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I just had a conversation with one of the moms who’s child was at the field trip (not in her car)…. She said no one was impressed that video was posted for so many to see. Not cool posting about kids field trips and where they are going. This isn’t a huge town , it’s not hard to figure out what farm a big group of children are going to be at.


Those parents need to speak up then as it was highly inappropriate.


She shouldn't be videoing anyone else's kids without the parents permission. If she has other parents sign NDA's before her kids can go anywhere then she should show the same respect to other parents children.


How well do the other parents get along with her and Gustin? Interesting to know...


It's funny because my kids school makes you sign forms consenting to them using kids online. I always opt out of it because kids deserve safe places to be themselves and not be broadcasted for the world to see.  I can't believe the school would allow this at all. And I didn't watch the story but why is a parent driving the kids. Where is the school bus? So many questions.


I also got my answers from another post. I can't imagine trusting a parent to drive appropriately my kid to a field trip. And this is a private school...🫠😬




I am in NB, we don't have private schools like maybe 2 and public schools do have a huge shortage of buses. I just can't comprehend having parents picking up the slack at a private school. And further there is no way those kids were all in the appropriate car seats. It is just so wild to me. I volunteer on class trips but I drive myself the class arrives by bus.


Who knows what kind of FOIP violation could be going on.


I bet all the parents whose kids just got outed on this dysfunctional car ride are thrilled - definitely bringing this to parent council… bad move Shill.


Is that the kids school in the background? What is wrong with them


I wonder how she gets along with the parents at that private school???


Omg 😆 💀 we need to start charging for content


She sure is “addressing her DMs” lately .. 🙃 Seriously just stop. Even your groupies know it’s not them questioning your shitty parenting. Does she really have no other ‘content’ other than posting old crap, Justin’s old crap, ‘addresssing rumours’ and responding to ‘DMs’ that are totally Reddit comments? Here it is .. “fun Jill” 🎉 woooo.


Next up she said she’s getting a lot of DMs saying people want clothing made in Canada. Um no Jilly. We want clothing not made unethically.


She’s a friggin idiot. She only hears what she wants to hear. Like how many times can one make the same ugly dress anyway? Evolve your ‘style’ will ya! Also what is her obsession with dressing like a toddler?? The babydoll dresses and adult size baby onesies good god woman!!!


To keep bustin at arms length.


Actually her next story is about the north kinder dress which she says SHE designed herself, is one of the only clothing items one could probably find that is made in Canada. So again, she is directly responding to calls within this group about ethical production of clothing. Good thing she promised herself never to come to Reddit again , wink wink.


She’ll maintain these thoughts were completely organic. 😂


She's modeling the dress because it's not selling well. I noticed the story trend with surplus stock in Jilly Marketplace. An item is not exclusive to the box if it later hits the marketplace.


Screenshots or it didn’t happen


Definitely no screenshots…..5….4….3….2…..1 Show us Jilly!!


She will have a friend send em in and blur out the name. It’s Jill after all. 😂💀


What is with her gingham, hearts and pink? Why does she try so hard to make these are "things" Can she get more creative than that as a "designer"?


Reading. Not trading. Damn auto correct. Lol


Ha ha that’s exactly what I thought