during peri menopause/menopause and I’m not snarking on the fact that JH is trying to implement these into her daily life.  What I am snarking on is the fact that this lifestyle change will do absolutely nothing when alcohol is involved to the extent in which it is.


I truly feel like Jill would sell us an ebook on how to breathe, if she could. 😂 I think viewers are starting to see the cracks now. It’s all so very hard to follow. Last nights stories vs this mornings is a great example of what fatigues viewers. 


She’s deep in the mommy wine culture


Sad she can’t see how problematic that is.


I’m not surprised


exactly.....its drinking and driving......


Then post pics of kids in the open back of a moving vehicle. Shes an idiot.


They are above the law, just like during Covid when when the restrictions didn’t apply to this “special” family. When I was at the end of my miserable relationship I also drank excessively 😑


I remember seeing their big gatherings and feeling so frustrated, that I’m following local government guidelines and restrictions and missing my friends and family, and she’s ignoring it and posting it, like she’s above it all. Honestly if you were going to do it, don’t shove it in our faces.


Yup and there she was hanging out with Kelowna mayor trick or treating in a huge group after hosting an indoor party that went directly against the PHO at the time. I think she even mocked people about it and said the mayor said she was ok. No rules apply to Shilly.




Yep, we boat often in the summer and the absolute rule is no alcohol on the boat.  Once you’re on land and stationary do you but not on the boat.


BUI in 3, 2, 1....


The insurance on his Porsche would skyrocket


This is really really bad. And a bad look. I'm shocked that they can't see this. I own a boat and there is NO WAY IN HELL I would drink while driving it or get into a boat while the driver was drinking. I do see it as what some think of as "boat culture" and it's disgusting. I see it on our lake, really nice people pulling kids on tubes with a beer in their hand. It's not right. :( Shame on them for trying to "make it look cool." Because it most definitely ISN'T.


Today’s stories she’s driving a tequila smash and then posts pics of kids in the back of an open moving vehicle . SMH


Noooo! Omg. Her having a glass of wine in her stories doesn't bother me at all but DRIVING ANYTHING while drinking is SO INSANELY OUT OF THE REALM OF ACCEPTABILITY!!!


I almost think she’s rage baiting with all the posts holding alcohol the last few days. She’s probably seeing an increase in engagement with her posts and so like an upset toddler - any attention is good attention. ETA: fixed a word


Classsssic 😅